1(Can't remember if I sent this before, sorry If I did.)
21a. What was Brutaka doing between City of the Lost and Into the Darkness? 31b. Between Into the Darkness and BL10?
42. When was Brutaka's Olmak damaged?
53. Will we learn more about where Teridax is this year?
64. How come you haven't used the Mask of Elemental Energy in the story?
75. I know you can't do it now, but maybe when you get more spare names you could give the Mask of Creation, Possibilities, and Intangibility Matoran names? I know it make a lot of fans happy.
8Thanks again Greg.
91) He was hiding and watching 101b) Rescued from the Pit by the OOMN 112) When he was in the mutagenic water 123) You'll know where he is by the end of 2008 134) Because it was only ever meant to be a power-up for a video game. 145) We won't be getting spare names that match the old naming scheme for a while, as we are switching to a new naming scheme for 2009
15A new naming scheme? .? Cool .

1Hello . Just a quick question I thought of earlier:
2Where exactly did the term "antidermis" come from? The Piraka (or just Zaktan, possibly) come up with it off the top of their heads? Did someone (again, possibly the Piraka) derive it from the negative effects it had on others, save for Brutaka? Just seemed kinda out of the blue, I guess.
3Anyway, thanks in advance.
4It's the opposite of protodermis -- protodermis creates, antidermis is destructive
5Not sure if it's anything worth putting on BS01 or not, but there ya go.
1Hi, Greg; have you seen the Xian Weapons contest in S&T? It's up.
21) One thing that's coming up a lot is the question of whether a Xian weapon could use protosteel. It seems unlikely to me since they can't make it. Also, someone said a weapon from Xia did use it, but Swert says that was from the cache of OoMN weapons. Maybe if they spent a lot of money to buy it? Like maybe the BoM had extra? But maybe we should just make a rule against using protosteel.
32) Is it feasible for a Xian weapon to make use of elemental energy? We've seen powers at work - could this work through the equivalent of an elemental Kanoka material maybe?
43) Could part of the Mountain's rock be broken off to use as a weapon, or modified to be one?
51) Vortixx don't work in protosteel. Doesn't mean they CAN'T, but they have no access to it. Nynrah and Artakha work with it. It's kind of like vibranium, it's not widely available.
62) If you had an elemental Kanoka disk, yes, you could make an elementally powered weapon from it most likely
73) LOL, I don't want to be the person who tries doing that, and I am not sure what kind of weapon you could make out of it -- it doesn't do anything much besides eat you if you step on it. A small version of it would nip you if you stepped on it.
1Hey Greg . Haven't asked any questions for a while and thought a couple were due:
21) What mask does Midak wear? 32) Are the Artakha Bulls guarding something in the BB tunnels or just guarding the tunnels themselves? 43) Does Mata Nui have any connection to protodermis? 54) The Bionicle story team has known what Mata Nui looked like from the beginning; does that mean we have seen him or he's just a drawing sitting on a desk? 65) Could Kojol's antidermis form still be alive if he possesed a AI robot on Xia and hid? 76) How was Tuyet able to 'fake the signal' to bring the Toa Mata to Metru Nui? Cause a blackout or make it look like Mata Nui fell asleep or what? 87) Does the Sundial have anything to do with Takanuva's light/shadow powers? 97a) Getting back to the Bionicle Universe? 108) What kind of Matoran was Mazeka intentionally? 119) When Mata Nui wakes up, it will affect the Matoran; is this physical or mental or what exactly? 1210) Are the Lohrak related to the BM exclusive? 1310a) If so, are they a prototype of the Lohrak or are the Lohrak prototypes for them?
141) Hasn't been revealed yet 152) Guarding the tunnels themselves 163) Such as what? 174) He is described in the 2001 story bible 185) It's not because he didn't 196) It's not that hard 207) No 217a) Yes 228) Onu-Matoran 239) It will make the universe better as a whole 2410) No 2510a) No
26Waddaya think if # 1, 4, and 7a? .? .
27That's "new" ("new" because the post was in 10:58 PM >_>)
28I was more interested in number 8. I guess Greg finally saw the set, and Mazeka will be colored black. I thought it was weird no one said anything about this yet. Unless it was already revealed and I just missed it.
1I was more interested in number 8. I guess Greg finally saw the set, and Mazeka will be colored black. I thought it was weird no one said anything about this yet. Unless it was already revealed and I just missed it.
2You missed it. I advise anybody who reads this topic to also check Greg's blog regularly.
1Hi Greg, 2I thought up a couple questions not long ago, and so I hoped you would answer them for me: 31)You said that the toa nuva would keep their adaptive armour when they turn into turaga.Would the ability of the AA lessen at all? i.e. in turaga form, the AA would provide less resistance to lava. 42) Would the noble kanohi nuva have a power level of a normal noble mask? 52a)If no, what wouldtheir power level be at?
61) No 72) Well, Nuva masks normally are more powerful than Great Masks, so you have to assume the Noble Nuva would be too
8Just some stuff on the Nuva as turaga.
1Hi, Greg; have you seen the Xian Weapons contest in S&T? It's up.
21) One thing that's coming up a lot is the question of whether a Xian weapon could use protosteel. It seems unlikely to me since they can't make it. Also, someone said a weapon from Xia did use it, but Swert says that was from the cache of OoMN weapons. Maybe if they spent a lot of money to buy it? Like maybe the BoM had extra? But maybe we should just make a rule against using protosteel.
32) Is it feasible for a Xian weapon to make use of elemental energy? We've seen powers at work - could this work through the equivalent of an elemental Kanoka material maybe?
43) Could part of the Mountain's rock be broken off to use as a weapon, or modified to be one?
51) Vortixx don't work in protosteel. Doesn't mean they CAN'T, but they have no access to it. Nynrah and Artakha work with it. It's kind of like vibranium, it's not widely available.
62) If you had an elemental Kanoka disk, yes, you could make an elementally powered weapon from it most likely
73) LOL, I don't want to be the person who tries doing that, and I am not sure what kind of weapon you could make out of it -- it doesn't do anything much besides eat you if you step on it. A small version of it would nip you if you stepped on it.
8Wow, never heard Greg LOL.
1Hi Greg, just a few questions.
21-Will we ever see Mata nui in his physical form? You said his physical form is hard to find, but when you know you found it, you will have. You also said that his physical form is not a character we have seen yet, so how will we know when we have found it?
32-On Bioniclesector01, is states that ata nui has an "alternate form in the Toa Empire pocket dimention, and that this form is still awake. Is this mata nui a second Great Spirit? Or does it count as the same one?
43-"Multiple ways of awakening Mata nui"-on bioniclesector01. One is the ignika, what are the others?
54-This last one confuses me. You said that when Mata nui awakens, all beings in the core will be affected. And that the awakening of Mata nui will affect the Av-Matoran.(this is the part that confuses me ->) if the Makuta are still in the core when he awakes, the matoran will be affected too. What is the connection between the Makuta and the Matoran outside the core. (you are talking about the matoran outside, right? Or are there Matoran inside the core?
61) If you see it, you'll know, from story context 72) It's the Mata Nui of a parallel universe 83) Haven't been revealed 94) Because if Makuta are still in the core, the Ignika is going to kill everything in the universe.
1Hey Greg . Haven't asked any questions for a while and thought a couple were due:
21) What mask does Midak wear? 32) Are the Artakha Bulls guarding something in the BB tunnels or just guarding the tunnels themselves? 43) Does Mata Nui have any connection to protodermis? 54) The Bionicle story team has known what Mata Nui looked like from the beginning; does that mean we have seen him or he's just a drawing sitting on a desk? 65) Could Kojol's antidermis form still be alive if he possesed a AI robot on Xia and hid? 76) How was Tuyet able to 'fake the signal' to bring the Toa Mata to Metru Nui? Cause a blackout or make it look like Mata Nui fell asleep or what? 87) Does the Sundial have anything to do with Takanuva's light/shadow powers? 97a) Getting back to the Bionicle Universe? 108) What kind of Matoran was Mazeka intentionally? 119) When Mata Nui wakes up, it will affect the Matoran; is this physical or mental or what exactly? 1210) Are the Lohrak related to the BM exclusive? 1310a) If so, are they a prototype of the Lohrak or are the Lohrak prototypes for them?
141) Hasn't been revealed yet 152) Guarding the tunnels themselves 163) Such as what? 174) He is described in the 2001 story bible 185) It's not because he didn't 196) It's not that hard 207) No 217a) Yes 228) Onu-Matoran 239) It will make the universe better as a whole 2410) No 2510a) No
261) When will it be revealed? 272) Okay 283) The creation, ability to transform beings, and destroying things if it's not their destiny to transform 294) Where's the story bible? BS01? 305) Okay 316) What exactly did she do? 327) Does he have to use it with something? 337a) Use it someplace? 348) Okay 359) I mean the Matoran in the Core 3610) Okay
37New Q's: 381) Does Voya Nui float because it's hollow or another reason? 391a) If the ladder, does it have to do with the Green Belt? 402) Did Krika create the BM Rahi? 413) Did Gavla, Kirop, and Radiak always wear the masks they have now? 423a) Are they just mutated forms of their original masks?
43Thanks .
441) When he actually comes into story 453) Oh, you mean energized protodermis -- well, it's part of his universe, so like everything else, he watches over it. 464) We don't publish story bibles for public view, TM. They are internal documents only. 476) I see no reason to give a step by step guide, it's not important to the story how she did it, only that she did. 487) No 497a) Not really, no 509) Are you talking about if Mata Nui wakes up with Makuta still in the core?
511) Hasn't been revealed 522) Hasn't been revealed 533) I doubt it 543a) Most likely
55These are follow-ups to the last questions I asked him. 3a was cool, and I've asked him follow-ups again

1Hi Greg, just a few questions.
21-Will we ever see Mata nui in his physical form? You said his physical form is hard to find, but when you know you found it, you will have. You also said that his physical form is not a character we have seen yet, so how will we know when we have found it?
32-On Bioniclesector01, is states that ata nui has an "alternate form in the Toa Empire pocket dimention, and that this form is still awake. Is this mata nui a second Great Spirit? Or does it count as the same one?
43-"Multiple ways of awakening Mata nui"-on bioniclesector01. One is the ignika, what are the others?
54-This last one confuses me. You said that when Mata nui awakens, all beings in the core will be affected. And that the awakening of Mata nui will affect the Av-Matoran.(this is the part that confuses me ->) if the Makuta are still in the core when he awakes, the matoran will be affected too. What is the connection between the Makuta and the Matoran outside the core. (you are talking about the matoran outside, right? Or are there Matoran inside the core?
61) If you see it, you'll know, from story context 72) It's the Mata Nui of a parallel universe 83) Haven't been revealed 94) Because if Makuta are still in the core, the Ignika is going to kill everything in the universe.
10Wow i wonder if mata nui will be included in the Massacre

1Yes, because Mata Nui is in this universe.
1That hasn't been confirmed. In fact, I think Greg said that it won't affect him, but he'll die anyway from the effects. 


1well I thought greg said that mata nui would be killed by the death of the matoran but if the matoran live that = 

11. Can Gorast's mask work on Kraata-Kal?
22. Can Icarax survive in his condition?
33. Why did Tuyet used deception? 43b. Why did she crossed the line?
54. Does Teridax knows what Mata Nui is going to do to him if his plan fail?
65. Why didn't Teridax killed Miserix himself?
76. Can a Toa of Iron repair a Makuta armor?
81) The Dark Hunter? He's nowhere around, so does it matter? 92) Yes 103) Simple. Tuyet felt that the best way for Toa to protect Matoran would be to eliminate potential threats to them before they became real threats. She knew that some Toa, like Lhikan, would not go for the idea, so she had to use deception. 114) He can guess 125) Because leaders don't get their hands dirty, they order other people to do that 136) Possibly, but why would he?
1Hi Greg, just a few questions.
21-Will we ever see Mata nui in his physical form? You said his physical form is hard to find, but when you know you found it, you will have. You also said that his physical form is not a character we have seen yet, so how will we know when we have found it?
32-On Bioniclesector01, is states that ata nui has an "alternate form in the Toa Empire pocket dimention, and that this form is still awake. Is this mata nui a second Great Spirit? Or does it count as the same one?
43-"Multiple ways of awakening Mata nui"-on bioniclesector01. One is the ignika, what are the others?
54-This last one confuses me. You said that when Mata nui awakens, all beings in the core will be affected. And that the awakening of Mata nui will affect the Av-Matoran.(this is the part that confuses me ->) if the Makuta are still in the core when he awakes, the matoran will be affected too. What is the connection between the Makuta and the Matoran outside the core. (you are talking about the matoran outside, right? Or are there Matoran inside the core?
61) If you see it, you'll know, from story context 72) It's the Mata Nui of a parallel universe 83) Haven't been revealed 94) Because if Makuta are still in the core, the Ignika is going to kill everything in the universe.
10Wow i wonder if mata nui will be included in the Massacre![]()
11That would be weird, Mata nui wakes up "Yawn", (Sees Makuta) "oh @#$ ." (Dies)

1sent theses last week
2QUOTE 3Hi Mr.Farshtey i havesome questions hope you can answer them
41)have you finished mc 8? 51a)will the winter serials be finished by the end of this month?
62)what colours is mazeka e.g black and grey?
73)in the BIONICLE encyclopedia it say's the piraka are from Zakaz is it a typo?
84)do the comics only come with brickmaster or do they come with the other lego magazine aswell?
95)is there any order members in metru nui? 105a)if yes how many order members are in metru nui? 115b)what are they doing there 125c)dose it have any signifigance(sp?) to future story?
13thank you for your time
141) Yes 151a) Doubt it 162) Don't know, only glanced at the pic 173) No. The Piraka are Skakdi -- Skakdi come from Zakaz. "Piraka" is a nickname, like "pirate" or "criminal," it's not their species name. 184) They come with both, free and BrickMaster 195) Yes 205a) About three right now 215b) You'll find out later in story 225c) Course
1Three Order members right now . Cool. But I think more will come since it says 'right now'.
1Right now means during DM, FOF and legends 10. Brutaka is not one of the 3 members.
1Is Krakua a member?
1Speaking of comics, when is the so-called "comic 12.5" gonna be out on Bionicle.com?
1Hi Greg, just a few questions.
21-Will we ever see Mata nui in his physical form? You said his physical form is hard to find, but when you know you found it, you will have. You also said that his physical form is not a character we have seen yet, so how will we know when we have found it?
32-On Bioniclesector01, is states that ata nui has an "alternate form in the Toa Empire pocket dimention, and that this form is still awake. Is this mata nui a second Great Spirit? Or does it count as the same one?
43-"Multiple ways of awakening Mata nui"-on bioniclesector01. One is the ignika, what are the others?
54-This last one confuses me. You said that when Mata nui awakens, all beings in the core will be affected. And that the awakening of Mata nui will affect the Av-Matoran.(this is the part that confuses me ->) if the Makuta are still in the core when he awakes, the matoran will be affected too. What is the connection between the Makuta and the Matoran outside the core. (you are talking about the matoran outside, right? Or are there Matoran inside the core?
61) If you see it, you'll know, from story context 72) It's the Mata Nui of a parallel universe 83) Haven't been revealed 94) Because if Makuta are still in the core, the Ignika is going to kill everything in the universe.
10Wow i wonder if mata nui will be included in the Massacre![]()
11He probably will, but he has an alternate in a paralell universe. And that mata nui is still awake
1Good morning, Greg. Would you give reasons for the following.
2Quote (The Mutran Chronicles-8): "Locked within it was the one power we Makuta dreaded, and the unspoken promise of something far worse – the existence, someday, of an actual Toa of Light". The question is: why the Makuta didn's simply destroy Kanohi Avohkii when they took it, if it was constituted a menace for they? It seems to be logical, isn't?
3Thank you, exuse me for trouble, please.
5Basically, because it would be a waste of resources. What if, someday, the Makuta could overcome their aversion to light and find a way to harness the power in the mask ...or an easy way to corrupt it? If they simply destroyed it, they would learn nothing about it and be no better prepared if someday a second one came into being.
1Right now means during DM, FOF and legends 10. Brutaka is not one of the 3 members.
2"Right now" most likely refers to the main storyline, and we still have not reached the end of Bionicle Legends#10. The serials (except Mutran Chronicles) start after Bionicle Legends#10, so Brutaka is still an option. And probably Greg also counted seranvts - so Krakua possibly is one of the three. My guess for the third one would be the First Toa, since Greg said she would appear in the book.
1Hello Greg, I only have one question today
2I recently saw the Bohrok Kal "Faceplate", and I noticed something that looks that an Island, does that thing is really an design of an Island or it's just to diference the Kal from the normal?
4Not a set designer, so no idea what their inspirations for the designs were
5Well, I believe that I was in something

1Some new and interesting questions
26Hmm, didnt knew Gorast only fights for something she believes him.
too bad the army of Karzahni didn't attack.
21: Is Miserix in present time already the size of a Tathorak? 32: How did he do that? Absorbing Rahi from Artidax? 43: Will Mutran escape his hostige by the Toa Nuva. 54: Who is a better fighter, Icarax or Gorast? 65: Will we learn the regions of the Mistika and Phantoka Makuta if you have time? 76: What is happening in Metru Nui right now? 87: Will Karzahni or Umbra be returned in story? 98 If Umbra finds out that the Ignika has made a body for it's self, will he act then as a bodyquard for the Toa Ignika? 109: Great chapter of the MC, poor Kojol, odd way to die. Did he expect his death? 1110: Am I right that Karzahni when entering the Pit had made up a strike force of Zyglak, Manutri and Manas? Then why didn't the others of his army attack Mahri Nui. 1211: If Karzahni had met up with the Barraki, would he have made an alliance with them? 1312: Did Karzahni fell under Pridak's rule in the LOSK time?
141) Nah, not that big 152) Yes 163) Yes 174) Depends. Icarax is a more skilled fighter, but Gorast is fighting for something she believes in. 185) If I have time, yes 196) They are dealing with the appearance of Kardas 207) Karzahhni is hopelessly insane right now, and Umbra is only of use to guard the Mask of Life, which won't be on Voya Nui in 2008, so most likely not. 218) No. His job is to stay on Voya Nui and guard the mask after it is brought back to its pedestal. 229) Nope 2310) Cause without his leadership, they dispersed 2411) He might have offered one, I doubt they would have accepted. 2512) It was part of the Barraki territory, yes
26Hmm, didnt knew Gorast only fights for something she believes him.

1Yay, he just replied. Nothing good, but something nice on DM. Well here it is:
151) Aww. There goes my theory.
162) Sweet . Hurry, Bink .
184-7) Ooooof course.
2Hello, Mr. Farshtey . Let me just say how awesome it is that you do this. 3And, now, onto business: 41. Does Mazeka have ANYTHING to do/relating to Midak (the Matoran)? Say . . . MASKS? 52. Any idea when DM 8 will be out? 63. Can you tell me anything about 2009 that you haven't already revealed? 74. Will we ever see Mata Nui live, even if not awake? 85. Will any Makuta die this year? 96. Will the species Makuta be featured in 2009? 107. Are the villagers in '09 Matoran?Thanks,--Kongu~Tohunga
111) No 122) It's been sent to Binkmeister, so just a matter of when it gets posted 133) No 144-7) I can't discuss any of this
151) Aww. There goes my theory.
162) Sweet . Hurry, Bink .
184-7) Ooooof course.
1I noticed someone was disputing if Greg gave permission to have winners of the S&T contest be considered official -- looks like they either misunderstood and thought we meant the weopons would be in story (never said that; that's totally up to Greg), or maybe Greg forgot or something (he is a super-busy guy; I certainly wouldn't fault him if so -- I forget things all the time too
). The prize at this point is that the winners would be considered official, and would get their own BS01 pages. Nothing more is planned at this time.
2Here's the PM where he approved it, with classified stuff censored:
28Most of that was for the Focus Groups blog entry, link in sig.
29Also, I have been discussing whether some things would fit official with Greg as the contest has started. So sounds like the member in question misunderstood what we meant by becoming official.

2Here's the PM where he approved it, with classified stuff censored:
3Hey, Greg. Two unrelated topics I wanted to discuss.
41) First is the S&T contests I have planned for this year. Sometime soon I'd like to have our first Expanded Universe contest. The idea of this, if you approve, is for fans to enter something to become part of either the official universe, or the unofficial expanded universe that BS01 is doing. The entries go to polls, and the top winning choices would become official. The rest would go into the EU. (So double motivation to enter basically.)
5The subject I wanted to go with, to launch sometime this Spring, is "Design a Xian Weapon." Probably with three categories, one for descriptions only, one for art included, and one for MOCs included. I asked members about this on my blog and most of them liked it.
6(Some suggested a vehicles contest, but my sense is it would be harder to incorporate vehicles into official right now, because it would beg the question, "why aren't the Toa using them in Karda Nui?" We already know Xia makes tons of weapons so it should be easy to incorporate, no?)
7What do you think?
82) A contest for Fall of this year will be a [CLASSIFIED] contest, where people will enter [CLASSIFIED] Don't tell anyone yet; it's classified.
9(Not a question, I'm just numbering it to organize.)
103) Also, someone suggested to you already to do a contest about which Makuta ruled which island in the past. If you'd like to do this as a "Greg" contest, that'd be cool; I'd rather not do this as an official S&T contest right now. But if so, we could coordinate the timing of that and the Xian weapon one so they don't overlap. Would you be interested in doing that?
114) And when if so?
125) Finally, I've noticed lately that one of the cookie-cutter arguments complainers are using has been the anti-focus groups one. [SOMEONE] just claimed in a topic for example that focus groups just like whatever LEGO throws at them in thanks for being chosen. He also said groups B and C in your example buy "anything". I've already debunked it but wondered if you'd like to comment -- I think I'm going to do a blog entry about why focus groups are helpful.
13And a few questions on that, if you know:
146) Why are focus groups important?
157) What's the basic process of choosing focus group members?
168) How important are their reactions to the final product compared to other things like past sales or just set designer's instincts or whatnot?
179) Do they like "anything"? It would be pointless to bother with them if they just liked everything, right?
181) That's fine 193) I may, I haven't decided yet 205) That is a very common misconception of people who have never attended a focus group. Trust me -- I attended the initial groups we did for Dino Attack when the theme was just going to be hunting and trapping dinos -- beautiful sets, and the kids hated every one of them. They wanted the heroes to be attacking the dinos, so they got redone as more aggressive sets and sold great. Same with BIONICLE -- the kids are forced to make choices in these groups, of which sets of the group they like best and why. These are professionally run groups, managed by market research professionals outside of LEGO Company, so a kid who just says, "I like everything ." won't be allowed to get away with that answer.
216) Focus groups are important because, with any product, you need to gauge reactions from your primary audience. This is why movie studios do previews and have people fill out comment cards .... this is why TV producers have people watch their shows and turn a dial up or down when they like something or they don't. Every manufactuer just about uses some form of focus group or focus testing, whether they do it themselves or they hire an outside firm to do it. And all those BIONICLE sets everyone on here loved in 2001 and 2002 all came out of focus groups too.
227) LEGO contacts our market research firm, tells them what we want to test, how many sessions we want, how many kids in what age range, and what level of enthusiasm we want them to have for the line (heavy users, medium users, light users, and sometimes even rejecters, though not often). They then recruit the kids, so we have nothing to do with the selections directly. They also conduct the groups and present a debrief when they're done, we just observe from another room.
238) Designer instincts and past sales tend to go into the initial design phase. And they do play a part in that you don't automatically change everything you hear a criticism about -- some things have to stay the same for manufacturing reasons, etc. Also, you pay more attention to comments you hear from multiple groups, not just comments from one or two. If you have, say, 8 or 12 sessions over three days (which is common) with different groups of kids each time, and they all pick the same option or they all hate the same thing, you have to pay attention to that.
249) You're right, it would be pointless. But that's not the case. It's pretty easy to spot kids who aren't really into it or aren't thinking about their feedback, and less weight is given to their comments. Most of these kids take their job very seriously and they get pressed to defend their comments. If they like something, or they dislike something, they have to say why. If they think something could be better, they have to say how it could be better. The difference between a focus group and an online forum is that focus groups are pushed to be as constructive as possible in their comments, where online posters can just say, "That stinks ." and no more. Because of that, we get a lot more valuable feedback from the groups.
25I would also add that focus groups are not just used for sets -- they are also used for TV ads, magazine redesigns, online and offline game testing, etc.
26Are focus groups infallible? No, they're not. But what I see when I see people screaming about them is that they are basically saying, "They should listen to me and not them" -- in other words, the complainers don't object to focus groups, they just want to BE the focus group.
28Most of that was for the Focus Groups blog entry, link in sig.

29Also, I have been discussing whether some things would fit official with Greg as the contest has started. So sounds like the member in question misunderstood what we meant by becoming official.
1Hello. I am one of the two admins of a new German Bionicle Wiki, and I need some Information...please excuse my bad english.
21. How many matoran were living on Karzahni (before they went to Metru Nui) 32. If you don't count those Matoran, am I right that there are 993 matoran, 7 turaga and 5 toa in the city? 43. Why works Brutaka for the OoMN again? 54. Why are the Av-Matoran in Karda Nui bigger than the other ones? 65. In The Toa Empire Pocket Dimension, there was no Great Cataclysm. But why do they say "Brutaka was killed on Voya Nui" ? I thought it would not exist in that world? 76. Is the avohkii still the mask of Light ... or is it a Mask of Light and shadow now?
8Well, I have more questions. But these ones are the most important.
9Thank you .
111) Several hundred 122) Yes 133) Why wouldn't he? The OOMN are the good guys. 144) Because of the effect the energy in the core has on them 155) Of course it would still exist. It just exists as part of its original continent. It never broke off and ended up in the surface ocean on this world, but it is still where it was originally. 166) No, it's still Light
172. I think I forgot Krakua... 183. Brutaka was a villian in 2006 . Or was he?
19-- BoL
201) Then just add in "And three OOMN agents" 212) Brutaka was an OOMN member in 2006, who had lost faith in Mata Nui and went bad. He was then sent to the Pit. While there, he sensed Mata Nui's death and rebirth and saw how hard the Toa Mahri were willing to fight for the Great Spirit, and his faith was restored.
1Hello. I am one of the two admins of a new German Bionicle Wiki, and I need some Information...please excuse my bad english.
21. How many matoran were living on Karzahni (before they went to Metru Nui) 32. If you don't count those Matoran, am I right that there are 993 matoran, 7 turaga and 5 toa in the city? 43. Why works Brutaka for the OoMN again? 54. Why are the Av-Matoran in Karda Nui bigger than the other ones? 65. In The Toa Empire Pocket Dimension, there was no Great Cataclysm. But why do they say "Brutaka was killed on Voya Nui" ? I thought it would not exist in that world? 76. Is the avohkii still the mask of Light ... or is it a Mask of Light and shadow now?
8Well, I have more questions. But these ones are the most important.
9Thank you .
111) Several hundred 122) Yes 133) Why wouldn't he? The OOMN are the good guys. 144) Because of the effect the energy in the core has on them 155) Of course it would still exist. It just exists as part of its original continent. It never broke off and ended up in the surface ocean on this world, but it is still where it was originally. 166) No, it's still Light
172. I think I forgot Krakua... 183. Brutaka was a villian in 2006 . Or was he?
19-- BoL
201) Then just add in "And three OOMN agents" 212) Brutaka was an OOMN member in 2006, who had lost faith in Mata Nui and went bad. He was then sent to the Pit. While there, he sensed Mata Nui's death and rebirth and saw how hard the Toa Mahri were willing to fight for the Great Spirit, and his faith was restored.
22So Krakua is one of the three . I'm guessing Trinuma is the other, 'cause Greg said that they would have storyline roles, and why give a combiner no story? Nice find, Bohrokoflight .
1Maybe Dweller is the OoMN spy...
okay, maybe not.

1That would be a sweet twist.