1QUOTE 2Hello Greg, Sorry if I bothered you, but I have a few questions to ask if you don't mind answering them.
31) What sets is Trinuma composed of? 42) does TRI have anything to doth with the physical features of TRInuma 53) What's in store (Bionicle) for the July-August BrickMaster?, since I just subscribed. 64) Did you see the new Hulk Movie, did you like it?
7Thanks so much for always answering my questions out of your own free time, I really Appreciate it,
91) Tahu, Gali and Onua 102) Nope 113) Web code for the Trinuma building instructions 124) No, haven't seen it yet.
31) What sets is Trinuma composed of? 42) does TRI have anything to doth with the physical features of TRInuma 53) What's in store (Bionicle) for the July-August BrickMaster?, since I just subscribed. 64) Did you see the new Hulk Movie, did you like it?
7Thanks so much for always answering my questions out of your own free time, I really Appreciate it,
91) Tahu, Gali and Onua 102) Nope 113) Web code for the Trinuma building instructions 124) No, haven't seen it yet.
1Sorry for sending these questions so soon after my last PM... but I know you like it when PMs are shorter, and so I wanted to send this while it's still short and coherent:
21. Bohrok Kaita Ja and Bohrok Kaita Za are said to be controlled by the Krana Ja and Za, respectively. However, in the set each holds two Krana. Is this canon?
31b. Would both be Krana Ja/Za?
41c. Do all of the Bohrok that form these Kaita have to have a Krana Ja/Za, or does just one need to have it?
52. Alright, back to those natural Rhotuka launchers on the Rahaga. You agreed Roodaka wouldn't intentionally give the Rahaga weapons, so they can't be an intentional result of mutation. But that still leaves the question unanswered. Perhaps was it some unpredictable side effect of mutation, if such a thing is possible with Roodaka's spinners? If not, then what?
63. Just out of curiosity, what do Ussals eat? Plants, I guess?
74. Not sure if you saw this question, since it was sort of in the middle of a PM and you only gave one answer despite there being two distantly separated questions, so I'm pretty sure you overlooked it. Is Jovan's armor similar to that of the Inika because the teams have similar destinies (both need to find and use the Kanohi Ignika)?
84b. Does the Ignika need to return/be returned to the Chamber of Life now that it has been used, just as it did when Jovan's teammate used it?
94c. Were the Mahri supposed to do this, since their teammate (Matoro) used the mask?
104d. If so, has that part of their destinies changed now that the Ignika is capable of returning itself?
115. What is your favorite setting to write for in the BIONICLE story?
12Thanks in advance for your time.
131) I really don't recall what the intent was. That was five years ago and I am really wrapped up in 2009 right now. 142) Sorry, just not something I have worried about. If I had to guess, I would say the sheer willpower of the Toa Hagah fought against the mutation and the result was that they helped shape it to give them some means of defense, but that's just theory, not canon. 153) Yes 164) No, it's similar because Jovan is a combo model made from those sets. 174b) It's supposed to be, yes, so it can be found again if it's needed. 185) I liked Metru Nui a lot, particularly the Archives
191. Ah, well, whatevs. 202. Nice theory. Too bad he doesn't have a canon answer, so I can't add this to the wiki, but it's nice at least to know that it is able to make sense. 213. There's one for the wiki. 224. Darn. Thought I might be onto something. Wish I'd gotten answers to 4c and 4d. 235. Could have guessed that one, what with BIONICLE Adventures 3 and 5. In fact, that's mostly why I asked the question, after seeing the catalog descriptions in an old 2004 catalog.
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4Hi greg . Hope you are okay. I just have some questions about my favourite summer makuta, Krika.
51) Can Krika control how intense the repulsive power from his mask is? 62) Is his "stealth" a power or just training? (like how specialist soldiers can walk through woods without leaving much of a trail) 73) If he wasn't locked in his current form, could krika morph his blades into other kinds of limbs such as wings and arms, or are they separate weapons to his armor? 84) Can krika use his Crast like a shield by keeping a constant amount of repulsive power flowing? 95) You said a toa would find a Crast immoral because it repels "nature itself". Did you mean simply that it pushes plants and stuff out of the way or is there something deeper? 106) Can krika control where his repulsive power comes from? ie whether or not he could hover without repelling things above him and vice versa. 117) When using a nynrah blaster to take something over, is full concentration required, or does the mechanical thing simply "know" what is wanted of it? 128) Can a makuta power and a mask power be used at the same time?
