1I got these post from Mr F
2QUOTE 3Hello Mr F:
4Will all the six colored visoraks be in the B3?
5Is Zivon in the B3?
6If yes, then will kraha and tahtonorak be in the movie?
7Is karazani purple and full of moss than the morbuzak?
8What power does keetongu's blade claw have?
9Can sidorak and keetongu shoot energy attacks like roodaka?
10What powers does the Shadow One have?
11When onewa hordika lauch his spinner, will turn into a stone coated rhotuka or a rock sphere of send billions of rocks?
12Why does Toa Norik and Iruni have two spinners on their sheild?
13Will all the toa hordika use their elements seperatly or cobined?
14Does the Toa Hahga transmitted their elemental powers from their tools or sheid or automatically?
15How did Kongu get a Miru mask, when he got a Ruru?
16What powers does Mata nui have either than spells, creating things and strenght.
17Does Mata Nui have a element?
18And thank you again.
191) Not having seen any footage, it is hard for me to know if they will show all six or not. 202-3) No. Krahka is a book character only, and Zivon and Tahtorak did not exist as characters until after the movie had been written. 214) ?? 225) Well, he uses it to climb things. He may use it to shoot out his power that counteracts Visorak venom, but I am not sure if that is how it is shown in the movie or not. 236) Don't think so, no. 247) I am not discussing him yet. 258) The power of a spinner does not kick in until it hits something. 269) Because they faced enormous threats and it saved time to will two spinners into being at once. 2710) I can't discuss future story 2811) From their tools 2912) I would assume his mask was damaged at some point and he was given a replacement. 3013) Well, first off, I am not sure where you got "spells" from -- and I cannot discuss Mata Nui, his nature and powers are things I am not allowed to talk about. 3114) Same answer as 13
2QUOTE 3Hello Mr F:
4Will all the six colored visoraks be in the B3?
5Is Zivon in the B3?
6If yes, then will kraha and tahtonorak be in the movie?
7Is karazani purple and full of moss than the morbuzak?
8What power does keetongu's blade claw have?
9Can sidorak and keetongu shoot energy attacks like roodaka?
10What powers does the Shadow One have?
11When onewa hordika lauch his spinner, will turn into a stone coated rhotuka or a rock sphere of send billions of rocks?
12Why does Toa Norik and Iruni have two spinners on their sheild?
13Will all the toa hordika use their elements seperatly or cobined?
14Does the Toa Hahga transmitted their elemental powers from their tools or sheid or automatically?
15How did Kongu get a Miru mask, when he got a Ruru?
16What powers does Mata nui have either than spells, creating things and strenght.
17Does Mata Nui have a element?
18And thank you again.
191) Not having seen any footage, it is hard for me to know if they will show all six or not. 202-3) No. Krahka is a book character only, and Zivon and Tahtorak did not exist as characters until after the movie had been written. 214) ?? 225) Well, he uses it to climb things. He may use it to shoot out his power that counteracts Visorak venom, but I am not sure if that is how it is shown in the movie or not. 236) Don't think so, no. 247) I am not discussing him yet. 258) The power of a spinner does not kick in until it hits something. 269) Because they faced enormous threats and it saved time to will two spinners into being at once. 2710) I can't discuss future story 2811) From their tools 2912) I would assume his mask was damaged at some point and he was given a replacement. 3013) Well, first off, I am not sure where you got "spells" from -- and I cannot discuss Mata Nui, his nature and powers are things I am not allowed to talk about. 3114) Same answer as 13
1I, too find that statement hard to believe. Greg thinks that it would have been a disaster? The set layout that year, (12 canister sets, 6 small, and 3 large box sets,) has been used ever since. It seemed to me that that year they would have done fairly well even without the Rahkshi.
2I doubt it. You might remember, that year Rahkshi were IT. They were the be-all end-all of cool, the ultimate toy from Lego. The other sets were either recolors (Kal) Too small to be of much intrest (Matoran) Or just generic larger sets.
3In addition to that, Rahkshi introduced us to bending knees in Bionicle set, so that was a very important innovation. 4Also, 2003 was the first year to have a Bionicle movie, which was also fresh and interesting at the time.
5Those are the reasons everyone liked them

1wait i am confused the rahaga never worked with turaga Dume and others like that then what happened to the toa that betrayed the brother hood weren't they mutated? again a question some one must know.
1QUOTE 2Hello GregF Thank you for answering my quests but I hope Iam not asking too much
31. In the gameboy karazni has purple roots right?
42. In the movie B3, will there be more violent fights.
53. Will the rahaga reveal they were once toa in B3.
64.Will the rahaga and toa mention Lhikan, Makuta and Nidihki in B3?
75.Has the actors of Bionicle 3 been done and recorded?
86.Have you done the storyline for B3
97.Have the lego staff done the characters and animation for bionicle 3?
108. Will we see Sidorak use his spinner, blade and iron claws in the movie?
119. How often do we see Keetongu in the movie for?
1210.When makuta shoots his shadow energy, how come its red in B2 and grey in B1?
1311. Will anything special happen to Kotu, how about akmou in 2006.
1412. Was Onewa's tool the stone hammer in B1 (where he carries it around) and B2( where he uses it to carve things)?
151) I have not played the GameBoy game yet, so no idea. 162) Pretty much the same answer as #1 -- I haven't seen any movie animation. 173) I think that gets mentioned, but not 100% sure. You know, things get cut and changed a lot in the script between when I see them and they finally get filmed. 184) Nidhiki is not mentioned at all. If Lhikan gets mentioned, it is only to the extent of mentioning that he is dead. And Makuta doesn't really play a role in this movie. 195) Yes 206) No. I am not involved in the movies. 217) No. All of that work is done by a studio in California and animators in Taiwan. 228) Again, I have no idea what they may have taken out or included, and won't know until I see the movie, probably in August. 239) I can't answer that, you will have to watch the movie. 2410) He is using it to do different things in different movies, that's why. 2511) The Matoran, at this point, are not a big part of the story in 2006. 2612) Yes
31. In the gameboy karazni has purple roots right?
42. In the movie B3, will there be more violent fights.
53. Will the rahaga reveal they were once toa in B3.
64.Will the rahaga and toa mention Lhikan, Makuta and Nidihki in B3?
75.Has the actors of Bionicle 3 been done and recorded?
86.Have you done the storyline for B3
97.Have the lego staff done the characters and animation for bionicle 3?
108. Will we see Sidorak use his spinner, blade and iron claws in the movie?
119. How often do we see Keetongu in the movie for?
1210.When makuta shoots his shadow energy, how come its red in B2 and grey in B1?
1311. Will anything special happen to Kotu, how about akmou in 2006.
1412. Was Onewa's tool the stone hammer in B1 (where he carries it around) and B2( where he uses it to carve things)?
151) I have not played the GameBoy game yet, so no idea. 162) Pretty much the same answer as #1 -- I haven't seen any movie animation. 173) I think that gets mentioned, but not 100% sure. You know, things get cut and changed a lot in the script between when I see them and they finally get filmed. 184) Nidhiki is not mentioned at all. If Lhikan gets mentioned, it is only to the extent of mentioning that he is dead. And Makuta doesn't really play a role in this movie. 195) Yes 206) No. I am not involved in the movies. 217) No. All of that work is done by a studio in California and animators in Taiwan. 228) Again, I have no idea what they may have taken out or included, and won't know until I see the movie, probably in August. 239) I can't answer that, you will have to watch the movie. 2410) He is using it to do different things in different movies, that's why. 2511) The Matoran, at this point, are not a big part of the story in 2006. 2612) Yes
1Here are some answers from Greg:
29I found 2) and 5) to be rather interesting...
2Hello, Greg. I hope you're well. I have a couple of questions to ask you, concerning various subjects. Here goes:
3The Shadowed One/Dark Hunter related questions 41)Is the Keetongu/Roodaka combiner The Shadowed One's true form? Or is it just a form that he assumes? The reason I ask is because honestly, I don't see that combiner as being the form the leader of a powerful evil organization would take, to be honest.
51) He's not a shapeshifter. He has the form he has. And I am not sure you can judge the power of an entity by his form. Personally, I think a big black creature with a huge spear looks pretty formidable to me.
62)Can you give me a simple description of the Shadowed One's personality? If you can't reveal anything detailed, would you mind sharing one or two adjectives that would describe him?
72) Vindictive. Ruthless. Subtle.
83)Have you already seen the Voporak built? If so, can you describe it in anyway? Also, are there plans to release the Voporak combiner set in an Ultimate Dume-esque way?
93) That may happen, but I do not know for sure. I did see it, but it was a while ago so I really can't give a good description.
104)I just want to clarify, am I correct in saying that the Toa Hagah have encountered Nidhiki and Krekka before?
114) Yes.
12Toa Hagah Questions 135)What other titles might you have used for the Toa Hagah group if 'Hagah' had not been cleared as legal to use? Also, in the storyline, where does the term 'Hagah' come from? Does it relate to the name of the place where the Toa Hagah came from, or does it have some meaning in the Matoran language?
145) "Hagah" means guardian in Matoran. And the other name we looked at was "Haga" which was not approved for use.
156)When Toa Norik uses the Pehkui to shrink, does his mass decrease as well, or does it remain the same (like the Rahi Nui)?
166) He does lose mass, yes, but retains full strength.
177)Can Toa Iruini only use the power of the Kualsi to 'teleport' himself, or can he use the power on others (or would that only work if it was a Kanohi Nuva, which I know it isn't)?
187) Only works on himself
19Miscellaneous questions 208)Have you ever been to Canada? If so, how was your experience? 21Also, are there any plans at all for a Bionicle Book Tour anywhere in Canada?
228) No, I've never been there, and no one has said anything to me about doing anything there yet.
239)Out of curiosity, are you left-handed, right-handed, or ambidextrous?
249) Right-handed
2510)Do you think that you'll write more non-Bionicle booksovels in the future?
2610) I hope to, the hard part is finding the time. I do want to just as insurance in case BIONICLE ever stops .. but with my writing schedule of a book every two months, it is hard to find time to write anything else but this.
27Thanks in advance, Greg.
29I found 2) and 5) to be rather interesting...
1I PMed Greg again. I switched stuff around to make it easier to read. #8 is...interesting.
2If you are taking the time to read this, thanks in advance. 3Just a few questions I have .
2If you are taking the time to read this, thanks in advance. 3Just a few questions I have .
41. Are the Toa Hordika's voices in B3 different from the Toa Metru's in B2? 51) I have no idea. I am not involved in the making of the movie and have not heard any voice recordings. 62. If yes to #1, are the voices of the Toa Hordika recorded by entirely different actors from B2, or is it just the same actors with their voices edited? 72) See answer to #1 83. Might you tell us who some of the actors for B3 are? I'ts alright if you don't. 93) I have no info on this. I have not seen a cast list. My only involvement with the movie is writing the movie novelization, I don't have anything to do with the filmmaking. 104. Is Dume still alive at the time of the Toa Nuva? (Sorry if you've already told us). 114) Can't answer it 125. Could you please un-pluralize the names Frostelus, Parakrekks, and Protocairns please? It's been driving me crazy: 135) Why? First of all, Frostelus is not plural - it is both singular and plural. 146. Is there a reason that the names of the combiners listed above don't sound as...Bionicle? I mean, Frostelus? IMO, it's not such a traditional name. 156) Because what we are seeing, even on BZP, is that people are starting to get confused by BIONICLE names that sound too much alike. So we are going in different directions, as we did with the 2004 Matoran, which actually had names that are in common use outside the US and Europe. 167. The Toa Hagah's Kanohi/armor honor past heroes, not neccessarily Toa, correct? 177) Correct, and it is only the masks that honor them, not the armor. 188. Are the heroes the Toa Hagah honored dead, or at least fallen in battle? 198) Not to my knowledge, no 209. In the MoL DVD extras, (forgot his name) said that in 2004, we would find out "where the Toa originally came from". Does this mean that the original Toa on Mata Nui came from Metru Nui? 219) I wouldn't pay too much attention to that. MOL extras were recorded well before 2004 story was locked, and a lot changed between then and 2004. Heck, we are still making major changes to 2006 storyline, and I am supposed to be starting the first novel for it next week. We make changes up to the last minute as we refine and shape things.
23Thank you very much, GregF:
1How did Kongu get a Miru mask, when he got a Ruru?
2Wasn't that guy Tuuli?
3I believe he's referring to the scene in B2 where Nidhiki is dangling a Matoran with a Ruru. The credits later label the Matoran as Kongu. Then, as everyone knows Kongu wears a Miru for the entirety of the Toa Oldas' appearance. So, the question meant how did Kongu change masks from Ruru to Miru.
1The storyline reason (generic, of course) is that Kongu somehow got his Ruru damaged (like Jaller), and got a replacement that just happened to be a Miru.
2So Kongu was dangled by Nidhiki, eh? The book pointed at Krekka...
3And thanks for the clarification, NtMH.
5It could be Krekka, I wasn't exactly watching/reading B2, so I may be mistaken. I just wanted to point out the fact that he was dangled, and the who isn't as important.
1Some relevence on how the BoM turned to evil... and about whether the exo-toa are going to be in the rahaga's origin story or not...
2Greg, I posted this in the Official BoM topic a while ago. I just wanted to know whether it is accurate or half-right or not correct at all, stuff like that:
41) I don't think you can "blame" Mata Nui for Makuta's actions -- Makuta is a selfish, destructive, ruthless entity for whom no amount of power would ever be enough. And don't forget - Makuta and the Brotherhood were admired by both the Toa and the Matoran because they were protectors of the Matoran, so it is not accurate that they "got nothing" for their work. They simply wanted more.
5One more: Are the exo-toa going to be in the July comic or the story team did not allow you to do so? It would be cool if you do though, the exo-toa really needs a comeback:
62) At this point, I did write them into the comic, in a small way. I can't make them too prominent since they aren't available for sale anymore.
2Greg, I posted this in the Official BoM topic a while ago. I just wanted to know whether it is accurate or half-right or not correct at all, stuff like that:
3I think I know why the BoM turned to evil: Makuta was jealous of Mata Nui, right? (For those who don't know, he was jealous over these honours: Unity, Duty, and Destiny. He also envied how the Matoran worshipped Mata Nui's goodness.) He felt he never got the recognition he should have gotten, so he just thought to stop working for Mata Nui and do evil deeds like putting him to sleep and try to rule Matoran cities like Metru Nui by wiping out all that influence Mata Nui had over the Matoran. That's why Makuta wanted to be their great leader. He always had his brothers at his disposal for help and support. It was all because of Mata Nui; he provoked his sensitive servants unknowingly by doing too many good things and now they are trying to overrule him: It's simple enough: like a servant doing good things but the boss gets all the recognition when the one who does the dirty work for him gets nothing, so they start a revolution to overwhelm Mata Nui. Sounds like the NSfives from I,Robot:
41) I don't think you can "blame" Mata Nui for Makuta's actions -- Makuta is a selfish, destructive, ruthless entity for whom no amount of power would ever be enough. And don't forget - Makuta and the Brotherhood were admired by both the Toa and the Matoran because they were protectors of the Matoran, so it is not accurate that they "got nothing" for their work. They simply wanted more.
5One more: Are the exo-toa going to be in the July comic or the story team did not allow you to do so? It would be cool if you do though, the exo-toa really needs a comeback:
62) At this point, I did write them into the comic, in a small way. I can't make them too prominent since they aren't available for sale anymore.
1Who said that the Toa betrayed the Brotherhood? And which Brotherhood are you talking about? If you're talking about the BoM, I could tell you--the Toa Hagah refused to turn evil when the Brotherhood of Makuta did, and they were all mutated (by Roodaka) into Rahaga.
3the BoM and I think I got confused when I read something and then looked at one of Greg's post and found out all the body guards of Makuta quit the BoM because the BoM went bad. I thought only 2 of them quit it confused me when they reffered to "team" it sounded like "toa team"to me

1Question Answer Comment 2Hi again Greg. I got the Challenge of The Hordika yesterday(I really like it, its the best yet
) and it got me thinking about a few things. So I have a few questions just to clear things up for me and maybe some other people.
31) Does Krahka have a form that she was born with? Like not a shape shifting form, but one that she already has. 41) Yes, but I don't plan on ever revealing what it is. I figure what you guys can imagine is lots worse than what I can come up with. 5Very interesting. I think that we can imangine lots worse too. 62) Will we find out "the answer" to Tahtorahks question? And what is the question? If you cant tell us, can you say when we'll find out? 72) You should find out in the Rahi Guide coming out from Scholastic in June, in the Tahtorak entry. 8I think he answered this before. 93) Will Krahka, Tahtorahk, and Zivon be seen again? I think they will because if Kahgarak summons Zivon then the other two will follow it, but I just want to be sure. 103) The possibility does exist that they will return. I like Krahka a lot. 11I hope they come back too.I like Tahtorahk alot.

31) Does Krahka have a form that she was born with? Like not a shape shifting form, but one that she already has. 41) Yes, but I don't plan on ever revealing what it is. I figure what you guys can imagine is lots worse than what I can come up with. 5Very interesting. I think that we can imangine lots worse too. 62) Will we find out "the answer" to Tahtorahks question? And what is the question? If you cant tell us, can you say when we'll find out? 72) You should find out in the Rahi Guide coming out from Scholastic in June, in the Tahtorak entry. 8I think he answered this before. 93) Will Krahka, Tahtorahk, and Zivon be seen again? I think they will because if Kahgarak summons Zivon then the other two will follow it, but I just want to be sure. 103) The possibility does exist that they will return. I like Krahka a lot. 11I hope they come back too.I like Tahtorahk alot.
1Question Answer Comment 2Hi again Greg. I got the Challenge of The Hordika yesterday(I really like it, its the best yet ) and it got me thinking about a few things. So I have a few questions just to clear things up for me and maybe some other people.
31) Does Krahka have a form that she was born with? Like not a shape shifting form, but one that she already has. 41) Yes, but I don't plan on ever revealing what it is. I figure what you guys can imagine is lots worse than what I can come up with. 5Very interesting. I think that we can imangine lots worse too. 62) Will we find out "the answer" to Tahtorahks question? And what is the question? If you cant tell us, can you say when we'll find out? 72) You should find out in the Rahi Guide coming out from Scholastic in June, in the Tahtorak entry. 8I think he answered this before. 93) Will Krahka, Tahtorahk, and Zivon be seen again? I think they will because if Kahgarak summons Zivon then the other two will follow it, but I just want to be sure. 103) The possibility does exist that they will return. I like Krahka a lot. 11I hope they come back too.I like Tahtorahk alot.
12I find 2 and 3, very interesting, I like Krahka, Tahtorahk, and all of them alot so I hope they all come back

13~The master of flame-HVToE~
1Hey, Greg: I picked up Challenge of the Hordika Friday night, and finished reading it last night. 2I gotta say wow. This book was a really really....X20 really fun read.
3I didn't exactly reach a conclusion on my feelings for Krahka when she was introduced(other than she seemed to be a bit too powerful, personally.) earlier, but wow. am I a fan now. (It also made me a fan of Pouks too. I loved his taunting.)
4So, on to questions..
51.)Will you consider bringing Krahka back? or if not her, someone from her race(Pouks seemed to hint at others like her exist away from Metru Nui)?
62.)On the epiloge, " "Then all of that, everything you and Onewa learned - it was the truth?" asked Nokama." 7Was this supposed to be said by Gali or Hahli? I'd imagine Nokama would of known if it was true or not.
83.)In another question from a member, someone asked if you would write a book that's not Bionicle related. I was wondering if you did, would it be something that could be picked up by even the youngest Bionicle fan, or would it be aimed at older audiences and a sort of a venting area to get out the things Lego would more than likely say no to?
94.)The next tale Vakama tells, that will be the movie novelization, right?
10Can't wait for the next book(s):
121) The possibility always exists of her coming back. I really like her character. Basically, what I have been told is that the year's story for 2006 has to work for the comic, and then they trust me to expand on it as I need to for the books. So if I want to bring her back, I can. 132) You're right, that was an error on my part. 143) Hard to say. Right now, if I wanted to do something non-BIONICLE and sell it, it would be easier for me to do something else for kids because I am known for that now. I do sometimes miss writing for adults, but I think kids and teens are a better audience for a writer, because they are more honest about what they like and don't like. 154) Yes. Then we are onto Book 10, which I am almost done with
18A follow up on Question 2, it was Gali that asked, not Nokama.
1I got some answers:
2Hi Greg.Some questions need to be answered.
31.In the topic where you told us the Toa building contest was over, the winners had to send in their models. Does this mean the actual models? Or just pictures?
42.Since the winners have to send in the model (or picture) for photography,Is this for one of the guides next year (perhaps a guide to the toa? There are 29 official ones.(Counting Nidhiki.))
53.Will how Makuta is awakened be in B3?
64.Will the Unexpected enemy in B3 be the Traitor Toa/Rahaga/Keetongu?
75. Will the winner of the May contest be in anything else besides one of the Guides next Year? A comic? A Book? A Movie?
86.Were there any unexpected elements in the Toa contest? (Carbon? Acid? Nature?(I'm asking these elements because I have a science test tomorrow tongue.gif ))
91-2) No, no. The winners of the Toa building contest do not have to send in their models. The winners of the building contest that will be in the May BIONICLE comic will need to send in their models, and yes, that is because they will be in a guide in 2006.
103) Yes
114) I can't discuss movie plot.
125) No telling. There will be 35 winners of the May contest, all of which will become official BIONICLE characters, so they could pop up anywhere. Comics are unlikely, though, because comics only feature characters whose sets we are selling.
136) Oh, we got all sorts of things. Carbon, plasma, "everything," life, death, time, you name it ... In some cases, it seemed like entrants had just looked at the periodic table and picked something, because they had no explanation for exactly what a Toa of that element would be able to do.
15Comments. 161-2)Awesome: A Toa Guide: 173) Ugh.. More Makuta. I am so sick of him: 184) Oh well... At least I tried... 195)Okay. 206)Yeah...mine was Carbon...
2Hi Greg.Some questions need to be answered.
31.In the topic where you told us the Toa building contest was over, the winners had to send in their models. Does this mean the actual models? Or just pictures?
42.Since the winners have to send in the model (or picture) for photography,Is this for one of the guides next year (perhaps a guide to the toa? There are 29 official ones.(Counting Nidhiki.))
53.Will how Makuta is awakened be in B3?
64.Will the Unexpected enemy in B3 be the Traitor Toa/Rahaga/Keetongu?
75. Will the winner of the May contest be in anything else besides one of the Guides next Year? A comic? A Book? A Movie?
86.Were there any unexpected elements in the Toa contest? (Carbon? Acid? Nature?(I'm asking these elements because I have a science test tomorrow tongue.gif ))
91-2) No, no. The winners of the Toa building contest do not have to send in their models. The winners of the building contest that will be in the May BIONICLE comic will need to send in their models, and yes, that is because they will be in a guide in 2006.
103) Yes
114) I can't discuss movie plot.
125) No telling. There will be 35 winners of the May contest, all of which will become official BIONICLE characters, so they could pop up anywhere. Comics are unlikely, though, because comics only feature characters whose sets we are selling.
136) Oh, we got all sorts of things. Carbon, plasma, "everything," life, death, time, you name it ... In some cases, it seemed like entrants had just looked at the periodic table and picked something, because they had no explanation for exactly what a Toa of that element would be able to do.
15Comments. 161-2)Awesome: A Toa Guide: 173) Ugh.. More Makuta. I am so sick of him: 184) Oh well... At least I tried... 195)Okay. 206)Yeah...mine was Carbon...
1Wicked 35 winners: That gives me an awesome chance at this. With 35 winners I can at least make 34: I wonder what the contest is though?
1Spolier Warning
2Spolier Warning
3This is some really good stuff guys. My questions in red, Greg's answers in blue. Enjoy.
2Spolier Warning
3This is some really good stuff guys. My questions in red, Greg's answers in blue. Enjoy.

4Hi Greg, I just had a couple of questions for you concerning the Brotherhood of Makuta and the Dark Hunters.
51)What sort of powers does the Voporak have?
61) Voporak has three different powers: 7a) He can sense the use of the Mask of Time, no matter how far away it happens 8He has a protective field around him that ages any force used against him (so if you throw a rock at him, it ages before it hits him and crumbles to dust 9c) He can age anything he CHOOSES to by touch. The only thing this power will not work on is the Mask of Time itself.
102)Is The Shadowed One the real name of the leader of the Dark Hunters, or is that just what people call him becasue they forgot his true name?
112) No, it's not his real name.
123)What kind of creature is the Voporak?
133) Voporak was an intelligent being, like Roodaka, who was mutated by the Brotherhood.
144)Is it true that the Voporak is more powerful than the Shadowed One, or is that just a rumor?
154) He is certainly very powerful, but I would give the Shadowed One the edge in intelligence.
165)If Sentrahk is unliving, does that mean he is a robot, or just some sort of zombie.Also, does this mean that he cannot be killed or injured?
175) No, he can be injured, he just can't die the way we know death.
186)How Dark Hunters are there?
196) I don't want to give precise info on this.
207)Could you say how many members belong to the Brotherhood of Makuta?
217) No, I want to keep a lot of the Brotherhood info a mystery, because they don't come into the story in a big way for a while.
228)If all members of the Brotherhood have about the same amount of power, how do they choose a leader?By intelligence?
238) See answer to #7
249)Why would the brotherhood have any need of a bodyguards?If an attacking beiong is powerful enough to overpower a bieng like Makuta, a Toa would make little difference, right?Or was it all just ceremonial?
259) Basically, if you are, let's say, a heavyweight boxer, you could probably take anybody who hassled you on the street, right? But why would you want to spend all your time fighting everyone who challenged you? That is why boxers have bodyguards. Same idea -- Makuta could easily defeat any Rahi or anything that bothered him, but why should his time be spent that way?
2610)Will all new characters in upcoming storylines have these staffs that I keep hearing about (like Irini's staff that induces cyclones or something)?
2710) No
2811)Are the bases of the Brotherhood of Makuta and Dark Hunters stationed next to each other?
2911) No
3012)Would the Dark Hunter organization be capable taking on the Brotherhood of Makuta?
3112) They think so.
3213)Is the Shadowed One a member of the Brotherhood of Makuta?
3313) No
3414)In the Bionicle.com bio of Keetongu, it is stated that the Brotherhood would fear the coming of the Keetongu because of his power.Besides the fact that Keetongu can absorb attacks and heal Visorak venom, what powers does he have?
3514) He doesn't need any others. The Brotherhood's major, mobile force is the Visorak. A powerful being who can undo anything the Visorak do would basically render that force useless.
3615)Are the Toa Hordika only capable of using their elemental powers by way of Rhotuka spinners?
3715) Yes
3816)Besides captured Rahi, what creatures live in the Dark Dimension that Zivon lives in?
3916) Nothing that we know of
4017)Is Zivon a product of Visorak venom mutation or protodermis mutation?
4117) Neither. Zivon is just Zivon.
4218)Are there others beings like Zivon?
4318) Not that I know of, my view of him is that he is the only one.
1I concur, so basically Voporak is the enemy of the Vahi, it's basically his opposite. Very interesting, by the way, you don't need the spoiler warning any more, just use [code][SPOILER][/SPOILER][/code] tags
1Makuta vs the shadowed one. *sits at desk staring at screen muttering "the ultimate battle"then falls over having a heart attack*
1Answers in Red, comments in Green. Answer 20 is VERY intresting.
2Hey again, I've got some questions for you if you don't mind.
31) For the Maze of Shadows game, did you help the creators decide what some creatures look like? (Like the EP Entity)
41) No, had nothing to do with it. I don't know how stuff looks in the game myself. 5So maybe that's why Eppy looks like Makuta..
62) I like the new idea of split releases that Lego have done, this way we Europeons can get some sets before America. Do you know if there are any plans to do this next year?
72) Yes, there are 8Yay:
93) Voporahks powers sound really cool: Can you give us the powers of Sentrahk or The Shadowed One?
103) I am still tinkering with them a bit, due to some changes in the models 11It was worth a shot.
124) Out of interest, will we ever really The Shadowed One's real name?
134) No idea
145)Can you give us any info on the Toa Building contest winning toa?
155) No, not yet 16Awww
176) If the answer to 5 is no, when will we learn about him/her? Will we have to wait for Book 10?
186) May issue of LEGO Magazine BrickMaster Edition 19I wish they did Brickmaster in the UK...
207) Will the winning Toa be in the Guide?
217) What guide? 22Darn it. I meant the encyclopedia..
27Can you tell us what the 2006 guide will be about?
288) No, I can't -- if I do that, you will know what the May contest is which would give BZPers an unfair advantage over other entrants.
299) Because of the lack of a movie in 2006, how will we learn about the story? Will the comics and books be used to tell the story? OR will there also be flash cartoons like the good old days?
309) Comics and books, and I have no idea what the web plans are for 2006 31*Prays for Flash Cartoons*
3210) After getting so used to the Toa Metru's characters, it feels strange that we are going to go back to the Toa Nuva, even though they were our original heroes. Are you glad that we are going back to the Toa Nuva?
3310) I am kind of glad we are going back to the present day. I loved the 2004-2005 story, but I think it was confusing for some people because of the flashbacks, plus some of the suspense is gone when you know certain characters have to survive.
3411) What would happen if Keetongu absorbed a spinner, fired it, then fired another one? I think I saw somewhere that he can only fire one spinner per absorbed power, so what would happen? Would it have no power or would he just be unable to fire it?
3511) Nothing would happen
3612) You said somewhere that Keetongu has an edge over the Brotherhood of Makuta because their main attack is the Visorak, but what if Keetongu went head to head against a member of the Brotherhood of Makuta one on one? Would he still be able to win?
3712) Check out BA #10 and find out 38Does this mean Keetongu is going to fight the Brotherhood of Makuta in BA 10?
3913) Does Makuta 'keep in touch' with his Brotherhood in the present day?
4013) Can't answer it
4114) Ages ago, you told us what we were going to learn in 2004 (Like "How to get a Toa out of a stone wall"), can you do the same for this year?
4214) It's harder to do that this year because so much is tied up with the movie
4315) Is it just me, or have we experienced most of this years story already? I mean, we know about all the main villains and everything, whereas 2004 was more mysterious with the mystery of Ultimate Dume. All we don't know now is the contents of the movie and about the Rahaga's past. Are there anymore surprises for 2005 or have we almost seen it all?
4415) I definitely think there are still surprises. You don't know who the unexpected villain is, you don't know the resolution of the "who was supposed to be the Toa Metru" story, you don't know how Makuta escapes, etc.
4516) Are there any funny Toa Contest entries that you could tell us about ? (Like a Toa of Cheese or something)
4616) No, not really
4717) If the Winning Toa has a new mask power, then will it become an official mask with official name?
4817) Yes
4918) Does the winner of the contest get to choose his Toa's name, or does Lego already have one preset?
5018) No, we are choosing it -- any name used has to go through exhaustive legal checks and the odds are one submitted by an entrant would not make it through (a lot of the entries we got had names that belonged to anime characters, that sort of thing).
5119) You said LOMN would have one line that BZPers would be talking about for a while (Which was the "Join my brother's and me"), will B3 have a killer line?
5219) Not like that, no
5320) Lastly, could you tell me one thing that we don't know yet?
5420) You will get back story on the Mask of Light this year 55YAY:
56Thanks for your time.
2Hey again, I've got some questions for you if you don't mind.
31) For the Maze of Shadows game, did you help the creators decide what some creatures look like? (Like the EP Entity)
41) No, had nothing to do with it. I don't know how stuff looks in the game myself. 5So maybe that's why Eppy looks like Makuta..
62) I like the new idea of split releases that Lego have done, this way we Europeons can get some sets before America. Do you know if there are any plans to do this next year?
72) Yes, there are 8Yay:
93) Voporahks powers sound really cool: Can you give us the powers of Sentrahk or The Shadowed One?
103) I am still tinkering with them a bit, due to some changes in the models 11It was worth a shot.
124) Out of interest, will we ever really The Shadowed One's real name?
134) No idea
145)Can you give us any info on the Toa Building contest winning toa?
155) No, not yet 16Awww
176) If the answer to 5 is no, when will we learn about him/her? Will we have to wait for Book 10?
186) May issue of LEGO Magazine BrickMaster Edition 19I wish they did Brickmaster in the UK...
207) Will the winning Toa be in the Guide?
217) What guide? 22Darn it. I meant the encyclopedia..
