1I sent Greg a PM today, but forgot something. SO I sent him another question that was supposed to be there originally. Funny, cause I got that one question back, but nothing yet from the other questions
2OK, here it is:
9So I guess the Klakk have some sort of special ability that will "change the course of bionicle history forever". Interesting. I guess I'll have to PM greg about what that ability is...

3Sorry, but when I sent you my PM, this question slipped my mind:
4In the Brickmaster magazine, you get free sets. I was wondering, is the 5bionicle one a set of the Klakk, because in the description, it said 6that the set was a dangerous flying rahi with a powerful sonic attack. 7That sounds a lot like it. am I correct?
8Yes, you are
9So I guess the Klakk have some sort of special ability that will "change the course of bionicle history forever". Interesting. I guess I'll have to PM greg about what that ability is...
1I'm confident with the theory that Mata Nui is the universe itslef- I mean, look how tall he is, the two holes in Mata Nui (Island) are like his eyes, Metru Nui's like his brain, which is why it's so important to his health, Karda Nui is like his heart.
2I could have sworn that years ago, maybe '03-04 or so, a member asked Greg why when turned upside-down, the island of Mata Nui looked like a face. Greg replied that it would have future significance. I know that he would never answer this question now, but for my own sanity's sake, do any of you older members recall this?
3I thought he said it didn't have significance. Hmm, I don't remember well enough to know for sure.
11a. How long do the energy storms in Karda-Nui last? 21b. Could the Makuta avoid the energy storms using their density control power? 32a. Can you make Toa Gaaki's mask be a Mask of Healing? I really want to see one in the story. 42b. WIll you only reveal the Toa Hagah's mask powers, or will you reveal their Rhotuka powers as well? 52c. Why did the Toa Hagah, when they were mutated into Rahaga, not have their same Rhotuka spinner powers? 63. Are the Bahrag robots? 74. Would the power of the Makuta's Ghost Blasters be considered immoral to Toa? 85. Does Trinuma wear a Kanohi Mask story-wise? 96. What is your favorite mask power? 107. Do the Mistika Makuta all still have their Vaccum power?
11Thanks .
131) For as long as Mata Nui is awake and active 141b) No 152b) I haven't decided yet 162c) It's amazing they had any powers at all, given what Roodaka did to them 173) No 184) I think anything that allows you to control another is basically immoral 195) Yes 206) Concealment 217) No
1A question that I had omitted a few days ago.
2» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «3Hi Greg. 4I was recently wondering about the energy storms, when Mata Nui was awakened. 5I have a few questions about them I was hoping you could answer. 6Thanks .
71. The energy storms happen when Mata Nui wakes up. Karda Nui is the location of these storms. Karda Nui is the "Universe Core", like a heart (I guess...core=heart). Could the energy storms be thought of as a defibrillator or a start up jolt in a car?
82. The there's the Av-Matoran that could die...which causes something bad...I'm thinking that the Av-Matoran keep the core running (heart) and if they die, would Mata Nui be severely injured? (Heart Attack or problems-sort).
9Thanks again, Greg. 10[=-M-=]
111) Except they don't stop once he's awake, the way a start up jolt would. They rage as long as he is awake. 122) All Matoran have a crucial role to play, based on their jobs. So losing any tribe completely would be devastating.
131) So it could be thought of as a defibrillator/start-up, but also something that keeps "him running"? 142) Is it possible that all the different tribes of Matoran have different places and things to do, distantly like cells of a body? They keep a part of Mata Nui running? Like the Av-Matoran are the "heart cells", and other tribes/other groups of Matoran are "___ cells"?
161) Or something that exists BECAUSE he's active. 172) All Matoran have some role to play, they're all important.
18» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Mata Nui must have bad heartburn.![]()
19I would really think of the storms as signs of his consciousness. I alsways thought using the Ignika inside his "heart" would work like a defibrillator, the flash of light being like the voltage running through his heart, making it possible to restart.
11a. How long do the energy storms in Karda-Nui last? 21b. Could the Makuta avoid the energy storms using their density control power? 32a. Can you make Toa Gaaki's mask be a Mask of Healing? I really want to see one in the story. 42b. WIll you only reveal the Toa Hagah's mask powers, or will you reveal their Rhotuka powers as well? 52c. Why did the Toa Hagah, when they were mutated into Rahaga, not have their same Rhotuka spinner powers? 63. Are the Bahrag robots? 74. Would the power of the Makuta's Ghost Blasters be considered immoral to Toa? 85. Does Trinuma wear a Kanohi Mask story-wise? 96. What is your favorite mask power? 107. Do the Mistika Makuta all still have their Vaccum power?
11Thanks .
131) For as long as Mata Nui is awake and active 141b) No 152b) I haven't decided yet 162c) It's amazing they had any powers at all, given what Roodaka did to them 173) No 184) I think anything that allows you to control another is basically immoral 195) Yes 206) Concealment 217) No
23Wait.... what about the mask of mind control? Toa have worn that.
1Thought I was onto something.
2Hello Greg, hope you're well.
3I was recently reading the OGD, and read a post in which you stated that the KN Energy Storms are consistent as long as Mata Nui is awake and active. Could this phenomena something natural to Karda Nui, in the sense that the storms come from the surrounding area itself, or are the storms a sort of "metaphor" for the sheer power Mata Nui Himself has?
4I'm just wondering because to me it would make sense if these "energy storms" were actually bolts of raw power that the 700,000+ giant could emit off himself (sort of like emitting crackles of energy here and there due to the powerhouse he is) because, well, he's the most powerful and largest character we've heard of yet.
5Hope to hear back from you soon. Good day.
61) They are a natural phenomena of Karda Nui
1I'm confident with the theory that Mata Nui is the universe itslef- I mean, look how tall he is, the two holes in Mata Nui (Island) are like his eyes, Metru Nui's like his brain, which is why it's so important to his health, Karda Nui is like his heart.
2I could have sworn that years ago, maybe '03-04 or so, a member asked Greg why when turned upside-down, the island of Mata Nui looked like a face. Greg replied that it would have future significance. I know that he would never answer this question now, but for my own sanity's sake, do any of you older members recall this?
3I thought he said it didn't have significance. Hmm, I don't remember well enough to know for sure.
4I remember that he said there was no significance to the shape of Mata-Nui (Island). 5I'm not an older member, but I have been following these forums for a long time. Dosen't the shape of the man on the Ignika illustrate Mata-Nui? He couldn't be the universe if that was true.
1Some don't require spoilers, but I'm too lazy to spoilerfy each and every one of them.
2Heya there Mr. Farshtey. It's been a while since I sent you a PM. Hope you're doing well, you sounded kind of stressed in some prior PM's to others, so I just wanted to wish you well.
3I read Bionicle Legends#10, and it was amazing, it was good to see some side stories and information not entirely related to the main story. Obviously it raised some questions for me, so I hope you can answer any of these.
41. Helryx (awesome name) refers to the Kratana as the Order's "pet". Does this mean that the Order had something to do with the creation of the Kratana? 51a. If so, then why did Makuta have them in his lairs? 62. Bitil refers to the "Nynrah crafters of Xia", but the Nynrah Ghosts originate on Nynrah; was this a mistake, or do the Vortixx employ Nynrah Ghosts on occaision? 73. On a related note, according to the Kingdom, at least one Nynrah Ghost is a Matoran of Iron (Fe-Matoran, yes?). Are all Nynrah Ghosts of that type, or are they a mix? 84. So the pit Mutagen mutated the Makuta, yes? 94a. How is that their own fault? 105. Gorast's secondary power is light consumption, yes? 115a. Is Krika's the ghost type ability, or is that simply his density power? 125b. What is Bitil's? 136. Do all Matoran eventually evolve into Bohrok, or just Av-Matoran? 146a. Is the type they turn into random? 157. What was Hydraxon's next assignment, the one he was so serious about? 168. The "Swamp Strider" Helryx was working on, that is Mazeka's vehicle, yes? 178a. Will we discover how he got it in the serial? 189. Will we find out what the sundial is for in a serial, or Bionicle Legends#11?
19That's all I have, thanks in advance if you can answer any of these.
201) Yes 211a) Remember, it was hidden in a vault -- who says he hid it there? We know the Order was active in the Metru Nui area. 222) Well, I could say you are "Neuromancer of BZPower" -- does that mean you are on BZPower all the time, or never go to any other site? Some Nynrah live on Xia, because there is a lot of work to be had there. Others live elsewhere. 233) Mix 244) Partially, and robbed their ability to shapeshift 255) I don't know that I'd call it a power so much as a necessity, since if she doesn't do it, she dies 265a) That's his density control power 275b) Hasn't been revealed 286) Just some Av 296a) Depends on what they are destined to become 307) Running the Pit 318) Yes 328a) He works for the Order, that's how he got it. 339) Bionicle Legends #11, most likely
34Ah, excellent, thanks for these fast replies. I have just a few more questions though, if you don't mind answering them.
351. Does that mean that Makuta's lairs are originally Order lairs, or that both his lairs coincidentally had hidden vaults with that the Order built? 361a. Does this mean there are more vaults throughout Metru Nui? 371b. Does Makuta know about these things? 382. How exactly are Matoran treated there? The Vortixx don't exactly seem like the loving type. 395. Was she always like that, or is that a mutation? 405a. Then what is his mutatio/secondary power, or has that not been revealed either? 416. Are there any other ways to make Bohrok, or is that it? It seems like there would have to have been a lot of Av-Matoran to transform into all those Bohrok. 428. How long has he worked for the Order?
43Thanks in advance if you can answer any of these too ^^
441) The latter. 451a) Could be 461b) Nope 472) The Vortixx are business people. If the Matoran work hard and make money for their bosses, the Vortixx have no reason to mistreat them. 485) Mutation 495a) His ability to drain all energy, including heat, from an area. 506) That's it, and there have been many Av-Matoran over the millennia 518) A while now
1This is some stuff I asked a month ago. Nothing special.
2Hi Greg, of few questions.
31. Is Krika's special power draining or turning intangible?
42. In Bionicle Legends 10 Gorast was talking about being mutated by the waters. Is this true?
53. You said the Ignika isn't in the swamp, but something else is, is this the Cordex?
6Bye, Greg.
71) Draining, which he needs to do to keep from turning permanently intangible 82) Yes, to the extent she now has to drain light to survive 93) Yes
1I'm confident with the theory that Mata Nui is the universe itslef- I mean, look how tall he is, the two holes in Mata Nui (Island) are like his eyes, Metru Nui's like his brain, which is why it's so important to his health, Karda Nui is like his heart.
