1i too don't wantto waist gregs time, so culd someone answer my questions.
21. do the toa mahri protect mahri-nui?
32. if the barraki can't breath air, then how do they get the moli from deker?
42a. if disproven, can the matoran of mahri-nui breath in the water?
53.who are the toa mahri (thiugh i really doubt that greg or any one would comferm this.)
61. Assumedly 72. Who knows? The story hasn't started yet. 83. No, they breathe air. 94. Again, just give it time. We're not -supposed- to know the answers for 2007 yet.
1'Lo Greg: Few more questions. 21.If Nocturn is Ehlek's lieutenant, do the other barraki have lieutenants? 31b.Will any of them appear in writing? 42.Are all the mutated inhabitants of the Pit based off sea creatures? 53.How strong is the Hand of Artahka compared to the Brotherhood of Makuta? 64.Are there any plans for Artahka to appear in the storyline?(The being) 75.What does Karzahni think of Artahka? Brother, superior, whatever? 86.Since Makuta was crushed under a gate, does that mean his plans are in jeopardy? 97.Are the Barraki kind of scared of Pridak? 108.How many PMs do you get a day? 11See ya Greg:
121-1b) Too early to tell. Basically depends on if more sets come along or combo models come along that I need to work in 132) Well, would make sense -- having sea creature traits would make it easier to survive under the sea 143) It's kind of moot, because the Hand no longer exists. 154) No, not at the moment 165) Colleague 176) No. He was still able to launch the hunt for the Mask of Life and help enslave an entire island of Matoran. It's a roadblock, but he always has back-up plans 187) Less scared, more respectful of his power 198) Usually 25-50
121-1b) Too early to tell. Basically depends on if more sets come along or combo models come along that I need to work in 132) Well, would make sense -- having sea creature traits would make it easier to survive under the sea 143) It's kind of moot, because the Hand no longer exists. 154) No, not at the moment 165) Colleague 176) No. He was still able to launch the hunt for the Mask of Life and help enslave an entire island of Matoran. It's a roadblock, but he always has back-up plans 187) Less scared, more respectful of his power 198) Usually 25-50
1What do you mean the story hasn't started yet? I finished City of The Lost last night:
1i too don't wantto waist gregs time, so culd someone answer my questions.
21. do the toa mahri protect mahri-nui?
32. if the barraki can't breath air, then how do they get the moli from deker?
42a. if disproven, can the matoran of mahri-nui breath in the water?
53.who are the toa mahri (thiugh i really doubt that greg or any one would comferm this.)
61. Assumedly 72. Who knows? The story hasn't started yet. 83. No, they breathe air. 94. Again, just give it time. We're not -supposed- to know the answers for 2007 yet.
10thanks IR.
1Barrakimaster, the Matoran of Mahri Nui including Dekar live in air bubbles under the water, so when they go out of the air bubbles to harvest airweed or whatever the Barraki could steel it. I would say more but I don't want to post City of the Lost spoilers because most people haven't read it yet and it is against the BZP rules. We don't know anything about the Mahri yet other than the mask of the Toa of Ice, and that it is a team of 6 Toa.
1What do you mean the story hasn't started yet? I finished City of The Lost last night:
2In terms of the story here at BZP, it hasn't started yet. The book technically was supposed to be released around early February or late January -- however book stores are always antsy to get their sales.
3Here on BZP, book spoilers aren't allowed for a couple of weeks. This gives time for folks to actually buy and read the book themselves -- in hopes for more book sales.
4And given the chance, methinks I'll post a Greg quote, to hopefully clear up any confusion for folks...
5Hey Greg,
6Recently, there was some asking about the Great Disruption. Now to my knowledge, all you have given out publicly is that it happened with the war, 79,500 years ago.
7Now there seems to be a few assumptions that I'd like to clear up between the war and the Disruption:
81) Is the GD (for short) the civil war? 92) Did the GD cause the Matoran Civil War? 102a) Or vice versa, did the war cause the GD? 113) Just to ask, what was the GD?
12Few questions, but they'll clear up a lot13~U
141) Yes 152) No 163) Yes 174) The Great Disruption was the result of the Matoran fighting instead of working. We already know the work done in Metru Nui is essential to the well-being of the universe as a whole
18So to get this straight, the Matoran Civil War in Metru Nui caused the Great Disruption, which was the grant effect their war had on the rest of the Matoran world.
19Thanks, 20~U
22Sorry to PM you again, but bones had to be the devil's advocate and try to see if we totally knew these points:
231) The BoM do not know the existance of the Pit, right? 242) The OoMN is the only faction to send folks to the Pit, right? 253) Thus, the war leaders were banished by the OoMN, right?
