1The Mask of Elemental Energy in the video game is considered part of official story, yes. They simply have not been used much anywhere besides the video game, because their main reason for existing was as a game power-up.
1In the beginning of the year on the Piraka teaser that came on the backs of the comics, there were hexagon-like Matoran letters. After that, we never really saw them again. We will ever see them again? And if so, will we ever learn the hole alphabet? Also, is it another form of Matoran writing, or is it some other type?
Last Edit: by Toa Zeo of Ice
1It's basically another dialect of Matoran, and right now, I don't have plans to use it elsewhere, there hasn't been any need. The Voya Nui Matoran don't have a lot of time to jot stuff down.
1I heard that the matoran in the lost land somehow survived.Is this true?Do you like my avatar?
Last Edit: by Shadow:Hedghog of Chaos
Originally posted by Shadow:Hedghog of Chaos:1 I heard that the matoran in the lost land somehow survived.Is this true?Do you like my avatar?
2On that note Greg, does that mean Jovan's alive?
1Vashetti, Jovan's dead.
2SPOILER Below....

3In BL#3, it says that the Turaga died in when Voya Nui rocketed upward during the cataclysm.
1Ah, right, thank you.
2it does get a bit confusing sometimes.........
1Mr Honourable Greg:
21) According to the DH Guide, is it true that Reidak demolished his own home island? Or just a portion of it?
32) Zaktan was a slave! Wheee! (Ooops, not a question)
43) How did Takanuva find his way back through the lightless-tunnel from BL #2 after Jaller & Co. left?
54) Is Metru-Nui still in a damaged state?
65) *non-storyline question...* About the Bionicle Chroniclers book set with promotional mask... Why is Lhikan's Hau included instead of the Poison Hau? I was so sad...
76) Were the Bohrok (armour) formed just as how the Rahkshi (armour) were formed?
87) Do you like to eat burgers?
98) Where do you get your inspiration for the books?

10Cheers [Big Grin]
11) Just a portion of it, although the whole island is rubble anyway23) Walked straight ahead34) Yes, it takes a long time to repair after a big earthquake45) Because there weren't enough Poisoned Hau's available for the high demand that the book had.56) No67) I don't eat hamburgers much79) My deadlines, usually
11. You may have answered this before, and if so, sorry for asking you again, but, can the Ignika speak?
22. You said that the Ignika can take someone's life. Is it possible that the mask could sort of hold the person's life and give it back to them at a later time?
33. Is Botar very powerful?
44. could Axonn fight and win against all the Piraka at once, all by himself?
5Thank you
11) Not out loud, no.22) No, because the Ignika cannot give life to the dead. Once you're dead, you're dead.33) Powerful enough44) Even Axonn himself admitted that six Piraka is a challenge
11) Being the Mask of Life, shouldn't the Ignika be able to revive the dead, such as what had happened to Jaller?
2If not, why? Its the Mask of Life. What else could be expected?
32) Can Brutaka win against the Piraka or Axonn as easily as he did while fighting against the Toa Nuva and Voya-Nui Matoran?
43) Why wasn't Turaga Dume's memory erased? He had spent a long enough time inside a sphere anyway.
54) How long did the Matoran spend inside the spheres prior awakening on Mata-Nui?
65) Why didn't the Matoran fashion better weapons from their surroundings while on Mata Nui?
76) Did the Turaga teach the Matoran how to fight? If not, why?
87) Over 1000 years, Makuta had every single chance of retrieving the Mask of Time. Why didn't he do so?
98) What exactly do the elemental powers mean?10Does a Toa of Fire have control over lava, fire, or just heat?11Does a Toa of Water control steam and liquid protodermis and water (found on Mata-Nui)?12Does a Toa of Air control air, or just a portion of it such as oxygen and carbon monoxide? (Or do these gases exist in the Bionicle world?)13Does a Toa of Earth control dirt, soil, and other minerals found in earth?14Does a Toa of Stone control stone, pebbles, sand and gem-stones?15Does a Toa of Ice control ice and coldness only?
16Does it mean that even a slight property change to a certain type of object a certain Toa should be able to control, would render the control over it useless?
179) Do you personally think that the worst vision Karzahni had made was really the worst? It seemed not so tragic. Or did you just described it moderately in BL #2?
1810) What had happened to the mad Matoran who helped Jaller and co escape from Karzahni?

19~Cheers. [Razz]
1Taarel --
21) No. Giving the Ignika that power would unbalance the story. Where would the drama be in any character dying or almost dying if you know you can always use the mask to just bring him back? As for why not -- just returning life to a corpse does not bring back the person it was, because the spirit is still gone. Think "Monkey's Paw" -- nothing good comes from bringing back the dead.
32) If he took them by surprise, as he did the Toa, yes.
43) No, he didn't. Dume was out of his sphere before the Toa Metru left Metru Nui with the Matoran.
54) Few days at most, maybe a week.
65) You do what you are capable of doing and with the technology you have available. If I drop you on a deserted island tomorrow, are you going to be able to make a gun? How about a sword?
76) The Matoran didn't need to be taught how to fight. They were dealing mostly with Rahi and figured out pretty quickly how to handle them.
87) Because if he made the attempt, he had every reason to believe Vakama would destroy it. He wasn't willing to take that chance in Time Trap and he wasn't going to take it now.
98) Fire - controls fire, flame and heat. Does not control lava, except for the parts of it that are fire.10Water - Controls water, moisture, liquid protodermis, not steam that we have seen so far -- that isn't water, it's gas.11Air - Controls air, not the specific things that make it up.12Earth - Dirt and soil, yes, probably not minerals.13Stone - Stone and rock, we have not had him control sand.14Ice - Ice, snow, sleet, cold.
159) It was the end of the universe and everyone died. What exactly do you think is worse than that?
1610) He's still in Karzahni.
1Is the Brotherhood of Mata Nui all male?
1According to the answers given...
21) The Matoran were in the spheres for only about 7 days, while Turaga Dume should be in a Sphere longer than that. Makuta had been taking over Metru Nui in his guise for how long? That should have taken a long enough time for the Turaga to lose memory. Or did Makuta hide Turaga Dume somewhere else?
32) Why did the Makuta need the Mask of Time to achieve his dreams? Let the Matoran spend a few days in the spheres, lose their memory, then awaken them to claim to be their ruler! Why does he need the Vahi?
43) The matoran has mines and furnaces on Mata-Nui. They could fashion out a weapon in no time. (Such as how they made the pick-axes and shields) O.o''' why didn't they?
54) So does it mean the Ignika can create zombies after taking away the lives from other beings and ressurecting him? Or will it be able to revive a fallen being such as Jaller if he died once more, leaving the mask behind?
65) Will the Piraka be affected if Zamor sphere were shot at them?
7Cheers. Thanks for answering the questions [Big Grin]
Originally posted by Kokua, winged singer:1 Is the Brotherhood of Mata Nui all male?
2I don't think so, somewhere on Bzpower greg said there were female members as well.
3Greg, can we ever expect a lariska set? and what clour is she?
4thank you.
Last Edit: by Vashetti
1Taarel - 1) True, but obviously Dume's sphere didn't work right or he wouldn't have been able to get out of it on his own.
22) You are forgetting the fact that the Matoran did not wake up with their memories gone. That took place over a span of years -- years Makuta was not willing to wait.
33) They did. They had throwing disks. They had spears. Most likely they would have had axes as well, but I know they were depicted with spears online.
44) We don't plan on having the Ignika make zombies or resurrect the dead. Simply not the direction we want to take the story.
55) Sure.
6Vashetti - No plans at this point for a Lariska set, no.
1Looks accurate to me.
Originally posted by Greg2660:1 You are forgetting the fact that the Matoran did not wake up with their memories gone. That took place over a span of years -- years Makuta was not willing to wait.
21) So the Matoran woke up with their memories... but slowly lost them over the years on Mata-Nui? Then why didn't the Turaga remind them of their past such as how to rebuild some things?
32) Some of the Dark Hunters such as Triglax and Lariska were not mentioned in the DH Guide. Why not?
43) What happened to the Great Being who tried to examine the Ignika?
54) Quote from BA #10... Toa Krakua mentioned about the Toa Inika and that Vakama would have to send them to Voya-Nui. Was that a flaw in the story?
65) Now that there are so many beings that seem to be more powerful than Toa... It seems that the Toa might be one of the weaker beings in the universe. Even a single Visorak or Bohrok could take down a Toa, given the training. Why the sudden vulnerablilty?
76) The Toa Hagah braved through the Fohrok, Exo-Toa and Visorak. They even fought against Makuta to a stalemate! It seems too extravagant. Are the Toa Hagah just the average Toa with extremely more experience, wisdom, knowledge and control over their powers, or somehow "changed" to become Toa with more powers?
87) Why were the Matoran forced to work, instead of being able to have more lesiure time to themselves?
98) The Shadowed one was aged after touching Voporak. Couldn't he just order Voporak to reverse the effect?
109) It was stated that a single crack could damage a mask and render it useless. A Toa would have gone through fights that could have easily broken their mask. But it was seldom seen. Why?
1110) Why were the Turaga able to obtain so many Kanohi on Mata-Nui?
12Thanks, Greg.
13Cheers [Big Grin]
Originally posted by Taarel:
Originally posted by Greg2660:1 You are forgetting the fact that the Matoran did not wake up with their memories gone. That took place over a span of years -- years Makuta was not willing to wait.
21) So the Matoran woke up with their memories... but slowly lost them over the years on Mata-Nui? Then why didn't the Turaga remind them of their past such as how to rebuild some things?
3Because they didn't want to remind them of a home they might've never seen again.
1What's the differece beetween Fohrok and Bohrok?
1Taarel - 1) See Vashetti's answer. If the house you were in as a baby burned down, and you had to grow up in a house that wasn't as good, would you want to be reminded of what you lost? For what purpose? 2) Because there are no sets of them, therefore there are no pics for an entry. 3) You'll find out in 2007. 4) No -- Vakama could have sent a squad out to get Jaller and his group and bring them back, and he chose not to. That makes him responsible for their going. 5) Um, no. It is highly doubtful that one Visorak or one Bohrok on their own could beat a Toa. Visorak and Bohrok attack in swarms, which is why they are successful. At the same time, if you create villains that are all weaker than the Toa, the stories aren't very exciting, are they? 6) And the Toa Mata and later Toa Nuva fought through Rahi, Bohrok, Bahrag, Rahi Nui, Rahkshi, and Makuta -- the Toa Metru fought Vahki, Morbuzakh, Krahka, Karzahni, Rahi Nui, Visorak, and Makuta -- so how does that make the Hagah better than either of those teams? 7) They weren't "forced" to work. Working is what they exist to do. If they don't work, their civilization collapses. And, leisure time is a relatively modern concept -- go back to medieval times or the Industrial Revolution and check out how much leisure time people had back then. 8) Nope. Voporak can't make things younger, only older. 9) Obviously their masks did not get cracked in those instances. How many blows to the face have you seen Toa get in these stories? 10) I am not sure what you are referring to. The Toa Metru brought the Kanohi with them from Metru Nui to Mata Nui.
2VNM -- "Fohrok" is a fan term for a fake Bohrok, built by the Brotherhood of Makuta. Because they could not activate the Bohrok without activating all of them, they tried to duplicate their abilities in their own creations, but the project was a failure.
1because of the set, does vezon really ride the kardas?
2The Disousa
2I'm feeling rather helpful today.
1Oh greg I got loads of Q's so please bear with me
21) are the toa nuva dead?
32) What happened to takanuva when he went witht the matoran(I read this is in dark destiny as you know but didn't get to finish it as we were in a book store) so what happened?? (you don't have to answer that if you don't want to)
43) just what IS kardas?
54) When is L#4 coming out?
65) is there some special reason the inika have teeth?
Last Edit: by *Tahu_Nuva_Kid*
11. After absorbing the kinetic energy of someone's attack, can Vezon actually use that energy for himself? (As in, could he turn it into another form of energy and shoot a beam of it?0
22. Who is your favorite Matoran?
33. Is there a color that you would like to be included in Bionicle that isn't already?
44.Is Kardas one of a kind?
55. Whose mask would you rather Have and why: Axonn's or Brutaka's?
Originally posted by *Tahu_Nuva_Kid*:1 Oh greg I got loads of Q's so please bear with me
21) are the toa nuva dead?
32) What happened to takanuva when he went witht the matoran(I read this is in dark destiny as you know but didn't get to finish it as we were in a book store) so what happened?? (you don't have to answer that if you don't want to)
43) just what IS kardas?
54) When is L#4 coming out?
65) is there some special reason the inika have teeth?
71 If they're dead, then whos going to wake Mata-nui? Brutaka's put them in a place where no one will find them, so no.
82 He went back to Metru-nui and his currently being hunted by the dark hunter Dweller from the archives.
93 Kardas is a dragon, he is the combiner of Fenrahk, Axonn and Brutaka. Vezon rides him, he's very young but the characters who make up the combiner don't combine in the story, his role will be revealed in Bl#5
104 October and Bl#5 in December.
115 No idea.
1Jack - 1) No. It adds to his strength, that's all. 2) It was Nuparu, before he became a Toa. 3) No, I am not a visual person, so I don't worry about colors. I think in words. 4) Yes. 5) Brutaka's. I don't need something to tell me if someone is lying, because I work around honest people -- and Brutaka's would help me get to the mall faster!
1Greg, over at Bzpower, you've been providing hints about the Inika getting new masks, can you confirm that next years collectable will be masks?
11. What is your favorite team of Toa that we have seen so far?
22. Is there any power that hasn't been introduced that you would like to include in Bionicle?
33. You've said that Kanohi could have attachments made for them (ex: Nuju's telescope eyepiece.) So could other attachments be made (such as breathing apparatuses on masks that aren't Masks of Water Breathing)?
44. Could a very experienced Toa surround him/herself in their element as a type of attack intensifier/shield?
55.Could a Toa of Air fly without a mask of flight by using his elemental powers? Could a Toa of Fire?
Last Edit: by jack15
1Vashetti -- We had new masks this year,too, but they were not a collectable.
2Jack15 - 1) Toa Metru. 2) I don't really worry about potential new powers until I have to come up with them for sets. 3) Arguably, yes. 4) I'm not clear on what you mean. They can certainly make shields around themselves with their elements, but I don't see it as an attack intensifier. 5) A Toa of Fire can't, no. A Toa of Air might be able to, but not as fast or as precisely as Nuparu can, because he has to use his control of air both to keep himself up and to move himself around (think Toa Matau without the wings).
1So Greg no special reason for teeth on the inika??
1Probably just because the set designers made them that way. 'nuff said.