13Thanks in advance. I hope you realise how awesome you are for trudging through all our questions.
141) Yes 152) Practice - also, when you're [spoiler? idk lol], it's easy to move without making noise 163) Yes, he could 174) Yes 185) The ground itself pushes you away when you wear this mask, that's how you are able to fly with it 196) Yes 207) No, you have to will your commands 218) Yes
222) ah. [spoiler?]? cool. [hasn't been able to find a copy of BL10 - stupid bookstores] 235) oh ok. 247) k 258) sweet
26here are some other questions, some related, some not.
271) I read somewhere (i think MC) that a huge earthquake happened at the very start of the great cataclysm. Was this caused by mata nui falling over or something? 282) You have said that Bitils voice is high and sibilant. What about krika's? (sorry, huge fan of Krika) 293) Can a hau or hau nuva protect from environmental hazards like lava or a blizzard?
311) The cause of the quake has not yet been revealed 322) I sort of hear Krika like Vincent Price 333) It can protect against lava, because we saw it do so in Mask of Light. A blizzard would probably not be seen as an attack, as a snowflake is not going to hurt you any.
1Sorry for having so many this time.
21. Toa of Stone can control solid rock-like Protodermis, Toa of Ice can control solid ice-like Protodermis, and Toa of Water can control liquid protodermis. Are these types of Toa also able to create these types of Protodermis as they can with their element's non-Protodermis namesake?
31a. If the Toa is familiar with both the Protodermis and non-Protodermis versions of their element, can they decide which version to create?
42. Do the Bohrok have other tasks besides clearing the island of Mata Nui? It seems to me that with nests extending below Metru Nui, there are far more Bohrok than are needed for that task alone.
53. In the VNOLG there were nine different types of Burnak: Fire, Air, Water, Stone, Earth, Ice, Desert, Protodermis, and Stronghold. Are all these breeds of Burnak canon? Mostly curiosity here; I don't have enough knowledge of the game to ask questions on what differences the breeds might have.
64. Is the planet surface the only place where non-Protodermic water, stone, and ice can be found?
75. On BS01 the Other "Fixed" Matoran page shows images of two frail-looking Matoran from Karzahni's realm, both pictures gotten from the Karzahni chapter of BIONICLE World. However, I was under the impression that Karzahni shipped away all the Matoran he fixed and from then on just enslaved the "broken" Matoran who needed fixing without modifying them. Which is the case?
85b. Also on BS01 it says the "fixed" Matoran rescued from Karzahni by the Toa Nuva were later taught to rebuild themselves by the Turaga. However, as I said before, I don't think these Matoran were ever "fixed" into weaker and misshapen forms like the Matoran who were shipped to Voya Nui. Perhaps did the Turaga rebuild these Matoran to remedy the flaws that got them sent to Karzahni?
96. Did Karzahni and Artahka wear masks before fighting for the Mask of Creation? I ask because before their fight there is no mention of Karzahni being a poor builder, but his mask doesn't exactly scream "craftsmanship."
107. After Karzahni failed to obtain the Mask of Creation, he proved unable to create anything useful or beautiful, as evidenced by his mask, his "fixed" Matoran, and his uncanny tendency to scavenge for weapons rather than arming himself and his Manutri with weapons of his own. Perhaps could he have proved himself as great a builder as Artahka had he maintained confidence in his ability to perform without that mask? Or was he simply an inferior builder even before the mask came into the picture?
118. Could Brutaka's desperate desire for the Antidermis virus be considered an addiction, even if just a psychological rather than a physiological one?