26Thanks Greg, hopefully these will be the last~U
271) The Makuta of Metru Nui has heard the name at least once, but does not know what or where it is 282) Yes 293) Yes
30Many people were assuming the Matoran Civil War was the Great Disruption. In reality, the war caused the Disruption. I posted this in a topic in the S&T, but I figured that more people may check the OGD

11)Does the Bionicle planet have a moon? 2No idea, one is not mentioned in the story bibles
32) The beings who made the organic and biomechanical world: Is it like a worst-case scenario that the two worlds have met due to the Matoran fleeing from Metru Nui, or is it something that does not even bother them? 4No, it's not a worst-case scenario, it's just something that was not intended
53) You once said that there are currently 50 Toa in total in existence. Exactely 50 Toa. Is this number a special oneor is it from a special importance to have 50 Toa? 6Or is it just a plain number? 7It's the number I came up with, it's not a special number
84) How many Matoran live on the Bionicle planet? (If there is no official number, or if no number is fixed, just what would you guess? Thousands, Millions?) 9I can't even begin to guess
105) Since you said that the Mask of Life will most likely be damaged at the end of this year? Is there a being (not a great being
who can repair or reforge such powerful masks? 11Not that mask, no 12Comment: That is kind of interesting isn't it? So just a Great Being could do that??
136) Please honestly: Wouln't it be easier for you here at BZP, if there was not so much leaked information (like when the Matoran description revealed the name Toa Mahri, or earlier the BL6 cover). 14Well, sure -- but as long as there are members whose whole focus in life is collecting spoilers, and as long as there are retailers showing catalogs to people when they aren't supposed to, there isn't much I can do about it. BZP mods are very good about trying to keep the lid on this stuff as best they can.
157) Let's say the Borhok swarms are rewakened in 2007 and clear the Mata Nui surface: What would be left of it? Would Kini Nui be gone and would it just be a plain barren island? 16Yes, it would be barren
177b) Maybe more importantly: Wouldn't the Bohrok destroy some valuable information about the grand scheme of the Bionicle planet that is hidden somewhere on mata Nui? 18No. Nothing much is hidden on Mata Nui because no one ever lived there but the Matoran, and they didn't know anything.
197c) Or would the clearing of Mata Nui bring important information to light? 20Such as? 21Comment: Hints for Mat Nui's awakening or where he actually is, or about the beings who built Kini Nui?
228) Can you give me a a relation to the power of the Kanohi Ignika and the Kanohi Vahi ( for example the Ignika has 100x more power or something
? 23I don't think they necessarily have different levels of power, I think they just have a different kind of power. Life cannot exist without time, and time is irrelevant without life to affect.
249) Just a worse case scenario: If Bionicle sales would drop this year rapidly and Lego would cancel the toyline at the end of 2008. Would bring everything to an end (like Mata Nui awakens and they lived happily ever after...)? 25We would have to do our best, yes
2610) When (roughly) did Toa replace the Hand of Artakha as Matoran protectors (must have been before the Great Dusruption?)? 27Oh, long before the Great Disruption. The Hand did not last that long after the coming of Mata Nui.
2811) Did some members of the hand of Artakha rival with Toa? 29No. Most ended up becoming OOMN members 30Comment: Interesting: So maybe Axonn or so was a HoA-member?
3112) Does a member of the BoM have several sets of armor or is it just a unique piece for them (So could the Metru Nui Makuta go to a BoM base and slip into a new set?)? 32Ah, I see what you're saying. Answer's no 33Comment: So Makuta will HAVE to take over someone's body: Matoro?:?:?
3413) Has any inhabitant o(Matoran/Turaga) f Mata Nui encountered the OoMN-member on Mata Nui? 35No, because he was killed by Makuta right after he showed up
3614) Is protodermis also a (possible) Toa element? So does/did/could a Toa of Protodermis exist? 37No. That would be like having a "Toa of Matter." A Toa of Protodermis would control basically everything in the universe, and that would unbalance the story.
3815) Since when did the Brotherhood have the Visorak horde? 3915b) Did the BoM fight the Barraki (armies) with the Visorak 80.000 years ago? 40I would have to check my timeline, but I am pretty sure the Visorak were not involved in the fight with the Barraki. 41Comment: Would have made sense somehow.....
4216) Without going into too much detail: The Ignika was found by Dekar and was then taken by the Barraki. So does that mean that the Barraki (or one member?) is/are already cursed? 43Any being who touches the mask and is not destined to is cursed. So if, say, Pridak touches it, he is cursed -- doesn't mean the other five Barraki automatically are 44Comment: Wait and see BL6
4517) Can you give a total number of new Kanohi masks we will have in 2007? 46No, because they may add more store exclusive sets down the line that I don't know about 47Comment: This was NOT a question to find out whether the Inika are the Mahri. I have made my own decision whether they are or not.....
