1No he didn't, i'm not sure how this works with the whole 'Kraahkan signifies leadership' thing considering he wore it from the start
2Hello Greg,
31) You've said that a being wore the Kraahkan before MoMN, Miserix didn't wear it, so am I correct when I think that the being who wore it before him was not a makuta?
42) Who invented the original Midak's?
53) Did the Mistuka lock themselves in their current forms?
64) Is the Pit mutagen a byproduct of the energy to sustain the universe? (The energy from the core)
81) No, I never said anyone wore it before MOMN. You are misreading one of my answers, sounds like. 92) I don't think that's been revealed yet. 103) Not on purpose, no 114) It is the byproduct of a type of energy in the universe
1Uh, Protosteel Toa, Greg has hinted someone else wore the Kraahkan before Teridax.
3Very next post:
4Hello Greg,
51) You've said that a being wore the Kraahkan before MoMN, Miserix didn't wear it, so am I correct when I think that the being who wore it before him was not a makuta?
61) No, I never said anyone wore it before MOMN. You are misreading one of my answers, sounds like.

8Anyhowz... here's a lil one from me.
91.) The Mask of Creation sort of shows the user mental blueprints and instructions. What happens if the user wants to make something that is actually impossible to make?
10Thanks a lot .
111) Then no blueprint or instruction can exist for it, right?
12Just making sure it was as common-sense as it sounded... I imagined the possibility of a kind of short-circuit and sending the user off on weird tangents.

1Hi Greg, hope you're having a nice day
2I've got just one question:
31)In the Mutran Chronicles, will we know the origin of the "curse" of the Brotherhood of Makuta? Or will it be kept as a mystery for some time?
4Best Regards,
6I would say you have already seen it in action, both in MC and in main story. I can tell you the "curse" was not put on the BOM by an external source.
7Now, this is VERY interesting . . . . .
1I guess we can say with a fair amount of certainty now that the 'curse' is the evolution into antidermis.
1but didn't Greg say that the evolution was natural....
1I just found out that the living things in the Red Star won't be revealed.
1I guess we can say with a fair amount of certainty now that the 'curse' is the evolution into antidermis.
2Two problems: One, Greg said that we saw it in action in both MC and the main story; we've only seen the evolution in MC. Two, most would hardly call that a curse -- no need to eat, sleep, breathe, etc., giving them unlimited stamina, and the ability to possess spiritless bodies to hide in. The only disadvantage that's been shown was the leaking part, which is still difficult to occur with Makuta armor being protosteel.
1Hey Greg . Great Job with the story so far. Its getting good .
21.Have you decided whether or not Keetongu will be back in the story yet?
32.Do you know which summer serial will be the Podcast, Blog, and Serial yet?
43.Did for some reason, Icarax strikes me as the one who created the Tahtorak. Did he?
54.I'm going to take a wild guess at who made the Rahi Nui.....Mutran?
65.Back in 2005, it was said that Keetongu's Spepcies and Tahtorak's Species came from the same island. It ALSO has been said the Visorak attacked Keetongu's Island, wiping them all out, save the one we know. Were the Tahtorak suffer casualties by the Visorak as well? Or did they leave before that?
76.Since Spiriah was assigend to the Zakaz region, can we assume that there are Matoran Islands Close by?
8Thanks-Misrex's Guardian.
91) Nope 102) Nope 113) Not to my knowledge 124) No, Teridax made the Rahi Nui 135) Keep in mind we have stated the Tahtorak are also native to Zakaz, as we have seen images of Skakdi riding them. Certainly, any Tahtorak that were on Keetongu's island would have been attacked as well. 146) No. Makuta look after the entire universe, not just Matoran islands
15Just some refershers, though I find #4 new.
1Just a quick theory. Maybe the "Makuta Curse" is the Makuta killing each other off? Why do I think this? In the Mutran Chronicles, it talked about how Teridax killed the Makuta who supported Miserix or either didn't support the plan. Also, we have seen the other Makuta go after Spiriah, though they haven't killed him yet...
