1Just wanted some clearing up on this:
5The Makuta trail shadow as they fly, which is why the normally bright sky of Karda Nui grows darker the longer the Makuta are there.
2Hey, Greg, I only have one question for you.
3In the CGI, Karda Nui's sky is blue and bright, like a sunny day, but in the comics and the promotional images, Karda Nui is dark and has a very cloudy sky. My question is, which is the canon sky for Karda nui?
5The Makuta trail shadow as they fly, which is why the normally bright sky of Karda Nui grows darker the longer the Makuta are there.
1yup, and i can't wait to read Fof 8 when it is out . Also on the curse thing, it could be possibly the Antidermis, I mean look at Zaktan, remember the protodites thing gave him access to all these new things and such you would say wow cool too. He said it was a nightmare, having all these things doing this. So yeah, couldn't the Makuta curse be like that for all we know?
2It is out. and it was out about three hours ago
3Back on topic, I doubt it that it is Anitdermis when i think about it, Zaktan's power is only a curse because it would be a curse to have your body in 1,000,000 pieces floating around. If you saw Zaktan, his curse would be obvious, but if you saw Makuta, you would never know he was energy until you cracked his armor
1That's why he has a Midak. 

1Does anyone know what the ML in answer 1 means?
2Hello Greg,
31) What do you think of the Miserix model? (I know you can't criticize lego sets but this isn't a lego set)
42) Is the Miserix model the reptile form he takes, or is it his regular form?
53) Is the brickmaster promo (the flying rahi) a rahi from Artidax?
64) Is the thing that locked the Mistuka a Natural phenomenon or a sentient being?
81) I was the one who chose it as grand prize winner, ML 92) That is not the regular form of a Makuta -- they are energy, remember? 103) It is present on Artidax as well, yes 114) Natural phenomenon
1Interesting about the special Rahi being in Karda Nui and Artidax...perhaps it's got some sort of Makuta-weakening power?
1Hi Greg, theres been some questions that have been plagueing my mind for ages.
21)Do you plan for the following characters to return this year, next year or in the future? Im sorry if this has been asked already, but y'know. 3a) Nocturn? (Last time i checked he was beaten up by Hydraxon) 4Kalmah, Pridak, Mantax or Ehlek? 5c) Hydraxon? 6d) Karzahni? 7e) The Piraka?
8I could go on, but y'know.
92) Will the rest of the Barraki escape the Pit? 103) Will Karzahni and the Piraka ever escape Daxia? 114) When you said Mata Nui protects the Matoran universe from external threats, does this mean meteorite collisions, expanding suns, invaders and other things related to space?
12Cheers, Borrakar.
131) Keep in mind that next year we are not in the Matoran universe. As for this year, of the list you gave, Hydraxon is the most likely to reappear if anyone does. 142) Doubt it. 153) Doubt it 164) Or things on the planet that might pose a threat to the integrity of the domes.
17I was sorta disappointed about Nocturn not comin back

1Hi Greg. I have some question's.
21. LoMN and WoS were just Vakama telling the Toa Nuva that they had been Toa, right? 32. Why was Matau so mean to Vakama? 43. Is Lesovikk sill considered a Toa? 53/1. If not, why? 64. Where is Kardas and what is it doing? 75. Is the "Matoran" on Spirah's back part of of the storyline? 86. Witch Toa set do you hate most? 96/1. Why? 107. Why did Matoro accept his fate without fear? 118. Why didn't the Ignika just choose Jaller? He was the first to say he would sacrifice himself
12thank's Greg.
21. LoMN and WoS were just Vakama telling the Toa Nuva that they had been Toa, right? 32. Why was Matau so mean to Vakama? 43. Is Lesovikk sill considered a Toa? 53/1. If not, why? 64. Where is Kardas and what is it doing? 75. Is the "Matoran" on Spirah's back part of of the storyline? 86. Witch Toa set do you hate most? 96/1. Why? 107. Why did Matoro accept his fate without fear? 118. Why didn't the Ignika just choose Jaller? He was the first to say he would sacrifice himself
12thank's Greg.
1Hi Greg. I have some question's.
21. LoMN and WoS were just Vakama telling the Toa Nuva that they had been Toa, right? 32. Why was Matau so mean to Vakama? 43. Is Lesovikk sill considered a Toa? 53/1. If not, why? 64. Where is Kardas and what is it doing? 75. Is the "Matoran" on Spirah's back part of of the storyline? 86. Witch Toa set do you hate most? 96/1. Why? 107. Why did Matoro accept his fate without fear? 118. Why didn't the Ignika just choose Jaller? He was the first to say he would sacrifice himself
12thank's Greg.
13Greg doesn't visit this topic. You have to PM him, the link is on the first page

1Hey Greg
2I don't have any questions, but a suggestion.
3After the Toa Hagah discovered that the BoM was evil, they fought Teridax. The form he used to fight them is unknown. I think the form he turned into should be the monstrous Makuta Nui, as it has not yet been in the storyline . In addition, the form contains a bit of symbolism. For a long time, everyone in the Matoran universe thought the BoM fought on the side of light. In reality however, they had become creatures of darkness that did not care about casualties. I am willing to guess that as long as Teridax's plan works, he couldn't care less if all the other Makuta were wiped out. In this sense, the Makuta had turned into monsters on the inside, just as the Makuta Nui is a monster on the outside.
4Thank you for your time
5Thanks, but I have no plans to tell the story of the Hagah's fight with Teridax, so I won't be getting into this.
6I was hoping we would get to see the fight.

1Uhhh...could you post your PM from Greg, then?
2Sorry, but this is the Official GREG Discussion, so you can post those things without proof...
5Mr. Farshtey, could you please answer the following question(s)?:
61)Will we find out what is living in the Red Star sometime this year? 71b) If not, then perhaps next year?
8Thank you for your time.
9No and no. It's a long-term story thread, not something I am wrapping up quickly.
1Hi,with all those new terms coming up i'm getting confused so i need a little clearing up. 21.) nrynah is a matoran island and the matoran locals built the nrynah blasters right? 32.)the nrynah matoran locals built the fake bohrok and were executed by the BoM. is that the reaso they are hiding? 42a.)are they hiding in artahka? 53.)How much more poweful is a toa nuva to an average toa? 64.)Do the toa phantoka and mistika still retain their ability to share masks power? 75.)What are the regions that antrox, vamprah,chirox,bitil,gorast and miserix blong to? 86.)What special powers do brutahka and axonn have? 96a.)Can you write about it in FoF 107.) If Krakua is a toa why did the OoMN recruit him and revealed its existence. 118.)Will the OoMN be able to find a repalcement for Botar?
12Thk u
131) Yes 142) Some of them were executed, but they were hard to find even before then. They want to work and be left alone to do it, not have strangers traipsing around their village all the time 152a) No, they are on Nynrah 163) Toa Nuva can share mask powers, normal Toa cannot, that is the major difference 174) Yes 185) Well, Miserix doesn't oversee any region, he's a prisoner, and the rest haven't been revealed yet 196) I am not releasing all of Brutaka and Axonn's powers 207) Gets revealed in Bionicle Legends #10 218) Yes
22hope this helps
1There probably will be more matoran, just not this year.
1Hi Greg, hope you're having a nice day
2I've got just one question:
31)In the Mutran Chronicles, will we know the origin of the "curse" of the Brotherhood of Makuta? Or will it be kept as a mystery for some time?
4Best Regards,
6I would say you have already seen it in action, both in MC and in main story. I can tell you the "curse" was not put on the BOM by an external source.
7Now, this is VERY interesting . . . . .
9Bad luck?

1Hi Greg, hope you're having a nice day
2I've got just one question:
31)In the Mutran Chronicles, will we know the origin of the "curse" of the Brotherhood of Makuta? Or will it be kept as a mystery for some time?
4Best Regards,
6I would say you have already seen it in action, both in MC and in main story. I can tell you the "curse" was not put on the BOM by an external source.
7Now, this is VERY interesting . . . . .
9Bad luck?
10Has it been confirmed that the "curse" is not their evolution into pure energy? It seems like a curse to me...a really big disadvantage.
