1... anyone think EU could mean Europe? 

1I sent this question a few weeks ago and I'm not sure it got to you. Here it is:
2If all the Av-Matoran left Karda Nui during the Time Slip, why and how did they come back?
3Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.
41) The Av-Matoran were living in villages beneath Voya Nui. When the Great Cataclysm hit, those villages and the stalactites they rested atop of fell into Karda Nui.
61. Interesting...I never thought of that...
1It either means Europe or the Expanded Universe. I'm betting on Europe; After all, what is there for him to do in the S&T Contest? The weapons if the S&T Contest won't be used in the story... Or are they?...
1Expanded Universe could mean a lot more than the S&T Contest. There could be a lot more Expanded Universes out there. Actually, I have no idea what Expanded Universe he's talking about, but I don't think it's actaully Europe. 

1Maybe it's some Lego-related project.
1Errr, pretty much everything Greg does is Lego related, or do you mean non-bionicle related?
1I think they might be suggesting that it's Bzpower stuff.
11: Do you come up with the story by yourself or do you have a group of people working on it? 22: If so does everybody help come up with character designs and personalities and names etc. or is that just you? 33: I never subcribed to the comics so I don't know the entire story and I get confused sometimes when people mention things I don't know about. So I was wondering (at the risk of sounding stupid) what is the "Time Slip" and the "Domed Universe"? 44: Do you also make the bionicle sets or do you just work on the story? 55: This is to settle some theory in another thread. Were the matoran personalities based on something close to John Holland's theory of vocational choice? Here's a link to the thread so you know what I mean: [url='http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=0']Someone's theory 66: Have you ever gotten fanmade story ideas or character ideas and used them? I mean has any fan ever suggested something like " So and so should do such and such becuase that would be awesome ." or "I made this awesome character . Please put him in to the story ." or something like that. 77: What's your favorite element in bionicle? 88: Out of the main six matoran life styles which one would you prefer? 99: Who's your favorite bionicle hero? 1010: Who's your favorite villian?
11thanks for taking the time to read this and sorry for making you take the time to read this .
121) The skeleton of each year's story is developed by the BIONICLE story team, which consists of myself, the franchise manager, the web producer, the lead set designer, and two members of the creative agency. I then flesh out the story in the story bible, the books, the comics, etc. 132) Designs are done by the set designer. Names are chosen off our approved name list. Personalities I do. 143) The domed universe is where all the Matoran live -- places like Metru Nui and Voya Nui are all inside of domes which are linked together. The time slip is a six month period many thousands of years ago when the Order of Mata Nui took a select number of Matoran of Light, including Takua, disguised them, brainwashed them to forget they were Matoran of Light, and planted them on different islands in the domed universe. 154) No, the sets are made by our set design team in Denmark 165) No, they were not 176) I'm not allowed to read fan fiction, so no. Sometimes we do contests where the winners get their characters included in story, but unless we specifically ask for that sort of thing, we don't read fan ideas for legal reasons. 187) Ice. 198) My own lifestyle is probably closest to Ko-Metru 209) Kopaka 2110) Teridax
1My questions:
9Greg's answers:
13Well, keep an eye on BIONICLEstory.com, 'cause the final chapter of DM is coming soon .
2Hello, Mr. Farshtey. Today I have two questions that I hope you can answer:
31) Who was the Turaga of Metru Nui before Dume?
41b) And what happened to the Turaga anyway?
52) Are you writing the next chapter of FoF?
62b) If so, have you finished it or are you close to finishing it?
7Thanks for taking time off your job to answer the questions of BIONICLE fans like me .
9Greg's answers:
101) Hasn't been revealed 111b) I would assume he passed away 122) I just finished the last chapter of DM, so FOF is next
13Well, keep an eye on BIONICLEstory.com, 'cause the final chapter of DM is coming soon .
1Crud. My theory asplode. But then, since it was most obvious in the MNOLG and MNOLG II, perhaps it was just one of those things the game folks decided to do without OK from the story team. But anyway, this isn't the place for that.
28Besides the probable purpose of liquid proto for the Matoran and the height of Matoran, these answers aren't too useful. But at least I have a bit more knowledge of what not to ask anymore.
2Hi, Greg . Hope these questions aren't troubling, or worse, immaterial. The questions are bolded, supporting info is not. Hope that makes this easier.
