1JUST SO YOU KNOW: pm'd greg a few weeks ago, says he has no least fav. barraki.
1Hi, I have acouple fewseveral questions to ask: 21.Their are three promos this year,Nocturn, Sarda and ???, and a member of the first toa team, correct? 32.The other matoran that is with Sarda is Idris, correct? 43.What mask does Sarda wear? 54.What mask does Idris wear(if she is packed with Sarda)? 65.Sarda and Idris look like Dekar and Defilak only with different mask and colors,right? 76.Does the Pit War Tortoise have squid ammo in his squid launchers on his back or is it just armor? 87.Can you tell me what we already know about Zyglak and/or more(Basically all i know is his name? 98.Zyglak is made from Kalmah, Pridak, and Takadox, correct? 109.Can you tell me the official element and color of the member of the first toa team? 1110.When will the comic go on Bionicle.com? 1211.Is Gadunka formed in the bionicle story yet? 1312.Has Botar sent anything to the Pit after Brutaka? 1413.Will Brutaka mutate? 1514.What is Nocturns curse? 1615.Is the mutagen in the water something/someone we already know of? 1716.Have we seen Mata-Nui in the story without knowing it was his(you said he was easy to get to but the trick is to know what he is)? 1817.Can you tell me all we know about the Nuva's mission and maybe more? 1918.The Ignika won't waken Mata-Nui just restore him to health right? 2019.Will Someone die using the Ignika to restore mata nui's health? 2120.Are Reysa and Sarda dead or mutated? 22Thanks for your time.
231) There are three store-exclusives I know of: Nocturn; the member of the first Toa team; and Sarda and Idris with a figure I have not revealed yet 243-5) I don't have this info. 256) He has them if you want to put them there 267) That is all that has been released about them at this point 278) I believe so, yes 289) He's green, so I would assume he's air, at least he was green when I saw him 2910) As soon as the web producer comes back from sick leave 3011) No 3112) No 3213) He already did, or he would have drowned 3314) Doesn't get revealed until summer, since he doesn't have the mask yet in the story 3415) No 3516) Can't discuss what Mata Nui looks like 3617) You know pretty much nothing at this point 3718) The Toa Inika's destiny is to use it to awaken him 3819) Even were that the case, you know I cannot discuss future storyline 3920) Reysa is dead, Sarda is not.
40Gadunka isn't formed yet [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]
1Ok, I got a few more:
Toa_Hewkii 2Hello ,
3I have a few more questions to ask:
41. If the mask of life is the greatest mask ever, isnt it posable that the mask of time could use time against life?
52. Could Hewkii use his mask power to use a mind as a weapon?
63. Carapar isnt the "22=uh " kind of people, his just like vezok, slow thinking, right?
74. Can you give me a few quotes from the comic #7?
85. any chance you'll be at brickfest?
101) I don't understand your question. I actually see the two masks are equal in power -- life cannot exist without time, and time without life is pointless because there is no one there to mark its passing. 112) The Mask of Accuracy? No. You can't turn the mind into a missile weapon, it's not a physical object. 123) Yup 134) Nope 145) No plans for that, no. I try not to travel any more than I have to, because it costs me writing time.
1Hi Mr. Farshtey:
2Just a couple questions today:
31) In a previous response to someone's PM, you said the Toa Nuva have to free the Bahrag. To free the Bahrag does this not force them to put their Toa Symbols onto that cube and hence lose their elemental powers? Or can they just take their symbols out again and everything is fine and dandy?
42) If Nocturn is such a big, tough, four-armed guy who can break an island, why is he a simple lieutenant of Ehlek? Couldn't he just force Ehlek to serve him? Or is he so dumb that he can only serve people? Did Takadox hypnotize him maybe?
5Thanks for your time,
71) Nope. The Kal needed the symbols because they don't have Toa power. But the six powers that formed the cage can also open it, just as the same powers that formed Makuta's cage opened it in B3.
82) I am sure if you take a minute you can think of tons of super-villains who have henchmen who are way stronger than they are. Strength and power do not automatically equal leadership, the capacity to lead, or the desire to lead.
9Oh. Guess the Nuva have no chance of mutating then.
1I thought the Nuva were supposed to awaken Mata Nui...
2EDIT: I can see it now -- the Ignika gives Nocturn the ability to bring anything he touches to life ... he touches the Pit jailer's armor by accident -- and... 3jetslandingboard![]()
4That's a really good theory... The only thing is, didn't Greg say at one point that the Kanohi Ignika's power cannot turn the dead into the living?...
1I thought the Nuva were supposed to awaken Mata Nui...
2EDIT: I can see it now -- the Ignika gives Nocturn the ability to bring anything he touches to life ... he touches the Pit jailer's armor by accident -- and... 3jetslandingboard![]()
4That's a really good theory... The only thing is, didn't Greg say at one point that the Kanohi Ignika's power cannot turn the dead into the living?...
6Could be false life, like the Tryna. Although that specific curse... well, I can't explain because Bionicle Legends#6 spoilers are still a couple weeks away.
1I thought the Nuva were supposed to awaken Mata Nui...
2EDIT: I can see it now -- the Ignika gives Nocturn the ability to bring anything he touches to life ... he touches the Pit jailer's armor by accident -- and... 3jetslandingboard![]()
4That's a really good theory... The only thing is, didn't Greg say at one point that the Kanohi Ignika's power cannot turn the dead into the living?...
6Yes, but it wouldn't be the Ignika itself doing it, it would be Nocturn's curse. When one of the Great Beings touched the Ignika, that's one of the things that happened. Everything around him turned to life, even inanimate objects. A similar thing could happen to Nocturn where he can give life to the dead.
We'll have to wait to find out, but I'm likin' the idea.

1Hope you can answer these Greg.[ol type='1'[li]We know Nocturn "broke" his island; was this island of special importance to Mata Nui and the Order?[li]Is this similar to what Reidak did to Zakaz (As told by TSO in the DH Guide)?[li]What will Nocturn plan to do with the Ignika?[li]How did Nocturn end up as Ehlek's luetenant?[li]Will the Nuva appear this year?[li]Why is comic #6 online only?[li]Are the squid ammo really squids (The look more like anemoneis)?[li]Is there going to be another collectible this year?[li]Are any of war leaders of the Great Disruption still alive?[li]How did the Barraki become enemies with the Brotherhood of Makuta?[/ol
21) No, but a lot of beings died as a result of what he did 32) No, Reidak destroyed the structures on an island, not the physical island itself 43) Nocturn doesn't even much want it. 54) Safety in numbers 65) Only on the web 76) Because the brand wanted to do the Barraki poster in January, and it was too expensive to do that and a printed comic that month 87) Yup 98) I can't discuss future set plans 109) Probably 1110) Because it was a BOM army that shattered their attempt to overthrow Mata Nui 80,000 years ago
12Toa of Hedgehogs, PM Greg your questions. Here is where you post the answers. And I think I can answer them.
131) At least 4 (Including Nocturn) 142&3) I don't think he's allowed to answer those 154) It was the set designers that desided that. Sharks have blood on there face. Pridak is a shark.
1Hello greg, this is a honor. Will you please answer these questions as best you can.
21. is maxilos part of any organisations we know of.
32. would nocturn die if he fell off a cliff, or would he get back up on his feet.
43. is it official that the nuvas new mission is to go to karzahni and get the inikas old masks.
54. you said some of the mahri will get new masks. does this mean that not all the inika will get new masks.
65. I heard you say that botar can't breath underwater so does that mean he will die.
76. could nocturn regenarate his head if it was chopped of.
87. finally, do come into existence, not born. so more can come or do we have all the matoran we can have until they all die out
9Thank you.
10Darth matrix
111) I cannot discuss anything having to do with summer sets 122) Depends on how high the cliff is. He cannot adapt to defeats the way Reidak can 133) That is one thing they are doing, but it is not part of their mission. 144) No, I never said anything of the kind about the Mahri. I cannot discuss the Mahri. 155) No. If you jump into the water and are under for a split second, do you die? Botar doesn't hang out down there, he pops in, dumps his prisoner, and pops back out 166) I doubt it. 177) It is possible for more Matoran to come into existence, yes. They simply could not do so while on Mata Nui.
18Read the one about refried nocturn head
21. is maxilos part of any organisations we know of.
32. would nocturn die if he fell off a cliff, or would he get back up on his feet.
43. is it official that the nuvas new mission is to go to karzahni and get the inikas old masks.
54. you said some of the mahri will get new masks. does this mean that not all the inika will get new masks.
65. I heard you say that botar can't breath underwater so does that mean he will die.
76. could nocturn regenarate his head if it was chopped of.
87. finally, do come into existence, not born. so more can come or do we have all the matoran we can have until they all die out
9Thank you.
10Darth matrix
111) I cannot discuss anything having to do with summer sets 122) Depends on how high the cliff is. He cannot adapt to defeats the way Reidak can 133) That is one thing they are doing, but it is not part of their mission. 144) No, I never said anything of the kind about the Mahri. I cannot discuss the Mahri. 155) No. If you jump into the water and are under for a split second, do you die? Botar doesn't hang out down there, he pops in, dumps his prisoner, and pops back out 166) I doubt it. 177) It is possible for more Matoran to come into existence, yes. They simply could not do so while on Mata Nui.
18Read the one about refried nocturn head
4Well, before the Ignika reached Mahri Nui, the Jailor had already been up and walking...1I thought the Nuva were supposed to awaken Mata Nui...
2EDIT: I can see it now -- the Ignika gives Nocturn the ability to bring anything he touches to life ... he touches the Pit jailer's armor by accident -- and... 3jetslandingboard![]()
17. finally, do come into existence, not born. so more can come or do we have all the matoran we can have until they all die out
27) It is possible for more Matoran to come into existence, yes. They simply could not do so while on Mata Nui.
3this is amazing. lot of theories poping in my head. they cant come into exsistance while on Mata Nui. hmmm... is anyone thinking this has something to do with the Great Spirits grand plan? and the bohrok?

19) The first thing 2I think he meant 'The first TEAM' not the first thing, I asked him the same thing and he answered: 33. The Toa coming out this summer as a store exclusive set, (I think you said that it was green) is that THE first Toa in existence? Or is that a Toa from the FIRST team? 4A. From first team
1its me atlas. i have some questions. thanks in advance
21. You said before that matoran cant come into exsistance on Mata Nui. Does this have anything to do with the bohrok's mission or Mata Nui's grand plan or something?
32. You said that Gadunka won't be in exsistance until summer. Does the Ignika have anything to do with his creation?
43. Will the Ignika be damaged before summer or maybe before the end of the year?
54. Is Spinax a Rahi?
65. It says on Wikipedia that Maxilo is the Pit jailer. Is this true? (I'm guessing it's not because wikipedia is always wrong.)
76. What is stopping the Barraki from destroying Marhi Nui?
8thats all for now. thanks again. atlas
91) No 102) I can't discuss summer sets or future storyline 113) See answer to #2 124) See answer to #2 135) See answer to #2 146) Basically, they see no point to it. If the Matoran don't have something they need, then why kill them? What if they had some use for the Matoran later, but they were all dead? That would be a waste of resources.
21. You said before that matoran cant come into exsistance on Mata Nui. Does this have anything to do with the bohrok's mission or Mata Nui's grand plan or something?
32. You said that Gadunka won't be in exsistance until summer. Does the Ignika have anything to do with his creation?
43. Will the Ignika be damaged before summer or maybe before the end of the year?
54. Is Spinax a Rahi?
65. It says on Wikipedia that Maxilo is the Pit jailer. Is this true? (I'm guessing it's not because wikipedia is always wrong.)
76. What is stopping the Barraki from destroying Marhi Nui?
8thats all for now. thanks again. atlas
91) No 102) I can't discuss summer sets or future storyline 113) See answer to #2 124) See answer to #2 135) See answer to #2 146) Basically, they see no point to it. If the Matoran don't have something they need, then why kill them? What if they had some use for the Matoran later, but they were all dead? That would be a waste of resources.

1Hi greg
2im a bit confussed on a answer that poped up on the general discussion
31)You said that the inikas destiny/mission is to awaken mata nui i always thought it was the nuvas mission was this must a simple mistake if so no problem? 41) If that's what it said, it was a typo on my part. Happens when you answer 200-300 questions on here a day.
52)Will we find out this year why the bohok have to clean mata nui? 62) Nope
73)Once the bohrok begin cleaning mata nui will this effect mata nui status(will he begin to awaken) followed by other tasks such as rebuilding metru nui? 83) No, it will not affect his status. Think of it like cleaning your room before your Grandma visits .. your cleaning does not make her show up.
94)Will we find out where nocturn comes from, will his island make an appearence in the atlas? 104) No and no
115)In the general discussion its been revealed that the MOLI has to be used at/in the world that feeds the world could this be metru nui saying as it provides power to most islands on the bionicle planet? 125) No, it's not Metru Nui.
136)In 2008 will jaller and co be reunited with there old masks if so will they wear them or keep to the masks given to them by karzahni? 146) I cannot discuss 2008 storyline
157)The store exclusive is it the toa of the first toa team or the first toa in existance? 167) Toa of the first Toa team
177a)Will the exclusive come over to the UK after all umbra did (just wondering)? 187a) I'd assume so - we don't do US-only BIONICLE sets, never have to my knowledge
19ok i think thats it![]()
20thank you
1Hi, I have acouple fewseveral questions to ask: 21.Their are three promos this year,Nocturn, Sarda and ???, and a member of the first toa team, correct? 32.The other matoran that is with Sarda is Idris, correct? 43.What mask does Sarda wear? 54.What mask does Idris wear(if she is packed with Sarda)? 65.Sarda and Idris look like Dekar and Defilak only with different mask and colors,right? 76.Does the Pit War Tortoise have squid ammo in his squid launchers on his back or is it just armor? 87.Can you tell me what we already know about Zyglak and/or more(Basically all i know is his name? 98.Zyglak is made from Kalmah, Pridak, and Takadox, correct? 109.Can you tell me the official element and color of the member of the first toa team? 1110.When will the comic go on Bionicle.com? 1211.Is Gadunka formed in the bionicle story yet? 1312.Has Botar sent anything to the Pit after Brutaka? 1413.Will Brutaka mutate? 1514.What is Nocturns curse? 1615.Is the mutagen in the water something/someone we already know of? 1716.Have we seen Mata-Nui in the story without knowing it was his(you said he was easy to get to but the trick is to know what he is)? 1817.Can you tell me all we know about the Nuva's mission and maybe more? 1918.The Ignika won't waken Mata-Nui just restore him to health right? 2019.Will Someone die using the Ignika to restore mata nui's health? 2120.Are Reysa and Sarda dead or mutated? 22Thanks for your time.
231) There are three store-exclusives I know of: Nocturn; the member of the first Toa team; and Sarda and Idris with a figure I have not revealed yet 243-5) I don't have this info. 256) He has them if you want to put them there 267) That is all that has been released about them at this point 278) I believe so, yes 289) He's green, so I would assume he's air, at least he was green when I saw him 2910) As soon as the web producer comes back from sick leave 3011) No 3112) No 3213) He already did, or he would have drowned 3314) Doesn't get revealed until summer, since he doesn't have the mask yet in the story 3415) No 3516) Can't discuss what Mata Nui looks like 3617) You know pretty much nothing at this point 3718) The Toa Inika's destiny is to use it to awaken him 3819) Even were that the case, you know I cannot discuss future storyline 3920) Reysa is dead, Sarda is not.
40Gadunka isn't formed yet [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]
41Aren't the nuva meant to wake him? If the Inika are meant to wake him then I think 08 will be very good.
1Aren't the nuva meant to wake him? If the Inika are meant to wake him then I think 08 will be very good.
2From the post prior to yours:
31)You said that the inikas destiny/mission is to awaken mata nui i always thought it was the nuvas mission was this must a simple mistake if so no problem? 41) If that's what it said, it was a typo on my part. Happens when you answer 200-300 questions on here a day.
1Will the Ignika ever become a collectible mask or included in a set? Also, what about the one in the www.bionicle.com video?
2If it does, it will be in '08
3That's a little conversation GregF and I had.
4Man, this really bugs me. The storyline is supposed to be revolved around the sets, yet the main focus point of the entire three-year story arc is not even in plastic:
11. Why choose Kopaka to be the main focus in Bionicle comic 1? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I don't like it. 2A. Well, Onua was the main focus of the first video ... and Tahu was the first focus of the Mata Nui Online Game, so that ruled them out ... and I always liked Kopaka.
32. Why are the Mahri Nui Matoran bigger then those on Voya Nui? 4A. Because they were mutated by the sea water
53. Do the set designers even choose the names or is that up to you? 6A. Set designers do not choose names. A list of names gets sent to Denmark and run through the lawyers for legal approval. After we get an approved list back, the franchise manager picks the names.
74. What is the combo model in March's name? 8A. Zyglak
95. Are you the only one on the Bionicle team that is a member of BZP? 10A. No, not to my knowledge 115.Ooh, if it is alright with them will you give their names or have them PM me? 12A. They are extremely busy people, which is why they are not as active on here as I am, so I really am not comfortable doing that.
136. How many people are on the Bionicle team? 14A. On the story team, you mean? 156. Yah. 16A. Story team is myself, the franchise manager, her assistant, the web producer, the lead set designer, and three members of our creative agency in Denmark
32. Why are the Mahri Nui Matoran bigger then those on Voya Nui? 4A. Because they were mutated by the sea water
53. Do the set designers even choose the names or is that up to you? 6A. Set designers do not choose names. A list of names gets sent to Denmark and run through the lawyers for legal approval. After we get an approved list back, the franchise manager picks the names.
74. What is the combo model in March's name? 8A. Zyglak
95. Are you the only one on the Bionicle team that is a member of BZP? 10A. No, not to my knowledge 115.Ooh, if it is alright with them will you give their names or have them PM me? 12A. They are extremely busy people, which is why they are not as active on here as I am, so I really am not comfortable doing that.
136. How many people are on the Bionicle team? 14A. On the story team, you mean? 156. Yah. 16A. Story team is myself, the franchise manager, her assistant, the web producer, the lead set designer, and three members of our creative agency in Denmark
1i have a few more questions. thanks in advance. you can answer it all in one answer if you like because it's really the same thing.
21. You said the bohrok cleaning Mata Nui is like cleaning your house when your grandma visits. Does that mean if Mata Nui awakens he'll go to Mata Nui? 31b. Also is the reason biomechanical beings weren't supposed to go to Mata Nui is that when he awakens he has to go there to do some thing special.
42. And also is part of the Nuva's mission freeing the bohrok so they can clean Mata Nui so that when the Nuva awaken Mata Nui he can do something special there.
5that's all for now. atlas
61) No, that's not what it means. What I meant to say WAS that cleaning Mata Nui and Mata Nui awakening are two different events, they aren't directly connected. One does not make the other happen. 71b) No. They simply were not intended to live outside of the domes. 82) No.
9guess i was all wrong. oh well. atlas
21. You said the bohrok cleaning Mata Nui is like cleaning your house when your grandma visits. Does that mean if Mata Nui awakens he'll go to Mata Nui? 31b. Also is the reason biomechanical beings weren't supposed to go to Mata Nui is that when he awakens he has to go there to do some thing special.
42. And also is part of the Nuva's mission freeing the bohrok so they can clean Mata Nui so that when the Nuva awaken Mata Nui he can do something special there.
5that's all for now. atlas
61) No, that's not what it means. What I meant to say WAS that cleaning Mata Nui and Mata Nui awakening are two different events, they aren't directly connected. One does not make the other happen. 71b) No. They simply were not intended to live outside of the domes. 82) No.
9guess i was all wrong. oh well. atlas

1Can regular flame (say, what Lhikan can produce) melt protosteel?
3Good question. I haven't decided.
4Here I am waiting a night for a definitive answer so I can write it into a short story...
5Oh well, I'll work around it.
7I bet it could. It just probably would need to be exposed to a high heat level for a pretty long time to begin melting. Unless BIONICLE doesn'y have thermal energy

1Hey, Greg: I just have three questions...
21. I believe somewhere back you said that the OoMN did not know that the Pit was flooded (if you did not, then that is my mistake). But recently you said that Botar pops in there for a few seconds to deposit his prisoners instead of just instantly sending them there. So... shouldn't Botar realize something is wrong when everything's underwater?
32. The OoMN knows the will of Mata-Nui and how the universe works, right? So they should know that biomechanicals were not supposed to live on the organic surface. So, if the answer to #1 is that the OoMN does know, why wouldn't they get the prisoners back in the original Pit, drain the water and reseal it? I mean, they're not supposed to be there.
43. For a super-secret, high-tech organization like the OoMN, isn't it kind of dumb to have your agents travel somewhere and not report back if they get there? Because the Mata-Nui (island) agent was killed, and you said the OoMN didn't know because they assumed he got there because he didn't send a message that something was wrong. But if they're dead, they can't send a message either for someone else to come. So, what's up with that? Why don't they send a message when they actually get there?
5Thanks in advance:
71) Nope. It's a micro-second teleport. He's not hanging out to look around. 82) And how do you suggest they do that? The OOMN cannot go in there in force without revealing to the universe they exist. 99.9% of the prisoners were not defeated by OOMN members, they were defeated by others, none of whom are in the Pit now or could survive there if they were. 93) How do you know he didn't do that? I never said he was killed the second he walked out of his canister. He could have sent a message that he had arrived and then simply never made another report.
10Some of my questions... Strange how Botar hasn't ever bothered to look around and notice he's wet.

1I asked Greg some questions:
25The parts with italic font are my comments.
2Hi, Greg: I'd have some questions regarding the storyline:
31. In the Bionicle.com video, if that was a vision that the Ignika gave to Dekar, did the vision begin in the moment when he touched the Ignika? 42. Did the Ignika warn Dekar to not put the mask on the statue? 53. Is that statue, the one that the Matoran built in the honor of those who the Barraki killed? 63. Will we meet new beings that were mutade by the mutagen? (besides the Matoran, Barraki and Nocturn) 74. Was the Jailor mutated? 85. Are there more amphibians (sp?) ? (besides Nocturn) 96. Will the Toa Mahri be also based on sea creatures? 107. Ehlek has the abilty to produce electrcity before he was banished to the Pit? 118. How did Ehlek survived in the Pit, if he couldn't breath on land? 128b. He was amphibious?
141) Yes 152) No 163) Actually, no idea what that is. It was a creation of the people who made the movie, not of me. 174) That depends on how much room I have to introduce them in the story 185) No 19The jailor was not mutated. Interesting...
206) Yes, Amphibax is an amphibian, we know that 217) I cannot discuss the Mahri 228) No. 239) No, when he lived on land, he wore a complicated apparatus that let him breathe on land 24I arelady imagine Ehlek with a thingy that would let him to breathe air ;-p
25The parts with italic font are my comments.
1Message Forwarded From GregF
2Hey Greg: I have some questions:
31) In physical terms (hand to hand, weight lifting, etc.), who from these charaters is stronger (from weakest to strongest): 4Botar, Axonn, Makuta, Brutaka, Carapar, Reidak, Nocturn and Krekka.
52) Is Botar so freakin' tall on the story? Cause I own the set and it towers over almost everybody.
63) Are the Stat Sheets on the Bionicle site accurate?
7Thank you for your time,
8Mata Nuno
91) This is strongest to weakest -- Nocturn, Makuta, Axonn, Brutaka, Botar, Reidak, Carapar, Krekka 102) Yes. Sets are always canon 113) Yes, I wrote them
12I can't belive Nocturn is so strong: I know he broke an island and all... I am also surprised that Krekka is the weakest.

1Message Forwarded From GregF
2Hey Greg: I have some questions:
31) In physical terms (hand to hand, weight lifting, etc.), who from these charaters is stronger (from weakest to strongest): 4Botar, Axonn, Makuta, Brutaka, Carapar, Reidak, Nocturn and Krekka.
52) Is Botar so freakin' tall on the story? Cause I own the set and it towers over almost everybody.
63) Are the Stat Sheets on the Bionicle site accurate?
7Thank you for your time,
8Mata Nuno
91) This is strongest to weakest -- Nocturn, Makuta, Axonn, Brutaka, Botar, Reidak, Carapar, Krekka 102) Yes. Sets are always canon 113) Yes, I wrote them
12I can't belive Nocturn is so strong: I know he broke an island and all... I am also surprised that Krekka is the weakest.
14And I thought Krekka was strong...
15And Nocturn is stronger than Makuta? [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] Who knew:
1Message Forwarded From GregF
2Hey Greg: I have some questions:
31) In physical terms (hand to hand, weight lifting, etc.), who from these charaters is stronger (from weakest to strongest): 4Botar, Axonn, Makuta, Brutaka, Carapar, Reidak, Nocturn and Krekka.
52) Is Botar so freakin' tall on the story? Cause I own the set and it towers over almost everybody.
63) Are the Stat Sheets on the Bionicle site accurate?
7Thank you for your time,
8Mata Nuno
91) This is strongest to weakest -- Nocturn, Makuta, Axonn, Brutaka, Botar, Reidak, Carapar, Krekka 102) Yes. Sets are always canon 113) Yes, I wrote them
12I can't belive Nocturn is so strong: I know he broke an island and all... I am also surprised that Krekka is the weakest.
14And I thought Krekka was strong...
15And Nocturn is stronger than Makuta? [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] Who knew:
16yeah, I always thought that he wasn't That strong, but now I know hes a flexi muscle man. set designers should have but vahki legs for his arms.
17Darth matrix, the child in me loves doughnuts, but the adult in me loves pie, gosh
1Well, Nocturn's only power is physical strength (and regeneration). Makuta's got a whole boatload of other tricks up his sleeve -- so if it were one-on-one, I'd give the battle to Makuta in a heartbeat.
2Few more from Mr. Farshtey:
2Few more from Mr. Farshtey:
31) Will the Tahtorak-Kardas fight get mentioned in the Encyclopedia 2 (as a sort of sidenote)? 41) I don't recall 5Too bad; I really hope it does, since it may not appear anywhere else...
62) Does Zyglak appear in any book(s)? 72) Possibly in #7, briefly 8Good:
93) Whose mission is it to awaken Mata Nui: the Toa Nuva's, or the Toa Inika's? (You seem to have said elsewhere that it was the Inika's destiny to use [the Ignika to awaken [Mata Nui.) 103) Nuva. If I said anything contrary to that, 'twas a typo on my part. 11This PM was sent before I read about Mr. Farshtey's correction -- but it's the first time I recall him using the term "'twas."

1Well, Nocturn's only power is physical strength (and regeneration). Makuta's got a whole boatload of other tricks up his sleeve -- so if it were one-on-one, I'd give the battle to Makuta in a heartbeat.
2but if it was a one-one with no powers just strength Nocturn would win. i can't believe Nocturn is stronger. I guess this explains how he broke his island.
1QUOTE 2Yes, the persistant Ardosos has PMed you yet again with some more time wasting questions. Thank you in advance.
31.) If a Bionicle being had the natural ability to regenerate and their head was removed from their body, would their body grow a new head or would their head grow a new body? 41b.) Also, what if they were chopped in half verticaly? Would the two halves join back together, or would two beings form?
52.) What is BoM armour made of?
63.) The MoLi gave Vezon limited foresight, right? Is the video on Bionicle.com about the Barraki having issues a peice of the future?
74.) Do all of Nocturn's species look that way or is that just the MoLi's curse?
85.) Is Gadunka a mutated Tahtorak(think about it)?
96.) Did the toa mata have any other forms before arriving on the island of Mata Nui?
107.) Seeing how Makuta and Mata Nui are brothers, was Mata Nui ever a BoM member? 117b.) Could he become one?
128.) If Mata Nui were to randomly wake up right now would he stop dying?
139.) Is the mutagen in the waters surrounding the Pit a natural occurence or was it put there by a smart person?
1410.) If the BoM created all of the rahi then could they add super powers randomly to someone if they wanted?
1511.) If and when Karzanhi takes on Makuta would it be the Makuta of Metru Nui or the BoM as a whole?
1612.) What would happen if Mata Nui were to wake up right now?
1713.) When Zaktahn found those tablets in Bl4, what did they say would happen when one of their members died?
1814.) Will the world that feeds the world ever be reveald?
19Thanks again. May my thirst for knowledge be forever quenched after this, and good day.
201) Neither. BIONICLE beings are not earthworms. My feeling is cut off the head and you have inflicted a fatal wound. Someone can live with their arm or leg cut off long enough to grow a new one, but sever the "brain" from the body and neither part can exist on its own. 212) Hasn't been revealed, I don't think 223) Yes 234) Nocturn hadn't touched the Mask of Life yet, so he's not cursed yet. That is just how he and his species look. 245) No 256) No 267) Makuta and Mata Nui are not biological brothers -- they are brothers in the sense that all firemen are brothers. They were both charged with looking after the Matoran, so they were "brothers" in that job. But they are nowhere near on the same power level. 278) He already is dying, awake or asleep. 289) Neither 2910) Most likely 3011) Just Makuta of Metru Nui 3112) He'd still be dying 3213) They didn't. They said it might be necessary for a member to die for the ultimate plan to succeed. 3314) Yes
31.) If a Bionicle being had the natural ability to regenerate and their head was removed from their body, would their body grow a new head or would their head grow a new body? 41b.) Also, what if they were chopped in half verticaly? Would the two halves join back together, or would two beings form?
52.) What is BoM armour made of?
63.) The MoLi gave Vezon limited foresight, right? Is the video on Bionicle.com about the Barraki having issues a peice of the future?
74.) Do all of Nocturn's species look that way or is that just the MoLi's curse?
85.) Is Gadunka a mutated Tahtorak(think about it)?
96.) Did the toa mata have any other forms before arriving on the island of Mata Nui?
107.) Seeing how Makuta and Mata Nui are brothers, was Mata Nui ever a BoM member? 117b.) Could he become one?
128.) If Mata Nui were to randomly wake up right now would he stop dying?
139.) Is the mutagen in the waters surrounding the Pit a natural occurence or was it put there by a smart person?
1410.) If the BoM created all of the rahi then could they add super powers randomly to someone if they wanted?
1511.) If and when Karzanhi takes on Makuta would it be the Makuta of Metru Nui or the BoM as a whole?
1612.) What would happen if Mata Nui were to wake up right now?
1713.) When Zaktahn found those tablets in Bl4, what did they say would happen when one of their members died?
1814.) Will the world that feeds the world ever be reveald?
19Thanks again. May my thirst for knowledge be forever quenched after this, and good day.
201) Neither. BIONICLE beings are not earthworms. My feeling is cut off the head and you have inflicted a fatal wound. Someone can live with their arm or leg cut off long enough to grow a new one, but sever the "brain" from the body and neither part can exist on its own. 212) Hasn't been revealed, I don't think 223) Yes 234) Nocturn hadn't touched the Mask of Life yet, so he's not cursed yet. That is just how he and his species look. 245) No 256) No 267) Makuta and Mata Nui are not biological brothers -- they are brothers in the sense that all firemen are brothers. They were both charged with looking after the Matoran, so they were "brothers" in that job. But they are nowhere near on the same power level. 278) He already is dying, awake or asleep. 289) Neither 2910) Most likely 3011) Just Makuta of Metru Nui 3112) He'd still be dying 3213) They didn't. They said it might be necessary for a member to die for the ultimate plan to succeed. 3314) Yes
1QUOTE 2Hi Gerg, me again. Got some questions I'd like to be answered: 31.Will Ehlek's race be out as sets? 41a.Is there are differences between him and his race? 52. How many members does the Order of Mata-Nui have? 62a. Do they have enough to form an army? 73. Is the Brotherhood stronger than the Order? 84. If the BoM is so powerful, then why is the Dark Hunters gaining the upper hand? 95. How did the Toa went from 3,000 to 50? 106. Will Lariska ever going to be a set?
121) No, because they play no role in the story 131a) Yes, because he was mutated by the waters of the Pit, they were not 142) Can't answer it 152a) Probably not 163) I am not sure you can say they are, simply because the Order is secret, the BOM is not. 174) Because the BOM has other things on their minds. They aren't focusing all their attention on the war. 185) Um ... death? 196) I doubt it very much.
121) No, because they play no role in the story 131a) Yes, because he was mutated by the waters of the Pit, they were not 142) Can't answer it 152a) Probably not 163) I am not sure you can say they are, simply because the Order is secret, the BOM is not. 174) Because the BOM has other things on their minds. They aren't focusing all their attention on the war. 185) Um ... death? 196) I doubt it very much.
1hey Greg just have a few random questions.
21/ Apart from Axonn who else in the OOMN was in the Hand Of Artakha?
32/How powerful were the Barraki at their peak?
43/How did the Barraki convince people to join their armies?
54/Can you reveal anymore of Axonn and/or Brutaka's powers?
65/Can you give me any new info on Gadunka?
76/Will the Toa Nuva's new mission have a major impact on the storyline?
87/When will we see more Takanuva?
9Thanks Greg your awesome.
101) The majority of members were 112) Think Alexander the Great or Caesar 123) When you are a conqueror, you don't have to convince people - people want to be associated with a winner 134) Nope 145) No, I can't discuss summer sets 156) Yes 167) Don't know yet
17Just some stuff I asked earlier.
1Mr. Farsthey (can I call you that?)
2I have a question concerning the mutagen in the pit
31. Does it have to do with the water the piraka were in in inferno (the punisment for when Reidak pulled the lever
41b. if yes does it come from the
51.c If no to 1b does the mutagen come from the pit into there from the small crack that Vezok broke to get out
6I just brought it up because at the end of the chapter you said "none of them noticed the slight Changes already being mad to them." or something like that.
7Best wishes and thanks, 8Ruka toa of energy
91) Yes 101b) Come from what?
11Just sent what I meant to say waiting 12theories anyone
2I have a question concerning the mutagen in the pit
31. Does it have to do with the water the piraka were in in inferno (the punisment for when Reidak pulled the lever
41b. if yes does it come from the
51.c If no to 1b does the mutagen come from the pit into there from the small crack that Vezok broke to get out
6I just brought it up because at the end of the chapter you said "none of them noticed the slight Changes already being mad to them." or something like that.
7Best wishes and thanks, 8Ruka toa of energy
91) Yes 101b) Come from what?
11Just sent what I meant to say waiting 12theories anyone
11. Was Kryssing hired, fired, hired, fired? 2A. I have no idea who you're referring to.
32. When the first (BIONICLE) comic was released, how far in the storyline had you planned up to? I'm guessing up to the end of the Kal. 4A. The head of the story team already had the first seven "books" of BIONICLE mapped out (the first book was 2001-2003)
53. When I got the return PM from my "PM 5", according to your clock settings you PMed me at around 1:00AM. Is that true? 6A. No. BZP is on British time, because it used to be Kanohi Power, which was a British website. For example, it's 3:56 PM where I am now ... but BZP says it's 8:56 PM
74. What is the longest (Words-wise) answer you've given to a PM Q.? 8A. Oh, heck, how would I know? I have been answering questions here for four years now.
95. If you could, and you had the time, would you rewrite the books that Hapaka wrote? 10A. No. I see no reason to do so.
116. When are you going to post the 2000 words of the original Bionicle Legend 7? 12A. They are being serialized for BIONICLE.com
137. Will comic Ignition 6 appear at www.bionicle.com or www.bioniclestory.com? 14A. No idea, that is up to the web producer in Denmark
158. What are your work hours? 16A. Office hours are 8:30 to 4:00, then I come home and work some more
179. I asked you if the main storyline could ever focus on a non-canister set. You answered something like "That wouldn't make much sense because they (canisters) make up the bulk of Bionicle sales". Let's say Titans started making 60% of Bionicle profit. Would you focus on them then? 18A. Question is irrelevant, because it won't happen.
32. When the first (BIONICLE) comic was released, how far in the storyline had you planned up to? I'm guessing up to the end of the Kal. 4A. The head of the story team already had the first seven "books" of BIONICLE mapped out (the first book was 2001-2003)
53. When I got the return PM from my "PM 5", according to your clock settings you PMed me at around 1:00AM. Is that true? 6A. No. BZP is on British time, because it used to be Kanohi Power, which was a British website. For example, it's 3:56 PM where I am now ... but BZP says it's 8:56 PM
74. What is the longest (Words-wise) answer you've given to a PM Q.? 8A. Oh, heck, how would I know? I have been answering questions here for four years now.
95. If you could, and you had the time, would you rewrite the books that Hapaka wrote? 10A. No. I see no reason to do so.
116. When are you going to post the 2000 words of the original Bionicle Legend 7? 12A. They are being serialized for BIONICLE.com
137. Will comic Ignition 6 appear at www.bionicle.com or www.bioniclestory.com? 14A. No idea, that is up to the web producer in Denmark
158. What are your work hours? 16A. Office hours are 8:30 to 4:00, then I come home and work some more
179. I asked you if the main storyline could ever focus on a non-canister set. You answered something like "That wouldn't make much sense because they (canisters) make up the bulk of Bionicle sales". Let's say Titans started making 60% of Bionicle profit. Would you focus on them then? 18A. Question is irrelevant, because it won't happen.
1Hi, Greg. I have some questions concerning 2007, plus a few about the previous years. First those that are not about this year:
21. Did all of the Toa Hagah come from the same land? 32. Last year, I read that five of the Piraka had the sense that Avak was onto something shifty, but they did not know what it was. What was he up to? 43. Since Takua was originally white and gold, being a Matoran of Light, did he always wear a Pakari before he was made to look like a Ta-Matoran? 54a. If Matoran were separated into different environments like those on Mata Nui, would one expect to find Matoran of "the Green" in jungles? 64b. What types of environments would one find Matoran of Sonics, Gravity, Plasma, and Magnetism if they were separated by environment? 75. Since the Rahaga's propellors are noncanon, are the search-lights on their heads in WoS canon? 86. Is there a storyline reason for why the Turaga of Mata Nui (former Toa Metru) are smaller in stature and have a different body shape than Dume? 97. Since Dume can repair structures with his Kiril but not heal living beings, is it possible that he could heal living beings when he was a Toa?
10And now, the 2007 questions:
118a. Since the Matoran of Mahri Nui apparently have a uniform body style, while those on Voya Nui do not, is the Mahri-toran body style a result of their mutation? 128b. Are the weapons used by the Mahri-toran a result of their mutation, or did Karzahni give them those weapons when he rebuilt them? 139. Is there a storyline reason for why Velika is brown like most Po-Matoran, and Dekar is yellow, since both were (initially) from the Mainland and Voya Nui? 1410. Since Brutaka has now mutated, has he mutated to look like a sea creature, or just to breath underwater? 1511a. Since Ehlek already had the ability to breathe underwater, does he still look anything like he did before his mutation? 1611b. Before being tampered with by the OoMN? 1711c. Did any members of Ehlek's species find about the OoMN when they were tampered with? 1812. Did any of the Mahri-toran we have seen in BL6 have particular friendships with any of the Matoran Resistance Team while on Voya Nui (ie. was Defilak best friends with Piruk or was Idris friends with Dalu)?
191) I would call it unlikely 202) As it turned out, they were being paranoid 213) I would say no. 224a) Probably 234b) No idea. This is something that's better for fans to debate. I don't worry about such things until I have to to for the story. 245) I don't think so 256) Nope 267) No. Kiril cannot do that, Great or otherwise. 278a) Yes 288b) Karzahni gave them to them 299) Ah, you forget, they didn't. The Matoran of Voya Nui were sent to Karzahni from different places, then all shipped back to Voya Nui. So they are not all from the same starting point. 3010) At this point, just to breathe underwater 3111a) No 3211b) No 3311c) No. 3412) It's possible, I haven't thought about it.
35My comments: 361. I remember in the animated comic on the WoS DVD, Kualus says the Visorak invaded his land, but did not say it was the home of all the Toa Hagah/Rahaga. 374. Maybe I should start a topic about this. 389. It makes sense that they are not from the same land, but I still don't get why Dekar is yellow.
1"9. ... but I still don't get why Dekar is yellow." 2Maybe this will help: 3bionicle_fan_nuva 5. Is Brown for Po' gone? 4GregF A. That decision will get made based on how yellow sells.
5I got this earlier, I just remembered it when you said that.
6Or, think about it this way. Even though their are Black and White people, we're all humans right? So Dekar and Velika are in the same race, just differant color. Not all that differant from humans.
1[ol type='1'[li]How do the Barraki talk under water, if talking as we know it involves the passage of air and the shape of the mouth?[li]What is the storyline reason for the Vahi's design? Is it because the mask wasn't given finishing touches at Po-Metru?[li]The Bohrok Kal were the first canister villians to talk, something that you liked. Now we also have the Piraka and the Barraki. Of these three groups of nasties, which is your favorite and why?[/ol
21) Same reason Atlanteans can talk underwater in comic books -- artistic license. Also, if I remember correctly, there are fish who make sounds underwater, so why can't the Barraki?
32) There is no storyline reason for it
43) I don't really have a favorite.