241.In the topic where you told us the Toa building contest was over, the winners had to send in their models. Does this mean the actual models? Or just pictures?
252.Since the winners have to send in the model (or picture) for photography,Is this for one of the guides next year (perhaps a guide to the toa? There are 29 official ones.(Counting Nidhiki.))
261-2) No, no. The winners of the Toa building contest do not have to send in their models. The winners of the building contest that will be in the May BIONICLE comic will need to send in their models, and yes, that is because they will be in a guide in 2006.
27Can you tell us what the 2006 guide will be about?
288) No, I can't -- if I do that, you will know what the May contest is which would give BZPers an unfair advantage over other entrants.
299) Because of the lack of a movie in 2006, how will we learn about the story? Will the comics and books be used to tell the story? OR will there also be flash cartoons like the good old days?
309) Comics and books, and I have no idea what the web plans are for 2006 31*Prays for Flash Cartoons*
3210) After getting so used to the Toa Metru's characters, it feels strange that we are going to go back to the Toa Nuva, even though they were our original heroes. Are you glad that we are going back to the Toa Nuva?
3310) I am kind of glad we are going back to the present day. I loved the 2004-2005 story, but I think it was confusing for some people because of the flashbacks, plus some of the suspense is gone when you know certain characters have to survive.
3411) What would happen if Keetongu absorbed a spinner, fired it, then fired another one? I think I saw somewhere that he can only fire one spinner per absorbed power, so what would happen? Would it have no power or would he just be unable to fire it?
3511) Nothing would happen
3612) You said somewhere that Keetongu has an edge over the Brotherhood of Makuta because their main attack is the Visorak, but what if Keetongu went head to head against a member of the Brotherhood of Makuta one on one? Would he still be able to win?
3712) Check out BA #10 and find out 38Does this mean Keetongu is going to fight the Brotherhood of Makuta in BA 10?
3913) Does Makuta 'keep in touch' with his Brotherhood in the present day?
4013) Can't answer it
4114) Ages ago, you told us what we were going to learn in 2004 (Like "How to get a Toa out of a stone wall"), can you do the same for this year?
4214) It's harder to do that this year because so much is tied up with the movie
4315) Is it just me, or have we experienced most of this years story already? I mean, we know about all the main villains and everything, whereas 2004 was more mysterious with the mystery of Ultimate Dume. All we don't know now is the contents of the movie and about the Rahaga's past. Are there anymore surprises for 2005 or have we almost seen it all?
4415) I definitely think there are still surprises. You don't know who the unexpected villain is, you don't know the resolution of the "who was supposed to be the Toa Metru" story, you don't know how Makuta escapes, etc.
4516) Are there any funny Toa Contest entries that you could tell us about ? (Like a Toa of Cheese or something)
4616) No, not really
4717) If the Winning Toa has a new mask power, then will it become an official mask with official name?
4817) Yes
4918) Does the winner of the contest get to choose his Toa's name, or does Lego already have one preset?
5018) No, we are choosing it -- any name used has to go through exhaustive legal checks and the odds are one submitted by an entrant would not make it through (a lot of the entries we got had names that belonged to anime characters, that sort of thing).
5119) You said LOMN would have one line that BZPers would be talking about for a while (Which was the "Join my brother's and me"), will B3 have a killer line?
5219) Not like that, no
5320) Lastly, could you tell me one thing that we don't know yet?
5420) You will get back story on the Mask of Light this year 55YAY:
56Thanks for your time.
1Hey, guys, I got some fresh answers:
I also put these in the Official Brotherhood topic since it answers a few questions we've been batting around in there. 11

21) In the term "Brotherhood of Makuta", is the word "Makuta" singular or plural? 31) It's plural
42) How do the Visorak move from one island to the next? 52) Usually through subterranean chutes. We had originally planned to introduce another creature that would attach to the Visorak and be able to fly them places, but I don't think that set ever came to fruition.
63) Why isn't Sidorak interested in freeing Makuta? Does he realize his boss is stuck to a big rock? Does he want to conquer Metru Nui first so he can show off his work? 73) Freeing Makuta is not really his job. And with no Makuta over him, he has the chance to possibly sit on the dark throne himself. Whereas Roodaka wants to free Makuta because she thinks she will be allowed to rule beside him.
84) Is this correct: Makuta gave the Visorak to Sidorak and Roodaka so they could web up Rahi and get them out of the way (for some as-yet undisclosed reason). Neither he nor the Brotherhood ordered Visorak venom mutation research. Roodaka is acting independently with her experiments, which Sidorak does not like because they are not essential to the goal and sometimes result in dangerous failures (like the Rahaga showing up to release the Hordika). If not, can you explain where I went off course? 94) No, that is spot on. While Makuta probably wouldn't MIND Roodaka's experiments that much (look what he did with EP), he didn't order them and neither did anyone else in the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is not above doing mutations, but only when they serve a recognizable goal. Roodaka is more doing, "Let's throw this in and see what happens."

1Well, I got some pretty good answers from Greg about the Brotherhood of Makuta and Dark Hunters in his last PM. And, I think there's a pretty interesting bit of information at the end.
2Greetings, Greg. I have some questions to you, some relating to recent answers from you to other members, and mainly pertaining to the Brotherhood of Makuta and the Dark Hunters.
31)About how many Dark Hunters would you say there are?
42)Are there many Dark Hunters that are ex-Toa, or is it just Nidhiki?
51-2) Since I want to do more on the Dark Hunters in future, I want to hold off on revealing this info.
63)How exactly are Dark Hunters recruited? I have a bunch of seemingly unplausible ideas about this, that mainly involve beings who turn down becoming a DH getting 'terminated', so I'd appreciate some insight into this.
73) Usually by other Dark Hunters. A DH might know of someone he used to spend time with who would have useful skills, or else run across someone on a mission that he thinks would make a good recruit. In general, someone approached to join who says no would not have enough info about the organization to necessitate killing him.
84)Are there any Dark Hunters that are Matoran? The reason I ask is because we have seen some not-so-good/misguided Matoran, so I'm wondering if any of them would of strayed that far away from the path of virtue.
94) I don't want to say "absolutely not," but I think it is somewhat unlikely. Basically, if the Dark Hunters need the services of a Matoran, they can intimidate him the way they did Ahkmou. Since Matoran do not have any special powers generally, their major contribution to the DH would be information, which can be squeezed out of them if need be.
105)Do the Visorak still exist in Toa Nuva time (I get the feeling you can't/won't answer this, but there's no harm in asking)?
115) I would say yes, they do.
126)Does the Brotherhood of Makuta have some sort of lair/base/headquarters where they have meetings, or do they usually communicate telepathically, like some sort of conference call or instant messenger group conversation?
