1Wow I am just blown away by that little video where Dekar is caught in the middle of a Barraki brawl. But I just have a few questions about it.
21) Is that video with the Barraki fighting canon?
32) How do the Matoran use those special bubbles? Do they just suck 'em up and hold their breath for a few hours?
43) If the video is canon why were all the Barraki fighting like that? I thought they all wanted the mask to bring themselves back to power.
54) Is Calapar the least stealthy of the bunch? Cause he seemed to just bluntly charge in there. Where as the others used a less direct approach(which was freaking cool by the way.)
65) How does the underwater mutagen work? Dekar was just walking around wouldn't he be more and more effected by it to the point where he could no longer breath air?
76) Noticed that Dekar and the bunch could walk on the sea floor just fine. Is this because they are all biomechanical and thus are made of heavy metal?
81) It's a vision the Mask of Life gives to Dekar while he is holding the mask. 92) They travel around inside of them, like personal force fields 103) They do. But stop and think for a moment. Six of them ... one mask. If one takes it and keeps it for himself, he gets to go back to being normal, the rest stay as they are, and it becomes the League of ONE Kingdom instead of SIX kingdoms. 114) Yes 125) Dekar is surrounded by his personal air bubble, which keeps the water off of him. 136) They do it because we need them to for the story
1Also, I wonder how the Ignika could be fixed? The group doesn't have a skilled mask maker, like Vakama so I'm interested in seeing how this will all work out.
2If you look at my post on page 244 (it is the first post on the page) 3I asked Greg the question whether there was a being (not a Great Being) that could repair or reforge the Mask of Life and he answered 4There is now being that could reforge such a mask like the ignika
5(So maybe just great beings can?) 6[/QUOTE]
7There is no one who can fix it around them. They have to get it and take it to a mask fixer... A REALLY skilled one.
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3The mask on the homepage of the new 2007 bionicle website doesn't look much like fanything we've seen. Is it a new form of some other mask? A new mask? Or seeing as it is sort of alive, did the mutagenic waters around the pit Mutate the Mask of Life?
41) It is the Mask of Life. The Mask of Life can take many forms, like life itself can 52) The waters are eroding the mask, not mutating it
6Ok, thanks greg
7I found this interesting, did you?
41) It is the Mask of Life. The Mask of Life can take many forms, like life itself can 52) The waters are eroding the mask, not mutating it
6Ok, thanks greg
7I found this interesting, did you?

1QUOTE 2hi it's me again with more questions. thanks in advance.
31. I've heard you and other members talk about some beings that were going to be like better then the matoran or something along those lines but the matoran got better or something and now those beings are jealuos. When will we see them?
42. I remember you saying that the Inika will get their masks back but they won't be the ones to get them back. Will this happen this year because you told me we will see Karzahni (sp?) this year?
5that's it for now. atlas
61) Models, March BrickMaster; first appearance, March comic 72) Most likely, it will
31. I've heard you and other members talk about some beings that were going to be like better then the matoran or something along those lines but the matoran got better or something and now those beings are jealuos. When will we see them?
42. I remember you saying that the Inika will get their masks back but they won't be the ones to get them back. Will this happen this year because you told me we will see Karzahni (sp?) this year?
5that's it for now. atlas
61) Models, March BrickMaster; first appearance, March comic 72) Most likely, it will

1Just some Qs and As about the Mahri Matoran and the 4 boxed sets.
21. I remember you (Or somebody else) said the Pit will give you what you need to survive. If the Mahri Nui Matoran were mutated by the mutagen in the water, then why can't they breath water?
32. Is there any reason for having only 4 little box sets this year?
41) I never said that. 52) The smaller, lower priced sets do not sell as well as the canister sets do or generate as much of a profit, so we are experimenting with doing fewer to see if individually they sell more if there are less of them
1[qoute 6:im going to take a wild guess here and i know what your most likely to say but does gadunka lay the eggs. 26) No. Gadunka does not exist in his set form in the story until summer
3Maybe he's the jailer, dead now then revived and maybe mutated in the future (Summer). 4[/QUOTE] 5i don't think so because i think the jailer is a summer set too. why would they have 2 summer sets of the same person. so i don't agree.

1I think that Gadunka is the fish that Takadox reports as almost as ugly as Makuta...
11. So how did the Ignika curse Nocturn? 22.You said that the Ignika would get damaged. 3Wouldn't that be the end of trying to save Mata-Nui's life, 4since there is no one that can fix it since the Great Beings left? 53. Did the Inika get to Mahri-Nui via the stone cord? 64.Is it possible for the Barraki to use a breathing apparatus like Ehlek did before, to leave the depths, or is it a matter of pride? 75.If the Barraki knew that Universe would die if the mask wasn't used on Mata-Nui, would they care, since they would also die? 86.Can the Ignika curse Non-living things? 97.Are the Barraki the only warlords in the pit? 108. Are the Mutations caused by the water limited to just one sea creature or many? 119. Who originally built the Pit? (the first one) 1210. Was the water always mutegenic? 1311. Prior to being in the pit, had any of the Barraki met any of the Piraka's kind? 1412. If so,were any of them in any of the Barraki's armies?
151) This doesn't happen until much later in the year, so I am not discussing it yet. 162) If it got destroyed, yes. But the Mask of Time got damaged too and was still usable. Legendary masks are more resilient 173) They will, they're not there yet 184) No, because they don't have access to the tech anymore 195) Again, you are assuming that they would believe that, but even if they did, they would see no reason why they couldn't use it first before the Toa did 206) I wouldn't say curse them, but affect them, certainly 217) Yes 228) Many 239) Matoran built it, same way they built pretty much everything else 2410) No 2511) It's possible, sure 2612) It's possible
151) This doesn't happen until much later in the year, so I am not discussing it yet. 162) If it got destroyed, yes. But the Mask of Time got damaged too and was still usable. Legendary masks are more resilient 173) They will, they're not there yet 184) No, because they don't have access to the tech anymore 195) Again, you are assuming that they would believe that, but even if they did, they would see no reason why they couldn't use it first before the Toa did 206) I wouldn't say curse them, but affect them, certainly 217) Yes 228) Many 239) Matoran built it, same way they built pretty much everything else 2410) No 2511) It's possible, sure 2612) It's possible
11. Did the Bohrak try to cleanse Mata Nui because it had Biomechanical life on it and that isn't the way it should be? 22. How did the mask effect Dekar? 33. What happened all those years ago that made Mata-Nui have to erase everyone's memory? 44. Can Protosteel cut through Protosteel? 55. Were their any other Barraki that exsisted befor the pit was shattered?
61) No. In fact, no one was supposed to be living there when the Bohrok came. The only reason the Bohrok showed up on Mata Nui when they did is because Makuta unleashed them early. 72) He can't kill or wound anything while he possesses it 83) Hasn't been revealed yet 94) I'd have to check 105) No. There have only ever been six warlords
1I wouldnt bother anyway he answered the one about Nocturn a few posts up and he won't talk about the Inika/Mahri situation yet.
1I tried but I failed....![]()
2Message Forwarded From GregF
3I have been looking at the OGD and saw this answer:
48. I'm going to take a guess at the whole Mata-nui thing. He's easy to find, but the trick is knowing you've found him. A good riddle. Had me stumped for quite a while. but I think I've figured it out. 5But FIRST, I want to know. Is he in the form of someone/something we've already seen?
68) No, he is not in the form of someone you have already seen
7Does that mean that he is not a being that we know, but is he a thing ( you know, like a rock, tree, etc....)?
8If yes, is he Metru Nui, Mata Nui, or something on those 2?
9I cannot discuss Mata Nui's appearance.
10Looks like Greg is not going down:![]()
11HeHE*looks sheepish* I wasn't thinking when I said the MoLi. Maybe it's *drumroll*
12THE TOA NUVA::::::::::::::::: MUAhahahahahaha:::
13[qoute 6:im going to take a wild guess here and i know what your most likely to say but does gadunka lay the eggs. 146) No. Gadunka does not exist in his set form in the story until summer
15Maybe he's the jailer, dead now then revived and maybe mutated in the future (Summer). 16[/QUOTE]
17Maybe Brutaka turned into gadunka by the mutagen: (man i got a lot of theories...im gonna PM greg

18Where did you guyz learn about this Gadunka?

1Maybe Brutaka turned into gadunka by the mutagen: (man i got a lot of theories...im gonna PM greg![]()
2Where did you guyz learn about this Gadunka?![]()
3Gadunka can't be Brutaka because something happens to Brutaka in BL6 (spoilers aren't allowed yet). Also, Gadunka is a 2007 Titan but it's a leaked image so I can't say where I saw Gadunka.

1A good day to you, Mr. Farshtey, first of all. I was just surfing around the many storyline topics and did some thinking. My belief (after some reading) is that the mission the Toa Nuva are embarking upon is, somehow, connected to the BoM.
21) Is it true that their mission's connected to the BoM? The Official BoM topic had a quote saying "...the Toa Nuva will have to face several trials before they are finally revealed/confronted." 31a) If yes to the above, then was this mission the beginning of these trials? 41b) Was the fact that it was related to the BoM the reason why Tahu Nuva lied to the Inika?
52) On what sort of mission did the Toa Nuva leave for? (Probably this one's going to merit a "Cannot answer this one," but what the heck.)
63) How much do the Toa Nuva know about the BoM?
74) Will this mission of theirs have any reasonable impact on the future storyline, or the present one (like the Inika's quest to retrieve the Ignika from the Barraki)? 84a) If yes, then how much?
95) Lastly, if possible, do you have any tidbits regarding the Toa Nuva's mission that you are allowed to reveal at this point?
10And, in advance, thank you for your time in answering these questions.
111) The Nuva have a number of things they have to do in preparation for waking Mata Nui. Obviously, when it comes time to actually wake him up, they will be opposed by the BOM, but what they are doing now does not bring them into direct conflict with the BOM 122) Well, part of the mission is freeing the Bahrag 133) Quite a bit 144) More on future than 2007 155) Look for a side trip to the realm of Karzahni
1A good day to you, Mr. Farshtey, first of all. I was just surfing around the many storyline topics and did some thinking. My belief (after some reading) is that the mission the Toa Nuva are embarking upon is, somehow, connected to the BoM.
21) Is it true that their mission's connected to the BoM? The Official BoM topic had a quote saying "...the Toa Nuva will have to face several trials before they are finally revealed/confronted." 31a) If yes to the above, then was this mission the beginning of these trials? 41b) Was the fact that it was related to the BoM the reason why Tahu Nuva lied to the Inika?
52) On what sort of mission did the Toa Nuva leave for? (Probably this one's going to merit a "Cannot answer this one," but what the heck.)
63) How much do the Toa Nuva know about the BoM?
74) Will this mission of theirs have any reasonable impact on the future storyline, or the present one (like the Inika's quest to retrieve the Ignika from the Barraki)? 84a) If yes, then how much?
95) Lastly, if possible, do you have any tidbits regarding the Toa Nuva's mission that you are allowed to reveal at this point?
10And, in advance, thank you for your time in answering these questions.
111) The Nuva have a number of things they have to do in preparation for waking Mata Nui. Obviously, when it comes time to actually wake him up, they will be opposed by the BOM, but what they are doing now does not bring them into direct conflict with the BOM 122) Well, part of the mission is freeing the Bahrag 133) Quite a bit 144) More on future than 2007 155) Look for a side trip to the realm of Karzahni
16Hmm... I wonder who's going to be getting the Inika's old masks back?

