1Uh, hybrid, the Atlas says that the Order is "hundreds strong". I doubt the leader would write that if they only had 20 members.
3Well I don't have the Atlas so I couldn't know of that

Cressona: Shadow Toa 4Wait, is that "There are multiple ways of awakening Mata Nui" quote from Greg? That's big . .I never heard that b4... thought it was only with the keystones... 5And apparently if something bad happens to the keystones, something happens to the universe? Is that just because Mata Nui can't be awakened, or something more? ... interesting... 6
7The quote is from Biosector01, so I don't know is it from Greg or not.
15) If one actually pushes away their light, are they capable of regaining it again (please say yes)
25) Yes
3Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe there is hope for the makuta
4Well, the shadow leeches create a "shield" to block the light from returning, and I assume that the Makuta did the same whenever they gave up their light.
5I'll ask
Mutated_Brutaka 1I don't think you shoud see the "Key Stones - Mata Nui" thing as something special; the Key Stones are needed to awaken Mata Nui, so if they would be destroyed, it would be impossible to awaken Mata Nui, wich is bad news.
Biosector01 Wiki 2There are multiple ways of awakening Mata Nui."
4Hello, Mr. Farshtey, and great job with the awesome serials around5There's been a couple of things that have been bugging me for some time:
61. Do the Toa Nuva know of Teridax's name or do they still assume him "Makuta"? 72. Could there be more "known" Makuta appearing in addition to the ones we know of (in the serials, podcasts, etc)? If yes, with what probability? 83. Because 2009 is not going to be in the domed universe, it doesn't still mean that were off to a new dimension, correct? 94. How many members does the Order approximately have? Ten? 20? 105. Will "Gatherer"'s fate be revealed in the (near) future? 116. If Sentrakh can't live or die as Matoran see them, how does he then? Is he a zombie?
12Thank you.
131) No, they do not know his name 142) Possibly 153) All it means is we are not in the current domed universe of the Matoran. Beyond that, I cannot comment. 164) Can't answer it 175) I don't have plans for that, no 186) He is somewhere in between life and death, but I wouldn't call him a zombie, as zombies tend to be mindless and he is not.
19It could mean that the Keystones contain all the ways.

1So Ignika is enough of a Toa for the Matoran's powers to activate. Hmm.... Methinks Ignika will be getting a Matoran soon.....
3I don't see how the fact that he can link up makes you think he will get a Matoran. Lesovikk can link up, any of the Mahri (except Matoro) can link up, why don't they get Matoran?
4Just because something can happen doesn't mean they will. Ignika can kill the Nuva easily, does that mean he will? No. 5
1Hi. Do you still have my last PM or has it been deleted? Would you like me to resend it?
2Yes, please resend.
3Hello. 4I PMed you these first five questions several days ago, but I think you missed them.
51. In chapter 5 of SitS, Kirop was said to put his "audio receptor" up to the wall when he overheard the Nuva. Is this some new gadget or is it a fancy term for a biomechanical ear?
62. Are scareRahi like scarecrows? 72a. If so, do they resemble Rahi or Matoran?
83. How's the status of the Brotherhood/Dark Hunter War right now? Is it at a stalemate or are the Dark Hunters slowly losing ground? I know that the destruction of their base wasn't too big a setback, but it seems like it would really lower morale. 93a. What would you say are are the chances of them allying themselves with the OoMN? 103b. The Toa?
114. Is the OoMN spy in the Dark Hunters Shadow Stealer? He was in the Hand of Artakha, so it would make sense.
125. I know the main reason the Vahki haven't been repaired by the Staff of Artakha is that you don't like them, but as an explanation it sort of punches a hole into their BS01 page... Is there some story explanation for this, then? 13I kind of like the idea of them having been reprogrammed to aid in reconstruction, because that seems to be the best use for them currently. I doubt the Matoran would let a convenient, massive army of robots go to waste.