31 ) In BIONICLE Chronicles #4, Onua says the Toa Kaita defeated the Manas with intense cold (which Manas hate), and that the Manas like heat. This leads me to believe that I am right in having heard this, but because I can't find a quote, I'll ask for confirmation: Did the energy towers in Mangaia strengthen the Manas by generating heat? The Wiki simply says that there is "a connection" between the energy towers and the Manas in Makuta's lair, but I think you stated a more specific explanation somewhere.
42 ) Does the similarity between Krakua's armor and that of the Toa Inika have anything to do with their similar destinies? Just a curiosity of mine.
53 ) Am I right to assume that a Matoran is about one bio tall? Calculating based on the known heights of Toa (around 7.2 feet/1.6 bio) and the height I think you once revealed somewhere for normal Matoran (four-foot-something) seems to comply with that measurement.
64 ) Turaga are on average about the same height as Matoran, right? In the sets we've seen (Metru Nui/rebuilt Mata Nui Matoran and Dume/2001 Turaga) and the movies this measurement seems accurate. But since set proportions, even from sets of the same year, are not always accurate, I just wanted confirmation.
7That's about all for now; I'll keep it short since I can't think of any more questions right now and I know you prefer shorter PMs. Thanks for your time.
81) No, I've never given a more specific explanation, since the Manas on Mata Nui don't come up much in conversation. 92) The similarity exists only because Krakua is a contest winning model and the entrant used the pieces he had. 103) Makes sense 114) Yes
122 ) Sorry. I meant the Toa Inika and Jovan. Is that true for them?
13Thanks for all the other answers.
14And to this other one:15Sorry about that, Greg. Here they are.
161 ) Matoran drink liquid protodermis. What purpose does it serve for them? 171a ) Do Matoran/Rahi/other BIONICLE life tend to have a large content of energized protodermis in their bodies, much like the human body is seventysome percent water?
182 ) The Dark Hunter Vanisher has a staff with powers almost identical to those of the Kanohi Olmak, and the Shadowed One believes him to be working under the Brotherhood of Makuta as well as the Dark Hunters. Obviously his staff isn't powerful enough to transport Destral, but is this an example of the technology that could be used to transport Destral if applied on a grander scale? 192b ) Did he get this staff from the Brotherhood of Makuta?
20BIONICLE Legends 10 spoilers
21Thanks in advance.
221) Most likely it helps to keep their mechanical parts lubricated. 231a) Energized protodermis? No. 242-2b) Can't answer it 25BIONICLE Legends 10 spoilers
261a ) I meant liquid protodermis. Sorry. Do they have a large quantity of liquid protodermis in their bodies? (And sorry for messing up so much on my questions)
28Besides the probable purpose of liquid proto for the Matoran and the height of Matoran, these answers aren't too useful. But at least I have a bit more knowledge of what not to ask anymore.
1Krakua has similair armor as the Inika? They're not that much alike, he's got more in common with the metru actually.
11. Karzahni received Matoran from all over, correct?
22. Could have at least ONE he sent to Voya-Nui been a Nynrah Ghost? Like, say, Balta?
33. Is the Bohrok in the Balta statue a Fohrok or a real Pahrak?
44. Are there any Matoran on Daxia?
55. Were the Toa that formed Prototype making a Kaita before being fused? 65a. If so, there were two Toa in that incident, right? 75b. You said before that THREE Toa are needed to make a Kaita. Yet on Biosector, it says that two Toa were in the combining process before the incident. Is this an error or not?
86. Toa Ignika did follow the Phantoka down to the Swamp, right?
97. Really, why didn't the Order set those beings of light on the Makuta?
10Thank You
111) Yes 122) No 133) It's meant to be a real Bohrok -- it relates to how real Bohrok come into existence. It has nothing to do with Fohrok or Balta personally, the artist here simply had the Balta model to work with when he drew it. 145) No. 156) Not directly, no, he stays up to guard Icarax initially 167) What, the ones in the other dimension? Do you really want to unleash unknown creatures into your dimension and have them go on a rampage? How do you know they won't prove to be worse than the Makuta? We said they consume shadow, we never said they were GOOD.
17Nothing again. But he seems to have missed Number 4...
