10But I have one problem with Antroz, if he shapeshifts to ride the Jetrax, how can he see. He was blinded by the Light from Matoro's Sacrifice and without Radiak he's blind. So how does he drive that vehicle of his? Can anyone answer? Yeah, I thought Bitil was the Female Makuta before, but now I know more about Gorast, I thinks she fits best to be female makuta and now she is my favorite Mistika . 9okey, thanks 8antrozek, read the bolded part. you made me go quote hunting for the theroy. why on earth would lewa and pohatu be evil, anyway?and i'm going quote hunting again. or link hunting.here is the link: READ THE TRIVIA . HIGHLIGHT THE SPACE BELOW.1Interesting answers from Greg 71) Too early.2) Actually they are adapted to using the vehicles, not the swamp6Thanks Greg5At the end of '08, yes4But there will be an introduction showing what happened in 08 ,right?2Hi Greg I was wondering about something in the 09 movie,1)You said that you guys are thinking about how much of 2008 to put in the beginning, so could there be a chance of the Nuva, Makuta and Toa Ignika appearing at the beginning of the movie?Thanks In advance .3No -- there's not a lot of point in showing 2008 (or earlier) sets in the movie, since they won't be on shelf by the time the film comes out.Also regarding the ToyFair pics1)could you give us info on what the Nynrah Ghost Blasters do?2)Lewa and Pohatu on the T Vehicles are adapted to the swamp since they look a bit different than their Phantoka forms right?Thanks again .
1Holy Makuta . I always thought Krika was the female one .
2Yeah, Krika is such a femanine name (Krika sounds similar to Lariska), and the set looked female, but why is

1Gorast is cool.
3However, spam is NOT cool. 4ON TOPIC: Just sent a few summer questions to Greg. I wonder if he'll answer them...
5I second that.

7No. If we released the other four Hagah, we would have to re-release the two that are already in existence. Since consumers don't want to buy the same set twice, the only way we could re-release them would be to change them and create a storyline reason (since all Bionicle sets are directly linked to the comics) why they changed. Since we aen't planning anything of the sort, then there would be no apparent reason to change the Hagah and re-release them.
8See what I'm saying? If the Summer forms of the Winter sets are the same as their winter forms, then there would be no incentive to buy the summer forms other than the vehicles, and the ever-present statement would arise from wary mothers; "But you already have that one, Johnny." 9Just to clarify.

1But I have one problem with Antroz, if he shapeshifts to ride the Jetrax, how can he see. He was blinded by the Light from Matoro's Sacrifice and without Radiak he's blind. So how does he drive that vehicle of his? Can anyone answer?
2Note too that the vehicle has a Midak Skyblaster, and there's no way a Makuta would use one. That basically limits the drivers of all the vehicles to good guys, unless they're not Midaks on the vehicles but something else (and I doubt that they would do that).
1But I have one problem with Antroz, if he shapeshifts to ride the Jetrax, how can he see. He was blinded by the Light from Matoro's Sacrifice and without Radiak he's blind. So how does he drive that vehicle of his? Can anyone answer?
2Note too that the vehicle has a Midak Skyblaster, and there's no way a Makuta would use one. That basically limits the drivers of all the vehicles to good guys, unless they're not Midaks on the vehicles but something else (and I doubt that they would do that).
3No Greg has confirmed in one of his newer posts (go to his profile) that Antroz is indeed a driver of a vehicle (I'm not saying the name because I forgot it

1I guess it's bye-bye to Radiak then. I REALLY wonder what will happen to kopaka, Vamprah and Chirox.
1But I have one problem with Antroz, if he shapeshifts to ride the Jetrax, how can he see. He was blinded by the Light from Matoro's Sacrifice and without Radiak he's blind. So how does he drive that vehicle of his? Can anyone answer?
