1why are Antroz, Lewa, and Pohatu coming back as special addition?? especially Antroz??
1you should PM these to greg, but he will probbly say i cant answer it. it hasn't been revieled.
21. Is the Tren Krom Peninsula related to the Tren Krom Break back on Mata Nui?
32. Is Gorast the ruler of Xia? The acid falls bring to mind the Mountain's acid grass and she might be accountable for the whole dominant-female society there...
41) Only in the sense that TKB is named after TKP 52) No
7But I have one problem with Antroz, if he shapeshifts to ride the Jetrax, how can he see. He was blinded by the Light from Matoro's Sacrifice and without Radiak he's blind. So how does he drive that vehicle of his? Can anyone answer?
8Well, since Antroz is a makuta, he technically wasn't blinded, only his current form was blinded. So when he shapeshifts, he can see again.
9Actually not, because the light sensors in his Makuta armor were destroyed by the light explosion of the Ignika. As long as he does not get new ones he can shapeshift into whatever he wants but will always be blinded.
10Ever think maybe that Antroz will leave his Makuta Armor and inhabit a new body?
11I don't think so. He already can see thanks to Radiak, and I don't think other Makuta would be willing to give up their armor. And getting new Makuta armor is hard, since Artahka made the originals, and he wouldn't do it again for them. I suppose he might want to take over a robot or an uninhabited body, but why, since he can see?
12Remember, MoMN could see while he was Antidermis. I assume the Phankuta's essences have been blinded.
1no, the armor has been blinded. think of it like being in a robot, if the sensors of that robot break, then you can see, unless you look outside.
1Yeah, but remember? MoMN could see when he was Antidermis and he was heading under Voya Nui at the start of 2007...
1That would be highly inconvenient. And I believe most of the games aren't canon.
1I think Jetrax lets see.
1Well, these may not help, but I found them helpful for me.
2I'm sorry if my onslaught of questions adding up to the other questions is hard for you, but I just found some stuff out in the OGD:
31. Rockoh T3 has Pohatu on it? 41a. If so, how? And why? (If you can't answer this, it's okay.) 52. Axalara has Lewa on it? 62a. Same as 1a. 73. Who is Mazeka? 84. The other vehicle (don't know which) has ANTROZ on it? . 94a. Same as 1a and 2a.
10Sorry if most of these are unanswerable, and I hope you can get back my other questions too.
111) Yes 121A) Too early to discuss 132) Yes 142a) Too early to discuss -- vehicles do not come into story for another seven months 153) Matoran 164) Yes.
17Cool, another Matoran set

1hello..just a couple quick questions if you dont mind ![]()
21)the only light matoran mentioned so far are photok,tanma and solek..are the other light matoran in hiding?
32)what is a toa's face supposed to look like without a mask? would it be more robatic or humanoid?
43) so what has become of the visorak?
54) when jaller,and the other mahri were transported back to metru-nui what became of the hannah crab that was with jaller?
65) is maxilos now shutdown or did hydraxon fix him and put him back as a guard?
7thanks i hope you can answer all of them
8i can answer them

91) yes like the builder of the toa canisters that was in karzahni, and the other matoran of light in karda nui
102) i think more robotic i'm not sure

113) scattered
124) left behind
135) maxilos was destroyed by the barraki's armies (beyond repair i think)
1But I have one problem with Antroz, if he shapeshifts to ride the Jetrax, how can he see. He was blinded by the Light from Matoro's Sacrifice and without Radiak he's blind. So how does he drive that vehicle of his? Can anyone answer?
2Well, since Antroz is a makuta, he technically wasn't blinded, only his current form was blinded. So when he shapeshifts, he can see again.
3Well, if that was it, then that would be funny for the Toa since these Makutas act stubborn by not shapeshifting into a new form so they aren't blind. They wouldn't even need the matoran to act as their eyes. Don't they have any other flying form? They can easily use that other form instead.
1But I have one problem with Antroz, if he shapeshifts to ride the Jetrax, how can he see. He was blinded by the Light from Matoro's Sacrifice and without Radiak he's blind. So how does he drive that vehicle of his? Can anyone answer?
2Well, since Antroz is a makuta, he technically wasn't blinded, only his current form was blinded. So when he shapeshifts, he can see again.
3Well, if that was it, then that would be funny for the Toa since these Makutas act stubborn by not shapeshifting into a new form so they aren't blind. They wouldn't even need the matoran to act as their eyes. Don't they have any other flying form? They can easily use that other form instead.
4Thats not the case, his armor was permanently blinded. Think of it like a person in a submarine. Outside the submarine they can see their surroundings fine. Inside they depend on the radar, should it be damaged they can't see their surroundings, blinding them. The makuta's armor was damaged making it impossible for their energy forms to see while inside it.
5yeah, but if the armour was shattered, wouldn't they be leaking out and dying like the Makuta of Metru Nui? Also, that would give them the super losing advantage against the Toa Nuva. So it's like saying that Antroz was defeated and left his armour to attain a new body or is he in his Makuta Armour still? Here's another question I have. Did anyone on Metru Nui notice of Takanuva's dissaperance? Do they already know? What did they do? 4Thats not the case, his armor was permanently blinded. Think of it like a person in a submarine. Outside the submarine they can see their surroundings fine. Inside they depend on the radar, should it be damaged they can't see their surroundings, blinding them. The makuta's armor was damaged making it impossible for their energy forms to see while inside it. 3Well, if that was it, then that would be funny for the Toa since these Makutas act stubborn by not shapeshifting into a new form so they aren't blind. They wouldn't even need the matoran to act as their eyes. Don't they have any other flying form? They can easily use that other form instead. 2Well, since Antroz is a makuta, he technically wasn't blinded, only his current form was blinded. So when he shapeshifts, he can see again.1But I have one problem with Antroz, if he shapeshifts to ride the Jetrax, how can he see. He was blinded by the Light from Matoro's Sacrifice and without Radiak he's blind. So how does he drive that vehicle of his? Can anyone answer?
1Here is my Stuff From Greg.
2Hi Greg, 3I just have a few more questions.
41) Can you confirm Antroz is Jetrax or drives Jetrax?
52) What about Lewa and Pohatu?
63) When will the next Mutran Chronicles be posted?
74) Is Mazeka a Makuta, Toa, or some Titan Toa?
8Thanks, 9CTD
101) Antroz hijacks Jetrax 112) What about them? 123) When it's written. I have been in Europe the past week for work and have not had time to write. 134) Matoran
14My Thoughts 151)Vehicle or Driver 162) Still waiting for answer from him. 173)Eh. 184)WOW. Is this new?
20EDIT: 211) The vehicle or the person on the vehicle?
222)Are they on Rockoh and Alaxara?
231) Antroz is on the vehicle. 242)Yes.
25There you go. 26-CTD
2Hi Greg, 3I just have a few more questions.
41) Can you confirm Antroz is Jetrax or drives Jetrax?
52) What about Lewa and Pohatu?
63) When will the next Mutran Chronicles be posted?
74) Is Mazeka a Makuta, Toa, or some Titan Toa?
8Thanks, 9CTD
101) Antroz hijacks Jetrax 112) What about them? 123) When it's written. I have been in Europe the past week for work and have not had time to write. 134) Matoran
14My Thoughts 151)Vehicle or Driver 162) Still waiting for answer from him. 173)Eh. 184)WOW. Is this new?
20EDIT: 211) The vehicle or the person on the vehicle?
222)Are they on Rockoh and Alaxara?
231) Antroz is on the vehicle. 242)Yes.
25There you go. 26-CTD
1What masks do the summer sets (minus the Toa Nuva) wear, and what are they like?
1So far, the only masks we know the summer sets are wearing are: The black Avohkii (Takanuva), new Adaptive Miru (Lewa), new version of Jutlin (Antroz). The Makuta's masks haven't been revealed yet, and Vultraz is a Matoran, so we won't know his mask power this year.
1Also there's the adapted Kaukau and Pakari..
1Good morning, Greg. 2Many thanks for your last answers. I have more questions after Toy Fair, would you answer, please.
32. Accordingly this Vultraz is Matoran, but accordingly this he is Antroz, isn't? I am triped, would you clear: what is corect? 43. Earlier you told that your favorite Makuta is one of the summer character. Would you answer now, who is it?
52) Vultraz is a Matoran who comes with a vehicle. Antroz comes with Jetrax. 63) Krika
1Good morning, Greg. 2Many thanks for your last answers. I have more questions after Toy Fair, would you answer, please.
32. Accordingly this Vultraz is Matoran, but accordingly this he is Antroz, isn't? I am triped, would you clear: what is corect? 43. Earlier you told that your favorite Makuta is one of the summer character. Would you answer now, who is it?
52) Vultraz is a Matoran who comes with a vehicle. Antroz comes with Jetrax. 63) Krika
7...ah...so it appears Greg's favorite Makuta, the one who does not believe in the Plan and who disobeyed MoMN's orders to kill Miserix, is, in fact, Krika. That leaves Bitil as the one who put out Krekka's eye. Cool.
1He never said that the one who didn't like the plan was the one that rescued Miserix ![]()
2And he could easily be the one to put out Krekka's eye too
3Greg said that the miserex rescuer was his favorite Makuta and that he was the one who didn't like the plan 4And if Krika is his favorite, that means he's that one
1I have a few questions Mr. G or anyone. Are you able to reveal what happens to kopaka? Because i was looking at the summer sets and i saw Lewa, Pohatu, and Antrotz and i was wondering. 2#1.What happened to Kopaka and the other Makuta? 3#2.do any matoran live in the swamp below Karda-nui? 4I know the last one has nothing to do with what i was talking about 5thank you.
1I have a few questions Mr. G or anyone. Are you able to reveal what happens to kopaka? Because i was looking at the summer sets and i saw Lewa, Pohatu, and Antrotz and i was wondering. 2#1.What happened to Kopaka and the other Makuta? 3#2.do any matoran live in the swamp below Karda-nui? 4I know the last one has nothing to do with what i was talking about 5thank you.
6Greg doesn't read this topic, you have to PM him

71: we don't know, Greg isn't telling us yet. 82: no.
1If no one dies this year, then does that mean the toa fail, but that would be very bad.
But I think an elemental power like life can't be healed from quick healing.
3Hah, hah good point .2I'm pretty sure Antroz was blinded for good, because he was blinded for good by the Ignika, cause think, couldn't he just use his quick healing power to fix his armor (that is if quick healing fixs armor )?~S~

1Hi Mr.Farshtey i have a few questions for you
21)if lewa, pohatu and antroz are coming back in summer what happend to the other phantoka?
32)how did antroz get the jetrax t6?
43)dose mazeka come with a vehicle?
54)who is the female makuta?
65)do you know when ''shadows in the sky'' will be realesed? 75a)do you know when it will be realesed in newzealand?
8thank you for your time
9gregs answers
101) The other Phantoka will be in summer story as well, just not as a new sets. 112) Hijacked it 123) Yes 134) Gorast 145) April 1 release 155a) Sorry, no, I don't
21)if lewa, pohatu and antroz are coming back in summer what happend to the other phantoka?
32)how did antroz get the jetrax t6?
43)dose mazeka come with a vehicle?
54)who is the female makuta?
65)do you know when ''shadows in the sky'' will be realesed? 75a)do you know when it will be realesed in newzealand?
8thank you for your time
9gregs answers
101) The other Phantoka will be in summer story as well, just not as a new sets. 112) Hijacked it 123) Yes 134) Gorast 145) April 1 release 155a) Sorry, no, I don't
1Hi Greg, a few Qs71) Yes 82-3) You'll find out in summer 94) No, it's because collectibles don't sell well, they never have 105) It's been talked about in the past, but it's not something we are real interested in. It's very hard to stay in control of story when you have to have 13 or 26 episodes of a show every year and someone else is producing it, and then you wind up not being able to reveal things in other places because you have to wait for the TV series to get to it, etc.
21. I'm going to assume that Mazeka (being a Matoran) comes with some sort of vehicle or some other set with him correct? 32. How can Antroz drive a vehicle when he is Blind? 43. Is Vultraz good or bad?
5Also I noticed that there are no collectibles this year is this because of the Vehicles?
6Also I was wondering being BIONICLE sells so well why doesn't LEGO make a deal with a Television Studio to produce an animated BIONICLE TV show?
1I've notice that he's only saying "Matoran" for who Mazeka is. Maybe Mazeka is a Matoran transport that come with a few Matoran... I can hope... 

1Hi Greg
2Some new questions:
31- You revealed some info about Gorast, can you also reveal some info about the others?
42- Is Vultraz female or male?
53- In wich book are T3, T6 and T9 going to appear?
6All for now
71) When I feel like it, yes 82) Male 93) Bionicle Legends #11
10Only 2 and 3 are somewhat interresting
5yeah, but if the armour was shattered, wouldn't they be leaking out and dying like the Makuta of Metru Nui? Also, that would give them the super losing advantage against the Toa Nuva. So it's like saying that Antroz was defeated and left his armour to attain a new body or is he in his Makuta Armour still? 4Thats not the case, his armor was permanently blinded. Think of it like a person in a submarine. Outside the submarine they can see their surroundings fine. Inside they depend on the radar, should it be damaged they can't see their surroundings, blinding them. The makuta's armor was damaged making it impossible for their energy forms to see while inside it. 3Well, if that was it, then that would be funny for the Toa since these Makutas act stubborn by not shapeshifting into a new form so they aren't blind. They wouldn't even need the matoran to act as their eyes. Don't they have any other flying form? They can easily use that other form instead. 2Well, since Antroz is a makuta, he technically wasn't blinded, only his current form was blinded. So when he shapeshifts, he can see again.1But I have one problem with Antroz, if he shapeshifts to ride the Jetrax, how can he see. He was blinded by the Light from Matoro's Sacrifice and without Radiak he's blind. So how does he drive that vehicle of his? Can anyone answer?
6But the armor wasn't shattered. Just the eye sensors are broken. Antroz is still in his Makuta armor, blind.
1I have a few questions Mr. G or anyone. Are you able to reveal what happens to kopaka? Because i was looking at the summer sets and i saw Lewa, Pohatu, and Antrotz and i was wondering. 2#1.What happened to Kopaka and the other Makuta? 3#2.do any matoran live in the swamp below Karda-nui? 4I know the last one has nothing to do with what i was talking about 5thank you.
6Greg doesn't read this topic, you have to PM himBut I can answer the questions:
71: we don't know, Greg isn't telling us yet. 82: no.
9thanks everyone one and um im kinda new to this sooooo. how do you PM him? kinda stupid huh?
1Hey there Greg. I'm sure you're swamped right now, so I'll try to keep these brief.I understand if you can't answer some.
21) If the Ignika goes black, would Mata Nui have his life drained too? 32) When the Great Beings left the Universe, they took the insane one (the fellow who touched the Ignika) with them too, right? 43) If the Universe Core was to have all light drained from it, would this have the same effect on the Universe as the Core ceasing to produce energy? 54) I know he doesn't now, but has MoMN ever known Mata Nui's location in the past? 6Thanks . 7-Ax-
81) No 92) He was never with them in this universe. 103) Yes 114) No.
12There we go. I was surprised to learn about 2, I guess I just assumed he had been with them in the Matoran Universe. 13The rest are just for my next theory.

15Edit: To Omnox, you can find a link to PM Greg on the first page of the topic.

1I have a few questions Mr. G or anyone. Are you able to reveal what happens to kopaka? Because i was looking at the summer sets and i saw Lewa, Pohatu, and Antrotz and i was wondering. 2#1.What happened to Kopaka and the other Makuta? 3#2.do any matoran live in the swamp below Karda-nui? 4I know the last one has nothing to do with what i was talking about 5thank you.
6Greg doesn't read this topic, you have to PM himBut I can answer the questions:
71: we don't know, Greg isn't telling us yet. 82: no.
9thanks everyone one and um im kinda new to this sooooo. how do you PM him? kinda stupid huh?
10The link is in the first post of this topic.
11) I'm guessing Bitil is the one who knocked out Krekka's eye, right? 21a) If so does this mean Bitil is the makuta of Stelt?
32) Will there be a combiner in the next brickmaster?
43) Will lessovikk and sarda apear in a serial this year?
54) Will Botar make an appearance this year?
65) Will Matoro apear in Dark Mirror? 75a) Will Lesovikk be a member of the toa empire?
86) Who is your favorite matoran this year?
97) What is your favorite set this year?
101) I can't discuss this so early 112) Not in March, I don't think, no 123) I haven't decided yet 134) He'll be mentioned, yes 145-5a) I haven't decided yet 156) I don't have one 167) Axalara T9
32) Will there be a combiner in the next brickmaster?
43) Will lessovikk and sarda apear in a serial this year?
54) Will Botar make an appearance this year?
65) Will Matoro apear in Dark Mirror? 75a) Will Lesovikk be a member of the toa empire?
86) Who is your favorite matoran this year?
97) What is your favorite set this year?
101) I can't discuss this so early 112) Not in March, I don't think, no 123) I haven't decided yet 134) He'll be mentioned, yes 145-5a) I haven't decided yet 156) I don't have one 167) Axalara T9
2Yes. If you look at my other post Greg confirms it.-CTD1So just one big question, for anyone. Please answer.Are the three characters that come with vehicles in summer, Lewa and Pohatu with adaptive armor, and Antroz in a new shell?
4Yes. If you look at my other post Greg confirms it.-CTD3So just one big question, for anyone. Please answer.Are the three characters that come with vehicles in summer, Lewa and Pohatu with adaptive armor, and Antroz in a new shell?
1here's the reply I just 2got3read:
15thanks,Mr.Farshtey .
4hi,i have some questions: 51.wich is the female Makuta:Krika,Gorast,or Bitil? 62.can either Krika,Gorast,or Bitil use at least one Kratta/Rahskhi power? 73.will there be a Rahi Nui set? 84.do you like the Colts or the Patriots? 9thanks, 10![]()
111) Gorast 122) You'll find out in summer 133) No plans for that, no 144) Not a football fan, so neither
15thanks,Mr.Farshtey .