OnionShark wrote:1Hi Greg,
2I came up with some other questions, here they are:
31) Now, I know you're a busy man, but do you think you could read them and approve them? You can find links to all the stories on the bottom of the Media page of BS01 (except for one that I can't seem to find anywhere). It would be great if you could read them, and I hope you will before the boards become "read only." That is, if you have time to do it.
42) How is the Fire Entity a Rahi? It's literally made of fire, it doesn't seem biomechanical to me.
53) You once said that the ELs were of mixed gender. Since the Lords of Fire, Water, Jungle, Rock, and Ice are described with male pronouns, that leaves only the Lords of Sand and Earth as possible females, and, after thinking about it, I came up with reasons for both of them to be female:
6Sand: The ST was always known for their brutal ways, so the GBs would have chosen a female member to lead it, as they erroneously thought that females were gentler, and as a consequence more fit to rule, like they did with the Orde incident.
7Earth: The ET was made of farmers, and working in a farm takes a lot of strenght, so the warrior class would probably do that for a living. But since males are biologically stronger than females, the latter group would be more likely not to work as a farmers, but to rule the territory (one would assume the tribes had some kind of government before the GBs came). So when the GBs chose those who would become ELs, they would have chosen those who had some experience in ruling.
8What do you think?
91) I will if I can.
102) Remember that to a Matoran, anything that isn't a species like them is a Rahi. The fire entity is very alien from a Matoran or a Skakdi or anything else they would be familiar with.
113) Makes sense.
Azani1196 wrote:1Hello Mr. Farshtey; I hope that your day is going well.
2This will be a bit of a long post, and I recognize that you are very busy; that being said, I'd greatly appreciate a response if you have the time to spare. I'm a boy in my late teens who has been a fan of LEGO products for since I was four or five years old- especially Bionicle. As a devoted fan who has continued to see new facets of the lore and "get more out of" the story even as I reach my twenties, I'm a member on several other fan forums on the web, including the boards sponsored by the phenomenally talented creators of the TTV channel. Maybe you've heard of them.
3With the message boards here closing in less than two months, there has been some pretty lively discussion on the TTV message boards (which are thriving, and tightly moderated in a manner similar to these) about the end, particularly of this long-running topic. As I'm sure your aware, you've been a much-loved face in the fan community for years, and among the most relatable of LEGO employees for many. I understand that you are only allowed to interact with members on sites that have an age verification system in place. If we were to implement such a system at our message boards, would you consider continuing your Q&A in some form on that site? If you prefer to decline, that's not a problem, I simply felt obligated to bring it up.
4Hi Azani,
5As long as there was an age-verification system and I could get this approved by the LEGO Social Media team, I would be, yes. I would definitely have to get permission, but I would be willing to put the time in if I were allowed. I enjoy doing this.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:rpbMiniFig wrote:1Hello Mr. Farshtey,
2I've had a few questions for a while, and just never got around to asking them. With the boards closing, I guess now's the time.
I totally understand if you don't have time to get to these, though, so there's no rush.
31. Av-matoran can channel their power through weapons. How much power do they have, and why don't other matoran have this capability?
42. What are your most and least favorite parts about Bionicle?
53. How do you pronounce Vezon, Kopaka, and Kopeke?
64. Is a Pahrahk's (did I spell that right?) kraata power Shattering or Explosion?
7Thank you very much, and have a nice day!
81) Av-Matoran were prototypes.
92) I have too many most favorite parts to list ... and I think my least favorite parts are where the story could have been better, either because I could have done a better job or because things were limited by having to cram so many characters into each tale.
103) i think 3 and 4 got answered previously by another member
113. Additionally, for any and all pronunciations of names, you can check out Biosector.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:1So I promised you guys something on why the Earth tribe are never talked about and are basically pariahs ...
2Go back to before the Core War. We know that Ice Agori were the first to see the energized protodermis when it bubbled to the surface and the Ice Element Lord was the first to lay claim to the well. What you don't know is that the Earth tribe knew EP existed for at least a short while before it came to the surface, since by their nature they knew more about what was going on in the subterranean world than anyone else.
3The Earth EL contemplated doing just what the Ice EL ended up doing, but realized it would put a big target on his back and his tribe's back. Yet he still wanted control of the resource. Assuming it would come to the surface at some point, he sat back and waited for someone else to discover it. Once the Ice tribe found it, he and his tribe subtly encouraged the Ice Agori to seize control of the resource, knowing it would provoke conflict ... as it did.
4The Earth tribe was, in fact, the only tribe NOT to fight in the Core War. While professing a wish to peace, they were behind the scenes undermining any effort to end the war. Their plan was to wait until the other tribes has exhausted themselves in battle and then swoop in and take the well. As it turned out, things went too far and the planet ruptured before they could do that.
5But even before the Shattering, some Agori had started comparing notes and realized the Earth tribe had been promoting this conflict while staying unbloodied by it. After the disaster, accepted wisdom became that the Earth EL and Agori were responsible for what had happened and so no one wanted anything to do with them anymore. They were effectively banished from society.
6Boom. Archived onto a text document XD
7So... where were they the whole time? Underground Bara Magna? Under Bota Magna perhaps? Were they able to find enough food and drink on their own to survive all these years -- or did they fail?
Wilmerkardell wrote:1Alright, I said I'm not going to ask more questions but. . .
2In MNOG, there is a Po-Matoran that looks pretty much identical to a Po-Matoran we see in MNOG 2, Epena. He tells Takua about the epidemic in the village. Is this Epena?
3According to biosector, Epena is in MNOG I. However, note that Biosector could be wrong for 2 reasons.
41. In MNOG I Epena is seen to be wearing a noble ruru. However, in MNOG II, he wears a great pakari.
52. The body types of Matoran in MNOG I and II vary because of the fact that MNOG I Matoran use the McToran build, while MNOG II Matoran have all been rebuilt into larger forms.
1Hi Mr Greg
21, I know this question will seem boring to you, but in an old post I do not remember which one, you said you will think about which powers of Kraata Tahu has other than quick healing and heat vision. Have you had time to think about this? Given that the LMB will be closed soon? I would be curious to know this.
32, Do you think that one or more of the tribal leaders of Bara Magna like Raanu (not necassiry him) could be an agent of Velika? This could be very beneficial for his plan because he or they could convince the villagers to ally themselves with Velika.
43, The species of Annona have their own technology? If so, their technological level could compete with that of the Great Beings?
54, If I understand correctly, Annona is a sphere of energy with organic tentacles that can emerge from her correct? What if this sphere of energy was actually a kind of vessel to contain her true form like the Makuta but instead of being a gas she is organic? this vessel could protect Annona from physical attacks. What do you think of this theory?
6Thank you very much
mrcqm wrote:Wilmerkardell wrote:1Alright, I said I'm not going to ask more questions but. . .
2In MNOG, there is a Po-Matoran that looks pretty much identical to a Po-Matoran we see in MNOG 2, Epena. He tells Takua about the epidemic in the village. Is this Epena?
3According to biosector, Epena is in MNOG I. However, note that Biosector could be wrong for 2 reasons.
41. In MNOG I Epena is seen to be wearing a noble ruru. However, in MNOG II, he wears a great pakari.
52. The body types of Matoran in MNOG I and II vary because of the fact that MNOG I Matoran use the McToran build, while MNOG II Matoran have all been rebuilt into larger forms.
61. No, the it's not a noble Ruru. In the first MNOG game, the Pakari looked like that. Look at Nixie, Midak, Kapura, Onepu, Hafu (Mask switched with Taipu), Takua and Onua himself.
72. I don't see your point here.
8BS01 states that it was "A Po-Matoran" not Epena. Yes, BS01 does however use an image of that Po-Matoran to show Epena in his diminished form. The reason for that is because we know he looked like that, as confirmed by Greg, the mask, names and color schemes and occupations (depending on the occupation exist on both Metru and Mata Nui) is the same in their Original, Rebuilt and Diminished forms unless stated otherwise. So, while Epena did look identical to that Matoran, there is no confirmation that is Epena. Many Po-Matoran in MNOG looked like Epena, but that one is the only notable character out of them.
Wilmerkardell wrote:mrcqm wrote:Wilmerkardell wrote:1Alright, I said I'm not going to ask more questions but. . .
2In MNOG, there is a Po-Matoran that looks pretty much identical to a Po-Matoran we see in MNOG 2, Epena. He tells Takua about the epidemic in the village. Is this Epena?
3According to biosector, Epena is in MNOG I. However, note that Biosector could be wrong for 2 reasons.
41. In MNOG I Epena is seen to be wearing a noble ruru. However, in MNOG II, he wears a great pakari.
52. The body types of Matoran in MNOG I and II vary because of the fact that MNOG I Matoran use the McToran build, while MNOG II Matoran have all been rebuilt into larger forms.
61. No, the it's not a noble Ruru. In the first MNOG game, the Pakari looked like that. Look at Nixie, Midak, Kapura, Onepu, Hafu (Mask switched with Taipu), Takua and Onua himself.
72. I don't see your point here.
8BS01 states that it was "A Po-Matoran" not Epena. Yes, BS01 does however use an image of that Po-Matoran to show Epena in his diminished form. The reason for that is because we know he looked like that, as confirmed by Greg, the mask, names and color schemes and occupations (depending on the occupation exist on both Metru and Mata Nui) is the same in their Original, Rebuilt and Diminished forms unless stated otherwise. So, while Epena did look identical to that Matoran, there is no confirmation that is Epena. Many Po-Matoran in MNOG looked like Epena, but that one is the only notable character out of them.
9The templar studios confirmed that similar matoran from the MNOG and the MNGO2 are the same matoran. Exactly, Nixie, Ahkmou, Komu, Makani was not mentioned by name in the first game, just in the MNOG2. But because their models and color schemes are the same, the TS confirmed that they are the same matoran. And I think Farshtey had no hand in making the two games.
Wilmerkardell wrote:1Sorry for posting again. . . Hehe, wish you could edit on here. . . Or at least delete posts. . . Anyways. . .
2Is Tuma's sword unique, or is a just a Leader-Class type Skrall Tribal Design Blade?
3Technically you CAN edit here, but you have to report yourself to do it
4usually the mods will either reject it and add "rejected by request" as the rejection reason, or they may edit your post per your request.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:1So I promised you guys something on why the Earth tribe are never talked about and are basically pariahs ...
2Go back to before the Core War. We know that Ice Agori were the first to see the energized protodermis when it bubbled to the surface and the Ice Element Lord was the first to lay claim to the well. What you don't know is that the Earth tribe knew EP existed for at least a short while before it came to the surface, since by their nature they knew more about what was going on in the subterranean world than anyone else.
3The Earth EL contemplated doing just what the Ice EL ended up doing, but realized it would put a big target on his back and his tribe's back. Yet he still wanted control of the resource. Assuming it would come to the surface at some point, he sat back and waited for someone else to discover it. Once the Ice tribe found it, he and his tribe subtly encouraged the Ice Agori to seize control of the resource, knowing it would provoke conflict ... as it did.
4The Earth tribe was, in fact, the only tribe NOT to fight in the Core War. While professing a wish to peace, they were behind the scenes undermining any effort to end the war. Their plan was to wait until the other tribes has exhausted themselves in battle and then swoop in and take the well. As it turned out, things went too far and the planet ruptured before they could do that.
5But even before the Shattering, some Agori had started comparing notes and realized the Earth tribe had been promoting this conflict while staying unbloodied by it. After the disaster, accepted wisdom became that the Earth EL and Agori were responsible for what had happened and so no one wanted anything to do with them anymore. They were effectively banished from society.
6Wow, thanks, Mr. Farshtey! This is great.
Wilmerkardell wrote:1Alright, I said I'm not going to ask more questions but. . .
2In MNOG, there is a Po-Matoran that looks pretty much identical to a Po-Matoran we see in MNOG 2, Epena. He tells Takua about the epidemic in the village. Is this Epena?
3As noted, had nothing to do with either game, so not able to answer this.
mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:1So I promised you guys something on why the Earth tribe are never talked about and are basically pariahs ...
2Boom. Archived onto a text document XD
3So... where were they the whole time? Underground Bara Magna? Under Bota Magna perhaps? Were they able to find enough food and drink on their own to survive all these years -- or did they fail?
4They are still out there. And a few were on Bara Magna, but just stragglers .. most are on Bota Magna, aboveground, and yes they have survived. They are resourceful and Bota Magna had plenty of plant life and animal life for food. The focus of the Earth tribe has been largely on building up their military, since they know other tribes hate them. Don't be surprised if they start trying to subvert members of other tribes in the interests of promoting conflict to promote a worldwide alliance against them.