129. Did Botar serve the Order more out of loyalty to them, or out of an altruistic desire to serve the will of Mata Nui? When he shipped Brutaka to the Pit he seemed thoroughly convinced that it was right in spite of his respect for Axonn and Brutaka., and not just an unfortunate assignment. My brother and I are sort of at odds over this.
1310. Is it right to assume that, for example, the Toa Mahri sets are to relative scale with one another, even if not necessarily to scale with past or future sets? For instance, in the sets Hewkii and Kongu are shorter than Hahli, who is shorter than Jaller and Nuparu. Even if their heights don't vary by the same amount as they would appear to in the sets, would they still vary in the same way (i.e. Kongu is shorter than the others, even if not by as much as it would appear in the sets)?
14Thanks in advance.
151) Yes, what do you think the Toa Metru were creating? 162) Nope 173) Yes 184) So far as we have seen, yes. There wouldn't be any in the Matoran universe 195) Some were shipped out, his initial "fixes," but he continued to experiment on the other Matoran who were still there. 205b) See answer to 5 216) No, they were fighting over the Mask of Creation 227) I simply don't see him as having the natural talent Artakha has. You could give me every LEGO piece in the world but if I can't visualize a model and how it fits together, having the resources to build it won't matter. 238) Yes, but obviously one he can control 249) Both. He serves the Order because he believes what they are doing is right. Loyalty to them is the same as loyalty to the will of Mata Nui, to him. 2510) Since I am not a set designer, this is not something I feel qualified to comment on.
26BTW, who's Vincent Price?
1Some interesting stuff from the G-Man himself:
2Do Bionicle creatures such as matoran have blood? I know you can't add them bleeding as a part of the story, but I ask because they have lungs, so they breathe. With us, the oxygen is carried to other parts of the body by blood cells, so do they have blood? If not, is oxygen carried all over their bodies by something else?3Who says they breathe oxygen? And who says their respiratory system even functions in the same way as ours does? Anyway, short answer is that they may have some kind of lubrication system for their mechanical parts, but they do not have blood.
4A few questions aboot the different species of Bionicle:
51. Are there other members of Brutaka's species? 62. If the Brotherhood is destroyed, what will happen to Ehlek's species? 73. Will the Barrakis', Sidorak's, Krekka's, Axonn's, and Brutaka's (?) species ever be given names? 84. Do the members of the species mentioned above look and act like the characters mentioned above, or are there differences in color, shape, personality, intelligence, etc?
91) Yes 102) Nothing, why would anything happen to them? Their existence is not dependent on their being a Brotherhood. 113) I doubt it, for two reasons. One, I don't have enough approved BIONICLE names on the list for this, and two, we are not in this universe in another six months, so no real reason to name them. 124) I am not a big believer in the "every ((name of species)) is rude, left-handed, and likes hot dogs" school of writing, where I can avoid it. My assumption is that species may have certain traits in common -- for example, if they live in a desert, they value water a lot -- but otherwise there are differences between them just as there are between humans.
13Okay, thanks. Just one more question: will Lariska's species ever be shown or named?
14Doubt it. I have precious few approved names left on the list and only six more months left in this universe, so I really don't see doing that as being a priority.
15this leads me to believe we'll never see the same species again...
2Vincent Price.1BTW, who's Vincent Price?
1Sorry for having so many this time.
21. Toa of Stone can control solid rock-like Protodermis, Toa of Ice can control solid ice-like Protodermis, and Toa of Water can control liquid protodermis. Are these types of Toa also able to create these types of Protodermis as they can with their element's non-Protodermis namesake?
31a. If the Toa is familiar with both the Protodermis and non-Protodermis versions of their element, can they decide which version to create?
42. Do the Bohrok have other tasks besides clearing the island of Mata Nui? It seems to me that with nests extending below Metru Nui, there are far more Bohrok than are needed for that task alone.
53. In the VNOLG there were nine different types of Burnak: Fire, Air, Water, Stone, Earth, Ice, Desert, Protodermis, and Stronghold. Are all these breeds of Burnak canon? Mostly curiosity here; I don't have enough knowledge of the game to ask questions on what differences the breeds might have.