2Note too that the vehicle has a Midak Skyblaster, and there's no way a Makuta would use one. That basically limits the drivers of all the vehicles to good guys, unless they're not Midaks on the vehicles but something else (and I doubt that they would do that).
3Well, it may also have other powers that could benifet either side, also, Antroz could just keep firing Midaks until it is pitch black.
11)Are Phantoka/Mistika masks still Nuva level? 21A)if not, are they higher or lower? 31if higher, what can they do now? 42)Will we ever see the Toa Mata masks at Nobel level? 53)If Phantoka/Mistika switched enviroments, how quickly would they adapt? 64)Will collectability ever return to the Kanohi? 75)Why do one of the summer sets have Pohatus Kanohi?(official pics now posted on front page) 86)How does Pohatu use his Weapons in battle? 96a)elemental powers in air? 106b)Kanohi powers in air? 117)Same question as 6b, but Lewa? 128)Is Lewa more powerful now that hes constantly in his element? 139)same as 8, but with Gali? 1410)Are there any other Nuva level Toa? 1511)Will we ever see the Vahi again? 1612)Will Bionicle in '09 have a new surname? ie: Chronicles, Adventures, Legends, ? 1713)Why do one of the summer Vehicles look like a Star Wars Pod Racer? 1814)Whos the Leader of the Toa Phantoka? Kopaka or Lewa 1914a)Phantoka Makuta? 2015)Which Bionicle would you say your most like? 2116)Do you play any games on BZP? 2217)Will gears ever return?
231) No 242) Only if we get new Turaga who wear them 253) Immediately 264) Impossible for me to predict. Most likely it would require a business case to be developed to convince the company that masks would sell this time when they didn't sell in 2001-2002 275) Which set are you referring to? 286) Kanohi is easy -- Mask of Speed, makes him go faster .. elemental powers, you can still create stone and hurl it at someone in mid air .. weapons use one hand to keep yourself up in the air the other to shoot. 297) Lewa's mask makes him more maneuverable in air, and the other two really aren't issues since his hands are free in flight and his use of elemental power is normal 308) Lewa is almost always surrounded by air wherever he goes, but he has more flight experience than the other Toa do 319) Gali's mask is of no more use in air than it is on dry land, and the rest is as normal 3210) No 3311) Nothing planned at the moment 3412) Hasn't been decided yet 3513) Asking the wrong person, I'm not a set designer 3614) Kopaka and Antroz 3715) None. I don't base characters off me 3816) No 3917) There are gears in some of the vehicle sets, I believe this year. As for them returning in canister sets, if focus groups want them back, they'll come back.
40just question, hope they help somebody in some way
1But I have one problem with Antroz, if he shapeshifts to ride the Jetrax, how can he see. He was blinded by the Light from Matoro's Sacrifice and without Radiak he's blind. So how does he drive that vehicle of his? Can anyone answer?
2Well, since Antroz is a makuta, he technically wasn't blinded, only his current form was blinded. So when he shapeshifts, he can see again.
1I have a few questions that I hope you can answer. 21. What exactly caused the mistika makuta to be locked to their current forms?
32. Will Gali and Onua have their own personal toa tools as Toa mistika?
43. When will BIONICLE Legends 9: Shadows in the Sky be released?
509MurphyM, you need to PM Greg your questions.
6I can answer Numbers 1 and 3.
71. Can't discuss future storyline 83. Sometime in March
1why and how did lewa and pohatu shapeshift?why and how did lewa and pohatu shapeshift?
31a. They are probably on ground level thats why because they arent in the air... 42a. No idea because we dont know that yet. 53a. In April 08.
2I have a few questions that I hope you can answer.1. What exactly caused the mistika makuta to be locked to their current forms?2. Will Gali and Onua have their own personal toa tools as Toa mistika?3. When will BIONICLE Legends 9: Shadows in the Sky be released?
31a. They are probably on ground level thats why because they arent in the air... 42a. No idea because we dont know that yet. 53a. In April 08.
1But I have one problem with Antroz, if he shapeshifts to ride the Jetrax, how can he see. He was blinded by the Light from Matoro's Sacrifice and without Radiak he's blind. So how does he drive that vehicle of his? Can anyone answer?
2Well, since Antroz is a makuta, he technically wasn't blinded, only his current form was blinded. So when he shapeshifts, he can see again.
3No, as long as he shapeshifts in his current form, he's blind. Think of it this way. His current form is a robot. The robot's eyes have died. No matter how many times you rebuild the robot with the same pieces, the eyes are still staying blind. To get sight, Antroz would need to discard this armor and get a new one.
1Hey Greg,
21.Correct me if I'm wrong: 3Bitil = bee or wasp 4Krika = mantis 5Gorast = beetle?
62.Asuming nynrah ghost-blaster is a cannon name, are there ghosts 7in the bionicle universe or the swamp?
83.What is the porpose of Gali's eye-scope?
94.Who is Vultraz? 104a.Is he a matoran?
115.When is the next Mutran Chronicle coming out?
12Thanx, 13Galaxia Darkness
141-4) Too early to discuss story aspects of the summer sets. 155) This question is better directed at Binkmeister, who is the web producer.
16Answers a few questions.

1I found out who the female Makuta is . Warning: Spoilers ahead.
6What the MooCow??? I so thought it was Krika. He has a female sounding name, and is skinny and lean too. 7I guess it makes sense having a female mosquito though. 8Too bad, I was really looking forward to buying the female Makuta set. But I'm not buying Gorast. Waaaaaay too ugly. 9I guess I could always pretend Krika is female... but maybe not. I don't think he'd like me very much for doing that.... 10Ah, what to do? What to do?
1But I have one problem with Antroz, if he shapeshifts to ride the Jetrax, how can he see. He was blinded by the Light from Matoro's Sacrifice and without Radiak he's blind. So how does he drive that vehicle of his? Can anyone answer?
2Well, since Antroz is a makuta, he technically wasn't blinded, only his current form was blinded. So when he shapeshifts, he can see again.
3Actually not, because the light sensors in his Makuta armor were destroyed by the light explosion of the Ignika. As long as he does not get new ones he can shapeshift into whatever he wants but will always be blinded.
1no one will die this year.
1But I have one problem with Antroz, if he shapeshifts to ride the Jetrax, how can he see. He was blinded by the Light from Matoro's Sacrifice and without Radiak he's blind. So how does he drive that vehicle of his? Can anyone answer?
2Well, since Antroz is a makuta, he technically wasn't blinded, only his current form was blinded. So when he shapeshifts, he can see again.
3Actually not, because the light sensors in his Makuta armor were destroyed by the light explosion of the Ignika. As long as he does not get new ones he can shapeshift into whatever he wants but will always be blinded.
4Ever think maybe that Antroz will leave his Makuta Armor and inhabit a new body?
1But I have one problem with Antroz, if he shapeshifts to ride the Jetrax, how can he see. He was blinded by the Light from Matoro's Sacrifice and without Radiak he's blind. So how does he drive that vehicle of his? Can anyone answer?
2Well, since Antroz is a makuta, he technically wasn't blinded, only his current form was blinded. So when he shapeshifts, he can see again.
3Actually not, because the light sensors in his Makuta armor were destroyed by the light explosion of the Ignika. As long as he does not get new ones he can shapeshift into whatever he wants but will always be blinded.
4Ever think maybe that Antroz will leave his Makuta Armor and inhabit a new body?
5Ever thought that it's not even march, and You're discussing things that will get solved in June or July? 6Personally i think that his armour might just get fixed. No miracles, no magic, just a screw wrench.
1I found out who the female Makuta is . Warning: Spoilers ahead.