146. Does 2009 take place in the Dark Mirror Universe?
157. Is Takanuva's Power Lance a transformed Staff of Light or an entirely new weapon?
168. Is there any chance that we'll see the Recorder again?
179. Who actually created the Nui Stone? The Nynrah Ghosts?
1810. Does the Unity/Duty/Destiny Map include the Red Star or just things on the BIONICLE World?
1911. Why are Av-Matoran more likely than regular Matoran to become Toa?
2012. Are all the serials for the second half of 2008 decided upon? 2112a. Seeing as how the Mutran Chronicles tell the history of the BoM, is it possible that we might get a serial that details the history of Metru Nui? Maybe the history of the island Mata Nui? (There's a thousand years worth of story, and I'd personally be interested in seeing the attempts at colonizing the Kumu islets.)
2213. Is it possible that the Recorder is the OoMN spy in the Dark Hunters? He's far out of danger because he's not technically a "hunter," and he records everything the Dark Hunters do...
2314. If Radiak became a Toa, would he be a quadruped?
24Also, this isn't really a question, but I really like all the classic location-names you've been using in the serials as of late. (Tren Krom, Naho...) I always like seeing these cool old names getting used and being explained. As such, I figured I'd list some of the lesser-known ones that still have a good deal of potential as characters, in case you intend to use more.![]()
25Marn 26Nihu (I assume "Papa" wouldn't work well on its own...) 27Leva 28Motara 29Kumu 30Kanae 31Fau 32Hura or Mafa 33Amaja 34Takara
351) The latter 362) Yes, and they resemble Rahi, as Rahi are not scared of Matoran 373) They know nothing of the OOMN, so can't ally with them, and there aren't that many Toa out there that it's worth allying with. Actually, the war is going a little better for the DH because a lot of the most experienced Makuta are in KN right now. 384) Can't answer it 395) They haven't been rebuilt/reprogrammed for the same reason you don't see people walking around with swastika armbands -- they bring back bad memories to the Turaga. 40(Good answer) 416) No, it does not. 2009 does not take place in any location you have seen thus far in story. 427) New weapon 438) Possibly, yes 449) No, they don't make that sort of stuff. The Nui stone is a really ancient invention 4510) The red star did not exist when that map was made, so it is not on it. 4611) For the same reason they have elemental powers and other Matoran do not -- they were prototypes. 4712) Yes. One serial will focus on the Toa Hagah, one serial will focus on Vultraz-Mazeka, and one will focus on an OOMN-BOM war. 4813) See answer to #4 4914) Yes
1Just a couple things,
111.Well now we know. 122.I was wondering whether it was coincedence or not.
2Hi there .I was hoping you could answer these. 3This is a quote from the OGD:91) Yes - and the power of life would be unleashed, so that every inanimate object in the universe would be alive and hungry, which isn't that much better than everyone being dead. 102) Yes, it is. I picked which hand would be light and which shadow at random.61.If the Toa Ignika did drown and the mask became a mask that is not active,would the countdown to the universe's destruction stop?41)So Ignika in his mask form can be underwater, but in his Toa form, he would drown. What would happen to Toa Ignika if he drowned, would he die or would his body just disappear?51) If he dies, then the mask would no longer be an active mask that could be used.
72.I was watching B1,and at the end I noticed something.Takatanuva's mask has the Krahkann part on the right and the Avhokii on the left.Is it just coincedence that Takatanuva's mask has shadow on the right and light on the left?(just like Takanuva now?)
8Thanks .
111.Well now we know. 122.I was wondering whether it was coincedence or not.
1What do you mean by "which one's which?" We don't know the names, or anything... 

112. Are all the serials for the second half of 2008 decided upon?
212) Yes. One serial will focus on the Toa Hagah, one serial will focus on Vultraz-Mazeka, and one will focus on an OOMN-BOM war.
3Sweet, now we know what the summer will be like. so, which one's which is the question now.
4Sounds exciting. Can't wait for them .
112. Are all the serials for the second half of 2008 decided upon?
212) Yes. One serial will focus on the Toa Hagah, one serial will focus on Vultraz-Mazeka, and one will focus on an OOMN-BOM war.
3looks like we know who Axonn's visitor is, the Toa Hagah, well at least thats my guess. I also think that the Vultraz-Mazeka will be the story serial and the blog will be the OOMN-BOM War and that the Podcast will be the Hagah.
4EDIT: Actually, you know what, Axonn's visitor could be the OOMN Leader or a Messenger telling him to go to war...
212) Yes. One serial will focus on the Toa Hagah, one serial will focus on Vultraz-Mazeka, and one will focus on an OOMN-BOM war.
3looks like we know who Axonn's visitor is, the Toa Hagah, well at least thats my guess. I also think that the Vultraz-Mazeka will be the story serial and the blog will be the OOMN-BOM War and that the Podcast will be the Hagah.
4EDIT: Actually, you know what, Axonn's visitor could be the OOMN Leader or a Messenger telling him to go to war...
1I think Greg may have said that we haven't seen his visitor before.
I think it's more likely that it's a member of the Order telling him to join the war. 

1I think Greg may have said that we haven't seen his visitor before. I think it's more likely that it's a member of the Order telling him to join the war.
2exactly what i just thought of 2 seconds ago. But who will protect the matoran then? maybe the hagah and oomn serials tie in with eachother. Maybe Axonn must go to war and they tell the Hagah to gaurd Voya Nui
1Hello Mr. Farshty. I only have a couple of questions today...
21) You recently said that if the Toa Ignika dies then the mask would no longer be an active mask that could be used. Would this be the equivalent of breaking it, thus causing the force of life to shoot out across the land, turning everything alive? 31a) If not then would you be able to then break the mask without worrying about that? 41b) Would it stop the countdown?
52) Any particular reason why Takadox turned on the team other then the obvious "I'm evil and don't want to do this"?
63) The reason Lesovikk isn't on the side of the Toa Empire is obvious. He's older and his beliefs were already set in his heart so they would be much harder to manipulate then a novice Toa (Same reason a child is easier to influence then an adult) but I was under the impression that the Hagah were a decent bit older then the events of "The Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet" as well, so why did they change their beliefs to those of the Empire's while Lesovikk did not?
74) I've read conflicting answers on the OGD. You said at one point that the Shadow Hand ability was Makuta exclusive but I believe you also said that Takanuva could do it....so what is the correct answer?![]()
8Thank you very much for your time.
91) Yes, and it would stop the countdown, but the universe wouldn't be a particularly nice place to live afterwards. 102) He just saw Carapar got killed. I would think that would give anyone pause about going on with this, especially someone who knew well how powerful Carapar was. 113) Has nothing to do with age, that's why. Lesovikk is a maverick because he always has been, since he hasn't felt like he was truly a Toa since his team died. He has been forced to question a lot of things over the years about who he is and what he stands for because of what he went through, where other Toa have not had to do that. 124) Takanuva answer came first, so that's the accurate one.
131) Answer already appeared but I asked him this before that. 142) Same thing... 153) You know...I didn't know Toa were this wishy-washy. I mean with young, new Toa who don't have their beliefs about being a Toa set yet I can understand but I would think that great Toa like the Hagah would fight against it (and probably die doing so but still) 164) So there's your answer guys.
1Awesome find on the Serial. I hope the Toa Hagah might be a Blog so we can delve into their past. Maybe their before Toa Hagah lives.
1That would make sense, since Trinuma will be a combiner model in summer. But then, where would the Toa Mahri appear in?
1I found out bitil's mask name
2QUOTE 31) was the heart of visorak at the Tren Krom Peninsula when onua and pohatu went 2 get it 42) wat is the name of bitils mask (mask of ......) 53) haf u written mc 7 64) when will u haf de time 2 decide on de phankuta's regions 75a) is it possible 4 de makuta 2 get back their light 85b) would they just disappear if they gave up their darkness
91) Don't think so, no 102) Duplication 113) No 124) No idea. Right now, the 2009 story bible and the 2010 movie story are more of a priority 135a) Yes 145b) If they lost their darkness without letting light in, they would basically be empty husks
2QUOTE 31) was the heart of visorak at the Tren Krom Peninsula when onua and pohatu went 2 get it 42) wat is the name of bitils mask (mask of ......) 53) haf u written mc 7 64) when will u haf de time 2 decide on de phankuta's regions 75a) is it possible 4 de makuta 2 get back their light 85b) would they just disappear if they gave up their darkness
91) Don't think so, no 102) Duplication 113) No 124) No idea. Right now, the 2009 story bible and the 2010 movie story are more of a priority 135a) Yes 145b) If they lost their darkness without letting light in, they would basically be empty husks
1I do hope the OOMN vs BOM serial is about some battle relating to the final battle, ie, OOMN holding back the BOM's forces, or something similar. It needs to be epic. The books can only do so much when you can only include current set-characters in the final battle.... so maybe this will be more grand.
1The OoMN and BoM war one sounds cool.
1I found out bitil's mask name
2QUOTE 31) was the heart of visorak at the Tren Krom Peninsula when onua and pohatu went 2 get it 42) wat is the name of bitils mask (mask of ......) 53) haf u written mc 7 64) when will u haf de time 2 decide on de phankuta's regions 75a) is it possible 4 de makuta 2 get back their light 85b) would they just disappear if they gave up their darkness
91) Don't think so, no 102) Duplication 113) No 124) No idea. Right now, the 2009 story bible and the 2010 movie story are more of a priority 135a) Yes 145b) If they lost their darkness without letting light in, they would basically be empty husks
15Duplication . That's nice...wonder what the exact name of the mask is though. Oh well, it's a start, I'll certainly use it in my next epic chapter.
1Isn't the full name duplication?
1Hi Greg
2Some questions: 31- When the Makuta were still biomechnical, were they amphibious or air-breathers?
42- Where are the makoki stones currently?
53- What is Spiriah"s speciality? 6b- Same for Antroz? 7c- Krika, Gorast and Bitil if you can answer?
8Who is your favorite 2008 matoran?
9All for now
101) Air breathers 112) In Metru Nui 123) Not all Makuta have a specialty 134) Vican
144- Same for me
1That would make sense, since Trinuma will be a combiner model in summer. But then, where would the Toa Mahri appear in?
2maybe the Hagah go to help the Mahri fight Kardas
3that;s a good suggestion. That would work. Maybe they are required to get the Mahri for the OoMN/BOM War. That would be better. Combining two different serials for the same cause.
1Please delete.
1wait. wasnt bitils mask the mask of summoning?
2oh well but ive got a theory. last page greg said a toa nuva would share bad memories with one another.3kopaka and pohatu are best friends even though kopaka does not admit it. so kopaka or pohatu gets bad memories.
4The Mask of Summoning is Kongu's.
5And the fact Kopaka and Pohatu are (best?) friends doesn't mean one of them has to get the bad memories
1Woah good find on the summer serials . I'm interested in the Hagah one, plus we also get to know what mask owers they had (and I know people here are just dying to know that). The OoMN/BoM war looks interesting too
2Well here goes, some interesting stuff methinks:
763) I knew it
776 &20) Off to edit BS01 788) Well I guess Toa of Emotions don't exist then >.>;, makes sense 7924) Touche
80So Disruption, Duplication, and Repulsion. Nice powers methinks...