2Or maybe the Makuta Curse is having to be dependent on their armor(s) and the dangers of Antidermis bodies...
2Or maybe the Makuta Curse is having to be dependent on their armor(s) and the dangers of Antidermis bodies...
11. Do you have a title for the first '09 book yet?
22. Icarax kills Botar on his way back to Metru Nui after he gave the SoA to Teridax, right?
33. Did Teridax leave Icarax in charge of Destral when he was gone?
44. Was Kojol the only Makuta we know that raided Artakha?
55. If Antidermis isn't immune Pit water, then isn't Teridax now mutated?
66. Why was Icarax trying to turn Ahkmou into a Shadow Matoran?
77a. Krahka is in Metru Nui again, right? 87b. Whats she doing there?
98. Where is Tahtorak now?
109. What did the Toa Hagah do with the Kanohi dragon?
1110. Do you think you can fit Krahka or Tahtorak into the story one last time?
1211. Just wondering, who is your favorite Spiderman villain?
13Thanks again for taking the time to answer my questions Greg.
141) The first reader, or the first novel? First novel doesn't come out until summer '09, so I won't be working on it at all until late this summer. 152) Correct 163) No 174) Yes, because only one Makuta knew where Artakha was, and that was Kojol 185) He wasn't exposed to the water that long, he was in Maxilos' shell, which was watertight. 196) Because he figured it was possible Ahkmou might be destined to become a Toa. Remember, Teridax though that in 2004 story 207) Yes, she is back in her home under the Archives 218) On Xia 229) They haven't done anything with it yet 2310) No idea. I have 7 months left in this universe. 2411) Sandman, Morbius, and the Kingpin
251. I meant the first '09 reader.
264. So it wasn't a team of Makuta that raided Artakha? Just Kojol?
271. Will the Toa Hagah be in the OOMN-BOM war serial?
282. Is this timeline correct?
29The Makuta arrive in Karda Nui 30TMC happens 31BL9 begins 32BL10 begins 33Journey of Takanuva happens 34DM begins 35BL9 ends 36FoF happens 37BL10 ends 38BL11 begins 39DM ends 40BL11 ends
41Thanks again Greg.
421) No, book's not done yet. 434) Correct. The Order killed everyone who was on that raid, and that included only one Makuta. 441) No, they will be in their own 452) Yes, I would say that makes sense
461. Will this book still have the winter '09 sets in it?
472. Or would it make more sense if FoF started between the ending of BL9 and BL10, and ended the same time as DM?
481. And the timeline for last year is this, right?
49BL6 begins 50DoD begins 51BL6 ends 52BL7 begins 53TNB begins 54ItD Chapters 1-8 happens 55DoD ends 56BL7 ends 57BL8 begins 58ItD Chapter 9 happens 59BL8 ends 60TNB ends
611) Three or four of them, yes 622) No, FOF has to start after the ending of Bionicle Legends #10, because Brutaka is not available to lead the team until Bionicle Legends 10 ends. 631) That was so long ago, I don't remember -- most 2007 stuff was written in 2006 and I am so focused on 2009 right now I can't keep a timeline in my head for it.
642. So it should go like this?
65BL9 ends 66BL10 ends 67FoF begins 68BL11 begins 69DM ends 70FoF ends 71BL11 ends
72Or like this?
73BL9 ends 74BL10 ends 75FoF begins and ends 76BL11 begins 77DM ends 78BL11 ends
79Thanks Greg.
80First one's okay, I think
1omigosh. we were blind . brutakas appearance unexpected and stuff has been theorelized by me .
2okay . when voya nui got under water brutaka may had got sucked into karda nui way before matoro did. thus falling into the swamp where there was pit mutagen was falling so he luckily survived in the swamp then bl9 and bl10 start then brutaka gets rescued by an order of mata nui member by giving him a helmet . isnt it so obvious .
3im gonna pm greg
2okay . when voya nui got under water brutaka may had got sucked into karda nui way before matoro did. thus falling into the swamp where there was pit mutagen was falling so he luckily survived in the swamp then bl9 and bl10 start then brutaka gets rescued by an order of mata nui member by giving him a helmet . isnt it so obvious .
3im gonna pm greg
1Awesome . . I got to ask Greg some questions .
35Well I guess I should have known about the set plans.
36Looks like you can't hear through a dimensional gate...interesting.
37Definitely a movie . . Yes .
3813) Hold on...I thought he couldn't discuss set plans? But this is lack of set plans, I guess. So maybe we could get our gears back, and they just haven't decided?
39I think there's something important about these jetpacks. The fact that he didn't just say "Protodermis" or "Light energy" or something makes me think.
40---------- 41EDIT: I got a reply. Here you go .
50So that's the word. 51----------
52EDIT: Taka Toa of Twilight, I was referring to the Matoran we don't have yet. We have 3 goodguys, but what about the red, blue, and black goodguys? And what about the orange, white, and green badguys? Vultraz, I think, isn't part of that (like Lessovikk wasn't a Toa Mahri but he appeared at the same time), seems as he has a vehicle and he's $15. Is it $15? It doesn't matter, don't correct me. The Mistika have Matoran-holders, and the Toa don't have matching Matoran, so I figured we are getting some.
2Cool . I have some questions..
31) Is Mata Nui planned to ever become a set?
42) Is there story significance to the fact that the Av-Matoran masks resemble the Toa masks of '08?
53) Is the LEGO company aware of all the Bionicle fans that want purple Toa?
64) Are Matoro, Botar, and Carapar still alive in some alternate universe?
75) If so, could they be brought into the one where they're dead?
86) If a tree falls in the forest and no one's there to hear it, but there's a dimensional gate, and on the other side somebody's listening, can they hear it?
97) What do the Av-Matoran jetpacks run on?
108) Is MoMn still alive in an alternate universe? Why hasn't he come back and resumed his total evilness?
119) Are the rumors about a new Bionicle movie true?
1210) Why do the Phantoka masks look so radically different than the Mata and Nuva masks (storline-wise)?
1311) Is LEGO making a graphic novel series of Bionicle, from the beginning, or was that a myth?
1412) Are the Matoran for winter '08 done? Nobody saw them at Toyfair..
1513) Are the set planners working on gear functions, as suggested by the Mistika vehicles?
1614) Does the Phantoka armor auto-adapt to any environment? Like, could Toa Lewa walk into a volcano and adapt for heat, even though he was adapted to flight?
1715) What did the Toa Mahri do after Matoro teleported them to Mata Nui?
1816) Do you have any idea how cool it is that you answer fan questions?
191) I can't discuss future set plans 202) No 213) What counts as "all"? BZP? BZP is about 38,000 people, of whom about 2000 are active, out of 6 million or so BIONICLE fans just in the US. 224) Sure. 235) I have no plans to bring in alt. universe characters into main universe, it gets too confusing. 246) You can't hear things through a dimensional gate 257) Hasn't been revealed 268) MOMN is still alive in our universe, too 279) Yes 2810) Because they are adaptive masks and change based on their environment. They are not the original Mata or Nuva masks 2911) LEGO is not, a company called Papercutz is publishing the old comics collected into graphic novels starting this year. 3012) They would not be shown at the Feb. ToyFair. They would be shown at the October ToyFair. 3113) They put gears in the vehicles, there are no plans to put them back into the figures 3214) It would no longer be adapted for flight then. If he's someplace he can walk, there's no need to adapt it for flight 3315) They are guarding Metru Nui 3416) I am glad to be able to do it
35Well I guess I should have known about the set plans.

36Looks like you can't hear through a dimensional gate...interesting.
37Definitely a movie . . Yes .
3813) Hold on...I thought he couldn't discuss set plans? But this is lack of set plans, I guess. So maybe we could get our gears back, and they just haven't decided?
39I think there's something important about these jetpacks. The fact that he didn't just say "Protodermis" or "Light energy" or something makes me think.