4818) Would Mata Nui's situation deteriorate if either Artakha or Karzahni (the beings) died? 49No
5019) Will we also find out in 2007 how the Bohrok-Kal were exactely created? 51No 52Comment: Strange because we will find out how Krana are made, why not Krana-Kal???
5320) Can you tell me something about the history of the Makoki stone (since this is one of my favourite topics
that we do not know yet (or will we learn more in 2007?)? 54Not really sure there is more info on it that you don't already know.
55Kind of interesting stuff right???
32) The beings who made the organic and biomechanical world: Is it like a worst-case scenario that the two worlds have met due to the Matoran fleeing from Metru Nui, or is it something that does not even bother them? 4No, it's not a worst-case scenario, it's just something that was not intended
53) You once said that there are currently 50 Toa in total in existence. Exactely 50 Toa. Is this number a special oneor is it from a special importance to have 50 Toa? 6Or is it just a plain number? 7It's the number I came up with, it's not a special number
84) How many Matoran live on the Bionicle planet? (If there is no official number, or if no number is fixed, just what would you guess? Thousands, Millions?) 9I can't even begin to guess
105) Since you said that the Mask of Life will most likely be damaged at the end of this year? Is there a being (not a great being

136) Please honestly: Wouln't it be easier for you here at BZP, if there was not so much leaked information (like when the Matoran description revealed the name Toa Mahri, or earlier the BL6 cover). 14Well, sure -- but as long as there are members whose whole focus in life is collecting spoilers, and as long as there are retailers showing catalogs to people when they aren't supposed to, there isn't much I can do about it. BZP mods are very good about trying to keep the lid on this stuff as best they can.
157) Let's say the Borhok swarms are rewakened in 2007 and clear the Mata Nui surface: What would be left of it? Would Kini Nui be gone and would it just be a plain barren island? 16Yes, it would be barren
177b) Maybe more importantly: Wouldn't the Bohrok destroy some valuable information about the grand scheme of the Bionicle planet that is hidden somewhere on mata Nui? 18No. Nothing much is hidden on Mata Nui because no one ever lived there but the Matoran, and they didn't know anything.
197c) Or would the clearing of Mata Nui bring important information to light? 20Such as? 21Comment: Hints for Mat Nui's awakening or where he actually is, or about the beings who built Kini Nui?
228) Can you give me a a relation to the power of the Kanohi Ignika and the Kanohi Vahi ( for example the Ignika has 100x more power or something

249) Just a worse case scenario: If Bionicle sales would drop this year rapidly and Lego would cancel the toyline at the end of 2008. Would bring everything to an end (like Mata Nui awakens and they lived happily ever after...)? 25We would have to do our best, yes
2610) When (roughly) did Toa replace the Hand of Artakha as Matoran protectors (must have been before the Great Dusruption?)? 27Oh, long before the Great Disruption. The Hand did not last that long after the coming of Mata Nui.
2811) Did some members of the hand of Artakha rival with Toa? 29No. Most ended up becoming OOMN members 30Comment: Interesting: So maybe Axonn or so was a HoA-member?
3112) Does a member of the BoM have several sets of armor or is it just a unique piece for them (So could the Metru Nui Makuta go to a BoM base and slip into a new set?)? 32Ah, I see what you're saying. Answer's no 33Comment: So Makuta will HAVE to take over someone's body: Matoro?:?:?
3413) Has any inhabitant o(Matoran/Turaga) f Mata Nui encountered the OoMN-member on Mata Nui? 35No, because he was killed by Makuta right after he showed up
3614) Is protodermis also a (possible) Toa element? So does/did/could a Toa of Protodermis exist? 37No. That would be like having a "Toa of Matter." A Toa of Protodermis would control basically everything in the universe, and that would unbalance the story.
3815) Since when did the Brotherhood have the Visorak horde? 3915b) Did the BoM fight the Barraki (armies) with the Visorak 80.000 years ago? 40I would have to check my timeline, but I am pretty sure the Visorak were not involved in the fight with the Barraki. 41Comment: Would have made sense somehow.....
4216) Without going into too much detail: The Ignika was found by Dekar and was then taken by the Barraki. So does that mean that the Barraki (or one member?) is/are already cursed? 43Any being who touches the mask and is not destined to is cursed. So if, say, Pridak touches it, he is cursed -- doesn't mean the other five Barraki automatically are 44Comment: Wait and see BL6
4517) Can you give a total number of new Kanohi masks we will have in 2007? 46No, because they may add more store exclusive sets down the line that I don't know about 47Comment: This was NOT a question to find out whether the Inika are the Mahri. I have made my own decision whether they are or not.....