2Well here goes, some interesting stuff methinks:
3Hey Greg, it's that time again41) I remember that you've once mentioned that any location that has Matoran living in it has "Nui" after its name. Does this also apply to the Nynrah? 52) Has the OoMN found a replacement for Botar yet? 63) Can a Toa of Weather exist? Yes or no? 74) Has Kardas reached Metru Nui yet? 85) What of the Karzahni Matoran in Metru Nui? Were the Matoran who weren't from the six main elements assigned to one of the Metru yet? 96) Can a Toa of Magnetism use his control over magnetism on his armour and make himself fly? 106a) What about a Toa of Iron? 117) There's been alot of discussion in the forums on wether Space (no not outer space) could be classified as a Legendary Element. Would you say that it is legendary or a normal element? 128) Can emotions become Toa Elements or should they remain Mask powers? 139) Have you seen the Mazeka set? 1410) Would you say that the Nuva can survive a Nova Blast because their armour can adapt to it? Like if Tahu created a Nova Blast of Fire, could his armour adapt and become fire-proof? 1511) Was Balta one of the Nynrah Matoran? What about Velika? 1612) Are there any Turaga with the Nynrah Matoran? 1713) Have Hydraxon and Lesovikk finished rounding up the prisoners of the Pit? 1814) What would Lesovikk and Sarda do once they finished rounding up the prisoners? Avoid Hydraxon for the rest of their lives? 1915) Can a Toa of Sonics create a Power Scream? 2016) Are Teridax and Takanuva still capable of merging into Takutanuva or was that just a one-time thing? 2117) Is Brutaka aware that his mask is glitched? 2218) Can a Toa Nuva set a timed-Nova Blast? 2319) Is a Toa of Lightning capable of flight? 2420) Are Matoran/Toa/Turaga of Lightning resistant to electric shocks and paralysis? 2521) Do the denizens of the Matoran universe know the First Toa's name? 2622) Does Artakha maintain contact with beings outside his island? Like the leader of the Order of Mata Nui for example? 2723) What is the OoMN doing in DM? 2824) Are the Toa Hagah doing something about the Tahtorak/Kanohi Dragon nattle or are they just defending the Vortixx? 2925) Since each Makuta has his/her own team of Hagah, what happened to Gorast's, Krika's etc? Where they killed off? 3026) Who would you say has a higher power level? Gali Nuva or Tuyet with the Nui stone? 3127) Could you reveal any one of the Makuta Mistika's mask names? 3228) Can the OoMN use telepathy (if any of the members had that power) against Zaktan and find out Makuta's Plan?
33thanks alot
341) Nope, it tends to be places that predominantly settled by Matoran that get that name -- that is not the case with Nynrah 352) Most likely 363) I would say no, simply because snowstorms and hailstorms can be created by a Toa of Ice, warmth can be created by a Toa of Fire, and thunderstorms can be created by Toa of Air and Water working together. So a weather Toa is kind of redundant. 374) Yes 385) They are going to live wherever there is room for them to do so. 396) Yes 406a) No 417) It's neither. In those same forums, you see that no one really seems to agree on what the element would be or do. If educated BIONICLE fans can't make head or tail of it, the average 8-9 year old would be totally confused by space as an element. 428) I don't see those as Toa elements. Toa elements tend to be fundamental forces, not things like happiness and sadness. 439) Nope 4410) Question is, could it adapt in time? Once the nova blast happens, at least some time is going to pass, even if it's an instant, before the armor adapts, meaning he could get fried in the interim 4511) No and no 4612) No 4713) No 4814) Or else make sure he sees they are helping, so he knows they are on his side. 4915) The equivalent, yes, but out of his hands, not his mouth 5016) One-time thing. It is highly doubtful they would be destined to be transformed the same way twice by EP. 5117) He's aware it's damaged 5218) No, because he has to be there for the blast. He can't set it up and then leave. 5319) No 5420) They are more resistant, they are not invulnerable to it 5521) I tend to doubt it 5622) Yes, where necessary 5723) Same thing they do in our universe, insuring that the will of Mata Nui is carried out from behind the scenes 5824) Wouldn't both be the same? 5925) Killed off or escaped 6026) Tuyet with the Nui stone has the power of 200 normal Toa -- that is way higher than a Nuva's power. A Nuva does not have 200 times the elemental power they had before. 6127) Krika's is Mask of Repulsion 6228) They could certainly try
631) So there are other species co-existing with the Matoran? What are they? Oh and is Nynrah an island or is it a small region of a much larger area? 648) Would you say emotions then can be used as Mask powers? 6510) But then wouldn't he be able to absorb the heat while the armour adapts? 6614) Would Hydraxon recognize Sarda then? 6724) Well they could make sure the Vortixx are away from the ongoing brawl. But then again how could they defeat such large Rahi without getting the city destroyed in the process? 6825) Are any of the unnamed/unrevealed Toa members of those teams?
