1I have archived the previous "Ask Greg" topic, because I think 40 pages is quite enough. Here we start anew.
2Imatron's Prologue:
3In order to make things easier and more catagorized Im starting this topic to, well, keep things organized. The rules for this topic are as fallow:
4Only posts for asking Greg questions go here, if you want to discuss the questions he's answered, go here.
5Please only make ONE post at a time, and wait for Greg to answer the questions in that post before asking more questions in another.
6If you are looking for the previous thread with this subject (now closed), click on the following link:
7"Ask Greg" Topic - Archive 2006
Last Edit: by Mark of MoD
1Greg, will the 2007-? have more high technology, or more "classic" feel?
1More classic, basically like Voya Nui was.
1Greg, do you plan to kill anybody off next year?
1If I did, I couldn't tell you, Vash, I would be revealing future storyline. I can't very well gripe about you guys giving away spoilers if I start doing it.
1Mark what did you do with it?
1Greg, How did you become a writer?
1Mazalk - I have been writing pretty much since fourth grade, so that has always been my thing. When I got out of college, I got a job on a local newspaper, did that for three years, went on to do game design, then direct market copywriting, and then to LEGO. You certainly "become" a writer based on whether or not someone will pay you do it ... but in general, you either are a writer or you're not, no matter what job you are in. It's more than a job, it's your whole way of looking at the world and the source of your greatest satisfaction.
1Thanks Greg for answering my question.
2Anyway, you once stated that Mahri-Nui leaders don't last too long - what exactly happens to them?
1Nothing happens to them, Vash -- it's a system of rotating leadership. Everyone gets a turn.
1WHy did I see Sidorahk in the Bionicle Heroes trialer? 'cause last time I checked, Sidorahk was burning down there.
1I can answer this one.
2The game isn't canon (proper storyline), so you would see dead characters and people that aren't supposed to be there.
1Vash is correct -- the game is a shooter, and shooters require a lot of different targets to be successful. If they stuck to canon, you would have had to just be shooting the Piraka over and over again.That's why games don't stick to canon -- they have requirements the story as a whole does not.
11) Is the old hero that you mentioned would return this year, Krahka?
22) What do Toa do with prisoners since they do not actually kill? Like defeated Rahkshi and Dark Hunters?
33) If Toa do not kill, like, Rahkshi, and they allow it to live. Then if it escaped, and goes and kills matoran, does the Toa count as indirectly killing the Matoran?
44) What did Botar talk to Tahu about?
55) Why wasn't Vezok affected by the water (mutagenic?) when his canister was punctured in the first place?
66) Were the Bohrok (not the krana, just the armour) made from the same way the Rahkshi armour was made?
77) Why is the Kraata-Kal on the Dark Hunter's side?
88) Is Darkness supposed to kill The Shadowed One when he is physically weak (when Makuta defeated him), or just when being too kind to someone else (or something similar)?
99) How did Vezon ever get recorded into The Shadowed One's journal when his creation was so brief and short before going into a canister and get fused to Fenrahk by the MoLi?
1010) The Turaga on Mata-Nui had the Makoki stones. They didn't notice the carvings?!
1111) Why werent the Manas sent to attack the Dark Hunters? Or are they only meant for guardians?
1212) Why didn't the Mana Ko appear to fight the Toa Olda when they stormed Makuta's lair (before the MoL was found)?
11) No. It was the appearance of Lhikan in Book 5.22) Well, we have seen what they do with defeated Rahkshi -- Takanuva took some apart and built the Ussanui. And we have seen kraata sealed in a cave. As for DH, they are generally deported.33) You can make that argument. It has been made about Batman and The Joker -- that because he won't kill his foe, Batman is indirectly responsible for everyone The Joker kills.44) Hasn't been revealed yet.55) The water isn't mutagenic that close to the surface, otherwise Hahli would have mutated as well.66) No. Rahkshi armor is made from kraata.77) No doubt another loaner from the BOM, like Voporak.88) Physical weakness does not equal inability to lead effectively. Emotional weakness and indecisiveness do.99) Because Hakann sent a message to TSO telling them where they Piraka were going and included Vezon in that.1010) No. Neither did Lhikan. They are almost microscopic. Vezok only noticed them because, as a professional thief, he was used to analyzing things for extra value.1111) Since Makuta was "dead," his Manas had wandered off. Their master was no longer present.1212) Because the Mana Ko is not there to protect Makuta, it's there to protect his arsenal. The Toa were no threat to that. All they wanted was Makuta, and once they thought he was beaten, they left.
