1I was wondering, which eye is Kalmah blind in?
2Which is your favorite Barraki to write about?
3If you have any of the Barakki, which is your favorite?
4Was the Jailer of the Pit affrected by the mutagen?
5and a random, non-Bionicle related question: do you watch Smallville?
11) Top one22) Takadox33) I don't have any of them yet, they aren't in the company store44) No, he was dead by the time the original Pit flooded55) I used to. It's one of those shows I like but never seem to get around to watching
1wait, so the jailer was dead when the pit flooded? does that mean that he was killed before the barraki took control?
1Nikara --
2Here's the timeline --
31) Barraki get sent to the Pit, guarded by jailer42) Earthquake hits Pit, shatters it. Jailer injured in quake53) Takadox kills jailer as Barraki escape out into ocean64) Pit jail fully floods
1Is the Toa from the 1st Toa team you mentioned a male or female? [Confused]
Last Edit: by Karzahni
1Thanks for aswering my questions Mr. Farshtey, but I have a few more, mostly based on the Barakki, since I just got Kalmah today.
21. Which one is the one that has "near Makuta intelligence?"
32. Kalmah bred the squids, but did he make the launchers too? If not, who did?
43. Was Pridak always the leader, or did he take over after one of the other ones showed some sign of weakness?
54. Are Kalmah's tentacles conected to his arm, or are they like whips?
65. How drastic was the Barakkis' mutation? did they just change enough to look like sea creatures, or did they completely change?
76. Who is stronger, Kalmah or Mantax?
87. If the six Piraka fought the six Barakki, without the Barakkis' armies, who do you think would win?
9Well, I think that's all for now. Thanks again!
1Karzahni - Too early to discuss this.
2Jack -- 1) Pridak, Kalmah and Takadox are all extremely intelligent.32) Yes, he did43) No, he pretty much always was the leader54) I believe they are a part of him65) They changed pretty radically76) Probably Kalmah87) The Piraka would drown, so it wouldn't be much of a contest
1How long does it take you to write a book? So do you make up the storyline or does Lego?
2EDIT: Oh, Greg what do you want to see in the storyline? Theme wise.
Last Edit: by Shadrahk
1Hypothetically, if the Nuva had failed against the B-Kal, what would the -Kal do; just go back to sleep?
2And if the Rahkshi had won against the Nuva, what would have become of the Nuva's bodies?
3Yes, I know it is fairly pointless, but I am just curious.
1Shadrahk - It takes me about two months to write a book, working nights and weekends, and I help put the storyline together as part of the overall LEGO Story Team. As far as what I want to see in the storyline, it's not really something I worry about, because story is dictated by sets.
2Whenua - The Kal would have freed the Bahrag, then gone back into dormancy because they were no longer needed. As for your second question, well, my assumption would be that the organic tissue would eventually break down and the mechanical parts would eventually erode, providing there is not some other mechanism in the universe for body disposal (and there well might be, but it is not something the story bibles have addressed).
Originally posted by Greg2660:
17) The Piraka would drown, so it wouldn't be much of a contest
2If they were somehow both able to be on equal terms who would win?
1Piraka have a lot more powers at their disposal. Barraki are craftier and in general smarter, but might be outpowered 1 on 1.
Originally posted by Greg2660:1 Shadrahk - It takes me about two months to write a book, working nights and weekends, and I help put the storyline together as part of the overall LEGO Story Team. As far as what I want to see in the storyline, it's not really something I worry about, because story is dictated by sets.
2Whenua - The Kal would have freed the Bahrag, then gone back into dormancy because they were no longer needed. As for your second question, well, my assumption would be that the organic tissue would eventually break down and the mechanical parts would eventually erode, providing there is not some other mechanism in the universe for body disposal (and there well might be, but it is not something the story bibles have addressed).
4So you build the sets and then build a story around them?
1Shadrahk -- Yes, pretty much. We generally have an overall idea for a year -- for example, we knew in 2004 that 2007 would be underwater, deal with the Mask of Life, etc., although the planned end for the year got changed radically in the past six months -- but it isn't until the sets are prototyped that we start defining the characters, who they are, what they can do, what their relationships will be with each other.
2Doing it the other way -- which we tried -- results in things like B2, which was a good film but hardly included the Vahki at all -- and those were the sets we were trying to sell. If the story does not promote awareness of the current sets, then it isn't helping LEGO any. As a previous boss once said, "If we don't sell plastic, there won't be any story."
1two questions greg...21.I didnt actually read the BA series but i heard somewhere that the toa metru buried 6 toa stones under metru nui in bl 5-6, if this was included in the book, are they still there to this day?
32.although u said sets come first, do names come before sets? or the other way around?
Last Edit: by Daikunus Himself
1Hey Greg, you know how you said you don't like to revive charactars from the dead, well if the pit jailer is dead, how could he be up and walking if you don't bring back dead characters?
1Daikunus - 1) No, that never happens. The Toa Metru did indeed create six Toa stones, but they were not buried under Metru Nui, they were hidden on Mata Nui and eventually found by Takua. 2) Sets come before names.
2Aang - 1) First off, you don't know the story yet on this -- and second, "don't like" is not the same as "never do." I would not, for example, bring back Mavrah because his death was witnessed and had meaning in the story. No one ever saw the jailer character before, or witnessed his death, and so it has no meaning to readers -- therefore it does not hurt the story any to bring him back. But I would hold off on your judgement on what this means to the story as a whole until you learn HOW and WHY the jailer has reappeared.
1greg, are the toa stones still usable or have they been used already?
1What is the Mavrah?
2The Disousa
1Daikunus - They were used during the 2001 storyline by Takua to send the signal which brought the Toa Mata into shore on Mata Nui.
2Disousa - Mavrah was an Onu-Matoran in Metru Nui. He appeared in BIONICLE Adventures #5 and drowned at the end of the book.
1Following Aang's question, what about Jaller?
2The Disousa
1Aang was asking about my position on bringing dead characters back -- I had nothing to do with writing the movie, so what happened with Jaller has nothing to do with my approach to this issue.
1greg, did matoro truly die in bl5 or was it just a illusion?
1No, he died. And then he was recreated.
Originally posted by Greg2660:1 Aang was asking about my position on bringing dead characters back -- I had nothing to do with writing the movie, so what happened with Jaller has nothing to do with my approach to this issue.
3You wrote the book.
1Makes no difference, Shadrahk -- The movie novelizations are based directly off the movie scripts, which are written by someone else. I don't have the authority to change plot points from the film, so whether I liked the scene or I didn't, it had to be written to match the movie.
1Well, you really changed what happened with Makuta and Takanuva in Mask of Life!
2Yes, the same events occurred, but you totally twisted it. 3In the movie the unity between light and dark revealed truth. 4But when Takanuva reflected back on it in a later book he said that he was able to take control because Makuta was still in shock from having his mask removed. It was still a battle between good and evil, not a unity between them.
5That is a big difference. (I like your version much better By the way!)6Did you mean to do that at the time?
Originally posted by Greg2660:1 Makes no difference, Shadrahk -- The movie novelizations are based directly off the movie scripts, which are written by someone else. I don't have the authority to change plot points from the film, so whether I liked the scene or I didn't, it had to be written to match the movie.
3But I see you throw in some add on's [Razz]
4Can you say if there will be a movie this year?
1Differences between the movie novels and the script - significant ones -- are the result of my working from an earlier version of the script than what was shot. For example, the Lohrak fight in the B2 novel was in the script at that time -- it was cut from the film after the novel was completed and turned in.
2No -- if we were doing a movie in 2007, you would already know about it, because it would have been in animation for at least the last six months to a year.
1Oh wow, so whens the next planned movie?
1There are no more movies planned at the current time, for three reasons:
21) The studio we had our deal with, Miramax, no longer exists in its previous form. So we would need to make a deal with another studio before we could do another movie.
32) Fan buzz for B3 was virtually non-existent, indicating the fans had started taking the movies for granted.
43) B3 did not sell as well as B2, which did not sell as well as B1 -- given that, rushing out a B4 doesn't make much business sense.
1Do you think there will be any more movies?
1Greg, you said that we shouldn't judge on the fact that the jailer was brought back to life until we knew the curcumstances(sp?) in which he was brought back to life (or something along those lines); could this have any possible connection to the power of the Kanohi Tryna?2-Rabin
1what i noticed when Bionicle 3 came out is that it wasnt out anywhere, i was lucky to find a copy where i live, do u know if they made less copies because of the loss of hype?
1Err. What's the kanohi Tryna?