1There were a number of movie characterizations that did not match the characters as they are done in the story bibles and in the books and comics -- for example, Pohatu in Mask of Light is almost nothing like his description in the 2001 story bible. The moviemakers take the liberties they feel they need to take for their story.
1I don't mean to get off topic....but I'm used to only seeing the word 'bible' mentioned in a religous topic, as I am christian. Could you explain what the term 'bible' means in that answer?
1It's the guide to the story. They use the story bible to check up on what's what.
1hey greg, been a while since i posted, but i was wondering, seeing as how all the toa inika have lightning/electricity powers infused with their own, is their a possibility that maybe a toa (maybe one such as, i don't know, hewkii?) would lose their other primary power and have it replaced with lightning? like..something like ep altering just that one toa, and taking away his/her power, and making lightning the primary? then maybe starting a new village, etc.etc.?
1Oh, and yeah, What will happen if Hahli fires a blast of water into the ocean? Will the water be electrified?
11. How come The suletu has metal plates in it? isn't it organic?
22. is the barakki on city of the lost cover a prototype, like the prototype matoro on a book cover wich I don't remember the name?
3The Disousa
1by the way, on the same vein as my earlier question, is their a possibility that there could be a village of another element made up of females? like ga-koro, but of another element?
1Aegis - It's a neat theory. The only problem is, the idea of Takua being a Toa of Light did not come up back when the design for him was first created. So if it's accurate, it's accurate by accident.
2Xanxost - Don't know, will ask.
3Nikara - At the moment, we don't have plans for another female village. Doesn't say we never will do that, just not planned at the moment. And no, we don't plan to convert the element of any of the Toa -- plus, how would Toa Hewkii, say, found a village? With what Matoran?
4Disousa - 1) Who is to say it is not organic tissue that looks like inorganic material? 2) I cannot discuss 2007.
5Zanarh - Not the entire ocean, no, just a part of it.
6Elemental Matrix - If you check the dictionary definition for "bible," you will find that one of the definitions is a "book, reference work or periodical regarded to be authoritative, informative or reliable" -- that is the definition that applies here. "Story bible" is a very common term in moviemaking and television, so everyone has a document that is accurate and they can work from.
1Whoah. Thanks Greg [Big Grin]

2Is Takua truly a Ta-matoran?
3Why didn't they program the Vahki to work for the Matoran instead of just keeping them from skipping work?
4As with my questions earlier on...(Toa Nuva fights with Piraka)...5Couldn't Kopaka freeze them all, such as what he had done with Tahu (mask poisoned by Rahkshi)? He froze him totally. Why not do so with the Piraka?
6Are the Piraka invulnerable to blunt attacks? Falls from cliffs and walls of earth pounding them don't seem to affect them.
7You said Toa don't kill. And said that the Toa Metru Hordika didn't really had full control of their Toa sides when they killed the Visorak.8But shouldn't they be fully on their Toa side when fighting them, afterall, they had met Keetongu, and had their hearts hardened to continue with their destiny, to free Vakama and the matoran?
9You said that the Toa Metru had their exhausted their elemental energies when you were queried about the lack of elemental power usage in Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui.10But Toa Lhikan did not, right? Then why did he just dodge when fighting Nidhiki and Krekka?
11How did Toa Lhikan recognize Nidhiki?12Just by his voice alone? (If so, then Nidhiki really had a bad voice for a Toa)
13Do you write the story before the sets are made or after? And do you alter the story to fit the sets?
14Do you enjoy playing with Bionicle sets?
15You like shopping?! O.o'''
16How far ahead have you planned for Bionicle?
17Is there a guideline set by your superiors in the terms of how far the story can go?
18Which do you enjoy best? Doing stuff for Bionicle, or for Exo-Force, or for other Lego lines?
19Which is the main line of non-traditional Lego? Bionicle? Knights Kingdom? Exo-Force? etc?

20Whoah. That was a load of questions.21I hope I'm not too bothersome [Razz]

