1(Setwise - Gadunka strongly resembles Nocturn, and they both have the Piraka foot as a lower jaw).
2And you count that as a strong resemblance? Then maybe Nocturn could be Carapar mutated, they have the same head... And Ehlek a mutated Zaktan, the same color scheme and same feet. 3Also, BTW, Gadunka doesn't have a Piraka foot as a lower jaw. It's one of Onua Mata's claws in red inside its mouth, and the teeth are made with a white/silver Ehlek spine. 4Khote
5Look again, it is without a doubt a Piraka foot.
6Although I agree that Nocturn=Gadunka idea is ridiculous.
1Also, BTW, Gadunka doesn't have a Piraka foot as a lower jaw. It's one of Onua Mata's claws in red inside its mouth,
2It looks like a Piraka foot to me.
3And I don't think that Lego would release two versions of the same character in one year, at the same time. They should still have the same names for a start. I think Greg is trying to mislead us.
1(Setwise - Gadunka strongly resembles Nocturn, and they both have the Piraka foot as a lower jaw).
2And you count that as a strong resemblance? Then maybe Nocturn could be Carapar mutated, they have the same head... And Ehlek a mutated Zaktan, the same color scheme and same feet. 3Also, BTW, Gadunka doesn't have a Piraka foot as a lower jaw. It's one of Onua Mata's claws in red inside its mouth, and the teeth are made with a white/silver Ehlek spine. 4Khote
5Look again, it is without a doubt a Piraka foot.
6Yeah, it is. My bad. 7But it isn't Gadunka's lower jaw. It's inside its jaw. Around it is a bent Ehlek spine, just like in its upper jaw. 8Khote
1I don't get what is ridiculous about Nocturn=Gadunka. It seems very possible.
1The only problem I see is that lego will be introducing 2 versions of the same character in the same year.
2Yeah, TLG never does those kinda things. I mean, they totally didn't release Takua with Pewku and Takanuva the same year...
4Or Vezon & Fenrahk who happened to turn into Kardas... who also was released the same year.
5But regardless, I'm sick of transformations. Please, just let them be:
1Okay, I just have a few questions about BIONICLE 2007 in general.
21) Is there any reason why Hydraxon has such a great resemblence to Pridak? 31/a) I know pretty much for sure that you probably can't answer this-- but you said in a topic about the Axonn/Hydraxon theory, "Wrong character. Try again." 4Does this mean that Hydraxon could be Pridak mutated? 51/b) Or were you talking about Gadunka? You said he doesn't exist yet. . .
62) Can you tell me the color scheme of the Toa of the first team? 72/a) Do you know what stores he'll be out in?
83) Do you know when Toy Fair is in Febuary?
94) [Bionicle Legends#6 spoilers Is this the same logo that's on the picture of the BOM Fortress for the Atlas?
105) Who else will the Toa from the first team come with besides [Bionicle Legends#6 name?
116) When will we find out why Mantax searches the original Pit?
127) Let me see if I got this right- 13Voya Nui, when it first rocketed up, was originally above the Mainland. But when it drifted south or whatever direction it did, it drifted above the Pit, Mahri Nui falls, and it's now stuck.
148) Will any of the Titans be in Bionicle Legends#7? 158/a) Which comic will they first appear in?
169) So the layer of the eggs (For the vampiric squid) isn't a Titan, right?
1710) Are Bionicle Legends#6 spoilers aloud yet? It's well over a week after release.
18Thanks in advance,
201) Hydraxon is not Pridak mutated, no, nor is he Gadunka. Pridak is in the story all year long. 212) I THINK he is green, don't know the store at this point 223) Week of the 11th, I believe, but it's not open to the public. 234) Yes 245) He isn't coming with [Bionicle Legends#6 name. The Matoran are in a different store exclusive set. 256) Later 267) Right, only it drifted north, not south 278) All three will 288a) Probably not until September 299) No. All three titans are biomechanical, they can't lay eggs. 3010) Actually, Bionicle Legends #6 was originally scheduled for release Feb. 1, so mid-Feb is when the spoilers go up
31Pretty cool info. . . so the Toa will be green.32StF
33EDIT: Slight Bionicle Legends#6 spoilers removed, thanks for pointing it out, -Utopia-.
34Actually Greg said he THINKS the toa will be green.
1Here are a few more Q&A:
21) You said that the vision featured in the BIONICLE.com mini-movie "hasn't happened ... yet." Does that imply that we will see some Barraki-v-Barraki before the year is out? 31) Could be.
42) You also stated that Tahtorak stays on Voya Nui "for now." Are you simply leaving room for yourself in case the need arises to send Tahtorak to fight somebody else or are you saying that he may be back this year? 52) I am saying I may need to find a way to get him off the island at this point
63) Do the Toa Nuva appear in Legends #8? 73) Legends 8 isn't written yet
84) Have you written the Tahtorak-Kardas battle yet? 94) No, and I am not sure I am going to, it really doesn't fit anyplace in the story this year

1(Setwise - Gadunka strongly resembles Nocturn, and they both have the Piraka foot as a lower jaw).
2And you count that as a strong resemblance? Then maybe Nocturn could be Carapar mutated, they have the same head... And Ehlek a mutated Zaktan, the same color scheme and same feet. 3Also, BTW, Gadunka doesn't have a Piraka foot as a lower jaw. It's one of Onua Mata's claws in red inside its mouth, and the teeth are made with a white/silver Ehlek spine. 4Khote
5Look again, it is without a doubt a Piraka foot.
6Yeah, it is. My bad. 7But it isn't Gadunka's lower jaw. It's inside its jaw. Around it is a bent Ehlek spine, just like in its upper jaw. 8Khote
9I assumed it was like a tongue myself.
10Anyway, the reason I view it as ridiculous is I can't understand why Nocturn would change. And why he would change his name in the process. He is immune to seawater, remember.
1(Setwise - Gadunka strongly resembles Nocturn, and they both have the Piraka foot as a lower jaw).
2And you count that as a strong resemblance? Then maybe Nocturn could be Carapar mutated, they have the same head... And Ehlek a mutated Zaktan, the same color scheme and same feet. 3Also, BTW, Gadunka doesn't have a Piraka foot as a lower jaw. It's one of Onua Mata's claws in red inside its mouth, and the teeth are made with a white/silver Ehlek spine. 4Khote
5Look again, it is without a doubt a Piraka foot.
6Yeah, it is. My bad. 7But it isn't Gadunka's lower jaw. It's inside its jaw. Around it is a bent Ehlek spine, just like in its upper jaw. 8Khote
9I assumed it was like a tongue myself.
10Anyway, the reason I view it as ridiculous is I can't understand why Nocturn would change. And why he would change his name in the process. He is immune to seawater, remember.
11yes but how do we know the mask of life wont mutate him there are many alternitaves for mutating something.
1sorry about pming you twice a day.
21. Do the Nuva know that the Inika lost their old masks?
32. Do you think they would go there and say maybe get the masks back?
43. Is there a difference between the 1st Toa and the 1st Toa team? 53a. If yes then was the 1st Toa by himself? 63b. When will we see the 1st Toa and 1st Toa team?
74. You said that Pridak had the abilities of a shark. Does that mean that he has bad eyesite?
85. If any of the Barraki used the mask of kindred would their kindred be the creatures they're based off of?
96. You said that the Ignika could take many shapes. 10Could it change it's shape to something that isn't a mask? 11Could it make itself look like a different mask like a Calix?
127. Do the inika know the official names of their masks?
13thats all. thanks in advance. atlas
141) Yes 152) Could be 163) Yes 173a) Yes 183b) First Toa gets mentioned in the Atlas; member of first team shows up in a web story later this year 194) That depends on if sharks in the BIONICLE universe have bad eyesight -- we're not on Earth, after all 205) Their kindred would be any sea creature 216) No, it has to remain a mask. 227) Probably not
21. Do the Nuva know that the Inika lost their old masks?
32. Do you think they would go there and say maybe get the masks back?
43. Is there a difference between the 1st Toa and the 1st Toa team? 53a. If yes then was the 1st Toa by himself? 63b. When will we see the 1st Toa and 1st Toa team?
74. You said that Pridak had the abilities of a shark. Does that mean that he has bad eyesite?
85. If any of the Barraki used the mask of kindred would their kindred be the creatures they're based off of?
96. You said that the Ignika could take many shapes. 10Could it change it's shape to something that isn't a mask? 11Could it make itself look like a different mask like a Calix?
127. Do the inika know the official names of their masks?
13thats all. thanks in advance. atlas
141) Yes 152) Could be 163) Yes 173a) Yes 183b) First Toa gets mentioned in the Atlas; member of first team shows up in a web story later this year 194) That depends on if sharks in the BIONICLE universe have bad eyesight -- we're not on Earth, after all 205) Their kindred would be any sea creature 216) No, it has to remain a mask. 227) Probably not

1Alright, I've been holding onto a bunch of GregF answers for a while; forgot to post them up.
169Apologies for the out-of-date answers, like I said, some of these things were answered almost a month ago.
2Hi Greg; long time no talk. After coming back into the Bionicel groove after a break and hearing of the Barakki and such made me do a little wondering.
31) You said Ehlek's species was tampered with, correct? I have a couple questions about him. 41a) Did the tampering the OoMN did change their appearance, or simply abilities? 51b) If appearance, then is Ehlek an original of his species, or a mutated one? 61c) Was Ehlek mutated by the Mahri Nui mutagen?
72a) Speaking of the mutagen; you said the waters around Voya Nui were corrosive; is this because of the mutagen? 82b) And is Vezok the 'one known case of immunity'?
93) Does Kalmah have any extra connection to the Squids, or is it just because he is only one who knows how to breed them?
104) Did the Barakki look like that (aquatic life) before or after entering the Pit?
115) Will we learn the species' names of each Barakki soon?
126) What are the inhabitants of Xia called?
137) The Mahri Matoran we know of so far, Dekar and Defilak, you said look like that due to the Ignika, right?
148) Do you think LEGO will get in trouble with the Mask of Reanimation? Some mothers don't enjoy the 'dead to life' thing.
159) How does Vezok's power work, really? Like what qualifies as something he can copy?
1610) When Irnakk hit Vezok and Reidak with his Zamor, they started fighting each other and couldn't beat each other. Is this because of Reidak's adaptation and Vezok copying that power?
1711) Speaking of Reidak, what qualifies as him being defeated, like being knocked unconcious or something?
1812) How long have the Barakki been in the Pit?
1913) Has their ever been a male Toa of Water?
20Well, that's all I can think of for now. Take your time in answering Greg: Thanks:
211) Both. All of Ehlek's species was tampered with, including him. No. 222) No, I haven't said that about the waters around Voya Nui. It was said that Vezok was resistant to corrosive water, I don't think I ever said that referred to the waters around Voya Nui. And no, Vezok is not immune to the mutagen. Corrosion and mutation are two different things. 233) He is the one who found them, but he has no special connection to them. 244) They were mutated into their current form after the original Pit shattered and they escaped into the ocean. 255) No, it's not relevant to the story what their original species were named 266) That gets revealed in the Atlas 277) No, I never said that. The Ignika has nothing to do with how they look. 288) No, I don't. What is the difference between using a shell (you're not bringing back a soul or spirit) and, say, taking a Rahkshi apart to build an Ussanui or a Bohrok apart to build a Boxor vehicle? If you are take the shell of a dead Manas crab and make a shield of it, you are still using a dead creature for your own purposes. I also don't think most adults are drilling so far down into the details of BIONICLE that they even know what the mask powers are. 299) Has to be a natural power, not a weapon or mask power 3010) Yes 3111) Yes. Anything that stops him short of killing him 3212) Original Pit, they were exiled 80,000 years ago. Current Pit, about 1000 years 3313) No. Toa of Water can only come from Ga-Matoran, and all Ga-Matoran are female
341) Both. All of Ehlek's species was tampered with, including him. No. 354) They were mutated into their current form after the original Pit shattered and they escaped into the ocean. 369) Has to be a natural power, not a weapon or mask power
371) So Ehlek is the one with the immunity to the mutagen? 382) Since the Barakki look like now, did their large armies of water-life come before or after mutation, and did that influence how they mutated? 393) So could Vezok copy Vezon's Kinetic Absorbtion?
401) No. 412) After. They were mutated in the ocean and the sea life armies come from the ocean. 423) Yes, if he had had the chance. But the attack Vezon used on him did not involve a physical blow, so it wouldn't have done him any good
43Sorry for the rush, but I just have been buzzing all day with questions.
441) You said the Matoran were never supposed to live on the surface, correct? Was anybody supposed to?
452a) Is the one known case of immunity someone we know, or a new guy? 462b) Would Mata Nui be affected by it? 472c) How about Makuta?
483) Which beings were created directly by the Great Beings, instead of Mata Nui?
494) Who 'designed' the original Matoran (the Metruan)?
505) I read somewhere that the reason Mata Nui (island) was inhabitable was because EP spilled all over it. Is that what/why the Bohrok are cleaning; to get rid of the EP results?
516) Where is Roodaka now? We last saw her absorbed by a cloud from Makuta in the WoS movie.
527) Is Mata Nui the only Great Spirit in existence?
538) Is there any way that Vezon and Vezok could ever be one person again?
54Well, that's all I got for now. I may have more later. Thanks for your time:
551) Nope 562a) You probably know of him' 572b) I am going to say probably not 582c) Yes 593) The Matoran, Karzahni, Artakha and Umbra were all created by the Great Beings 604) I am not sure I understand your question 615) No, the reason Mata Nui has plants and rivers and trees is because of EP -- that didn't make it habitable. It had air already 626) Actually, Roodaka was last seen in Bionicle Legends #4 during the Dark Hunter-Brotherhood of Makuta war, in which she is playing both 637) Only one we know of at this time 648) Sure. Use the Spear of Fusion on them
651) So, you're saying the GBs had never intended for anything to live on the surface? Not even the organics? 662) Not even Makuta is immune? I'm pretty sure the GBs would be immune, but c'mon, they made the universe. A little mutagen would be no problemo for them, right? 673) What about Mata Nui? 684) Like, who decided to make the Matoran look like their original forms? 695) Well, I guess. But is the before-time the Bahrag talk about the time before it was covered in wildlife? 706) Oh, my bad. 717) So is it possible there are more? 728) But I thought it was broken, and one of its kind? Could it be fixed?
73Thanks for clearing up a few questions and raising a few more.
741) Where did I say the GBs care where organics live or don't live? 752) Since I cannot discuss the nature of the GBs, I cannot answer this. 763) I would guess Mata Nui would not be affected by it 774) The first Matoran were created by the Great Beings, so how they look was decided by them 785) It was the time when Mata Nui was completely barren. 797) No mention of that in the story bibles up to this point 808) It is broken, but that doesn't mean its power is completely gone.
81Hey; a couple of questions mostly about Barraki; trying to clear some stuff up.
821 - Was Ehlek's species 'made' or 'changed' by the Order? 831b - And if changed, will we see what they were?
842 - Do the Barraki constantly challenge Pridak for leadership, or do they accept that he is the strongest, and only challenge him every now and then?
853 - About how fast does the mutagen work on somebody; like is it really fast that if you're hit by the water, you're instantly mutated; or is it more like the more water hits you, the faster it mutates? 863b - And would swallowing the water be harmful? (Like dangerous harmful?)
874 - Will we ever get to know what the Barraki looked like before Mutation?
885 - Is Ehlek's electricity natural, or was it granted when the Order tampered with his species? 895b - And can all of his race do it?
906 - Do the Barraki call themselves Barraki, or is it a Matoran-given name?
917 - Have we ever seen any of their species' before?
928 - Physically, who is the strongest Barraki? No powers/tools/weapons/etc; hand-to-hand only?
939 - Has Nocturn ever tried rebelling against the Barraki, other than the time Pridak bit his arm off?
9410 - Do any of the Barraki hold the MoLi? 9510b - Have they ever even seen it?
9611 - (Theory) Did Vezon decide to smash Matoro's head into the wall, because he thought that way, Matoro would be unable to use Kanohi, and would be unable to use the MoLi? (I ain't read Inferno yet, but don't worry about spoiling stuff for me)
9712 - Can the Toa Mahri breathe water, naturally or mask-granted?
9813 - Have there ever been instances of the Hand working on the Bionicle world we've seenot known about? Like placing the Nuva Masks on Mata Nui?
9914 - Does the Red Star have anything to do with Mata Nui?
10015 - Have you ever accidentally let something slip that you weren't supposed to in one of these Q/As?
10116 - Was the Hand broken up, or does it continue on today? 10216b - If yes, when did it break up?
10317 - Who has the ability to create people in the Bionicle world? 10417b - How does the creation process go; like they simply call the people into being, or do they build the people?
10518 - Can we get SOME kind of hint as to the mutagen immunity? 10618b - Is it a natural immunity, or is it granted to them by like a mask or something?
10719 - Can the Toa Inika breathe water, naturally or mask-granted?
10820 - Does Antidermis ever return, or are there no plans on seeing it again?
109Thanks for answering my unending stream of questions Greg.
1101) Changed 1111b) Probably not 1122) Challenges are rare 1133a) Parts of it are very fast, parts aren't 1143b) I don't think it would make much difference 1154) Doubt it 1165) Ehlek's electricity is a result of his exposure to the water, not to the Order, so no, the rest of his species cannot do it. 1176) Yes, they do call themselves Barraki 1187) Nope 1198) Carapar 1209) Nope 12110) I can't discuss this, it deals with future storyline 12211) No. 12312) I cannot discuss the Mahri, it's too early 12413) No, the Hand did not do stuff like that. They were order enforcers, like the Toa are, not delivery boys, and they haven't been in existence for 90,000 years 12514) Can't answer it 12615) Not usually 12716) See answer to #13 12817) I can't discuss this 12918) It is a natural immunity in this case 13019) No, they cannot. That is not an Inika power. The Inika would need to wear Masks of Water Breathing to do this. 13120) Antidermis is Makuta, so yes, it will return
1321) So, why didn't any other Barraki get some elemental poewr/etc? 1332) Ack: You already told me it was natural; do we even know the person with it/heard of the immune entity before? 1343) When I meant antidermis, I meant the virus/liquid thingy the Pirkaa used, not Makuta himself; I mean will antidermis be used again?
1351) Well, think about it -- in our world, we have electric eels. Sharks, squid, crabs etc. do not have powers like that, so the models we based off them don't either. Also, people complained in 2006 that the Piraka had too many powers, so we cut powers way back for the Barraki. 1362) Can't answer it 1373) But antidermis is Makuta -- that's his essence -- and right now it is floating free because Axonn smashed his vat
138Hey again, a few questions this time about the Ignika, maybe some other things.
1391 - Has the Ignika ever given somebody a curse that has actually helped them? 1401a - If yes, who?
1412 - Will the reason behind the Ignika's form change be revealed? (If it has already been told, sorry, I'm not too up-to-date)
1423 - Would the Inika be eroding due to exposure to corrosive seawater, or due to the mutagen?
1434 - Besides Jovan and Matoro, has anyone touched it and NOT been cursed?
1445 - Is the Ignika leaking 'life energies' into the Sea, much like how the Vahi would leak into the time-space continuum if damaged? 1455a - If yes, what are they doing?
146OK, some mutagen questions.
1476 - Has the Mutagen always been in the water? 1486a - If no, will we find out why it's there?
1497 - Would the Mutagen affect the animals who live in the water, like the Barakki's armies or the Squids?
1508 - Have any Mahritoran been hit by the Mutagen?
1519 - Since Nocturn's species is immune to the mutagen, could Vezok possibly have been able to copy that power and use it to save himself? (Moot question I know, but still, hypothetically)
15210 - Would the Mutagen affect pure machines, or only biomechanical/organic beings?
153A few questions on the League of Six Kingdoms...
15411 - Since the Barraki's original alliance was founded, has there been a leadership change, or was Pridak always the boss?
15512 - Are the Barraki organic or biomechanical? (just asking)
15613 - Do the Barraki fear anyone (except maybe Pridak)?
1571) Not to my knowledge 1582) The Mask of Life can take on many forms because it is an avatar of life, and life can take many forms 1593) Mutagen. The seawater is not corrosive, if it was, the Barraki would have been eaten away years ago. 1604) Jovan never touched it. 1615) Yes, and you'll find out 1626) No, and possibly 1637) It seems to affect pure organics much more slowly 1648) Yes, that is why they are bigger than the Voya Nui Matoran 1659) Hard to say, because Vezok copies natural powers -- is his immunity a power? I am not sure. 16610) Doesn't seem to affect pure machines 16711) Pridak was always in charge 16812) The BOM
169Apologies for the out-of-date answers, like I said, some of these things were answered almost a month ago.
1Few more:
10As for #2, I was trying to clear up some confusion in my head regarding the Disruption.
21) Will Makuta show up in BIONICLE Legends #7? 31) I can't discuss future storyline
42) Let me see if I have this straight:
5Although mistakenly believed by many to have been the Matoran civil war, the Great Disruption was actually the aftermath of the conflict: Metru Nui was regarded as the most important city in the world because of its exports, and when the Matoran stopped working and fought each other, the exports stopped, causing the Disruption.
6Is this correct? 72) I wouldn't call it an aftermath, because it was occurring while the war was going on. After the war, the Matoran were back at work
83) So...is Legends #8 supposed to be a 2008 book? 93) Scheduled release date is Jan., which means it's out in December.
10As for #2, I was trying to clear up some confusion in my head regarding the Disruption.

1Message Forwarded From GregF
2Hello Greg: Sorry for PMing you so early but after reading some of the Qs and As on the OGD I have some questions.
31.Why would the OoMN want to tamper with Ehlek's species? Wouldn't that be the BoMs job?
42.Since the Bahrag want to make Mata-Nui as it was in the before-time, which is when the EP didn't spill all over Mata-Nui, Does that mean that te borhok and the bahrag were created after the Grat Cataclysm?
52b. If no to Q#2, then did the people who created the Bahrag for that purpose no of the Great Cataclysm?
62c. HeHe i'm so silly. Who created the Bahrag?![]()
73.Since Ehlek could breathe in and out of the water(before being sent to the pit), then was he an amphibian(sorry if this question sounds dumb)?![]()
84.Why didn't the rahaga turn back into Toa Hagah when keetongu was with them? Couldn't they have helped visorak conquered islands better that way?
95.How will we meet the 1st Toa? Will it be like a flashback?
105b. What about the member of the 1st Toa Team?
11Thank you in advance:![]()
121) To create a species ideally suited to fight the BOM, if the need arose. Keep in mind the BOM deal with Rahi -- Ehlek's species were not Rahi. 132) No. The GC happened 1000 years ago -- if they weren't created until after that, how would they know what Mata Nui looked like before it? 142b) No. 152c) Mata Nui did 163) No, he wasn't. He had to wear a complex apparatus to breathe on land. 174) Because Keetongu can reverse the effects of Visorak venom, and that was not what transformed the Toa Hagah. They were transformed by Roodaka's Rhotuka spinner. Keetongu cannot reverse that, only she can. 185) No. Just a mention in the Atlas 195b) Not as a flashback, no, present day
20WOW::: [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]

1Frsh answers from Greg
151) I don't think is something they are worrying about right now, as their universe is about to end. 162) No. Barraki is a hated term among the BOM, so they would not have given Sidorak that title. 173) It is possible they could build armor, yes 184) No 195) Interesting theory, but I can't confirm it 206) Too soon to tell 217) It's about the Barraki and the Matoran 228) Yes 239) The book hasn't even been started yet, so it doesn't have a name 2410) Yes
2Hi Greg you didn´t answer my last questions, nothing bad, I hope, but I have this ones :
3#1.Do the Turaga consider Takanuva a Toa Metru?, because due to their knowledge he is from Metru Nui
4#2.In 2005 you confirmed that the Visorak horde conquered all the known universe, except for Metru and Voya Nui, and this year you confirmed the same about the Barraki, my question is; If Sidorak have been successful on Metru Nui would the BoM have named him a Barraki?
5#3.Could a Toa go to Xia, negotiate and get them to build a new and more resistant body for him?, or they only sell war machinery as the Visorak Battle Ram?
6#4.You were asked that if a fire Toa was introduced in the Kal-mutagen can he turn into a Toa of electricity and you answered that is easier to change the elemental energy of a Bohrok that the one of a Toa, so my question is: It´s difficult to change the elemental energy of a Toa but, is it possible to change the elemental inclination of a Matoran?(for example, to turn a Le matoran into a Ta matoran)
7#5.We don´t know the pre-protodites energy of Zaktan, my theory is: 8that even himself didn´t knew that because it is an adaptation energy but it can only work once as a life-preserver, this means that if Zaktan have been wounded mortally before TSO´s attack he would have adapted and haven´t died. Of course this adaptation would have substituyed the life preserver and he wouldn´t have this one, he would have a new one.
9#6.Will the Inika be in any 2007 comic?If yes, Which one?
10#7.Could you please give a tidbit on the January comic?,what is it about, the name, etc.?
11#8.Do you already write the march comic?
12#9.When do you plan to release Bionicle Legends#8 name?, would you like to give it now ?
13#10.Is it true that Nocturn did break his island?
14thanks Greg
151) I don't think is something they are worrying about right now, as their universe is about to end. 162) No. Barraki is a hated term among the BOM, so they would not have given Sidorak that title. 173) It is possible they could build armor, yes 184) No 195) Interesting theory, but I can't confirm it 206) Too soon to tell 217) It's about the Barraki and the Matoran 228) Yes 239) The book hasn't even been started yet, so it doesn't have a name 2410) Yes
11. Why are the Toa Nuva going to Karzahni for the Inika's old masks? 22. Is Bom armor resistent to the pit water? 33 If Makuta knew (and still had a body) where the Barraki were, would he kill them?H 44. If Amphibax knew where Ehlek was, would he abandon the Dark Hunters? 54b. Was Amphibax banished because of his involvement with the Barraki? 64c. Is Ehlek the reason Amphibax is missing one of his hands? 75. Has TSO heard of the Barraki? 85cWhy hasn't Botar sent any of the Dark Huters to the pit? 9Same reason as a Bom member? 106.Will we see any other prisoners of the pit in any upcoming books?(Other than Nocturn) 117.When will we see the Mask of Stealth?
121) Well, Jaller's mask had belonged to Lhikan, who was a famous hero, so out of respect for him, Tahu wants to retrieve it 132) No 143) Probably not. If he gets the Mask of Life, then the Barraki have to stay where they are and pose no threat to him or the BOM 154) I doubt it. Abandoning the Dark Hunters generally means not living too long. 164b) No. 174c) No 185) Yes, most beings in the universe have 195c) How do you know that he hasn't? 206) Too soon to tell 217) Book 7
121) Well, Jaller's mask had belonged to Lhikan, who was a famous hero, so out of respect for him, Tahu wants to retrieve it 132) No 143) Probably not. If he gets the Mask of Life, then the Barraki have to stay where they are and pose no threat to him or the BOM 154) I doubt it. Abandoning the Dark Hunters generally means not living too long. 164b) No. 174c) No 185) Yes, most beings in the universe have 195c) How do you know that he hasn't? 206) Too soon to tell 217) Book 7
1QUOTE 2I have two questions:
31.) You've said that the Barraki are cursed by the Ignika, how are they cursed? Can they not kill anything like Dekar or is it to early to be revealed yet?
42.) I know that they think that it can turn them back to normal, but wouldn't that require at least on of them to wear it? And wouldn't doing so kill Mata Nui?
51) Only Pridak is cursed, because only Pridak has touched it, and I haven't revealed how. 62) No. Someone else using it doesn't automatically mean Mata Nui dies. The Toa not being able to use it in time would mean he dies. And we don't know one of them needs to wear it for it to work, as it does all its cursing, etc., without being worn.
31.) You've said that the Barraki are cursed by the Ignika, how are they cursed? Can they not kill anything like Dekar or is it to early to be revealed yet?
42.) I know that they think that it can turn them back to normal, but wouldn't that require at least on of them to wear it? And wouldn't doing so kill Mata Nui?
51) Only Pridak is cursed, because only Pridak has touched it, and I haven't revealed how. 62) No. Someone else using it doesn't automatically mean Mata Nui dies. The Toa not being able to use it in time would mean he dies. And we don't know one of them needs to wear it for it to work, as it does all its cursing, etc., without being worn.
1Frsh answers from Greg
2Hi Greg you didn´t answer my last questions, nothing bad, I hope, but I have this ones :
3#1.Do the Turaga consider Takanuva a Toa Metru?, because due to their knowledge he is from Metru Nui
4#2.In 2005 you confirmed that the Visorak horde conquered all the known universe, except for Metru and Voya Nui, and this year you confirmed the same about the Barraki, my question is; If Sidorak have been successful on Metru Nui would the BoM have named him a Barraki?
5#3.Could a Toa go to Xia, negotiate and get them to build a new and more resistant body for him?, or they only sell war machinery as the Visorak Battle Ram?
6#4.You were asked that if a fire Toa was introduced in the Kal-mutagen can he turn into a Toa of electricity and you answered that is easier to change the elemental energy of a Bohrok that the one of a Toa, so my question is: It´s difficult to change the elemental energy of a Toa but, is it possible to change the elemental inclination of a Matoran?(for example, to turn a Le matoran into a Ta matoran)
7#5.We don´t know the pre-protodites energy of Zaktan, my theory is: 8that even himself didn´t knew that because it is an adaptation energy but it can only work once as a life-preserver, this means that if Zaktan have been wounded mortally before TSO´s attack he would have adapted and haven´t died. Of course this adaptation would have substituyed the life preserver and he wouldn´t have this one, he would have a new one.
9#6.Will the Inika be in any 2007 comic?If yes, Which one?
10#7.Could you please give a tidbit on the January comic?,what is it about, the name, etc.?
11#8.Do you already write the march comic?
12#9.When do you plan to release Bionicle Legends#8 name?, would you like to give it now ?
13#10.Is it true that Nocturn did break his island?
14thanks Greg
151) I don't think is something they are worrying about right now, as their universe is about to end. 162) No. Barraki is a hated term among the BOM, so they would not have given Sidorak that title. 173) It is possible they could build armor, yes 184) No 195) Interesting theory, but I can't confirm it 206) Too soon to tell 217) It's about the Barraki and the Matoran 228) Yes 239) The book hasn't even been started yet, so it doesn't have a name 2410) Yes
25Nocturn broke his island:::

1Frsh answers from Greg
2Hi Greg you didn´t answer my last questions, nothing bad, I hope, but I have this ones :
3#1.Do the Turaga consider Takanuva a Toa Metru?, because due to their knowledge he is from Metru Nui
4#2.In 2005 you confirmed that the Visorak horde conquered all the known universe, except for Metru and Voya Nui, and this year you confirmed the same about the Barraki, my question is; If Sidorak have been successful on Metru Nui would the BoM have named him a Barraki?
5#3.Could a Toa go to Xia, negotiate and get them to build a new and more resistant body for him?, or they only sell war machinery as the Visorak Battle Ram?
6#4.You were asked that if a fire Toa was introduced in the Kal-mutagen can he turn into a Toa of electricity and you answered that is easier to change the elemental energy of a Bohrok that the one of a Toa, so my question is: It´s difficult to change the elemental energy of a Toa but, is it possible to change the elemental inclination of a Matoran?(for example, to turn a Le matoran into a Ta matoran)
7#5.We don´t know the pre-protodites energy of Zaktan, my theory is: 8that even himself didn´t knew that because it is an adaptation energy but it can only work once as a life-preserver, this means that if Zaktan have been wounded mortally before TSO´s attack he would have adapted and haven´t died. Of course this adaptation would have substituyed the life preserver and he wouldn´t have this one, he would have a new one.
9#6.Will the Inika be in any 2007 comic?If yes, Which one?
10#7.Could you please give a tidbit on the January comic?,what is it about, the name, etc.?
11#8.Do you already write the march comic?
12#9.When do you plan to release Bionicle Legends#8 name?, would you like to give it now ?
13#10.Is it true that Nocturn did break his island?
14thanks Greg
151) I don't think is something they are worrying about right now, as their universe is about to end. 162) No. Barraki is a hated term among the BOM, so they would not have given Sidorak that title. 173) It is possible they could build armor, yes 184) No 195) Interesting theory, but I can't confirm it 206) Too soon to tell 217) It's about the Barraki and the Matoran 228) Yes 239) The book hasn't even been started yet, so it doesn't have a name 2410) Yes
25Nocturn broke his island:::![]()
Where did you learn that?:
26I saw a guy posting that on another webpage, so I asked Greg, and look

1Frsh answers from Greg
2Hi Greg you didn´t answer my last questions, nothing bad, I hope, but I have this ones :
3#1.Do the Turaga consider Takanuva a Toa Metru?, because due to their knowledge he is from Metru Nui
4#2.In 2005 you confirmed that the Visorak horde conquered all the known universe, except for Metru and Voya Nui, and this year you confirmed the same about the Barraki, my question is; If Sidorak have been successful on Metru Nui would the BoM have named him a Barraki?
5#3.Could a Toa go to Xia, negotiate and get them to build a new and more resistant body for him?, or they only sell war machinery as the Visorak Battle Ram?
6#4.You were asked that if a fire Toa was introduced in the Kal-mutagen can he turn into a Toa of electricity and you answered that is easier to change the elemental energy of a Bohrok that the one of a Toa, so my question is: It´s difficult to change the elemental energy of a Toa but, is it possible to change the elemental inclination of a Matoran?(for example, to turn a Le matoran into a Ta matoran)
7#5.We don´t know the pre-protodites energy of Zaktan, my theory is: 8that even himself didn´t knew that because it is an adaptation energy but it can only work once as a life-preserver, this means that if Zaktan have been wounded mortally before TSO´s attack he would have adapted and haven´t died. Of course this adaptation would have substituyed the life preserver and he wouldn´t have this one, he would have a new one.
9#6.Will the Inika be in any 2007 comic?If yes, Which one?
10#7.Could you please give a tidbit on the January comic?,what is it about, the name, etc.?
11#8.Do you already write the march comic?
12#9.When do you plan to release Bionicle Legends#8 name?, would you like to give it now ?
13#10.Is it true that Nocturn did break his island?
14thanks Greg
151) I don't think is something they are worrying about right now, as their universe is about to end. 162) No. Barraki is a hated term among the BOM, so they would not have given Sidorak that title. 173) It is possible they could build armor, yes 184) No 195) Interesting theory, but I can't confirm it 206) Too soon to tell 217) It's about the Barraki and the Matoran 228) Yes 239) The book hasn't even been started yet, so it doesn't have a name 2410) Yes
25Nocturn broke his island:::![]()
Where did you learn that?:
26I saw a guy posting that on another webpage, so I asked Greg, and look![]()
27Cool. I wonder how that guy knew.....maybe it was his speculation, or he could be a BIONICLE worker. I'd keep an eye on that page...
1Say...What page are you talking about?
1Some questions I've had sitting in my inbox for a week now. 2Just been waiting for the right time to post them. 3Probably isn't any new stuff here, just some confirmation for me
4Hey Greg,
5I have a couple of quick questions for you.
61. There has been some wondering if Maxilos' "pet" is spelled Spinax or Sipnax. 7Which is the correct spelling?
8I read on another forum that you told another memebr the reason why Nocturn was sent to the Pit.
92. Was the reason he was sent there was because he "broke" his island?
10Thanks, 11Vash
121) Spinax 132) Yes
Me GregF 1Sorry to bother you, but I just have a quick question on Toa Maxilos and Maxilos as a Titan.
2Is there a reason that Toa Maxilos's color scheme is green and gold while Titan Maxilos's is red and gunmetal grey?
3Thanks in advance,
5There is no Toa Maxilos set, S. The image is a fake.
6Doesn't that stink? No Toa Maxilos.
11. How did Nocturn break his island? 22. What store exclusive is he to? Target? Wal-Mart? 33. I heard that more Matoran sets are coming with the Mahri as a store exclusive. Is this true? 44. Is the first ever Toa team member a store exclusive or a normal set? 54a. If so, does heshe come with anything else?
71) He hit it 82) Wal-Mart 93) Not with a Mahri, no. But there are more Matoran set to come out. 104) Store exclusive 114a) I haven't seen the final set
1Thanks for the Umbra info you gave me, Greg. Recently, you have revealed that Nocturn was banished to the Pit because he broke his island; so I assumed that Nocturn's island had some importance to the OoMN, or they wouldn't have banished him( Reidak destroyed his island, bu he didn't get sent to the Pit). So, what's so important about that island? My theory is that island was an OoMN base, and it was a very important one. If you can't reveal it for some storyline reason, can you at least point us in a direction? Thanks, Greg: 2P.S: In BL2, when the crazy Matoran was asked about a 7th canister, he remarked that if they had to make 7, darkness would have come, and the 7 canister would contain a Toa of Light. How did he know that?
3You don't have to do something important to the OOMN to get banished -- you have to commit a crime sufficiently large enough to attract their attention and be beyond redemption. How many beings do you think died when he destroyed an entire island?
4Most Matoran know the legend of the Toa of Light, it's been around a long time.
5>_<. So much for my big theory on the island being an OoMN base.....
11. How did Nocturn break his island? 22. What store exclusive is he to? Target? Wal-Mart? 33. I heard that more Matoran sets are coming with the Mahri as a store exclusive. Is this true? 44. Is the first ever Toa team member a store exclusive or a normal set? 54a. If so, does heshe come with anything else?
71) He hit it 82) Wal-Mart 93) Not with a Mahri, no. But there are more Matoran set to come out. 104) Store exclusive 114a) I haven't seen the final set
12He just hit it?: I knew he was strong, but he hit his island and it "blew up?" 13That's crazy:
1are you sayin he kinda "broke" mahri nui offof voya nui?
1Dear Greg,
2I was just wondering somthing. 3As I was browsing on the internet, and then I found a site about Axonn and Brutaka being Hydraxon, and Gadunka.
4Is one of these characters Axonn Or brutaka?
5Hope you can answer this,
6Thanks in advance
7No. That's a false rumor.
8Also to he can't have broken voya nui/Mahrii nui right?
1Hi Greg,
2Let me begin by bowing down to you for masterminding the BIONICLE storyline. It's the second best thing that ever happened to LEGO in my opinion (the first being the Star Wars license )
3Now down to business. I had a couple questions for you, if you have the time (I know you're flooded with questions by all the 30000 members of BZPower)
41. From what I've read on the Official Greg Discussion Topic, it seems the Toa Nuva are going to Karzahni's realm to get the Inika's original masks. I was wondering if there was any other purpose that they are journeying there for? Specifically, would they be rescuing the slave-matoran there?
52. Will Makuta be re-released anytime in the next few years? Or, if you can't tell us that, will he be reincarnated from his spirit form to a physical form this year or the next?
63. Will there be anything along the lines of the PowerPack promo released this year or in 2008? It seems to be a very popular rare item. Something similar, with a new matoran, mask, and promo CD or DVD?
7Thanks for taking the time to read this,
91) Masks are the main purpose, we will see what else happens. 102) He does get a new body this year, yes 113) I don't have this information, and couldn't discuss 2008 even if I did.
12Interesting......can't wait to see Makuta's latest form:
1How could I PM Greg? I'm a newb:
1Thanks: I'm waiting for his return PM. How long does it usualy take? Once I get it then do I cut and paste it into a NEW PAGE?
1are you sayin he kinda "broke" mahri nui offof voya nui?
2He didn't. He broke another island. Mahri Nui broke off in the Great Cata-something (I can't remember).
3Thanks: I'm waiting for his return PM. How long does it usualy take? Once I get it then do I cut and paste it into a NEW PAGE?
4As long as it takes for him to reply. And that depends. If you think it's gonna help, by all means, go ahead.