22. Could have at least ONE he sent to Voya-Nui been a Nynrah Ghost? Like, say, Balta?
33. Is the Bohrok in the Balta statue a Fohrok or a real Pahrak?
44. Are there any Matoran on Daxia?
55. Were the Toa that formed Prototype making a Kaita before being fused? 65a. If so, there were two Toa in that incident, right? 75b. You said before that THREE Toa are needed to make a Kaita. Yet on Biosector, it says that two Toa were in the combining process before the incident. Is this an error or not?
86. Toa Ignika did follow the Phantoka down to the Swamp, right?
97. Really, why didn't the Order set those beings of light on the Makuta?
10Thank You
111) Yes 122) No 133) It's meant to be a real Bohrok -- it relates to how real Bohrok come into existence. It has nothing to do with Fohrok or Balta personally, the artist here simply had the Balta model to work with when he drew it. 145) No. 156) Not directly, no, he stays up to guard Icarax initially 167) What, the ones in the other dimension? Do you really want to unleash unknown creatures into your dimension and have them go on a rampage? How do you know they won't prove to be worse than the Makuta? We said they consume shadow, we never said they were GOOD.
17Nothing again. But he seems to have missed Number 4...
1Well, it's Europe.
17Comments: 181. Thought so. 192. OK 203. Spoilers 214. Well then 225. Oh YEA 236. Now put on your thinking caps
2Hi Greg . I had a few questions and I was wondering if you could answer them. Also, I'm sorry if you get a batch of questions similar to these, because I sent them 2 weeks ago, and so I started to worry.
31. Would you consider Matoro Inika/Mahri's masks to be "dark masks" like those the Makuta wear?
42. To read Zaktan's mind, would you have to read the mind of each individual protodite, since his conciseness is scattered throughout each one? 52b. Could this be a reason why the OoMN hasn't figured out the BoM's plan by reading Zaktan's mind?
63. Spoilers
74. Recently, you said you "have an emergency EU project that has to be done by 6/30". People have been debating if EU meant Europe, or expanded universe, so which is it?
85. I was wondering, since a Tridax pod is placed in a Makuta's chest, and a shadow hand comes out of a Makuta's chest, could a Makuta launch a shadow hand to propel a Tridax pod? (I was thinking of Chirox when I thought of this, because it was stated that he was skilled in the use of the Tridax pod and shadow hand.)
96. Could anyone guess the Plan, not based on how good of a guesser they are, but based on the facts that we have? Like, is it impossible to guess because of some hidden factor, like some unknown mask (just for example)?
10That's all for now. Thanks in advance. Atlas
111) The Tryna, yes, definitely. 122) No, it's a collective mind, so all have access to the same thoughts 133) Spoilers 144) Europe 155) Suppose so 166) I would say it is possible to guess, because I have seen people on BZP pretty much figure out, oh, 85-90% of it, just off on some of the details. Whether anyone in the story could do so is another story.
17Comments: 181. Thought so. 192. OK 203. Spoilers 214. Well then 225. Oh YEA 236. Now put on your thinking caps
1Hi Greg. I've got a few questions, and I hope they're not more you can't answer.
21 ) Did Teridax create the Nivawk? 31a ) If yes, is that why he kept it as a pet and could understand its language? 41b ) If no, did another Makuta create it specifically for use by Teridax? Perhaps in bribery?
52 ) A Rahkshi Kaita is said to be able to be made from Rahkshi of any three powers. However, the two we have seen take their names from the type of Kraata that controls them. Does this mean there are only 42 possible Rahkshi Kaita, that multiple types of Rahkshi Kaita can have the same name, or that there is a different naming system used by Makuta and others who have to deal with identifying so many different Kaita?
63 ) I know I was probably more than a little obnoxious in asking so many playset questions before. However, one of them I was very curious about, and it would be useful on the wiki. Are the air bubbles carried by the Toa Terrain Crawler and its mini-sub for the sake of potential air-breathing passengers (since I'm pretty sure the OoMN wasn't sure who would end up using it, or if they were they didn't know that they'd have been transformed by the Ignika into water breathers)?
74 ) Perhaps was the Toa Terrain Crawler kept in some section of the Pit for emergency transportation prior to the Great Cataclysm, and after it escaped it was caught again by Axonn? I can't imagine how else it would have gotten to Voya Nui's lower levels otherwise, since until the Great Cataclysm there was no water separating Voya Nui from Karda Nui. Unless a member of the Order delivered it to Voya Nui after the cataclysm had taken place, knowing that it would now be needed...
