1Just some things I asked Greg:
2Dear Greg
3First off good work on Prisoners of the Pit and the online Lesovikk story.
4However I noticed a few typos in the Lesovikk story on bioniclestory.com the first is at the beginning, instead of saying "The Ta-Matoran named Sarda...." it says "The Toa-Matoran named Sarda....", the second typo is at the end where Lesovikk says " As for I got here ... " instead of saying " As for how I got here ... ".
5These are just typos correct ?
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I have just a few questions. 2[ol type='1'[li]Will Into the Darkness be availible on iTunes as a podcast?[li]Is that you reading it in the mp3 file?[li]How often will will new chapters be posted?[li]How many chapters will there be?[/ol 3Thank you for your time, and for all you do here on BZP.
41) No idea, haven't heard anything about that. 52) Yes 63) Should be every two weeks or so 74) As many as I need to tell the story
8Not much, but I was curious.
1Hi Greg. Haven't talked in a while.
2Before I start asking the questions, I need to check something, but I'm not entirely sure you can answer. You will be attending Comic Con, right? If you remember from last year, I would like to have another interview there, if that is okay. But I need to know what days you will be there so my parents can buy the tickets. If you know what days of that week you'll be at the Lego booth and tell me, that would be great. If you don't, it's okay.
41. It seems like the Brotherhood is trying to modify their Kraata. Are they trying to change the Kraata themselves or trying to modify what they become? 51a. Have hey become successful yet or are they still developing? 62. Is it safe to say a DH/Toa Nuva confrontation is expected? 72a. If so, will TSO be involved? 83. You mentioned that we will learn the names of at least two BoM members next year. Is one of them the rumored BoM member of he Southern continent? 94. Is 2008's ending a cliff-hanger or does it wrap up what has taken place over the last three years? 105. Any chances of seeing he Kanohi dragon again any time soon? 115a. What about the pyro-creature Vakama faced and Voporak? 126. Who is Voporak after? Tahu or Vakama? 136a. Will he make any appearances next year? 147. Any plans for Krahka or Vezon? 158. When will you post the Invasion content? 169. I heard Dume escaped mainly due to a malfuction in his pod. Is there more to the story or is that it? 1710. Any more plans for Artahka or Great Being appearances any time soon? 1811. Who is your favorite super-hero? Mine is Batman. 1912. Will Sayger be at Comic Con again a the Lego booth or be at his own? 2013. Did you ever publish your previous works before joining Lego? 2113a. If so, could they be found in a library? 2214. What would ahppen if a Staff of Fusion hit a Toa or Matoran and a Kraata? 2314a. For that matter, what would ahppen if a Toa and Matoran were hit with a Spear of Fusion? Would the Toa part retain it's element or ask abilities, or lose them entirely? 2415. Are there multiple Spear of Fusions or just the snapped one owned by Vezon? 2516. Will Karzahni's threat carry over to next year or will his story basically be over? 2617. Can you give me any clue of what shocking secrets the Inika learned while fighting the Zyglak in the stone cord mentioned in BL7? 2718. Will Makuta ver get a real body back or will he have to jump from one host to another forever?
29Far as I know, I am there for the entire show. Do not know my in-booth schedule yet, though
301) Not sure I understand your question 311a) Time will tell 322) Yes 332a) We'll see 343) Can't answer it 354) You know I can't discuss 2008 storyline 365) I don't know, as I have very little room for non-set characters right now, with the shortened book schedule 376) Tahu, Tahu is the one who used it 386a) Doubtful 397) Nothing I can discuss 408) Up in the air. BZP is willing to post it if I can commit to getting a chapter done a month. But since I am already committed to three serials on BIONICLEStory, I may not have time to do this for them. 419) Nope, that's it 4210) Can't answer it 4311) Batman and Captain America, but only in the Avengers book 4412) Probably mostly at his own, with a little time at ours 4513) My first three novels are long out of print, so I think it would be hard to find them in a library -- maybe on eBay, along with the game books. 4614) It would merge them 4714a) I can't see why he would lose them entirely. A merged being does not need to be less than the sum of its parts 4815) Just one 4916) Karzahni's story is dealt with this year, because his set is out this year 5017) Not until I decide if the book is getting published somewhere 5118) Can't discuss future storyline
1TSO vs. the Nuva: Thats gonna put him in his place: Really interesting...
26YES: The TMTC is in BL8: Greg must have found a way to work it in...
2Hi Greg: I just finished checking out the updates on Bionicle.Com, and I have some questions for you:
31: How many Matoran would you say are living on Voya Nui currently? 41a: Artahka? 51b: Karzahni? 61c: Metru nui? 71d: Mahri Nui?
82: Will the Toa Mahri Terrain Crawler show up in BL8?
93: In the Toa Mahri Teaser video, it shows the Mahri with their masks off and their tubes disconnected from their faces (In the TMTC). How are they breathing? Is the room filled with water, or is their some catch?
104: Do you know which of the Mahri was speaking in the Teaser video, or is it just some guys voice? (Really stupid idea)
115: Was it your Idea to put Ask Greg back up, or was it the story team's?
126: Have you personaly named any Bionicles, since the team picks the names? 136a: Any signifigant characters?
14Thanks in Advance:
151) Hundreds 161a) No idea 171b) Probably several hundred 181c) 1000 191d) A few hundred
202) Yes
213) They don't have the masks off that long in the story. After all, do you drown in a matter of seconds in the water, or does it take a while?
224) I don't know the moviemakers intended that to be.
235) Web producer's
246) Yes, I have, a fair number of them, actually. 256a) Too many to list.
26YES: The TMTC is in BL8: Greg must have found a way to work it in...
1QUOTE 2Hey Greg. I read in the OGD that if the Cord is severed, Voya Nui will sink and crush Mahri Nui? I was wondering why it would sink, since it didn't have any problems floating before Mahri Nui sank. Thanks a lot:
3"Sink" is not really the correct term -- a better term would be "pulled as if by magnetism back to its point of origin" -- and since its origin dome's shattered roof is underwater and well to the south, it will have to plunge underwater to reach it and will smash Mahri Nui in doing so.
3"Sink" is not really the correct term -- a better term would be "pulled as if by magnetism back to its point of origin" -- and since its origin dome's shattered roof is underwater and well to the south, it will have to plunge underwater to reach it and will smash Mahri Nui in doing so.
1BZPower member Ienu: Toa Of Life insists that you revealed something "very shocking" to a "Bionicle Fan Club in Georgia." Of course, they refuse to state what you told him. Normally, I would dismiss this as a person wanting attention, but the OGD has been filled with discussion on it, and I'm tired of checking there for NEW PAGEs, only to find that people are still discussing it. So, did anything of the sort take place? If so, what did you say?
2Now, to the main point of my PM. Within the past week or two, I read a PM a member posted where you stated that you did not know if Mask of Alternate Futures would receive a Kanohi name. And yet, here we are, not long after, and according to the Bionicle.com bios section, Karzahni's Kanohi is called the Olisi. I would just like to know if you were aware of this and simply did not want to reveal it, or did not know that they would be posting a name for his Kanohi (The latter being unlikely, but I must present all possible cases).
3As you say, within the past week or two -- a lot can happen in a week or two, including being asked to choose a name for a mask.
4As for the Georgia thing -- all I told them, which I also told Zarathos, is that I leaked the news of Mata Nui's death to fansites as a distraction from the true shock ending of 2007. Beyond that, they have not info on what that ending is.
6There. There's your answer.
1More stuff....
2Hey Greg, three questions 31) Who told Lesovikk that "knowledge is a sharper weapon than a sword"? 42) Will the ask Greg part of bioniclestory.com mean that you will have less time to answer our questions on bzpower? 53) Something confused me about the stars in the domes and the stars in the world outside the domes. If toa's spirit stars appear in the night sky in the above world, can they be seen from inside the domes? If a spirit star goes above where the toa is, what if the star is above the domes but the toa goes into them?
61) Follow the story and find out -- if I wanted you to know that now, wouldn't I have just put it in the chapter? 72) No. The questions will go the web team, who will select three or four every week or two to send to me. I don't have to go through and answer all of them. We tried that last time and it didn't work -- a lot of the questions were repetitive and some were just silly. 83) No, you cannot see the sky above Mata Nui from the inside the domes. If a Toa comes into being inside the domes, his spirit star appears inside the domes, not outside.
1Hello Sir: As of Late the new bioniclestory website is up and There are some question about the data there I wished to have some answers for.
21. Hewkii's Aqua Warblade: Does it act as a tool to channel his powers into or is it his chains? 32. The TerrainCrawler: Where did it come from? Was it built by the Mahri? 43. The Preview video: Is that at all accurate with the 24 hours to complete their mission? 53a. If so Does that have to do with Mata Nui. 64. Nuparu's Sheild: Was it inspired by the shield of Captain America? does it work like his? ((Thrown boomerang style?))
7Thanks in advance.
8P.S. Was listen to the biocast. Amazing work. You are a great orator.
91) Either can be used, but he primarily uses the warblade for that 102) It is actually a creature who is provided to the Toa by Axonn in Book 8 113) Yes 124) Yes 135) I have no idea what inspired it -- I don't think Captain America is real big in Denmark, where the set was designed.
1Hello Sir: As of Late the new bioniclestory website is up and There are some question about the data there I wished to have some answers for.
21. Hewkii's Aqua Warblade: Does it act as a tool to channel his powers into or is it his chains? 32. The TerrainCrawler: Where did it come from? Was it built by the Mahri? 43. The Preview video: Is that at all accurate with the 24 hours to complete their mission? 53a. If so Does that have to do with Mata Nui. 64. Nuparu's Sheild: Was it inspired by the shield of Captain America? does it work like his? ((Thrown boomerang style?))
7Thanks in advance.
8P.S. Was listen to the biocast. Amazing work. You are a great orator.
91) Either can be used, but he primarily uses the warblade for that 102) It is actually a creature who is provided to the Toa by Axonn in Book 8 113) Yes 124) Yes 135) I have no idea what inspired it -- I don't think Captain America is real big in Denmark, where the set was designed.
14(p.s.) As you can see in my sig, I can't listen to it. What program did you use? 15And nice questions

1Try winamp or simply Windows Media Player.
11) Who told Lesovikk that "knowledge is a sharper weapon than a sword"?
21) Follow the story and find out -- if I wanted you to know that now, wouldn't I have just put it in the chapter?
3I got the impression that it was Sarda himself who told Lesovikk.
4That would make sence, I'll put my money on Sarda. 5Toa of Protodermis: If I click on it, it just opens it briefly (with a blank screen), blips, and closes.
11) Who told Lesovikk that "knowledge is a sharper weapon than a sword"?
21) Follow the story and find out -- if I wanted you to know that now, wouldn't I have just put it in the chapter?
3I got the impression that it was Sarda himself who told Lesovikk.
4That would make sence, I'll put my money on Sarda. 5Toa of Protodermis: If I click on it, it just opens it briefly (with a blank screen), blips, and closes.
6Sounds like the same exact pop-up blocker I have; hold the Ctrl key when you click on it and see if that works (make sure you keep holding it until it comes up).
12. The TerrainCrawler: Where did it come from? Was it built by the Mahri?22) It is actually a creature who is provided to the Toa by Axonn in Book 8
3Huh? Typo? (I'd bet that Hydraxon comes to see the light in Legends #8, but who knows...)
5No it isn't a Typo. He tells them about where it is and how to use it before they go down.
11) Who told Lesovikk that "knowledge is a sharper weapon than a sword"?
21) Follow the story and find out -- if I wanted you to know that now, wouldn't I have just put it in the chapter?
3I got the impression that it was Sarda himself who told Lesovikk.
4I second that. And I wonder how the Toa terrain crawler will be given to them by Axxon. He's up on Voya Nui, right? 5(rhetorical q coming up)
6And I wonder if Axxon will survive the plunge down to the continent
1So is the continent is underwater? Complete flooded, as in, trout swimming aroudn your ankles? Bit disappointing, wonder how the Matoran and Toa there handled that.=/
2"The sky is falling, the skiy is...No, wait, the sky is flooding, the sky is flooding:"
3Is it really? Last I knew, it was just partially flooded. I (or my bro) asked Greg something about it, I believe. I'll try and find that.
4BZPower member Ienu: Toa Of Life insists that you revealed something "very shocking" to a "Bionicle Fan Club in Georgia." Of course, they refuse to state what you told him. Normally, I would dismiss this as a person wanting attention, but the OGD has been filled with discussion on it, and I'm tired of checking there for NEW PAGEs, only to find that people are still discussing it. So, did anything of the sort take place? If so, what did you say?
5Now, to the main point of my PM. Within the past week or two, I read a PM a member posted where you stated that you did not know if Mask of Alternate Futures would receive a Kanohi name. And yet, here we are, not long after, and according to the Bionicle.com bios section, Karzahni's Kanohi is called the Olisi. I would just like to know if you were aware of this and simply did not want to reveal it, or did not know that they would be posting a name for his Kanohi (The latter being unlikely, but I must present all possible cases).
6As you say, within the past week or two -- a lot can happen in a week or two, including being asked to choose a name for a mask.
7As for the Georgia thing -- all I told them, which I also told Zarathos, is that I leaked the news of Mata Nui's death to fansites as a distraction from the true shock ending of 2007. Beyond that, they have not info on what that ending is.
9Ah, thanks for the info, Electric T. 10W?
1Huzzah for them. XD
21. If the OoMN lost contact with an operative at Mahri Nui, how come Botar does not know that the Pit is Broken? 32. What exactly was the Pit beforehand? A simple bar and chains jail? Or something more? 43. Would Nocturns "Death Touch" affect Makuta's old body? Because all it does is house the energy... 54. Would it then, consequently, affect Maxilos' body? 65. In a LOST-esque scenario, were there any residents in the Pit before the prison break? 76. What types of weapons are Sarda and Idris carrying? 87. "City in the Sky" was confirmed to be false, yes? 98. Are the Zyglak organic, perchance? 109. I read the Jaller vs Zaktan fight, and I was wondering, could they manipulate their spines like that before? Or was that a result of the Mutagen? 1110. How did the Ignika find out about Hydraxon?
12Thats all for now. Thanks in advance if you can answer any of these questions.
141) Because they lost contact with their operative 152) Cells, mainly 163) No, it's just armor. You can't kill an object. 174) Again, no. He's a robot, he's not alive, so he can't die 185) Do you mean the oceanic Pit? Yes 196) Don't know, haven't decided 207) Yes 218) No 229) You'll find out in BL8 2310) Ignika knows lots of stuff. Remember, it was able to reach out and touch Matoro with its power all the way in the realm of Karzahni
24Ah, very nice, thank you. I have a few more follow up questions to that though:
251. I might be wrong about this, but I heard that the Order lost contact with the member after the Ignika flash, is this right? If so, how could they have not known the Pit is flooded? 262. If it was just cells, how come they did not break out of them? 273. How exactly does Pridak know his teeth can break a Makuta's armor? 284. Lesovikk will not be involved at all in the Search for the Ignika, but what about Karzahni? Why is he even in the Pit in the first place? 295. I meant short of Rahi, like someone who is pretending to be a Prisoner, but was there all along. 306. Any particular reason Sarda is your favorite Matoran? =P 317. Were the Cordak Blasters always called such? 328. Is Makuta planning on the Ignika being cracked? 339. If not, what does he plan to do about it? 3410. Is it possible at all for Hydraxon to change back into Dekar, short of the Ignika?
35Thanks in advance if you can answer any of these, too ^^;
361) Simple. That member was keeping an eye on Mahri Nui -- the original Pit is under the ocean floor, he's not down there, so how would he know the situation there?
372) Why do humans not break out of cells? Because the cells are too strong.
383) I never said Pridak did know it, I don't think, I simply told you guys it is the case.
394) You'll find out when his serial starts on BIONICLEstory.com
405) No.
416) Just is. I usually have a favorite every year.
427) Yes
438) Nope
449) What do you think he can do about it? Makuta isn't a mask maker.
4510) Short of the Ignika, no
46Ah, very nice thank you. Just two more quick questions,
471. Does that mean all it will take is someone with mask making skills to fix the Ignika?
482. In the great quote in your sig, you have Makuta saying that Carapar is an "ignorant spawn of a Brakas monkey". I thought you were against the reproduction (at least of Biomechanical beings) thing?
491) You would also need the proper equipment, which doesn't exist in Mahri Nui 502) Ah, but you forget, BIONICLE storyline consists of stories translated from Matoran -- and in some cases, we go with the nearest English word to what the Matoran term means. So you cannot take "spawn" literally as you would in English, it is simply the nearest we can come to the Matoran term Makuta used.
51I want Dekar back...
1Gregs on vacation so we will have to wait
Heres what I asked him
2some one im keeping anomynous because i promised said they saw you at the Georgia fan club or some black water like that ( like my mahri nui talk?) and they said that you said INSERT SECRET HERE If this is true let me know because what this person is telling may not be the truth, but wants attention
3I swear i will put up his reply if he was telling the truth.

2some one im keeping anomynous because i promised said they saw you at the Georgia fan club or some black water like that ( like my mahri nui talk?) and they said that you said INSERT SECRET HERE If this is true let me know because what this person is telling may not be the truth, but wants attention
3I swear i will put up his reply if he was telling the truth.

1I have just finished Bionicle Legends#7 and I have a few questions about Hydraxon
21) What exactly is a weapons master? Could you perhaps shed some more light on this?
32) which Barraki is Hydraxon most intent on capturing?
43) What is Hydraxon's personality like?
54) Did Hydraxon have more than one MAxilos in the original pit?
65) what about Energy hounds?
81) Yes, a weapons master would be someone who is an expert with any weapon.
92) He sees no difference in priority.
103) Cold. Focused on his job. Unsentimental.
114) No
125) No
13Is he any different from the original Hydraxon in any of these aspects? On that note was there ever an actual breakout attempt by the prisoners in the original Pit?
141) No. He has the original Hydraxon's mind and personality 152) None that got anywhere
1I think we now know what the super-emotional ending for 2007 will be.
2I think it was stated as that in a press release a while back, but it may not be accurate.
3no, the super emotinol ending is mata-nui dying
4Actually that is incorrect, too. 5Greg stated a few days ago that he told us about Mata Nui's death only to distract us from the truly emotional ending will be. So there is obviously something more. . . "sad," I guess, than Mata Nui dying.
1I think we now know what the super-emotional ending for 2007 will be.
2I think it was stated as that in a press release a while back, but it may not be accurate.
3no, the super emotinol ending is mata-nui dying
4Actually that is incorrect, too. 5Greg stated a few days ago that he told us about Mata Nui's death only to distract us from the truly emotional ending will be. So there is obviously something more. . . "sad," I guess, than Mata Nui dying.
7If we know that Voya Nui and Mahri Nui will crush and the tragedy will haunt the Toa forever... Matoran corpses, anyone?
1and, in the mahri log, it said the toa's mission was to sever the cord.it all pieces together.
1Hopefully the Mahritoran can avoid the falling island, like hide in the black water or something. I don't know about the Voyatoran though...
1Hi Greg, hope your doing well. I was thinking about some stuff:
21: What was Maxilos doing in the 1000 year period between when the Pit broke to the point when Makuta took over his body? 31a: Did Spinx stick with him the entire time?
42: Is the official name of Lesovikk's vehichle the Rocket Sled, or something else? I have seen a coulple variation on the official site.
53: Will the Toa Nuva's confrontation with the Dark Hunters come up at all with their talk with Artahka, or any of their other missions they went on in their quest?
64: I know you probably cant answer this, but I have to ask: You said that Axonn gives the Toa Mahri their Terrain Crawler. Did he tell them were it was before they decended down the cord, or did he actually go down into the pit, become a water breather, and give it to them?
75: Did you name Makuta, since you told me you did a lot of diff. characters? 85a: Speaking of characters, who was your favorite from 2006?
9Thanks in advance:
101) Probably trying to recapture inmates 111a) Yes 122) I have never given it an official name 133) I don't understand your questiojn 144) Neither. He leads them to it, and it is in a chamber in the cord. He does not transform. 155) I came up with his proper name, but the name "Makuta" did not come from me. 165a) 2006? Probably Vezon or Velika
17Well, we now know how the Mahri got their Terrain Crawler. That answers why in the video they were in what appeared to be a cave...
13) What were you trying to ask?
1A chamber in the cord? Wow...A hollow cord is one thing, but now it sounds like someone made the tunnel...
1These are things I asked quite a while ago
2I have a few questions
31) Is the only reason Takadox killed the jailer because he found him first? 41a) Did all the prisonors hate Hydraxon? 51b) if so why did they? 61c) why didnt Maxilos intervene to stop Hydraxon from getting killed? 71d) Was Hydraxon unconsious when Takadox killed him?
82) Can Kalmah's tentacle stretch?
93) Are male Vortixx more passive than the females?
104) Is Destral the Makuta native island?
115) Is Karazahni in any of the comics this year?
126) Do the toa Mahri still have electrical powers?
137) Do the Barakki know how to use the Ignika? 147a) Could Takadox use kanohi mask powers? 157b) Could any of the other barraki use Mask powers?
168) Were Axonn and Brutaka the only OoMN members stationed on the mainland?
179) How hard is Carapar's armour compared to protosteel?
1810) Is it true that Shadow Kraata can speak matoran? BS01 says it can
1911) did kalmah grow the third eye and the head tentacles at the same time?
2012) is the mutagen still affecting the barraki?
2113) Could somebody tell the difference between being in sea water and the mutagen if they were immune to the mutagen?
2214) How inteligent was Carapar compared to the other barraki before his inteligence was erroded?
2315) Was Ehlek seen as something like a celebrity to his species when he was in the Legue of Six Kingdoms?
2416) Do all Vortixx have the power to throw shadow blasts?
2517) Are the claws ehleks hands or are they attached to the backs of his hands?
2618) what percentage of Metru Nui has been rebuilt so far?
2719) Have you decided which character uses the ignika?
2820) besides 2001 could you tell me another year the thing that revived Hydraxon wasnt in?
2921) Can Makuta create more Antidermis or do Makuta only have a set amount?
3022) Did Makuta transmute the Metru Nui powerplant energy he absorbed into more antidermis?
3123) Is the organic spine the Skakdi have the slug spine or are the spikes on the spine the slug spine?
321) And because Takadox is the type who is most likely to strike out at someone who is already helpless 331a) Yes 341b) Ask most inmates of human prisons how they feel about their guards or their jailers. 351c) Maxilos had his own problems. There had just been a an earthquake that wrecked the jail, for goodness sake 361d) Probably 372) Not beyond its normal length, no. He's not Plastic Man 383) Yes 394) No, we don't know that that is their home island, only that it is the site of the largest of their fortresses 405) That's not the plan, no. 416) No. 427) No 437a) If he chose to, probably 447b) Yes 458) Don't know 469) Pretty hard 4710) At this point, I am uncertain where they got their info -- the SK appears twice in the comic and is never shown speaking. I'm not going to call them wrong, but I would like to know the source of the info. 4811) I don't recall if the third eye was part of his mutation or not 4912) Possibly, in minute ways, but after 1000 years it has pretty much done what is going to do 5013) No 5114) He was never as "book-smart" as Pridak or Takadox at his best 5215) No. He was seen as a celebrity because he ruled a kingdom 5316) Going to say no right now 5417) Part of his hands 5518) I don't have a percentage for you 5619) Oh, sure, we knew that back in early 2006 5720) No 5821) Most likely it regenerates over time, but slowly 5922) No 6023) The slug is not part of the set
616) Did they lose them in their transformation to toa Mahri?
629) I ment is it as hard, harder of less hard? You said only electrical attack can penetrate it so I assumed Ehlek couldnt tear it with his claws
6310) Some editer most likely read a Galigee story and put it there but is it accurete?
6411) You said it was in another member's question it was, but did they come at the same time?
6514) was he as smart as them or a bit dumber?
6615) Was he famous in his land like Roodaka might have been?
6718) Would you say its, near completion, halfway done, etc?
6819) Is Hahli the one to use it?
6920) Is the thing well known among fans?
7023) Do Skakdi care if they have the slug attached to them?
71I also forgot to ask these things
721) Why didnt Maxilos start to put the old prisonors back into their cells for the 1000 years Hydraxon was unconcious?
732) Can Ehlek decide how much power is in the electrical blasts he uses or is it a set amount of electricity?
743) Why do the Barraki want their old forms back? their mutated forms seem more powerful
754) Was their a makuta assigned to the mainland?
765) since Karzahni sent Matoran to the mainland are there subteranean tunnels linking the mata nui domes to the mainland?
776) Is Maxilos inteligent and sentient enough to have a normal conversation with?
787) Did the Pit inmate yell insults at hydraxon?
798) Were the cordak blasters kept in Hydraxon's dwellings?
80thanks again
816) Yes. Would you want to be constantly firing off electricity when you're underwater?I wouldn't. 829) That's the best answer I'm giving at this point 8310) All I can tell you is the shadow kraata is not shown speaking in any of the comics in which it appeared. So I don't think there is anything official that shows it speaking. 8411) As I said, I don't recall if the third eye was part of his mutation -- if it wasn't, then it didn't happen at the same time as the head tentacles. 8514) No, he was not as smart as them 8615) He ruled his land, so yes 8718) As I said, I don't have a percentage for you 8819) I can't discuss future storyline 8920) No, it has never been seen in the story before 9023) No 911) Um, cause there are no cells to put them back into -- the prison was shattered by a quake 922) Yes, he can 933) But their mutated forms are ugly and cannot breathe air. They can't reclaim their kingdoms if they are stuck underwater 944) Probably, yes 955) This question doesn't make sense to me. Karzahni is not in the Mata Nui dome. He sent them by ship from his realm to the mainland. 966) Yes 977) I suppose they did, why? 988) No
9915) so Ehlek ruled undersea Zakaz region like Turaga Dume ruled Metru nui? 1003) Would they decide to keep certain things of their mutations like Pridak keeping his teeth and swords, Takadox his powered up hypnosis, Ehlek his spines, Carpar his armour, etc. if they were turned back to normal? 1015) I ment are there subteranean tunnels linking up the domes of Mata Nui to the Mainland dome? 1027) This was just something I might put in an epic.
1041) if a shadow kraata could speak Matoran could it do so in a Rahkshi armour suit?
1052) Were all the barraki kings of their individual species?
1063) do you know what the barraki looked like in their original forms?, is there a picture of what they looked like that isnt getting shown?
1074) Do you know Makuta's real name?
1085) So Maxilos thinks like a normal being?
1096) Was Maxilos created by hydraxon/The OoMN?
1107) Is Protosteel hard to create?
1118) Are Order members all about the same power levels as BoM members?
1129) Did the Makuta species while it was good have the same morals as Toa?
11310) The OoMN was like the CIA, The Toa were like Police, the Lague of six kingdoms the army? what was the BoM?
11415) Yes 1153) No, they don't get to pick and choose 1165) No. You travel overland or by ship
1171) Yes 1182) Yes 1193) No, there are no illos. I generally don't picture things -- I think in words, not pictures. 1204) Not yet, no 1215) Maxilos thinks like a robot 1226) Yes 1237) Yes 1248) Hard to say, because we have only seen a handful of Order members in the story 1259) No 12610) The BOM was sort of like a scientific think tank where new things got invented all the time
1271) why would he betray the others in the first place? it seemed like all of them were getting a pretty good deal
1282) Was Makuta going to kill the barraki and the traitor? because thats what it seemed like in the Bionicle Legends#6 prologue
1293) Would the Barraki traitor have become an agent working under the BoM like Roodaka and Sidorak or would he have gone back to ruling his own realm?
1304) could you confirm one barraki besides Mantax and Ehlek who the traitor is?
1311) Because he wasn't convinced the rebellion would work and he wanted to avoid being executed by the BOM.
1322) Well, the traitor had not shown him the symbol at that point, so hard to say if he would have killed the traitor as well
1333) Well, he probably thought he would wind up ruling all six kingdoms himself, but I think it is doubtful that would have happened.
1341. Have Bahrag ever accidentally made Zyglak like the Great beings did when creating Krana?
1352. In Encyclopedia 2 do we find out what turns into Krana?
1363. Is it a natural growth for the thing in EP like Kraata turning into Rahkshi?
1374. Can Makuta fuse together like Toa or Matoran or would their individual minds be lost when the two different Antidermis's went together?
1385. In the OGD you said some Barraki wouldnt chose an honourable death, could you name the Barraki that wouldnt die honourably?
1396. Whose weapon is stronger and more durable out of Axonn and Brutaka?
1407. Do you watch Scrubs?
1418. Which is your favorite rahi?
1421) No, because you have to assume they make krana using a different process, since they don't have access to leavings from Matoran creation 1432) Not currently, no 1443) Yes 1454) I don't think they would ever do it -- possibly they could, but they never would be willing to give up their individuality 1465) Well, Takadox, for one 1476) I don't think there's much difference 1487) Nope 1498) Krahka
150On four, would they be more powerful if they did or would they just have more antidermis and would they be able to seperate the antidermis?
151They probably would be more powerful, just as Kaita are more powerful than individual Toa
1First off Greg, excellent work on Bionicle Legends #7. While I was not able to purchase it, what I read in the book store was spectacular: Now for a few questions that have come up.
21) It says on BS01 that if the Kraata escape their prisons on Mata-Nui then a new Shadow Plague would start. If that is true then what will happen when the Bohrok clense Mata-Nui and break the prisons? Will the Bohrok destroy the Kraata in the process or will a new Shadow Plague start?
32) Is it possible for Takadox to hypnotize Spinax? If so, is that how Spinax comes to fight Makuta/Maxilos?
43) Is there any being, beyond the Great Beings, that could stop the universe from ending in the event that Mata-Nui dies? If not, is there any way to save Mata-Nui beyond the use of the Ignika?
54) Hypothetically speaking, if there were the tools needed and a mask maker on Mahri-Nui, could Matoro hold the Ignika while someone else repaired it so that person would not be cursed?
6Thats about all I can think of right now. Thanks for your time Greg.
81) My guess is the kraata will attempt to attack the Bohrok and get killed. 92) Possibly, but that's not the reason for the attack. 103) I cannot discuss this. 114) Arguably, but there is no one like that on Mahri Nui
12Nothing really new. #1 is a little interesting since a whole lot of Kraata are gonna die.
11) Don't know if it's been asked before, but was the EP-holding vial (featured in BA #6 and 10) made of protosteel? 22) Does Encyclopedia 2 include Tuyet, Lariska, and Nui Stone entries?31) Right now, I am going to say no 42) Lariska's in there, not sure on the other two offhand because that story may have been written after the Encyclopedia was written.

1A few questions for you GregF.
21. Are Botar's powers limited only to him, or does his whole species have them?
32. Was Maxilos (before turning evil) created by the OoMN?
43. Did the DH codenamed Amphibax see the great burst light emited by the MoLi?
54. If he didn't then how? A burst of light that big would be visable from the suface.
65. Besides Axonn, Brutaka, the origanal Hydraxon, "Shadow Stalker", and Umbra (as a servent) are there any beings we already know of that were in the Hand of Artakha?
76. Will Carapar's Pit War Tortieses be in BIONICLE Legends #8.
87. Same question for Takadox's undersea insects.
98. Would a Mask of Density Control be possible?
109. Most likely a stupid question but here goes. Are the Voya Nui Fenrakk Spiders relatives of the Visorak?
1110. In BIONICLE Adventures #5 Voyage of Fear, Vakama has a vision of the past:
12"Gigantic sea beasts, ancient when Metru Nui was young. Driven from their home waters. Tentacales reaching, reaching...."
13And in the next two books we learn of the Visorak Spiders. So my question is this: Where these sea creatures driven to Metru Nui by the Visorak?
14Thank you Greg.
151) Most likely they are common to his species 162) Yes 173) Doubt it. Amphibax is on the surface watching Voya Nui. Light burst was well below the surface 184) Not if it's quick and you aren't looking down at the time. 195) No 206) I don't recall 217) Yes 228) Sure 239) No 2410) I doubt it. There's only one species of Visorak that can operate in the water, and I doubt they were active that long ago.
110) Is it true that Shadow Kraata can speak matoran? BS01 says it can
210) At this point, I am uncertain where they got their info -- the SK appears twice in the comic and is never shown speaking. I'm not going to call them wrong, but I would like to know the source of the info.
310) Some editer most likely read a Galigee story and put it there but is it accurete?
410) All I can tell you is the shadow kraata is not shown speaking in any of the comics in which it appeared. So I don't think there is anything official that shows it speaking.
5Looking at the Kraata page right now, I see nothing about Kraata speaking Matoran. Where did you get this info?
6And as far as it being true, I searched BZP and found a topic where Master of the Rahkshi (a Reference Keeper here, BTW) commented in a topic that the SK can speak to each other and the Toa and Matoran can understand them. Naturally, that logistically means the SK spoke Matoran. Thusly, I'll willing to bet that Greg told MoTR this AND the long-time disputed fact that the Shadow Kraata needed a specific strand of DNA. But I realize that both of these are assumed by MoTR: Greg said that they need a specific "genetic factor" and probably that "they can talk to the Matoran. Or the Toa Nuva." (first is Greg's words, second is MoTR's).
7So there might not be anything official showing it speaking, but apparently back in the day an official source told us they do

1Just a few questions:
17Nothing terribly interesting, I was just curious.
2Hi Greg, just a few questions as of now:
3#1. You said that the Mahri lost their lightning powers when they were transformed. If this is the case, how did Hahli manage to use lightning powers in Bionicle Legends#7? 41) Simple. Hahli's mask power allows her to duplicate the powers of sea creatures. Ever hear of an electric eel?
5#2. Is it true that there will be another Bionicle movie sometime around 2009? 62) No. There are no plans for a fourth movie at this time. It's just BZP rumor.
7#3. Were there any Chroniclers before Kodan? If so, how many? 83) No idea. If I don't need it for storyline, I don't worry about it.
9#4. Will we ever see any of the 30 Toa currently in existence besides the Marhi, Nuva, Takanuva, and Lesoviik [spelling? 104) I can't discuss future storyline plans
11#5. Given the range of the Brotherhood's power, it is implied that other islands are resisting the BoM as well; will we ever get to meet any of them? 125) See answer to #4
13#6. How come Jaller was investigating the murders during Toa Tuyet's power grab if he was a tool maker? 146) For the same reason that if you have an accident in a factory, you might have the shop foreman look into it. It's concerns his equipment and his people. He best knows the ins and outs of how things work there and can tell right away if something isn't working correctly.
15#7. Could Turaga and other beings, like Dark Hunters, have accessed the Nui Stone, or just Toa and Matoran? 167) The DH obviously thought they could, though it is unclear in what way.
17Nothing terribly interesting, I was just curious.
11) Who told Lesovikk that "knowledge is a sharper weapon than a sword"?
21) Follow the story and find out -- if I wanted you to know that now, wouldn't I have just put it in the chapter?
3I got the impression that it was Sarda himself who told Lesovikk.
4I was thinking that it could have been their turaga.