1Hi Greg, how are ya?
2I've got a few questions for you, I hope you don't mind... 31.) Could you put these on order from strong to weak, not taking the mask or kraata/krana powers into account, so more or less just physical strength. 4Rahkshi - Vahki - Toa Metru - Bohrok
5Rahkshi - Toa Metru - Vahki - Bohrok
62.)Can a Vahki operate in another Metru, say Rorzakh in Ta-Metru?
7Yes, but it is best to clear it with that metru's hive
83.) Does the mask of 'ultimate Dume' have anything to do with the Kraahkan? It has a certain resemblance to it.
9Can't discuss that mask, sorry
104.) When do you think the Vahki bioses will be online?
11Don't know, don't work on the web side of things
125.) Have you ever felt like you didn't like Bionicle for a while?
146.) Will we ever see flash movies on the web again?
15I am sure you will
167.) Are the sets out now gonna be all of them this year, or can we expect something 'secret'?
17No, there is more coming this year.
188. ) Any news on the Lhikan set?
19See answer to #7
209.) I read that you saw B2, I was wondering, how are the Vahki animated?
21Ummmm .. kinda like those robot troopers in Star Wars
2210.) Do you ever get recognised on the streets.
23No, no. One of the advantages of being a writer is no one knows what you look like
24Ah, dumb question
2I've got a few questions for you, I hope you don't mind... 31.) Could you put these on order from strong to weak, not taking the mask or kraata/krana powers into account, so more or less just physical strength. 4Rahkshi - Vahki - Toa Metru - Bohrok
5Rahkshi - Toa Metru - Vahki - Bohrok
62.)Can a Vahki operate in another Metru, say Rorzakh in Ta-Metru?
7Yes, but it is best to clear it with that metru's hive
83.) Does the mask of 'ultimate Dume' have anything to do with the Kraahkan? It has a certain resemblance to it.
9Can't discuss that mask, sorry
104.) When do you think the Vahki bioses will be online?
11Don't know, don't work on the web side of things
125.) Have you ever felt like you didn't like Bionicle for a while?
146.) Will we ever see flash movies on the web again?
15I am sure you will
167.) Are the sets out now gonna be all of them this year, or can we expect something 'secret'?
17No, there is more coming this year.
188. ) Any news on the Lhikan set?
19See answer to #7
209.) I read that you saw B2, I was wondering, how are the Vahki animated?
21Ummmm .. kinda like those robot troopers in Star Wars
2210.) Do you ever get recognised on the streets.
23No, no. One of the advantages of being a writer is no one knows what you look like
24Ah, dumb question

21: Greg has already been asked the question, willl the toa nuva become turaga? I wanted to know, that if somehow they did, what would happen to Takanuva?
32: If Lhikan is the toa of fire before the toa metru arrived, who were the other toa? e.g of wind.
43: Who will be the next generation of toa?
54: If the metru nui saga was made 1000 years before the toa nuva, are the turaga immortal?
21: Greg has already been asked the question, willl the toa nuva become turaga? I wanted to know, that if somehow they did, what would happen to Takanuva?
32: If Lhikan is the toa of fire before the toa metru arrived, who were the other toa? e.g of wind.
43: Who will be the next generation of toa?
54: If the metru nui saga was made 1000 years before the toa nuva, are the turaga immortal?
1Beliwa, you are meant to PM Greg your questions, you've been a member long enough to have known that. But those questions are easy:
21) They may do someday. But Toa only get to become Turaga when their destiny is completed, and they have faced a point where sacrificing their Toa powers will be for the greater good. Only Takanuva has completed his destiny so far (defeating Makuta), but he is yet to face the choice. The Toa Nuvas' destiny is to awaken Mata Nui, and that's not going to happen for a long time.
32) Who says they always come in groups of six?
43) Greg won't be able to answer questions on the future. And he only knows the story through 2005, so he won't be able to answer it anyway.
54) They aren't immortal. Matoran lifespans are extremely long, but they can die, as we saw with Jaller, but none have been known to die of natural causes. And it was more than 1000 years between the time of the Toa Metru and the Toa Nuva.
6QB 7(playing Greg)
21) They may do someday. But Toa only get to become Turaga when their destiny is completed, and they have faced a point where sacrificing their Toa powers will be for the greater good. Only Takanuva has completed his destiny so far (defeating Makuta), but he is yet to face the choice. The Toa Nuvas' destiny is to awaken Mata Nui, and that's not going to happen for a long time.
32) Who says they always come in groups of six?
43) Greg won't be able to answer questions on the future. And he only knows the story through 2005, so he won't be able to answer it anyway.
54) They aren't immortal. Matoran lifespans are extremely long, but they can die, as we saw with Jaller, but none have been known to die of natural causes. And it was more than 1000 years between the time of the Toa Metru and the Toa Nuva.
6QB 7(playing Greg)
1the cloud system in metru nui 2what does it rain? 3purified proto?
4also if it is proto what happens when there are thunderclouds? 5wouldn't that create energized proto?
6and how wil metru nui expierience daylight with a layer of thick ice as their only semi transparent light wholle? 7won't it get kind of dark....
8------------------------------------------------------------------ 9Metru Nui is definitely darker now than it was when it had two suns blazing, yes.
10Rain in Metru Nui would not be purified proto, it would be the proto that is in the ocean. And no, it takes more than a thundercloud to energize protodermis. (Does the rain that falls in a thunderstorm have an electrical charge to it?)
12as ya see you will never know if ya see the moon or the sun
13and yep it rains proto
1here are more questions from my inbox:
12i'll have more soon, feel free to comment, quote, and criticize (okay, maybe not that last one).

21. you said something about a different collectable for the 2005 storyline, do you know about the '05 storyline yet? more specifically, whether or not it will be on metru-nui still?
31) Yes, the '05 storyline has been locked for months, but I can't discuss it.
42. i had a theory that if disk A had a power level of 7, and disk B had a power level of 5, that disk C (made from A &would have a power level of 6 (if it was like averages: 7 5 = 12, divided by 2 = 6), am i correct in my thinking?
52) No. You don't mix disks of different power levels. It's not done.
63. you told me that there are various storyline and marketing reasons for the toa metru not using/collecting other masks. i was just wondering, are there mor)e toa metru masks that they could use if they found them?
73) Yes. Great Masks are kept stored in the Great Temple.
84. i heard that kanoka have to get up to a certain speed to have thier power activated, this makes me wonder how the levitation disks powering the matoran airships work. you don't necisarily have to answer me, but will we find out? (such as in the city guide)
94) I can tell you. They are set up with a system that basically slams them against the framework of the ship.
105. will the city guide have bios and info on toa, vahki, kanoka, matoran, etc. etc.?
115) Yes
12i'll have more soon, feel free to comment, quote, and criticize (okay, maybe not that last one).


1Hey greg, i havent had questions for a while because most of the metru-nui mysteries have been revealed and solved, but, now as we devulge more of the mysteries of the pasts, more questions stire in my mind.
21) These few questions will focuse on ultimate dume. Why would dume fuse with the 2 dark hunters? Is he truly evil, and that is his last desperate mesure to destroy the toa-metru?
32) So far im guessing ultimate dume is the last enemy, i meen, it fits the description perfectly. lots of teeth, big... and hes the last evil being to appear on metru-nui. so, is he the mysterious fifth enemy?
43) by now, we have all seen the special promo dume mask, but, some people think it isnt a mask, but, it is is he true head, his face, or more of a helmet. Just woundering, is it truly just that, or, is it a mask with a significant purpose?
54) Ultimate dume arrives on metru-nuis darkest hour... so... if dume needs the 2 dark hunters to fuse with him, does that meen that that dark hunters wont be destroyed anytime soon?
65) these are more miscellaneous storyline questions. 7How can a toa get stuck in a wall? i meen, it dosnt seem like such a big deal, i seems like something onua or pohatu would be able to do. i just dont understand this concept and why it would be storyline important.
86)Will the new movie show the whole metru-nui sotryline? or just the dark hunters, and up?
97)Im pretty sure you wont be able to answer this...but... would you say that lhikan guided the matoran to mata-nui, see as the spirit mata-nui is just fictional, could lhikan ahve been that guide, and, if so, why didnt the name the island lhikan-nui or something, since, he was truly there protector.
108)after the metru-nui storyline, will we see more of the dark hunters? like with the rahkshi.
11Thanks greg.
131) Well, you might be right and Dume fuses with the Dark Hunters .. or you might be totally wrong. Remember, none of the Toa or Matoran combo models this year actually involved the characters merging together -- they were separate characters, built using those pieces. At any rate, you will have to watch the movie to find out.
142) I can't discuss fifth enemy at all.
153) It is a mask, it does have powers.
164) Again, watch the movie.
175) You will have to read the book to find out what it means. But keep in mind there is a difference between being stuck in a wall because you tried to smash through it and got stuck .. and having your molecules fused to the stone.
186) It does not include the Morbuzakh storyline, because we have already told that story. It starts with the origin of the Metru and does a little on the search for the Great Disks, then goes straight to new story.
197) One, Mata Nui is not fictional. Mata Nui exists as a separate being. And two, no, Lhikan really didn't have much to do with their going to the island.
208) Can't discuss future storyline.
22So, there we go, The promo mask is a mask, and it has powers.
1Hi Greg, just wondering a few things
21. In a my last set of questions, you said that if a Kraawa absorbed kinetic energy and gained size, but not mass then something very bad would happen to the Kraawa. Can you say what (or even a hint)?
31) Well, theoretically, yes. Think of it this way ... if you were to suddenly grow and grow and grow, but not gain any mass, eventually you would lose molecular cohesion. You might become as big as the entire Earth, but your atoms would be spread so far out that you wouldn't be able to touch or affect anything. Eventually, your molecules would be spread out so far that you would essentially cease to exist, becoming just random atoms floating in the voice. How's that for bad? )![]()
4Thats pretty bad
52. Are Toa the only thing that can go Nuva (transform via energized protodermis)?
62) No.
83. Could Rakhshi be technically called Kraata Nuva?
93) No, I wouldn't say that, because the kraata exposed to energized protodermis essentially ceases to exist as a living creature and becomes inorganic armor.
114. Did Dume order the Vahi made for Lhikan?
124) Hmmmm ..well, watch the movie and tell me what you think.
13Egad: It doesnt come out until October:
15S'all for now, thanks in advance
16Greg's answers in bold, my comments in red
1here are more questions that i asked greg. enjoy them, and the answers. (this is a good issue
23that's all i have for now, i'm sure i'll have more obscure and fascinating questions in a few days tops.

21. jaller is not lhiikan, correct?
31) No, he's not. It is not possible for a Toa to become a Matoran.
4i guess that question is officialy answered now
52. jaller and lhiikan do have some connection, correct?
62) Yes
73. will the rahi guidebook coming out next year have bios of the rahi that are in it?
83) Well, descriptions, yes.
94. the rahi guidebook will be half official rahi (nui-jaga, ruki), and half rahi contest winners, right?
104) That's the plan. It depends on how many of the winners we contacted get their forms back to us on time. So far, we have only received 2.
11if you've been contacted, send your form in: in the slightly changed words of smokey the bear: "only you can prevent lack of rahi:"
125. in the rahi guidebook, will there be any instructions for some of the rahi that we don't have instructions for? (i.e. ruki fish, maha, stuff like that)
135) No, there will be photos, not building instructions. If we put building instructions in, there won't be room for very many creatures.
156. any info on that large fissure that nidhiki is standing over in the pictures of him at the back of vahki instructions? (it kinda looks like two toa metru set lids being put together, with a light coming from within).
166) No idea. May just be artistic license.
177. what is the use of the po-metru disk attribute? it kinda seems like one of those useless ones. will it come into play in a future story or comic?
187) It's got some great uses. Suppose a Vahki hurls a disk at your friend. A Po-Metru disk will deflect that disk off course and save him.
198. we have not seen the 5th enemy, correct?
209. will the 5th enemy be a set?
218-9) I can't discuss fifth enemy at all, in any way.
22i thought for sure that i read it would be a set![]()
23that's all i have for now, i'm sure i'll have more obscure and fascinating questions in a few days tops.


1This post is a little different... After about 3 days of not having my questions aswered, and seeing other people getting thiers answered, I sent Greg another PM and this is our conversation:
11I didn't think my questions were THAT bad, and if he finds time to answer some of bonesii's hum-dingers...
I also know that Greg is very busy and I'm not mad at him or anything, but it's been 6 days from that last exchange and was just wondering when you think I should ask him again, because he has forgotten things in the past, (personal experiance...) i don't want to make him mad...
2Hey Greg, I sent this before but never got the answers, you must have accidentally deleted it or we had a server problem or something, no big deal
31.) Just wondering if you could explain the differences between the Great Akaku and Great Ruru in detail. What can they each do that the other can't, and I'm assuming the Great Ruru's x-ray ability is mre limited?
42.) Is it possible to take, say, Kanoka B and R and come up with H, and take disks C and Q and still get H? In other words, can there be more than one combination to get a disk, just like there are three different ways to get B Flat on a saxohpone?
53.) Is it possible to combine more than two disks to get a new power? Is there an upper limit?
64.) Will we ever see the Great Disks used conventionally? In other words, instead of the shpere-o-destruction thing, will they HIT anyone with the disks?
75.) If a Matoran with a special job needed, say, a Shielding disk, would that disk have a unique number representing it's power like the normal 8 have, like 9 or 27 or something?
8Thanks for all you can answer.
9I did get these, just have not had time to answer. My current writing schedule is such that it is harder for me to find time to answer longer, more complex PMs.
11I didn't think my questions were THAT bad, and if he finds time to answer some of bonesii's hum-dingers...

1PANEL ONE 2FOUR VORZAKH (8616), POSITIONED ON TOP OF THE CHUTE, HAVE TORN AND BROKEN IT SO THAT IT NOW DEAD ENDS IN A LONG DROP TO THE GROUND.3I thought that the transport chutes were liquid, held in place by magnetic charge.
4In the CDRom movies, Matau was shown to be able to 5enter and exit the chutes by just *bloop*ing through the sides of the chute, and while in it, he put his Aero Slicers through the top of the chute, without damaging it, and *bloop*ed out of the chute onto one of the supports.
6Now you have the chutes being tubes with the magnetized liquid protodermis flowing through them.
7Is it both?...a mistake of the animators?...some places it's one and other places it's the other?
8Could you please clarify this point?
10Quite simple actually.
11Tubes are filled with liquid protodermis, held in place by a magnetic field and supported in many places by braces.
12In that particular scene, the Vahki have destroyed the field for one section, which means that the liquid protodermis just falls to earth and there is no more chute.
13Greg14So the bit with Matau *bloop*ing in and out of the tubes was just artistic license?
15Pfeh: That'll teach me to take what I see at face value.
16No, it wasn't. The field is permeable to solid objects at certain times. That is how Matoran get in and out of the chutes. The trick is to do it when the chute is moving slowly so you don't get splattered against the pavement. You see a graphic example of one way to get in a chute in the movie.
18Kind of a side question...
19Have you seen the CDRom movies?
20I only ask because it seems that Matau and the speed of traffic flow in the chute he moved into were both moving very fast.
21In the video, Matau put his Aero Slicers through the top of the the chute, but it didn't seem to slow him down, and it didn't do any harm to the chute.
22Maybe you're using a different set of criteria than I for what constitutes slow in regards to chute speed. Is the speed of the chute traffic in the video considered to be slow for the purpose of entering/exiting and penetration without damage?
23Was the chute speed in comic #19 considerably faster than the speed depicted in the Matau CDRom video?
24New question: Is it possible for travellers in the chute to increase or decrease thier speed while in the chute? It seems that Matau was concerned he might be caught by his pursuers, and Matau was definitely zipping past Matoran, etc. in the video.
26I have not seen the CD movie recently, as I don't own the set. But you are right, they do move very fast. As for damaging the chute, sticking aero slicers into a chute normally will slow him down ... it's just that when you are going really, really fast, it takes a long time to do that. If it stopped you immediately, it would rip your arms out of the sockets.
27Chutes normally run at a high speed, and no, riders cannot control that speed -- it is controlled in Le-Metru. They have to run at high speed because Matoran have to hold their breath while inside or else drown. Chutes only slow down near stations.
1Hi Greg, you might have answered a question about this before, but I wanted to make sure. 2In the Mata Nui Online Game 2, there are around eightly Matoran in all the villages put together, I was thinking that the fact there are so few is simply artistic licence for the makers of the game, since hundereds of Matoran would have been too difficult. In Mask of Light, there are hundereds of Matoran, in the past you have always told people to trust the movie version of events, and said that the web (origonal MNOLG) can be unreliable. Is it eighty, or hundereds?
3Thanks for your help:
5I actually did just answer this one for someone.
6Bob Thompson, head of the story team, originally said there were 72 Matoran on Mata Nui (way back when) and at times he still says it. But since MOL featured a crowd scene with hundreds of Matoran, and the movie is always considered official, then 72 is obviously not a valid number. Go with the movie over anything else.
8This should end the '80 Matoran discusion.

1This post is a little different... After about 3 days of not having my questions aswered, and seeing other people getting thiers answered, I sent Greg another PM and this is our conversation:
2Hey Greg, I sent this before but never got the answers, you must have accidentally deleted it or we had a server problem or something, no big deal
31.) Just wondering if you could explain the differences between the Great Akaku and Great Ruru in detail. What can they each do that the other can't, and I'm assuming the Great Ruru's x-ray ability is mre limited?
42.) Is it possible to take, say, Kanoka B and R and come up with H, and take disks C and Q and still get H? In other words, can there be more than one combination to get a disk, just like there are three different ways to get B Flat on a saxohpone?
53.) Is it possible to combine more than two disks to get a new power? Is there an upper limit?
64.) Will we ever see the Great Disks used conventionally? In other words, instead of the shpere-o-destruction thing, will they HIT anyone with the disks?
75.) If a Matoran with a special job needed, say, a Shielding disk, would that disk have a unique number representing it's power like the normal 8 have, like 9 or 27 or something?
8Thanks for all you can answer.
9I did get these, just have not had time to answer. My current writing schedule is such that it is harder for me to find time to answer longer, more complex PMs.
11I didn't think my questions were THAT bad, and if he finds time to answer some of bonesii's hum-dingers...I also know that Greg is very busy and I'm not mad at him or anything, but it's been 6 days from that last exchange and was just wondering when you think I should ask him again, because he has forgotten things in the past, (personal experiance...) i don't want to make him mad...
12Actually, bj, he's currently got one of my big long ones waiting in his inbox for the same reason.

13Just give him time. He'll most likely get to it eventually. Just keep your copy handy in case he doesn't get back to you in like, a month or so.
1Well, this is my first time posting here so I don't know if this is already known stuff or just something I didn't really knew at the time. Bold stuff is Greg.
2QUOTE 3I never really gotten the guts to ask you some question until now. So here I go.
41) In the Mata-Nui online game back in 2001, we see Lewa getting his Golden Kanohi Mask in his Suva but in Bionicle Chronicles #1: Tale of the Toa the Toa get their mask at the Kini-Nui. Which one is it? The Suva or the Kini-Nui where they get there Golden Masks?
52) The Matoran on Metru-Nui make Matoran masks, noble masks, and great masks. I understand the need for Matoran masks but what about the noble and great masks? Matoran can't use noble or great mask and to many noble and great masks being made for one Turaga and one Toa seem odd. So what are the reasons to make noble and great masks?
63) Makuta is in the Metru-saga since of the rahkshi running around but what about Mata-Nui? The inhabitants seem to show that they know Mata-Nui. So what I'm getting at, Mata-Nui must be still awake if he helped in some kind of way to get the Mataron to the island of Mata-Nui. Or is Mata-Nui at bay like his bother Makuta? Or am I just confusing myshelf ?
7Thank you for your time Greg and thank you for answering all our questions. Who knows what it would be like without you on BZPower.
81) I would go with Chronicles #1 over the MNOLG, because the book was approved by the story team, the game was not "(the story team did not exist when the game was done).
92) Well, first off, while they do make Noble and Great Masks, we have never said how many. Level 8 disks are pretty rare in Metru Nui, so they don't make that many. We know they made the 36 masks that the Toa found, the 36 Noble Masks and the 36 Nuva masks were made in some way .. we don't really know of any beyond that. At any rate, we know that at one time there were more Toa than just Lhikan, although he was the only one in Metru Nui for ages ... maybe they were expecting others to come or to return in the future?
103) Mata Nui is awake during the time of the 2004 storyline. As for him helping the Matoran to Mata Nui, keep in mind that the Matoran also thank him for the sunrise on the island when he is long asleep. They credit him for everything. But he is awake at this time, just not physically present in the city.

1well here is what i got from him:
2Message Forwarded From GregF
3by now you should remember me but ok these are the things i want to know: 41 can one toa beat krekka if he/she was stronger then him? 52 could a great mask of everything be possible or is that too powerfull for a great disk to make? 63 could there be a powerlevel 10 or above kanoka disk if it were fused with two powerlevel 9 disks or with a more powerfull energy? 74 can ultimate dume talk? 85 is ultimate dume in bionicle 2 the movie? 96can a vahki be upgraded if it were put into protodermis or something like that? 107can lhikan surf or is that tale completely made up? 118could there be anything more powerfull then ultimate dume or takuta-nuva? 12not really haveing to do with bionicle but 139 will you go to the new lego store in bellevue mall? since it opened a short while ago or do you not go to the new lego stores i was there and it was cool but it was very bright and hot they had a lighting problem but thats the only thing bad since they had nidhiki and krekka and the buckets with toa-metru and vahki pieces and they had the toa masks and tools(life-size ones) it was kinda weird. 14back to bionicle 1510 what did the dark-hunters do to lhikan after they got him?
16thats all greg and by the way i made the prequel to my short story rahkarok the ultimate bionicle im kinda a writer too but my works not good or popular like yours im planing the seqeul still but also i finally made the rahkarok moc as soon as i can take a good picture of it i will send it to you like i once said you would be the first to see rahkarok but it looks dif from what the original idea was from an dif bzp member wich was never completed but i made my rahkarok with just three vahki it just like a vahki had two modes speed mode and power mode so its allmost the ultimate bionicle but in my short story mata-nui destroyed it so its not the ultimate but close to it.
171) Since there aren't any single Toa who are physically stronger than Krekka, not sure what the point of the question is. They could certainly beat him by tricking him.
182) No, that's not possible to make.
193) As far as we know, there is no disk power level higher than 9.
204) Yes
215) Yes
226) No, it's a machine. Machines cannot become Nuva.
237) Yes, he can.
248) Well, Mata Nui is more powerful than either one.
259) All of the LEGO stores are a long way from where I live.
2610) You will have to watch the movie to find that out.
1QUOTE 21. In the movie trailer that cartoonnetwork shows, the mask vakama (matoran) pulls out is prototype vahi right?
32. How come Vakama and crew (as matoran), have matoran versions of their great masks, and no one else on metru nui has them?
43. You said in an answer to a bzp member that if the toa metru had time and knew what the mask powers where, they would go searching for the great masks, were you implying that there are great masks on metru nui for each of them?
54.Who is your favorite enemy?
65.How much work do you think matoran do compared to the average american(could you compare it to some country in the world)?
76.Do you think there is more danger on Metru Nui, or Mata Nui?
87. Will we see anything from book 5 or 6 in the movie?
98. Why don't you call next years book book 1, why book 7?
109. Let's say, that the Kraawa bumps its head on the wall, would it gain size?
1110. Do the matoran in LoMN look much different from those in MoL, which look better?
1211. In the trailer, is that the thing that Matau (matoran), is test riding, and where is Matau in that seen, and who made the vehicle?
1312. How much did you like the idea of have the Ask Greg, on the website?
1413. I believe it was in comic 16-17, that they were advertising for ask greg, and it said something about stasis pods(correct me if i'm wrong), was that a made up question, or is that real?
151) Don't recall offhand, have not seen the trailer lately. I believe it might have been one of the Vahi he made that didn't work.
162) How do you know no one else on Metru Nui has them? There are hundreds of Matoran on Metru Nui.
173) There are Great Masks stored in the Great Temple.
184) Hmmmm ... tough question ... I tend to lean toward the ones I made up, Krahka and Karzahni, although one of the ones next year is really cool.
195) Hard to say. My guess is they work a 10 to 12 hour day, since they don't tire as quickly as a fully organic being would.
206) Well, it's pretty much the comparison of the danger in a major city, and the danger on a tropical island full of hungry wild animals. Both dangerous, just in different ways.
217) Not really, no. The entire movie story is in 4.
228) If we call it book 1, then we have to come up with yet another name instead of BIONICLE Adventures. Not worth doing right now.
239) If it did it hard enough, yes.
2410) I can't compare.
2511) Matau is the one test riding the vehicle in that scene. He's on the test track. Nuparu designed the vehicle, Le-Matoran built it.
2612) If I didn't like it, they wouldn't have done it.
2713) I think that was one of the questions we received when we were soliciting them for the DVD.
1well here is what i got from him: 2[QUOTE...thats all greg and by the way i made the prequel to my short story rahkarok the ultimate bionicle im kinda a writer too but my works not good or popular like yours im planing the seqeul still but also i finally made the rahkarok moc as soon as i can take a good picture of it i will send it to you like i once said you would be the first to see rahkarok but it looks dif from what the original idea was from an dif bzp member wich was never completed but i made my rahkarok with just three vahki it just like a vahki had two modes speed mode and power mode so its allmost the ultimate bionicle but in my short story mata-nui destroyed it so its not the ultimate but close to it .
3...[/QUOTE] 4chain, he's not allowed to read fanfic stuff, or see MOCs. Copyright stuff. You shouldn't even discuss it with him.
1here's more good, goody, goodness from my inbox
38greg's answers in bold , my comments in green.

21. are the toa disks going to be used for something in the storyline?
31) Nothing planned at the moment, no.
52. do the toa know where their respective toa disks are?
62) Yes
7*german accent* "verry intervesting"
83. do the toa disks only contain a portion of elemental energy, or are they to the toa metru as the nuva symbols were to the nuva? (a source of power)
93) No, they don't work like the Nuva symbols. They just happen to have effects similar to the Toa's elemental powers.
10well, that's good for the toa metru.
114. will the great disks be used again? perhaps in a geuine "kanoka-like" use? (i.e. actually launching them from disk launchers)
124) Yes, they play a role in the movie.
145. will there be any more promo disks this year? perhaps packaged in a lego magazine?
155) There are plans for more exclusive disks, yes.
16very excellent![]()
176. i read that lhikan is know to the matoran on mata-nui as lhii the surfer. is lhikan that same person as lhii (like a nickname)? or are they totally unrelated?
186) The Turaga wanted Lhikan to be remembered, but couldn't tell the Matoran the truth about his being a Toa on Metru Nui. So they made up the tales of Lhii the surfer so he would still be regarded as a lost hero.
19sneaky... very sneaky
207. is turaga nuju capable of speaking?
217) Yes. He simply chooses not to.
22the mystery deepens...
238. have there been, or will there be more toa? (storyline-wise)
248) We know there were at one time more Toa than Lhikan in Metru Nui, but it has not yet been revealed what happened to them.
25even deeper...
269. is there some danger that the toa nuva will have to face when they reach metru-nui?
279) If there wasn't, we wouldn't have any story to tell, right?
28bottemless mystery:
2910. are the archives a place where all wild rahi that they can catch are stored (kinda like a prison), or is it a place where there are 2-3 specimens for looking at (like a zoo)?
3010) All Rahi caught in Metru Nui end up in the Archives. Remember that only a small portion of the Archives are open to the public, most if it is private.
31heh heh![]()
3211. do the toa have to putting out energy constantly to maintain their mask powers? (i.e. is vakama's invisibility like an on/off switch, or does he have to be constantly concentrating?)
3311) Toa masks work like Green Lantern's ring .. they rely on your willpower. If you get distracted, knocked out, etc., the mask effect stops.
34this, along with his silver surfer reference, makes me think that he reads alot of comics...i wonder why.![]()
3512. will the B2 movie be told like a story (turaga vakama telling the toa nuva)? or will it be more the MoL format of storytelling?
3612) Like MOL, the movie opens with Turaga Vakama relating a story in voice-over. You never see who he is speaking to, but obviously it is to the Toa Nuva.
38greg's answers in bold , my comments in green.

1Note:The reason it's so long and I got it back was because I sent it on the fourth of July, so maybe others will be getting theirs back too. As usual: Questions normally typed, Answers in bold, Comments in Red
21)The following questions are concerned mainly with Kaitas. Can Rahkshi Kaitas be formed from any 3 Rahkshi?
31) Not to my knowledge, no.
4Not to his knowledge...
52)Are the Bohrok Kaita separate beings, or are they the combination of 3 Bohrok?
62) They are a combo of three Bohrok, much as the Bohrok-Kal Kaita are.
7So why were the Toa Nuva so surprised when the Bohrok-Kal Kaita merged?
83)Can any 3 Bohrok form a Kaita?
93) No
104)Can any 3 Bohrok-Kal form a Kaita?
114) No
125)Can any 3 Toa (Nuva) (Metru) form a Kaita?
135) No - for the simple reason that then we have to come up with Kaita for every possible combination, which would get insane.
146)The last Kaita question, do all Kaitas have to have 3 members, 15or can they have more, or would that be called a Nui?
166) A Kaita is three beings merged. A Nui is six beings merged.
17Then what are combiners with 2, 4, 5 members called?
187)Do the other metrus have any "jealousy" over the fact that both their leader, and protector, are from Ta-Metru?
197) No. At one time, there were more Toa than just Lhikan, but they have been gone for ages. You work with what you have.
20He seems to be emphasizing a lot that there were Toa before Lhikan...
218)Are the Mutant Ussal Crab, and Two-Headed Tarakava, things created by someone, or they just mutants?
228) They are not naturally occuring, no.
239)This Karzahni you speak of, is it the giant horned serpent with Rahkshi heads? (What's the harm in telling us?)
249) Because if I tell you what it is or it isn't, what's the point in your reading the book? That's why it's called a "teaser."
2510)Is the LoMN information under-wraps because you told Lego how BZP was so disappointed about how much they knew?
2610) No. My not sharing things is because of that, but LEGO and Miramax did it for their own reasons. Things like having one of the voice actors give away plot in an interview, as happened last year, is just not acceptable to any movie company.
27I don't remember that interview...
2811)We know that all Mata-Nuian Matoran were on Metru-Nui, but are all Metru-Nuian Matoran on Mata-Nui?
2911) Can't answer it.
3012)Do the finished masks differ, if they are molded from a Kanoka, or carved from a Kanoka?
3112) No, not really.
32Then why do the Ta-Matoran do it one way or the other?
3313)Since on at least two occasions, Tahu and Lewa have made glass, why isn't it more common amongst the Matoran, I mean they have fire, and they have air?
3413) Well, they do have entire buildings made of crystal in Ko-Metru, so who is to say it's not common? It's just not common on Mata Nui.
35Well, I meant on Mata-Nui
3614)Are the Matoran disappearances related to the Morbuzakh, or just that they disappeared during the Morbuzakh occupation?
3714) Again, can't answer it, you have to watch the movie.
3815)Because of all the questions you get, do you have a 1,000 PM storage capacity, or 200 because you're a normal member?
3915) I was given this whole outstanding BZP citizen thing by B Rex, so my mailbox is 1000.
21)The following questions are concerned mainly with Kaitas. Can Rahkshi Kaitas be formed from any 3 Rahkshi?
31) Not to my knowledge, no.
4Not to his knowledge...
52)Are the Bohrok Kaita separate beings, or are they the combination of 3 Bohrok?
62) They are a combo of three Bohrok, much as the Bohrok-Kal Kaita are.
7So why were the Toa Nuva so surprised when the Bohrok-Kal Kaita merged?
83)Can any 3 Bohrok form a Kaita?
93) No
104)Can any 3 Bohrok-Kal form a Kaita?
114) No
125)Can any 3 Toa (Nuva) (Metru) form a Kaita?
135) No - for the simple reason that then we have to come up with Kaita for every possible combination, which would get insane.
146)The last Kaita question, do all Kaitas have to have 3 members, 15or can they have more, or would that be called a Nui?
166) A Kaita is three beings merged. A Nui is six beings merged.
17Then what are combiners with 2, 4, 5 members called?
187)Do the other metrus have any "jealousy" over the fact that both their leader, and protector, are from Ta-Metru?
197) No. At one time, there were more Toa than just Lhikan, but they have been gone for ages. You work with what you have.
20He seems to be emphasizing a lot that there were Toa before Lhikan...
218)Are the Mutant Ussal Crab, and Two-Headed Tarakava, things created by someone, or they just mutants?
228) They are not naturally occuring, no.
239)This Karzahni you speak of, is it the giant horned serpent with Rahkshi heads? (What's the harm in telling us?)
249) Because if I tell you what it is or it isn't, what's the point in your reading the book? That's why it's called a "teaser."
2510)Is the LoMN information under-wraps because you told Lego how BZP was so disappointed about how much they knew?
2610) No. My not sharing things is because of that, but LEGO and Miramax did it for their own reasons. Things like having one of the voice actors give away plot in an interview, as happened last year, is just not acceptable to any movie company.
27I don't remember that interview...
2811)We know that all Mata-Nuian Matoran were on Metru-Nui, but are all Metru-Nuian Matoran on Mata-Nui?
2911) Can't answer it.
3012)Do the finished masks differ, if they are molded from a Kanoka, or carved from a Kanoka?
3112) No, not really.
32Then why do the Ta-Matoran do it one way or the other?
3313)Since on at least two occasions, Tahu and Lewa have made glass, why isn't it more common amongst the Matoran, I mean they have fire, and they have air?
3413) Well, they do have entire buildings made of crystal in Ko-Metru, so who is to say it's not common? It's just not common on Mata Nui.
35Well, I meant on Mata-Nui
3614)Are the Matoran disappearances related to the Morbuzakh, or just that they disappeared during the Morbuzakh occupation?
3714) Again, can't answer it, you have to watch the movie.
3815)Because of all the questions you get, do you have a 1,000 PM storage capacity, or 200 because you're a normal member?
3915) I was given this whole outstanding BZP citizen thing by B Rex, so my mailbox is 1000.
1Here's the ones that were waiting in his inbox. )
29Clarification sent on number seven....
30BTW, about Nuju, Bohrok-Kal, he chooses not to speak, because he feels that if someone won't take the time to figure out what he's saying, they're not worth his time, Greg has said, in the past. It's a wise man thing.
2These are mostly clarifications and continuations of previous questions....
3You were recently talking to bjj6 about how the transformation from the Matoran masks of Vakama, etc. went to Great. Well, what I was thinking is, what if those Matoran had been wearing Noble shaped Matoran Huna, etc. Would the masks have turned into Great Huna, etc. with the shape of a Noble? I don't see how they change shape.
4So, this would be why it's important for the Matoran versions of them to have Great-style Matoran Huna, etc.? Because otherwise, there would be masks with the wrong shape. And that would cause lotsa confusion. (especially if a Turaga picked them up, thinking he had found a Noble, when he needed it, and well....)
53) Actually, they would have changed shape to a Great Huna, as is graphically demonstrated in the movie.
6Really? I thought the shape of them was purely made by the designers of the masks. Are you saying the .... Suva/Great Spirits/Toa stones/Weird Energy Thingamajig; whatever it is that tranformed them, somehow "knows" which shape is best for Great Masks, and which isn't?
71) Like I said, this will be graphically demonstrated in the movie, although it does not involve a Great Mask in the film.
8A while ago I asked you if Makuta could infect people directly, without using Kraata, you said you'd have to check. Did you find out about that?
97) No, I haven't. But I tend to doubt he does that .. if he is close enough to you to infect your mask, he is close enough to destroy you, so why bother infecting you?
10Well, I can see that, but then, having the ability handy wouldn't hurt, would it? Maybe he might want to infect, rather than destroy. Say a Matoran was there; he wants to conquer the Matoran, not destroy them. Wouldn't he want to infect that Matoran's Kanohi? (Assume in this scenario, there aren't any Kraata handy.)
112) Again, like I said, I really don't see him doing that. If a Matoran is down in Makuta's lair, the only place he is likely to see him, there are probably wild kraata all over who can infect his mask.
12Well, how long did he have that energized proto? It seems it couldn't have been long, or all those thousands of Kraata he made over the years could have been used to make Rahkshi.
136) They were -- look at all the Rahkshi running around Metru Nui. Just because the Matoran weren't getting hit by waves of them doesn't mean they weren't around -- remember, Makuta was reluctant to unleash the Rahkshi on the Matoran.
14So, just to confirm, you're saying it's possible there were other Rakhsi running around on Mata Nui, during the thousand years without Toa? (Yikes...)
153) No. There were Rahkshi on Metru Nui, not Mata Nui. As evidenced by Makuta's line in MOL, he was extremely reluctant to unleash them on the Matoran. Also, until the MOL was found, he had no real use for them on the island.
- 16Denarr recently asked you a question, of which one part was whether the Hau Nuva makes one sheild that extends around all people its power's being lent to, or individual sheilds, one for each person. I told him that in the MOL, we saw it make one big sheild (he hasn't seen it, he's said). But I wonder, could it be used ot make individual sheilds?
174) Not so far as I know. I have always seen it done as one big shield.
- 18On that subject, something from Tales of the Masks I forgot to ask, in the part where those rocks are falling, and Kopaka extends his Hau Nuva sheild to Pohatu, but can't tell if it worked or not, was that one big sheild?
19It seems that if it was, he would have simply been able to see Pohatu on the other side of it; the sheild would have also blocked any rocks from falling between them. Could that have been a case of individual sheilds?
205) I see it as the shield not being any bigger than it needs to be. He doesn't need to shield the ground between them, so it's micro thin over empty ground. Ends up looking like this: /\__/\
- 21Oh, before I forget, you've mentioned to me that the Suva in Metru Nui can be used to switch masks, like the Mata Nui ones. Since that question wasn't actually about that, and since it's come up a lot recently, I want to check, Lhikan's Suva can be used to swap masks, right?
226) Yes, it can, but it's not really relevant because there are no masks on it.
- 23The issue as it's been raised has been how the Suva would fit the masks on itself, since the movie version doesn't seem to have anywhere to put them (it's got holders for Toa stones, not Kanohi, on the outside). So, where would it store them?
247) Which suva are you talking about? The on in LOMN?
- 25Also, someone recently asked something about Lhikan only having one mask? And you apparently said that's correct? I thought the mask makers of Metru Nui make lotsa masks for him. What am I missing here?
268) We know that mask makers have made Great Masks, we do not know how many beyond the 36 Great Masks that are on Mata Nui. Also, keep in mind that until the Morbuzakh came, Lhikan really hasn't had much to deal with for a long time, other than the occasional Rahi. That is why only one Toa could guard the whole city. So why would he need a bunch of other masks? They were in the Great Temple if he really needed one, but he hasn't.
29Clarification sent on number seven....
30BTW, about Nuju, Bohrok-Kal, he chooses not to speak, because he feels that if someone won't take the time to figure out what he's saying, they're not worth his time, Greg has said, in the past. It's a wise man thing.

1You probably cant remeber, being so busy and all, but a while ago you answered a question by myself about Lhikan and his flying board. You said he stands on it and it flies. What I was wondering was how does it attain flight? Was it, for example, constructed with elements of a levitation disk?
2Thanks for the reply, we all know how busy you are
3No, it's a Toa tool -- like Matau's aero slicers that let him fly, or Whenua's earthshock drills. Toa tools are able to do things, they don't need disks built into them.
5So as far as I can tell from this, Lhikan's board can simply fly. No real reason. I thought it may have been made for him to use for flight.
1[QUOTEHi. I was just wondering, since Mata-Nui hasn't been put to sleep yet, I have three questions:
21. Do the matoran know where Mata-Nui is wile he's awake since he's not on Metru-Nui?
32. Is he on the "island above" ?
43. Is he with Makuta wherever Makuta's at?
5No, no, and no. That was easy
8Interesting. I'm begenning to think that since a Nui is six beings joined together, maybe the toa before Lhikan joined together to make Mata-Nui.
21. Do the matoran know where Mata-Nui is wile he's awake since he's not on Metru-Nui?
32. Is he on the "island above" ?
43. Is he with Makuta wherever Makuta's at?
5No, no, and no. That was easy
8Interesting. I'm begenning to think that since a Nui is six beings joined together, maybe the toa before Lhikan joined together to make Mata-Nui.
1Answers in bold, comments in red...
21. Just wondering what the term panel discussion means exactly, because it's at the Bionicle Comic Con after the footage. 31) There's usually like an MC at these sorts of things. He'll ask the panel some questions and then audience members will get to ask questions. 4Hmm, intresting, don't think the answers would make it to BZ Power though...
52. What is this footage they decided on? 62) No idea. Nobody has told me. 7Oh great, now we all have to be patient.
21. Just wondering what the term panel discussion means exactly, because it's at the Bionicle Comic Con after the footage. 31) There's usually like an MC at these sorts of things. He'll ask the panel some questions and then audience members will get to ask questions. 4Hmm, intresting, don't think the answers would make it to BZ Power though...
52. What is this footage they decided on? 62) No idea. Nobody has told me. 7Oh great, now we all have to be patient.

1This one is full of goodies. As usual with me, Questions=Regular, Answers=Bold, Comments=Red
21)Did you take the BZP Ultimate Quiz, if so what did you score?
31) No.
42)Have you been to BS01?
52) No.
63)Turaga can't use Great Masks because they don't have the "output" required to power them, Matoran can't use powered masks because the don't have the mental capability, or the "output" to do so, correct?
73) Right. Matoran don't have the mental skills to use them .. it's like trying to do good karate with no training. And having Turaga try to use them is like trying to have your unleaded gas car run on diesel .. just won't work.
84)Why do the Vahki/Bohrok(-Kal) have different temperaments, I mean they're machines so shoudn't they all be the same?
94) Well, machines can have AI, you know. Vahki are capable of learning, for example, which is why they rarely fall for the same trick twice.
10So I guess at the beginning they were all the same, but I meant "Metru-wise"
115)Why do the Toa (Nuva) (Metru)/Turaga have different heights and builds, while the Matoran are structually identical?
125) A lot changes when you become a Toa.
136)Why is Dume constructed differently than the Mata-Nui Turaga?
146) That one you would have to ask the product designers, I do not know. My guess would be so he can fit in the Nivawk set.
157)Why is Makuta sometimes referred to as "the Makuta"
167) For reasons you will eventually learn.
17That's interesting
188)Why are the Toa sometimes referred to as Toa *insert Toa name here*?
198) Well, for the same reason that if you were a police officer, I might call you Officer or Officer Buzz. Why shouldn't they be called by their names? If you just yelled Toa, all six of them would turn around.
20Officer Buzz, I like that a lot
219)If Kraata can use their power on their own, why do the Rahkshi have staffs?
229) Because they can't use the power on their own when they are in a Rahkshi, only when they are outside of one.
23I wonder why
2410)Matoran Nuju has a vision enhancement, Toa Nuju has a vision enhancement, yet, Turaga Nuju does not, where did it go?
2510) Mask was damaged sometime in the last 1000 years, most likely.
2611)Do Kanohi have to be destined to change in order for them to become Kanohi Nuva, or are all masks like that?
2711) Objects do not have destinies. They are objects.
2812)Were the Krana-Kal, and Bohrok-Kal made with energized protodermis?
2912) Can't answer it.
3013)Is the Kahu (Nui-Jaga combiner) separate from the Gukko bird?
3113) Good question. The bird names have been changed so often that even I have a hard time keeping them straight
3214)Does Makuta have all of the Rahkshi's powers?
3314) Potentially, yes
3415)Is the end of '04 as strange as the end of '03?
3515) You will have to judge that for yourself.
3616)How would a Rahi with a Krana placed upon it's head act?
3716) Most likely, it would serve the swarm in as much as its limited mentality would allow it to.
38My persistant badgering of GregF has finally lead to some juicy teasers
That's right, straight from the writer's mouth: "And you win the prize of getting to hear, for the first time (I think?) the name of a new BIONICLE baddie for later this year .... Tahtorak."
21)Did you take the BZP Ultimate Quiz, if so what did you score?
31) No.
42)Have you been to BS01?
52) No.
63)Turaga can't use Great Masks because they don't have the "output" required to power them, Matoran can't use powered masks because the don't have the mental capability, or the "output" to do so, correct?
73) Right. Matoran don't have the mental skills to use them .. it's like trying to do good karate with no training. And having Turaga try to use them is like trying to have your unleaded gas car run on diesel .. just won't work.
84)Why do the Vahki/Bohrok(-Kal) have different temperaments, I mean they're machines so shoudn't they all be the same?
94) Well, machines can have AI, you know. Vahki are capable of learning, for example, which is why they rarely fall for the same trick twice.
10So I guess at the beginning they were all the same, but I meant "Metru-wise"
115)Why do the Toa (Nuva) (Metru)/Turaga have different heights and builds, while the Matoran are structually identical?
125) A lot changes when you become a Toa.
136)Why is Dume constructed differently than the Mata-Nui Turaga?
146) That one you would have to ask the product designers, I do not know. My guess would be so he can fit in the Nivawk set.
157)Why is Makuta sometimes referred to as "the Makuta"
167) For reasons you will eventually learn.
17That's interesting
188)Why are the Toa sometimes referred to as Toa *insert Toa name here*?
198) Well, for the same reason that if you were a police officer, I might call you Officer or Officer Buzz. Why shouldn't they be called by their names? If you just yelled Toa, all six of them would turn around.
20Officer Buzz, I like that a lot
219)If Kraata can use their power on their own, why do the Rahkshi have staffs?
229) Because they can't use the power on their own when they are in a Rahkshi, only when they are outside of one.
23I wonder why
2410)Matoran Nuju has a vision enhancement, Toa Nuju has a vision enhancement, yet, Turaga Nuju does not, where did it go?
2510) Mask was damaged sometime in the last 1000 years, most likely.
2611)Do Kanohi have to be destined to change in order for them to become Kanohi Nuva, or are all masks like that?
2711) Objects do not have destinies. They are objects.
2812)Were the Krana-Kal, and Bohrok-Kal made with energized protodermis?
2912) Can't answer it.
3013)Is the Kahu (Nui-Jaga combiner) separate from the Gukko bird?
3113) Good question. The bird names have been changed so often that even I have a hard time keeping them straight

3214)Does Makuta have all of the Rahkshi's powers?
3314) Potentially, yes
3415)Is the end of '04 as strange as the end of '03?
3515) You will have to judge that for yourself.
3616)How would a Rahi with a Krana placed upon it's head act?
3716) Most likely, it would serve the swarm in as much as its limited mentality would allow it to.
38My persistant badgering of GregF has finally lead to some juicy teasers

1The name sounds like a combination of a Rahkshi and a Bohrok.
1Maybe It's that two headed rahkshi thing.
1Gah, you beat me to it WW. I was gonna post that. Oh well, here are the other two questions I asked him.
13About the Jaller/Lhikan thing, I was starting to come up with a theory about it, so that's why I asked him that.
2Hi Greg,
3I've got three questions for you, but I'm not sure you'll be able to answer them, but I'm gonna try anyways.
41. I noticed you've mentioned two new baddies, Karzahni, and Tahtorak. Can you tell me anything about them, like when we will meet them and where?
52. Does the Jaller/Lhikan connection have any relationship with Lhikan's mask? Because they both have Yellow Hau's, and I was thinking that's kinda strange.
63. Does Jaller exist on Metru Nui, and if he does, does he still look the same as he does on Mata Nui. I'm mainly wondering if he has the same mask.
7Again, I'm not sure if you can answer these, and if you can't, it's ok. Thanks for your time:
91) Yes. Tahtorak is in the November comic book, Karzahni is in BIONICLE Adventures #6: Maze of Shadows.
102) You will have to watch the movie and find out.
113) He does exist on Metru Nui, don't know what mask he wears.
13About the Jaller/Lhikan thing, I was starting to come up with a theory about it, so that's why I asked him that.
1Guys, Tahtorak is the Rahi Contest Winner...
2I do have info on it, actually. It is not in the movie, it is in the comic and it most likely will show elsewhere in future -- it is the Rahi contest winner.
5Yeah. now all we need to know is who had an entry caled Tatohrak, and if they're on BZP
1Guys, Tahtorak is the Rahi Contest Winner...
2I do have info on it, actually. It is not in the movie, it is in the comic and it most likely will show elsewhere in future -- it is the Rahi contest winner.
5Yeah. now all we need to know is who had an entry caled Tatohrak, and if they're on BZP
6Actually for legal purposes Lego made the winning contest entry named Tahtorak this is because they have a list of some sort with all the legal names that can be used for characters, because entry names aren't cleared with legal they already had Tahtorak set up for the Rahi name.
1Guys, Tahtorak is the Rahi Contest Winner...
2I do have info on it, actually. It is not in the movie, it is in the comic and it most likely will show elsewhere in future -- it is the Rahi contest winner.
5Yeah. now all we need to know is who had an entry caled Tatohrak, and if they're on BZP
6Didn't Greg say the names would be changed, though? For legal?
1Guys, Tahtorak is the Rahi Contest Winner...
2I do have info on it, actually. It is not in the movie, it is in the comic and it most likely will show elsewhere in future -- it is the Rahi contest winner.
5Yeah. now all we need to know is who had an entry caled Tatohrak, and if they're on BZP
6Actually for legal purposes Lego made the winning contest entry named Tahtorak this is because they have a list of some sort with all the legal names that can be used for characters, because entry names aren't cleared with legal they already had Tahtorak set up for the Rahi name.
7Acutally the first prize winner is a BZP member, his username is Tahu Nuva. Here's a link (sorry, can't give a quote, a link gives more proof) to CoT's Pic's of Yoursleves 3, in his post he said he was the Rahi Contest First Place winner, but when he e-mailed the admins, nothing was done about it. And he says he knows some info on the Rahi Contest that the admins don't know.
1Guys, Tahtorak is the Rahi Contest Winner...
2I do have info on it, actually. It is not in the movie, it is in the comic and it most likely will show elsewhere in future -- it is the Rahi contest winner.
5Yeah. now all we need to know is who had an entry caled Tatohrak, and if they're on BZP
6Actually for legal purposes Lego made the winning contest entry named Tahtorak this is because they have a list of some sort with all the legal names that can be used for characters, because entry names aren't cleared with legal they already had Tahtorak set up for the Rahi name.
7Acutally the first prize winner is a BZP member, his username is Tahu Nuva. Here's a link (sorry, can't give a quote, a link gives more proof) to CoT's Pic's of Yoursleves 3, in his post he said he was the Rahi Contest First Place winner, but when he e-mailed the admins, nothing was done about it. And he says he knows some info on the Rahi Contest that the admins don't know.
10Oh yeah, and while I'm here - I was also a first place winner in the Rahi Challenge Contest . I've tried telling the admins this by email three times now and nothing has been done about it. So if someone who's reading this post could please tell them that I was also a winner and to get in touch with me about it (because I have some information about it that they don't), that would be awesome.
11He said he was a first place winner, not the Grand Prize winner.
12Tahtorak was probably a made up name from LEGO, so they wouldn't get into legal trouble.
13We'll see the winning MOC in Comic #21 and if I'm not mistaken, the Rahi Guide or whatever is coming out next year...
1Taku nuva he said he was a first place winner but not a GRAND prize winner. First place winners only get six Vahki.