40---------- 41EDIT: I got a reply. Here you go .
42QUOTE 43QUOTE 443) What counts as "all"? BZP? BZP is about 38,000 people, of whom about 2000 are active, out of 6 million or so BIONICLE fans just in the US.
45Well I was just referring to the people who want purple. There seems to be a lot of them. Us, actually. I do too. Does LEGO know? Like, is there someone who looks for fan ideas or something?
46So the Toa armor just changes over and over as needed?
47Thanks . .
481) What color we do for sets is determined by the set designers and (to some extent) by the focus groups. At this point, I don't think there are plans to do purple sets, though I have no reason to believe it has been ruled out in future. As far as Toa go, the feeling in Denmark seems to be to stick with the main six elements, so that makes it hard to throw a new Toa color in. You might have better luck getting purple in a non-Toa set. 492) Yes.
50So that's the word. 51----------
52EDIT: Taka Toa of Twilight, I was referring to the Matoran we don't have yet. We have 3 goodguys, but what about the red, blue, and black goodguys? And what about the orange, white, and green badguys? Vultraz, I think, isn't part of that (like Lessovikk wasn't a Toa Mahri but he appeared at the same time), seems as he has a vehicle and he's $15. Is it $15? It doesn't matter, don't correct me. The Mistika have Matoran-holders, and the Toa don't have matching Matoran, so I figured we are getting some.
1hi greg congrat on the new house, is it big enough for all your sets? 21. do the mistuka's mask cause themselves to be locked? 32. which species/charater is the least fit? 42b. if they were to run a standard stamina course who would win/lose? 53.in DM universe does Krekka have bad depth perception (1 eye)
6New house fell through, thanks anyway. 71) no 82) No idea 93) Krekka was missing an eye in both universes
10OMG. I hope he find a new house
11wow krekka still blind
1He's not blind, he just has really bad depth perception. 

1Well, don't know if these will help, but...
2Once again, Mr. F, I'd like to ask you a few questions. So:
31) Was the thing that kept the Makuta Mistika in their one form accidental, or intentional? 42) So Legends 10 contains flashbacks and other scenes not exactly focusing on the Mistika, right? D 52a) Does that make up half, or more, of the book? (the non-Mistika scenes?) 63) Do you have a favorite Toa design? i.e. Mata's body, Inika's body, Phantoka's body (designs) 74) Secrets such as the Matoran/Bohrok statue, the Blade Burrower's map, the Toa Mata's history, Taka's news, and Krakua's history will all be in 10, right? Or does some of this happen in 11? Or do any of these not reveal themselves at all? 85) Will you reveal the name for Krakua's "mysterious island fortress" any time soon, or will it get revealed in 10 and you can't say yet? 96) Which year of Bionicle did you enjoy most in:
10a. the story 11b. the characters (i.e. going to the Metru's history and Inika/Mahri's adventure) 12c. just in general
137) Is making a movie, you think, as hard as shooting a live-action film? Or would you not know? 148) Are the graphic novels just illustrations from that year with captions? 158a) Do you know if they're out yet? 168b) If so, what book store would be selling it at this time? 179) How did you make up the names from back in years such as 2001, 02? Like, Takua, Vakama, Nuhrii, etc. These were very interesting names, and I always wondered how you camr up with them. 1810) Would you say BS01 is the best source of info for Bionicle? (as in wiki-based)
19Thankys if you can answer these, and nice work on your... Work.
211) Accidental 222) Correct 232a) About half 243) No, I don't. 254) Much of that is in 10, yes 265) No need to reveal it, it's not relevant to the story. I only have three or four approved BIONICLE names left on the list, so I can't waste them. 276) 2004 is my favorite year, because it is the first year I got to do novels 287) No idea, up until doing the story for the 2009 one, I had no involvement at all in the movies. 298) No, they are reprints of the original comics from 2001 on. 308b) I don't think the first one has come out yet 319) I didn't, I wasn't on the story team at that time. 3210) It's certainly more reliable than standard Wiki, which is largely useless when it comes to BIONICLE. Staff of BS01 works very hard on it.
