1I'm like Antrox in personality then.
1It's not that it's already been answered. It's that it's not too great. But I'll post it anyway.QUOTE 2Hey Greg. Nice job on the new updates. 31)If the MoLi was to kill everyone, would Mata Nui die too? 42)Makuta said that it fits into the plan? If it kills everyone there will be nobody to rule over. 53)I read the DoD update and does that mean that Sarda will help Lesovikk in his adventures? 64)If the Vahi and the Ignika are of the same power level, does that mean the Vahi could destroy all time or something? 75)Have the Great Beings made other universes. 85a)Do those universes have things like the Mask of Life? 9Thanks for answering.
101) Eventually, yes 112) All we have said is the countdown has started, not that it is going to kill everyone ... countdowns can be stopped 123) Yes 134) If you destroyed it, then yes, the destruction of the Vahi would rip the time continuum to shreds 145) Unknown
101) Eventually, yes 112) All we have said is the countdown has started, not that it is going to kill everyone ... countdowns can be stopped 123) Yes 134) If you destroyed it, then yes, the destruction of the Vahi would rip the time continuum to shreds 145) Unknown
1Hello Greg
2I saw this Quote in the forums,
3"Chirox, like Mutran, specializes in Rahi creation/mutation, and in fact thinks very little of Mutran's work, pointing out that the latter's Rahi never have enough teeth and aren't particularly intelligent."
4Could you then say that Mutran came up with Rahi like the Kane-Ra
5Were As Chirox may have come out with a Muaka.
6Is t also possable that Chirox or Murtran were responsable for the creation of 7the Krahka Rahi?
8If you had to Guess, which one would you say created the Krahka rahi?
9Thank you for your time.
11Or it could be any of the other Makuta. While Chirox and Mutran have made a specialty of this over the years, all Makuta were involved in Rahi creation at some point, since that was their first job in the universe.
2I saw this Quote in the forums,
3"Chirox, like Mutran, specializes in Rahi creation/mutation, and in fact thinks very little of Mutran's work, pointing out that the latter's Rahi never have enough teeth and aren't particularly intelligent."
4Could you then say that Mutran came up with Rahi like the Kane-Ra
5Were As Chirox may have come out with a Muaka.
6Is t also possable that Chirox or Murtran were responsable for the creation of 7the Krahka Rahi?
8If you had to Guess, which one would you say created the Krahka rahi?
9Thank you for your time.
11Or it could be any of the other Makuta. While Chirox and Mutran have made a specialty of this over the years, all Makuta were involved in Rahi creation at some point, since that was their first job in the universe.
1Ok could you guys tell me what date all of the winter sets realeses. and so ans summer
1Unfortunetly, we don't know.
1Not much new, though #2 is interesting-ish

2Ok, a follow-up on last batch, and some new ones...
34 - Does Vamprah have four legs, or are his legs just really wierd? 46 - Is Vigan a mutated Av-matoran, or is he a Shadow Matoran? 514 - How could Vamprah communicate to his fellow Makuta if he does not talk? Or is the not-talking recent? 615 - Who was Vigan? I got the impression he was the former leader of the Av-matoran in the Core.
74) I don't believe he has four legs, no 86) I don't know of any set named Vigan 914) How do people in our world who can't talk communicate? 1015) I don't know of any set called Vigan
114 - So what is with the hunch? He can't seem to stand without using his arms to prop himself up, or using them as legs. 126 & 15 - Vigan is the matoran the comes with the Mutran set... Or so S@H and Brickshelf say... He is lime green with lots of claws, and a Kirop mask in lime green and black... 1314 - So he uses sign language?.... *thinks of Vamprah using sign language in midst of battle, and is snuck up on when distracted* Ow....
14New Questions
151 - About how many Av-matoran are in the Core? 161a - Do most/many of them remember Takua?
172 - Is the leader (or former leader) of the Av-matoran a set next year? I saw a quote from you saying the Av-matoran used to have a leader.
183 - Are the really big sets rahi? Do they play a major role in the story? (I recall you saying something about a new size of sets, bigger than titans.
194 - Why are so many characters in 2008 a bright green? I assume there is a story reason.... Perhaps I assume wrongly, but... *shrugs*
205 - About how many Makuta are left in the BoM? 215a - Are all left (except Icarax) loyal to MoMN? 225b - So the Makuta have to keep teleporting somewhere to get more Tridax Pods? 235c - Do Tridax Pods merely hold the Shadow Leeches, or do they do something else? 245d - It looks (on the sets) like the Shadow Leeches are the same color as the Phantoka they came with (from what I've seen). Is there a storyline reason for this?
254) Ever see a bat walk? They don't stand up and do it on two legs, they do it with their two legs and their arms/wings. 266, 15) Name's incorrect then.
272) Yes 283) I can't discuss this, they are summer sets 295) Can't answer it 305a) No, because Spiriah is not loyal to the BOM at all 315b) No 325c) That's their function 335d) Not to my knowledge

1Maybe the leader is one of the Av-matoran set(Tanma,Solek,Photok).
1Nice info to everyone. I'm depating if i should post some stuff I got from Greg. 2Or do I have too?
3If you think that that the answers are important, then please do.If they are all questions answered already, then maybe you shouldn't
4HE, kiydo.
5I'm pretty sure that's spam.Are you repilying to an earlier post?
6Yeah, he was saying that Solek is HE, not SHE.
8Sorry, my mistake
1Am I the only person who thinks that it's wierd that Vamprah uses sign language when he has the power of Telepathy?
1Yes, and it is also strange because he lacks hatre... fingers.
1Can someone give me the link to Mutran in S@H?
12008 stes 2008 everyone i know its killing you not to know about the phantoka but its killin everyone else when people say "When is he gonna tell us about the phantoka?" he will reveal it and when he does itll be awesome.
1Nittany, Greg didn't say he used sign language, that was just some comment by me. He just doesn't talk... still, it is odd. 2Lhilertoro - Greg made a point to say former leader, so I suspect it was Vican, or perhaps Radiak. 3
4Ah, I just realized that after looking through the answers. I was just confused because Greg didn't match up the numbers quite right.
11) Was the strange storm around the Red Star caused by the Ignika starting to turn silver on Vezon's head? 21a) If so, would it would be safe to assume that another storm has started? 31) No 42) If Turaga Vakama's "limited elemental ability" is lighting a candle, what would Nuju's be? 52a) Throw in Nokama's for good measure.2) The equivalent -- Nokama could make gentle waves as opposed to tidal waves, and Nuju could make a light snow storm. 63) Was Krakua (using his Suletu) the "strange voice" that told Lewa Nuva to get the sundial? 73) This has not been revealed yet 84) Could Makuta as Maxilos have shapeshifted using the Rahkshi power, but not be able to use other powers at the same time? 94) No. He can only shapeshift in Makuta armor, not in Maxilos armor. 105) Did Jovan's teammate use the Ignika in the UC? 115) Yes 126) Could Kongu have created solidified air bubbles? 136) I don't think so, no, anymore than Gali can create ice 147) Can Takanuva create solid objects out of light? I ask because Kohrak-Kal could create solid objects out of sound. 157) He wants to, but I don't think he has mastered that ability yet 168) Are the Frostelus that are attacking Metru Nui allied with the Dark Hunters? I remember that TSO sent Subterranean to discuss an alliance. 178) No, they are attacking on their own 189) What types of powers does Hahli's Faxon give her now that she's on land? 199) She can adopt the abilities of land creatures 2010) I thought you said that where MoMN went would be revealed in Downfall. Was there a change or something? 2110) I simply misremembered that the scene in is in 9, not 8. I am already on 11 and 8 was written a year ago, so ... 2211) I suppose Makuta's ability to project thoughts is a non-Rahkshi power? 2311) Correct. 2412) I'm guessing it would be really bad if a Toa Nuva got the light sucked out of him/her... 2512) Yes 2613) If someone kills a Shadow Leech when it has sucked out half the light, would the victim have a "Hordika" effect, as in a struggle between his light and dark sides? 2713) Mmm-hmmm
2813 is kind of interesting...
1It's true Solek is a girl Greg confurmed it
1Though he's probably mistaken Gavla for Solek.
1hi, i was just wondering the following things:
21) if a shadow leech drained all the light from a toa of light, would they become a toa of shadow, have no power left, or just die?
32) could antroz's mask (Jutlin? Jultin? idk) corrode armor, weapons and masks?
43) when will we find out the powers of the matorans kanohi?
54) are the masks of the matoran meant to look nearly identital to the phantoka's (toa makuta) masks? are they noble versions?
65) do the Midaks have any particular powers or are they just guns?
7thanks :3
81) Toa of Shadow 92) Yes 103) They don't have powers. Matoran masks never have powers, because Matoran cannot use mask powers. 114) No, they aren't Noble versions. They are Matoran masks 125) Their power lies in what they shoot, not in the blasters themselves.
133 & 4 confused me. i thought that av-matoran could use mask powers.... oh well. and antroz just got a big power boost in my books, corroding masks and weapons is very handy. and a toa of shadow sounds cool.
21) if a shadow leech drained all the light from a toa of light, would they become a toa of shadow, have no power left, or just die?
32) could antroz's mask (Jutlin? Jultin? idk) corrode armor, weapons and masks?
43) when will we find out the powers of the matorans kanohi?
54) are the masks of the matoran meant to look nearly identital to the phantoka's (toa makuta) masks? are they noble versions?
65) do the Midaks have any particular powers or are they just guns?
7thanks :3
81) Toa of Shadow 92) Yes 103) They don't have powers. Matoran masks never have powers, because Matoran cannot use mask powers. 114) No, they aren't Noble versions. They are Matoran masks 125) Their power lies in what they shoot, not in the blasters themselves.
133 & 4 confused me. i thought that av-matoran could use mask powers.... oh well. and antroz just got a big power boost in my books, corroding masks and weapons is very handy. and a toa of shadow sounds cool.
1Hi Greg. I have a few questions regarding mostly 2008.
21. So the last thing Matoro saw was Vamprah? I haven't read Downfall yet. What signifigance did Vamprah have in that one vision? Was he the one to put on who told Matoro to put on the mask, too?
32. From what I heard, Vamprah is mute, no?
43. So, "Vican", the small set that is supposed to come with Mutran, is misspelled?
54. From yet another rumor that I've heard, in 2008, there will be sets, larger than most titans. What would we call these? Super-titans? And will they really be larger than other titans?
65. How long will the 2008 serials last? 10 chapters, like last time?
7::Xora::81) He didn't have any significance, beyond the fact that the BOM was already there when Matoro got there. All he saw was a dark shape flit by as he was falling through the waterfall. 92) Vamprah does not speak, that's correct. 103) Vigan is a misspelling, Vican is the correct spelling. 114) I can't discuss what these will be. 125) Each set should run about half a year.
13So..Vamprah's not mute, but doesn't like to speak.

14Meh, most of this isn't useful, but it's good for people that haven't caught up on alot of stuff..
1I can't help but feel that I forgot some stuff I was going to ask. Oh well.
2QUOTE 3Hey Greg. I have some questions I thought of over the week. 41)If Kopaka is the second-in-command of the whole group, is he the leader of the small group he's in? 52)Who's mission is more important, Kopakas group or Tahu's? 63)If the red thing on Kopaka's bayonet is a targeting system, does that mean he could use it to fire a homing ice attack? 74)Could a Toa of Ice use dry ice, or no because it is something a small child wouldn't get? 85)Correct me if I'm wrong, but there are only two ways to stop the countdown: 9return things in the universe to normal, or 10Destroy the Mask of Life(like with the red Phantoka Makuta's mask) 116)Are you planning to take a break from PM's over the break? 12That's all for now. Thank you.
131) Yes 142) I don't think either is more important or less important 153) Explain what you mean 164) No, there is no dry ice in BIONICLE 175) Destroying the Mask won't help, really -- it's true that everything wouldn't die then -- but then everything would come to life -- every mask, every piece of equipment, every ray of light, everything. It would be mass chaos. 186) Over the holidays? Not really. I enjoy answering PMs, but I will be offline for a few days. 19Comments 201)Ok cool 212)Interesting. The stakes in the summer will be equaly high. 223)I meant that if he fires a blast of ice, would it lock on to a target and follow them. 234)Oh. 245)And that wouldn't be good either I supose 256)We'll have to make sure not to send stuff at that time.

131) Yes 142) I don't think either is more important or less important 153) Explain what you mean 164) No, there is no dry ice in BIONICLE 175) Destroying the Mask won't help, really -- it's true that everything wouldn't die then -- but then everything would come to life -- every mask, every piece of equipment, every ray of light, everything. It would be mass chaos. 186) Over the holidays? Not really. I enjoy answering PMs, but I will be offline for a few days. 19Comments 201)Ok cool 212)Interesting. The stakes in the summer will be equaly high. 223)I meant that if he fires a blast of ice, would it lock on to a target and follow them. 234)Oh. 245)And that wouldn't be good either I supose 256)We'll have to make sure not to send stuff at that time.
1In 2008 will the lime green pieces break easily?
1We know that most Bionicle organisms have some organic parts such as organs and muscles: 21 So does that mean thy have cells? 31a If they have cells do they have DNA? 41b If so, do the waters of the pit and the swamp of secrets alter their DNA? 51c Do Makuta ever tamper with DNA? 61d Is their DNA nucleotide structure the same as Earthly DNA's nucleotide structere? 72 If so do they go through some form of cellular respiration? (as all organic things do) 83 Would they need glucose to convert into energy? 93a Or do they absorb the energy from their "food"? 103b Or the energy from the recharging station in Metru Nui? 113c Would that energy be considered their glucose?
12Now to the 2008 questions: 131 Are the shadow leeches mutated kraata? 142 Did Chirox or Mutran have anything to do with the shadow matoran? 152a THe shadow leeches? (having to do with the shadow matoran.) 163 Is there a specific reason the Nuva split into two groups? 174 Just to make sure, the NUva have the same mask powers, just new shapes, correct? 185 Can you at least tell us the names of the matoran masks? 196 Could a Toa where one of the Makuta's masks? 207 If Vamprah doesn't talk, does he communicate telepathicaly, or through other means? 218 In Pohatu Nuva's set, he has no "hand" pieces, his propeller/drills take the place. 22So does he have hands, or do his weapons act as large claws?
23Thanks a bunch.
241-1d) We don't deal with DNA in BIONICLE, simply because DNA becomes important in terms of genetics and genetic inheritance. Since there is no biological reproduction, there is no genetic inheritance. And there is no proof that organic protodermis bears any resemblance to organics in our world, beyond simply being organic in nature. 252) All organic things do in our world -- we are not on our world. 263) BIONICLE beings absorb energy through direct physical contact with certain kinds of items, which powers both their organic and inorganic parts. In general, you need to remember that you cannot apply Earth science, including biology, to BIONICLE, because we aren't on Earth and those rules often do not apply.
271) Yes 282) All the Makuta in the core had something to do with them. 292a) You'll find out next year 303) Yes. They have multiple missions in the core and it is faster and more efficient, given the total area of the core, to split into teams. 314) Correct 325) I haven't bothered to come up with BIONICLE names for them, since there is no reason to at this point. They have no powers and unless they get used again on sets where they will have powers, I don't want to yank six names off the approved list for them. 336) Yes, but it wouldn't be a pleasant experience. 347) All Makuta can communicate telepathically, yes 358) As is traditional in BIONICLE, the sets don't have hands, but they have hands in the story.
36Just thought I would post this. We know most of this info though I think. Altough the Biology answers are intersting.
12Now to the 2008 questions: 131 Are the shadow leeches mutated kraata? 142 Did Chirox or Mutran have anything to do with the shadow matoran? 152a THe shadow leeches? (having to do with the shadow matoran.) 163 Is there a specific reason the Nuva split into two groups? 174 Just to make sure, the NUva have the same mask powers, just new shapes, correct? 185 Can you at least tell us the names of the matoran masks? 196 Could a Toa where one of the Makuta's masks? 207 If Vamprah doesn't talk, does he communicate telepathicaly, or through other means? 218 In Pohatu Nuva's set, he has no "hand" pieces, his propeller/drills take the place. 22So does he have hands, or do his weapons act as large claws?
23Thanks a bunch.
241-1d) We don't deal with DNA in BIONICLE, simply because DNA becomes important in terms of genetics and genetic inheritance. Since there is no biological reproduction, there is no genetic inheritance. And there is no proof that organic protodermis bears any resemblance to organics in our world, beyond simply being organic in nature. 252) All organic things do in our world -- we are not on our world. 263) BIONICLE beings absorb energy through direct physical contact with certain kinds of items, which powers both their organic and inorganic parts. In general, you need to remember that you cannot apply Earth science, including biology, to BIONICLE, because we aren't on Earth and those rules often do not apply.
271) Yes 282) All the Makuta in the core had something to do with them. 292a) You'll find out next year 303) Yes. They have multiple missions in the core and it is faster and more efficient, given the total area of the core, to split into teams. 314) Correct 325) I haven't bothered to come up with BIONICLE names for them, since there is no reason to at this point. They have no powers and unless they get used again on sets where they will have powers, I don't want to yank six names off the approved list for them. 336) Yes, but it wouldn't be a pleasant experience. 347) All Makuta can communicate telepathically, yes 358) As is traditional in BIONICLE, the sets don't have hands, but they have hands in the story.
36Just thought I would post this. We know most of this info though I think. Altough the Biology answers are intersting.