1Hey GregF and nice job on FoF 8, I really begin to like the story and really get the name, I constantly fear[/v] Vezon gets killed for he's my favorite along Avak of the Skakdi. I'll be looking forward for more on the serials and the podcast.![]()
2I sent you a pair of questions recently but it seems the server had them for dinner. I also got a couple more, and I hope you can answer them.
31.) If a Toa of Shadow used a Nova Blast, what would the effects be? Would a large area be cloaked into complete darkness, or..? 42.) On the wiki it says that "with training and focus, especially on the associated emotions of anger and aggression, any being can develop Shadow powers". Also, Shadow is considered "the evil side" of a being. However, it also reads there that "Within the BIONICLE universe, Shadow was originally considered to have no moral connotations". Did the Brotherhood's corruption change the reality in this point, or.. ? 53.) FoF comes after BL10, right? If yes, this means that Brutaka COULD die in FoF? 64.) Does Axonn know Brutaka has turned back to the light and see hope in regaining their friendship once more? 75.) Do the Piraka know about the Order now that they have been taken to Daxia? 86.) Will the island Teridax is on have it's name revealed? And it's no island we have seen yet, right? 97.) What is your favorite out of TMC, DM and FoF?
10Thank you for your time.
111) Yes 122) Yes, the same way Nazi use of the swastika changed what had in the past been a benevolent symbol into an evil one. 133) It does come after Bionicle Legends 10, that's correct 144) No, he doesn't know 155) No 166) I can't discuss this 177) I don't have a favorite
18I especially find question 2 quite interesting.. (goes update BS01)
1Hey Greg its UYI again I just have acouple questions thats poped in my head i have to ask you.
21) Have you said before that the BOM curse isnt them changing into antidermis?
31a) If that isnt the curse could it be that the Makuta cant go on the surface world?
42) Would the Barakki help out the OOMN agunist the BOM when they go to war even if the Barakki only care about themselfes? (and they had some way to be on land)
53) Is there a story line reason that Gali has a scope on her nynrah ghost blaster?
6Thanks for your time
71) Haven't said that before, but that's not it 81a) Nope. Makuta can go up to the surface world, they simply have no need to do so. No one lives there, so why bother going? 92) Irrelevant, since the OOMN is not going to approach them. They are not even in this universe and can't live on land, so they wouldn't be of much help. 103) Yes. Helps your aim.
21) Have you said before that the BOM curse isnt them changing into antidermis?
31a) If that isnt the curse could it be that the Makuta cant go on the surface world?
42) Would the Barakki help out the OOMN agunist the BOM when they go to war even if the Barakki only care about themselfes? (and they had some way to be on land)
53) Is there a story line reason that Gali has a scope on her nynrah ghost blaster?
6Thanks for your time
71) Haven't said that before, but that's not it 81a) Nope. Makuta can go up to the surface world, they simply have no need to do so. No one lives there, so why bother going? 92) Irrelevant, since the OOMN is not going to approach them. They are not even in this universe and can't live on land, so they wouldn't be of much help. 103) Yes. Helps your aim.
1Awesomest answer from Greg I have gotten to date. 

2Hey Greg I was wondering what colour you imagine Matoran/Toa/Turaga of lightning to be. If you can't answer because you don't know what colour the sets would be, what colour do you imagine them to be? Thanks .
3If I were designing it, it would be blue and yellow or blue and white, but with the blue predominant and the yellow or white in streaks down the armor. But I am neither an artist nor a designer, so it would probably look lousy
1haha that would look really cool and make sence because blue matoran have always been girls and yellow and blue go together because they are both primary colors and to me I think blue and white look good together
1Awesomest answer from Greg I have gotten to date.
2Hey Greg I was wondering what colour you imagine Matoran/Toa/Turaga of lightning to be. If you can't answer because you don't know what colour the sets would be, what colour do you imagine them to be? Thanks .
3If I were designing it, it would be blue and yellow or blue and white, but with the blue predominant and the yellow or white in streaks down the armor. But I am neither an artist nor a designer, so it would probably look lousy
4I guess the way Greg sees them is very similar to how Hahli Inika looks.
1I doubt very much that Greg has made any comments about next year's characters. Why would he be giving out hints now? A quote would be nice.