1What are your thoughts on the possibility of Bionicle having non-Toa, non-Matoran heroes as main characters one day? Just curious. I hope it never happens, but hey.2i.e. instead of six canister Toa, six other species take their place as good guys.
Last Edit: by SkullMonkey
1Do Bohrok exist on other islands besides Mata Nui?
1SkullMonkey - From a story standpoint, I don't object to it. From a business standpoint, I probably wouldn't recommend dropping Toa entirely. A lot of money has been spent building up equity in that name, and awareness of it among 8-12 year olds is up around 85%. So it wouldn't make much sense to take Toa completely out of the story when they are probably the most recognizable element of BIONICLE.
2Jaril - Bohrok live in nests beneath Mata Nui and Metru Nui. Their programming deals only with Mata Nui. So while they have been seen in other places, they are primarily concentrated near Mata Nui because that is where they work.
Last Edit: by Greg2660
16) No. Rahkshi armor is made from kraata.
2Sorry, but what I meant was, are Bohrok (not krana) made by dipping krana into energized protodermis?
32) Dark Hunters are deported. What does that mean? Are they sent to some place else? And what are done to them when they get there?
43) Who built all the mechanisms on Mata-Nui? (The slots to put the Kanohi masks, Makoki stone slots, etc)
54) What is the total number of the Matoran currently on Metru-Nui?
65) Aren't Great Beings really, really powerful? Why could they be harmed by the MoLi? Sure, it could destroy the whole universe, but the Great Beings create universes and control what happens, don't they?
76) Wouldn't Brutaka escape from the Pit using his mask?
87) Is Umbra or Vezon going to appear sometime soon?
98) Will you write the script for a Bionicle Movie if given the chance?
10Cheers, and thanks!
11. Could the Piraka use the MoLi if they did get it?
22. Why do the Bohrok need to return Mata Nui to how it was in the before-time?
33. Is the Kanohi Suletu supposed to have a split in the middle and something scaly on the left side?
44. Why did Karzhani(spelling?) make the Inika change their maks as Matoran?
Last Edit: by Jaril: Toa of Air
1Why wasn't there a movie last year (2006, not 2005)?
2Is there gonna be one THIS year?
3Is Turaga Lhikan's mask the noble hau metru, meaning, is Tahu's mask gonna be exactly the same?
4You said that a mask if even scratched, looses it's power, but 2001 Toa had scratches on their masks. Explain this, please.
5Is it true that makuta is the Ancient Evil and Antidermis?
6Is Antidermis a Virus, or a paint like thing?
7Could there be a contest for storyline writing? Or character Come-up-ness, meaning the person that creates the best character gets him/her/it into the storyline?
8The Disousa
1Zanarh --21) No.32) Some may be sent back to their base (for minor offenses); for major offenses, they may wind up in places like the protodermis mines; for really major offenses, they wind up in Pit.43) Can't answer it54) Roughly 99365) Yes, but they are also alive, and anything that exists can be affected by the pure power of life. Any creator is capable of making something powerful enough to harm him as well.76)Yes, and Botar would track him down and throw him back in again. 87) Umbra, no, Vezon maybe if I have room.98) I would, but I doubt I would be given the chance -- movie studios prefer to work with people they have worked with before.
10Jaril111) No. Piraka do not have the mental discipline to use Kanohi masks.122) Because that is the mission they were given. It is their reason for existing.133) That is how the organic version looks.144) Because, for a Matoran, his mask is what the outside world sees of his face -- so he comes to identify with it. If you take his mask away and make him use one of your choosing, you are saying, "I will choose what your identity is, not you."