85 ) Did Roodaka intentionally give the Rahaga their new spinner powers (boomerang, snare, etc.), or was it a careless/unpredictable aspect of their transformation?
9Thanks in advance, and I hope I'm not bugging you again with questions you can't answer.
101) Probably 111a) Why not? Lots of people have pets, and in this case, he had one that could spy for him. 122) We don't know that keeping the kaita straight is a problem, because outside of that one comic, we have never seen any Rahkshi kaita. It may simply not be an ability they use very often. 133) Again, not something I have worried about since I didn't need to for story. 144) No, that wasn't the case. It was a sea creature Axonn modified. 155) Their spinner powers are dictated by their internal will, that's not something she could change. She can change how they look, not who they are.
161 ) Does that mean you'll be giving us a definitive answer ever? Just wondering, since they won't accept a maybe on the wiki but if you plan to address the Nivawk's creator's identity in a serial or something I'd be asking too much to expect a definitive answer now, and if you never plan to address it it's just as silly to expect a definitive answer.
172 ) Alright.
183 ) Sorry, I understand now. I thought since I had a suggestion for this part of my previous PM it might be easier to answer this question than some of my others, and that you merely hadn't gotten around to it because I asked too many silly questions alongside it in the original PM. I guess I'll try not to ask specific playset stuff in the future except "is this/isn't this canon" if I come across another aspect of playsets I don't get (and I'm pretty sure I've already covered everything, since we won't be getting any more playsets in the near future).
194 ) Just adding armor, weapons, and stuff, or more complex modification? We know Axonn's capable of some crazy stuff, since he presumably managed to whip up two Zamor spheres with different powers at a moment's notice. Armor plates on the TTC act as hatches, was this a part of its armor before or something Axonn added?
205 ) So where did the launchers come from? Did Roodaka merely fuse the mechanical launchers from their shields onto their armor as natural launchers? Or is the presence of a natural launcher somehow governed by experience with "willing" a spinner from your mind?
21And a few more (sorry for so many questions)
226 ) Are Brutaka's rotating blades one weapon or two? The summer 2006 article calls them a "double-bladed weapon" but the wiki says "two very large Protosteel blades" as if they are distinct weapons. This would help to know.
237 ) Gaaah, you're probably going to hate me for this one. But in FoF you called the Rotating Blades "spinning blades." I know from your previous answers you probably don't have any more of a clue what the set designers intended by the name "rotating blades," but does this name mean that in the story you interpreted them as literally able to spin/rotate?
248 ) The Mask of Creation Artahka wears is said to be made by the Great Beings. Is this how the normal beings (i.e. not great beings) of the Matoran Universe learned to make Kanohi masks, through use of the Mask of Creation? Obviously masks were around before then because Matoran were around before then, but the Mask of Creation is the first Mask of Power we've ever seen, and it seems logical that it could give Artahka a "blueprint" to make other Masks of Power, albeit nothing so grand as another Mask of Creation.
25Thanks for your time, of which you're probably offering far more than my questions deserve.
261) It's not way high on my list of things to do. 274) Added by Axonn 285) Why would she fuse launchers for them to give them a weapon? 296) I see it as one weapon 307) I interpreted him as being able to spin the weapon, not that the weapon itself spins. Just as a rifleman can spin his rifle. 318) No.
1Or he just meant that he had to do a emregency project in Europe, not for it.
1*Shrugs* Could just be a marketing project, anything, really... just something we in the US most likely won't see. Ah, well, you guys need some of the stuff you've missed out on, so...
1Hi Greg, just a quick question for you:
2Have you written DM 9 yet? Nothing has been added on B-Story for a while, so... yeah. Or is that just Binky forgetting to put it up, with all the stuff he's been doing? And, while I'm thinking of it, how are the other serials in terms of completion?
3Thanks, 4~Hydro
5I have been extremely busy lately with family stuff -- sometimes, having a life simply gets in the way of spending every waking moment on BIONICLE. DM #9 is done and will be recorded as soon as my wife is feeling a little better. The others should get written later this week.