4818) Would Mata Nui's situation deteriorate if either Artakha or Karzahni (the beings) died? 49No
5019) Will we also find out in 2007 how the Bohrok-Kal were exactely created? 51No 52Comment: Strange because we will find out how Krana are made, why not Krana-Kal???
5320) Can you tell me something about the history of the Makoki stone (since this is one of my favourite topics

55Kind of interesting stuff right???

1) Since virtually all Rahi were created due to the BoM's work, did the BoM have anything to do with the creation of 2a. Keetongu? -- Not sure offhand 3b. the Bahrag? -- No 4c. krana? -- No 5d. Visorak? -- Yes 6e. Zivon? -- Yes 7f. venom flyers? -- Yes 8g. TSO (assuming he's a Rahi)? -- TSO is not a Rahu[sic 9h. Manas (probably not, seeing as Karzahni -- who never heard of Makuta before Bionicle Legends #2 -- had lots of Manas at his place)? -- Would have to check 10i. Krahka? -- Yes 11j. Nivawk or his species? -- Yes
12woah.. didn't knew that the BoM made the Rahi, since the wiki is gone I'm missin alot of info:
1Some stuff I got from Greg...
12Well, some comments: 13#1: I knew that if Jaller had brought him along, it would be much more easier.....
14#2. So Gravity's another way? XD 15#3: Guess I was wrong on that one.... 16#4: So why can Ehlek slice through protosteel? I thought Wolverine couldn't slice through Adamantium. 17Maybe I'll put in the first part in the Official Umbra Topic....XD
2Hello again, Greg. Here are a few questions that I thought of. Hope you had a nice weekend: 3#1. We all know that Toa can absorb their respective elements. So, when Umbra turns into light form, will Takanuva be able to absorb him? 4#2. Can anything harm Umbra when he's in light form? And, is there a limit on how long he can remain like that? 5#3. Let's say there's a Rahkshi of laser vision. If Tahu Nuva absorbs the heat while Takanuva absorbs the light, will the laser come out harmless? 6#4 Last one: What is protosteel? I thought it was the Nuva's armor, but Ut told me that it wasn't. So, what is it? When will it appear in the storyline? 7Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day:
81) It's possible, but since they never met, doesn't really matter. 92) Yes. Light can, for example, be affected by gravity. And no, we don't know of a limit, but obviously if he is stunned or unconscious he reverts back to solid form 103) Doesn't work that way. You can't absorb just part of a power. 114) Yes. Protosteel, for example, is used in Ehlek's claws. It's sort of the BIONICLE equivalent of adamantium, the stuff that Wolverine has. It's the only substance tougher than Brotherhood of Makuta armor
12Well, some comments: 13#1: I knew that if Jaller had brought him along, it would be much more easier.....

1Hey greg I'd like to know if roodaka is going to apear again,I've heard she's not dead. 

1Hey greg I'd like to know if roodaka is going to apear again,I've heard she's not dead.![]()
2Roodaka is very much alive. She is partaking in the Brotherhood of Makuta-Dark Hunter war, helping both sides. Now, if you had wanted that answered by Greg, you would have needed to PM him, as that is his method of answering.
3I wonder why it was decided now to introduce Protosteel... Perhaps it has an imporant part in the story. I personally hope it does, for it sounds like it could cause some pretty interestin' events to occur...
1A diamond can cut other diamond so sounds reasonable that protosteel can cut protosteel.
2No, I mean that in X-Men, Wolverine's adamantium claws can't cut through Adamantium and Captain America's shield. If Protosteel is the adamantium in Bionicle, then the results should be the same: protosteel claws can't cut through protosteel. Dunno. Maybe I'm wrong on that one. I'll PM Greg about it.
1I asked Greg a few Questions. Here they are...
2QUOTE 3Johnny C., here again. 4I was wondering a couple things... 51)why IS Ehlek bitter and angry at ze world? 62)did Ehlek possibly cause the flooding of the Pit out of spite(or other reasons)? 73)Which of the Barraki is more... Tolerable? 84)As a writer to another, do you have all kinds of people read your work to get reactions and such? If so, which reactions are most crucial? 95)how would you describe the Barraki's voices? Like each one. 106)Do you think mask packs will ever be back? 117)What is a Pit War Tortoise? 128)will the "Toa Mahri" be another group of toa while the Inika are doing whatever? 139)Will any of the summer set's masks be compatible with other BIONICLE heads? 1410)why DOES Mantax rummage through the flooded Pit remains?
151) Why wouldn't he be? He lost his kingdom, and when he built another one, it got crushed by the fall of Mahri Nui. 162) No. The flooding was caused by the Great Catalcysm, the same quake that shattered most of Metru Nui. 173) I don't know that any of them are very tolerant types. Dictators generally aren't 184) No, I don't, simply because very few people that I know have any knowledge of the BIONICLE storyline. You can't really critique something if you don't understand any of it. 195) Not something I have thought about. 206) I sure hope so, but I don't know for sure. 217) Pit War Tortoise is a very ancient breed of Rahi, one of which is used by Carapar for a mount. 228) I can't discuss the Mahri 239) No idea. I don't have any of the summer sets, we don't get them in the office until they hit stores. 2410) A few reasons, one I am exploring, one I may not be for space reasons.
1Dear mister Farstey,
2I was just reading Bionicle Adventures becouse I got the boxed set. 3But after reading it, I hade some little questions.
4When Onewa is running in the po-metru sculpture field, the things to himself that he needs a mask of speed. 5But that he does not even know what his own mask does, and how to use it.
6How come that a matoran does not know what his mask does? 7I mean If I was a matoran, I would like to know what kind of mask is on my head
8Thanks for your time.
111) I don't see your question. He doesn't know what his mask power is and is wishing it were a mask of speed.
122) Matoran masks have no powers, so they don't do anything. Thus there's no reason they need to know what it would do it if it did have powers.
13Ok it sounds reasonably, but still. 14I would want to know what kind of mask I had. 15Even if it was shaped just like it. 16I wonder if Vakama knew what kind of mask he had, he is a mask maker after all.
17and yes I knew matoran masks were powerless(A)
1A diamond can cut other diamond so sounds reasonable that protosteel can cut protosteel.
2No, I mean that in X-Men, Wolverine's adamantium claws can't cut through Adamantium and Captain America's shield. If Protosteel is the adamantium in Bionicle, then the results should be the same: protosteel claws can't cut through protosteel. Dunno. Maybe I'm wrong on that one. I'll PM Greg about it.
3I think when Greg compared protosteel to adamantium, he was referring to its sheer strength comparing with normal metals, not what it can or can't cut through.
4Still, all this new metal stuff is really interesting... I wonder how protosteel is made.
1Okay, here's some answers you may or may not want to know.
23And for you Brutaka fans:
2Okay, this is going to be a series of questions as apposed to the single questions I've been asking. 3[ol type='1'[li]Will Bionicle Legends #6 reveal the Barraki who are cursed by the Ignika (As in, will the Barraki get the Ignika in that book)[li]Do the all Hydruka play a significant role in the storyline this year (Like Keetongu, Kardas, Pewku etc.)? Or is it just Morak or Thulox? Do any even?[li]Why did Lego decide to make a battle between Kardas and Tahtorak if it isn't significante to the storyline(Besides the fact that it's cool)? Or is it?[li]Will Vezok ever be one being (We know Vezon slams Matoro's face into a wall in Bionicle Legends#7)[li]Speaking of which, will there be a Bionicle Legends#7 (The one with the How-To-Make-a-Krana)?[li]Dwelling more on that, which comes first (As in which one is Bionicle Legends#& [If there is one) Invasion or Prisoners of the Pit (The Books)?[/olThat's all for know.
41) Yes 52) The hydruka are herd animals, so no, they don't play anymore significant a role than cattle do in a story about a cattle drive 63) LEGO didn't decide it, I did, and it made logical sense -- you have a giant Rahi and another large, very powerful Rahi of a different species. In nature, they would fight, so why wouldn't they in BIONICLE? 74) No, Vezon does not do that, because that version of Bionicle Legends #7 got cancelled. Bionicle Legends #7 now has the material originally slated for Bionicle Legends #8 85) If that info shows up anywhere, it will be on BIONICLE.com 96) The Invasion story would have taken place before Prisoners of the Pit. But Invasion is not being published
10I have a bunch off questions that have been bugging me. I hope they're answerable.[ol type='1'[li]Will the war leaders of the Great Disruption appear this year?[li]Are /Were they Matoran or something else (Before banishment, they're probably way different now)?[li]Did the Barraki look much different before there banishment?[li]Will we ever see their forms before banishment (Ehlek probably wasn't much different)?[li]Could the mask of life actually return the Barakki in to their old selves like they assume ( Hope that isn't a Bionicle Legends#6 spoiler, I haven't read it)? [li]Are there anymore of the Barakki's species around?[li]If so, do they have native islands that we know of (Besides Ehlek)?[li]I read in the official Barakki topic that they were sent to the Pit because they tried to seize Mata-Nui's power; is this true?[li]If so, why haven't the Brotherhood of Makuta been sent to the Pit?[li]Will Sarda have a bigger role in the future?[li]Why do the Matoran of Voya Nui need to stay on Voya Nui?[li]Will there be anymore villians like the Bohrok or Visorak?[/olThanks for your time.