64. Is the planet surface the only place where non-Protodermic water, stone, and ice can be found?
75. On BS01 the Other "Fixed" Matoran page shows images of two frail-looking Matoran from Karzahni's realm, both pictures gotten from the Karzahni chapter of BIONICLE World. However, I was under the impression that Karzahni shipped away all the Matoran he fixed and from then on just enslaved the "broken" Matoran who needed fixing without modifying them. Which is the case?
85b. Also on BS01 it says the "fixed" Matoran rescued from Karzahni by the Toa Nuva were later taught to rebuild themselves by the Turaga. However, as I said before, I don't think these Matoran were ever "fixed" into weaker and misshapen forms like the Matoran who were shipped to Voya Nui. Perhaps did the Turaga rebuild these Matoran to remedy the flaws that got them sent to Karzahni?
96. Did Karzahni and Artahka wear masks before fighting for the Mask of Creation? I ask because before their fight there is no mention of Karzahni being a poor builder, but his mask doesn't exactly scream "craftsmanship."
107. After Karzahni failed to obtain the Mask of Creation, he proved unable to create anything useful or beautiful, as evidenced by his mask, his "fixed" Matoran, and his uncanny tendency to scavenge for weapons rather than arming himself and his Manutri with weapons of his own. Perhaps could he have proved himself as great a builder as Artahka had he maintained confidence in his ability to perform without that mask? Or was he simply an inferior builder even before the mask came into the picture?
118. Could Brutaka's desperate desire for the Antidermis virus be considered an addiction, even if just a psychological rather than a physiological one?
129. Did Botar serve the Order more out of loyalty to them, or out of an altruistic desire to serve the will of Mata Nui? When he shipped Brutaka to the Pit he seemed thoroughly convinced that it was right in spite of his respect for Axonn and Brutaka., and not just an unfortunate assignment. My brother and I are sort of at odds over this.
1310. Is it right to assume that, for example, the Toa Mahri sets are to relative scale with one another, even if not necessarily to scale with past or future sets? For instance, in the sets Hewkii and Kongu are shorter than Hahli, who is shorter than Jaller and Nuparu. Even if their heights don't vary by the same amount as they would appear to in the sets, would they still vary in the same way (i.e. Kongu is shorter than the others, even if not by as much as it would appear in the sets)?
14Thanks in advance.
151) Yes, what do you think the Toa Metru were creating? 162) Nope 173) Yes 184) So far as we have seen, yes. There wouldn't be any in the Matoran universe 195) Some were shipped out, his initial "fixes," but he continued to experiment on the other Matoran who were still there. 205b) See answer to 5 216) No, they were fighting over the Mask of Creation 227) I simply don't see him as having the natural talent Artakha has. You could give me every LEGO piece in the world but if I can't visualize a model and how it fits together, having the resources to build it won't matter. 238) Yes, but obviously one he can control 249) Both. He serves the Order because he believes what they are doing is right. Loyalty to them is the same as loyalty to the will of Mata Nui, to him. 2510) Since I am not a set designer, this is not something I feel qualified to comment on.
26BTW, who's Vincent Price?
27OMG, I can actually see Krika having that voice . It makes him sound old and wise, but evil, too. 28Anyway, my questions:
302) Why would a Toa find the Shelek a mask they wouldn't want to wear?
324) In the fight with the Mahri, do you think Kardas would recognize them?
335) Do you think we might see one of the Makuta in the OoOM/BoM take on the Makuta-Nui form?
346) How many Toa are left in the universe?
356a) How many do we know?
367) When is ComicCon this year?
378) What is this I hear about an "emergancy EU meeting"?
389) Do you think we will see any more Toa in the serials this year?
3910) Do you believe Kardas can be tamed?
4011) Whatever happened to the Rahi Nui?
4112) If you could design a Toa of Iron, what would it look like?
4213) Would you consider Iron more powerful than Earth or Stone?
4314) Will we see the conclusion of the Colesium attack in DM#10?
4415) What will the Hagah serial be like? Or what will it be about?
4516) Has Axonn's visitor been revealed yet?
4617) What about the OoMN spy in the DH's?
4718) What will become of the Piraka?
4918b) Of Vezon, Roodaka, Lariska, Brutaka, and Spiriah when FoF is done?
50Thanks for your time .
511) SPOILERS 522) Has less to do with its power and more to do with the fact that it is a mask associated with Makuta. 533) SPOILERS 544) I doubt it. 555) I don't have plans for that right now. 566) You can probably count up the number you know. There are a little over 50 left in the universe. 577) 7/23-7/27 588) I have no idea. I made a reference to a project I am doing for Europe that is an "emergency" in the next two weeks, but there is no meeting involved. 599) Yes, you'll see the Hagah 6010) Well, Vezon did it 6111) Still stuck 6212) I am not a designer, so I'm the wrong person to ask this 6313) Iron would be more durable, but not necessarily stronger than stone 6414) Last chapter of DM is 9, and yes 6515) I cannot discuss future storyline 6616) No 6717) No 6818) Imprisoned 6918b) Roodaka and Spiriah will probably go to the Pit; Lariska will go back to Odina; Brutaka will go to Daxia; Vezon will most likely be imprisoned on Daxia
1Greg confirmed that it's a Europe thing. Now we know that. and neat about Mazeka being an Order matoran.
1Actually a good point was raised on BS01, it doesn't sound like Greg to say "it's probably already known" or whatever it was, so it may be fake.
1Post it then so we would have proof.
1Does Mazeka work for the Order? If so, is he an agent or a servent?
2Yes, Mazeka works for the Order, though I do not believe he is a full member. This is already known, though, so not much point in posting it.
3Sweet. Mazeka works for the Order. Was this already revealed?
4As interesting as that sounds, that doesn't sound like something Greg would say... the "Not much point in posting it" part. I'll ask him...
1That's what I just said, but yeah, you should ask him, I was considering, but he doesn't seem to get mine anymore or they get buried in his inbox or something...
1I seriously doubt that Greg would say that or that Mazeka is even in the order.
1Ok, I just hope it doesn't take too long like mine do, if they ever get back to me. I've waited like two months, I should delete that message, but it is possible Mazeka is in the Order if you've read BL10.
1Here's proof guys, along with another small fun fact:
13There ya go. Yes, Greg actually said it. Why would people doubt that? Just because people don't post it doesn't mean Greg didn't say it. He says that people still PM him about Norik's mask being a Kiril, but I've only seen a quote like that here maybe once on BZP.
2Heya there Mr. Farshtey. It's been a while since I sent you a PM. Hope you're doing well, you sounded kind of stressed in some prior PM's to others, so I just wanted to wish you well.
3I read Bionicle Legends#10, and it was amazing, it was good to see some side stories and information not entirely related to the main story. Obviously it raised some questions for me, so I hope you can answer any of these.
42. [The Magazine] refers to the "Nynrah crafters of Xia", but the Nynrah Ghosts originate on Nynrah; was this a mistake, or do the Vortixx employ Nynrah Ghosts on occaision? 58. ...that is Mazeka's vehicle, yes? 68a. Will we discover how he got it in the serial? 79. Will we find out what the sundial is for in a serial, or Bionicle Legends#11?
8That's all I have, thanks in advance if you can answer any of these.
92) Well, I could say you are "Neuromancer of BZPower" -- does that mean you are on BZPower all the time, or never go to any other site? Some Nynrah live on Xia, because there is a lot of work to be had there. Others live elsewhere. 108) Yes 118a) He works for the Order, that's how he got it. 129) Bionicle Legends #11, most likely
13There ya go. Yes, Greg actually said it. Why would people doubt that? Just because people don't post it doesn't mean Greg didn't say it. He says that people still PM him about Norik's mask being a Kiril, but I've only seen a quote like that here maybe once on BZP.
1Maybe he's just stressed and thought he revealed it. 

1So it is confirmed, yeah, you're probably right danwanjo
1I like Mazeka. Cool set and he helps the Order.
11.What about the Dark Mirror and Journey of Takanuva universe, do they have different time flows? 21) Nope
33. Are the Toa Nuva aware that their protosteel weapons could pierce a makuta's armor? Or have they never been told about it? 43) I am sure they are aware of it, but Toa rarely engage in a lot of melee combat. When fighting a Makuta, who is stronger than you are, it makes more sense to fight from long range.
54. How easily can protosteel pierce an object made of protosteel? (say, two protosteel swords hit, would one cut through the other but be damaged, would they both be destroyed, or both damaged?) 64) Same ease with which something made of iron can piece something else made of iron.
75. What does Krakua not know that a real Order member would? 85) A lot. He hasn't been a Toa that long or involved with the OOMN that long. All he knows is what they feel he needs to know right now.
96. How did the Order turn Krakua into a toa, exactly? 106) Hasn't been revealed, cause it's really not important to the story how they did it.
111.Yeah, I can't post the original questions due to there being spoilers, but he said that time flows faster in the Kingdom universe (I'll post the whole thing when Spoilers are allowed) 123. I just wondered since they never said anything about threatening a makuta with them 134. Wondered how valuable armor made of protosteel would be against a protosteel weapon user 145. Just wondered since he is their messenger and all 156. Aww....'Course, the better question might be how they knew to choose him to be a toa
16Well, since others have asked about the Nynrah on Xia and all
23So there are probably more than four dozen Nynrah.
33. Are the Toa Nuva aware that their protosteel weapons could pierce a makuta's armor? Or have they never been told about it? 43) I am sure they are aware of it, but Toa rarely engage in a lot of melee combat. When fighting a Makuta, who is stronger than you are, it makes more sense to fight from long range.
54. How easily can protosteel pierce an object made of protosteel? (say, two protosteel swords hit, would one cut through the other but be damaged, would they both be destroyed, or both damaged?) 64) Same ease with which something made of iron can piece something else made of iron.
75. What does Krakua not know that a real Order member would? 85) A lot. He hasn't been a Toa that long or involved with the OOMN that long. All he knows is what they feel he needs to know right now.
96. How did the Order turn Krakua into a toa, exactly? 106) Hasn't been revealed, cause it's really not important to the story how they did it.
111.Yeah, I can't post the original questions due to there being spoilers, but he said that time flows faster in the Kingdom universe (I'll post the whole thing when Spoilers are allowed) 123. I just wondered since they never said anything about threatening a makuta with them 134. Wondered how valuable armor made of protosteel would be against a protosteel weapon user 145. Just wondered since he is their messenger and all 156. Aww....'Course, the better question might be how they knew to choose him to be a toa
16Well, since others have asked about the Nynrah on Xia and all
17Okay, I just have some questions that have been bugging me
181.Nynrah were on Xia, spoiler stuff. Does this mean that the nynrah ghosts no longer live on Nynrah, have the place one is to leave building requests located on Xia, or something else?
19Thank you for your time.
201) No, it simply means there are some Nynrah other places besides their own island. We never said they were confined to Nynrah.
211. So, does that mean that, in the Dark Mirror universe, the four dozen Nynrah Tuyet had killed were from many different places? Or were they just the ones she knew where to find?
221) They were the ones on Nynrah at the time
23So there are probably more than four dozen Nynrah.
1wow, we;re nearly five months on this topic, and at about a hundred pages. The last topic took a few years to get a hundred pages. This proves how generous greg is towards us, supplying us with answers for our constant questions
2And that for the moment is interesting. Who will guard Metru Nui if the Mahri leave?
3But look at the offical 2008 sets topic.
1Does Mazeka work for the Order? If so, is he an agent or a servent?
2Yes, Mazeka works for the Order, though I do not believe he is a full member. This is already known, though, so not much point in posting it.
3Sweet. Mazeka works for the Order. Was this already revealed?
4Aw, man, I was just about to post a similar quote about Mazeka XD. Ah well.
5Yeh, it's cool that Mazeka works for the Order. Desperate times, neh?
6Well, what he meant about it already being revealed was that I asked him about it in early june. I would have put the PM up, it's just that it's ridden with BL10 spoilers... the whole thing, not just two or three questions. Sorry bout' that.
1To clear something up...
26) "built by the Nynrah crafters of Xia" This sentence appeared in the book as well as in the recent UK and German LEGO Magazines. Based on what we know about the Nynrah, this isn't true, since the Nynrah Ghosts weren't from Xia but from Nynrah. So what's the storyline explanation for this statement?
46) Wrong. All it says is "of Xia" -- that doesn't mean "all Nynrah live there." All it means is some Nynrah migrated there because there's a lot of work to be had there. It's like my saying, "This board was designed by the BIONICLE fans of Pittsburgh" -- doesn't mean all BIONICLE fans are in Pittsburgh.
53) So by whom were they created? Artakha? Mata Nui? 66) Are those Nynrah still living on Xia? Or did they just come to build the Ghostblasters and left?
73) Artakha, Mata Nui was not yet active at that time. 86) Most likely still there.
9Maybe someone would like to update the Nynrah Ghost and Toa Mata pages on BS01?
11Whoa, Artakha can make Toa? That's really interesting.
12Edit Also question 1 contains a spoiler.
13Also, I don't think simply leaving out the name of the character is sufficient. It's still a spoiler, so I would leave out questions 1-5 entirely. 14While on the topic, why even post things like "1. SPOILER" anyway? Just take them out and save up some space and reading time.
1What comic? Is it out on Bionicle.com? I heard it was a web only comic.
1Hey . Would any of you guys know this or would I have to ask Greg .? You know when Takanuva shoots out shadow . Well when the Makuta shoot out shadow, its all red and stuff (like in the comics) Does Takanuva shoot out shadow the same way or is it different?
1Hey . Would any of you guys know this or would I have to ask Greg .? You know when Takanuva shoots out shadow . Well when the Makuta shoot out shadow, its all red and stuff (like in the comics) Does Takanuva shoot out shadow the same way or is it different?
2It is the same type of energy, yes. But shadow energy has been shown in several different forms, one of which is red and black as seen in Legends of Metru Nui and the new comics. But then in Web of Shadows, Roodaka's shadow blast was purple colored, and in other forms of media it's shown in other colors, such as black. So it really all depends on your personal image of it.
1Hey . Would any of you guys know this or would I have to ask Greg .? You know when Takanuva shoots out shadow . Well when the Makuta shoot out shadow, its all red and stuff (like in the comics) Does Takanuva shoot out shadow the same way or is it different?
2It is the same type of energy, yes. But shadow energy has been shown in several different forms, one of which is red and black as seen in Legends of Metru Nui and the new comics. But then in Web of Shadows, Roodaka's shadow blast was purple colored, and in other forms of media it's shown in other colors, such as black. So it really all depends on your personal image of it.
3Ok . So its most likely all black shadowy looking then . Since hes not makuta .
1You have to PM Greg, he doesn't come to this topic much.
1Are the spoilers allowed yet from Bionicle Legends#10 because I really wanna post my question and answer
1No, not yet, they'll be allowed on July 25, in a month.
1I have just a few questions I hope you can answer for me, Mr.F:
21. Was Spinax mutated by the mutagen in the Pit at all, or did he always look the way he did?
33. Why wasn't Makuta Teridax affected by the mutagen in the Pit?
44. Can Skakdi or Vortixx wear Kanohi masks?
55. Would it be possible for noble versions of the Makuta's masks to exist? ( Ex: a Noble Shelek)
6Thank You for your time 7~Bandoo~
81) I would assume he was 93) He was protected by the Maxilos armor. 104) Skakdi, no. Vortixx, if they chose to, they probably could 115) I doubt it. Makuta have no use for lesser powered masks.
124 is interesting to me, too bad I can't post 2 due to spoilers...
1Does Mazeka work for the Order? If so, is he an agent or a servent?
2Yes, Mazeka works for the Order, though I do not believe he is a full member. This is already known, though, so not much point in posting it.
3Sweet. Mazeka works for the Order. Was this already revealed?
4MAZEKA . . . . . A MATORAN WORKS FOR THE ORDER . . . . . . . *jaw drops to the ground*