69Thanks again
701) Until and unless story goes there, I am not spending time developing info on the island. Simply don't have it to spend. 718) You could certainly have a Mask of Fear, etc. 7210) If he tries to absorb the heat from a nova blast, he'll die anyway -- too much energy to be contained all at once 7314) I can't see why he would. He has no memories of being Dekar. 7424) That's why they are Toa, to do impossible jobs like that 7525) Certainly possible
763) I knew it

80So Disruption, Duplication, and Repulsion. Nice powers methinks...
1That would make sense, since Trinuma will be a combiner model in summer. But then, where would the Toa Mahri appear in?
2maybe the Hagah go to help the Mahri fight Kardas
3that;s a good suggestion. That would work. Maybe they are required to get the Mahri for the OoMN/BOM War. That would be better. Combining two different serials for the same cause.
4That would be better... after all, there are only so many giant Rahi dragons one toa team can fight... 5But I'd prefer it to be a MC-like one.
1wait. wasnt bitils mask the mask of summoning?
2oh well but ive got a theory. last page greg said a toa nuva would share bad memories with one another.3kopaka and pohatu are best friends even though kopaka does not admit it. so kopaka or pohatu gets bad memories.
4The Mask of Summoning is Kongu's.
5And the fact Kopaka and Pohatu are (best?) friends doesn't mean one of them has to get the bad memories
6Mr. Pohatu's right, he just has everything mixed up.
7Kongu has the mask of summonig, Bitil has the mask of summoning his past forms. I have no idea what he's talking about with all the "bad memories," but in a sense, he does have A mask of summoning.
8There isn't only one mask of summoning. Different mask summon different things, Kongu's summoned rahi, Bitil summons past versions of himself, and so on.
9I 2009, there could be another mask of summoning, (I'm NOT saying there will be, I'm just using it as an example) but that mask could summon cheese instead of rahi or past versions of oneself.
10In a way, the tyrna was a mask of summoning, because it could summon bodies of the dead. Just because one mask is the official mask of summoning, doesn't mean there can't be others.
1POSSIBLY BIG NEWS ON THE MAKUTA REGIONS . My question in regular, his answer in bold.
2Hey Greg, I was thinking about the Phantoka Makuta's regions, and about how, while unimporant to the story, they are in high demand. It actually reminded me a lot about how the choice for the next Chronicler was handled. Do you think its possible that for one of those Makuta, you may make a list of preexisting locations and have forum members vote on which one that Makuta presided over?
3I think that's a fine idea
2Hey Greg, I was thinking about the Phantoka Makuta's regions, and about how, while unimporant to the story, they are in high demand. It actually reminded me a lot about how the choice for the next Chronicler was handled. Do you think its possible that for one of those Makuta, you may make a list of preexisting locations and have forum members vote on which one that Makuta presided over?
3I think that's a fine idea
1POSSIBLY BIG NEWS ON THE MAKUTA REGIONS . My question in regular, his answer in bold.
2Hey Greg, I was thinking about the Phantoka Makuta's regions, and about how, while unimporant to the story, they are in high demand. It actually reminded me a lot about how the choice for the next Chronicler was handled. Do you think its possible that for one of those Makuta, you may make a list of preexisting locations and have forum members vote on which one that Makuta presided over?
3I think that's a fine idea
4WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO . Thanks a lot, dude . You helped the entire fan community .
1POSSIBLY BIG NEWS ON THE MAKUTA REGIONS . My question in regular, his answer in bold.
2Hey Greg, I was thinking about the Phantoka Makuta's regions, and about how, while unimporant to the story, they are in high demand. It actually reminded me a lot about how the choice for the next Chronicler was handled. Do you think its possible that for one of those Makuta, you may make a list of preexisting locations and have forum members vote on which one that Makuta presided over?
3I think that's a fine idea
4Awesome find . You're going to make yourself go up a rank unless Greg doesn't do this idea.