1Got some Stuff from GregF. Enjoy:
2Just a quick question: What are the Elemental beings? (the acid cloud, the Fire Entity, etc.) Thanks in advance.
3They are living beings composed almost entirely of a particular element. Since we know they were not created by Artakha, that basically leaves the Brotherhood or the Great Beings, and I tend to lean toward the GBs in this case.
4Great: Thank you again: Another thing: since you said you view the sentient acid cloud as an Elemental, does that mean that you consider Acid an Element? I know you said that all Bohrok have elemental powers in the 2nd Encyclopedia. And would Umbra count as an Elemental while he is in his laser form?
51) For these purposes, yes, though I doubt it will ever be a Toa element. 62) Yes
1QUOTE 21) In the kongu game at bioniclestory.com, kongu can swim using is cordak blasters as jets. Is that canon? 31a) If it is, can he do it on land? 42) Is there any official names for the sea creatures in the playsets? 53) If kraata put in energized protodermis become rahkshi, if the shadow leeks are mutated kraata, would they 6become mutated rahkshi? 74) Did the phantoka makuta invade the core with an army? 84aOr are the shadow matoran their armies?
101) He didn't so it in story, but it's not unreasonable 111a) Yeah, but he'd blow up whatever was behind him. 122) I think there might be some in the catalog descriptions, don't remember 133) Or they might just be destroyed. As mutants, they may not be destined to transform that way 144) No. 154a) No, the shadow Matoran were not created with an eye toward an army. If you have seven Makuta vs. a few villages of Matoran, do you really need an army to conquer them?
16Concerning number 2, can anyone tell me the catalog descriptions if there were any?
101) He didn't so it in story, but it's not unreasonable 111a) Yeah, but he'd blow up whatever was behind him. 122) I think there might be some in the catalog descriptions, don't remember 133) Or they might just be destroyed. As mutants, they may not be destined to transform that way 144) No. 154a) No, the shadow Matoran were not created with an eye toward an army. If you have seven Makuta vs. a few villages of Matoran, do you really need an army to conquer them?
16Concerning number 2, can anyone tell me the catalog descriptions if there were any?
18508, with regards to number 1, I definitely agree with Greg. All Kongu needed to do was shoot small bursts of air through the Cordaks, like underwater jets.
..hello,I just wanted to say if can someone can help me to PM greg,because this is my last post that I need to pm him
,so,HELP ME:::: 

11. In Vakama's vision with Krakua, was Krakua just an image, like an apparition, or did the real Krakua talk to Vakama? 2That was the real Krakua talking to him from the future
31. Okay, but will how he did that be revealed? And if you can, can you tell us if he's done that or if he has yet to do that? 41) Well, Vakama had a krana-kraata hybrid on that lets you see the future, and Krakua was wearing a Mask of Telepathy, so the two combined allowed it to happen. And no, he probably has not done it yet in his timeline.
51. Okay, but did Krakua also have a Krana-Kraata hybrid on him too? 6No
71. Are an Av-Matoran's elemental abilities closer to a Toa's or a Turaga's in terms of power and ability? 81) Closer to a Turaga's
92. Since the Av-Matoran have a special power unique to each of them (like Photok's light speed, or Solek's ability to make solid light objects), does Takanuva have a unique power? Or can he do all of these unique powers since he's a Toa of Light? 102) He could POTENTIALLY do those things.
113. I understand if you can't answer this, but what is Kopaka's and Pohatu's source for Midak ammunition? 123) The light in the environment around them.
134. Could Takanuva or an Av-Matoran return light to a being that has had the light drained from him/her? 144) I haven't decided that yet
155. Are the Av-Matoran still able to see because they have resistance to bright light and they are not weakened by it? 165) They are not vulnerable to light like the Makuta are, and they were not exposed to the explosion the way the Makuta were.

1Just some stuff from Greg I got a couple of days ago. Nothing new, I don't think. The questions were concerning a page in the UK LEGO Magazine, about the Mahri playsets.
21. It says that the TTC has chemicals in its system which heal it of any damage. Is this canon? 31a. And can it automatically repair masks, armour and weapons, as it says it can?
42. Are "Spider Crabs" canon? And are they actually feared by the TTC?
53. It says that the creature in the Toa Undersea Attack is a "Stinger Whale". Are these canon too?
6A couple of non-Magazine questions:
71. Do the "Shadow Matoran" help the Makuta like the Av-Matoran help the Nuva by creating light for Lewa's Midak Blaster, etc.?
82. Why was Vamprah near Matoro in the waterfall? Was he late arriving, or following Matoro?
93. Do all of the Phantoka Makuta have their own "territory" to look after? 103a. If they all do, would they be a reasonable "once-a-week" fact for the Official Greg Discussion?
11Thanks in advance.
121-3) Anything in the magazine is canon 131) You'll find out in 2008 142) Neither. He was just in the core and Matoro saw him, that's all. 153) Are you talking about before they came to the core?
21. It says that the TTC has chemicals in its system which heal it of any damage. Is this canon? 31a. And can it automatically repair masks, armour and weapons, as it says it can?
42. Are "Spider Crabs" canon? And are they actually feared by the TTC?
53. It says that the creature in the Toa Undersea Attack is a "Stinger Whale". Are these canon too?
6A couple of non-Magazine questions:
71. Do the "Shadow Matoran" help the Makuta like the Av-Matoran help the Nuva by creating light for Lewa's Midak Blaster, etc.?
82. Why was Vamprah near Matoro in the waterfall? Was he late arriving, or following Matoro?
93. Do all of the Phantoka Makuta have their own "territory" to look after? 103a. If they all do, would they be a reasonable "once-a-week" fact for the Official Greg Discussion?
11Thanks in advance.
121-3) Anything in the magazine is canon 131) You'll find out in 2008 142) Neither. He was just in the core and Matoro saw him, that's all. 153) Are you talking about before they came to the core?
1I understand that, but he wanted revenge on the Barraki, and, Nittany Nuva, Bad guys and evil people have pity. I mean, before shadow was evil in the Bionicle universe, Makuta had remorse on matoran and others, so you shouldn't say that.
2Makuta has no quarrel with the barraki, acutally. And even when makuta was good, he killed in cold bloodd those who defied him and mata nui. greg confirms that makuta was never a very nice guy, and at his nicest he was like he was in bl6. 3"There is only one punishment for such treachery." -MOMN
4No quarrel? 5

8Really. Be honest, now.
9Toa Reidak 10

1'ello, Greg. I noticed that '08 info's been flying around here, so I figured I'd try my luck.
21. Is Mutran's "specialty" of mutating personal talent, or a mask power? (Frost Beetle quote) 32. Why doesn't Vamprah speak? 43. If all that happened to the Evil Matoran is a light drain, why don't they look like Matoran? (Radiak) 54. If you can release the masks, how about weapon names? 65. Why would there be giant stalactites in the UC? 76a. So the leader of the Av-Matoran is dead? 86b. Was it a Turaga of Light?
9Thanks for your time.
111) Personal talent 122) Because good hunters don't make unnecessary noise 133) See answer to question #1 144) I am not in a rush to release all the '08 info right away. I am going to portion it out. 155) Why are there stalactites in any cave? 166) No. 176b) No. There has only ever been one Toa of Light, Takanuva, so you can't have a Turaga of Light.
18I asked this before most of it started circulating. #3 is interesting, though, isn't it?

1'ello, Greg. I noticed that '08 info's been flying around here, so I figured I'd try my luck.
21. Is Mutran's "specialty" of mutating personal talent, or a mask power? (Frost Beetle quote) 32. Why doesn't Vamprah speak? 43. If all that happened to the Evil Matoran is a light drain, why don't they look like Matoran? (Radiak) 54. If you can release the masks, how about weapon names? 65. Why would there be giant stalactites in the UC? 76a. So the leader of the Av-Matoran is dead? 86b. Was it a Turaga of Light?
9Thanks for your time.
111) Personal talent 122) Because good hunters don't make unnecessary noise 133) See answer to question #1 144) I am not in a rush to release all the '08 info right away. I am going to portion it out. 155) Why are there stalactites in any cave? 166) No. 176b) No. There has only ever been one Toa of Light, Takanuva, so you can't have a Turaga of Light.
18I asked this before most of it started circulating. #3 is interesting, though, isn't it?
20Number 3 is interesting. I wonder what he means by that.
1snow30, the reason the Order chose Brutaka and the others on the new team was already explained in Greg's blog. Apart from Brutaka, the other 5 have reasons to join. Either they join or choose the alternative - killed by the Brotherhood, get stuck in the Pit, etc... 2Toa Devak, your theory doesn't mean anything. Kardas doesn't have a meaning in Matoran language, and possibly neither is Karda. We don't know if Nuva means "new", and Matoran languages mostly don't apply to names.
3No, Karda/s definitly WILL mean something. Matoran does not apply only to names of sentient beings (Jaller) and does for everything else (Metru Nui = Great City).
5Thats not true, not every bionicle name is given a translation. Mahri nui and Voya nui were never given official translations and they were the islands from the past two years so whats to say the island this year will be any different.
6Anyway this whole debate belongs somewhere else since this is the Official Greg Discussion, not a name specultion/ translation thread. It's draging the posts here off topic.
7Look at #5
8just a few quetions relating to some revalations i had over the PM lock-down
91.Is the pit mutagen visorak venom, or in anyway related to the visorak?
102.Is the pit mutagen related to roodaka (or other vortixx)?
113. Is the red star Artakha?
124. where is Mata-nui?
13a. Artakha 14b. Mangia (doubt it) 15c. Mata-nui (the island) 16d. none of the above
175. Where do the names Metru-nui, Voya-nui, Mahri-nui, etc come from?
186. what does the sufix -nui mean?
19thanks alot. 20Nanopi
211-2) No 223) No. Artakha lives on the island of Artakha, not in orbit around the planet. 234) I can't reveal that. 245) Well, if I had to guess, I would say metru meant city, voya meant journey, and mahri meant ocean, but that is just my guesses, it's not official. 256) The rumor on BZP is that it means "great," but again, nothing official has ever been said on this.
1'ello, Greg. I noticed that '08 info's been flying around here, so I figured I'd try my luck.
21. Is Mutran's "specialty" of mutating personal talent, or a mask power? (Frost Beetle quote) 32. Why doesn't Vamprah speak? 43. If all that happened to the Evil Matoran is a light drain, why don't they look like Matoran? (Radiak) 54. If you can release the masks, how about weapon names? 65. Why would there be giant stalactites in the UC? 76a. So the leader of the Av-Matoran is dead? 86b. Was it a Turaga of Light?
9Thanks for your time.
111) Personal talent 122) Because good hunters don't make unnecessary noise 133) See answer to question #1 144) I am not in a rush to release all the '08 info right away. I am going to portion it out. 155) Why are there stalactites in any cave? 166) No. 176b) No. There has only ever been one Toa of Light, Takanuva, so you can't have a Turaga of Light.
18I asked this before most of it started circulating. #3 is interesting, though, isn't it?
20Number 3 is interesting. I wonder what he means by that.
21I think he means that each Makuta's skills depended on how their shadow matoran came out.
1'ello, Greg. I noticed that '08 info's been flying around here, so I figured I'd try my luck.
21. Is Mutran's "specialty" of mutating personal talent, or a mask power? (Frost Beetle quote) 32. Why doesn't Vamprah speak? 43. If all that happened to the Evil Matoran is a light drain, why don't they look like Matoran? (Radiak) 54. If you can release the masks, how about weapon names? 65. Why would there be giant stalactites in the UC? 76a. So the leader of the Av-Matoran is dead? 86b. Was it a Turaga of Light?
9Thanks for your time.
111) Personal talent 122) Because good hunters don't make unnecessary noise 133) See answer to question #1 144) I am not in a rush to release all the '08 info right away. I am going to portion it out. 155) Why are there stalactites in any cave? 166) No. 176b) No. There has only ever been one Toa of Light, Takanuva, so you can't have a Turaga of Light.
18I asked this before most of it started circulating. #3 is interesting, though, isn't it?
20Number 3 is interesting. I wonder what he means by that.
21I think he means that each Makuta's skills depended on how their shadow matoran came out.
22Ok that makes sense. Thanks for saying that.
1Hello Mr.Farshty. I sent you some questions a couple days ago but never got an answer so if you've already gotten these I apologize.
21) Just to make absolutely sure. In the Mutran/Vican set, most people assume that Mutran is the tall, frightening looking one, but Makuta are shapeshifters and I don't remember you ever confirming that Vican is a Matoran so...Which one is which?
32) If only Tanma can give energy to the Midak blasters, then how do Kopaka and Pohatu use theirs?
43) Hypothetically, if Takanuva got a Midak blaster could he use his light energy to power it?
54) Are the Av-Matoran powers all something Takanuva could do if he trains enough?
65) I think you said Kirop was the Av-Matoran leader. So why didn't Antroz (The Phantoka leader) pick him as his "seeing-eye Matoran"?
76) Could a Toa of Ice, hypothetically create a huge magnifying glass of ice (perhaps suspending it between two buildings or trees), making a set area extreamly burning hot? Like a kid using a magnifying glass to burn ants?
87) Could any Toa wear the Adaptable Armor, or only the Nuva? I doubt the Nuva would want to give the armor up but say if Pohatu were to die...could Hewkii put his armor on? 97a) For that matter are there only six sets of Adabtable Armor in existance? 107b) Could Artakha make more if he wanted to?
118) So the Nuva's masks, Toa tools, Midak blasters, and obviously the armor itself are all part of the Adaptable Armor right? 128a) If so then what is the weapon that Artakha says they must get in the World that Feeds the World?
13Thank you very much in advance.
141) Yes, Vican is the Matoran 152) They do it the old-fashioned way, the blasters draw on the light of Karda Nui for ammunition. 163) If he knew how, yes 174) Potentially 185) Because he's not the leader now, he's just another servant of the Makuta. Designating him as somehow special would mean recognizing Matoran authority, which Makuta would not do. 196) Question is, is the sunlight being focused through it going to melt the ice before it does any damage? 207) Yes, but he couldn't use the mask 217a) Yes 227b) Probably
231) Asked this before the questions on him were asked that confirmed he was a matoran. 242) Someone already asked this. 253) Cool: 264) So I guess wearing a Kakama would be pointless for him since he already has the potential to run at near light speed. 275) You'd think that having been leader would mean he'd have some qualities that would be disireable for Antroz. 286) Good point, though he could probably focus his energy at the ice to keep it from melting. 297) This all makes sense. I was trying to see if Takanuva could possibly get Adaptable Armor, which would give us a clue about him possibly being a summer set.

1'ello, Greg. I noticed that '08 info's been flying around here, so I figured I'd try my luck.
21. Is Mutran's "specialty" of mutating personal talent, or a mask power? (Frost Beetle quote) 32. Why doesn't Vamprah speak? 43. If all that happened to the Evil Matoran is a light drain, why don't they look like Matoran? (Radiak) 54. If you can release the masks, how about weapon names? 65. Why would there be giant stalactites in the UC? 76a. So the leader of the Av-Matoran is dead? 86b. Was it a Turaga of Light?
9Thanks for your time.
111) Personal talent 122) Because good hunters don't make unnecessary noise 133) See answer to question #1 144) I am not in a rush to release all the '08 info right away. I am going to portion it out. 155) Why are there stalactites in any cave? 166) No. 176b) No. There has only ever been one Toa of Light, Takanuva, so you can't have a Turaga of Light.
18I asked this before most of it started circulating. #3 is interesting, though, isn't it?
20Number 3 is interesting. I wonder what he means by that.
21I think he means that each Makuta's skills depended on how their shadow matoran came out.
22Ok that makes sense. Thanks for saying that.
23Your welcome:

1Yeah, a series of questions concerning the light being sucked out of beings...
21) If, say, a Matoran of Fire had his light sucked out, and he somehow became a Toa, would he be a Toa of Fire and Shadow? 32) Or a Toa of Fire, if he had his light sucked out would be he a Toa of Fire and Shadow? 43) Could the process be reversed? As in, could someone have his light put back in? 54) Could the leech screw up and instead suck out one's darkness?
6Thanks in advance,
81) No, just shadow. 92) Same answer 103) I haven't decided yet 114) That's sort of like my saying, "If I hand Ta-Metru defender a plate with a sandwich on it, could he screw up and eat the plate instead of the sandwich?"
1for Greg .wow so its leeches that mutate those poor little matoran1. do they have any memory of their past life?2. and if they do why would they fight their closest friends?3.and is vican even a matoran..even if hes not an av?for Greg .wow so its leeches that mutate those poor little matoran1. do they have any memory of their past life?2. and if they do why would they fight their closest friends?3.and is vican even a matoran..even if hes not an av?
1Hey Greg -- I know you are a busy man, but this question has been nagging me a bit ever since I read the following quote in the OGD:
21. According to BS01, the Av-Matoran reportedly left the Universe Core just before the Time Slip, then returned there. 31a. Where did they go?
41) They did not leave just before the Time Slip. They left about 40,000 years before the Time Slip. 51a) Into underground cities below the surface of the mainland continent
61) According to the bolded part, Karda Nui is not the sole place below the Mainland; so my question is, are these cities located outside the Core but still beneath the Mainland? 71) Yes. We know for example that there were chambers under Voya Nui large enough for the Ignika to be hidden and the Matoran to take refuge, so it is reasonable to assume there could also be cities underground on the continent.
82) Were these cities built/populated by Av-Matoran only? Are they then abandoned now? 92) We don't know that they were Av-Matoran only at this point, but at least some of them have been destroyed.
103) Are anything but these cities and Karda Nui located beneath the Mainland level (not necessarily the Mainland itself)? 113) Hard for me to say, as I add things to places as story demands
1Here is some interesting information i got from Greg
2I know your probaly being bombarded by questions, but i have some of my own i would enjoy answered.
31. Are the Phantoka Makuta are based of bats?
41b. is just a coincidence in the storyline? Or becuase it helps them with the UC enviroment? Or other?
52. How many Bionicles do you have?
62b. Have you ever used any and made a MOC before?
73. I know you proably won't be able to anwser this, but in 2009, is there gonna be Toa and Matoran? Or is there some other type of guardians or villagers?
84. Your probaly won't be able to anwser this either, but it's worth a try. Is the 4th Bionicle Movie gonna be on Voya Nui with the fight of the Inika and Piraka?
94b. Or Mahir Nui for that matter?
105. Is there a Bionicle you don't like it's look and would like for the set designers to re-design it?
116. Do you have future plans for the Barraki? (I Heard Takadox and Carapar is gonna be part of a OoMN strike force, but what of the others?)
127. What part of your job do you like and dislike the most?
131) The set designers based them off bats yes 142) Some, mostly older ones 152b) No I am not a MOCer 163) Can't answer it 174) Yes I can answer it. The next movie is scheduled to be out in 2009, so it will focus on 2009 sets and story. There wouldn't be any point for us to do a movie that focuses on Inika and Piraka when they won't be available as sets in 2009. 184b) Same answer 195) No 206) I don't have plans for the others right now 217) I like creating universes. I dislike having to travel so much.
1Got some new '08 info, though nothing terribly important.
26Aww... thought I was on to something with #1.
2Sorry for disturbing you, as you must be getting mobbed with PMs in response to the '08 pictures.
31) About whether or not the Phantoka Makuta's masks are unique, I have an idea: perhaps the brotherhood's masks are drained of all light? That could also explain the Kra-matoran's masks in that they were noble versions of what the Phantoka Makuta were wearing and have been drained of light, too. Would this work? 42) So, now that Kra-matoran have been confirmed, could you theoretically have a toa of shadow? 53) Could one escape the MoLi's life-drain by going to the surface world? 64) Couldn't Antroz just use his Jutlin to make all the Nuva's weapons, armor, and masks fall apart, causing them to plummet to the ground? 75) You said that the spearhead on Kopaka's Midak is used for targeting. Could he also use it like a bayonet to stab enemies? 86) Not including mask powers, Which Phantoka Nuva is the fastest flyer? 96a) Same for the Phantoka Makuta. 107) In OGD, someone said that Solek is a girl. Can you confirm this? 118) Also in OGD, you said that Av-matoran don't venture into the swamp because their are dangerous rahi there. Aren't there not any rahi native to the core? 128a) Are they rahi originally from the pit that were washed down the waterfall into the swamp? 139) Is the Trydax in Tridax pod refering to the shadow leeches, or the launcher itself?
14Thank you for your anwsers, Greg:
151) Nice try, but objects do not have light to drain, only living beings do. 162) If one transformed, yes 173) Yes 184) Yup, he could. Which opens the question, why doesn't he? 195) Sure, as he could have his old ice sword, but we don't do a lot of stabbing in BIONICLE because the anti-violence crowd on BZP gets up in arms about it. 206) Lewa 216a) Vamprah 227) No, Solek is male. 238) Correct, but you had a hole in the ceiling for 1000 years through which water from the ocean was flowing in. Rahi came in with it. 248a) Yes 259) It refers to the pod
26Aww... thought I was on to something with #1.
1My latest from Greg.
2Hello, Greg.31. Since there are no shadow matoran that occur naturally in the Bionicle universe, does that mean that all of the shadow Matoran would have to have their light returned to them before Mata Nui can be awakened?
42. The Phantoka Makuta being blind gives Lewa, Pohatu, and Kopaka an advantage to beat he Makuta without being killed within a few seconds. Does the fact that the three Makuta in the swamp don't have all 42 Rahkshi powers give Tahu, Gali, and Onua an advantage over the Makuta?
53.Would you consider Icarax and Mutran to be Titans or are the Titans for 2008 coming out in the summer?
64. Does Tanma simply enhance the power of Lewa's Midaks, or does he all out supply them? 74a. Would the ammo be considered a solid object of light, or are the Midaks really just balls of light? 84b. The ammo are called Midaks, right?
95. Does Karda Nui just refer to the villages on the stone pillars or all of the Core?
106. When Mata Nui awakens, will he have to recharge seeing that he has been in a coma for over 1000 years or will he be ready for action immediately?
117. You may not be able to answer this one, but after a Toa uses a Nova Blast, they need a period of time for their elemental power to recharge. Will Gali be recharged by the time she enters the story?
128. One more question. Even though the other Nuva don't come into play until the summer, are the events of the winter and summer happening simultaneously?
13Thank you for your time,
151) No 162) Yes 173) I don't know that I consider them titan sets, but then I haven't seen the Icarax set in person to see how big it is. 184) He supplies it 194a) Spheres of white light 204c) No 215) All of the core. The villages are a relatively new development. 226) He will be ready for action immediately 237) Yes 248) For the most part, yes
1Hi, Greg
2Would you mind answering a few questions? Thanks.
31) If the Av-Matoran are able to create solid light projections and travel at light-speed, does that mean that Takanuva has the potential to do that too? He is a Toa of light after all, and should be much more powerful than a Matoran. 41a) If not, is it right to assume that those are "special powers"? 52) Do the Makuta see through the Dark Av-Matorans' eyes, or do they rely on them to continuously give directions? 63) Are there any plans for a Mata Nui set? 74) If Tanma only provides power for Lewa's blaster, where do the other two Toa Nuva get their ammunition from? 85) Since the Phantoka Makuta are blind, can they still use vision powers? 96) How would you compare Antroz's combat skills with Icarax?
10Thanks 11pirakahakann
121) Potential, yes. 132) They have a telepathic link and so can see through their eyes 143) Not at this time. He's asleep, so nothing much to do a set of. 154) From the light in the environment around them 165) Yes, because their vision powers don't require sight, so they can use them as long as they can aim them by seeing through the Matoran's eyes 176) Icarax has more.
18Nothing very new. (I guess nobody asked at this point of time whether Mata Nui would be a set yet though.

11)Can toa of magnetism make magnetic metal or no?
21) No. He can create magnetic force, he can't create actual metal.
32)What would a Nova blast of earth be like? Explosion of dirt?
42) Yup
53)You realize,because of the new serial that gonna be online, your awesomeness level is like multiplied by 2 quadrillion? Best team ever.
63) I am excited about it too -- I think the biocast will be a lot of fun as well
74)Will Takanuva pop up in the summer story or winter story?
84) Both. Web in winter, books and comics in summer
95) So what would happen if someone were hit by magnetic force? Say for example, a matoran.
105) Well, they wear metallic masks and armor, so what do you think would happen?
116) Do matoran have funerals? If so, did they have one out of respect for Matoro?
126) Yes. There is a reference in Book 8 to a memorial being held in the Coliseum for Matoro.
137)Are the kratana related to the beings in the Red Star?
147) No
158)Are any of the BoMtoka alchemists?
168) I don't consider them alchemists -- the closest human term might be virologist
1710)Will we see any rahkshi or references to Rahkshi next year?
1810) I don't think so, since there are none in the universe core.
1911)What happens when someone is hit by a shadow force?
2011) It hurts. See B3: Web of Shadows for an example.
2112)So do any of the Makuta this year think that MoMN's plan is a bit too elaborate?
2212) Icarax does, yes
2313)Was MoMN the Makuta responsible for making the Rahi species of Nivawk?
2413) Not necessarily. All Makuta can make Rahi, so any of them could have done it.
2514)So when will we find out who won in the Taktorahk vs Kanohi dragon fight?
2614) Probably in a web serial next year
2715)Will we find out who the leader was before MoMN in BoM?
2815) Yes, you will, actually, next year
21) No. He can create magnetic force, he can't create actual metal.
32)What would a Nova blast of earth be like? Explosion of dirt?
42) Yup
53)You realize,because of the new serial that gonna be online, your awesomeness level is like multiplied by 2 quadrillion? Best team ever.
63) I am excited about it too -- I think the biocast will be a lot of fun as well
74)Will Takanuva pop up in the summer story or winter story?
84) Both. Web in winter, books and comics in summer
95) So what would happen if someone were hit by magnetic force? Say for example, a matoran.
105) Well, they wear metallic masks and armor, so what do you think would happen?
116) Do matoran have funerals? If so, did they have one out of respect for Matoro?
126) Yes. There is a reference in Book 8 to a memorial being held in the Coliseum for Matoro.
137)Are the kratana related to the beings in the Red Star?
147) No
158)Are any of the BoMtoka alchemists?
168) I don't consider them alchemists -- the closest human term might be virologist
1710)Will we see any rahkshi or references to Rahkshi next year?
1810) I don't think so, since there are none in the universe core.
1911)What happens when someone is hit by a shadow force?
2011) It hurts. See B3: Web of Shadows for an example.
2112)So do any of the Makuta this year think that MoMN's plan is a bit too elaborate?
2212) Icarax does, yes
2313)Was MoMN the Makuta responsible for making the Rahi species of Nivawk?
2413) Not necessarily. All Makuta can make Rahi, so any of them could have done it.
2514)So when will we find out who won in the Taktorahk vs Kanohi dragon fight?
2614) Probably in a web serial next year
2715)Will we find out who the leader was before MoMN in BoM?
2815) Yes, you will, actually, next year
11)Can toa of magnetism make magnetic metal or no?
21) No. He can create magnetic force, he can't create actual metal.
32)What would a Nova blast of earth be like? Explosion of dirt?
42) Yup
53)You realize,because of the new serial that gonna be online, your awesomeness level is like multiplied by 2 quadrillion? Best team ever.
63) I am excited about it too -- I think the biocast will be a lot of fun as well
74)Will Takanuva pop up in the summer story or winter story?
84) Both. Web in winter, books and comics in summer
95) So what would happen if someone were hit by magnetic force? Say for example, a matoran.
105) Well, they wear metallic masks and armor, so what do you think would happen?
116) Do matoran have funerals? If so, did they have one out of respect for Matoro?
126) Yes. There is a reference in Book 8 to a memorial being held in the Coliseum for Matoro.
137)Are the kratana related to the beings in the Red Star?
147) No
158)Are any of the BoMtoka alchemists?
168) I don't consider them alchemists -- the closest human term might be virologist
1710)Will we see any rahkshi or references to Rahkshi next year?
1810) I don't think so, since there are none in the universe core.
1911)What happens when someone is hit by a shadow force?
2011) It hurts. See B3: Web of Shadows for an example.
2112)So do any of the Makuta this year think that MoMN's plan is a bit too elaborate?
2212) Icarax does, yes
2313)Was MoMN the Makuta responsible for making the Rahi species of Nivawk?
2413) Not necessarily. All Makuta can make Rahi, so any of them could have done it.
2514)So when will we find out who won in the Taktorahk vs Kanohi dragon fight?
2614) Probably in a web serial next year
2715)Will we find out who the leader was before MoMN in BoM?
2815) Yes, you will, actually, next year
29Number 15 is interesting. So Takanuva will appear in the web serials, sweet

16) (You probably can't answer this one...) Do the Shadow Matoran mind being eyes for the Makuta, or do they still have enough good in them to want to try and get free?
26) No, they have no good in them left, because they have no light left.
3That's is really interesting. I wonder if there is a way the light could regenerate? I mean, elemental energy does replenish itself, why not this light, it is there element. Also, I wonder if they saw some of there still-light friends would they try to kill them or hold back, or even consider it. I mean, jsut because your evil doesn't mean you have no pity, in BL84MoMN left the Barraki alive, so he has pity.
5Also, just to throw something out their, would the still-light matoran recognize the evil matoran, hence hold back?
6By the by, these aren't questions for Greg, and I don't know if that needed to be in spoilers.
7I don't think he left them alive because he had pity. I think he left them alive because he knew that while they were in the Pit, they knew and felt that they were cursed with a horrible existence. So he probably just left them alive out of cruelty, or just because there was no purpose to killing them. After all, why bother killing someone who can't come out of the sea and get you? It's just a waste of time and energy.
14)Will Takanuva pop up in the summer story or winter story?
24) Both. Web in winter, books and comics in summer
3Comics, huh? I thought they usually focused comics on the current sets they are trying to sell.
4Hint hint.
5It means we are going to get a remake of Mr.Takanuva.
6This indirectly confirms it 99.9%. (always doubt till it happens)
1Got some new '08 info, though nothing terribly important.
2Sorry for disturbing you, as you must be getting mobbed with PMs in response to the '08 pictures.
31) About whether or not the Phantoka Makuta's masks are unique, I have an idea: perhaps the brotherhood's masks are drained of all light? That could also explain the Kra-matoran's masks in that they were noble versions of what the Phantoka Makuta were wearing and have been drained of light, too. Would this work? 42) So, now that Kra-matoran have been confirmed, could you theoretically have a toa of shadow? 53) Could one escape the MoLi's life-drain by going to the surface world? 64) Couldn't Antroz just use his Jutlin to make all the Nuva's weapons, armor, and masks fall apart, causing them to plummet to the ground? 75) You said that the spearhead on Kopaka's Midak is used for targeting. Could he also use it like a bayonet to stab enemies? 86) Not including mask powers, Which Phantoka Nuva is the fastest flyer? 96a) Same for the Phantoka Makuta. 107) In OGD, someone said that Solek is a girl. Can you confirm this? 118) Also in OGD, you said that Av-matoran don't venture into the swamp because their are dangerous rahi there. Aren't there not any rahi native to the core? 128a) Are they rahi originally from the pit that were washed down the waterfall into the swamp? 139) Is the Trydax in Tridax pod refering to the shadow leeches, or the launcher itself?
14Thank you for your anwsers, Greg:
151) Nice try, but objects do not have light to drain, only living beings do. 162) If one transformed, yes 173) Yes 184) Yup, he could. Which opens the question, why doesn't he? 195) Sure, as he could have his old ice sword, but we don't do a lot of stabbing in BIONICLE because the anti-violence crowd on BZP gets up in arms about it. 206) Lewa 216a) Vamprah 227) No, Solek is male. 238) Correct, but you had a hole in the ceiling for 1000 years through which water from the ocean was flowing in. Rahi came in with it. 248a) Yes 259) It refers to the pod
26Number 3 is interesting. 2009 may occur when all the survivors of the universe explosion who migrated to Mata Nui must awaken the Great Spirit. That'd be awesome. 27I wonder what he meant in number 4...
1It would also help if people just read the OGD, or Greg's blog. Or the 2008 Topic in S&T.
1Stuff. Some of it is old.
2Hi Greg. A few questions, if you don't mind:
31. Does the Shadowed One have any revenge in mind for the Toa Nuva? 42. Will Krakua play any role in future story? 52b. How did he end up working for the Order? 63. Chirox, Antroz, and Vamprah are telepathically linked to their Shadow Matoran, so they can see through their eyes. How are the Toa Nuva linked to their Av-Matoran? 74. If only Tanma acts as a living battery, what do the other Toa's Skyblasters fire? 84b. Does it affect him in any way? 95. How does Kopaka's targeting system work? I see it as a laser pointer, like some guns have in our world. 106. If a Matoran with an element besides light had their light removed, would they still retain their element?
11Thanks for your time.
121) Yes, but the Nuva aren't where he can get at them 132) Yes 142b) Gets revealed next year 153) The Toa Nuva can see the memories of their Matoran. 164) They all fire the same thing, but they draw their enery from the environment around them. 175) Yes 186) No, without light, you become a shadow Matoran
19Thanks for your prompt reply. On 3, I meant more of how do they share memories? The Toa Nuva do not have telepathy.
203) It's a result of them being in physical contact. Av-Matoran are very different from normal Matoran in terms of what they can do, because they were the first Matoran ever created.
1hey i havge a question for greg will the ohter toa appear as set next year??

1will takanuva ever return?
1snow30, the reason the Order chose Brutaka and the others on the new team was already explained in Greg's blog. Apart from Brutaka, the other 5 have reasons to join. Either they join or choose the alternative - killed by the Brotherhood, get stuck in the Pit, etc... 2Toa Devak, your theory doesn't mean anything. Kardas doesn't have a meaning in Matoran language, and possibly neither is Karda. We don't know if Nuva means "new", and Matoran languages mostly don't apply to names.
3No, Karda/s definitly WILL mean something. Matoran does not apply only to names of sentient beings (Jaller) and does for everything else (Metru Nui = Great City).
5Thats not true, not every bionicle name is given a translation. Mahri nui and Voya nui were never given official translations and they were the islands from the past two years so whats to say the island this year will be any different.
6Anyway this whole debate belongs somewhere else since this is the Official Greg Discussion, not a name specultion/ translation thread. It's draging the posts here off topic.
7Look at #5
85. Where do the names Metru-nui, Voya-nui, Mahri-nui, etc come from?
105) Well, if I had to guess, I would say metru meant city, voya meant journey, and mahri meant ocean, but that is just my guesses, it's not official.
12That proves my point, GregF himself said they were just guesses at translations and no official ones were ever made. It's extremly unlikely next years location will have an official translation.
1Hmm, on a separate note, if Takanuva is appearing in the comics next year, it could mean he would be released as a set next year. If you look at previous questions asking Greg whether Takanuva would appear as a set next year, his reply would always be "can't answer it", and even then it sounded like he would be a set next year, since he would never give a flat out no. Well, I hope they change the Mask of Light's shape, but they didn't change the Kraahkan, so...Well, all you can do is wait, since it hasn't even been confirmed that Takanuva will be a set next year.
1Seeing as Makuta of Metru Nui doesn't really make that much of an appearance in 2008 and there is no Takanuva set either(to my knowledge anyway), I'd imagine 2009 will probably be a showdown between Takanuva and Makuta. Takanuva hasn't achieved his ultimate purpose, and I believe it is to defeat the Makuta of Metru Nui.