1Jack - 1) I would say most likely yes. 2) Simple. You attack me. I use the power of the mask to scramble your molecules and turn you into something that is no longer a threat. 3) I don't quantify BIONICLE powers, it paints me into corners. 4) See answer to #3. 5) Not that we know of. 6) Simple again. You attack me. I use the mask to weaken you so that your attack won't hurt me. 7) There may well be a mask that can slow your opponents, but not that we have seen in the story thus far. 8) Nope.
1If The Kanohi Inika are biological, do they work like krana, meaning, they could have they're own lives and controll mechanical armours, like bohrok?
2What's the name of the thing that looks like a krana and a kraata combined? I think that it called something like kraatna, or kratana, or something like that. And what can it do?
3Is there any other "religion" other than mata nui in the bionicle world?
4The Disousa
1hey I thought I would take a shot at this, eh?
2are the new sets (the one for the book cover) like elite piraka, not piraka but more powerful then them?
1Greg, are Toa Nuparu's claws actually his hands in the story, or does he hold them like weapons?
1Disousa - 1) No. 2) It doesn't have an offical name. 3) As I am sure you know, "religion" is really not the right term of the Matorans' honoring of and respect for Mata Nui. He is not a god and he is not worshipped. And we don't put religion into BIONICLE because it offends people.
2Shadrahk - The 2007 villains have no connection the Piraka at all.
3Takia - Nuparu's claws are a part of his hands.
1oh, ok.
2*working of Takia's post*: so are they gloves or are they tools?
1so they don't have lives? They're just... Faces?! Then how can they take'em off? They Rip Away their own Faces? Yuck!
2The Disousa
1I have no idea what you're talking about, Disousa.
1do you think you can answer my second Q?
1Neither, they are part of his hands.
1so are they hook ons? your not really explaining yourself.
1the inika masks,that was what i was talking about. I'll copy the questions.
2so they don't have lives? They're just... Faces?! Then how can they take'em off? They Rip Away their own Faces? Yuck!
3EDIT:What Greg meant, Shadrahk was that The Claws ARE Nuparu's hands. His Finges, for instants.
4The Disousa
Last Edit: by The Disousa
1Shadrahk - They are part of his hands, like a lion has claws. What are you confused about?
2Disousa -- No, the Toa still have faces, the same way they did under their old masks. The Inika masks are not their faces, they are still masks, just organic in nature. It's the difference between you wearing, say, a plastic Halloween mask on your face or a giant mushroom on your face. Neither one IS your face -- they are both masks, just one is plastic and one is organic.
1I just didn't get what you ment. so it is a part of his body then.
1Do you personally envision Nuparu's claws as coming from his knuckles, kind of like wolverine’s, or are they more like fingers, or a lion's claws coming out of, or serving as, his fingers?
1Really haven't thought about it in that kind of detail, Ouranos.
1Ok, I understand that, 2But if he ever gets into a fist fight, it may become quite important! 3I can only hope!
1that would be cool, bionicle x-men style O.o
1But something organic must have life, therefore, unless they're dead, the Inika Masks Are alive. Although You sayd they didn't. So Does this make sense?
2The Disousa
1Let me just clarify my previous answer for you -- the masks are organic and sentient, however they do not have independent lives (they don't need nutrition, they don't sit around thinking about things or planning their futures) and they can't control suits of armor. They are capable of some form of communication, but it tends to be through causing headaches rather than through any kind of language.
1Im sorry, if you cant answer this, I know you hate saying "I can't discuss 2007 at this time," but i think you'll be able to answer this
2Will there be as many new pieces as there was in 2006?
3Again,m sorry if you can't answer it.
1Oh, ok.
2The Disousa
1Jack - I don't have this info, sorry. That is something that the set designers would know. I just do story.
1How far ahead ddo you personally know about, in story or set designs?
1Hi Greg! Thanks for all the great comics and books, my kids love them.
2Since you don't do the set designing, I understand that you might not know the answer to this. You said before that the Inika will be getting new Kanohi masks next year. Do you know if the masks will be plastic (like the older masks) and connect the same way, or if they will be rubber like this year's Inika masks?
3Thanks for any info you can give. [Smile]
1Kardas -- Through 2007. Set concepts and story concepts are just now being started for 2008.
2Xanxost - The best info I have right now is that they will not be rubberized.
1XD, hey its a Q is I can ask it.
21: what was your favorite year Greg?
32: do you like the new toa inika masks? (rubbery).

4XD, you don't have to answer these if you don't want to [Razz]
1You say that both the story and the set plans for 2008 are just getting started. I was curious about how much input you personally have in the story line and character progression? 2For example, do you get to help make the call about which matoran become toa, and what their powers will be, or do you have to wait for the set designers determine who and what powers, and simply write around/with what they decide? 3More specifically, were you in on the decision to give Nuparu a mask of flight, and Jaller the mask of fate. And did you have a say in the decision to make Jaller’s team toa, instead of someone like the chronicler’s company?
4That was a bit of a complex question… 5Has anyone thanked you in a while for answering all this?! 6THANKS [Smile]
1Is there any plan at all for mask packs to return? Ever?
1Kardas,that is in the hands of the sets designers and promoters,greg cannot know this.
1Shadrahk - 1) Although I am not sure I would say it was the best story year, I would say 2004, because that is when I started doing novels. 2) I am not sure I really have an opinion on the masks, as I have not built the sets yet.
2Ouranos - When it comes to things like what characters sets will be, I have a lot of input. For example, I make the recommendations on mask powers, and I have a lot to do with deciding what powers different characters have. The entire story team had a role in deciding on Jaller's team being the new Toa -- my contribution was advocating for Nuparu and coming up with the powers.
3Kardas - Basically, it comes down to there are people, including me, on the BIONICLE team who would like to see mask packs and mask collecting come back. I think what is working against it is that when we do focus groups, the kids could really care less about the masks, they care about how big the weapons are.
1How about having a basic toa, that comes with out any weapons or armour, and only a basic mask, and then sell complete weapon+armour+mask packs seperate from the actual toa?
Last Edit: by Kardas
1Kardas - It's an idea, Kardas, sort of a BIONICLE version of Action Man. I am not sure how it would do, though -- even when we did mask packs, the accessory packs did not sell all that well and were in fact almost cancelled a few years ago for that reason.
1Ok, imagine this with the nuva (if they were new, I'm just using them as an example). You get the standard nuva, with breastplates and shoulder pads, weapons, and a mask. Aside from the model itself, that's all you get. Now, in the packets, you get some weapons, the shoulder pads, and the breastplate all in a similar style, which would look better (to most of us, anyway) than the "standard" armour that you usually get. On top of this, you could also include one or two masks with the pack, possibly one fitting with the general scheme of the armour etc, and one in a different style. You could probably sell these packs for about 33%-40% of what you sell the toa for, so say if a toa costs $12, you could sell the packs for around $4, or maybe even $5. I know I'd buy it!
1I know, I got the idea of what you were suggesting -- same problem remains, accessory packs don't sell well.