111) No 122) Matoran 133) Yes 144) No 155) Well, they think it can 166) Depends -- do you mean their various species before they were transformed? If so, then yes 177) No, you don't know of their islands 188) Yup 199) Simple. First, Botar doesn't send you to the Pit until someone has defeated you, and the Brotherhood hasn't been defeated. Second, if the OOMN sends a Makuta to the Pit, then the rest of the Brotherhood will go all-out to find out what happened, and uncover the existence of the OOMN, which the OOMN does not want. 2010) On the web, possibly 2111) They don't. They choose to, for the same reason people who live in areas hit by natural disasters go back and rebuild. It's their home. 2212) Not sure what you mean
23And for you Brutaka fans:
24I'm just wondering if Brutaka will mutate and resemble a sea creature like the Barakki after being sent to the Pit (Like how Pridak resembles a shark and Kalmah a squid).
25If he lives long enough, anything is possible. He has to survive down there first
1Here be some more answers...
2QUOTE 3hi, G.F.... You know what's coming next... 4Anyhoos... 51-Will the toa Inika be turned into "regular" Toa instead of energized/organic beings? 62-which eye on Kalmah is the one scathed by Pridak? 73-Is Ehlek a kind of "Don't pick on me/I'm tougher than I look" kind of character? 84-How much more intelligent is Carapar than what the other Barraki assume? 95a-Do the Mahri-toran travel outside of the city? 105b-if they do, do they use devices for breathing? 116-does Kalmah have dominance over the energy-squid?(squid ammo) 127-how would Pridak react if one of his Takea Sharks were to be killed? 138-Will the artist from last year be doing the comics for this year? 149-will the upcoming LEGO mag include a BIONICLE comic? 15Thanks for your time, and have a good one.
16Johnny C., over and out:
171) Sorry, I can't discuss future storyly 182) Top one 193) No, not really 204) Not a ton -- they know him fairly well 215) The Mahri Matoran have personal air bubbles so they can breathe when outside of the city 226) He breeds them, so yes 237) The same way your average general reacts when a soldier gets killed. In war, troops die. 248) Yes 259) January BIONICLE comic is on BIONICLE.com only. March, we go back to a printed comic
1You stated that Pit war tortoises are "an ancient breed of Rahi." Since Pit war tortoises are obviously aquatic, is it possible that Mavrah, Whenua, and Onepu studied Pit war tortoises (among other aquatic Rahi, of course) in the BA #5 flashback?
2I would say no, because they are nowhere near the size of what Mavrah was studying and not quite as ancient. (Just how old they are will be revealed in the March issue of BrickMaster)

1Alright, some more info on protosteel....
5Whew. Posted this in the BoM topic, the Barraki Topic, and now this. I wonder if I'm spamming. XD That quote probably meant that Pridak's teeth aren't made of protosteel.
2Sorry to bother you again, Greg. You can ignore that reply I gave you earlier about protosteel, Ut and I talked it out. Since protosteel is the only substance harder than BoM armor, and Pridak can tear through BoM armor with his mouth, does that mean Pridak's teeth are made of protosteel? Or did you mean that protosteel is the only known substance harder than BoM armor? 3Thanks, Greg:
4Known substance
5Whew. Posted this in the BoM topic, the Barraki Topic, and now this. I wonder if I'm spamming. XD That quote probably meant that Pridak's teeth aren't made of protosteel.
1Hm... Pit War Tortoises in the Mag? Must be instructions to build in that issue too...
1Here are some answers from Greg...

2Some questions...1. In the newest LEGO Magazine, the Jan-Geb 2007 issue, there is a new Dark Hunter codenamed "Vengeance"...Is he canon in BIONICLE? 32. Does the Jailor wear a mask? 43. If so, is it a mask we have never seen? 54. One of the Toa Mahri is wearing the Mask of Stealth...Is the Kanohi an enhanced version which also makes the wearer breath underwater, since the 2007 storyline takes place underwater? 65. I haven't seen the pictures yet, since it isn't permitted on BZP and I don't want to spoil myself, but is Hydraxon the Jailor? 76. Like "Vengeance", are there more Dark Hunters to appear in LEGO Magazines? I like how they revealed "Vengeance", and it would be nice to reveal more Dark Hunters the same way...
81) Yes 92-3) I don't recall, as I don't have the set 104) No. 115) I can't discuss summer sets 126) It depends on if I have room. There will be a couple new ones (without pics) in the Encyclopedia this year.
11. Will we see this version of the Ignika in plastic this year or next year? 21) I don't know that any version of the Ignika is coming out this year, and I can't discuss what might be planned for future years.