2I could have sworn that years ago, maybe '03-04 or so, a member asked Greg why when turned upside-down, the island of Mata Nui looked like a face. Greg replied that it would have future significance. I know that he would never answer this question now, but for my own sanity's sake, do any of you older members recall this?
3Aye, then maybe the Metru Nui suns are his nostrils?

6Hi Greg, Sorry for the time &effort I am costing you.
7Could you answer these please?
81) I've had a theory. Mata Nui is the actual universe- here's my proof: 9His face is the island of Mata Nui, his eyes are the two holes that act as Metru Nui's suns. 10Metru Nui is a cruical place of his health, and it's underneath his face so it's his brain. 11Karda Nui will have a constant storm, which must be like electrical currents in the heart. 12You have stated he is massive, the size of many Mata Nui islands, so that roughly shapes out a universe sized being. 13Matoran working are crucial to his health, almost like brain cells in Metru Nui.
14I understand that this is most likely a classified answer, but if you do decide to share it with me, (99.9% Chance it's no) I won't tell everyone else on Bzpower.
152) How are the Toa Nuva going to survive if the Codrex cannot protect them? Are they going to have to use the T vehicles to escape in time for the storm? 163) It was suggested in BL10 that the War between the brotherhood and the order would destroy the universe- why would the order want to do that, even if it does mean ridding the Makuta? 174) Are the T vehicles the 'Weapon' Artakha gave the Toa? 185) Does the Codrex contain anything else than the T vehicles? Mechanism? 196) Finally, although I'm a little late (I have a seriously bad internet connection) Happy Birthday .
20Thanks in advance.
211) You don't have proof. You have an idea and you are then looking at everything through the prism of that idea and assuming everything supports it. You state his face is the island of Mata Nui -- where's your evidence for that? You saying "It's his face" does not make it fact. 222) I can't discuss future storyline 233) Because they don't see themselves as having any choice at this point. World War II destroyed much of Europe and killed millions of innocent civilians, but it still had to be fought to keep the Nazis from winning. 244) No 255) Again, follow the story and you'll find out 266) Thank you
271) Sorry, I meant to say 'guesses', not proof. But am I anywhere near to the truth? Or in the right direction? 284) Is this weapon capable of destroying a Makuta?
29~~~~ 301) (Off topic) What is your favourite Dr Who episode so far? 312) Is Vamprah more warrior than scientist, or vise versa? 323) Can you reveal what sort of change 2009 will take yet? Will it go back to the more 'tropical' theme, or something?
33Thankyou in advance.
341) I can't discuss the nature of Mata Nui, because it deals with future storyline 354) I will let you in on a secret -- it's not a weapon like a gun or a bomb. The weapon he was referring to was knowledge.
361) The Empty Child 372) Hunter, more than anything else 383) No, I can't discuss anything to do with 2009, we are still five months away from that.
1I'm confident with the theory that Mata Nui is the universe itslef- I mean, look how tall he is, the two holes in Mata Nui (Island) are like his eyes, Metru Nui's like his brain, which is why it's so important to his health, Karda Nui is like his heart.
2I could have sworn that years ago, maybe '03-04 or so, a member asked Greg why when turned upside-down, the island of Mata Nui looked like a face. Greg replied that it would have future significance. I know that he would never answer this question now, but for my own sanity's sake, do any of you older members recall this?
3Aye, then maybe the Metru Nui suns are his nostrils?
6Hi Greg, Sorry for the time &effort I am costing you.
7Could you answer these please?
81) I've had a theory. Mata Nui is the actual universe- here's my proof: 9His face is the island of Mata Nui, his eyes are the two holes that act as Metru Nui's suns. 10Metru Nui is a cruical place of his health, and it's underneath his face so it's his brain. 11Karda Nui will have a constant storm, which must be like electrical currents in the heart. 12You have stated he is massive, the size of many Mata Nui islands, so that roughly shapes out a universe sized being. 13Matoran working are crucial to his health, almost like brain cells in Metru Nui.
14I understand that this is most likely a classified answer, but if you do decide to share it with me, (99.9% Chance it's no) I won't tell everyone else on Bzpower.
152) How are the Toa Nuva going to survive if the Codrex cannot protect them? Are they going to have to use the T vehicles to escape in time for the storm? 163) It was suggested in BL10 that the War between the brotherhood and the order would destroy the universe- why would the order want to do that, even if it does mean ridding the Makuta? 174) Are the T vehicles the 'Weapon' Artakha gave the Toa? 185) Does the Codrex contain anything else than the T vehicles? Mechanism? 196) Finally, although I'm a little late (I have a seriously bad internet connection) Happy Birthday .
20Thanks in advance.
211) You don't have proof. You have an idea and you are then looking at everything through the prism of that idea and assuming everything supports it. You state his face is the island of Mata Nui -- where's your evidence for that? You saying "It's his face" does not make it fact. 222) I can't discuss future storyline 233) Because they don't see themselves as having any choice at this point. World War II destroyed much of Europe and killed millions of innocent civilians, but it still had to be fought to keep the Nazis from winning. 244) No 255) Again, follow the story and you'll find out 266) Thank you
271) Sorry, I meant to say 'guesses', not proof. But am I anywhere near to the truth? Or in the right direction? 284) Is this weapon capable of destroying a Makuta?
29~~~~ 301) (Off topic) What is your favourite Dr Who episode so far? 312) Is Vamprah more warrior than scientist, or vise versa? 323) Can you reveal what sort of change 2009 will take yet? Will it go back to the more 'tropical' theme, or something?
33Thankyou in advance.
341) I can't discuss the nature of Mata Nui, because it deals with future storyline 354) I will let you in on a secret -- it's not a weapon like a gun or a bomb. The weapon he was referring to was knowledge.
361) The Empty Child 372) Hunter, more than anything else 383) No, I can't discuss anything to do with 2009, we are still five months away from that.
39Knowledge? But Knowledge for what?
1I'm confident with the theory that Mata Nui is the universe itslef- I mean, look how tall he is, the two holes in Mata Nui (Island) are like his eyes, Metru Nui's like his brain, which is why it's so important to his health, Karda Nui is like his heart.
2I could have sworn that years ago, maybe '03-04 or so, a member asked Greg why when turned upside-down, the island of Mata Nui looked like a face. Greg replied that it would have future significance. I know that he would never answer this question now, but for my own sanity's sake, do any of you older members recall this?
3Aye, then maybe the Metru Nui suns are his nostrils?
6Hi Greg, Sorry for the time &effort I am costing you.
7Could you answer these please?
81) I've had a theory. Mata Nui is the actual universe- here's my proof: 9His face is the island of Mata Nui, his eyes are the two holes that act as Metru Nui's suns. 10Metru Nui is a cruical place of his health, and it's underneath his face so it's his brain. 11Karda Nui will have a constant storm, which must be like electrical currents in the heart. 12You have stated he is massive, the size of many Mata Nui islands, so that roughly shapes out a universe sized being. 13Matoran working are crucial to his health, almost like brain cells in Metru Nui.
14I understand that this is most likely a classified answer, but if you do decide to share it with me, (99.9% Chance it's no) I won't tell everyone else on Bzpower.
152) How are the Toa Nuva going to survive if the Codrex cannot protect them? Are they going to have to use the T vehicles to escape in time for the storm? 163) It was suggested in BL10 that the War between the brotherhood and the order would destroy the universe- why would the order want to do that, even if it does mean ridding the Makuta? 174) Are the T vehicles the 'Weapon' Artakha gave the Toa? 185) Does the Codrex contain anything else than the T vehicles? Mechanism? 196) Finally, although I'm a little late (I have a seriously bad internet connection) Happy Birthday .
20Thanks in advance.
211) You don't have proof. You have an idea and you are then looking at everything through the prism of that idea and assuming everything supports it. You state his face is the island of Mata Nui -- where's your evidence for that? You saying "It's his face" does not make it fact. 222) I can't discuss future storyline 233) Because they don't see themselves as having any choice at this point. World War II destroyed much of Europe and killed millions of innocent civilians, but it still had to be fought to keep the Nazis from winning. 244) No 255) Again, follow the story and you'll find out 266) Thank you
271) Sorry, I meant to say 'guesses', not proof. But am I anywhere near to the truth? Or in the right direction? 284) Is this weapon capable of destroying a Makuta?
29~~~~ 301) (Off topic) What is your favourite Dr Who episode so far? 312) Is Vamprah more warrior than scientist, or vise versa? 323) Can you reveal what sort of change 2009 will take yet? Will it go back to the more 'tropical' theme, or something?
33Thankyou in advance.
341) I can't discuss the nature of Mata Nui, because it deals with future storyline 354) I will let you in on a secret -- it's not a weapon like a gun or a bomb. The weapon he was referring to was knowledge.
361) The Empty Child 372) Hunter, more than anything else 383) No, I can't discuss anything to do with 2009, we are still five months away from that.
39Knowledge? But Knowledge for what?
40Don't know if this should be in spoiler tags or not so I'm putting it in them anyway.
41Perhaps something to do with the connection between the Codrex and the sundial?
1It could be knowledge for waking up Mata Nui.

1I'm confident with the theory that Mata Nui is the universe itslef- I mean, look how tall he is, the two holes in Mata Nui (Island) are like his eyes, Metru Nui's like his brain, which is why it's so important to his health, Karda Nui is like his heart.
2I could have sworn that years ago, maybe '03-04 or so, a member asked Greg why when turned upside-down, the island of Mata Nui looked like a face. Greg replied that it would have future significance. I know that he would never answer this question now, but for my own sanity's sake, do any of you older members recall this?
3Aye, then maybe the Metru Nui suns are his nostrils?
6Hi Greg, Sorry for the time &effort I am costing you.
7Could you answer these please?
81) I've had a theory. Mata Nui is the actual universe- here's my proof: 9His face is the island of Mata Nui, his eyes are the two holes that act as Metru Nui's suns. 10Metru Nui is a cruical place of his health, and it's underneath his face so it's his brain. 11Karda Nui will have a constant storm, which must be like electrical currents in the heart. 12You have stated he is massive, the size of many Mata Nui islands, so that roughly shapes out a universe sized being. 13Matoran working are crucial to his health, almost like brain cells in Metru Nui.
14I understand that this is most likely a classified answer, but if you do decide to share it with me, (99.9% Chance it's no) I won't tell everyone else on Bzpower.
152) How are the Toa Nuva going to survive if the Codrex cannot protect them? Are they going to have to use the T vehicles to escape in time for the storm? 163) It was suggested in BL10 that the War between the brotherhood and the order would destroy the universe- why would the order want to do that, even if it does mean ridding the Makuta? 174) Are the T vehicles the 'Weapon' Artakha gave the Toa? 185) Does the Codrex contain anything else than the T vehicles? Mechanism? 196) Finally, although I'm a little late (I have a seriously bad internet connection) Happy Birthday .
20Thanks in advance.
211) You don't have proof. You have an idea and you are then looking at everything through the prism of that idea and assuming everything supports it. You state his face is the island of Mata Nui -- where's your evidence for that? You saying "It's his face" does not make it fact. 222) I can't discuss future storyline 233) Because they don't see themselves as having any choice at this point. World War II destroyed much of Europe and killed millions of innocent civilians, but it still had to be fought to keep the Nazis from winning. 244) No 255) Again, follow the story and you'll find out 266) Thank you
271) Sorry, I meant to say 'guesses', not proof. But am I anywhere near to the truth? Or in the right direction? 284) Is this weapon capable of destroying a Makuta?
29~~~~ 301) (Off topic) What is your favourite Dr Who episode so far? 312) Is Vamprah more warrior than scientist, or vise versa? 323) Can you reveal what sort of change 2009 will take yet? Will it go back to the more 'tropical' theme, or something?
33Thankyou in advance.
341) I can't discuss the nature of Mata Nui, because it deals with future storyline 354) I will let you in on a secret -- it's not a weapon like a gun or a bomb. The weapon he was referring to was knowledge.
361) The Empty Child 372) Hunter, more than anything else 383) No, I can't discuss anything to do with 2009, we are still five months away from that.
39Knowledge? But Knowledge for what?
40Maybe it's knowledge of reawakenign Mata-Nui, something that the keystones don't say?

1QUOTE 2Hey. I heard you where packing up to move, hope that goes well for you. I had a 3few questions I couldn't resist asking.
41: Can the Mahri still breathe water as well as air? 52: What will the OoMN do with Miserix after he attacks Destral (if he survives)? 63: What would be the difference between a Toa of Iron's powers and a Toa of Magnitism's practically?
7That's all, thanks .
81) Yes 92) Who knows? Too early to tell 103) A Toa of Magnetism can manipulate metal using magnetic power -- he cannot create metal or absorb metal. A Toa of Iron can.
111: Cool 122: Hmm. 133: Just another reason Toa of Iron rule.
41: Can the Mahri still breathe water as well as air? 52: What will the OoMN do with Miserix after he attacks Destral (if he survives)? 63: What would be the difference between a Toa of Iron's powers and a Toa of Magnitism's practically?
7That's all, thanks .
81) Yes 92) Who knows? Too early to tell 103) A Toa of Magnetism can manipulate metal using magnetic power -- he cannot create metal or absorb metal. A Toa of Iron can.
111: Cool 122: Hmm. 133: Just another reason Toa of Iron rule.

1QUOTE 2Hey. I heard you where packing up to move, hope that goes well for you. I had a 3few questions I couldn't resist asking.
41: Can the Mahri still breathe water as well as air? 52: What will the OoMN do with Miserix after he attacks Destral (if he survives)? 63: What would be the difference between a Toa of Iron's powers and a Toa of Magnitism's practically?
7That's all, thanks .
81) Yes 92) Who knows? Too early to tell 103) A Toa of Magnetism can manipulate metal using magnetic power -- he cannot create metal or absorb metal. A Toa of Iron can.
111: Cool 122: Hmm. 133: Just another reason Toa of Iron rule.
14Wonder what Miserix's future will be.
1I'm confident with the theory that Mata Nui is the universe itslef- I mean, look how tall he is, the two holes in Mata Nui (Island) are like his eyes, Metru Nui's like his brain, which is why it's so important to his health, Karda Nui is like his heart.
2I could have sworn that years ago, maybe '03-04 or so, a member asked Greg why when turned upside-down, the island of Mata Nui looked like a face. Greg replied that it would have future significance. I know that he would never answer this question now, but for my own sanity's sake, do any of you older members recall this?
3I thought he said it didn't have significance. Hmm, I don't remember well enough to know for sure.
4I remember that he said there was no significance to the shape of Mata-Nui (Island). 5I'm not an older member, but I have been following these forums for a long time. Dosen't the shape of the man on the Ignika illustrate Mata-Nui? He couldn't be the universe if that was true.
6I actually have info from greg relating to this subject... I got this pm a while ago, didn't see the importance until just now.

7Hey Greg, I appreciate you taking the time to read this.![]()
81. Are there any islands (land of ANY kind) north of Metru Nui, and not included in the Matoran Universe? 91a. South of the southernmost islands of the Matoran Universe? 101b. Below Karda Nui?
112. Has Mata Nui the being ever moved while he was awake?
123. If Metru Nui was somehow moved (such as by the same force that moves Destral) would this affect Mata Nui's health?
134. Is there any kind of pattern to the arrangement of the islands in the Matoran Universe?
14Just a few questions; thanks again for taking the time.
151) Before I can answer these, I need to clarify something -- are you asking about land masses inside or outside of the domes? 162) Sure 173) Probably not, but not sure 184) Yes, there is
191a-c. I was referring to outside the domes- I knew Metru-Nui was the northernmost land in the domes.
201A-1C) To the best of my knowledge right now, there is no other land on this planet beyond the island of Mata Nui and what's in the domes.
1Hey Greg, 2I have some qusetions.
31.) When will the new serials be put up? 41a.) I know this hasn't been confirmed, but is this the layout.51) OOMN/BoM War - Podcast 62) Hagah - Blog 73) Mazeka/Vultraz - Web Serial
82.) Could you give one of the Toa Hagah, a Mask of Empathy. I read that they will be looking for Teridax's location, so it would fit, I guess.
93.) What happened to the FoF. If I remember correctly Roodaka and Vezon will be imprisoned. And you said that Lariska would be in the OOMN/BoM War. So what of Brutaka and Miserix?
104.) Will the BoM Plan be shocking to learn. 114a.) Is the Plan, something anyone could guess, or is totally original.
125.) When awakened could Mata Nui be casted into an illusion by Teridax.
136.) Is Mata Nui's location or Teridax's location right in front of our eyes?
14By the way, since you'll be at Comic-Con will you be at a booth or panel?
161) As soon as I have time to start writing them 172) Mask of Empathy? How would that work? 183) Brutaka and Miserix will both be in the war as well 194) I don't know how easily shocked you are, so impossible to answer this 204a) Well, not too many people have guessed it yet 215) No 226) I can't answer this 237) Booth
242.) Well it would allow someone to feel the others thoughts or to experience their emotions. 254.) I meant is it that could be in front of us.
26Some new ones. 271.) The mask I wanted the Hagah to have is a Mask of Psychometry (can't think of another name) it would allow the user to "meet" someone by touching an object.
282.) Could the Makuta in Karda Nui pollute the energy source sent to Mata Nui.
293.)Will Mata Nui's Character Flaw and Nightmares have anything to do with the plan.
304.) Could Teridax at anytime place Mata Nui into an illusion.
315.) How important are the Coderex and the Energy Storm to the Plan.
326.) When will we learn how Teridax found out Mata Nui's location.
341) I am not sure the average 8-9 year old BIONICLE fan would understand what that was -- there's not much point in my writing way over the head of the bulk of my audience
352) No
363) It already did, Zex -- if he had paid attention to what was going on in his universe, the Makuta could never have attacked him
374) No
385) Follow the story and find out
396) Well, Tren Krom knew it, so I assume he found out from Mutran
1These are sorta old...
2Hi Greg. I just have a few questions that I was hoping you could answer.
31. Is this list of special powers of the Mistika Makuta accurate? 4Krika: 5Drains energy from his surroundings or other beings 6Turns into a ghost-like state 7Gorast: 8Feeds off of the light of other beings 9Bitil: 10Telepathy
112. The machine that Helryx was working on in the BL10 flashback and Mazeka's vehicle are both called swamp striders. Are they the same thing? If so, that's pretty cool.
123. You said that Takanuva and the Av-Matoran are both large because they were exposed to the energy in Karda Nui, which makes them grow in size. But the Av-Matoran have been there for years and didn't grow humongous, but Takanuva is there for a few days and he is huge. Could a reason be that since he is an Av-Toa, he receives more energy faster than the Av-Matoran, thus explaining why he grew so fast?
134. Was the energy storm in Karda Nui, the one that forced the Toa Mata into the canisters, the first one? 144b. BL10 gave me the impression that the enrgy storm happens whenever Mata Nui is awakened. Is that true? 154c. If so, then why, when and how was Mata Nui put to sleep and awakened before the Toa Mata were sealed in there canisters?
165. Was the place the Toa Mata were awakened and maybe even made, the Codrex?
176. Is the sundial important to the overall story? The way Krakua hastily gave it to Takanuva made it seem like he might not even need it.
18That's all for now. 19Thanks in advance. Atlas
201) No. Telepathy and the ability to alter your density are standard Makuta powers. 212) Yes 223) Takanuva was bigger than the Av-Matoran to start with. By percentages, his growth is not that much more than the Av-Matoran's as compared to a standard Matoran 234) Yes 244b) Yes 254c) He wasn't. Mata Nui was first coming to life when the Toa Mata were going into their canisters. 265) The Toa Mata were made on Artakha and awakened on Daxia. 276) It does show up, but it's not a vital piece to story -- most current BIONICLE fans do not remember MNOG or know what the sundial was, so no point in making a big deal of it.
2Hi Greg. I just have a few questions that I was hoping you could answer.
31. Is this list of special powers of the Mistika Makuta accurate? 4Krika: 5Drains energy from his surroundings or other beings 6Turns into a ghost-like state 7Gorast: 8Feeds off of the light of other beings 9Bitil: 10Telepathy
112. The machine that Helryx was working on in the BL10 flashback and Mazeka's vehicle are both called swamp striders. Are they the same thing? If so, that's pretty cool.
123. You said that Takanuva and the Av-Matoran are both large because they were exposed to the energy in Karda Nui, which makes them grow in size. But the Av-Matoran have been there for years and didn't grow humongous, but Takanuva is there for a few days and he is huge. Could a reason be that since he is an Av-Toa, he receives more energy faster than the Av-Matoran, thus explaining why he grew so fast?
134. Was the energy storm in Karda Nui, the one that forced the Toa Mata into the canisters, the first one? 144b. BL10 gave me the impression that the enrgy storm happens whenever Mata Nui is awakened. Is that true? 154c. If so, then why, when and how was Mata Nui put to sleep and awakened before the Toa Mata were sealed in there canisters?
165. Was the place the Toa Mata were awakened and maybe even made, the Codrex?
176. Is the sundial important to the overall story? The way Krakua hastily gave it to Takanuva made it seem like he might not even need it.
18That's all for now. 19Thanks in advance. Atlas
201) No. Telepathy and the ability to alter your density are standard Makuta powers. 212) Yes 223) Takanuva was bigger than the Av-Matoran to start with. By percentages, his growth is not that much more than the Av-Matoran's as compared to a standard Matoran 234) Yes 244b) Yes 254c) He wasn't. Mata Nui was first coming to life when the Toa Mata were going into their canisters. 265) The Toa Mata were made on Artakha and awakened on Daxia. 276) It does show up, but it's not a vital piece to story -- most current BIONICLE fans do not remember MNOG or know what the sundial was, so no point in making a big deal of it.
1I'm confident with the theory that Mata Nui is the universe itslef- I mean, look how tall he is, the two holes in Mata Nui (Island) are like his eyes, Metru Nui's like his brain, which is why it's so important to his health, Karda Nui is like his heart.
2I could have sworn that years ago, maybe '03-04 or so, a member asked Greg why when turned upside-down, the island of Mata Nui looked like a face. Greg replied that it would have future significance. I know that he would never answer this question now, but for my own sanity's sake, do any of you older members recall this?
3Aye, then maybe the Metru Nui suns are his nostrils?
6Hi Greg, Sorry for the time &effort I am costing you.
7Could you answer these please?
81) I've had a theory. Mata Nui is the actual universe- here's my proof: 9His face is the island of Mata Nui, his eyes are the two holes that act as Metru Nui's suns. 10Metru Nui is a cruical place of his health, and it's underneath his face so it's his brain. 11Karda Nui will have a constant storm, which must be like electrical currents in the heart. 12You have stated he is massive, the size of many Mata Nui islands, so that roughly shapes out a universe sized being. 13Matoran working are crucial to his health, almost like brain cells in Metru Nui.
14I understand that this is most likely a classified answer, but if you do decide to share it with me, (99.9% Chance it's no) I won't tell everyone else on Bzpower.
152) How are the Toa Nuva going to survive if the Codrex cannot protect them? Are they going to have to use the T vehicles to escape in time for the storm? 163) It was suggested in BL10 that the War between the brotherhood and the order would destroy the universe- why would the order want to do that, even if it does mean ridding the Makuta? 174) Are the T vehicles the 'Weapon' Artakha gave the Toa? 185) Does the Codrex contain anything else than the T vehicles? Mechanism? 196) Finally, although I'm a little late (I have a seriously bad internet connection) Happy Birthday .
20Thanks in advance.
211) You don't have proof. You have an idea and you are then looking at everything through the prism of that idea and assuming everything supports it. You state his face is the island of Mata Nui -- where's your evidence for that? You saying "It's his face" does not make it fact. 222) I can't discuss future storyline 233) Because they don't see themselves as having any choice at this point. World War II destroyed much of Europe and killed millions of innocent civilians, but it still had to be fought to keep the Nazis from winning. 244) No 255) Again, follow the story and you'll find out 266) Thank you
271) Sorry, I meant to say 'guesses', not proof. But am I anywhere near to the truth? Or in the right direction? 284) Is this weapon capable of destroying a Makuta?
29~~~~ 301) (Off topic) What is your favourite Dr Who episode so far? 312) Is Vamprah more warrior than scientist, or vise versa? 323) Can you reveal what sort of change 2009 will take yet? Will it go back to the more 'tropical' theme, or something?
33Thankyou in advance.
341) I can't discuss the nature of Mata Nui, because it deals with future storyline 354) I will let you in on a secret -- it's not a weapon like a gun or a bomb. The weapon he was referring to was knowledge.
361) The Empty Child 372) Hunter, more than anything else 383) No, I can't discuss anything to do with 2009, we are still five months away from that.
39Knowledge? But Knowledge for what?
40I asked that question a while back, It is nothing new to me.
1No, we've known this for a while now, its not new. We've known this probably since January.
1No, he's implied that it's Knowledge. Now He's confirmed that it's knowledge. The question still is, what kind of knowledge.
1Well, if you read an answer back a few posts. He says the sundial won't be a huge plot device, so I doubt that's the knowledge.
2yeah I agree. I know this is kinda not the current discussion, but I believe the toa nuva will be put into the same situation as they were in last time. Once Mata Nui is awakened and the storm appraoches they will have o choice but to enter the canisters in the codrex. They served their purpose and will enter the slumber again and become "emergency" toa for Mata Nui once again. That waz their price. The price of never being able to live normal lives.1Well, if you read an answer back a few posts. He says the sundial won't be a huge plot device, so I doubt that's the knowledge.
5Well...if you recall the end of downfall, It kinda stated that Mata Nui is a being rather than the universe. When the mask of life gave him life again, their waz that little section at the end of the book that talked about Mata Nui dreaming of darkness. and hoping that it wasn't true. 4I could have sworn that years ago, maybe '03-04 or so, a member asked Greg why when turned upside-down, the island of Mata Nui looked like a face. Greg replied that it would have future significance. I know that he would never answer this question now, but for my own sanity's sake, do any of you older members recall this?3I'm confident with the theory that Mata Nui is the universe itslef- I mean, look how tall he is, the two holes in Mata Nui (Island) are like his eyes, Metru Nui's like his brain, which is why it's so important to his health, Karda Nui is like his heart.
1Actualy, there were Toa Canisters in the Codrex, but they were shot out. There may be more behind the stone wall, however.
1first off, put that into spoilers.
2second3there's no canisters in the codrex.
4Actually, there are, here's a quote from BS01-5The only way for beings to remain safe in the Codrex is to take refuge in Toa Canisters.
6There might not be though, This could be just a statement. Nothing more.
7I think Greg already said that the Codrex won't protect the Nuva from an energy storm anymore, probably meaning there isn't another set of canisters. I don't have a quote though, someone should ask him again.
1first off, put that into spoilers.
2second3there's no canisters in the codrex.
4Actually, there are, here's a quote from BS01-5The only way for beings to remain safe in the Codrex is to take refuge in Toa Canisters.
6There might not be though, This could be just a statement. Nothing more.
7I think Greg already said that the Codrex won't protect the Nuva from an energy storm anymore, probably meaning there isn't another set of canisters. I don't have a quote though, someone should ask him again.
8No, the Codrex won't protect them, the canisters will.
1first off, put that into spoilers.
2second3there's no canisters in the codrex.
4Actually, there are, here's a quote from BS01-5The only way for beings to remain safe in the Codrex is to take refuge in Toa Canisters.
6There might not be though, This could be just a statement. Nothing more.
7I think Greg already said that the Codrex won't protect the Nuva from an energy storm anymore, probably meaning there isn't another set of canisters. I don't have a quote though, someone should ask him again.
8No, the Codrex won't protect them, the canisters will.
9Read my stuff below.
111. Do you care that the book was released much earlier then planned? Or can you care less?
122. In the Codrex, is the room that the Toa did not open during their first visit essential to awakening Mata Nui?
133. Can the canisters in the Codrex be replaced? 143a. If so, have they been replaced sicne the Toa Nuva used them?
154. Did Matoran build the Codrex? 164a. If not, have the species that build it known to us? 174b. Any hints![]()
185. Will Shadow Matoran be present in the final battle? Or are they there by the end of BL10, just not mentioned?
196. Who made the keystones?
207. Will we know of Takanuvas destiny by the end of the year?
218. Will BL11 be arranged similar to BL10, with a main story (BL10: Karda Nui, BL11: Final battle) and a side story (BL10:Takanuva, BL11:OoMN assault on Makuta)?
229. Will we be seeing Helryx in the future? 239a. A picture of her? 249b. A set of her?
25I have tons more, but I'll give you a break. Thanks again for doing so much for us .
261) The books always come out a month or more before the release date listed on Amazon. Always have, probably always will. 272) There is definitely a connection, yes 283) They can be, but have not been 294) Great Beings built it 305) Shadow Matoran will be present in Book 11, yes 316) Great Beings 327) I think not, most likely, as I have future plans for him beyond 2008 338) No, it's all main story. The OOMN thing will be dealt with in a serial 349) No set exists of her, so I tend to doubt you will see a pic, but she will reappear again in story this year
35Takanuva beyond 2008 . And no more canisters in the Codrex.
1Maybe the nuva are supposed to die? 

1That could be the recurring character from the original years then.
1The Piraka enslave an entire island of Matoran, kill several of them and nearly seize control of the universe and they're not worthy of being sent to the pit?
2They didn't kill them, just enslave an entire population.
3Actually, Reidak, Avak, Hakaan, and Vezok pushed matoran into the volcano for fun, read Dark Destiny and Island of Doom.
4Oh, they deserve the Pit .
5None of them went to the pit because the OOMN didn't have time to find out about them, because the events all happened in a matter of 1 or 2 months. Botar came when he could, but didn't capture the Piraka because they were under Mount Valmai.
1first off, put that into spoilers.
2second3there's no canisters in the codrex.
4Actually, there are, here's a quote from BS01-5The only way for beings to remain safe in the Codrex is to take refuge in Toa Canisters.
6There might not be though, This could be just a statement. Nothing more.
7I think Greg already said that the Codrex won't protect the Nuva from an energy storm anymore, probably meaning there isn't another set of canisters. I don't have a quote though, someone should ask him again.
8No, the Codrex won't protect them, the canisters will.
9Read my stuff below.
111. Do you care that the book was released much earlier then planned? Or can you care less?
122. In the Codrex, is the room that the Toa did not open during their first visit essential to awakening Mata Nui?
133. Can the canisters in the Codrex be replaced? 143a. If so, have they been replaced sicne the Toa Nuva used them?
154. Did Matoran build the Codrex? 164a. If not, have the species that build it known to us? 174b. Any hints![]()
185. Will Shadow Matoran be present in the final battle? Or are they there by the end of BL10, just not mentioned?
196. Who made the keystones?
207. Will we know of Takanuvas destiny by the end of the year?
218. Will BL11 be arranged similar to BL10, with a main story (BL10: Karda Nui, BL11: Final battle) and a side story (BL10:Takanuva, BL11:OoMN assault on Makuta)?
229. Will we be seeing Helryx in the future? 239a. A picture of her? 249b. A set of her?
25I have tons more, but I'll give you a break. Thanks again for doing so much for us .
261) The books always come out a month or more before the release date listed on Amazon. Always have, probably always will. 272) There is definitely a connection, yes 283) They can be, but have not been 294) Great Beings built it 305) Shadow Matoran will be present in Book 11, yes 316) Great Beings 327) I think not, most likely, as I have future plans for him beyond 2008 338) No, it's all main story. The OOMN thing will be dealt with in a serial 349) No set exists of her, so I tend to doubt you will see a pic, but she will reappear again in story this year
35Takanuva beyond 2008 . And no more canisters in the Codrex.