1Now that the sets are appearing I don't suppose you could answer a couple questions for me?
21) Can you tell me who the leader of the Chirox, Antroz, Vamprah, team?
32) I asked you this a decent while back but at the time you said you couldn't say anything about it. What is the red energy thing on Kopaka's mask? Is it just a fancy telescope or something more? 42a) I see that his bayonet has one as well. Is this the same thing as the mask one or something different?
53) Do the Av-Matoran have a leader?
64) Have you decided if the Makuta's masks are one-of-a-kind or not yet?
7That's it for now. Thank you very much.
81) Antroz 92) Laser targeting system 102a) That's for targeting 113) They used to 124) Nope, not a priority for me since I am not going to be showing anyone else wearing them regardless
131) Another red? Alright, that's fine. I thought it would be Chirox. 142) Laser targeting system?....AWESOME::: Kopaka always was the greatest Toa. 153) Hmmmm...I ment just among the three that are with the Nuva but this could have other meanings. 164) Well that makes sense.
11: Would there be any way that Tahu could retreive more Kanohi Nuva to replace the destroyed ones?
22: Where Ehrye and Vhisola left on Metru Nui?
33: Wouldn't the Matoran on Metru Nui logically still have 'Tohunga' bodies? 43a: Would the Turaga tell them how to rebuild their bodies?
54: Could you give us some more insight on the Matoran on Mata Nui that moved, like more info on their Metru Nui jobs?
65: How did the Matorn replace their masks if they forgot the art of mask making?
76: Why did Brander, Kapura, Nuhrii/Nuri, Tehutti/Tehuti, Hafu, Kivi, and Kongu's have to replace their original masks?
81) Well, first he would have to find Kanohi destined to be changed, because otherwise they would just be destroyed by EP. Most of his masks were made on Artakha, so that would be the most likely source to get more from. 92) No. They traveled to Mata Nui with the rest of the Matoran, and then back to Metru Nui at the start of the 2006 storyline. 103) All the Matoran on Metru Nui were Matoran on Mata Nui, and were taught how to rebuild themselves during the 2003 storyline. No Matoran were left behind on Metru Nui when the city was evacuated. 114) I really don't have time to do this today, but those Matoran who appeared in story in both places have their occupations listed in the BIONICLE Encyclopedia. 125) The Toa Metru brought spare masks with them when they evacuated the city following the 2005 storyline. 136) Because their old masks got damaged.
141: You confirmed that a Toa of Light would become corrupt if the light was sucked out of them. Is that what happened to the 'evil' Av-Matoran?
152: In the '08 poster, is the 'corrupt' side of the Ignika the UC?
163: Could 'Toa Ignika' be a manifestation created by the Toa Energy of Matoro?
171) You'll find out in 2008 182) Don't know what you are referring to 193) No
22: Where Ehrye and Vhisola left on Metru Nui?
33: Wouldn't the Matoran on Metru Nui logically still have 'Tohunga' bodies? 43a: Would the Turaga tell them how to rebuild their bodies?
54: Could you give us some more insight on the Matoran on Mata Nui that moved, like more info on their Metru Nui jobs?
65: How did the Matorn replace their masks if they forgot the art of mask making?
76: Why did Brander, Kapura, Nuhrii/Nuri, Tehutti/Tehuti, Hafu, Kivi, and Kongu's have to replace their original masks?
81) Well, first he would have to find Kanohi destined to be changed, because otherwise they would just be destroyed by EP. Most of his masks were made on Artakha, so that would be the most likely source to get more from. 92) No. They traveled to Mata Nui with the rest of the Matoran, and then back to Metru Nui at the start of the 2006 storyline. 103) All the Matoran on Metru Nui were Matoran on Mata Nui, and were taught how to rebuild themselves during the 2003 storyline. No Matoran were left behind on Metru Nui when the city was evacuated. 114) I really don't have time to do this today, but those Matoran who appeared in story in both places have their occupations listed in the BIONICLE Encyclopedia. 125) The Toa Metru brought spare masks with them when they evacuated the city following the 2005 storyline. 136) Because their old masks got damaged.
141: You confirmed that a Toa of Light would become corrupt if the light was sucked out of them. Is that what happened to the 'evil' Av-Matoran?
152: In the '08 poster, is the 'corrupt' side of the Ignika the UC?
163: Could 'Toa Ignika' be a manifestation created by the Toa Energy of Matoro?
171) You'll find out in 2008 182) Don't know what you are referring to 193) No
1Hello Mr. Farshtey I would like to ask you something :
21. Since the Makuta´s are now available would you give us any informations about the locations they were assigned? 31.a) This may be a lame question but was there a Makuta assigned to Mata nui? 42. Is it possible that one of the 3 winter set Makuta´s is the MoMN?
5Thanks in advance
61) I would have to go through and see what, if anything, I have written about that in the books, which I don't have time to do right now. 72) The Makuta of Metru Nui was responsible for Mata Nui once it was occupied 83) No. MOMN is not a set in 2008
91. I know you will not remember the specific one but is Makuta of Mainland possible? 102. Does this mean that there was no reason of assigning a Makuta to a non-populated region? I mean without any "inteligent" population? 114.Is the other set with Mutran his experiment? I mean someone/thing he mutated or something like that?...
12Sorry for too many questions...
131) Sure it is. 142) No. But remember, prior to the Toa Metru finding the island of Mata Nui, no one knew it was there. So no reason to have a Makuta assigned to it, because the BOM had no idea it was there either. 154) I can't answer this
1Hello Mr Farshtey. I was wondering if you could answer these questions.
21. Could the Kanohi Jutlin make a mask brittle enough to break by a mere harsh wind [ or anything else weak
32. Is it okay to know what Vamprah's and Chirox's kanohi are please.
43. Who is your favourite Makuta [08 wise
54. If you could design a kanohi mask and power to go with it, what would it be
65. Is it hard to design mask powers
76. What would you rather have, a hoverboard, a jetpack, the ability to fly, or a sea sled
8Darth matrix, Butter with rubber: How Random
91) It wouldn't really need to do that, it could make it break by itself. 102) I am revealing those next week 113) Probably Mutran 124) I come up with all the powers, so I have already done that 135) Sometimes, yes 146) No idea.
15Darth matrix, Ding fries are done
21. Could the Kanohi Jutlin make a mask brittle enough to break by a mere harsh wind [ or anything else weak
32. Is it okay to know what Vamprah's and Chirox's kanohi are please.
43. Who is your favourite Makuta [08 wise
54. If you could design a kanohi mask and power to go with it, what would it be
65. Is it hard to design mask powers
76. What would you rather have, a hoverboard, a jetpack, the ability to fly, or a sea sled
8Darth matrix, Butter with rubber: How Random
91) It wouldn't really need to do that, it could make it break by itself. 102) I am revealing those next week 113) Probably Mutran 124) I come up with all the powers, so I have already done that 135) Sometimes, yes 146) No idea.
15Darth matrix, Ding fries are done
1a pm i did
12hope it helps
2hi greg. hope this isn't to much.
31) since the MoLI has turned silver if it turns and every thing dies then could that be how you reboot bionice in 2009? 42)if the shadow leechs eat light then whould they then eat a av-matoran? 53) if brutaka comes back in 2008 then will he be a set. and also will he be on land? 64)last one. will there be more makuta than the current three? 7THANKS
81) I cannot discuss 2009 92) No, they would eat his light, not him himself 103) He will not be a set, no 114) Yes, because there are two store exclusive sets in winter and then three other Makuta sets in summer
12hope it helps
1hi greg just wondering. will matoro be replaced or will the toa mahri just have five toa?oh: and would i be correct in saying that the mask of life is alive and has thoughts and feelings like humans and is curious and inocint like a child?
2I suspect that they will stay as just 5.Their destiny is completed so there's really no need for a sixth Toa Mahri.
3Well... since they are back on Metru nui, wouldn't they team with takanuva to defent the city from its dangers??? and will they re-release Takanuva in 08? that would be cool

1a pm i did 2hi greg. hope this isn't to much.
31) since the MoLI has turned silver if it turns and every thing dies then could that be how you reboot bionice in 2009? 42)if the shadow leechs eat light then whould they then eat a av-matoran? 53) if brutaka comes back in 2008 then will he be a set. and also will he be on land? 64)last one. will there be more makuta than the current three? 7THANKS
81) I cannot discuss 2009 92) No, they would eat his light, not him himself 103) He will not be a set, no 114) Yes, because there are two store exclusive sets in winter and then three other Makuta sets in summer
12hope it helps
13about 1 remember that he said they WONT kill off all characters also its NOT a rebot just change of direction in story
1I just got this. hope it isn't out dated.
2Hi Greg, i just have a few questions about that "anti-brotherhood" team
31. You said Vezon is on the team because he owes a debt. Well, Vezon seems like the least likely to repay said debt, so is he being forced to do it, or is really doing it willingly?
42. What uses does Vezon have besides being an extra person? I mean, he doesn't have any powers, and doesn't seem very strong.
53. Any particular storyline reason Brutaka is the leader?
64. Does the OoMN have to do with Brutaka being on land?
7And two more not about the team.
85. So the Brotherhood uses the Shadow Leeches to sap the light out of 3 Matoran turning them into the Shadow Matoran (previously Av-Matoran) that we have piggy-back riding on the Makuta Phantoka, correct? 96. You said that the Shadow Matoran couldn't change they're color anymore like when they were Av-Matoran. But they're red, blue, and black when they're supposed to be gold and white (like regular Av-Matoran). So did the change into Shadow Matoran permanently change their color?
10Thanks in advance. Yubel
111) What are his options here? He stole the Kanohi Ignika and tried to kill the Toa Inika. He cooperates or the OOMN (at best) shoves him in the Pit or (at worst) just executes him. 122) Correct. But he does have a role to play. 133) Yes. Brutaka is the only member of this group that is an OOMN member, and along with Spiriah, is the most powerful member. You need someone like that to keep the rest in line. 144) Yes 155) Correct, but more than three. We only have sets of three. 6) Yes. You can't be gold and white if you no longer have any light in you
2Hi Greg, i just have a few questions about that "anti-brotherhood" team
31. You said Vezon is on the team because he owes a debt. Well, Vezon seems like the least likely to repay said debt, so is he being forced to do it, or is really doing it willingly?
42. What uses does Vezon have besides being an extra person? I mean, he doesn't have any powers, and doesn't seem very strong.
53. Any particular storyline reason Brutaka is the leader?
64. Does the OoMN have to do with Brutaka being on land?
7And two more not about the team.
85. So the Brotherhood uses the Shadow Leeches to sap the light out of 3 Matoran turning them into the Shadow Matoran (previously Av-Matoran) that we have piggy-back riding on the Makuta Phantoka, correct? 96. You said that the Shadow Matoran couldn't change they're color anymore like when they were Av-Matoran. But they're red, blue, and black when they're supposed to be gold and white (like regular Av-Matoran). So did the change into Shadow Matoran permanently change their color?
10Thanks in advance. Yubel
111) What are his options here? He stole the Kanohi Ignika and tried to kill the Toa Inika. He cooperates or the OOMN (at best) shoves him in the Pit or (at worst) just executes him. 122) Correct. But he does have a role to play. 133) Yes. Brutaka is the only member of this group that is an OOMN member, and along with Spiriah, is the most powerful member. You need someone like that to keep the rest in line. 144) Yes 155) Correct, but more than three. We only have sets of three. 6) Yes. You can't be gold and white if you no longer have any light in you
1Ho: Ho: Ho:
2Hi Greg, I have been unknowingly visiting weekly BZP
( I was too small to learn the page ) for about two years:
3Yet, I yust registered and I don't know if this mode I am using is to ask questions.
4If somebody could e-mail me to see if it worked, my e-mail is barreirovictor@rcgb.com.mx
5When I use the link in the first page, it says that I am not allowed to use messanger future.
6My questions are:
71.- How do I get allowed to use messanger future there?
81.- I read ther was a burning romance between Jaller and Hahli, but you said that you do not make romance in Bionicle, so did you plan to make romance at that time?
9And I have good news: I figured out how the Cordak Blaster thingy works:
10First: Shoot in the water about 12 times , being careful not to let the cordaks out.
11Second: Shoot and Ta- Dah
2Hi Greg, I have been unknowingly visiting weekly BZP

3Yet, I yust registered and I don't know if this mode I am using is to ask questions.
4If somebody could e-mail me to see if it worked, my e-mail is barreirovictor@rcgb.com.mx
5When I use the link in the first page, it says that I am not allowed to use messanger future.
6My questions are:
71.- How do I get allowed to use messanger future there?
81.- I read ther was a burning romance between Jaller and Hahli, but you said that you do not make romance in Bionicle, so did you plan to make romance at that time?
9And I have good news: I figured out how the Cordak Blaster thingy works:
10First: Shoot in the water about 12 times , being careful not to let the cordaks out.
11Second: Shoot and Ta- Dah
11: Does Toa Ignika know about his "countdown" power? 21a: If so, how does he react towards it?
32: Will we ever learn the names and powers of the Av-Matorans' masks?
43: Around how many Makuta are in the Universe Core as of the end of Downfall?
54: What do the Midak's blasts do?
65: When the BOMtoka use their Tridax pods, how do they get new ones?
76: Can Toa Ignika speak? 86a: If so, can you give a quote?
97: Will the Icarax set have the same Kraahkan from 2004, or a new mold?
101) Probably, yes 111a) There's nothing much he can do about it, so he just has to go on 122) I don't plan to spend time on this, since the masks have no powers. If we use them again on models where they would have powers, I will worry about it then. 133) 7 144) You'll find out in 2008 155) More get manufactured and they go back and get them 166) Not initially, no 177) Don't know
18So Toa Ignika can't speak either. That's interesting. And I'm wondering just how Tridax pods are "manufactured", too.
1I think the toa ignika will learn how to speak. And does anyone know if the matoran have their 2003 bodies or their metruan ones?
1Well, something really good, after all.

2Hello Mr. Farshtey, hope you are doing well.
3Long time since I sent you a message, hope you can answer these...
41.- (Might sound dumb, but...) Do you celebrate Christmas? 52.-Do you think you could possibly give us a quote from an Av-Matoran, please? (Whoever from the 6) 63.-I found this description of yours in BS01 "[Leads directly into the new direction of 2009", about this, 7Does it have what we could name...a "True End"? (I mean, Does it ends the saga?, Like 2005´s end) 84.-Have you read "The Count of Monte Cristo"? 94a.-If yes, What do you think of it? 105.-Will the 2008 serial show us how do they form the Very Unusual Team?
11That´s all, thank you in advance
121) Yes 132) Tanma to Lewa -- "Who are you anyway? You look like something Solek would dream up." 143) I can't really discuss this 154) I don't think I ever read the book, no 165) Yes
1Hey, I just read your blog and a few questions began to form in my mind.
21) How could Vezon be of help to the team? He doesn't have any powers, and the Spear of Fusion is destroyed, right? How how could he be of help from the team?
32) Does the OoMN put this new team together?
43) How are Takadox and Carapar going to breathe above water?
54) Are all the members of this new team willingly on it?
6And here is a few other questions:
71) What ends up happening with Gadunka? 81a) And Nocturn?
92) If a toa of fire took all the heat out of a river of lava, would it become solid rock so others could cross it?
10Thanks a ton, 11Toa Krogo
121) Well, consider the fact that he is the only member of the team none of the Makuta has ever seen in action. So while we know he has no special powers, they don't. 132) Yes 143) You'll find out when we start the story 154) Willingly in the sense that the alternative is worse.
161) Gadunka gets shrunk back to his original size in Book 8 171a) Still in the Pit 182) Yes
19Just some stuff. Awsome quote, by the way:
1To Mr. Farshtey,
2The new '08 info has got me really confused :
31. According to BS01, the Av-Matoran reportedly left the Universe Core just before the Time Slip, then returned there.
41a. Where did they go?
51b. Why did they leave?
61c. Are the Av-Matoran naturally from the Universe Core, or from somewhere else?
72. About the big waterfall:
82a. If someone went down the waterfall, wouldn't they eventually hit the ground and die?
92b. If the Voya Nui sea is the source of the waterfall, wouldn't it eventually run dry?
102c. Now that the hole to the Universe Core is blocked, wouldn't the water from the fall go onto the Mainland?
113. So, here's my idea of the Universe Core looks like:
12There is an expanse of land, and the Av-Matoran are living in floating cities above it.
13At the bottom, on the land, there is the Swamp of Secrets.
14Is this true?
154. Since the Swamp of Secrets is part of the Universe Core, why don't the Av-Matoran live there?
16Thank you so much for your time, 17Shyyrn
181) They did not leave just before the Time Slip. They left about 40,000 years before the Time Slip. 191a) Into underground cities below the surface of the mainland continent 201b) Because their work in the core was done 211c) No, they are not naturally from there -- there are no native life forms in the core 222a) No, they would hit the swamp 232b) It's a huge sea, and at this point, the hole is closed up, so the waterfall is cut off. 242c) No, because the hole in the roof of the mainland dome closed behind Matoro, thanks to the power of the Staff of Artkaha (used in the Toa Nuva Blog) 253) There are no floating cities, but there is a swamp at the bottom 264) Because the swamp waters are mutagenic and filled with dangerous creatures, for one thing.
274 sounds the most interesting, doncha think?
2The new '08 info has got me really confused :
31. According to BS01, the Av-Matoran reportedly left the Universe Core just before the Time Slip, then returned there.
41a. Where did they go?
51b. Why did they leave?
61c. Are the Av-Matoran naturally from the Universe Core, or from somewhere else?
72. About the big waterfall:
82a. If someone went down the waterfall, wouldn't they eventually hit the ground and die?
92b. If the Voya Nui sea is the source of the waterfall, wouldn't it eventually run dry?
102c. Now that the hole to the Universe Core is blocked, wouldn't the water from the fall go onto the Mainland?
113. So, here's my idea of the Universe Core looks like:
12There is an expanse of land, and the Av-Matoran are living in floating cities above it.
13At the bottom, on the land, there is the Swamp of Secrets.
14Is this true?
154. Since the Swamp of Secrets is part of the Universe Core, why don't the Av-Matoran live there?
16Thank you so much for your time, 17Shyyrn
181) They did not leave just before the Time Slip. They left about 40,000 years before the Time Slip. 191a) Into underground cities below the surface of the mainland continent 201b) Because their work in the core was done 211c) No, they are not naturally from there -- there are no native life forms in the core 222a) No, they would hit the swamp 232b) It's a huge sea, and at this point, the hole is closed up, so the waterfall is cut off. 242c) No, because the hole in the roof of the mainland dome closed behind Matoro, thanks to the power of the Staff of Artkaha (used in the Toa Nuva Blog) 253) There are no floating cities, but there is a swamp at the bottom 264) Because the swamp waters are mutagenic and filled with dangerous creatures, for one thing.
274 sounds the most interesting, doncha think?
1To Mr. Farshtey,
2The new '08 info has got me really confused :
31. According to BS01, the Av-Matoran reportedly left the Universe Core just before the Time Slip, then returned there.
41a. Where did they go?
51b. Why did they leave?
61c. Are the Av-Matoran naturally from the Universe Core, or from somewhere else?
72. About the big waterfall:
82a. If someone went down the waterfall, wouldn't they eventually hit the ground and die?
92b. If the Voya Nui sea is the source of the waterfall, wouldn't it eventually run dry?
102c. Now that the hole to the Universe Core is blocked, wouldn't the water from the fall go onto the Mainland?
113. So, here's my idea of the Universe Core looks like:
12There is an expanse of land, and the Av-Matoran are living in floating cities above it.
13At the bottom, on the land, there is the Swamp of Secrets.
14Is this true?
154. Since the Swamp of Secrets is part of the Universe Core, why don't the Av-Matoran live there?
16Thank you so much for your time, 17Shyyrn
181) They did not leave just before the Time Slip. They left about 40,000 years before the Time Slip. 191a) Into underground cities below the surface of the mainland continent 201b) Because their work in the core was done 211c) No, they are not naturally from there -- there are no native life forms in the core 222a) No, they would hit the swamp 232b) It's a huge sea, and at this point, the hole is closed up, so the waterfall is cut off. 242c) No, because the hole in the roof of the mainland dome closed behind Matoro, thanks to the power of the Staff of Artkaha (used in the Toa Nuva Blog) 253) There are no floating cities, but there is a swamp at the bottom 264) Because the swamp waters are mutagenic and filled with dangerous creatures, for one thing.
274 sounds the most interesting, doncha think?
29Yes, I agree. Number 4 is verrry interesting.
1nice info toa thirdview, especially the quote, because now we get the feeling that solek is an inventor
1Okey-dokey- 2I'm more or less caught up, but, havcing missed a couple of books/comics/stuff, I have a few questions...
31. Why is the Ingka destroying the universe?41a. If so, is it MoMN's fault?
52. Why is Pohatu's 2008 set red (or is it orange)? 63. Is it just me, or does Pohatu's mask look an awful lot like the (dramatic chord) MASK OF TIME??
74. What precisely are Phantoka? 84a. Are they after the mask of life? 9PM me with answers if you can pleeze:
101) The Great Beings decided it to be so: If the universe is completely berserk, the reasonable thing to do is destroy it, right? It would go out of control.1a) Well, he did start the "mess" by turning evil, but it's not his fault that the Ignika was made to destroy the universe
112) It is orange, the storyline reason hasn't been revealed. 123) Pohatu's mask, as a Phantoka, is still the Kakama Nuva, Mask of Speed. It has been morphed to a more aerodynamic shape for flight by the Adaptable Armour given to the Toa Nuva by Artakha. 134) Phantoka are Spirits of the Air. 144a) We don't know so far.
15Please PM Greg next timeHe gives a lot more accurate answers
161. Actually it has began countdown because the Makuta are in the Universe Core. 171a. Yes, for they are in the universe core.
1Good job for finding the 2008 information. Antroz's mask sounds really cool. Vamprah sounds awsome too. Any character that doesn't talk must be interesting. I hope he gives out Chirox information soon. He looks really cool.
1Hi. 2Seeing as how you've released a detail about two out of three Canister Makutas (Antroz has a Jutlin, Vamprah never speaks), I was wondering if I could have some sort of detail on Chirox. 3Nice lineup for the new story serials, too. That's awesome.
4Chirox, like Mutran, specializes in Rahi creation/mutation, and in fact thinks very little of Mutran's work, pointing out that the latter's Rahi never have enough teeth and aren't particularly intelligent.
1hi greg 2next year in the serials, takadox and carapar will be fighting against the BoM, so I want to ask, will they be in their mutated forms? 3thanks
4Yes. The OOMN has no way to undo mutations, only the Mask of Life can do that.
5I think I know how takadox, Brutaka, and Takadox will battle the BoM. The OoMN will most likely give them breathing apartases.
4Yes. The OOMN has no way to undo mutations, only the Mask of Life can do that.
5I think I know how takadox, Brutaka, and Takadox will battle the BoM. The OoMN will most likely give them breathing apartases.
1hi greg 2next year in the serials, takadox and carapar will be fighting against the BoM, so I want to ask, will they be in their mutated forms? 3thanks
4Yes. The OOMN has no way to undo mutations, only the Mask of Life can do that.
5I think I know how takadox, Brutaka, and Takadox will battle the BoM. The OoMN will most likely give them breathing apartases.
6Yeah Greg said somewhere they get breathing devices.
1Hi. 2Seeing as how you've released a detail about two out of three Canister Makutas (Antroz has a Jutlin, Vamprah never speaks), I was wondering if I could have some sort of detail on Chirox. 3Nice lineup for the new story serials, too. That's awesome.
4Chirox, like Mutran, specializes in Rahi creation/mutation, and in fact thinks very little of Mutran's work, pointing out that the latter's Rahi never have enough teeth and aren't particularly intelligent.
5Wow I didn't see that. Awsome I've always liked Chirox( for the last few days anyway). And he is a mutation expert. Awsome. I wonder what Chirox's rahi are like. Must be scary.
1They got Adaptive Armor from Artakha which changes based on their enviroment. By the way, you should go to BS01 next time.
1They got new armor from Artahka that adapts to their environment.
1Hi. 2Seeing as how you've released a detail about two out of three Canister Makutas (Antroz has a Jutlin, Vamprah never speaks), I was wondering if I could have some sort of detail on Chirox. 3Nice lineup for the new story serials, too. That's awesome.
4Chirox, like Mutran, specializes in Rahi creation/mutation, and in fact thinks very little of Mutran's work, pointing out that the latter's Rahi never have enough teeth and aren't particularly intelligent.
5Hmm, they're both mutation experts, and have the same shaped mask... I guess it wouldn't be so far fetched to guess that they both wear the Mask of Mutation?
1Hi. 2Seeing as how you've released a detail about two out of three Canister Makutas (Antroz has a Jutlin, Vamprah never speaks), I was wondering if I could have some sort of detail on Chirox. 3Nice lineup for the new story serials, too. That's awesome.
4Chirox, like Mutran, specializes in Rahi creation/mutation, and in fact thinks very little of Mutran's work, pointing out that the latter's Rahi never have enough teeth and aren't particularly intelligent.
5Hmm, they're both mutation experts, and have the same shaped mask... I guess it wouldn't be so far fetched to guess that they both wear the Mask of Mutation?
6Oh nice catch. That is probably true it makes a lot of sense. We might know three sets masks now. All we need now is Vamprah(and a confirmation about the Mask of Mutation.)
1Makuta already naturally have Rahkshi powers, they don't need Rahkshi mask powers.
1Big News Everyone: I proved many wrong about Vamprah:
21 - Is Lewa Phantoka's secondary color silver or gray (there has been a lot of confusion and argument over this).
32 - What is Shadowed One's reaction to his fortresses destructions? 42b - Does he know it was the Nuva?
53 - Why doesn't Vamprah talk? Is that he doesn't know the language, or was his voice box ruined? Or something else?
64 - Does Vamprah have four legs, or are his legs just really wierd?
75 - Does draining a being's light change their appearance as well, or is there another reason for Kirop and co's strange appearance? Such as Mutran mutating them?
86 - Is Vigan a mutated Av-matoran, or is he a Shadow Matoran?
97 - I have heard Pohatu's propellors turn into drills. Is this true? 107b - Can Pohatu's propellors be used as pincer claws?
118 - Is Artakha a set in 2008? In the Official 2008 Sets Topic, there is talk of him being a Titan, or one of the Larger Sets, that are more expensive, and that he comes with two matoran.
129 - Is there a leader among the 3 Av-matoran with the Nuva? 139b - The shadow matoran with the Makuta? 149c - Who is the leader of the Phantoka Nuva?
1510 - The sets of Mutran and Chirox seem to have the same masks. Do they storywise?
1611 - Is Natarkhi the real name of the Dark Hunter codenamed Minion? I saw this on Brickshelf, in a Minion instructions folder...
1712 - What is your favorite mask power?
1813 - What regions were Antroz, Chirox, Vamprah, and Mutran assigned to?
1914 - How could Vamprah communicate to his fellow Makuta if he does not talk? Or is the not-talking recent?
2015 - Who was Vigan? I got the impression he was the former leader of the Av-matoran in the Core.
2116 - Are Chirox and Vamprah's lower arm-blades tools, or part of their body? 2216b - Is Antroz the only winter canister-size Makuta with tools?
2317 - Is Antroz only in charge of the Winter canister Makuta, or all the Winter Makuta?
241) I don't have the set, so no idea. We don't have them in the company store yet, and the pics I have are in black and white. 252) What do you think it would be? 262b) Logic would dictate it was them 273) Too early to discuss this 284) I don't believe he has four legs, no 295) 2008 story question, so gets answered in 2008 306) I don't know of any set named Vigan 317) See answer to #5 -- too early to discuss this, I don't want to release all '08 set info at once. 328) No, he is not. 339) See answer to #5 3410) Not to my knowledge, no 3511) I have never heard that name, but it is possible that the fan who built the original model named it that. 3612) Don't have one 3713) I haven't had time to go back and check on this, I am kinda busy. 3814) How do people in our world who can't talk communicate? 3915) I don't know of any set called Vigan 4016) See answer to #7 4117) The winter and the summer Makuta.
1So I guess Vigan's name ain't Vigan.
1Why are people saying Chirox and Mutran seem to have the same masks?