14) I did not know the lake Naho was a Desert
2What? Lake Naho isn't a desert, might I point out the word Lake? I don't mean to insult you, but where did you here that?
3Uh, let's see here, absence of water in some minds gives the idea of a desert. what do you think it was before being a lake? A desert is a barren wasteland, so it could have been. but don't think people are slow just because they thought a lake was once a desert.
14) I did not know the lake Naho was a Desert
2What? Lake Naho isn't a desert, might I point out the word Lake? I don't mean to insult you, but where did you here that?
3Uh, let's see here, absence of water in some minds gives the idea of a desert. what do you think it was before being a lake? A desert is a barren wasteland, so it could have been. but don't think people are slow just because they thought a lake was once a desert.
4Technically, it's a bay, which means it's part of the ocean. The ocean existed even after the Bohrok cleared away all the water on Mata Nui, so the bay still exists, it's just surrounded by desert.
1I have only a few questions: 21) Willl the OoMN-BoM war take place on a battlefield or will it be more like a World War, with battles on many places? (OK if you can't answer)
32)The Phantoka Makuta Kanohi are shapeshifted, right?
43) I remember reading somewhere that Maxilos is the name of a model, not of that specific one, is this right?
53b) The model, then, was mass produced and used in more places than The Pit?
64) The Pit had only Maxilos, Hydraxon and Spinax there to take care of the whole place? Didn't it needed more "staff"?
75) Could a Makuta posses a Bohrok/Rahkshi armor without Krana/Kraata?
86) Was the BB map subterranean?
96b)If yes, how could Mutran see it?
101) The latter 112) Yes 123) Correct 133b) Yes 144) No, there were multiple Maxilos in the original Pit. 155) No. Makuta can possess robots (mechanical beings designed with their own AI) or living bodies with no spirit in them. Neither applies here. 166) Yes 176b) The same way you can discern the shape of a corn maze as you are going through it
191) Cool 202)As I though 213),3b)

1Ah, World War, Bionicle style. that will be fun. 2you know, i go through mazes, and i sure don't see a map as I walk through them.
7Ah but you're forgetting that there was a bioquake. But regardless, i doubt there was a desert there, i'm just telling you guys to be nice to people who thought that there was a desert there.
34) I did not know the lake Naho was a Desert
4What? Lake Naho isn't a desert, might I point out the word Lake? I don't mean to insult you, but where did you here that?
5Uh, let's see here, absence of water in some minds gives the idea of a desert. what do you think it was before being a lake? A desert is a barren wasteland, so it could have been. but don't think people are slow just because they thought a lake was once a desert.
6Technically, it's a bay, which means it's part of the ocean. The ocean existed even after the Bohrok cleared away all the water on Mata Nui, so the bay still exists, it's just surrounded by desert.
7Ah but you're forgetting that there was a bioquake. But regardless, i doubt there was a desert there, i'm just telling you guys to be nice to people who thought that there was a desert there.
1I literally sent Greg a PM a minute ago, and I just got his reply. 2Could that be a new record or something?
131. Fair enough 142. YEEEEEEEES .

3Hey Greg
4I just have a few questions for you.
51.6What is the Mutagen's purpose?
7It doesn't have a purpose, anymore than radiation in a nuclear plant has a purpose. It simply exists.
8If the radiation represents the Mutagen, would the nuclear plant represent the energy of Karda Nui?
92. You stated in your blog you saw some of the 09 sets. Do the sets have masks?
111) Hasn't been revealed 122) Yes
131. Fair enough 142. YEEEEEEEES .

1QUOTE 2Hello Greg I have one question.
31) is krakua looking at something but not looking for something, i don't mean looking at something like looking at a wall. i.e. looking at BB map.
5Neither. Krakua is in the Archives because the OOMN wants him there, he's not searching for something.
6I got this really fast
31) is krakua looking at something but not looking for something, i don't mean looking at something like looking at a wall. i.e. looking at BB map.
5Neither. Krakua is in the Archives because the OOMN wants him there, he's not searching for something.
6I got this really fast
1It wasn't a lake before, but that doesn't mean that it was a desert. 

1It could be a swamp before.
1a swamp is a lake, just with more islands around, and the water's shallow. but let's not discuss this here, or someone or another will complain that we've made those two posts containing new info invisible.