32. Since the Ignika's curse on Vezon was broken when Matoro took the mask, will Dekar's curse be lifted once he loses the mask? the Barraki that get cursed? 42) Yup.
5Thank you very much.Also, if you don't mind, I have one more:
6Are the Vampiric Squid immune to the mutagen? 7That's a good question. The squid are native to those waters, the bio-mechanical beings there are not. So it may be that the mutagen's effects are much more subtle on fully organic beings than they are on Barraki, Matoran, etc. It may also be that they just take much, much longer to manifest.

1A diamond can cut other diamond so sounds reasonable that protosteel can cut protosteel.
2No, I mean that in X-Men, Wolverine's adamantium claws can't cut through Adamantium and Captain America's shield. If Protosteel is the adamantium in Bionicle, then the results should be the same: protosteel claws can't cut through protosteel. Dunno. Maybe I'm wrong on that one. I'll PM Greg about it.
3I think when Greg compared protosteel to adamantium, he was referring to its sheer strength comparing with normal metals, not what it can or can't cut through.
4Still, all this new metal stuff is really interesting... I wonder how protosteel is made.
5Firstly diamond can only cut through diamond when it is in motion. A diamond drill is revovling so fast that it can cut through diamond. Hmmm I havent explained myself properly but oh well. secondly...thats it.
1Yeah, I like all the new metals... They all contain Protodermis, though.
1Just two about Vezon now. Nothing interesting.
2Did Vezon grab the pieces of the Spear of Fusion once he left the Chamber of Life? If so, did he repair it, or is he just carrying the top of it (the blade)? 3We haven't dealt yet with what Vezon has done
4Could Vezon, in theory, fire the Spear of Fusion at a mirror and fuse himself with it, gaining the power of fusion and defusion without the need of the Spear? 5No
6I thought that the second one was a really cool idea
;; 7Khote
2Did Vezon grab the pieces of the Spear of Fusion once he left the Chamber of Life? If so, did he repair it, or is he just carrying the top of it (the blade)? 3We haven't dealt yet with what Vezon has done
4Could Vezon, in theory, fire the Spear of Fusion at a mirror and fuse himself with it, gaining the power of fusion and defusion without the need of the Spear? 5No
6I thought that the second one was a really cool idea

1hi Greg. 21-I was just wondering if the 'kanohi inika', krana, and kraata would be considered rahi. 31) Krana and kraata most likely would be by a Matoran, the mask would not be. 42-do all makuta have the same powers (minus kraata abilities)? 52) All Makuta can do certain things -- like shapeshift, make kraata, etc. That doesn't mean they all have the exact same powers, but they do have the basic ones in common 63- why isnt the pit in the atlas? 73) Mahri Nui is in the Atlas, and that includes the Pit 84- if the Hydruka are native to the waters around Voya/Mahri Nui, are they organic? 94) Let me check 105- is the plural for Makuta, Matoran, etc. spelled the same or does it end w/ an 's' ie. makuta/makutas, matoran/matorans, etc. 115) Spelled the same 126-why is Krahka returning to metru nui? 136b- is Krahka her name now? 146c-are there any more Krahka(s)? 156d-so is she one of a kind, like Keetongu? 166) She has always been referred to as Krahka, and Metru Nui has been her home for thousands of years, why not return there? And the rest of her species were killed off by Visorak 176d) Is now 187-does the Mo1TT have a new kanohi power? (Mo1TT=member of 1st toa team) 197) I can't discuss this 208-you once said "if its not a matoran, they (the matoran) consider it a rahi" what about piraka or roodaka or makuta(s)? 218) This is the best way to think about this. Let's say you are walking down the street and you see a dog. He's an animal, right? Then you turn the corner and see a Martian. Would you call him an animal? If not, why not? The answer to that explains why Piraka are not considered Rahi. 229-does Kardas mean dragon? 239) I doubt it 2410- lets say it did. if one were to say kanohi dragon in Matoran, would they say 'kanohi kardas' or 'kardas kanohi'? 2510) "Kanohi" always comes first when referring to a mask.
26some are preety cool and interesting.
1I just got these so...
2its me again atlas. i have more questions. thanks in advance
31. Is Spinax like Maxilo's guard dog? 41b. Is Maxilo the jailer? (would make sense with the whole jailer and his dog thing.)
52. Does Maxilo have a kanohi power? 62b. Does Hydraxon have a kanohi power? 72c. Is Spinax a Rahi? 82d. Is Gadunka a Rahi?
93. I have a theory about the Marhi: Is it that the Toa learn about what the mutagen could do so someone (defilak, nuparu) builds them some kind of armor/diving suit with new masks. is this ok?