6What the MooCow??? I so thought it was Krika. He has a female sounding name, and is skinny and lean too. 7I guess it makes sense having a female mosquito though. 8Too bad, I was really looking forward to buying the female Makuta set. But I'm not buying Gorast. Waaaaaay too ugly. 9I guess I could always pretend Krika is female... but maybe not. I don't think he'd like me very much for doing that.... 10Ah, what to do? What to do?
11buy her, gorast, make a paper bag that fits her head, put it on her head, and play. when i saw gali, i was too shocked for words. gali was my seconed toa mata, and this happened. i'm still getting her, and most of the others, for display, maybe...
1Well, these may not help, but I found them helpful for me.
2I'm sorry if my onslaught of questions adding up to the other questions is hard for you, but I just found some stuff out in the OGD:
31. Rockoh T3 has Pohatu on it? 41a. If so, how? And why? (If you can't answer this, it's okay.) 52. Axalara has Lewa on it? 62a. Same as 1a. 73. Who is Mazeka? 84. The other vehicle (don't know which) has ANTROZ on it? . 94a. Same as 1a and 2a.
10Sorry if most of these are unanswerable, and I hope you can get back my other questions too.
111) Yes 121A) Too early to discuss 132) Yes 142a) Too early to discuss -- vehicles do not come into story for another seven months 153) Matoran 164) Yes.
2I'm sorry if my onslaught of questions adding up to the other questions is hard for you, but I just found some stuff out in the OGD:
31. Rockoh T3 has Pohatu on it? 41a. If so, how? And why? (If you can't answer this, it's okay.) 52. Axalara has Lewa on it? 62a. Same as 1a. 73. Who is Mazeka? 84. The other vehicle (don't know which) has ANTROZ on it? . 94a. Same as 1a and 2a.
10Sorry if most of these are unanswerable, and I hope you can get back my other questions too.
111) Yes 121A) Too early to discuss 132) Yes 142a) Too early to discuss -- vehicles do not come into story for another seven months 153) Matoran 164) Yes.
1But I have one problem with Antroz, if he shapeshifts to ride the Jetrax, how can he see. He was blinded by the Light from Matoro's Sacrifice and without Radiak he's blind. So how does he drive that vehicle of his? Can anyone answer?
2Well, since Antroz is a makuta, he technically wasn't blinded, only his current form was blinded. So when he shapeshifts, he can see again.
3Actually not, because the light sensors in his Makuta armor were destroyed by the light explosion of the Ignika. As long as he does not get new ones he can shapeshift into whatever he wants but will always be blinded.
4Ever think maybe that Antroz will leave his Makuta Armor and inhabit a new body?
5I don't think so. He already can see thanks to Radiak, and I don't think other Makuta would be willing to give up their armor. And getting new Makuta armor is hard, since Artahka made the originals, and he wouldn't do it again for them. I suppose he might want to take over a robot or an uninhabited body, but why, since he can see?
1I asked him these questions for Bionicle Legends#10.
8His answers are:
14Well, those were a good question for SOS.
2Hey Greg, I've been wondering about the Swamp of Secrets book, and I've been thinking:
31. Is The Shadowed One's real name going to be told in Bionicle Legends#10? 42. Is the titans (except Takanuva) at summer Matoran? 52a. Why do they need vehicles? 63. Why can't Gorast, Krika, and Bitil use their Kraata Powers? 74. Is Takanuva who came out of Tuyet's diemension going to fight in the SOS with the Mistika Toa Nuva too?
8His answers are:
91) No 102) Mazeka and Vultraz are Matoran 112a) To get around 123) You'll find out when we get to the summer story 134) Takanuva does appear in the summer story, yes
14Well, those were a good question for SOS.
1Just questions about the mutant Piraka.
2I keep sending you this message, but I never get a reply, so here goes...
4I have a question about the Pirakas' appearance as of Downfall
5Did they have the parts of their spines that run down their arms, like this?
6Or are those gone, [url="http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/TheKraahkan/MutatedPiraka 7oarmspines.jpg" ]like this?
8Also, since Vezon is a Skakdi, and has no spine, if he were mutated, would he just be...you know...a head?
9This is more of a joke than serious, but could one literally call Zaktan "the Snake" now?
10One last question, at the beginning of a chapter in Downfall, it said something about "the five Piraka snakes." Was this just an error on your part, or did something happen to one of them?
11Thank you and farewell for now.
121) Gone 132) But is Vezon technically a Skakdi? He is a portion of Vezok, he is not a complete being. 143) I would have to go back and check the text
1Well that's weird, lego most likely decided Gorast's storyline info after they made the set. Krika looks more like a girl then Gorast. and her name, Gorast that sounds nothing like a girls name. Well it could be worse her name could be Fred. Gorast sounds like a professional boxer's name. still Gorast is my favorite Makuta out of the mistika.
1Well, these may not help, but I found them helpful for me.
2I'm sorry if my onslaught of questions adding up to the other questions is hard for you, but I just found some stuff out in the OGD:
31. Rockoh T3 has Pohatu on it? 41a. If so, how? And why? (If you can't answer this, it's okay.) 52. Axalara has Lewa on it? 62a. Same as 1a. 73. Who is Mazeka? 84. The other vehicle (don't know which) has ANTROZ on it? . 94a. Same as 1a and 2a.
10Sorry if most of these are unanswerable, and I hope you can get back my other questions too.
111) Yes 121A) Too early to discuss 132) Yes 142a) Too early to discuss -- vehicles do not come into story for another seven months 153) Matoran 164) Yes.
17Holy- . THAT is Antroz? And Lewa and Pohatu come back? What about Kopaka? Oh my......
1Well, these may not help, but I found them helpful for me.
2I'm sorry if my onslaught of questions adding up to the other questions is hard for you, but I just found some stuff out in the OGD:
31. Rockoh T3 has Pohatu on it? 41a. If so, how? And why? (If you can't answer this, it's okay.) 52. Axalara has Lewa on it? 62a. Same as 1a. 73. Who is Mazeka? 84. The other vehicle (don't know which) has ANTROZ on it? . 94a. Same as 1a and 2a.
10Sorry if most of these are unanswerable, and I hope you can get back my other questions too.
111) Yes 121A) Too early to discuss 132) Yes 142a) Too early to discuss -- vehicles do not come into story for another seven months 153) Matoran 164) Yes.
17Holy- . THAT is Antroz? And Lewa and Pohatu come back? What about Kopaka? Oh my......
18woahhhhhhhhhoo cool krogo .
1hello..just a couple quick questions if you dont mind
21)the only light matoran mentioned so far are photok,tanma and solek..are the other light matoran in hiding?
32)what is a toa's face supposed to look like without a mask? would it be more robatic or humanoid?
43) so what has become of the visorak?
54) when jaller,and the other mahri were transported back to metru-nui what became of the hannah crab that was with jaller?
65) is maxilos now shutdown or did hydraxon fix him and put him back as a guard?
7thanks i hope you can answer all of them

21)the only light matoran mentioned so far are photok,tanma and solek..are the other light matoran in hiding?
32)what is a toa's face supposed to look like without a mask? would it be more robatic or humanoid?
43) so what has become of the visorak?
54) when jaller,and the other mahri were transported back to metru-nui what became of the hannah crab that was with jaller?
65) is maxilos now shutdown or did hydraxon fix him and put him back as a guard?
7thanks i hope you can answer all of them

1I'm a little bothered by the "special edition" thing. Now I'm ashamed I wasted my money on Antroz, Lewa, And Pohatu Phantoka, not to mention Radiak and Tanma. Wth all that cash, I could've saved enough to get Axalera T9, the best vehicle ever...
2But they're different forms... Lewa and Antroz even have new masks. And besides, they have connection points, so use Radiak and Tanma with em .
3-Shardwing Prime-