2well, for those who were afraid that there were going to be no masks, breath a sigh of relief, there back for another round of collectibles.
2well, for those who were afraid that there were going to be no masks, breath a sigh of relief, there back for another round of collectibles.
1MC# 8 is out 

15 posts about the difference between a lake and a desert and you're complaining about a post about MC8 (which is relevant because people can check it out and ask Greg questions about it)
1Not much, but:
2Hiya Greg. I have a couple of questions.
31) Why is Vican as big as the Av-Matoran if the core energy doesn't affect him?
42) Well, this isn't really a question, but praise, so I just read the new MC and I thought it was fab. I see that Kojol messed up a bit. I thought that he would know more of the island geography, seeing as he's the Makuta of it.
53) Do the BUI (Bionicle Universe Inhabitants) have: 6i) muscles? 7ii) a brain? 8iii) a heart or some kind of circulatory system?
111) Mutation by Mutran 122) Oh, it's up, good 133) We know they have muscle tissue and we have seen heart lights, but whether their brains are organic or not or they have organic hearts is unknown.
1Not much, but:
2Hiya Greg. I have a couple of questions.
31) Why is Vican as big as the Av-Matoran if the core energy doesn't affect him?
42) Well, this isn't really a question, but praise, so I just read the new MC and I thought it was fab. I see that Kojol messed up a bit. I thought that he would know more of the island geography, seeing as he's the Makuta of it.
53) Do the BUI (Bionicle Universe Inhabitants) have: 6i) muscles? 7ii) a brain? 8iii) a heart or some kind of circulatory system?
111) Mutation by Mutran 122) Oh, it's up, good 133) We know they have muscle tissue and we have seen heart lights, but whether their brains are organic or not or they have organic hearts is unknown.
1Something that occurred to me while looking up Miserix:
2If the FoF's team is successful in finding Miserix, would it be likely for the former leader to appear in the OoMN/BoM War serial? On BS01, it states that:
3The Order plans to use Miserix as a weapon to attack the island of Destral.
4And seeing as how Miserix would try to abolish Teridax's plans if the chance presents itself, would he take part in the war against the BoM if he escapes?
5Just a thought, thank you for your time.
6You're going to have to follow the story and find out
1A few members on BS01, who didn't have accounts here asked me to give you these questions:
21. Why did Voya-Nui float? 32. Did you ever think about what the Black Hole created by Nuhvok-Kal being crushed by it's own power would do to the BIONICLE Planet? I think it is currently at the core of said Planet and it is it is slowly eating it inside out. 43. Is the curse I've heard is on the Makuta the universal curse of greed? 54. Is Gatherer is the DH spy for the OoMN?
6Thanks for your time, Greg.
71) Hasn't been revealed 82) Nope. It's a science-fantasy, so it does what I want it to do, not what the laws of physics say it would do. How do you know that if the being who created it ceased to exist, it didn't cease to exist along with him? 93) Pride, ambition and arrogance 104) Sorry, I am not revealing this info on BZP
11Looks like we've got the answer on exactly what the Brotherhood's curse is. Something tells me that it will cost them.
12Although, with my luck, that's probably old news.

13[img ="http://www.maj.com/gallery/C-N/Personal 14rscsig.png" ]
11. If there were a small flame nearby, could a Toa of Fire manipulate it to make it turn into a huge flame?
22a. In BL7 it said that Hahli was hurt in an earlier battle and that the Toa Inika learned things that they didn't want to know. Did all this happen in Invasion? 32b. Did the Toa learn the origin of the Krana? 42c. Maybe you could post Invasion here on BZ? Maybe do a contest for it or something.
53. Did Mutran mutate Gavla, Kirop, and Radiak's masks to look like Vamprah, Chirox, and Antroz's pre-shapeshifted Kanohi?
6Thanks in advance Greg.
71) Yes 82a) Yes 92b) No. Why would they not want to know that? Why would it even matter to them? 102c) Books not done. Only 6000 words were ever written before it got cancelled, and BZP only wants it if I can commit to finishing it, which I can't. 113) Not that I know of.
122. So then what things did they learn?
132) Just what they were capable of in a crisis. The only way to stop Makuta was to threaten to kill Matoro's body, and since Makuta is telepathic, they couldn't make the threat unless they meant to carry it out, which would be a violation of their code.