11. Is the Makuta's 'curse' the ablity to have the kratta powers? 22. How do you pronounce Niazesk? 33. Where exactily is the Tren Krom Peninsula? 44. Is there a possibility the Nuva will split up? 55. What was Miserix's form when we first met him in MC?
71) No, how would having 42 powers be a curse on someone? 82) Knee-uh-zeh-skkk 93) Hasn't been revealed 104) As a team? No. We have already done that a couple times in story, no need to do it again. 115) Closer to the "standard" humanoid Makuta form we have shown before.
121. I don't know... 132. ok. 143. I thought he would show. 154. man . 165. ok.
1Got some cool infos here:
14#3, #4 and #6 sounds good. #4 gives me a new theory...
21. When can you tell us the name of the BrickMaster Rahi? 32. Will the Niazesk be making any appearance at all? 43. Have you decided what mask Miserix will wear? (BTW, the Miserix model is beyond cool) 54. If the Nui Stone is fused to an inanimate object or a living being, would it still function, as in, keeping on draining Toa energy? 65. Have you written FoF 8 yet? 76. Last year, you made a trivia contest on BZP, winners get the first image of Lesovikk and a sneak peek of Bionicle Legends#7. Do you think you'll have time to make a similar contest, this time the prize is an image of Mazeka or Trinuma (if/when you have one) and a sneak peek of Bionicle Legends#11? The prizes are just my suggestion.
81) No point until we're closer to it actually coming out 92) Possibly in a serial 103) Not yet, but that should be revealed in FOF serial -- I am trying to come up with something new and good 114) Yes 125) No 136) Not a bad idea
14#3, #4 and #6 sounds good. #4 gives me a new theory...
1Got some cool infos here: 21. When can you tell us the name of the BrickMaster Rahi? 32. Will the Niazesk be making any appearance at all? 43. Have you decided what mask Miserix will wear? (BTW, the Miserix model is beyond cool) 54. If the Nui Stone is fused to an inanimate object or a living being, would it still function, as in, keeping on draining Toa energy? 65. Have you written FoF 8 yet? 76. Last year, you made a trivia contest on BZP, winners get the first image of Lesovikk and a sneak peek of Bionicle Legends#7. Do you think you'll have time to make a similar contest, this time the prize is an image of Mazeka or Trinuma (if/when you have one) and a sneak peek of Bionicle Legends#11? The prizes are just my suggestion.
81) No point until we're closer to it actually coming out 92) Possibly in a serial 103) Not yet, but that should be revealed in FOF serial -- I am trying to come up with something new and good 114) Yes 125) No 136) Not a bad idea
14#3, #4 and #6 sounds good. #4 gives me a new theory...
15Who's Niazesk?
1Got some cool infos here: 21. When can you tell us the name of the BrickMaster Rahi? 32. Will the Niazesk be making any appearance at all? 43. Have you decided what mask Miserix will wear? (BTW, the Miserix model is beyond cool) 54. If the Nui Stone is fused to an inanimate object or a living being, would it still function, as in, keeping on draining Toa energy? 65. Have you written FoF 8 yet? 76. Last year, you made a trivia contest on BZP, winners get the first image of Lesovikk and a sneak peek of Bionicle Legends#7. Do you think you'll have time to make a similar contest, this time the prize is an image of Mazeka or Trinuma (if/when you have one) and a sneak peek of Bionicle Legends#11? The prizes are just my suggestion.
81) No point until we're closer to it actually coming out 92) Possibly in a serial 103) Not yet, but that should be revealed in FOF serial -- I am trying to come up with something new and good 114) Yes 125) No 136) Not a bad idea
14#3, #4 and #6 sounds good. #4 gives me a new theory...
15Who's Niazesk?
16It's a combiner model insect Rahi in the latest magazine.