15Disousa 161) Because B3 did not sell as well as B2 and B2 did not sell as well as B1. It became obvious fans were taking the movies for granted and no longer excited by them, and there is no point in spending the money on the films if they a - aren't exciting the fans and b - aren't helping set sales any.172) There are no feature film or direct to DVD movie plans at this time.183) I don't understand your question. What does Lhikan's mask have to do with Tahu's mask?194) Not deep enough scratches. It's the same way that your car can have a scratch on just the coating, but it doesn't actually extend down to the paint.205) Yes216) Most of the time, it appears as a viscous gas-liquid combination, but it can also be all gas or all liquid.227) We have basically already done that -- the Rahi Contest winners, the Dark Hunter contest winners, and the grand prize winners for the Piraka Fusion contest and the Toa contest got their characters into the storyline. Characters like Tahtorak, the Kanohi Dragon, Toa Krakua, Darkness and other characters who have appeared in comics and books are all fan-created.
1i think i know what disousa means, because lhikan is wearing the [metru nui version] of the kanohi hau, and tahu is currently wearing the [mata nui] hau [nuva] (sorry for all the little tidbits in between)..when lhikan gives up his power to make the toa metru, he devolved into a turaga, and the mask he wore was, what was assumed to be, the noble hau, so i think he's asking if that's what tahu's mask would look like were he to become a turaga.
1Who are the HoA (Hand of Artahka)?
Originally posted by Toa Nikara:1 i think i know what disousa means, because lhikan is wearing the [metru nui version] of the kanohi hau, and tahu is currently wearing the [mata nui] hau [nuva] (sorry for all the little tidbits in between)..when lhikan gives up his power to make the toa metru, he devolved into a turaga, and the mask he wore was, what was assumed to be, the noble hau, so i think he's asking if that's what tahu's mask would look like were he to become a turaga.
3The Disousa
1er... that's good. i wasn't sure if i made any sense in that post. but i do have a question so:
2do you make characters, and then set designers make sets, or do set designers make sets and then you make up backstories?
1i beleive he explained sets then story in the last greg topic
1But keep in mind, Tahu is not wearing a Hau -- he's wearing a Hau Nuva -- so it would be a Noble Hau Nuva, not a Noble Hau, if he turned into a Turaga. The Hau Nuva does not look like Tahu's Hau or Lhikan's Hau.
2Lanahka - Hasn't been revealed yet.
Last Edit: by Greg2660
1How strong are solidified air bubbles? I mean, are they weak, or are they strong enough to blow up boulder or something like that?
1No, they are not explosively powerful. The point of one of these bubbles is for it to dissolve back into gas when it strikes its target, because air is toxic to undersea creatures.
1hia greg, how old are the barraki?2willy wants to know
1Where do all the bubbles come from to be harvested? Natural dissolved oxygen?
1Willy - Well, easily over 80,000 years old.
2Jaril - They come from a plant called airweed.
Originally posted by Greg2660:
17) We have basically already done that -- the Rahi Contest winners, the Dark Hunter contest winners, and the grand prize winners for the Piraka Fusion contest and the Toa contest got their characters into the storyline. Characters like Tahtorak, the Kanohi Dragon, Toa Krakua, Darkness and other characters who have appeared in comics and books are all fan-created.2Greg
3Yes, but that's more of a MoCing contest. I mean something like, comming up with an:
  • 4Storyline contest: the one that has the most interesting storyline, has it up as a year's stroryline;
  • 5Character contest: the most interesting character get's incorporated in the storyline.

6The Disousa
1Disousa - A storyline contest would be impossible to do, because storyline is determined by the sets for that year, and fans do not know what future sets will be ahead of time. As for a character contest, the character would be able to appear in books, then, as it would not be a set, and with the reduced book schedule I have very little room for non-set characters in the books.