142. Who created the Toa code? The First Toa?
151. Since a Toa of Fire or a Toa of Plasma cannot control lava, could there be Toa of Lava in the universe?
162. Do you plan on revealing any new types of Toa this year?
173. When do you plan on revealing the Karda Nui Makuta's regions?
18Thanks again.
192) No, it developed over time, as the Toa realized that their success depended on having the trust and respect of the Matoran, not their fear.
201) I have no plans to introduce one. It's not necessary that everything in the universe be able to be controlled by a Toa.
212) Not at the moment, no. Since we aren't in this universe next year, I wouldn't have much time to do anything with them if I did.
223) When I have the spare time.
23Just one last question, do you have a title for the first '09 reader book yet?
24First reader just went to Scholastic, so no title has been approved by them or by LEGO yet
1Some new stuff from Greg.
471,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,12,14,16,18,19.OK. 488.Oh, I forgot about that. 499.There goes my theory. 5011.The PM was sent before the curse got revealed and it seems that the curse is only the Makuta's pride,arrogance and ambition. 5113.Wow, that's new. 5215.
21.Since Mutran was assigned to oversee a part of the Southern Continent which includes Voya Nui, can we assume that he created the Rahi we saw on Voya Nui (Burnak,Dagger Spider,Fenrakk,Gafna,Lava Hawk,etc.)? 32.Did Teridax create and/or mutate the Rahi that the Toa Metru saw in BA6? 43.What happend to Kongu's 'pet' Gukko Ka? 54.What did the Rahaga do with the Rahi that they captured? 65.Is the Kanohi Dragon one-of-a-kind creature? 76.What happend to Graalok the Ash Bear? 87.Did Teridax create Nivawk? 98.Now that the Matoran have returned to Metru Nui will the Silver Chute Spider's webbing study be continued? 109.
11Now Makuta saw, as surely as if it were really happening, the future day when the Toa Nuva would awaken the Great Spirit Mata Nui. He saw Mata Nui rise, whole for the first time in a thousand years. And then he saw the Great Spirit's power surge through the universe, seeking out those who would dare to rebel against him.
12^From Into the Darkness Chater 6.Did you mean 'whole' as entire, or as healthy? 1310.In FoF Chapter 5, why did Vezon always forget that he didn't have any powers? 1411.15The idea of destroying the armor before he could reach it did, I admit, cross my mind. Did I refrain out of mercy, or kindness, or some sense of fellowship with my brother Makuta? 16No, no, quite the opposite.
17Is this the Makuta curse - no mercy, unity, kindness or sense of fellowship between the Makuta? 1812.Does the Throne of Stone exist in the normal Matoran Universe, or only in the Tuyetverse? 1913.Why was DM Pohatu sitting on the Throne and were there Matoran bearing torches surrounding it? 2014.Did all Av-Matoran go to SoS with the Phantoa or only Tanma,Solek and Photok? 2115.What happend to Vican after the battle between the Phankuta and the Phantoa? 2215a.What happend with Radiak,Kirop and Gavla? 2315b.What happend with the rest of the Shadow Matoran? 2416.Who is guarding Mutran? 2517.Who created the Niazesk? 2618.If Takanuva had the parts could he make another Ussanui? 2719.Why did the Toa Stones that the Toa Metru made and Takua later placed on Kini-Nui summon the Toa Mata's canisters?
281) He may have created some, but there is no reason to believe those Rahi don't exist in other places as well. 292) Yes, he did 303) Most likely it's on Metru Nui somewhere 314) Got them to places of safety or caged them, depending on the situation 325) Only one has ever been seen, but that doesn't mean there has to only ever have been one 336) Most likely migrated back to Metru Nui and is in the Archives now 347) Hasn't been revealed 358) You are forgetting that the Matoran don't remember anything they were doing before going to Mata Nui 369) Healthy 3710) Because Vezon is nuts 3811) The Makuta curse is pride, arrogance and ambition 3912) Only in the Tuyetverse. Toa do not need thrones in our universe. 4013) Because he rules Po-Metru 4114) Only those three go initially, the rest follow later 4215) You will have to follow the story and find out 4316) Initially, the three Phantoka are 4417) Bitil, originally 4518) Yes 4619) Because that was what they were meant to do
471,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,12,14,16,18,19.OK. 488.Oh, I forgot about that. 499.There goes my theory. 5011.The PM was sent before the curse got revealed and it seems that the curse is only the Makuta's pride,arrogance and ambition. 5113.Wow, that's new. 5215.

1How come you haven't used the Kanohi of Elemental Energy in serials or something?
2Because all it was ever intended to be was a power-up for a video game.
31. But it is canon, right?
42. About the Mask of Possibilities, does the user know what will happen when he/she uses the Kanohi?
53a. On a scale of 1 to 10 of strength, with the average Toa strength being 5, would a Toa of Earth strength be around 7? 63b. A Toa of Stone around 6? 73c. A Toa of Iron around 9?
8Thanks again for taking the time to answer these questions for me Greg.
91) Yes 102) No 113) Toa of Stone are stronger than Toa of Earth and we haven't determined if iron would be stronger than Stone, although it would make sense.
2Hey Greg . I was looking outside my window recently and I couple of questions presented themselves.
31a. Does it rain in the domes? How about snow?
42b. If so, then how? .? .
5Thanks .
7It's certainly possible. Really large, man-made structures on our planet actually can have weather patterns take place in them -- it's rare, but it happens.
8Off Topic: 9How are you supposed to do the quote things for this?
2Hey Greg . I was looking outside my window recently and I couple of questions presented themselves.
31a. Does it rain in the domes? How about snow?
42b. If so, then how? .? .
5Thanks .
7It's certainly possible. Really large, man-made structures on our planet actually can have weather patterns take place in them -- it's rare, but it happens.
8Off Topic: 9How are you supposed to do the quote things for this?
1Hey Greg . Haven't asked any questions for a while and thought a couple were due:
21) What mask does Midak wear? 32) Are the Artakha Bulls guarding something in the BB tunnels or just guarding the tunnels themselves? 43) Does Mata Nui have any connection to protodermis? 54) The Bionicle story team has known what Mata Nui looked like from the beginning; does that mean we have seen him or he's just a drawing sitting on a desk? 65) Could Kojol's antidermis form still be alive if he possesed a AI robot on Xia and hid? 76) How was Tuyet able to 'fake the signal' to bring the Toa Mata to Metru Nui? Cause a blackout or make it look like Mata Nui fell asleep or what? 87) Does the Sundial have anything to do with Takanuva's light/shadow powers? 97a) Getting back to the Bionicle Universe? 108) What kind of Matoran was Mazeka intentionally? 119) When Mata Nui wakes up, it will affect the Matoran; is this physical or mental or what exactly? 1210) Are the Lohrak related to the BM exclusive? 1310a) If so, are they a prototype of the Lohrak or are the Lohrak prototypes for them?
141) Hasn't been revealed yet 152) Guarding the tunnels themselves 163) Such as what? 174) He is described in the 2001 story bible 185) It's not because he didn't 196) It's not that hard 207) No 217a) Yes 228) Onu-Matoran 239) It will make the universe better as a whole 2410) No 2510a) No
26Waddaya think if # 1, 4, and 7a? .? .
11. was the 'curse' the reason why the (Phantoka) Makuta didn't just kill the toa nuva when they had them in bl9? 22. HOW in the world could the toa keep Mutran hostage? Or is he tired from his shadow nova? 33. Why dosn't icarax just shapeshift his armor into a shape that can hold his lungs, etc.? 44. What exactly does 'limited invincibility' do? 55. Do the shadow matoran just guide the Makuta, or do the makuta actually see through their eyes. 66. Do the Makuta read the mind of the matoran who is riding them, and send thoughts in to their mind to tell them which way to turn their head, if they see through the matoran's eyes? 77. Does Vahmpra communicate telephaticly with Gavla? 88. Is it because they're looking from a different veiwpoint than normal, thus makingit hard to aim, that the phantoka makuta are handicapped in battle? 99. Are the phantoka makuta's senses enhanced?
101) No. They didn't kill them because they aren't supposed to. 112) They don't keep him for long 123) Not that easy to do 134) Exactly what it says - you are invulnerable to most things but not completely so 145) The latter 156) No 167) He can, if need be 178) When you are seeing through someone else's eyes, not your own, you lose a split second of reaction time 189) Yes
2In Federation of Fear Chapter 5, Spiriah said this:3Spiriah took a step back. "I know where we are," he said, his eyes darting from side to side as if expecting an attack. "Mutran told me of this place, though it didn't look like this ages ago. We have to go. We have to go now ."
4Why did it look different back then?
5Passage of time changes every place
1Hi Mr Farshtey, some questions: 21) What would happen if the mask of light was smashed? 32) If a magnetism nova blast was unleashed, what would happen? 43)Have you written MC 8 yet? 53a) Dark Mirror?
71) Nothing. It's a great mask, not a legendary mask, so it would not unleash its power. It would just be broken. 82) Oh, could be a few different things -- could be the equivalent of an electro-magnetic pulse, could simply magnetize everything metallic together in an area the size of a city 93) Doing it now 104) Probably tomorrow
11just some stuff about magnetism nova blast
71) Nothing. It's a great mask, not a legendary mask, so it would not unleash its power. It would just be broken. 82) Oh, could be a few different things -- could be the equivalent of an electro-magnetic pulse, could simply magnetize everything metallic together in an area the size of a city 93) Doing it now 104) Probably tomorrow
11just some stuff about magnetism nova blast
11. I found a prototype Makuta Chirox as an award on Bionicle.com. It looks nothing like the actual set. Why change things so drasticly?
22. Bionicle Legends #9: Shadows of the sky describes a shadow leech two feet long, while the set is just a round ball will facial features. Why is it so different?
33. Did Makata Spiriah make his mistake after the evolution?
44. How do the other makuta feel about every one else calling Makuta Teridax as just The Makuta?
51) Sets change primarily for three reasons: 1) focus group reaction, 2) marketing and sales reaction and 3) budgets. 62) Because Bionicle Legends #9 was written in early 2007, before the winter '08 sets were finalized 73) Yes 84) They have no issue with it, because in their regions, they are each called the Makuta. Makuta don't share their true names with inferior beings.
11. I found a prototype Makuta Chirox as an award on Bionicle.com. It looks nothing like the actual set. Why change things so drasticly?
21) Sets change primarily for three reasons: 1) focus group reaction, 2) marketing and sales reaction and 3) budgets.
3I think his change was based definitely on focus group reaction. I mean, just look at the picture . He looks like something Karzahni messed up over and over again .
4Anyway, here's the reply to my PM from Greg:
5Hello Mr. Farshtey. I hope you don't mind, but I have yet another set of questions for you.
61) Do the Makuta Mistika know what locked them? 72) Is the Brotherhood in general aware of the existence of Pit Mutagen &it's effects? 83) We will find out whatever locked the Mistika Makuta later, right? 93a) In what book (or other source) will it be revealed? 104) In MC, how did Teridax know of the Nynrah Ghosts if they were already very reclusive at that point of time? 115) Ignika's set features blades as the front end of his Skyboard. Story-wise, if he rammed the Skyboard head-first into any being, will it cause injury? 126) I live in Southeast Asia, where the climate is temperate all year round, so can you tell me when is summer?
13Thanks in advance.
141) They can make an educated guess 152) Some are, yes, remember, Teridax was in the Pit in Maxilos' body 163) Yes 173a) Should be Bionicle Legends #10 184) They're reclusive, they're not a secret order. They make their living by building and selling goods to order ... you can't do that if no one knows you exist, right? 195) I think if you ram any solid object into someone, it causes injury. 206) Summer in the US starts end of next month
1Hello Greg,
21) Do the Toa Hagah teams exist in the Toa Empire Universe? (or did they once?)
32) How did the OoMN knew who had knowledge about Artahka? Telepathy?
43) Were the "Fohrok" ever encountered by other toa then the Hagah?
54) Could the Fohrok form Kaita?
65) How do other Rahkshi use heir staffs? I can't see teleportation or limited invulnerability channeled through a staff
76) Will we ever "see" the other Makuta's regions or will they be mentioned only?
91) Yes, they did at one time 102) Just good old fashioned detective work. 113) No 124) No 135) Not all of them needed staffs to use their powers 146) Given that we have six months left in this universe, I can't see having the time to show you lots of new land masses
1QUOTE 2Hello, Mr. Farshety (did I spell that right?). Hope I'm not bothering you. I have a few questions.
31. Are there any "extinct" elements?(elements with no toa, matoran or turaga alive) 42. Are you ever going to reveal how Matoran are made? (born?) (produced?) 53. Are there any Toa of Iron or Magnetism left alive, or did the BoM kill them all?
6Thanks for your time .
81) No 92) No, there's no reason to do so. It's not important to the overall story and if you reveal every little detail, you kill the mystique of the universe 103) I am sure there are one or two, somewhere
111. Fweew
122. Awww.
133. Yaayy
15"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
31. Are there any "extinct" elements?(elements with no toa, matoran or turaga alive) 42. Are you ever going to reveal how Matoran are made? (born?) (produced?) 53. Are there any Toa of Iron or Magnetism left alive, or did the BoM kill them all?
6Thanks for your time .
81) No 92) No, there's no reason to do so. It's not important to the overall story and if you reveal every little detail, you kill the mystique of the universe 103) I am sure there are one or two, somewhere
111. Fweew

15"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
1Hey Greg . Haven't asked any questions for a while and thought a couple were due:
21) What mask does Midak wear? 32) Are the Artakha Bulls guarding something in the BB tunnels or just guarding the tunnels themselves? 43) Does Mata Nui have any connection to protodermis? 54) The Bionicle story team has known what Mata Nui looked like from the beginning; does that mean we have seen him or he's just a drawing sitting on a desk? 65) Could Kojol's antidermis form still be alive if he possesed a AI robot on Xia and hid? 76) How was Tuyet able to 'fake the signal' to bring the Toa Mata to Metru Nui? Cause a blackout or make it look like Mata Nui fell asleep or what? 87) Does the Sundial have anything to do with Takanuva's light/shadow powers? 97a) Getting back to the Bionicle Universe? 108) What kind of Matoran was Mazeka intentionally? 119) When Mata Nui wakes up, it will affect the Matoran; is this physical or mental or what exactly? 1210) Are the Lohrak related to the BM exclusive? 1310a) If so, are they a prototype of the Lohrak or are the Lohrak prototypes for them?
141) Hasn't been revealed yet 152) Guarding the tunnels themselves 163) Such as what? 174) He is described in the 2001 story bible 185) It's not because he didn't 196) It's not that hard 207) No 217a) Yes 228) Onu-Matoran 239) It will make the universe better as a whole 2410) No 2510a) No
26Waddaya think if # 1, 4, and 7a? .? .

1Good day, Greg. I recall sending you at least four PMs within the past two months, and you have answered none of them. Could you please answer this one? D=
21. Remember the wounded Ash Bear that the Toa Metru found? I can't remember which book it was in, most likely BA7. Was this Ash Bear Graalok? That'd be cool... 31) Yes
42. The Rahi in the Archives are put into statis tubes, right, so they can't move? 52) Yes
62a. How do the Rahi feel about this, crammed into tubes then frozen for as long as the Matoran will? 72a) They don't feel anything about it, they're in suspended animation and so unaware of what's going on. They aren't conscious.
83. Will a future MC chapter reveal how Chirox was credited with the creation of the Lohrak? 93) Yes
104. If the Mistika Toa are affected by the NP (natural phenomenon), how will it affect them? Will they not be able to get out of their armor? 114) They won't be, so question is moot.
125. Is it possible Hydraxon II can serve in the BoM - OoMN war this year? That'd be cool... 135) I haven't decided.
146. Will the DH attempt to interfere in the war, and try catching either groups off guard and attacking their members. 156) The DH will most likely take advantage of the conflict to go after the BOM.
167. How many more Makuta are on Destral right now? About 12-20? 177a. How many are left in other places? About 10, maybe? 187b. How many are available to kick some OoMN tail? 197-7b.) I can't answer these
208. Kojol is a possibility for a combiner this summer, right? 21At the moment, I don't have any more combiners planned
22Thank you for your time.
231) Cool . I'm going to go update BS01. 242-b.) Meh. 253) Cool. 264) Why can't you answer it? Because Chuck Norris will come for you? 275) AWE-SCHWEET . 286) I hope some Dark Hunters get wacked, and the spy gets revealed... 297) Crud. 308) Good. I made an awesome Kojol MOC, and I don't want to trash it for some cruddy TLC combiner.