1Awesomest answer from Greg I have gotten to date.
2Hey Greg I was wondering what colour you imagine Matoran/Toa/Turaga of lightning to be. If you can't answer because you don't know what colour the sets would be, what colour do you imagine them to be? Thanks .
3If I were designing it, it would be blue and yellow or blue and white, but with the blue predominant and the yellow or white in streaks down the armor. But I am neither an artist nor a designer, so it would probably look lousy
4Urge to MOC....Rising....
1Hmm.... interesting(scratches imaginary goate like the evil ruler he is) ,the GB's might increase in story line
1QUOTE 2hi Greg, I have one question to ask you now: 3I believe that you said that once a decision is made in the bionicle universe, a "alternate dimension" is made where the dicision was not made, or another one was (e.i. tuyet's "dark mirror:" universe). So if this is true, then isn't the kanohi Olisi "looking" into an alternate universe?
4No. What it is doing is showing Karzahni's the being's past, and then Karzahni crafts a potential alternate course. Hence the fact that he made a mistake when crafting one based on Lesovikk's past.
5now, this question I literally thought of this overnight. I was thinkin' about what he said about alternate dimensions, and realized that the way the Olisi works reminded me of this. 6Elmara
4No. What it is doing is showing Karzahni's the being's past, and then Karzahni crafts a potential alternate course. Hence the fact that he made a mistake when crafting one based on Lesovikk's past.
5now, this question I literally thought of this overnight. I was thinkin' about what he said about alternate dimensions, and realized that the way the Olisi works reminded me of this. 6Elmara
1QUOTE2Hey Greg I was wondering what colour you imagine Matoran/Toa/Turaga of lightning to be. If you can't answer because you don't know what colour the sets would be, what colour do you imagine them to be? Thanks .
3If I were designing it, it would be blue and yellow or blue and white, but with the blue predominant and the yellow or white in streaks down the armor. But I am neither an artist nor a designer, so it would probably look lousy
4that is just perfect . blue (mainly) and white (secondly) Toa I say .
1Hi GregF,
2I have some questions:
31a. Will Brutaka appear in a Summer serial? 41b. Will Icarax appear in a Summer serial?
52a. Besides the Makuta we already know, are there any other Makuta we don't know? 62b. Will they appear in the "OoMN-BoM war" serial?
73. Spiriah has left his region, do you think Teridax has assigned an other Makuta to it?
84. What kind of info can we look forward to in May?
95. Who is the leader of the Makuta Mistika?
10Thanks for your time.
111a) Don't know yet 121b) No. Icarax is in Karda Nui for the rest of the year, and while there will be one serial set there, I don't think he will be appearing in it -- if he does, it will be briefly. He is in main story. 132a) Oh, sure 142b) Possible 153) Most likely 164) From where? On what subject? 175) Krika
18Hi GregF,
19Some questions regarding your answers:
201b) Wich serial will take place there? The Vultraz-Mazeka one? 213) Have you heard anything about the contest regarding the Makuta's regions? When will it take place? 224)Bionicle in general.
23And some new questions:
241. Regarding 42 Rahkshi powers: What's the point of having power to control a cyclone when you have the power of weather control?
252a. Will all Makuta Phantoka travel down to the SoS as well? 262b. Could they get the same problem as the Makuta Mistika, or did the exposure that "mutated" the Makuta Mistika stopped? 272c. Whatever mutated the Makuta Mistika, was it already there before they came to the SoS?
28Thanks in advance.
291b) Yes 303) I haven't decided on when to hold it, I haven't had time to worry about it. 314) Well, there's no comic in May, so I don't know that a lot new is going to come out this month
321) What if you just need a cyclone? 332a) Yes 342b) They could, yes 352c) Yes
36Hi GregF,
372b-c)The Makuta Mistika could tell not to execute a certain action (going into the water e.g.) to prevent the Makuta Phantoka from being mutated as well, correct?
392b-c) If you assume the Mistika know why their forms get locked, yes, they could warn the Phantoka off if they chose to do so.
40Hi GregF,
412b-c) They are still inside their Makuta armor, correct?