136) They do have fortresses in various places, yes.
147)Does the Dark Hunters organization have some sort of lair/base/headquarters, or do they simply not have meetings, but the Shadowed One sends them messages by some means, as to who they have to target?
157) The Shadowed One has an island base, but the DH membership is scattered around. So they use venom flyers to carry messages in a lot of cases.
168)Since the Voporak has powers that relate to the Mask of Time, I'm guessing that there have been Masks of Time before the one Vakama created. Is this correct? And if so, did the look the same as the Vahi we know?
178) No, actually, Voporak was given his powers in anticipation of the fact that someday a Vahi would be created. The only Vahi ever in existence is the one Vakama made.
189)You've probably been asked this before, but is the Shadowed One the being Makuta respects? If not, could it possibly be the Voporak? Or is it a character we do not know of yet?
199) I'd rather wait and let you guys find that out.
2010)Is it true that there will be a Toa Guide next year? I hope so, because I believe that it's a great idea, and will be really helpful for differentiating groups and getting a better a grasp of the Toa timeline.
2110) No, the guide for next year is based on the May contest. The only Toa from this past contest who is part of canon is the Grand Prize winner. For the most part, the Toa models did not look THAT different from each other (which is understandable) so a guide would be kind of repetitious. I think the info you are looking for will be in the Encyclopedia.
22That's pretty much it for now. I'm really curious about the Dark Hunters and Brotherhood of Makuta, because of the way you've been teasing us about their secrets/mysteries.
23Look for hints to yet a third organization in the BIONICLE universe in BA #10.
1- - - - -
21. Is learning how to use masks like finding a muscle you just got, but don't know where it is? Meaning that once you find the muscle to flex naturally – as the Toa Metru did – you can use any mask immediately? Or do you have to learn each one on its own?
3Pretty much, yes. I liken it to learning to break a board with martial arts.
42. Just to clarify, Boggarak have one spinner which changes power when it passes into water, right? Some people think that they have two powers to choose from.
5They do have two powers, but one is only used on water and one on dry land. 6Huh - it would make more sense to have one spinner which has a power altered by water.
73. I read somewhere that Boggarak can skim across water. How do they do this? Do they fold their legs beneath them in "skimmer mode" or can they skate across the water's surface, like water striders?
8Off the top of my head, I don't recall their being able to do that. 9Must find quote...
104. Are combiner Rahi the same colors as the models? Just wondering if it was simply due to parts limitations, because Zivon looks a little garish...
11The Zivon is colorful, yes. If it was going to appear in a comic, it would have to be based on the set photo, so that pretty much has to be the way it looks. 12I was afraid of that.
135. Do rock raptors naturally have the tools they carry, or do they pick them up and use them?
14They make them. 15Clever critters, rock raptors...
166. Are Kane-Ra carnivorous? I was under the very strong impression from 2001 that they were, but you seemed to say otherwise in BA8. Was I just reading it poorly?
17I do not see them as being carnivorous, no. Bulls are not normally meat-eaters. 18Oh, the blinkers and fetters of Earth:
197. Are tool names like "blazer claws" and "cyclone spear" supposed to be capitalized? I'm pretty sure I've seen them capitalized some places, but others not. Which is correct? And are Rahi names like "frost leech" proper names or nicknames of sorts? Kind of the way Canis lupus familiaris is commonly called a poodle.
20Those are proper names, because they do not have standard BIONICLE names. I usually don't capitalize Toa tool names.
218. Are the names "krana" and "krana-kal" supposed to be capitalized? Again, I've seen it both ways.
22Not normally, no.
239. To someone you mentioned flying creatures which would carry Visorak that never made it into the storyline. Might venom flyers be used to transport Visorak?
24I am not sure that would work with the sets. The thing we were looking to make would have attached to the set.
2510. Are all trollers as huge as the one in the movie novelization was? Because in BA8 Roodaka pulled Krahka in the form of a troller from the ground, and I found it hard to envision her pulling a Rahi larger than a metru block from beneath her.
26Roodaka is very strong. 27O_O
2811. Would it be correct to say that Kahgarak, venom flyers, and Visorak are all related? If so, are they all seperate species or part of the same "hive"? Many ant hives have giant soldiers (Kahgarak), winged scouts (venom flyers) and common workers (Visorak).
29Yes, it would be fair to say they are related. 30Didn't answer the second part...
3112. A little question... why must any two Matoran look the same? You mentioned identical Matoran could be differentiated by voice and personality, but look at this:
321000 / 6 = ~167. So each metru/koro has about 167 Matoran. For each district there are about five possible colors for Matoran – Le-Matoran have been seen with lime, teal, green, dark green, and silver. That's excluding irregularities – I'm sure some might have black or gray parts, if not other colors as well. So far we've seen 12 common Matoran mask shapes, and 8 common eye colors. So multiply 12 mask types x 5 mask colors x 8 eye colors x 5 body colors x 5 feet colors.
3312 x 5 x 8 x 5 x 5 = 12,000. So it's possible to have 12,000 unique Matoran within each district. Note that adding one more mask shape into the mix – say, Kiril – boosts that number to 13,000. So there's absolutely no need for there to be identical Matoran. Mavrah has a purple Pakari, but he might have a dark gray body, black feet, blue eyes, or any other number of differences to keep him from looking like Onepu.
34Sorry about that rant, but you know how I am. I won't submit you to the horrors of my finding the length, width, and approximate area of Mata Nui.
35But think about where you have mainly seen Matoran -- online and in the movies. Do you really think the animators are going to go the trouble to make sure every single Matoran has a different mask and/or color scheme? The time that takes costs money. 36Yet another reason to hate the movies.
37Not a formal question, but was it completely your idea to have Ahkmou and co. be the true Toa? I love that: Quite the plot twist: BA8 also really turned me into a Krahka fan. Anyhow, I loved BA8 and am greatly looking forward to the rest of the year. Magnificent work, Greg:
38Yes, it was my idea -- but that storyline is not over yet. You need to read Book 10 (which I am just finishing this week) to get the rest of the story.
39- - - - -
40Some good, some bad, some needing clarification.
21. Is learning how to use masks like finding a muscle you just got, but don't know where it is? Meaning that once you find the muscle to flex naturally – as the Toa Metru did – you can use any mask immediately? Or do you have to learn each one on its own?
3Pretty much, yes. I liken it to learning to break a board with martial arts.
42. Just to clarify, Boggarak have one spinner which changes power when it passes into water, right? Some people think that they have two powers to choose from.
5They do have two powers, but one is only used on water and one on dry land. 6Huh - it would make more sense to have one spinner which has a power altered by water.
73. I read somewhere that Boggarak can skim across water. How do they do this? Do they fold their legs beneath them in "skimmer mode" or can they skate across the water's surface, like water striders?
8Off the top of my head, I don't recall their being able to do that. 9Must find quote...
104. Are combiner Rahi the same colors as the models? Just wondering if it was simply due to parts limitations, because Zivon looks a little garish...
11The Zivon is colorful, yes. If it was going to appear in a comic, it would have to be based on the set photo, so that pretty much has to be the way it looks. 12I was afraid of that.
135. Do rock raptors naturally have the tools they carry, or do they pick them up and use them?
14They make them. 15Clever critters, rock raptors...
166. Are Kane-Ra carnivorous? I was under the very strong impression from 2001 that they were, but you seemed to say otherwise in BA8. Was I just reading it poorly?
17I do not see them as being carnivorous, no. Bulls are not normally meat-eaters. 18Oh, the blinkers and fetters of Earth:
197. Are tool names like "blazer claws" and "cyclone spear" supposed to be capitalized? I'm pretty sure I've seen them capitalized some places, but others not. Which is correct? And are Rahi names like "frost leech" proper names or nicknames of sorts? Kind of the way Canis lupus familiaris is commonly called a poodle.
20Those are proper names, because they do not have standard BIONICLE names. I usually don't capitalize Toa tool names.
218. Are the names "krana" and "krana-kal" supposed to be capitalized? Again, I've seen it both ways.
22Not normally, no.
239. To someone you mentioned flying creatures which would carry Visorak that never made it into the storyline. Might venom flyers be used to transport Visorak?
24I am not sure that would work with the sets. The thing we were looking to make would have attached to the set.
2510. Are all trollers as huge as the one in the movie novelization was? Because in BA8 Roodaka pulled Krahka in the form of a troller from the ground, and I found it hard to envision her pulling a Rahi larger than a metru block from beneath her.
26Roodaka is very strong. 27O_O
2811. Would it be correct to say that Kahgarak, venom flyers, and Visorak are all related? If so, are they all seperate species or part of the same "hive"? Many ant hives have giant soldiers (Kahgarak), winged scouts (venom flyers) and common workers (Visorak).
29Yes, it would be fair to say they are related. 30Didn't answer the second part...
3112. A little question... why must any two Matoran look the same? You mentioned identical Matoran could be differentiated by voice and personality, but look at this:
321000 / 6 = ~167. So each metru/koro has about 167 Matoran. For each district there are about five possible colors for Matoran – Le-Matoran have been seen with lime, teal, green, dark green, and silver. That's excluding irregularities – I'm sure some might have black or gray parts, if not other colors as well. So far we've seen 12 common Matoran mask shapes, and 8 common eye colors. So multiply 12 mask types x 5 mask colors x 8 eye colors x 5 body colors x 5 feet colors.
3312 x 5 x 8 x 5 x 5 = 12,000. So it's possible to have 12,000 unique Matoran within each district. Note that adding one more mask shape into the mix – say, Kiril – boosts that number to 13,000. So there's absolutely no need for there to be identical Matoran. Mavrah has a purple Pakari, but he might have a dark gray body, black feet, blue eyes, or any other number of differences to keep him from looking like Onepu.
34Sorry about that rant, but you know how I am. I won't submit you to the horrors of my finding the length, width, and approximate area of Mata Nui.
35But think about where you have mainly seen Matoran -- online and in the movies. Do you really think the animators are going to go the trouble to make sure every single Matoran has a different mask and/or color scheme? The time that takes costs money. 36Yet another reason to hate the movies.
37Not a formal question, but was it completely your idea to have Ahkmou and co. be the true Toa? I love that: Quite the plot twist: BA8 also really turned me into a Krahka fan. Anyhow, I loved BA8 and am greatly looking forward to the rest of the year. Magnificent work, Greg:
38Yes, it was my idea -- but that storyline is not over yet. You need to read Book 10 (which I am just finishing this week) to get the rest of the story.
39- - - - -
40Some good, some bad, some needing clarification.
1Here's my batch of questions. None of them are really interesing, and I'm sure several of them are old news; these questions are pretty much just clarification.
2I'll try to get to the point so you can go on with your life. I don't know how many of these you can answer, since most of them ask about the Hagah and the Brotherhood.
31) Power-level-wise, the Hagah are Toa olda, right?
41) Yes
52) Are the Hagah's gold and silver armor stronger than normal armor, or is it just regular Toa armor that's colored to show their status?
62) It had more to do with reflecting their status
73) How long were the Hagah Toa?
83) Oh, quite a long time. Hundreds of years, probably.
94a) Did the Hagah do something particularly heroic to gain the "elite" title? 104b) If 4a was yes, will we find out what they did? 114c) Was their occupation as guards for the Brotherhood a result of their gaining the "elite" title, or, did they work for the Brotherhood first, and their guard job was a cause for the elite title?
124) More than likely, yes 134b) Don't know
145a) The Brotherhood predates the creation of Metru Nui, right?
155a) It predates the completion of Metru Nui, not the initial construction
165b) Does the Brotherhood still exist (during Toa Nuva times)?
175b) Yes
186a) Was Makuta supposed to be the founder (or one of the founders) of the Brotherhood? 196b) Makuta wasn't/isn't the head of the Brotherhood, is he?
206) Not necessarily, no
217a) Were the Toa Hagah guards for the Brotherhood in general, and not just Makuta?
227a) No, they were bodyguards for the Makuta we have met, not the Brotherhood as a whole
237b) Were the Toa Hagah the only guards for the Brotherhood at that particular time, or were there more guards (more Toa?) at the same time?
247b) There were other guards, but not necessarily Toa.
258) When will we know how/when the Hagah found out the Brotherhood turned evil?
268) July comic tells the Toa Hagah story
279) Do Tahu and co. predate all the Toa we've seen so far, including Dume's group and the Hagah? (If so, it would explain why the body types and armor are so different).
289) I can't answer that --do not have sufficient info
2910) When Tahu (olda) and co. were searching for the masks on Mata Nui, were the mask designs that they first wore different from the ones that were hidden, since they were made in different time periods? (like how Lhikan's and Tahu's Hau were different).
3010) No. The Hau for example that the Toa Olda found all looked like Tahu's Hau.
3111) In a sense, would Toa Nuva be considered a type of elite Toa, since they are more powerful than an average Toa?
3211) Yes
3312) (Just for clarification), I heard somewhere that the Toa Metru were Toa for only about 6 weeks. Is this true? For some reason, I thought they were Toa for about 4-6 months.
3412) 4-6 weeks applies to how much time they were actually Toa Metru -- that does not include the time they spent as Toa Hordika.