6Hey, guys... might want to lay off the PMs for a while. Sounds like he's having a rough time.
1yeah, I agree with Hydro. Seems like he's having a rough time, maybe we should leave him be, get over it for a while.
1QUOTE 21) in the spiriah instructions , the midak skyblaster is loaded with only one midak sphere (you can still see the red part of the skyblaster), 3is there a storyline reason, maybe less light in places outside karda nui since it absorbs light from surroundins, or is it just a glitch
4Given that Spiriah is a combination model, done by the master model builders who are not part of the BIONICLE design team, they have no reason to think a skyblaster should have more than one sphere. Simple as that.
5so it really just have one sphere?
4Given that Spiriah is a combination model, done by the master model builders who are not part of the BIONICLE design team, they have no reason to think a skyblaster should have more than one sphere. Simple as that.
5so it really just have one sphere?
1QUOTE 21) in the spiriah instructions , the midak skyblaster is loaded with only one midak sphere (you can still see the red part of the skyblaster), 3is there a storyline reason, maybe less light in places outside karda nui since it absorbs light from surroundins, or is it just a glitch
4Given that Spiriah is a combination model, done by the master model builders who are not part of the BIONICLE design team, they have no reason to think a skyblaster should have more than one sphere. Simple as that.
5so it really just have one sphere?
6No, his Midak is just as effective as the Nuva's, it's just a set thing, like his Matoran.
1Greg said that Karda Nui had more light than other places so it would be more effective.
1Got this one this morning. It's got extremely minor Kingdom spoilers, but I doubt it's enough to be a problem. Tell me if it is, and I'll be sure to remove it.
5That does make sense; he seemed to think he was on Metru Nui in DM for quite a while.
2I just got one question today, but it's a bit complicated. In both The Kingdom and Dark Mirror, Takanuva doesn't realize he's in a pocket dimension until later in the story. But he had already been to the Journey of Takanuva pocket dimension in The Kingdom and he had been to two by the time Dark Mirror happened (where it took him even longer to figure it out then it did in Kingdom).
3I doubt that he thought he had arrived in Karda Nui, especially not in DM; you'd think he would've been expecting another pocket dimension by then. So is there some kind of amnesia effect when traveling through dimensions so Takanuva didn't remember his previous adventures? Or is his confusion just non-canon because Kingdom and JoT weren't planned yet at the time you started writing DM?
4Or you could consider the fact that, for example in DM, he might have simply thought he took a wrong turn and wound up back on Metru Nui. He doesn't know much about interdimensional travel nor has he seen much of the universe itself (only Mata Nui and Metru Nui). And travel like this IS very disconcerting as a rule.
5That does make sense; he seemed to think he was on Metru Nui in DM for quite a while.
1The Toa Hagah Serial will have a pretty big cast... but I guess Greg can do any voice.
lol I'm thinking that the Mazeka-Vultraz one will be the podcast.

1My guess is that the war will be the blog, since it would be really much to cover and thus would have to be in a summarized form (maybe by the order's leader?). As for the others, it is harder to guess which is which. But from a logical point of view, the Hagah serial would have to be the text serial, for it would feature a lot more characters than Vultraz-Mazeka, so I think the latter will be the podcast. But let's quit discussion about this before some Moderator shows up and asks us to continue in the Official Web Serials Topic.

1Here is some questions that I find interesting, not sure about you guys:
2Hi, 3Hi Mr. Farshtey, I hope you and your wife are well. If you've already moved, then I hope you are enjoying your new house. If not, then good luck moving . I just have a few questions.
41) I have been re-reading over soem of the recent Legends books, and I have been thinkng of something crazy, and I am hoping that you can disprove it for me. Could Teridax be attempting to take over Mata-Nui's body, or control his mind in some way? Is that the grand objective of his plan? 51a) Can Teridax use the powers of those he posesses?
62) How much longer does Teridax have until his essence drifts apart and he dies?
73) Where on Gorast's body is her stinger? I looked at the set and I couldn't find it.
84) When Takanuva takes the Avohki off, does it go back to its original, golden color, or does it stay the new black/grey color?
95) How exactly did putting the Avohki on change Takua to a toa?