1Got some cool infos here: 21. When can you tell us the name of the BrickMaster Rahi? 32. Will the Niazesk be making any appearance at all? 43. Have you decided what mask Miserix will wear? (BTW, the Miserix model is beyond cool) 54. If the Nui Stone is fused to an inanimate object or a living being, would it still function, as in, keeping on draining Toa energy? 65. Have you written FoF 8 yet? 76. Last year, you made a trivia contest on BZP, winners get the first image of Lesovikk and a sneak peek of Bionicle Legends#7. Do you think you'll have time to make a similar contest, this time the prize is an image of Mazeka or Trinuma (if/when you have one) and a sneak peek of Bionicle Legends#11? The prizes are just my suggestion.
81) No point until we're closer to it actually coming out 92) Possibly in a serial 103) Not yet, but that should be revealed in FOF serial -- I am trying to come up with something new and good 114) Yes 125) No 136) Not a bad idea
14#3, #4 and #6 sounds good. #4 gives me a new theory...
15Who's Niazesk?
16The Rahi combiner in the May Lego Magazine. Or is it Brickmaster...
1Got some cool infos here: 21. When can you tell us the name of the BrickMaster Rahi? 32. Will the Niazesk be making any appearance at all? 43. Have you decided what mask Miserix will wear? (BTW, the Miserix model is beyond cool) 54. If the Nui Stone is fused to an inanimate object or a living being, would it still function, as in, keeping on draining Toa energy? 65. Have you written FoF 8 yet? 76. Last year, you made a trivia contest on BZP, winners get the first image of Lesovikk and a sneak peek of Bionicle Legends#7. Do you think you'll have time to make a similar contest, this time the prize is an image of Mazeka or Trinuma (if/when you have one) and a sneak peek of Bionicle Legends#11? The prizes are just my suggestion.
81) No point until we're closer to it actually coming out 92) Possibly in a serial 103) Not yet, but that should be revealed in FOF serial -- I am trying to come up with something new and good 114) Yes 125) No 136) Not a bad idea
14#3, #4 and #6 sounds good. #4 gives me a new theory...
15Who's Niazesk?
16The Rahi combiner in the May Lego Magazine. Or is it Brickmaster...
17It's in the BrickMaster

1Hi Mr. Farshtey, did you have a good day? or night? 2I have some questions:
31. With Miserix form now known, what is the size comparison? Is he the size of Brutaka or the size of a Tahtorak as the story goes?
42. Are the Dark Hunter willing to take sides with the "Thrid Player" now that they are losing the war?
53. If there are 56 toa with 22 (give or take) in known story, would it be safe to 20 (more or less) are attacking the Brotherhood when they can during the BoM/DH War? If not how many? If you can't answer, I apologize.
64. Could someone send their photos to lego and if they passed by the story team would they accept it as the model for a already existing charracter (lets say Lariska or Kojol )?
75. Is it safe to say that the Toa Hagahs are the most powerful after the Nuva, because of their experience (they have their memories), their skill, and their knowledge?
86. Does the Shadowed One know that the "Third Player" are Lariska's current employers right now? 96a. does he know what mission she is doing 106b. Does he know anything for that matter?
117. Is Takanuva's powrlance protosteel?
121) Closer to Tahtorak than Brutaka 132) What makes you think they are losing the war? The top-line Makuta are all in Karda Nui, not out fighting DH 143) The Toa are not actively warring with the BOM the way the DH are, they are trying to protect their villages the way the Mahri are Metru Nui. Marching off to war would be extremely risky, since it would leave all the Matoran unprotected. 154) It would have to be a through a contest or something like that, not just an open "send your model in" invitation. 165) Depends on if you equate actual power with experience or not. 176) No 186a) She knows she is going to be doing something that will be bad for the BOM, that's all he needed to know
192. BS01 says that DH are losing the war now that more attention is turned to them. (BS01 said it) [And didn't the DH already lose battles with just the Visorak not the Makuta directly? (ex. the Battle Thok, Reidak, and Zaktan were in)]