1Well, here are the questions, I asked GregF and his answers to them: 21) Was the cloak, Vezon was wearing in book, and did that belong to the two Great Beings who brought the Mask of Life there? 31) No. 42) How did Krahka and Tahtorak survived in the Zone of Darkness for the last 1000 years? 52) Well, we don't know how often they need to eat, or if it possible there were things to eat there (for example, other Rahi trapped in the zone). 63) Was Matoro whole reborn thing, the Mask of Life plan to give Matoro the ability to touch it or did he always have this ability? 73) Matoro is able to touch it because it is his destiny to do so, he didn't need to be reborn to do it. 84) Did the Great Beings wear Masks? 94) I can't discuss how the Great Beings look. 105) Was the Toa Lhikan who came from one of the Chambers, the real one brought back by the Mask of Life to warn the Toa Inika to not going any farer or was he a fake Lhikan, the Mask of Life created to test them? 115) He was an illusion. 126) Did you like writing as the Shadowed One in the Dark Hunter guide book? 136) Yes. 147) Are there more Dark Hunters beside the ones in the Dark Hunter guide book? 157) Yes 168) Is the Makuta, we know truly dead? Because it so hard to believe that this Makuta was so will to give his own life, just to make sure the Brotherhood of Makuta's true plan along doesn't failed. 178) No, he's not. Makuta's essence was the antidermis virus used in 2006 by the Piraka. 189) Is the Kanohi Dragon give to Roodaka still alive, today? 199) Yes. 2010) What was your favorite part in Bionicle Legends #4 to write? 2110) I didn't really have one. 2211) Since this base once belong to the Brotherhood of Makuta, would that mean that the Makuta, we know, use to own this fortress, a long time ago? 2311) Could be, yes. 2412) What is the color of the light from a lightstone? Is it yellow or white? 2512) I have always pictured it as white. 2613) I am asking this because I have a theory of why the lightstone was green in that Short Movie with Mask of Life. This theory is that because the lightstone was underwater, the color of light (If it is yellow, then this maybe true.) that came from it mixed with the blue in the ocean to make a green light. So, that why it was green. 2713) I would suggest not over-analyzing this. The people who made the movie were simply going for a nice effect. They weren't thinking about how it fit into the story or the universe.
28GregF's answers are in bold. ~J.M.J.~
28GregF's answers are in bold. ~J.M.J.~
1Maybe Brutaka turned into gadunka by the mutagen: (man i got a lot of theories...im gonna PM greg![]()
2Where did you guyz learn about this Gadunka?![]()
3Gadunka can't be Brutaka because something happens to Brutaka in BL6 (spoilers aren't allowed yet). Also, Gadunka is a 2007 Titan but it's a leaked image so I can't say where I saw Gadunka.
5It is confirmed no 2006 titan will be transformed into a 2007 set.
1Gee thanks. I guess I won't have to PM greg then. Whew: Anyway, I was browsing Chapters for a bionicle and I found out that Greg has written a book called AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Did you guyz know this? I don't know where else to put that so...Oh: PM coming:: WOOHOO:
2P.S. I have a queston but I'm sure you helpful people know it so I don't want to bother Greg. 3Who is Karapar? Is he like Carapars..fusion? (I hope not because that would be really lame to repeat it)
2P.S. I have a queston but I'm sure you helpful people know it so I don't want to bother Greg. 3Who is Karapar? Is he like Carapars..fusion? (I hope not because that would be really lame to repeat it)
1Gee thanks. I guess I won't have to PM greg then. Whew: Anyway, I was browsing Chapters for a bionicle and I found out that Greg has written a book called AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Did you guyz know this? I don't know where else to put that so...Oh: PM coming:: WOOHOO:
2P.S. I have a queston but I'm sure you helpful people know it so I don't want to bother Greg. 3Who is Karapar? Is he like Carapars..fusion? (I hope not because that would be really lame to repeat it)
4'Karapar' is a typo version of 'Carapar,' nothing more. No need to worry about fusions

4Karapar is a misspelling of Carapar. Dang: beat by Dayran.1Gee thanks. I guess I won't have to PM greg then. Whew: Anyway, I was browsing Chapters for a bionicle and I found out that Greg has written a book called AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Did you guyz know this? I don't know where else to put that so...Oh: PM coming:: WOOHOO:
2P.S. I have a queston but I'm sure you helpful people know it so I don't want to bother Greg. 3Who is Karapar? Is he like Carapars..fusion? (I hope not because that would be really lame to repeat it)
1For those wondering about Vengeance...
2Just one question this time...
3Do you know if LEGO plans to keep introducing new miscellaneous characters into the storyline like they did in the most recent magazine? I think it would be a great idea, since you're not planning to do any more guides, and they were really the only way fans could hope to have their creations included in the story. Perhaps you could reveal some new fan-created Dark Hunter, Rahi, or Brotherhood creation (or Order member? [/wishfulthinking) in each magazine? It would be fun for the fans, and us storyline buffs would certainly eat it up...
4I wouldn't mind. In this particular case, that was a DH model that won the contest last year, but was accidentally left out of the DH Guide by Scholastic. So putting him in the magazine was a way to make it up to the entrant.
5Oh, I see. But are there any plans to possibly continue letting fan creations into the story like this?
6I can't rule that out at all. But it is less likely to be in affiliation with Scholastic, as they are not planning more guides post-2007.
1VERY lengthy list of Q&A. Answers in bold, comments in italics:
74Yes, I had a lot of questions, and as they went unanswered, they sorta ... built up
21) What happens to the Inika's current masks?
31) Sorry, not answering this yet
52) Which book features the Nocturn-Pit jailer battle?
62) 7
7Not book 8, eh?
83) Where do these BIONICLE.com quotes come from? 9a. Nocturn: "What do you want here? This is my place: Go away or I rip and tear:" 10b. Defilak: "When danger threatens from every side, faith-trust is hard to come by." 11c. Dekar: "Nothing is more important than my city, not even my life." 12d. Takadox: "Poor Toa ... today, they're heroes ... tomorrow, food for the fish." 13e. Carapar: "Don't mistake us for some stupid Rahi. Before we ended up down here, your kind bowed before us."
143) Most of those I made up for the website. I think the Nocturn one is from #7, sort of, but the Matoran ones are all made up, etc.
15Too bad: Some of them sounded like they'd do really good in a book...
164) When does Nocturn get his tentacle on the Mask of Life?
174) 7
18I knew that:
195) Does the fact that venom eels like to hunt hydruka have anything to do with storyline?
205) No
21Then again, where'd Mr. Farshtey find space to squeeze this bit of info in? On the Web?
226) Is the "cord" mentioned on BIONICLE.com the reason why Voya Nui and Mahri Nui are connected?
236) Yes
24Okay, I got confirmation on that awhile back, but I forgot to delete this question.
257) (BIONICLE Legends #6)
267) (BIONICLE Legends #6)
278) (BIONICLE Legends #6)
288) (BIONICLE Legends #6)
299) Did Axonn, Brutaka, Botar, and/or the Pit jailer originally belong to the Hand of Artakha?
309) Axonn did. I will have to check on the others.
3210) About when was the Hand of Artakha disbanded?
3310) That should be revealed in March in the timeline.
34Wonder if he means in the Atlas, which comes out in April...
3511) Does Brutaka still have a Kanohi Olmak?
3611) Yes
37Seawater mutations only do so much...
3812) Do all OoMN member weapons have some connection to their owners (Axonn's axe comes back to him, Brutaka's gives an electric shock when someone other than he is holding it, etc.)?
3912) Not that we have seen, no
40Drat: I thought I was onto something here...
4113) How much involvement did the Pit jailer have with the design and/or construction of the OoMN members' weapons?
4213) None
43Same comment as above -- after all, the Pit jailer is a weapons expert, right?
4414) The Pit jailer is "alive" alive, not just reanimated, right?
4514) Yes, he is "alive" alive
46No Ignika here:
4715) Did the Toa Hagah fight against the Barraki?
4815) I would say no. I don't think the Hagah were active as Hagah that long ago.
49Well, yeah, maybe not as Makuta's bodyguard. But how about as your ordinary Toa?
5016) Do you think Toa Dume and/or Jovan fought against the Barraki and/or their armies?
5116) Jovan, definitely no. Dume I am doubtful on, but I am not going to rule him out offhand.
52Raises all sorts of interesting possibilities about Encyclopedia #2...
5317) Does Brutaka know that Voya Nui is right above his head?
5417) Probably not. Teleportation is very disconcerting.
5618) How up-to-date is the Atlas (i.e. when was it written -- within the last 100 years, 300 years, etc.)?
5718) It's current
58At least the Order of Mata Nui doesn't go on outdated info.
5919) How much will Great Disks show up in the Atlas/Encyclopedia? (I'd love to learn more about them, such as who made/placed them, when they were made/placed, why, etc.)
6019) Not at all in the Atlas, and there is no new info on them in the Encyclopedia. It's not a story thread I am pursuing at the moment
61Don't know whether to say "too bad" or not.
6220) Are Kalmah's vampiric sea squid and/or giant squid related in any way to Great Temple Squid (the squid that almost killed Gali Nuva in BC #4)?
6320) No
64That's interesting.
6521) Do you think there's any chance of a good Makuta showing up in the story? ('Cause the fact that the BoM was originally good made me yearn for at least one good holdout...)
6621) I am not planning on that, no. I believe there were a few Makuta who didn't jump on board the bandwagon fast enough, and they were killed.
67Wonder how many of them show up in Encyclopedia #2...
6822) Do the Bahrag have any speaking lines in Legends #7?
6922) Yes, I think so
7123) Will we see Karzahni (the place) somewhere other than the Atlas this year?
7223) I think so, possibly on the web. The web producer is under the weather right now, so there are things I won't be sure on until she is back.
73Quick: Somebody find her email address and let's pummel her with "Get Well Soon" e-cards:
74Yes, I had a lot of questions, and as they went unanswered, they sorta ... built up

1EDIT: Removed Bionicle Legends#6 content
21) Bionicle Legends#6 32) About Brutaka, will he appear again this year? 43) Will Kyrehx, Gar and Idris become sets? And Reysa? 54) Are the fields of air inside or outside the Mahri Nui bubbles? 65) Why is there a cord between Voya Nui and Mahri Nui? Is it a creation of the Order of Mata Nui, since Axonn knew of it? (He was the one who opened it for the Inika, anyway) 76) Was the Hand of Artakha active in Artakha? 87) When were the DH founded? 98) When will we find out the name of that Toa of the first team? Does he wear a new mask (new masks also including Mahri Masks)? 109) Is he a Mahri combiner? 1110) Is the League of the Six Kingdoms another word for the Barraki alliance? Or is it a name for their realms? Or are both the Barraki and their armies members of it?
131) Bionicle Legends#6 142) Not this year, maybe next 153) Idris will, I believe 164) Outside 175) No. Molten protodermis leaking from Voya Nui cooled in the water and formed a "bridge" to Mahri Nui, which is why Voya Nui stopped moving in the water and is now stationary. 186) There was no real need for them to be. 197) Long time ago. 208) I don't think the set has a new mask, and probably closer to summer. 219) No 2210) It's the name for the alliance.
23To 1) Bionicle Legends#6 24To 7) Long time ago - could this possibly be a bit more specific? 2511) I heard of someone called Gadunka and that he was in a different form before. You also said he wasn't someone we are familiar with. Does this also include known 2007 characters?
261) Yes 277) Not at the moment, I don't have my timeline with me 2811) Gadunka is a summer set, and no, he is not a mutation of a January character [/spoiler
29Hope you enjoyed it.
21) Bionicle Legends#6 32) About Brutaka, will he appear again this year? 43) Will Kyrehx, Gar and Idris become sets? And Reysa? 54) Are the fields of air inside or outside the Mahri Nui bubbles? 65) Why is there a cord between Voya Nui and Mahri Nui? Is it a creation of the Order of Mata Nui, since Axonn knew of it? (He was the one who opened it for the Inika, anyway) 76) Was the Hand of Artakha active in Artakha? 87) When were the DH founded? 98) When will we find out the name of that Toa of the first team? Does he wear a new mask (new masks also including Mahri Masks)? 109) Is he a Mahri combiner? 1110) Is the League of the Six Kingdoms another word for the Barraki alliance? Or is it a name for their realms? Or are both the Barraki and their armies members of it?
131) Bionicle Legends#6 142) Not this year, maybe next 153) Idris will, I believe 164) Outside 175) No. Molten protodermis leaking from Voya Nui cooled in the water and formed a "bridge" to Mahri Nui, which is why Voya Nui stopped moving in the water and is now stationary. 186) There was no real need for them to be. 197) Long time ago. 208) I don't think the set has a new mask, and probably closer to summer. 219) No 2210) It's the name for the alliance.
23To 1) Bionicle Legends#6 24To 7) Long time ago - could this possibly be a bit more specific? 2511) I heard of someone called Gadunka and that he was in a different form before. You also said he wasn't someone we are familiar with. Does this also include known 2007 characters?
261) Yes 277) Not at the moment, I don't have my timeline with me 2811) Gadunka is a summer set, and no, he is not a mutation of a January character [/spoiler
29Hope you enjoyed it.
1Hi Greg justa few questions
21In what kind of situation would a barraki use his squid launcher, would he only use it in dire need or it could it be considered a gun, used to avoid hand to hand combat subduing the opponent without taking any damage?
32 if a enemy of the barraki put up a good fight but failed to defeat say for example pridak would he spare his enemy life?
43 carapar, would actually have a lower jaw?
54 ive just seen the short movie on the bionicle site why do the barraki fight each other over the mask when they have an alliance with each other?
64a is this short film canon or is it there to promote the barraki and has nothing to do with the storyline
75 if it is canon i guess that answers a question i had way back that the barraki are all cursed due to the brawl over the mask
85a if the short film is canon how can dekar breath underwater without a air supply
96 now we've seen the barraki rendered in cgi is there any chance a movie will be made this year or next ?
10thank you
111) The latter. 122) If he had some use for the foe, yes 133) Not sure I understand your question 144) The movie is a vision the mask gives Dekar -- it didn't happen in real life (yet) 154a) See answer to #4 165) No, at this point in the story, only Pridak has touched the mask 175a) All the Mahri Nui Matoran travel inside of personal air bubbles which are very thin (if they have been using them for a while) 186) No chance this year. It would have had to be written and animated last year. For 2008, I would say chances are slim -- it's not impossible, but no studio deal exists and no script is written yet, and both those things would have to happen really quickly
19so the video on bionicle.com is suposed to be a vision that Deker has so maybe the barraki will turn on each other at the end looks like we might get a full scale war over the mask of life
20and pridak is the only barraki so far thats held the mask interesting

1Hi Greg justa few questions
21In what kind of situation would a barraki use his squid launcher, would he only use it in dire need or it could it be considered a gun, used to avoid hand to hand combat subduing the opponent without taking any damage?
32 if a enemy of the barraki put up a good fight but failed to defeat say for example pridak would he spare his enemy life?
43 carapar, would actually have a lower jaw?
54 ive just seen the short movie on the bionicle site why do the barraki fight each other over the mask when they have an alliance with each other?
64a is this short film canon or is it there to promote the barraki and has nothing to do with the storyline
75 if it is canon i guess that answers a question i had way back that the barraki are all cursed due to the brawl over the mask
85a if the short film is canon how can dekar breath underwater without a air supply
96 now we've seen the barraki rendered in cgi is there any chance a movie will be made this year or next ?
10thank you
111) The latter. 122) If he had some use for the foe, yes 133) Not sure I understand your question 144) The movie is a vision the mask gives Dekar -- it didn't happen in real life (yet) 154a) See answer to #4 165) No, at this point in the story, only Pridak has touched the mask 175a) All the Mahri Nui Matoran travel inside of personal air bubbles which are very thin (if they have been using them for a while) 186) No chance this year. It would have had to be written and animated last year. For 2008, I would say chances are slim -- it's not impossible, but no studio deal exists and no script is written yet, and both those things would have to happen really quickly
19so the video on bionicle.com is suposed to be a vision that Deker has so maybe the barraki will turn on each other at the end looks like we might get a full scale war over the mask of life
20and pridak is the only barraki so far thats held the mask interesting
21Dude all this stuff and more were answered in the last page.
1Gee thanks. I guess I won't have to PM greg then. Whew: Anyway, I was browsing Chapters for a bionicle and I found out that Greg has written a book called AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Did you guyz know this? I don't know where else to put that so...Oh: PM coming:: WOOHOO:
2P.S. I have a queston but I'm sure you helpful people know it so I don't want to bother Greg. 3Who is Karapar? Is he like Carapars..fusion? (I hope not because that would be really lame to repeat it)
4'Karapar' is a typo version of 'Carapar,' nothing more. No need to worry about fusions
5Thanks Dayran. And thanks toa thirdview. And thanks the other guy but i can ttype your name

6Heres some stuff I sent GregF. Not real important though
7QUOTE 8Hiya Greg: I hope you had a wonderful month since I last PMed you.
91. Could the toa of "the green" also be called the toa of "vegetation"(because vegetation is another word for plant life)
102.Could there ever be toa of dual elements? say a toa of fire adn ice?(like steam)
113.If more toa with different elemnts are introduced, could there be another female toa, or are the only female matoran/toa of the element water?
12Thank you for your time:
131) Or Toa of Plants, or a lot of things ... he doesn't have an official name yet. 142) No 153) It's possible that there could be other female Toa
16Sweet: More female toa: It'd be kinda sad with only 1 type. I'm gonna start calling that Toa the Toa of Vegetation

1Okay, I just have a few questions about BIONICLE 2007 in general.
21) Is there any reason why Hydraxon has such a great resemblence to Pridak? 31/a) I know pretty much for sure that you probably can't answer this-- but you said in a topic about the Axonn/Hydraxon theory, "Wrong character. Try again." 4Does this mean that Hydraxon could be Pridak mutated? 51/b) Or were you talking about Gadunka? You said he doesn't exist yet. . .
62) Can you tell me the color scheme of the Toa of the first team? 72/a) Do you know what stores he'll be out in?
83) Do you know when Toy Fair is in Febuary?
94) [Bionicle Legends#6 spoilers Is this the same logo that's on the picture of the BOM Fortress for the Atlas?
105) Who else will the Toa from the first team come with besides [Bionicle Legends#6 name?
116) When will we find out why Mantax searches the original Pit?
127) Let me see if I got this right- 13Voya Nui, when it first rocketed up, was originally above the Mainland. But when it drifted south or whatever direction it did, it drifted above the Pit, Mahri Nui falls, and it's now stuck.
148) Will any of the Titans be in Bionicle Legends#7? 158/a) Which comic will they first appear in?
169) So the layer of the eggs (For the vampiric squid) isn't a Titan, right?
1710) Are Bionicle Legends#6 spoilers aloud yet? It's well over a week after release.
18Thanks in advance,
201) Hydraxon is not Pridak mutated, no, nor is he Gadunka. Pridak is in the story all year long. 212) I THINK he is green, don't know the store at this point 223) Week of the 11th, I believe, but it's not open to the public. 234) Yes 245) He isn't coming with [Bionicle Legends#6 name. The Matoran are in a different store exclusive set. 256) Later 267) Right, only it drifted north, not south 278) All three will 288a) Probably not until September 299) No. All three titans are biomechanical, they can't lay eggs. 3010) Actually, Bionicle Legends #6 was originally scheduled for release Feb. 1, so mid-Feb is when the spoilers go up
31Pretty cool info. . . so the Toa will be green.

33EDIT: Slight Bionicle Legends#6 spoilers removed, thanks for pointing it out, -Utopia-.

1Some info about Nocturn:

2Hi, Mr. Farshtey. I want to ask some questions:
31)Is the mutagenic agent connected with the BOM?
42)Can Nocturn breathe in land?
53)Is Botar breathless at water?
6Thank you for your time.
71) No 82) Yes 93) No
102)If Nocturn can breathe in land, why he didn't leave The Pit?
11And go where? He's not welcome in his homeland ... he's not welcome most places, because of his reputation. In the ocean, he has relative peace as long as he doesn't annoy Pridak and all the razor whales he could want to eat

1Greg said that Gadunka wasn't an 06 set transformed, but an 07 set he said nothing about. Maybe Gadunka is Nocturn, once he recieves the masks curse. (Setwise - Gadunka strongly resembles Nocturn, and they both have the Piraka foot as a lower jaw).
1(Setwise - Gadunka strongly resembles Nocturn, and they both have the Piraka foot as a lower jaw).
2And you count that as a strong resemblance? Then maybe Nocturn could be Carapar mutated, they have the same head... And Ehlek a mutated Zaktan, the same color scheme and same feet. 3Also, BTW, Gadunka doesn't have a Piraka foot as a lower jaw. It's one of Onua Mata's claws in red inside its mouth, and the teeth are made with a white/silver Ehlek spine. 4Khote