22Cheers, and Thanks! [Big Grin]
1Greg, have you ever spoken to Mike Rayhawk? What do you think of him, if so? Do you know of Brikwars?
1Zanarh - 1) No. 2) Because that is not the Vahki's job. It is the Matoran's job to work. Having machines do work for you results in a lazy society. 3) Are all the Piraka going to stand bunched together while he does that? And is it going to work on someone who has heat vision? 4) They aren't invulnerable, just very strong. 5) No. Until they were cured by Keetongu, they were half-Toa, half-beast. 6) Probably because a full-scale fight might have gotten Vakama killed in the crossfire. 7) I am sure Lhikan had heard about what happened to Nidhiki over the years. Plus Nidhiki was referring to him as brother, so that was a clue. 8) Sets come first, story comes second. 9) I don't really play with them, I build to display. 10) Yes. 11) Through 2008, with a pretty good idea for 2009. 12) They don't really need to do that -- I have been here six years, I know what the limits are. 13) BIONICLE is at this point still my favorite line to work on. 14) I'm not sure what you mean by "main" -- if you mean best-selling, it's BIONICLE.
2Aegis - No, Mike is an artist, and I don't work with the artists -- our art director deals with them. And no, I am not familiar with Brikwars.
1Greg, Is/Was Makuta Being Controled/Influensed[sp] by 'Antidermis'?
1Rapi - No, he was not.
Originally posted by Greg2660:1 2) Because that is not the Vahki's job. It is the Matoran's job to work. Having machines do work for you results in a lazy society.
2But force them to work? That doesn't seem to be good.
33) Are all the Piraka going to stand bunched together while he does that? And is it going to work on someone who has heat vision?
4At least freeze one. And Kopaka was capable of freezing up Tahu who had a poisoned mind (poisoned mask by Rahkshi) and was extremely fiery. Besides, heat rays are thin beams, and the Piraka are unlikely to melt ice efficiently without hurting their teammates.
51) No.
6So what type of Matoran is Takua? And how did he end up in Ta-Metru on Metru Nui? And are they other non-Ga,Ta,Le,Onu,Po,Ko Matoran living on Mata Nui? (currently on Metru Nui.)

1Zanarh -- Why not? We are "forced" to work in our society -- what happens if you don't work? You don't have any money. If your parents didn't work, would you be living in a nice house or going to a good school or have a computer to come on MOD with? No. And in our society, if you wander off the job during work hours, you get fired and have no money -- in Matoran society, you just get put back to work. It's a lot more humane in most cases than a pink slip.
22) You are assuming Piraka CARE if they hurt their teammates. At any rate, the Piraka are not the ones who beat the Toa Nuva -- Brutaka did.
33) We know there must be other kinds of Matoran, because we have seen mentions of Toa of Gravity, Toa of Sonics, etc., and you can only become a Toa of an element you were a Matoran of. Therefore, Takua was a Matoran of Light.
1greg said: 3) We know there must be other kinds of Matoran, because we have seen mentions of Toa of Gravity, Toa of Sonics, etc., and you can only become a Toa of an element you were a Matoran of. Therefore, Takua was a Matoran of Light.
2wow that is interesting.
3now my questions: are there other matoran known of another element that had lived on mata/metru nui?
Last Edit: by hillhacker
1Hillhacker - No.
1Is Takua native to Mata-Nui or Metru-Nui,, or neither?
1When will Jovan's instructions be posted?
1Hey Greg, is it true that in Bionicle Heroes you are controlling a human who has stepped out of the real world and into the Bionicle universe?
2I ask this because it is a summary I keep on seeing in videogaming magazines and websites.
1Aegis - Neither.2Lanahka - Web site has had them for weeks and is trying to get them up ASAP.3Krekka - I have not played the game, so couldn't tell you.
1Where does Takua originate from?
1I can't reveal that, relates to future storyline.
1Ooh, cool. Thanks.
1This question has been bothering me for a long time:
2When the Bohrok-Kal stole the Nuva symbols, which Kal attacked which village?
1TT3 - Wasn't something we ever specified, because it really made no difference to the story who went where. What mattered what they got the symbols.
1Does the LEGO company acknowledge the presense of MaskofDestiny.com, or do they find this website and forums just an amusing little haven for fans and are none of their concern?
1Stop looking down your nose, Zanarh. Of course they acnowledge the fans. If they didn't, then who would be buying the sets?
1Zanarh - If the company didn't acknowledge MOD, then I wouldn't be here answering your questions. I would be spending my time on other things.
1I'm sure this doesnt concern you, but...
2The price of the Bionicle sets in my country are outragous.3A Toa Inika set is priced at $154while the Vezon & Fenrahk set is priced at $49!!!
5Thats... a lot more than people in the USA need to pay [Frown]
6Why is this happening? Due to taxes, or shipment prices? [Frown]
Last Edit: by Emperor Zanarh
1Zanarh - I am guessing you are from Canada (because I have gotten this question before from Canadians).
2I am not an expert on this, but I will take a stab at it. The first thing you need to know is it's not just LEGO -- for example, an issue of the DC Batman comic costs $2.99 in the US, and $4.00 in Canada. Books cost more there, my guess is CDs and DVDs do too.
3A small part of this is probably exchange rate, but my guess is that a much bigger part is cost of shipping and taxes. A toy store ordering a LEGO set for its shelves has to pay import duties, maybe even fees for customs clearance of the goods ordered.
4I have read that, under NAFTA, items made in the US using US materials do not get hit with some of these taxes -- but that does not apply to LEGO, as our products are made in Denmark, not the US.
1Lol, he lives in Malasysia.
1Ah, okay -- then it certainly would have to do with shipping fees, probably import duties, and possibly the currency exchange rate.