104. Do you get to see prototype models or just the finished product?
11Thats all for now. Thanks again. atlas
121-3) I cannot discuss anything having to do with summer sets. It's January and much too early. 134) I see prototypes. Finished models I generally don't see until they are out in stores.
2its me again atlas. i have more questions. thanks in advance
31. Is Spinax like Maxilo's guard dog? 41b. Is Maxilo the jailer? (would make sense with the whole jailer and his dog thing.)
52. Does Maxilo have a kanohi power? 62b. Does Hydraxon have a kanohi power? 72c. Is Spinax a Rahi? 82d. Is Gadunka a Rahi?
93. I have a theory about the Marhi: Is it that the Toa learn about what the mutagen could do so someone (defilak, nuparu) builds them some kind of armor/diving suit with new masks. is this ok?
104. Do you get to see prototype models or just the finished product?
11Thats all for now. Thanks again. atlas
121-3) I cannot discuss anything having to do with summer sets. It's January and much too early. 134) I see prototypes. Finished models I generally don't see until they are out in stores.

11. Will we see this version of the Ignika in plastic this year or next year? 21) I don't know that any version of the Ignika is coming out this year, and I can't discuss what might be planned for future years.
3KopakaKurahk that is 100% the MoLi, because if you watch the movie on Bionicle.com home page, you will see that mask, albeit in shadow.
4Also that is how it appears VNOLG and Bionicle (which though they are largely non-canon, serve to suppoert the claim).
5BTW where did you find that image?
1KopakaKurahk that is 100% the MoLi, because if you watch the movie on Bionicle.com home page, you will see that mask, albeit in shadow.
2The one KK linked to is not the same shape as the one in the Bionicle.com movie. It is the MoLi though, obviously, but not for the reason you stated.
3It's kind of strange that Greg doesn't know whether the Mask will actually come out in plastic...they've got the designs, so I don't see any reason why not. It's kind of stupid to have a story revolving around a mask that isn't out yet. So I hope it'll be released soon.
1KopakaKurahk that is 100% the MoLi, because if you watch the movie on Bionicle.com home page, you will see that mask, albeit in shadow.
2The one KK linked to is not the same shape as the one in the Bionicle.com movie. It is the MoLi though, obviously, but not for the reason you stated.
3It's kind of strange that Greg doesn't know whether the Mask will actually come out in plastic...they've got the designs, so I don't see any reason why not. It's kind of stupid to have a story revolving around a mask that isn't out yet. So I hope it'll be released soon.
5What I'd really like is to see the different forms of the Mask of Life to come out in plastic (especially since the one in Bionicle Heroes/VNOG is awesome); that's why I asked that question. I too find it odd that he doesn't know if it'll come out in plastic (by itself, that is, unlike Vezon's helmet).
6And Berg, that form of the Mask of Life is canon, and I know that it's the Mask of Life.


1Some answered questions from GregF, but nothing new.
20That's all the questions and answers from me.
2Good afternoon, Mr. Farshtey. Luckily, I just got out of school early(courtesy of semester exam schedules), but, I don't want to pummel you with a lot of questions, so here are some I've pondered about.
3Storyline 41. Had Makuta known the being he killed was an Order of Mata Nui member, what might he have done instead?
52. How recently(In the Bionicle timeline) did the Kanohi Ignika arrive to Mahri Nui?
63. Since Brutaka is in the Pit, does that mean he'll be somewhat important in 2007?
7Sets 81. I have visited the new Bionicle site(which was impressive, by the way), and I saw the Barraki appeared almost entirely different from their official set counterparts. Might they be what the Barraki appeared as prototypes?
9Website 101. I have also watched the short trailer of the Kanohi Ignika sinking to Mahri Nui/Pit, and from the sounds, it appears the creators put much emphasis on horror. Might that be this year's theme?
112. Are there any plans to bring back classics to the Bionicle website(such as the 2002-2003 Bohrok/Bohrok-Kal episodes)?
12That's it, and I grate you in advance.
141) He would have said, "What's an Order of Mata Nui?" Makuta has no idea what that is. 152) A day or so ago 163) Not necessarily 171) No idea, I have no involvement with the web site beyond doing some writing for it. It's produced out of Denmark 181) I wouldn't say horror .. I would say suspense. You are in a dark, dangerous environment where (even in real life) things can spring out at you with no warning, so why not reflect that in our marketing? 192) The web producer spoke to me about the possibility of doing some kind of an online archive of old material, but I do not know if it's happening or not. It's sometimes hard to get the brand team (the people who allocate the budget) behind things that do not push current product
20That's all the questions and answers from me.
1That would be great i we had a archived thingy for old episodes: