1Problem: Antroz rides Jetrax.
2uhhhh ops ?
3heeey wait a minute, the new antroz got a new form nut the makuta cannot mutate or thing like mutate, that because i said the rider of jetrax is the real tahu, because a makuta cannot mutate and he cannot be antroz . .
4But Makuta can shapeshift... Eh, a vehicle that big being driven by a Makuta... a blind Makuta.
1I found out who the female Makuta is . Warning: Spoilers ahead.
6*Attempts to kill self*
7AUG . . . Holy... oh my.... *begins to hyperventalate*
8Why? I was sure that Krika was the girl... he has an amazingly femenine look to himself. Gorast is so... boyish. She's the Tomboy Makuta, no offence to anyone.Well, the info bit is interesting too. But how is she the ruler of the Tren Krom peninsula? That's on Mata-Nui . (Or was, I'm not sure...)
9Wait, this makes sense . Gorast is based off of a mosquito, right? Female mosquitoes bite.
10Perfect .
11And she looks like an old man.![]()
13right . . . . .
1Problem: Antroz rides Jetrax.
2uhhhh ops ?
3heeey wait a minute, the new antroz got a new form nut the makuta cannot mutate or thing like mutate, that because i said the rider of jetrax is the real tahu, because a makuta cannot mutate and he cannot be antroz . .
4Um...no, it's just the Mistika Makuta who can't shapeshift. Antroz can shapeshift just fine. It was confirmed by that Toyfair press release.
1Oh, I get it, Greg. Gorast, GORAST, is a she-hag . . .
2My sense of BIONICLE physics have just been disrupted into imbalance, hoorah.
3I know girls are supposed to have long fingernails, but isn't Gorast a bit of an overkill for females?
4Krika was the perfect choice, slick and spicy, I am in total confusion...
5V-PoW (Gorast)
6I don't see how Gorast's gender can make you any more confused then the decision to make the set Gali represents female. That's one I'll never understand. I wish Lego would drop the pretense that these blue sets are supposed to be girls.
1I also agree Krika should be female... She looks like a mantis and a female mantis is much more intimidating than a female mosquito... They can kill and eat small snakes and rodents.
1It confirms that Antroz can shapeshift. 

1Problem: Antroz rides Jetrax.
2uhhhh ops ?
3heeey wait a minute, the new antroz got a new form nut the makuta cannot mutate or thing like mutate, that because i said the rider of jetrax is the real tahu, because a makuta cannot mutate and he cannot be antroz . .
4Um...no, it's just the Mistika Makuta who can't shapeshift. Antroz can shapeshift just fine. It was confirmed by that Toyfair press release.
5suuuuuureeeee :sarcasm:
6Yes, it's true. The Mistkuta cannot shapeshift, whether this is because of the Pit mutagen, or other causes is unknown. But all other Makuta are able to shapeshift their armor, it is sort of like the Toa Nuva's armor. Only Makuta armor can do much more, and the Makuta inside the armor are able to choose WHAT they want to look like. Makuta armor is also made of the toughest substance in the Bionicle universe, Protosteel. 7Overall, Makuta armor is basically as good as armor can get.
8I also agree Krika should be female... She looks like a mantis and a female mantis is much more intimidating than a female mosquito... They can kill and eat small snakes and rodents.
9Besides the fact that FEMALE mosquito's are the only mosquito's that suck blood. XD But still, Krika should have been female, I agree.
10Krika and Vamprah FTW.
4yeahhh i remember in a disc of nestle bionicle of the 2001 they said : " al makuta can change forms said them legends " 3He's reiterating what we all said: Antroz CAN, in fact, shapeshift. 2and thats for ........ ?1*Cough*Aside from stereotyping, I see nothing wrong with Gorast being female.
8but you how can explain the thing of pohatu and lewa eh ? 7He's reiterating what we all said: Antroz CAN, in fact, shapeshift. 6and thats for ........ ?5*Cough*Aside from stereotyping, I see nothing wrong with Gorast being female.
4yeahhh i remember in a disc of nestle bionicle of the 2001 they said : " al makuta can change forms said them legends " 3He's reiterating what we all said: Antroz CAN, in fact, shapeshift. 2and thats for ........ ?1*Cough*Aside from stereotyping, I see nothing wrong with Gorast being female. 8but you how can explain the thing of pohatu and lewa eh ? 7He's reiterating what we all said: Antroz CAN, in fact, shapeshift. 6and thats for ........ ?5*Cough*Aside from stereotyping, I see nothing wrong with Gorast being female.
9That's Adaptive Armor.
4yeahhh i remember in a disc of nestle bionicle of the 2001 they said : " al makuta can change forms said them legends " 3He's reiterating what we all said: Antroz CAN, in fact, shapeshift. 2and thats for ........ ?1*Cough*Aside from stereotyping, I see nothing wrong with Gorast being female. 8but you how can explain the thing of pohatu and lewa eh ? 7He's reiterating what we all said: Antroz CAN, in fact, shapeshift. 6and thats for ........ ?5*Cough*Aside from stereotyping, I see nothing wrong with Gorast being female.
9That's Adaptive Armor.
10im talking about why they are evil . . . .
4yeahhh i remember in a disc of nestle bionicle of the 2001 they said : " al makuta can change forms said them legends " 3He's reiterating what we all said: Antroz CAN, in fact, shapeshift. 2and thats for ........ ?1*Cough*Aside from stereotyping, I see nothing wrong with Gorast being female. 8but you how can explain the thing of pohatu and lewa eh ? 7He's reiterating what we all said: Antroz CAN, in fact, shapeshift. 6and thats for ........ ?5*Cough*Aside from stereotyping, I see nothing wrong with Gorast being female.
9That's Adaptive Armor.
10im talking about why they are evil . . . .
11They haven't turned evil.
1What makes you think they're evil?
1Most BIONICLE sets look somewhat evil. Doesn't mean they are.
1Interesting answers from Greg
2Hi Greg I was wondering about something in the 09 movie,
31)You said that you guys are thinking about how much of 2008 to put in the beginning, so could there be a chance of the Nuva, Makuta and Toa Ignika appearing at the beginning of the movie?
4Thanks In advance .
5No -- there's not a lot of point in showing 2008 (or earlier) sets in the movie, since they won't be on shelf by the time the film comes out.
6But there will be an introduction showing what happened in 08 ,right?
7At the end of '08, yes
8Thanks Greg9Also regarding the ToyFair pics 101)could you give us info on what the Nynrah Ghost Blasters do? 112)Lewa and Pohatu on the T Vehicles are adapted to the swamp since they look a bit different than their Phantoka forms right?
12Thanks again .
131) Too early. 142) Actually they are adapted to using the vehicles, not the swamp
15antrozek, read the bolded part. you made me go quote hunting for the theroy. why on earth would lewa and pohatu be evil, anyway? 16and i'm going quote hunting again. or link hunting. 17here is the link: READ THE TRIVIA . HIGHLIGHT THE SPACE BELOW.
1@ Antrozek, 10:25 post: Why both them and Antroz are riding vehicles? After saving the Matoran and retreiving the Ignika, Kopaka&the others were given vehicles and went to the swamp. Kopaka's was attacked by Antroz, and he was captured. more reasonable.
1quote and link hunting is hard, though it was worth it.
1Gorast is actually now my favorite of these makuta because she's a female and evil girl characters are cool.

1Besides the fact that FEMALE mosquito's are the only mosquito's that suck blood. XD But still, Krika should have been female, I agree.
2Then Gorast and Vamprah will fit right together, blood suckers FTW . . .
3Reason why there isnt a Makuta based on a leech is because of its life-sucking idea being used already...
4Gali can still be female, InnerRayg . Only by falling into Energized Protodermis again, death by beauty is far more pleasant ._.
5V-PoW (Hold those Rahi, how does Antroz see without Radiak, on Jetrax? .)
1Interesting answers from Greg
2Hi Greg I was wondering about something in the 09 movie,
31)You said that you guys are thinking about how much of 2008 to put in the beginning, so could there be a chance of the Nuva, Makuta and Toa Ignika appearing at the beginning of the movie?
4Thanks In advance .
5No -- there's not a lot of point in showing 2008 (or earlier) sets in the movie, since they won't be on shelf by the time the film comes out.
6But there will be an introduction showing what happened in 08 ,right?
7At the end of '08, yes
8Thanks Greg9Also regarding the ToyFair pics 101)could you give us info on what the Nynrah Ghost Blasters do? 112)Lewa and Pohatu on the T Vehicles are adapted to the swamp since they look a bit different than their Phantoka forms right?
12Thanks again .
131) Too early. 142) Actually they are adapted to using the vehicles, not the swamp
15antrozek, read the bolded part. you made me go quote hunting for the theroy. why on earth would lewa and pohatu be evil, anyway? 16and i'm going quote hunting again. or link hunting. 17here is the link: READ THE TRIVIA . HIGHLIGHT THE SPACE BELOW.
18okey, thanks
1What I asked here had nothing to do with Toy Fair, but the answers were interesting. Reformatted so you don't to scroll back up and down. QUESTIONS ANSWERS
21. This one's about the Great Beings' take on organic life vs. biomechanical life. What would you guess is the reason that they made life biomechanical? I imagine they might simply have been "testing it out" in the Matoran universe, not necessarily implementing it in other worlds. Or perhaps it's just easier for them to build life-forms that are mostly machine instead of all biochemical? 31) I have no take on it, it's simply what they did.
42. About the organic life-forms outside the Matoran universe: were their ancestors created by the GBs? Or were they just already there, like the ocean? Is it possible that organic life originated from the first organic creatures the GBs created, the Krana? Or later ones? 52) The organic life forms on the planet -- the birds and fish we have seen -- were not created by the GBs or any relation to the GBs.
63. As I understand it, the underground Matoran universe is "supposed" to house all biomechanical life. But there are some Rahi like Lava Eels that are definitely wholly organic. I'm thinking that Rahi like Lava Eels are a different type of organic life than the organic life on the planet surface in that they are made of organic protodermis. Is that correct? 73) Yes
84. Are surface life-forms made of normal tissue as we know it? 94) Depends on what you mean by normal tissue. I have no reason to believe the organisms on this planet bear any relation to ones on our world.
105. Makuta use energized protodermis a LOT. So, do they, unlike the Matoran scholars in Metru Nui, know where EP comes from? Can they create it themselves? 115) No and no
126. Did the Pit mutagen come about because of something to do with a reaction between protodermis and normal matter? 136) No
147. Is the whole Universe Core named Karda Nui, or is Karda Nui only the name for the collective of Av-Matoran villages higher up? 157) Whole core -- it was called that even back when there were no Matoran villages there
21. This one's about the Great Beings' take on organic life vs. biomechanical life. What would you guess is the reason that they made life biomechanical? I imagine they might simply have been "testing it out" in the Matoran universe, not necessarily implementing it in other worlds. Or perhaps it's just easier for them to build life-forms that are mostly machine instead of all biochemical? 31) I have no take on it, it's simply what they did.
42. About the organic life-forms outside the Matoran universe: were their ancestors created by the GBs? Or were they just already there, like the ocean? Is it possible that organic life originated from the first organic creatures the GBs created, the Krana? Or later ones? 52) The organic life forms on the planet -- the birds and fish we have seen -- were not created by the GBs or any relation to the GBs.
63. As I understand it, the underground Matoran universe is "supposed" to house all biomechanical life. But there are some Rahi like Lava Eels that are definitely wholly organic. I'm thinking that Rahi like Lava Eels are a different type of organic life than the organic life on the planet surface in that they are made of organic protodermis. Is that correct? 73) Yes
84. Are surface life-forms made of normal tissue as we know it? 94) Depends on what you mean by normal tissue. I have no reason to believe the organisms on this planet bear any relation to ones on our world.
105. Makuta use energized protodermis a LOT. So, do they, unlike the Matoran scholars in Metru Nui, know where EP comes from? Can they create it themselves? 115) No and no
126. Did the Pit mutagen come about because of something to do with a reaction between protodermis and normal matter? 136) No
147. Is the whole Universe Core named Karda Nui, or is Karda Nui only the name for the collective of Av-Matoran villages higher up? 157) Whole core -- it was called that even back when there were no Matoran villages there
1I don't really get how Antroz can drive that vehicle without a Shadow-Matoran. It's like a blind man driving a car.
1Not to mention that they're both red. 

1Come to think of it, I'm wondering if the New Lewa, Pohatu, and Antroz can link up with Matoran.
1Greg said that they can. 

1Gorast is cool.Tren Krom Peninsula.
1Come to think of it, I'm wondering if the New Lewa, Pohatu, and Antroz can link up with Matoran.
3Antroz can, if you looks closely, his torso is similar to Toa Ignika's torso.
4At least Lewa and Antroz can, but the Matoran connectors aren't included with them. Besides, why giving them the link-up piece when there's no room for the Matoran in the vehicle?
1I'm a little bothered by the "special edition" thing. Now I'm ashamed I wasted my money on Antroz, Lewa, And Pohatu Phantoka, not to mention Radiak and Tanma. Wth all that cash, I could've saved enough to get Axalera T9, the best vehicle ever...