106) Thsi question is probably going to sound wierd: what does Bitils voice sound like? The reason I'm asking is that I am writing a sequel to my first story, and I wanted him to be the main aggresor. Is it deep, is it menacing? 116a) I also wanted to make it as close to canon as it could be: is there anything major that Bitil has doen that you could tell me without revealing future storyline?
127) Lst one: I just want to soothe my mind: will we ever be returning to the Matoran universe in main storyline again after 2009? I was watching a video that compiles stuff from everything done in this universe, and I was thinking how I am going to miss it a lot.
13Thanks for putting up with these, 14Toa Krogo
151) I can't discuss what Makuta's ultimate plan is, as that would be talking about future storyline. 161a) Well, we know he was able to use Maxilos' abilities. 172) Oh, lots of time. He only lost a body at the end of '07 story, and he can last for weeks as just energy 183) On her face 194) Stays golden 205) We can only assume it was somehow able to trigger the latent Toa power already within him, the same way a Toa stone does. A Toa stone is an object, so is a mask. 216) No, I see it as a little more high-pitched and sibilant 226a) No, I can't discuss future storyline 237) I don't have this information. No one has said anything to me that rules it out, or that rules out using these characters again in a prominent way, but we have not planned a story that does so yet.
24I thought it was on her head, but I wasn't sure, so that's why I asked.
16) Thsi question is probably going to sound wierd: what does Bitils voice sound like? The reason I'm asking is that I am writing a sequel to my first story, and I wanted him to be the main aggresor. Is it deep, is it menacing?
26) No, I see it as a little more high-pitched and sibilant
3Somewhat like Waspinator

Tekulo: Toa of Wind 13) Is there a story reason for why there are both male and female matoran? (I know the non-story reason is pretty obvious, but this one has been killing me for about a year. Guess I was afraid to ask.)
GregF 23) Well, if you assume the GBs came from someplace that had both male and female beings, why wouldn't they create Matoran with female attitudes/psyches? You create what you know.
3I got this reply a while ago. I know it really doesn't have anything to do with the current plot, but I thought it was interesting. Sorry if this is old news.
Tekulo: Toa of Wind 13) Is there a story reason for why there are both male and female matoran? (I know the non-story reason is pretty obvious, but this one has been killing me for about a year. Guess I was afraid to ask.)
GregF 23) Well, if you assume the GBs came from someplace that had both male and female beings, why wouldn't they create Matoran with female attitudes/psyches? You create what you know.
3I got this reply a while ago. I know it really doesn't have anything to do with the current plot, but I thought it was interesting. Sorry if this is old news.
5Well, it does reveal that the Great Beings come from a place that has male and female beings, opening the possibility that the BGs can be either gender themselves. Nice little trivia.
Tekulo: Toa of Wind 13) Is there a story reason for why there are both male and female matoran? (I know the non-story reason is pretty obvious, but this one has been killing me for about a year. Guess I was afraid to ask.)
GregF 23) Well, if you assume the GBs came from someplace that had both male and female beings, why wouldn't they create Matoran with female attitudes/psyches? You create what you know.
3I got this reply a while ago. I know it really doesn't have anything to do with the current plot, but I thought it was interesting. Sorry if this is old news.
5Well, it does reveal that the Great Beings come from a place that has male and female beings, opening the possibility that the BGs can be either gender themselves. Nice little trivia.
6I think we already knew that.
1Yeah, we already knew that. There are male and female GBs, but the possibility that they came from a place with males and females is new.
16) Thsi question is probably going to sound wierd: what does Bitils voice sound like? The reason I'm asking is that I am writing a sequel to my first story, and I wanted him to be the main aggresor. Is it deep, is it menacing?
26) No, I see it as a little more high-pitched and sibilant
3Somewhat like Waspinator?
4Why universe hate Waspinator? Come on lets, get back on topic.
1Hi Greg, I have a few questions for you:
21) How did the Vortixx come across their shadow powers? 32) Now that the Toa Mahri have completed their destinies, what will they do now? 43) Does Toa Ignika have portions of Matoro's mind, or does he have a mind of his own?
5Thank you.
61) I believe the only one we have shown using shadow powers is Roodaka, who got it through extensive training and making contact with the darkness inside her 72) Guard Metru Nui, for the moment 83) He has no portion of Matoro's mind, as Matoro's consciousness was destroyed when he converted to energy
9These questions are kind of old, but I just wanted to share.