203. I meant sabotage battles when they are close to the islands of the Toa, (I agree marching off is risky)
217. Is Takanuva's powerlance protosteel?
222) Well, that's incorrect, because the majority of the BOM attention is now focused on Karda Nui. LESS attention is being paid now to the DH than in the past, not more. 233) Most BOM-DH battles are not being fought near Toa-protected islands, because no one wants to be bothered with Toa getting in the middle of their fights. 247) No
25well there you have it
1Hi Mr. Farshtey, did you have a good day? or night? 2I have some questions:
31. With Miserix form now known, what is the size comparison? Is he the size of Brutaka or the size of a Tahtorak as the story goes?
42. Are the Dark Hunter willing to take sides with the "Thrid Player" now that they are losing the war?
53. If there are 56 toa with 22 (give or take) in known story, would it be safe to 20 (more or less) are attacking the Brotherhood when they can during the BoM/DH War? If not how many? If you can't answer, I apologize.
64. Could someone send their photos to lego and if they passed by the story team would they accept it as the model for a already existing charracter (lets say Lariska or Kojol )?
75. Is it safe to say that the Toa Hagahs are the most powerful after the Nuva, because of their experience (they have their memories), their skill, and their knowledge?
86. Does the Shadowed One know that the "Third Player" are Lariska's current employers right now? 96a. does he know what mission she is doing 106b. Does he know anything for that matter?
117. Is Takanuva's powrlance protosteel?
121) Closer to Tahtorak than Brutaka 132) What makes you think they are losing the war? The top-line Makuta are all in Karda Nui, not out fighting DH 143) The Toa are not actively warring with the BOM the way the DH are, they are trying to protect their villages the way the Mahri are Metru Nui. Marching off to war would be extremely risky, since it would leave all the Matoran unprotected. 154) It would have to be a through a contest or something like that, not just an open "send your model in" invitation. 165) Depends on if you equate actual power with experience or not. 176) No 186a) She knows she is going to be doing something that will be bad for the BOM, that's all he needed to know
192. BS01 says that DH are losing the war now that more attention is turned to them. (BS01 said it) [And didn't the DH already lose battles with just the Visorak not the Makuta directly? (ex. the Battle Thok, Reidak, and Zaktan were in)]
203. I meant sabotage battles when they are close to the islands of the Toa, (I agree marching off is risky)
217. Is Takanuva's powerlance protosteel?
222) Well, that's incorrect, because the majority of the BOM attention is now focused on Karda Nui. LESS attention is being paid now to the DH than in the past, not more. 233) Most BOM-DH battles are not being fought near Toa-protected islands, because no one wants to be bothered with Toa getting in the middle of their fights. 247) No
25well there you have it
26Not protosteel

1Hi Mr. Farshtey, did you have a good day? or night? 2I have some questions:
31. With Miserix form now known, what is the size comparison? Is he the size of Brutaka or the size of a Tahtorak as the story goes?
42. Are the Dark Hunter willing to take sides with the "Thrid Player" now that they are losing the war?
53. If there are 56 toa with 22 (give or take) in known story, would it be safe to 20 (more or less) are attacking the Brotherhood when they can during the BoM/DH War? If not how many? If you can't answer, I apologize.
64. Could someone send their photos to lego and if they passed by the story team would they accept it as the model for a already existing charracter (lets say Lariska or Kojol )?
75. Is it safe to say that the Toa Hagahs are the most powerful after the Nuva, because of their experience (they have their memories), their skill, and their knowledge?
86. Does the Shadowed One know that the "Third Player" are Lariska's current employers right now? 96a. does he know what mission she is doing 106b. Does he know anything for that matter?
117. Is Takanuva's powrlance protosteel?
121) Closer to Tahtorak than Brutaka 132) What makes you think they are losing the war? The top-line Makuta are all in Karda Nui, not out fighting DH 143) The Toa are not actively warring with the BOM the way the DH are, they are trying to protect their villages the way the Mahri are Metru Nui. Marching off to war would be extremely risky, since it would leave all the Matoran unprotected. 154) It would have to be a through a contest or something like that, not just an open "send your model in" invitation. 165) Depends on if you equate actual power with experience or not. 176) No 186a) She knows she is going to be doing something that will be bad for the BOM, that's all he needed to know
192. BS01 says that DH are losing the war now that more attention is turned to them. (BS01 said it) [And didn't the DH already lose battles with just the Visorak not the Makuta directly? (ex. the Battle Thok, Reidak, and Zaktan were in)]
203. I meant sabotage battles when they are close to the islands of the Toa, (I agree marching off is risky)
217. Is Takanuva's powerlance protosteel?
222) Well, that's incorrect, because the majority of the BOM attention is now focused on Karda Nui. LESS attention is being paid now to the DH than in the past, not more. 233) Most BOM-DH battles are not being fought near Toa-protected islands, because no one wants to be bothered with Toa getting in the middle of their fights. 247) No
25well there you have it
26Not protosteelhow is the one destined to defeat Makuta (atleast I think) not equipped with a protosteel weapon....
27He doesn't need protosteel if he's got light powers.
1So we can expect FoF 8 tomorrow...
1He just said he wasn't done with it.
Amazing how in a few PMs, an answer changed.

1omigosh. we were blind . brutakas appearance unexpected and stuff has been theorelized by me .
2okay . when voya nui got under water brutaka may had got sucked into karda nui way before matoro did. thus falling into the swamp where there was pit mutagen was falling so he luckily survived in the swamp then bl9 and bl10 start then brutaka gets rescued by an order of mata nui member by giving him a helmet . isnt it so obvious .
3im gonna pm greg
4quite good my young friend, but you need to remembe that the Order can't go to Karda Nui, only Artakha knows where it is. and it's already been confirmed that Brutaka came straight from the Pit and brought to the Order on Daxia to fit his breathing appratus. Then he begins his missions from there. So tough luck.
1i think i have figured out the brutakas unexpected appearance .
21. okay when voya nui got under water brutaka may had got sucked into karda nui way before matoro did. thus falling into the swamp where there was pit mutagen was falling so he luckily survived in the swamp then bl9 and bl10 start then brutaka gets rescued by an order of mata nui member by giving him a helmet.
3is this close to it?
4No. Brutaka never goes to Karda Nui.
5darn. i forgot that. >.<
6guess your right zaktan snake.
7but . if the order did not know where karda nui was, the timeslip would not occur .

1i think i have figured out the brutakas unexpected appearance .
21. okay when voya nui got under water brutaka may had got sucked into karda nui way before matoro did. thus falling into the swamp where there was pit mutagen was falling so he luckily survived in the swamp then bl9 and bl10 start then brutaka gets rescued by an order of mata nui member by giving him a helmet.
3is this close to it?
4No. Brutaka never goes to Karda Nui.
5darn. i forgot that. >.<
6guess your right zaktan snake.
7but . if the order did not know where karda nui was, the timeslip would not occur .
8Correction, the Timeslip might have been the Order's work, and it might not, I have never heard Greg say one way or another. For all we know it could have been Artakha, or even Mata Nui, since he probably did the memory wipe.
1i think i have figured out the brutakas unexpected appearance .
21. okay when voya nui got under water brutaka may had got sucked into karda nui way before matoro did. thus falling into the swamp where there was pit mutagen was falling so he luckily survived in the swamp then bl9 and bl10 start then brutaka gets rescued by an order of mata nui member by giving him a helmet.
3is this close to it?
4No. Brutaka never goes to Karda Nui.
5darn. i forgot that. >.<
6guess your right zaktan snake.
7but . if the order did not know where karda nui was, the timeslip would not occur .
8Correction, the Timeslip might have been the Order's work, and it might not, I have never heard Greg say one way or another. For all we know it could have been Artakha, or even Mata Nui, since he probably did the memory wipe.
9yup, and i can't wait to read Fof 8 when it is out .