1I think a teleporation disk is the best explaination as to how the Nuva Mask got to where they were.. I mean some of the places if they were so difficult for a Toa Nuva to get I know a Turaga would have alot of trouble.. so that makes alot of sense.
3But the thing with teleportation disks, is that Nobody knows where it would turn up. But as Nokama has shown, she knew exactly where the thing would pop up, (how else would she set up the trap?)
1Right, Athane, Greg told me the Nuva masks most likely were teleported in. But what I meant is, the Turaga "hid" them, as in they set up the special situations the Nuva would have to face in order to get the mask. I have no idea if they actually set the locations, but they must have known somehow where the masks would appear, or how could Nokama know to make that trap door for Gali in Tales of the Masks? (That was the one I asked Greg about.)
2Sorry, should have been clearer. I was in a hurry.![]()
3Ah, I see.
4Well, I sent a PM to the Greg, about how they knew about the Nuva coming, and a few other questions like that... lol.
5- - -
6Hey Greg,
7Just wondeirng a bit, now that the whole Nuva Mask Hiding thing has been brought up again.
8A: How did the Turaga know that the Toa were going to become Nuva, and use the Nuva Masks? A vision of Vakama's?
9B: Where were they up to the point where they were teleported onto Mata Nui? Some kinda waiting room?
121) He didn't. Remember, in the comics, he knows they are going to change into SOMETHING, but he has no idea what. As will be revealed in Book 6, something very different could have happened to them then instead of transforming. 132) Can't answer it.
16Edit: Whoops... didn't realize that I had posted last... ^^;;
11) He didn't. Remember, in the comics, he knows they are going to change into SOMETHING, but he has no idea what. As will be revealed in Book 6, something very different could have happened to them then instead of transforming.
2Now that must link in with that "Dread Secret of Energized Protodermis."
1OK, here's a few questions I asked Greg today.
211) An omen? Of the rahkshi I assume. I don't know. 222) OK. 233) Oh, I always assumed they were new. 244) And I never knew it took up energy. 255&6) Shame, I wanted to find out soon. 267) First of the month? as in 1st October or before the movie? 278) A TRU exclusive:? I don't live near one. Then again, I didn't know he was one.
2Hi Greg. i was watching MOL again recently and a few questions came to me whilst watching it. I also have some non MOL related ones.
31) Why was it that the 7th star appeared in the sky before Takanuva even existed? 42) When was it decided that Takua would be the Toa of Light? 53) With the Rahkshi at the end, weren't they all new ones? I assumed that Makuta had made new ones because his first 6 had been defeated (first three frozen in ice, next 3 destroyed with Onu Koro). I ask this because I saw you had explained to someone about why Takanuva had defeated the Turahk so easily, and I wanted o be sure because I'd always thought they were new ones. 64) Why didn't Makuta send all his Rahkshi out? Why just 3 at a time? He has the capability to make 52 (or was it more?) elite fighters to get the Mask of Light and he only sends out 3? Does it take up his eneregy?
75)Off of Mask of Light now, when will we find out what the stars around Metru Nui are? 86) Same as above, except with the Mata Nui red star. 97) Will the Toa Lhikan set be released on the same day as the LOMN movie? 108) If yes to above, does that mean he'll be released on the 25th in the UK when the movie is released?
11Thanks in advance.
121) An omen 132) By the story team? Don't know, I wasn't in on that decision. I assume it was decided upon when they were planning the film, and I had nothing to do with the movie. 143) No. There were only six in the movie. The first three were frozen, but were freed by the second three. The second three were not destroyed in Onu-Koro, just slowed down. It takes a lot to destroy a Rahkshi. (After all, Onua and Pohatu survived the cave-in, why couldn't the Rahkshi?) 154) Yes, producing kraata is an enormous drain on Makuta. And he had to assume that the Rahkshi might fail, in which case he would have to fight the seventh Toa. Besides, remember how he describes them -- "those who should not see the light of day" -- he is reluctant to unleash the Rahkshi he does unleash, because unchecked they would probably destroy the Matoran and that is not what he is after. 165) No idea. 176) Same answer 187) I doubt it. Sets are normally considered to be out the first of the month, so he would be out before the movie. 198) I have no idea when he is coming out in the UK. I know he is initially a TRU exclusive here.
211) An omen? Of the rahkshi I assume. I don't know. 222) OK. 233) Oh, I always assumed they were new. 244) And I never knew it took up energy. 255&6) Shame, I wanted to find out soon. 267) First of the month? as in 1st October or before the movie? 278) A TRU exclusive:? I don't live near one. Then again, I didn't know he was one.
17) First of the month? as in 1st October or before the movie?
21st October is before the movie. It's scheduled for and October 26th release. So, either it's November, which would be a real drag. Or October which would be better but people might not understand Lhikan's significance. As he only appears in the movie.
11One wasn't important, so I took it out. 122. Man, I really hope we see at least a few of those Rahi again. They were awesome: 133. So, this means that Manas really are Rahi, not creations of Makuta we originally thought. 144. I love inside jokes.
We're lucky he puts them in at all. 155. I hope the Kraawa gets a full appearance in '05...it would be cool to see the Toa fight that thing...
16-Master of the Rahkshi
22. Are we ever going to see any of the Rahi in Voyage of Fear again? (Please say yes.) 32) Don't know, hopefully. I always like throwing Rahi into the books. And I do know of a planned future storyline in which those Rahi would work great.
43. Were those numerous oversized crabs we saw throughout the book the Manas? 53) Yup
6She (Nokama) reached down and caught some water in her cupped hand. Cautiously, she brought it to her mouth and took a taste. She immediately spat it back out. "This is not water," she said. "Not like what we knew on Metru Nui."
74. Hee hee. Any connection to the huge "Is There Water on Metru Nui" debate a few months ago? 84) Yes
95. Will we actually see the Kraawa? Like, will the Toa ever fight one? 105) Don't know, it's possible, but it might not be for several months.
11One wasn't important, so I took it out. 122. Man, I really hope we see at least a few of those Rahi again. They were awesome: 133. So, this means that Manas really are Rahi, not creations of Makuta we originally thought. 144. I love inside jokes.

16-Master of the Rahkshi
13. So, this means that Manas really are Rahi, not creations of Makuta we originally thought.
2Subtle hints at LoMN plot
3They might not be creations of Makuta, who knows maybe they all are creations of Makuta as a way to drive the Matoran to the center of the city, like the Morbuzakh tried to do...
13. So, this means that Manas really are Rahi, not creations of Makuta we originally thought.
2Subtle hints at LoMN plot
3They might not be creations of Makuta, who knows maybe they all are creations of Makuta as a way to drive the Matoran to the center of the city, like the Morbuzakh tried to do...
4Well, perhaps, but (spoilers of the book, highlight to read) they only appeared on the coast of Onu-Metru, and nowhere else. If they were an attempt by Makuta, there probably would have been more of them and in more locations than just Onu-Metru.
5-Master of the Rahkshi
1What I was trying to say was, that they were not necessarily sent there by him, but that he had that in mind during their creation. Then, they could have escaped before he could actually deploy in strategic positions. 2Highlight to read who "he" is, because I didn't feel like writing a spoiler warning.
3"he" of course is Makuta
3"he" of course is Makuta
1I'll get pictures of the red Komau up soon, so I don't seem to base my statements on what might be rumors. I can't comment on it, though.
2- - - -
41. From what we've seen, the Hau has always been a particularly big symbol to the Matoran. Is this because of Lhikan, because it represents Mata Nui, because of Tahu, or a combination? I know that Lhikan was a huge subject for art pieces on Metru Nui, as the Kikanalo scene in LoMN showed many depictions of him.
5My belief is that the use of the Hau symbol predates Lhikan and that it is meant to represent the Great Spirit Mata Nui.
62. Is liquid protodermis highly magnetic (more so than water)?
7I wouldn't say so, no. 8(I just wanted to know for chute physics.)
93. Is the pillar of light (in the Great Temple) with Lhikan's Hau and message in it a sort of recording made by Lhikan?
10I think that is a fair assessment.
114. In LoMN, Nokama yells "hang on" while in a chute when the flow is reversed. Is this a movie mistake, or something else?
12Well, if you have read the novel, you know she does not yell that in that scene in the book. My guess is it is similar to the Toa not switching masks in MOL -- it would take too long to explain how chutes work and why you can't speak in them, and without her saying something, you have a long sequence with no dialogue. I wouldn't call it a mistake -- I would call it one of those things that gets done because the movies are made for the general audience and not the hardcore fanbase that really knows BIONICLE.
135. The Great Disks merged by turning into energy and overlapping. Vakama seemed surprised at this, and as if it was unintentional. Is this how disks are typically merged to create new powers?
14Actually, it is much more likely that both disks would be melted together and recast as a new disk to get a new power. 15(That's what I thought - but it it doesn't explain the movie version.)
166. What's a bioquake?
17That's an alternative name Matoran have for an earthquake. 18(Oookay. . . In Matoran, isn't a bio roughly 7 feet? 7-footquake?)
197. Can all Kikanalo understand Matoran, a few, most, or just the chief?
20What makes you think any of them can? Animals react to the tone of your voice, not necessarily what you are saying to them. And Nokama was the one providing the chief's responses, so his reaction to Matau's comment was as much her as him.
218. Were those hatches closing to block out the "suns" or something else? 22Can't answer it.
239. How was Mata Nui put to sleep in the movie? By closing the hatches? By Makuta absorbing the energy?
24Neither. The process that put Makuta to sleep had been begun before the movie even started. 25(When someone asked how Mata Nui was put to sleep, didn't he responded "watch the movie"?)
2610. In the MNOG there are Matoran named Nuri, Orkan, and Tehuti in the koro corresponding to the metru of the Matoran on Metru Nui with similar names. I believe you said before that it was just the game designers taking names and changing them for convenience, but does this still hold true? If so, it's some mighty big coincidences.
27No, those are the same Matoran. All Matoran from Metru Nui wound up on Mata Nui. My understanding was that the six names we used this year were new ones, but obviously Leah must have provided some to Denmark based on the game. 28(So a few of the somewhat-traitors made it and somehow got name changes?)
2911. Do name changes always lengthen a Matoran's name?
30Not necessarily. 31(Relevant to question #10.)
3212. Is the following correct? If not, which parts are wrong? 33Masks can serve as "sponges" of sorts, because they take on the attributes of those who wear them (both physical and mental). Because of this, Matoran can be "cloned" using the stored information. Over time, this information/energy seeps out of the mask. If multiple individuals wear a mask, eventually the most recent one's information will override the former one's.
34I am not going to comment on this. What I know about it is largely a result of having seen the same MOL you did. The science of it is not something we have discussed in the story team, so I don't feel comfortable supporting any given theory on how it works, other than to say that yes, you can only bring someone back to life who has recently passed and is the last wearer of the mask. But as far as cloning and all that, not going there.
35- - - -
36Some pretty good stuff there. Formulating new PM. . .
2- - - -
41. From what we've seen, the Hau has always been a particularly big symbol to the Matoran. Is this because of Lhikan, because it represents Mata Nui, because of Tahu, or a combination? I know that Lhikan was a huge subject for art pieces on Metru Nui, as the Kikanalo scene in LoMN showed many depictions of him.
5My belief is that the use of the Hau symbol predates Lhikan and that it is meant to represent the Great Spirit Mata Nui.
62. Is liquid protodermis highly magnetic (more so than water)?
7I wouldn't say so, no. 8(I just wanted to know for chute physics.)
93. Is the pillar of light (in the Great Temple) with Lhikan's Hau and message in it a sort of recording made by Lhikan?
10I think that is a fair assessment.
114. In LoMN, Nokama yells "hang on" while in a chute when the flow is reversed. Is this a movie mistake, or something else?
12Well, if you have read the novel, you know she does not yell that in that scene in the book. My guess is it is similar to the Toa not switching masks in MOL -- it would take too long to explain how chutes work and why you can't speak in them, and without her saying something, you have a long sequence with no dialogue. I wouldn't call it a mistake -- I would call it one of those things that gets done because the movies are made for the general audience and not the hardcore fanbase that really knows BIONICLE.
135. The Great Disks merged by turning into energy and overlapping. Vakama seemed surprised at this, and as if it was unintentional. Is this how disks are typically merged to create new powers?
14Actually, it is much more likely that both disks would be melted together and recast as a new disk to get a new power. 15(That's what I thought - but it it doesn't explain the movie version.)
166. What's a bioquake?
17That's an alternative name Matoran have for an earthquake. 18(Oookay. . . In Matoran, isn't a bio roughly 7 feet? 7-footquake?)
197. Can all Kikanalo understand Matoran, a few, most, or just the chief?
20What makes you think any of them can? Animals react to the tone of your voice, not necessarily what you are saying to them. And Nokama was the one providing the chief's responses, so his reaction to Matau's comment was as much her as him.
218. Were those hatches closing to block out the "suns" or something else? 22Can't answer it.
239. How was Mata Nui put to sleep in the movie? By closing the hatches? By Makuta absorbing the energy?
24Neither. The process that put Makuta to sleep had been begun before the movie even started. 25(When someone asked how Mata Nui was put to sleep, didn't he responded "watch the movie"?)
2610. In the MNOG there are Matoran named Nuri, Orkan, and Tehuti in the koro corresponding to the metru of the Matoran on Metru Nui with similar names. I believe you said before that it was just the game designers taking names and changing them for convenience, but does this still hold true? If so, it's some mighty big coincidences.
27No, those are the same Matoran. All Matoran from Metru Nui wound up on Mata Nui. My understanding was that the six names we used this year were new ones, but obviously Leah must have provided some to Denmark based on the game. 28(So a few of the somewhat-traitors made it and somehow got name changes?)
2911. Do name changes always lengthen a Matoran's name?
30Not necessarily. 31(Relevant to question #10.)
3212. Is the following correct? If not, which parts are wrong? 33Masks can serve as "sponges" of sorts, because they take on the attributes of those who wear them (both physical and mental). Because of this, Matoran can be "cloned" using the stored information. Over time, this information/energy seeps out of the mask. If multiple individuals wear a mask, eventually the most recent one's information will override the former one's.
34I am not going to comment on this. What I know about it is largely a result of having seen the same MOL you did. The science of it is not something we have discussed in the story team, so I don't feel comfortable supporting any given theory on how it works, other than to say that yes, you can only bring someone back to life who has recently passed and is the last wearer of the mask. But as far as cloning and all that, not going there.
35- - - -
36Some pretty good stuff there. Formulating new PM. . .
1Hi Greg,
2Great job on LoMN: Now I can't wait to see the movie...
3Onward with my continuing quest for Bionicle knowledge.
41) Are you planning to write (or maybe you already have) a detailed description of how the Matoran are rebuilt into their larger forms after the Kal saga?
52) Did the Matoran disassemble and rebuild themselves from a pile of new parts, like kids build with LEGO Bricks? If so... did they rebuild each other, or did each one do his own rebuilding? Had the Turaga brought the extra parts from Metru Nui, or did they reclaim the technology to make new ones? Or are they modfied from existing parts?
6Or is it more of a telekinetic thing, like the building of the Ussanui in the MOL movie? Perhaps a transformation, like the one from Takua into Takanuva?
7You probably have come up with something much better than any of that... if you can tell me about it, please do.![]()
83) Whose side will Krahka be on in BA#8? (A long shot, but I gotta ask...)
9*** SPOILERS ***
104) Was Makuta actually fulfilling his role of Matoran protector by sealing off the environs (when he was posing as Dume)?
11Thanks for your time: 12
131) Don't think so. I am not sure where I would ever fit it in. 142) Most likely, the parts were brought from Metru Nui. My guess is it would have been an actual physical reconstruction, just like the Toa did when they first got to Mata nui. 153) Her own. I just finished writing a big opening fight between her and the major female villain for next year164) In a way, he was, yes.
18My reaction: 191-2) Yay, the coast is clear for me to write that scene without fear of a better and more accurate one coming along later.

22Yeah, as ToP said, I have a Tahnok shower in my latest epic. I figure at least some of them had to fall back down... it was definitely a memorable moment for the Matoran who happened to be under it.

1I've asked Greg a few Qs recently. Well, over the past couple of weeks or sommat, so a few of the answers are probably already known. Still, I might as well post 'em. Oh yeah, there's probably spoiler material here, so
76for 4, I sent a reply but didn't get one back.
77For the last Q, I'm pretty certain that the UK release date's October 11th.
3Hiya Greg: I've just read the summary for LoMN, it's amazing: You guys at lego have been working your socks off to create an even better movie this time round it seems: But yeah, I still have one (at least) unanswered question. That is, can you say what Ultimate Dume (aka Makuta)'s mask power is? Is it just a revamp of the kraahkan, or something completely different?
5Far as I know it is the Mask of Shadows, although Makuta obviously shows off some powers this time he did not have in MOL -- don't know if those are related to the mask or not.
7When Lhikan turns into a Turaga, his Great Mask becomes a Noble Mask which looks quite different from the Great Hau he wore. It transforms back into the shape of a Great Hau when it becomes a Matoran mask.
8You posted this in the LoMN topic, and it sorta confused me. What you're saying is, the mask went from great to noble when he changed into a turaga, ok. That would be part of the transformation I'd guess. But how did it become a matoran mask? Just by Jaller wearing it? If so, does that mean a mask's power level changes in accordance to it's wearer?
9By "Matoran mask," I meant a mask worn by a Matoran, as opposed to a mask made for a Matoran. So if we assume for the moment that it remained a Noble Mask, Jaller is still incapable of using its powers so it doesn't really matter.
11Ok. So it is, infact still a noble mask, but Jaller doesn't know it and can't use it's powers anyway. But still, I think you said it looks different as a noble mask. If so, why does it now represent a great hau not a noble one (presuming there is a storyline reason)?
12I also got a couple of other questions.
13Which spelling is correct, Lhikan or Lihkan?
14I know how kanohi are made; it's roughly a disk of the right purity/power level melted down then forged into the right shape, or melted down with another to combine powers then forged etc. Anyway, I'm not certain how kanoka are made. If you know, do you think you could explain?
15Thanks Greg:
161) Because Jaller's wearing the mask is meant in part as a tribute to Toa Lhikan, and keep in mind that Jaller never saw the Noble version of the Hau. So the mask morphed when put on him to the Great Mask version.
172) Lhikan
183) Kanoka is made from purified liquid protodermis which heated and then cooled and cast in a mold ... and sometimes recast and recast and recast, depending on how much time and effort the maker wants to put into it.
20I got a few Qs here, was hoping you could answer them.
211) If a Turaga put on a great mask, would he be inable to use its power, would he be able to use it at a noble mask level or would he be able to use it, just with difficulty, like tahu with the vahi?
222) to combine kanoka, you just melt them down together them reforge them, right?
233) Did Turaga Dume ever want the Vahi, or was it always Makuta?
244) Could a normal Toa use a Kanohi Nuva, or would the Toa have to be a Nuva?
255) Noble and Great masks turn silver/grey when not worn, right? Does this also apply to Matoran masks and the Vahi, or do they always keep their colour?
266) You say a kanoka can run out of energy, but can Kanohi run out of power too, or can they recharge or something? Like, I think you said that noble masks can't be used to excessive periods of time. Is this an example of their energy depleting and needing recharging? If so, does that mean great masks can't be used indefinitely either? If so, I'd guess the Vahi could be used for longer again, if in the hands of someone who could control it properly, right?
277) What happens if someone loses control of a mask? Say Tahu somehow got hold of a Hau that was made from a level 9 kanoka (this is all hypothetical remember), what would happen to him if he lost control of it?
288) Are Vakama and co. Toa or Turaga when they retrieve the Vahi? My guess is Toa.
299) Can you say how long it took for the Toa/Turaga to finish their trips to and from Metru Nui? They must have transported rahi also, musn't they?
3010) could Turaga Dume's lighter colouring be due to a loss of power when/if he changed from Toa-Turaga, like the Mata Nui Turaga being mainly orange, lime etc?
3111) Is Turaga Lhikan lighter in colouring than his Toa form, or perhaps more yellow than he was?
32Thanks in advance Greg:
331) Can't use it at all. Would be like trying to run a car that needs unleaded on diesel. It's not going to go anywhere.
342) Yes, or in some cases, they can be merged together by contact.
353) No, Dume was in stasis -- he never asked for the Vahi.
364) No, only Toa Nuva can use Nuva masks.
375) Vahi always keeps it color. Since Matoran masks have no power, not sure on that.
386) No, masks do not run out of power. Part of the mask-making process makes them self-sustaining. However, their powers do have durations per use, ranges, that sort of thing.
397) Of a shielding mask? Probably nothing that bad. But if it was a telekinesis mask that he lost control of, all sorts of things might go flying.
408) You'll have to wait and see.
419) Their first trip there and back took a few weeks altogether. I can't discuss subsequent trips, because that is future storyline.
4210) Yes, it could.
4311) Can't really say, I didn't pay attention to his coloring when I was watching the movie.
45Just to confirm the answer to 7, if he lost control he just wouldn't be able to stop using the mask or couldn't control how he used it, right? So with a hau he might not be able stop the shield. But seeing as it's a more powerful mask than he's used to controlling, would it cause any damage to him? I mean, he seemed to be concentrating pretty hard to use the vahi. If he lost control of a mask that powerful, wouldn't it damage his mind in some way, or would the mask just go haywire and function completely on its own without guidance or sommat?
46There hasn't been any evidence to date of masks causing mental backlash. As for how much danger an out of control mask can cause, it really depends on the mask. Telekinesis, mind control, time, things like that would be a pain to lose control of. Something like water breathing really doesn't pose much of a threat if not controlled.
48I recently read that the reason matoran masks are silver on the top is to show that they have no power (I'm guessing that's similar to the toa nuva's masks going silver when they lost their elemental powers). But if that's the case, why do the matoran masks not have that on Mata Nui?
49Faded over time. It's been over 1000 years since those masks were made.
51Thanks for answering all my previous Qs Greg: Unfortunately, I'm back with more.
521: Do you like writing about tentacles? I mean, I think I've seen about 3 or 4 rahi in your books that I'd guess you invented that have tentacles of some kind, and then of course there's the morbuzakh, although you probably weren't the sole inventor of that. But even so, just seeing all of these tentacles sprouting up everywhere got me wondering...![]()
532: Can you say how much time past between the toa metru's initial depart from metru nui to their final settling on Mata Nui?
543: Did Makuta need the vahi for his plans, or was that just a useful afterthought of his to make things easier?
554: Can you say what sort of state Metru Nui's in now? My guess would be powerless, because the collisseum (sp) obviously took quite a beating, with the vortex'n everything, and I read in the guidebook that that's the home of the city's power. I'd also guess somewhat chaotic and ruined, perhaps various things from the archives loose, would I be right?
565: Did anyone know about the visorahk or rahaga? Like, might there have been visorahk in the archives or sommat?
576: I think you said the toa metru made many trips between metru and mata nui, but something stopped them. well my guess would be that they couldn't get back, merely because Makuta had built that gate'n stuff and was guarding the gateway. Would that be right?
587: Around when did Makuta come to Mata Nui and try to take over again?
598: given the chance and if it's possible, would Makuta (presuming he's still alive) ever try to carry out his original plan?
609: I think I read somewhere that the vahi was made out of three of the great disks. Do you know which ones they were?
6110: Are the bionicle books widely available outside America? I live in Britain, and so far I haven't seen them anywhere except amazon.
6211: Do you know the release date for bionicle 2 in Britain?
63Thanks Greg: *goes off to read the darkness below*
641) Tentacles are creepy. 652) Hmmmm ... couple of months, maybe longer. 663) Makuta had a very real use for the Vahi. He could have done the plan without it, but it would have taken a lot longer to achieve his goal. 674) What do you mean by now? Toa Nuva era or just post LOMN? 685) I can't discuss the Visorak. They are 2005 storyline. 696) No. They didn't make many trips. They left for Mata Nui, came back, and left again, and that was it. After that they couldn't get back. 707) I can't give you a specific time. Sometime during the 1000 years the Matoran lived on the island before the Toa showed up. 718) Sure 729) It was made out of all six. 7310) They are supposed to be released globally, but don't know the timeline. 7411) No, I don't get that kind of info.
76for 4, I sent a reply but didn't get one back.
77For the last Q, I'm pretty certain that the UK release date's October 11th.
23) Whose side will Krahka be on in BA#8? (A long shot, but I gotta ask...)
33) Her own. I just finished writing a big opening fight between her and the major female villain for next year![]()
5Hey guys. I thought this was pretty intresting enough to single out(I hope you don't mind me editing the quote, GaliGee.)...but does this mean, we're getting an Official set female villian? (unlike a "Inspired by Bionicle Krahka set")
15) Noble and Great masks turn silver/grey when not worn, right? Does this also apply to Matoran masks and the Vahi, or do they always keep their colour?
2I know that games aren't always completely official, but this picture might help answer your question. The background, taken from Vakama's game, shows unworn masks in color.
4And here is the image I promised. No questions about it, please.

5EDIT: Spoiler space added, just in case one is needed for links to spoiler images.

6- - -
7If you have any questions, please PM me.
1I don't intend to ask any questions about it... But I guess you proved you were right, way to go Guk-, I mean Pekel. So, I'm glad that's over with.
1I was wondering about destiny so...
2Hi Greg, I was just wondering something.
3I think it's true that Toa don't have to become Turaga (not 100%) but I was wondering, if the Toa decide not to become Turaga, do they become aimless wanderers who help to defend their metru/ koro/ whatever or do they get a new destiny and a second chance to become Turaga?
4Or am I all wrong and that it is a choice to become a Turaga, but to fulfill your destiny you have to give up your Toa powers?
5No, it is not necessary to give up your Toa power to fulfill your destiny. They are two different things.
6As far as I know, you do not get two destinies. Once you have accomplished what you set out to do, you may simply remain as a guardian or you may become a wandering adventurer protecting others who need protecting. You may even THINK you have achieved your destiny, only to discover that your actual destiny was far greater than you ever thought.
1Voyage of Fear and Bionicle 2 SPOILERS:
28Well, most of these are simply Voyage of Fear stuff, but some of the things, like the Kralhi, are rather intriguing.
291~ Definitely Makuta. 302~ 0.0 Scary. Methinks the Kralhi may be artificially intelligent, but bound in acting by its programming...
313~ Oh, makes sense. *bonks head* 324~ Not sure he understood my question... ah well, it's not important. 335~ Ah. Well, it was a good theory, while it lasted... 346~ That should be interesting. 357~ Hmm, odd. I wonder what their reactions were to discovering that Metru Nui was underground? 368~ Good. I did think that that would be a little too creepy, even if the idea would work... 379~ Ah... I was wondering how Vakama knew about them.
2Aloha, Greg: I just got Voyage of Fear last night, read it, and now that I'm back from school I have a collection of questions.
31. "...Ahkmou slept on, awaiting a being of power that would awaken him someday..." 4Let me guess. Makuta?
52. Just how intelligent ARE the Kralhi? From its actions after Mavrah ordered it to bring him the Toa alive, was it really feeling disappointment?
63. How did all those Vahki get into the cavern as well?
74. How much distance was there between the Great Barrier and the tunnel entrance?
85. Since the carving that Gali saw was in the same cavern as the Rahi... does that mean that Metru Nui could be reached that way, or was that the entrance underneath Lake Naho that was the other (now blocked) sun?
95b. Correction on 5— since the water level is rising, and they saw bright sunlight before they emerged, then does that definitely comfirm (as well as the carving that Gali saw) that they emerged from the Lake Naho sun, which is why that sun is blocked up?
106. You said that you will be writing something about just how Ahkmou ended up working for Makuta, and if the "being of power" he was waiting for was indeed Makuta... then could Ahkmou have been awakened by Makuta and then Makuta brought him up to Mata Nui and sent him to Po-Koro?
117. Do Vakama and co. know that they are above Metru Nui when they reach Mata Nui at the end of book 5?
128. This is a rather creepy and random idea... but could the stars in the Metru Nui sky be... Bohrok pods? (spur-of-the-moment idea)
139. Is it just about sheer luck that the Toa didn't wind up in a Bohrok nest as they were travelling to Mata Nui, since they seem to be literally everywhere?
1410. Was if the real Dume that supervised the entire Sea Monster Project, was it Makuta, or... Dume seems harsher at he end of it, so could that mean that Makuta took his place in the middle of the project (and possibly questioned him about it before putting him to sleep)?
15I'll prolly have more later... 16Thanks in advance:
171) Well, it ain't Galactus![]()
182) Yes, the Kralhi are a little too smart for the Matorans' own good.
193) Same way the Toa did -- through the tunnel. They were trailing the Toa.
204) Not a lot. It was probably a matter of a few hours portage to get the boat to the water.
215) Actually, no, they emerged from the underwater cave that Nokama had led Gali into. Gali and Nokama were in the ocean at the time, not in Lake Naho.
226) Well, yes, but ... the question has always been just why Ahkmou was willing to do what he did, if he was not brainwashed, etc. Part of the reason has been given, part of the reason has not, and that is the half of the story I mean to tell.
237) I would say yes, because they know in Book 6 that they have to find a tunnel leading underground to get back.
248) Good idea, but no, remember that the stars sometimes go shooting across the sky.
259) The Toa actually pass a Bohrok nest on the way back down in Book 6. That is when Vakama gets his first vision of the Bohrok rampaging across the island, which is how he knew what they would do if freed. But since the Bohrok are all sleeping, they are no threat to the Toa at this point.
2610)No, that was the real Dume all the way through. And you would be harsh too, if entire levels of the Archives had been damaged because archivists weren't doing their jobs right. Dume went out on a limb, against his better judgment, to allow the project to go forward, and Mavrah's team had not justified his faith in them. So yes, he was pretty angry.
28Well, most of these are simply Voyage of Fear stuff, but some of the things, like the Kralhi, are rather intriguing.
291~ Definitely Makuta. 302~ 0.0 Scary. Methinks the Kralhi may be artificially intelligent, but bound in acting by its programming...

1QUOTE 2Hi Greg I would just like to say thank you for all of the info you have been giving BZPower lately.
3Well I was wondering if you coulld answer me a question or two.
41) Have you guys figured out what will be the promo that will go with the vahki for the target only promo?
52) If you have could you tell me?
63) Also when is Lhikans release date?
74) Will you guys be making the visorak ever because I think I would have a good idea for a product thing. Put there instructions in the mag becasue they look like they can be made from excisting pieces except for the head. Just an Idea
81) Yes, but I don't have clearance to discuss it yet. 93) Should be in stores early October 104) Visorak will be sets.
12I think I got some really good info expecially on the visorak.
3Well I was wondering if you coulld answer me a question or two.
41) Have you guys figured out what will be the promo that will go with the vahki for the target only promo?
52) If you have could you tell me?
63) Also when is Lhikans release date?
74) Will you guys be making the visorak ever because I think I would have a good idea for a product thing. Put there instructions in the mag becasue they look like they can be made from excisting pieces except for the head. Just an Idea
81) Yes, but I don't have clearance to discuss it yet. 93) Should be in stores early October 104) Visorak will be sets.
12I think I got some really good info expecially on the visorak.
2I have asked this: (black is my question, red is GregF answer and Blue is my commet)
31. Who is stronger, the Bahrag or the Makuta.
41) Makuta, by a long shot
5hmm, alright then
62) No, the real Dume will return eventually
72. Is Dume's story over, or will we see him later.
8Yippe he comes back
93. What are the powers of the Visorak. 104. What exactley is a Toa rodika (or something like that)
113-4) I cannot discuss 2005 products or storyline
125. Will we see the Bahrag back in the next few storylines?
135) No plans for them anytime soon
14so they can return
156. How does the Bahrag make Krana.
166) There's a clue to that in BIONICLE Adventures #6. It involves energized protodermis.
17hmmm, that is really interessting. So they need energized protodermis
2I have asked this: (black is my question, red is GregF answer and Blue is my commet)
31. Who is stronger, the Bahrag or the Makuta.
41) Makuta, by a long shot
5hmm, alright then
62) No, the real Dume will return eventually
72. Is Dume's story over, or will we see him later.
8Yippe he comes back
93. What are the powers of the Visorak. 104. What exactley is a Toa rodika (or something like that)
113-4) I cannot discuss 2005 products or storyline
125. Will we see the Bahrag back in the next few storylines?
135) No plans for them anytime soon
14so they can return
156. How does the Bahrag make Krana.
166) There's a clue to that in BIONICLE Adventures #6. It involves energized protodermis.
17hmmm, that is really interessting. So they need energized protodermis
16. How does the Bahrag make Krana.
26) There's a clue to that in BIONICLE Adventures #6. It involves energized protodermis.
3hmmm, that is really interessting. So they need energized protodermis
4Yes, that is interesting. And the number of important things connected to protodermis grows. Wonder what sort of clue it is?
5- ToP
1I think this should be here (especially since I completely forgot about it in my inbox)
10I always wondered what happened to Matau's aero-slicers and Nuju's crystal spikes...
2Hi, I would like to ask you a few questions so here we go
31)What happened to the Toa Metru's tools after they transformed into Turaga?
42)How did the Bohrok get into the lightstone mine where they were discovered?
53)Do you have any information into anything that occured before the Metru Nui story chronologically that is worth mentioning?
61) In some cases, they became their Turaga tools, in some cases they were just stored away. 72) They didn't. The mine tunnel intersected with one of their nests. Bohrok nests are all over the place underground. 83) Even if I did, I couldn't mention it, because it might be future storyline.
10I always wondered what happened to Matau's aero-slicers and Nuju's crystal spikes...
1I just got some more answrs from Greg:
22A disk of time:: 23M-BoS
2QUOTE 3Hey Greg:
4Just a few questions.
51.This new Matoran, Mirvin or sommat, is he gonna be a set or promo?
62.The winner of the Rahi contest, will the Rahi be a Rahi or a character of some sort like Krahka or a Kikanalo (set looks great?
73.Good old Kanoka: Are there going to be loads or disks made to create almost as many combinations as there are?
84. K no.2: Any updates on any future Toa disks?
95. K no.3: Are there gonna be any more Great Disks?
106. Will we find out about Metru Nui`s past? Other Toa, Matoran origins.etc?
117. I particually liked the mask of elemental energy (See the game), would that ever be a promo?
12I think thats it. Keep up the awsome work: Lovin the Adventures: (I live in UK but good ol` Amazon...)
141) Nope, he was just created by me for the book. Product for a given year is usually designed way before I am sitting down to write books.
152) It's a Rahi, but it does talk. I put it in the November comic and am hoping to bring it back sometime next year, because there is a little mystery associated with the character.
163) Not that I know of, no.
174) Not that I know of, no.
185) There is a Disk of Time planned for later this year.
196) Maybe someday. But we would have to flash farther back, and I think we want to get back to the post-MOL storyline first.
207) I don't think it exists in plastic, it was just something they put in the computer game.
22A disk of time:: 23M-BoS
1Okay, GregF told that the Rahaga don't wear masks...so what do they have?
3Or, it's possible that they don't have anything, like the Dark Hunters. It would a nice change if they didn't have an object of power that they relied on to survive like most the other sets so far, the Dark Hunters and the Vahki being the only exceptions.
4-Master of the Rahkshi
1I disagree, it took away alot of playability value for me when I realized my Vahki could not disable each other in any way short of completely obliterating each other...and I'm sure Lego wouldn't want to be promoting violence, now would they?
2I wonder how a disk of time could come into play at all...it would require...
3Big spoilers, buddy
4another six great disks, if my thinking is correct in that it is made the same way as a mask of time.

2I wonder how a disk of time could come into play at all...it would require...
3Big spoilers, buddy
4another six great disks, if my thinking is correct in that it is made the same way as a mask of time.
1The Disk of Time is likely the Disk that the Vahi is made from.
1Perhaps the disk of time is going to be the special promo for the Vahki later this year, although Greg said that they decided to go in a direction other than discs for them, hmmm....
1The Disk of Time is likely the Disk that the Vahi is made from.
16Actually, the Vahi was made from the six Great Disks.
18Yeah, Toa Vakama melted and formed the Great Disks into the Vahi during the "Great Adventure".
2HEY WHEN MAtORAN DIE AND ONLY THERE mask are laft and can be brought back to life still have there mask at the bottem of the ocean for a thousend years
3if the top questian is yes could the matoran who died in the voyege of fear have his mask found and be brought back to life by taka nuva
4and if that one is yes will the matoran be brought back
2HEY WHEN MAtORAN DIE AND ONLY THERE mask are laft and can be brought back to life still have there mask at the bottem of the ocean for a thousend years
3if the top questian is yes could the matoran who died in the voyege of fear have his mask found and be brought back to life by taka nuva
4and if that one is yes will the matoran be brought back
5You've been around long enough to know you must PM GregF.
6Greg said that it is only possible if the person who died died recently.
7And no. Besides, Takanuva wouldn't be strong enough to complete such a task. 8Makuta can, and probably Great Spirits and Beings could too, but not a Toa. 9Even they have limits...
2HEY WHEN MAtORAN DIE AND ONLY THERE mask are laft and can be brought back to life still have there mask at the bottem of the ocean for a thousend years
3if the top questian is yes could the matoran who died in the voyege of fear have his mask found and be brought back to life by taka nuva
4and if that one is yes will the matoran be brought back
5You've been around long enough to know you must PM GregF.
6Greg said that it is only possible if the person who died died recently.
7And no. Besides, Takanuva wouldn't be strong enough to complete such a task. 8Makuta can, and probably Great Spirits and Beings could too, but not a Toa. 9Even they have limits...
10Well, I thought it was a good theory behind his wording... Nevertheless, this is some pretty cool information; now we at least know a little more about the Dark Hunters' past escapades, as well as Makuta's. (GG, story-opportunity bells are ringing
2Sorry, I know you don't like one-question PMs, but odds are, I'm not gonna be sending very many very soon, so...
3(From the movie novel4"It is time you made good on your promises, my captains," Makuta said as the two vanished into the pulsating shadow."For this is your eternal duty."
5This is a long shot, but...Did Nidhiki and Krekka, by any chance, have relations to Makuta in the past?Maybe had they opposed him, or worked with and betrayed him [as captains?It might explain more why Makuta 'absorbed' them; he might have had a score to settle.Maybe they made promises in the past and went back on them, and Makuta sardonically rubbed it in their faces that he had them in his hands...Er, dark coils.Plus, before, they'd been described as not remembering anything once they flew off the Vahki transport and hit the ground; maybe they were questioning their fate because they had something of a temporary amnesia.
6Or is it a crackpot theory, and the Dark Hunters were just kind of like 'captains' working for who they thought was Dume?
7Thanks in advance:The book was amazing, by the way:
8My understanding from Bob Thompson is that Nidhiki and Krekka have worked for Makuta in the past. They had not betrayed him, their absorption was simply an example of the ruthless way Makuta deals with underlings.
10Well, I thought it was a good theory behind his wording... Nevertheless, this is some pretty cool information; now we at least know a little more about the Dark Hunters' past escapades, as well as Makuta's. (GG, story-opportunity bells are ringing

1The Disk of Time is likely the Disk that the Vahi is made from.
2Actually, the Vahi was made from the six Great Disks.
3Various Spoilers from movie, books, etc.
4What Denarr is probably referring to is that the Six Great Disks were made into one Disk of Time, then that disk was made into the Vahi.
5Now, on to the actual questions:
61) This one's concerning the Toa destiny thing. It seems that the only Seven Toa-Turaga transformations have occured because the Toa had to sacrifice their power in order to complete their destiny. Are all transformations like that? Because I was under the impression that a Toa completed their destiny, then they had to sacrifice their power.
71) Actually, we don't know that. We know of six Toa to Turaga changes, we have no idea what Dume's transformation was sparked by. So no, all transformations are not necessarily part of fulfilling your destiny. It's possible, for example, that the Toa Metru might have someday figured out another way to awaken the Matoran that did not involve sacrificing their power -- but they chose to give up their power and do it that way.
82)You might not know, but were all of Lhikan's co-toa "bi-colored" like him, or were they a uniform color like Vakama and co.?
92)Since I have no idea who Lhikan's contemporaries were, I have no idea what they looked like. They don't exist as characters at this point.
10It was worth a try right?
113)It seems that all of the actual machines, (machines that didn't have a living organism in them, i.e. the Vahki and Kralhi,) seem to have a certain edge to them. The Bordakh like to chase, the Rorzakh never give up, the Kralhi seem to like to kill, (or at least enjoy not being held back,) so I'm asking, do those two types of machines have any emotion?
123)I prefer writing about things that have feelings, and I do believe that the AI in BIONICLE is extremely advanced. I think just doing robots who do what they are told without caring one way or the other would be basically doing the Bohrok 97 more times. So I try to approach it this way -- that anything, machine or living being, puts itself into situations from which it derives some benefit. In the case of the Vahki and the Kralhi, they have simply adapted to the point where they "love their jobs," and hence do them well.
134)Why do the Vahki and the Kralhi have different purposes, I mean the Kralhi's purpose is, quote from Voyage of Fear, "to serve and protect Matoran," yet the Vahki keep the Matoran working. Why is there this difference?
144)Because when the Kralhi were created, the idea primarily was that Metru Nui needed to be protected from Rahi. They were really not designed with an eye toward keeping Matoran on the straight and narrow -- and when they started being used for that purpose, their design flaws rapidly became apparent. That's why they were retired and the Vahki replaced them. While the Vahki are also supposed the protect the city, their powers lend themselves much more to policing Matoran.
155)On the back cover art for Books 3 and 5 Vakama is missing from the top of the page, why is this?
165)Most likely because he simply doesn't fit on the back. If you put all six on like that, they would all be so narrow that it would look weird, I guess. Not sure, it is Scholastic's design.
17Just wondering...
186)Why couldn't the Toa allow the Vahki onto Mata-Nui, and then just re-program them to serve as protectors, until the Toa came?
196)They don't have the tech to reprogram them on Mata Nui for one thing. And the Vahki bring back bad memories. Also, the decision would have had to be made right at the start, because not long after they found Mata Nui, Makuta acted to prevent them from ever returning to the city. (And as you will see the Vahki got REALLY nasty after the events of LOMN.) When they first got to Mata Nui, no one saw any need for Vahki because the Matoran were going to HAVE to work to survive there.
207)Why is it that before we "didn't want to know" the secret behind the production of Krana, yet now you're publishing clues about it in books?
217)Because everyone keeps asking about it, so I figured I would throw a clue out. The reason I was not allowed to share the full answer, and still am not, was that it cuts too close to some future storyline we have planned.
228)When Matau was hit by the Nuurakh's beam, why is it that he didn't fight with the Toa as much as other Matoran are said to do?
238)The Staff of Command fills the subject's mind with one overriding order -- in this case, turn the boat around and go back to Metru Nui. It wasn't "battle the Toa."
24From bionicle.com, "Matoran have actually been known to shove others aside who tried to prevent them from carrying out their orders,"
259)I seem to remember you saying a while ago that Matau's staff was a tool to cut cables in Le-Metru. But now you say that only Nokama's and Vakama's staff origins are known, why is this?
269)No, I don't recall saying that about Matau's staff. I may have, but I don't remember it and it isn't in any of the books.
27I'm pretty sure it wasn't a dream...
2810)Why didn't the Turaga give their Toa tools to the Mata-Nui Toa?
2910)The Mata Nui Toa did not show up for 1000 years and already had tools of their own. They didn't need more tools.
30I know of a few instances that a Disk Launcher would have been handy.
3111)Why is telling this story so troubling for Vakama, sure the Makuta thing is terrible, but does it get worse, or maybe I'm missing something here.
3211)it gets a lot worse. Also, keep in mind that the 2004 story is very much about Vakama's failures -- he failed to keep Lhikan from being captured, he failed to keep him from dying, he failed to save the Matoran from being put to sleep. That plays a major role in what is to come ... and worse is to come.
33That was just to make him divulge a little of the next storyline... But poor Vakama, who knew so much was riding on his shoulders?
3412)The Toa of Mata-Nui seem to have had two destinies, the first being to defeat Makuta, then it was to awaken Mata-Nui, which one is it?
3512)a's destiny was to defeat Makuta and awaken Metru Nui .. at least, that is what he thinks it is. The Toa of Mata Nui's destiny is ultimately to wake up Mata Nui -- because remember, they were not the ones who defeated Makuta in MOL.
36This is the most interesting answer I got in a while.
3713)A similar question about Takanuva, it's to challenge, (not defeat,) Makuta, and bring the Matoran out of the shadow and into the light. Has he done this, or does he need to do something else?
3813)See answer to #12. We have some intriguing plans for Takanuva in the future.
3915)Whenua seems surprised that the seabirds from Book 5 "glide on the air" how is it then that Metru Nui birds fly?
4015)Has less to do with the fact that they ARE gliding than the fact that they are gliding and don't resemble any bird he has ever seen before. They aren't Rahi from Metru Nui, so they don't look familiar to him and he has no idea just how they function. The occasional bird is about the only creature on Mata Nui that doesn't come from Metru Nui.
1Me: In the ask Gregf section of the website there's a question that says:
2Q:If masks are made from kanoka, why don't they have kanoka powers? Or is it their shape that determines power? Are masks made from other materials?
3R:They do. All masks are made from Kanoka disks. However, if you take, say, a growth disk and a regeneration disk and merge them, you get a shielding disk. Then you make mask of shielding from that. Mask powers come from combining the eight basic powers of the disks in various ways to produce new abilities.
4So what are the other combinations?
6I provided a chart on this to BIONICLE.com some weeks ago. They are working to get some visuals done on it and then will be putting it up on the site.
8Me after reading this: Cool:
1Well, this is something Greg said in a post in this topic: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=148620.
2First, Speed Demon asked what would happen when the Toa Nuva became Turaga. I replied:
4Then Greg replied: 5[quoteGregF@Sep 18 2004 03:04 PM(GregF@Sep 18 2004 @ 03:04 PM)Actually, we do have story plans beyond the awakening of Mata Nui, so it does not necessarily end when the Mata Nui returns ....
6Greg 7That's big news, methinks.
2First, Speed Demon asked what would happen when the Toa Nuva became Turaga. I replied:
3...the question is, first, if the Nuva become Turaga. And that most likely won't happen for quite some time, as they need to awaken Mata Nui before their destiny is complete, and Greg has said basically that when Mata Nui's awakened, Bionicle will be over (barring new story they may think up). ...
4Then Greg replied: 5[quoteGregF@Sep 18 2004 03:04 PM(GregF@Sep 18 2004 @ 03:04 PM)Actually, we do have story plans beyond the awakening of Mata Nui, so it does not necessarily end when the Mata Nui returns ....
6Greg 7That's big news, methinks.

1Well, this is something Greg said in a post in this topic: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=148620.
2First, Speed Demon asked what would happen when the Toa Nuva became Turaga. I replied:3...the question is, first, if the Nuva become Turaga. And that most likely won't happen for quite some time, as they need to awaken Mata Nui before their destiny is complete, and Greg has said basically that when Mata Nui's awakened, Bionicle will be over (barring new story they may think up). ...
4Then Greg replied: 5[quoteGregF@Sep 18 2004 03:04 PM(GregF@Sep 18 2004 @ 03:04 PM)Actually, we do have story plans beyond the awakening of Mata Nui, so it does not necessarily end when the Mata Nui returns ....
7That's big news, methinks.

9- ToP
1I see my attempt to edit my post yesterday didn't work....
2Here's what I was adding:
3Some Q&A now.
4And there's some

2Here's what I was adding:
3Some Q&A now.

4And there's some
6Various questions on various topics...
30Okay, that's all for now.
- 7Raptordx1 has presented the theory, based on the fact that Makuta was trapped in a proto cage in LoMN, that in MNOG, he actually faked his "defeat" (although he was weakened somewhat) because he feared it would happen again, that the Toa would make one beam and trap him again. Dunno if Raptor's mentioned it to you, or you've seen it, but I wondered what you thought about that.
81) No, he hasn't mentioned it. It would make sense, I suppose .. but I think you can also add into the mix the notion that in that first battle, Makuta was primarily trying to take the measure of the Toa. When they turned out to be more powerful than he expected, yes, he could have pulled a strategic retreat.
- 9You've mentioned a Great Disk of Time. Members are speculating about it in the OGD topic, so I suppose I might as well ask, is it the disk the Vahi's made of, specifically, after the six Great Disks are combined? (Everything I had heard made it sound like no single disk was actually made, but the disks were put into the mask mold three at a time.)
102) No, the disks were not put into a mask mold -- Vakama made the Vahi "on the run" by merging the six disks and then cutting the mask out of the disk. He didn't have the luxury of using a mold. So yes, the Disk of Time is the disk he cut the mask out of.
- 11Has it been established what the power of a level 8 or 7 disk made from the same six basic powers of the Vahi would be?
123) No, it's not something we've talked about.
- 13My theory is that, okay, we know it wouldn't make time, but perhaps time is the stronger version of something, as shapeshifting is the stronger version of illusion? As opposed to the situation where the power of time is totally unsual, and those powers in weaker form make something completely unrelated? Any thoughts?
144) Not really, no. It's not something I am prepared to speculate on.
- 15All that came up in this topic: Toa Of Levitation, Toa Of Shielding by Pekel (Gukko). I might as well ask his question too; is it possible that, if it was their destiny to do so, a Matoran could be transformed into a Toa with just any mask power (besides light), such as sheilding and levitation, in the same way Takanuva was?
165) I don't understand your question -- you mean by putting on a mask? I am not going to rule it out, but I do like to believe that Takanuva was special, based on what I know of his future role in the story. As for shielding and levitation, those are powers, they are not elements, so I don't believe you could be the "Toa of" them.
- 17Pekel also asks this:
18Another thing to think about - I know it's not their storyline destiny, but what if, say, Gali put on the Mask of Light and "realized" that she was the Toa of Light. As I see it, "destiny" transformations are instigated by thoughts. When someone reaches the mental capacity and has the experience and skill to fulfill a job - and they know it - the transformation occurs. That's why Takua wouldn't have transformed if he put on the mask earlier. So what would happen to Gali if she did indeed somehow transform? A Toa of Light, Water/Light, or a new "combo" power? Think about it - if you combined a disk of Light and a Toa Disk of Water, what new power would that make (if any)? Would Gali be Toa of that new power?
19Same question.![]()
206) No, no. You can't be Toa of two elements at once. She is Toa of Water, therefore she cannot also be Toa of Light. It doesn't work that way. That is why none of the six Toa Nuva could be the Toa of Light, and why there was no consideration even given by the Turaga to having them try on the MOL to see what would happen.
- 21In the OGD topic, Mecha Popoman asks this:
22Okay, GregF told that the Rahaga don't wear masks...so what do they have?
23Now, I'm not asking you that, but I wondered if you can say whether they have any sort of removable thing like a Kanohi, Krana, Kraata, something that when taken away weakens them?
247) No, they do not. Been there, done that (twice), got the Kanohi mask .. no reason to do it again.
- 25Some things about this topic: Makuta Isn't So Evil by The Light of Metru-Nui.... Something that came up was the accuracy of the MOL line "My duty is to the Mask of Shadows." Most of us are pretty sure you said that line was a mistake, or miscommunication of some sort. I want to check on that, did you say that?
268) No, I did not. It was in the movie, it was therefore not a mistake. What IS a mistake is people assuming that somehow the mask controls Makuta. As has been stated elsewhere, Makuta is referring to the things the MOS represents .. he is not claiming that it tells him what to do.
- 27And I think you later said that line's no longer considered a mistake or something... because you've figured out some way it could be used? Am I remembering correctly?
289) Again, I never said the line was a mistake. It is part of the movie script, and movie script is always official. Liberties are sometimes taken with the look of BIONICLE, and there were things in the director's commentary I did not agree with .. but the script is overseen by the head of the story team, so it is official.
1i've got something. it's not very helpful but still......
7so there you go:
2QUOTE 3hi greg: i was wondering a lot of people want to know this. will there be a lihkain combiner?
4thanx in advance fused toa
5No idea. I hope so, but I haven't seen the set or the instructions for it, so I don't know. I am sure if there is it will be pictured on the packaging, so you will know before you buy.
7so there you go: