1Vican? Wonder what he will do with that knowledge. Why Vican though.
1Hi GregF,
2I have some questions:
31. Is it true you said no Toa Nuva will die this year?
42a. Does the 2009 storyline have any relationship with the 2008 storyline? 52b. Will we see Toa?
63. Why did Tahu and Kopaka need to cap certain volcanoes, what has it to do with awakening Mata Nui?
74. Why isn't Sentrakh with TSO?
8Thanks for your time.
91) No, I never said that -- I have said exactly the opposite. 102) It picks up where the '08 storyline leaves off 112b) Come on, MB, you know I can't answer something like this 123) Well, if they hadn't done it, Miserix would be dead. 134) Who says he isn't? Does it state Sentrakh is not present in the story?
14So much for the people who said: "Greg said no Toa Nuva will die this year."
15they will die . . .

16i thought greg confirmed no nuva would die .
1Cool, Viacn will be the first to know...
1Hi GregF,
2I have some questions:
31. Is it true you said no Toa Nuva will die this year?
42a. Does the 2009 storyline have any relationship with the 2008 storyline? 52b. Will we see Toa?
63. Why did Tahu and Kopaka need to cap certain volcanoes, what has it to do with awakening Mata Nui?
74. Why isn't Sentrakh with TSO?
8Thanks for your time.
91) No, I never said that -- I have said exactly the opposite. 102) It picks up where the '08 storyline leaves off 112b) Come on, MB, you know I can't answer something like this 123) Well, if they hadn't done it, Miserix would be dead. 134) Who says he isn't? Does it state Sentrakh is not present in the story?
14So much for the people who said: "Greg said no Toa Nuva will die this year."
15they will die . . .![]()
16i thought greg confirmed no nuva would die .
17I think that by the exact opposite he means that he hasn't revealed any part of story like that.
1Hi GregF,
2I have some questions:
31. Is it true you said no Toa Nuva will die this year?
42a. Does the 2009 storyline have any relationship with the 2008 storyline? 52b. Will we see Toa?
63. Why did Tahu and Kopaka need to cap certain volcanoes, what has it to do with awakening Mata Nui?
74. Why isn't Sentrakh with TSO?
8Thanks for your time.
91) No, I never said that -- I have said exactly the opposite. 102) It picks up where the '08 storyline leaves off 112b) Come on, MB, you know I can't answer something like this 123) Well, if they hadn't done it, Miserix would be dead. 134) Who says he isn't? Does it state Sentrakh is not present in the story?
14So much for the people who said: "Greg said no Toa Nuva will die this year."
15they will die . . .![]()
16i thought greg confirmed no nuva would die .
17I think that by the exact opposite he means that he hasn't revealed any part of story like that.
18I think he read it wrong. when I first read that, the way it's worded makes it look like he said that the nuva will die and greg is saying that he said the opposite of that they will die.
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey, I hate to send this batch of questions a third time, but I still haven't gotten a response.
21) I forgot, when using the Crast, does Krika repel objects, or do objects repel him?
32) Can you say that whatever powers we don't see the Mistika Makuta use in the story, they just don't have?
43) Would you say a Makuta that gets hit with a normal Nynrah Ghostblaster in a bad position?
54) Is Mata Nui closer to a million feet tall than 700,000 feet tall?
65) What are Bitil's weapons?
76) Do you think we can see some of Axonn's powers (that we haven't seen) in the Destiny War?
87) In the swamp, will the Toa Phantoka adapt to a different form?
98) Do you think of the Hagah can wear a Mask of Adaptation (preferably Pouks)?
109) In Bionicle Legends #11, do Kopaka and Antroz both get the same screentime on Jetrax?
1110) Do you think we will see the Hand of Artahka leader this year?
1211) Was the HoA leader Artahka?
1312) Is Antroz fused to the Jetrax? (I have the set, and Antroz connects to it as if they were fused.)
1413) The spiked visors on Lewa and Pohatu (I assume Kopaka, too) are HUD, correct?
15Thanks for your time .
161) In most cases, he repels them 172) No, because standard Makuta have 42 powers apiece -- even if they had every one of them, I would never have time/space to show all 42 in action in the story. 183) Irrelevant, since the Toa do not have access to standard ones so it's not going to happen 194) Yes 205) I believe it's listed on his Shop At Home description 216, 8) I am so buried in suggestions from BZPers on these serials that I cannot commit to doing any of them 227) No, because no other form exists in plastic for the comic artist to draw 239) I can't discuss future storyline 2410) No 2511) No 2612) No 2713) Yes
29I think he might've misread #2, but it's okay.
1whoa. Mata Nui is HUGE.
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey, I hate to send this batch of questions a third time, but I still haven't gotten a response.
21) I forgot, when using the Crast, does Krika repel objects, or do objects repel him?
32) Can you say that whatever powers we don't see the Mistika Makuta use in the story, they just don't have?
43) Would you say a Makuta that gets hit with a normal Nynrah Ghostblaster in a bad position?
54) Is Mata Nui closer to a million feet tall than 700,000 feet tall?
65) What are Bitil's weapons?
76) Do you think we can see some of Axonn's powers (that we haven't seen) in the Destiny War?
87) In the swamp, will the Toa Phantoka adapt to a different form?
98) Do you think of the Hagah can wear a Mask of Adaptation (preferably Pouks)?
109) In Bionicle Legends #11, do Kopaka and Antroz both get the same screentime on Jetrax?
1110) Do you think we will see the Hand of Artahka leader this year?
1211) Was the HoA leader Artahka?
1312) Is Antroz fused to the Jetrax? (I have the set, and Antroz connects to it as if they were fused.)
1413) The spiked visors on Lewa and Pohatu (I assume Kopaka, too) are HUD, correct?
15Thanks for your time .
161) In most cases, he repels them 172) No, because standard Makuta have 42 powers apiece -- even if they had every one of them, I would never have time/space to show all 42 in action in the story. 183) Irrelevant, since the Toa do not have access to standard ones so it's not going to happen 194) Yes 205) I believe it's listed on his Shop At Home description 216, 8) I am so buried in suggestions from BZPers on these serials that I cannot commit to doing any of them 227) No, because no other form exists in plastic for the comic artist to draw 239) I can't discuss future storyline 2410) No 2511) No 2612) No 2713) Yes
29I think he might've misread #2, but it's okay.
30well that kinda rules out the whole mata nui is mata nui thing maybe he really is the matoran universe after all 31EDIT: he could be even taller
1Hi Greg, I have couple of bionicle questions for you.
21. The events of the game are non-canon currently, but I was thinking could you make the events of the games occur in a pocket dimenson instead ?
32. If yes to 1, could other media for bionicle be new P.D.s such as a world where the character's are their movie adaptation's ?
43.The Klakk's sonic scream being able to destroy the shadow barrier that prevents light from regenerating is that a reference to the symbiote suit from Spider-Man being remove by sonics ?
54. Do you plan to revel the spinner powers of the Hagah in future chapters ?
65. In Destiny War, could it be possible to include some Rahi in the BOM's armies thay have not yet made a story appearance such as the fader bull,spiny stone ape, or othe guide book Rahi ?
76. Will Seeker make an appearance in Dwellers in Darkness ?
87. Would it be possible to give some of the shapes of the masks the Hagah wear since they are in the shape of past hero's masks or will be to confusing to some fans ?
9Thanks Greg. Love new serials .
101) I don't think the game developers would be that enthused about that. 113) No 124) I hope to, but it depends on if it makes sense in story to do 135) Anything's possible, but it also has to be logical to the story. I can't throw stuff in just to throw it in. 146) Don't know yet 157) I don't plan to do that, since there really is no reason in story to describe the shape of their masks. It's not like it's something anyone would bring up in conversation.
21. The events of the game are non-canon currently, but I was thinking could you make the events of the games occur in a pocket dimenson instead ?
32. If yes to 1, could other media for bionicle be new P.D.s such as a world where the character's are their movie adaptation's ?
43.The Klakk's sonic scream being able to destroy the shadow barrier that prevents light from regenerating is that a reference to the symbiote suit from Spider-Man being remove by sonics ?
54. Do you plan to revel the spinner powers of the Hagah in future chapters ?
65. In Destiny War, could it be possible to include some Rahi in the BOM's armies thay have not yet made a story appearance such as the fader bull,spiny stone ape, or othe guide book Rahi ?
76. Will Seeker make an appearance in Dwellers in Darkness ?
87. Would it be possible to give some of the shapes of the masks the Hagah wear since they are in the shape of past hero's masks or will be to confusing to some fans ?
9Thanks Greg. Love new serials .
101) I don't think the game developers would be that enthused about that. 113) No 124) I hope to, but it depends on if it makes sense in story to do 135) Anything's possible, but it also has to be logical to the story. I can't throw stuff in just to throw it in. 146) Don't know yet 157) I don't plan to do that, since there really is no reason in story to describe the shape of their masks. It's not like it's something anyone would bring up in conversation.
1a few questons,
21.The key stones have the way to wake mata-nui written on them. what is written on them exaltly?[spell] 3Like the way to open then codrex in go to to the other half of it to awaken mata-nui or somthing else
42.Is the codrex the wepon that is in the swamp or something inside it? 52a. If no then is it the t vehicles.
63. In the OGD i heard ignika is busy. what is he doing? does it have any thing to do with awakening mata-nui?
74.Will the makuta go into the codrex for protection of the storms? Or will they get obliterated by the storms?
85.do the keystones fit in the ignika shaped niche? 95a.if no, the what is the niche used for?
106.(randomness)i heard you like batman,so whose your favorite ally of batman? 116a.villan?(thats not the joker )
127. iheard somewhere that one of the toa haga has the mask of (spell)clarevoynse(spell) 13what is it called? 147a.if you haven't named it than can it be the the Kanohi Sycack?
158.does people asking you questons about Mnolg annoy you?
169.can you estimate how much persent of BZPers send you spam?
17your fellow BZPer,
18TP,toa plasmus
191) Follow the story and find out 202) What Artakha was referring to ... was knowledge. 213) Ignika is guarding Icarax 224) Codrex wouldn't protect them. You have to be in the Codrex AND in a Toa canister to be protected, and there are no canisters there anymore; 235) Yes 246) I really don't have time for non-BIONICLE questions right now 257) Names for masks would have to come from the BIONICLE approved name list, otherwise I am not allowed to use them. Since I don't have a lot of names left, I am not at this time giving the masks BIONICLE names. 268) No, it is just a waste of their time since I can't answer most of them 279) None. I don't get spam from BZPers.
1I sent a few questions to Greg yesterday, and one of them was VERY interesting: 25. Not sure if you're gonna answer this one, but can you tell me who will be the first to discover the Klakk's special ability?
35) Vican
4Either Vican got transformed back, or it could be something else...
5That's gonna provoke some MOCs
11. If the toa were underwater would the armor adapt to let them breathe underwater? 2I don't mean the swamp water I mean like in the waters around metru nui.
32. On biosector01 it said the standard look of the adaptive armor resembles the toa nuva's original armor. 4What constitutes as a enviroment for no changes, because Metru nui can be a little dangerous and I would figure they have to adapt sometimes.
53. Also does the armor change into forms that are drastic from one to to the other. or are they pretty much the similar looking with some changes
64. Is Icarax still in pain from the de-evolution, or is the armor still painful to wear for him.
71) No, because it can't change their basic physical nature 82) Technically, it would be Metru Nui, although they will still be pictured in their Karda Nui armor in the comic 93) Impossible to say, we have only seen it in one environment 104) Yes, he is still in pain, the armor is not designed to have organic tissue in it
1Now I'm begining to wonder if Ignika's destiny is save the Toa Nuva...
1Mimika, you have to Pm your questions to greg, he generally doesn't visit this topic.
5Wait... on metru nui in the comic?
6this is probably important, we know there going back to metru nui for a comic...
7Nano pi
8oops... Keyl beat me too it...
22. On biosector01 it said the standard look of the adaptive armor resembles the toa nuva's original armor. 3What constitutes as a enviroment for no changes, because Metru nui can be a little dangerous and I would figure they have to adapt sometimes.
42) Technically, it would be Metru Nui, although they will still be pictured in their Karda Nui armor in the comic
5Wait... on metru nui in the comic?
6this is probably important, we know there going back to metru nui for a comic...
7Nano pi
8oops... Keyl beat me too it...
1Hello Mr. Farshtey, I have a question I hope you can answer.
2Recently, you told a BZpower member that you have said the opposite of the Toa Nuva dieing this year. Does that mean you said that you could not answer it, or does that mean that at least one Toa Nuva would die this year?
3Thanks Mr. Farshtey.
4I misread his question because I was answering it at 5:30 in the morning.
5NO Toa Nuva die this year. None.
7He answered that in two minutes. WOW.
2Recently, you told a BZpower member that you have said the opposite of the Toa Nuva dieing this year. Does that mean you said that you could not answer it, or does that mean that at least one Toa Nuva would die this year?
3Thanks Mr. Farshtey.
4I misread his question because I was answering it at 5:30 in the morning.
5NO Toa Nuva die this year. None.
7He answered that in two minutes. WOW.
1No Nuva Dieing .
13Edit: Beaten, darn.
2Hi Greg. 3I saw this on the OGD:
41. Is it true you said no Toa Nuva will die this year?
51) No, I never said that -- I have said exactly the opposite.
6That was from Mutated Brutaka. 7I thought you said none would die, but that contradicts that.
8So the question is: 91) Will any Nuva die this year?
10Sorry, I had misread his question -- did not see the "no." So let me state it plainly:
11No Toa Nuva will die this year. None. Nada.
13Edit: Beaten, darn.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey, I have a question I hope you can answer.
2Recently, you told a BZpower member that you have said the opposite of the Toa Nuva dieing this year. Does that mean you said that you could not answer it, or does that mean that at least one Toa Nuva would die this year?
3Thanks Mr. Farshtey.
4I misread his question because I was answering it at 5:30 in the morning.
5NO Toa Nuva die this year. None.
7He answered that in two minutes. WOW.
8Well that clears things up, thanks Matoroman1

9EDIT: just got some answers back from GregF, don't know if it's important:
10Hi GregF, 11I think the server ate my PM to you (twice), so I'll resent it![]()
12Hi GregF,
13I hope you're not to busy to answer these two questions:
141) What exactly does the Makuta power 'molecular disruption' do?
152) I read in the OGD that one of the words from Amazon.com, in a discription of one of the books, is really a word from 2009. This word is 'Glatorian'. Is this true?
16Thanks for your time, I understand if you can't answer 2![]()
181) Disrupts molecules 192) I cannot discuss anything having to do with 2009
201) Yes, I figured that out alreadybut, if the power is used on something, what can you see? 212) I understand, I just asked because in a PM in the OGD, it was said you comfirmed it, and I just wanted to know for sure
22And a new one, if you have time:
233) In another PM, I asked you about Gali's weapon, and about the fact that you said Gali didn't have one since the set doesn't have one. Then I asked you if the scope could be the weapon, and you said it wouldn't be much of a weapon. But, if she's in another environment, where the scope thing changes to something else, like a pair of hooks, or something else, then it would be more of a weapon, plus Gali would have a weapon in the story. so, what do you think?
24Thanks again for your time,
261) Hard to describe -- it sort of looks like what linked the molecules together has abruptly vanished 273) Since she is not going to be shown in any other environment this year, and we are not in this universe next year, it doesn't really make sense to me to do.
1ok guys this is cool:
2hey greg.
3first off: i LOVE destiny war. i love the story, and i love the title.
4second: i LOVE dwellers in darkness. ironic enough, it sheds light on the hagag. i like the mask of clairvoyance, and the mask of growth. and im looking forward to the last two masks. nice bomonga Versus kardas.
6* removed*
72: regarding botar's species: 8A: does his species have a strange quirk, that things like a certain Moderator or mutagen can give them their awesome teleport powers? 9B or is it a certain treatment best fit for his kind? 10C or is it a power they can only use when properly trained. 11D or is it a power they have, and can use, and its all natural 12E: final option: is it a power only few of his kind have [like toa with natural vision powers like vakama or gali]
131) Thanks, I'm not looking for outside story ideas right now 142) D
15ok thanks.
162 more:
17regarding axonns powers:
18would you say:
19A: the ones we know is pretty much it 20B: its about half his array of powers 21C: tip of the iceberg.
22same for brutaka.
23same for Botar ['s species]
24thank you in advance.
261) C 272) C 283) A
1Hello Mr. Farshtey, I have a question I hope you can answer.
2Recently, you told a BZpower member that you have said the opposite of the Toa Nuva dieing this year. Does that mean you said that you could not answer it, or does that mean that at least one Toa Nuva would die this year?
3Thanks Mr. Farshtey.
4I misread his question because I was answering it at 5:30 in the morning.
5NO Toa Nuva die this year. None.
7He answered that in two minutes. WOW.
8Well that clears things up, thanks Matoroman1and toa Valtika
10You are welcome.

1and greg's answering questions right now.
1Oh, good. I almost started panicking that the Nuva might die. 

12) Technically, it would be Metru Nui, although they will still be pictured in their Karda Nui armor in the comic
2He says they'll be returning to Metru Nui. That's new.
3He could've always meant IF they return to Metru-Nui.

4BTW, some Q's I was wondering about.

5Hi Greg, I hope your doing well. I hope you can answer some of these Q's...
61. You said if the Toa Nuva were in Metru Nui, their default adaptive armor look would probably be their original armor. But you said if they show the Nuva in Metru Nui in a comic, they would still be in their Karda Nui AA. So my question is, couldn't Mr. Gallagher just draw them from a 2003 Nuva pic?
72. Do the Toa Nuva find out Toa Ignika is the mask of life in BL11?
83. Will Icarax try to get his revenge on Ignika?
9Thanks Greg.![]()
10PS: The Serials are awesome, I loved the first Chapter of Destiny Wars .
111) No, because it is very hard to just draw from a picture. You really need the sets, and we don't have 2003 Toa Nuva sets floating around the office, not to mention the fact that Brand doesn't want to show images of sets that aren't available for sale anymore. 122-3) Read the book and find out
1ok guys this is cool:
2hey greg.
3first off: i LOVE destiny war. i love the story, and i love the title.
4second: i LOVE dwellers in darkness. ironic enough, it sheds light on the hagag. i like the mask of clairvoyance, and the mask of growth. and im looking forward to the last two masks. nice bomonga Versus kardas.
6* removed*
72: regarding botar's species: 8A: does his species have a strange quirk, that things like a certain Moderator or mutagen can give them their awesome teleport powers? 9B or is it a certain treatment best fit for his kind? 10C or is it a power they can only use when properly trained. 11D or is it a power they have, and can use, and its all natural 12E: final option: is it a power only few of his kind have [like toa with natural vision powers like vakama or gali]
131) Thanks, I'm not looking for outside story ideas right now 142) D
15ok thanks.
162 more:
17regarding axonns powers:
18would you say:
19A: the ones we know is pretty much it 20B: its about half his array of powers 21C: tip of the iceberg.
22same for brutaka.
23same for Botar ['s species]
24thank you in advance.
261) C 272) C 283) A
29Dang. I fear we may never find out all of Axonn's powers. Or Brutaka's.
1No Nuva Dieing . 2Hi Greg. 3I saw this on the OGD:
41. Is it true you said no Toa Nuva will die this year?
51) No, I never said that -- I have said exactly the opposite.
6That was from Mutated Brutaka. 7I thought you said none would die, but that contradicts that.
8So the question is: 91) Will any Nuva die this year?
10Sorry, I had misread his question -- did not see the "no." So let me state it plainly:
11No Toa Nuva will die this year. None. Nada.
13Edit: Beaten, darn.
14I'm glad he misread the question. I don't want any of the Toa Nuva to die, ever... After all, they are the heroes we began with.
12) Technically, it would be Metru Nui, although they will still be pictured in their Karda Nui armor in the comic
2He says they'll be returning to Metru Nui. That's new.
3He could've always meant IF they return to Metru-Nui.
4BTW, some Q's I was wondering about.![]()
5Hi Greg, I hope your doing well. I hope you can answer some of these Q's...
61. You said if the Toa Nuva were in Metru Nui, their default adaptive armor look would probably be their original armor. But you said if they show the Nuva in Metru Nui in a comic, they would still be in their Karda Nui AA. So my question is, couldn't Mr. Gallagher just draw them from a 2003 Nuva pic?
72. Do the Toa Nuva find out Toa Ignika is the mask of life in BL11?
83. Will Icarax try to get his revenge on Ignika?
9Thanks Greg.![]()
10PS: The Serials are awesome, I loved the first Chapter of Destiny Wars .
111) No, because it is very hard to just draw from a picture. You really need the sets, and we don't have 2003 Toa Nuva sets floating around the office, not to mention the fact that Brand doesn't want to show images of sets that aren't available for sale anymore. 122-3) Read the book and find out
13from #3 answer mabey that explains why gorast and vampra are chasing after him in the scene from BL11 because he whants to get his revenge on ignika and ditches the rest of the makuta?
13. Will Icarax try to get his revenge on Ignika?
22-3) Read the book and find out
3from #3 answer mabey that explains why gorast and vampra are chasing after him in the scene from BL11 because he whants to get his revenge on ignika and ditches the rest of the makuta?
4Nah, I think it's more of Gorast and Vamprah going to rescue Icarax from Ignika.
1Yesterday I sent you a question regarding the Mistika Makuta's powers:
2QUOTE 32) Can you say that whatever powers we don't see the Mistika Makuta use in the story, they just don't have?
4Your answer kind of didn't fit the question:
5QUOTE 62) No, because standard Makuta have 42 powers apiece -- even if they had every one of them, I would never have time/space to show all 42 in action in the story.
7What I meant was that, in order to stop having fans ask you what powers the Mistika Makuta, I suggested that whatever powers we didn't see them use, they simply didn't have.
8For example: We see Krika use, oh let's say, the Darkness power. But we never see him use the Fear power. Can you say that he simply does not have it? (Same applies with Gorast and Bitil.)
9Thanks in advance .
10And I reject that suggestion. I can't write the story to make sure that every power they still have somehow gets shown, and I don't want it implied they don't have it just because they aren't shown as using it.
11Meh... Oh well.
1Phew. If he died, it'd be sad.
1Phew. If he died, it'd be sad.
2Yeah, making a Serial, a blog, &a part in Bionicle Legends 11. Just for him to die, a waste of time.
3Not necessarily. Would say that Matoro being in MNOG, six books, a serial (the list goes on), was a waste of time just to kill him? How do we know Takanuva doesn't make a necessary sacrifice? (Well, we know he doesn't, but you know what I mean.)
1one of these might be new. but im not sure anyway i now know about the whole nuva not dieing thing
10lol greg doesn't like playing games
2Hi Greg I just have three questions
31. Is Mata Nui closer to 2 million feet or 1 million feet?
42. Will Takanuva's "real" destiny ever be revealed?
53. As I was reading the OFfficial Greg Discussion some posted a question asking if the Toa Nuva were not going to die. You replied, no I said the exact opposite. was that really true or did you get the question mixed up?
6Thanks .
71) I'm not going to play this game, thanks. 82) Yes 93) No, he asked if I had said they WERE going to die -- and I said I had never said that they were, I had said the exact opposite, that they were not.
10lol greg doesn't like playing games
1one of these might be new. but im not sure anyway i now know about the whole nuva not dieing thing
2Hi Greg I just have three questions
31. Is Mata Nui closer to 2 million feet or 1 million feet?
42. Will Takanuva's "real" destiny ever be revealed?
53. As I was reading the OFfficial Greg Discussion some posted a question asking if the Toa Nuva were not going to die. You replied, no I said the exact opposite. was that really true or did you get the question mixed up?
6Thanks .
71) I'm not going to play this game, thanks. 82) Yes 93) No, he asked if I had said they WERE going to die -- and I said I had never said that they were, I had said the exact opposite, that they were not.
10lol greg doesn't like playing games
11Wierd. He answered my question regarding MN's height...