1Am I the first person to MOC Nekktan (sp) ? Anyway, that is pretty cool how you keep on making characters. I like the name Nekktan on a Skakdi.
1Cool, a skakdi warlord name Nektann.
1Woohoo, I found Bitil's region
2Hello Greg,
3Bitil's bio on bionicle.com states he ruled "barren islands" and was kept away from important locations.
4Would you say that "barren islands" or "non specific" is Bitil's official assigned location? (since he'll never get a fixed location)
6I would say that puts him in charge of some of the southern islands
1i gots some questions answered 2QUOTE 3just wondering1. when do the events in takanuva's blog take place 2.how does axonn currently fell brutaka or does he at least trust him? 3. how many of taknuva's blog chapters are we going to see the niazesk? in by the way great idea having the niazesk getting shown. 4. what is brutaka strength level against the average makuta? a.is he stronger b is he close c is he not even close or what
41) The blog takes place during Bionicle Legends 11 52) Axonn always felt bad about what happened to Brutaka, and he feels that if the OOMN trusts him enough to bring him back in, he will work with him again 63) Not many 74) Close
41) The blog takes place during Bionicle Legends 11 52) Axonn always felt bad about what happened to Brutaka, and he feels that if the OOMN trusts him enough to bring him back in, he will work with him again 63) Not many 74) Close
1Cool . Is that around Lessovikk's island?
1Yeah, would be around Lesovikks island or Artidax.
GregF Katuko
1Hi, Greg .
2I think the server ate my last PM (sent it a month ago), so I'm resending it and hoping that the previous one isn't just waiting for you to read it.
3Recently we got to know that the Klakk's sonic scream can shatter the mental light barrier put in place by Shadow Leeches and restore a Shadow Matoran to normal. Still, there are other beings who's got some sort of sonic ability, and I was wondering if those beings are also a possible "cure". 4Is it possible for a Toa of Sonics, a Makuta using its Power Scream/Sonics ability, and maybe even Kohrak-Kal's Sonic power -- to replicate the intensity and/or frequency needed to shatter the Shadow Leech barrier? Or is there something else about the Klakk that makes them unique?
5Thanks for your time.
6You would need to know the frequency and duration needed to make it work. No Toa of Sonics does, because none has ever encountered a klakk or a shadow Matoran. And you have to be careful about experimenting -- use the wrong frequency, you might kill the target. And no Makuta would ever want to cure a shadow being, so that basically makes them irrelevant to the debate.
7Interesting... Not only do you need the right frequency, but you need to know how long the target should be exposed to the sound as well.
1Who knew, out of all the possible ways the Klakk's sonic scream could be different, Mutran created them with the perfect way to undo what his Shaodw Leach had done. 

1Who knew, out of all the possible ways the Klakk's sonic scream could be different, Mutran created them with the perfect way to undo what his Shaodw Leach had done.
2Yeah. 3Since GregF said Vican would be the first to figure it out, here's a lil' sketch:
4*Klakk hit's Vican with Sonics*
5Vican: I'm back to being a Le-Matoran .
6Mutran: What the #%@# . *faints*
1Something that seems more likely here: someone or something edited the Klakk to enable them to undo the leeching. (somehow I suspect Krika)
1That could be bad, if what you are saying, Toa Valtika, is remotely true... poor Vican
1It's not that the Klakk are mutated to put light back in creatures, it's the fact that a certain sound frequency that the klakk regularly emits, probably during attacks, breaks the shield that blocks light from naturally returning to beings affected by light drainers.
2so... wait... 31 mata nui (island) is Mata Nui's head?? 41aand if Mata Nui is so big, why was Teridax stated as his bro? 52will there ever be a team made up of completely new elements? flora, iron, gravity, etc? 63what is going on with the 09 reboot?? 74what is the energy storm's energy made up of? 85can tahu go all wolverine on people if he's mad enough? 95a if so, can he tap into nova power without killing his friends? 106do bionicles have curse words? 116aLewa said to tahu, "Don't be such an... ash" 127in Destiny War, how will the piraka snakes help (And Vezon for that matter) 138what's going on with krakha now? 149give me a vague description(if you can) of what Teridax is up to now 1510when will we learn about the beings in the star? 1610awill they be sets? 1711is Mata Nui's mask a Hau? 1812is the countdown element action toa Nuva exclusive? 1912aPohatu's work with the dark hunter base was HI-larious 2013when will ignika's mask turn black? 2113adoes it happen when the energy storm comes back? 2214when will The Final Battle come out? 2315if you could be any Bionicle, who or what would you be? 2416why do we have so many guns now?? whatever happened to good old swordfights and elemental powers? 2517why does Gali look all of a sudden like a cross between a Halo Spartan and a war machine? 2618do you hate me for all of these questions?
27thanks in advance, 28
291) There's no evidence for that that I am aware of. 301a) It's been stated all along that Makuta and Mata Nui are brothers the same way that all firefighters are brothers -- because they did basically the same job, looking after the Matoran. There are no families or children in BIONICLE, so there can't be actual brothers or sisters. 312) That would depend on the set designers. If they make Toa sets using something other than the six main colors, then yes. 323) What do you want to know? I can't discuss much about 2009. 334) Um, energy. 345) Toa don't kill, it's a violation of their code. 355a) No, you can't control a nova blast. 366) Yes 377) The Piraka won't help at all. They are sea snakes and can't breathe air, so they're basically useless in a fight. And Vezon's role gets defined later in story. 388) Krahka is back in her home under Metru Nui 399) I can't discuss it 4010) Not for some time 4110a) No way to predict that 4211) What proof do you have that he wears a mask at all? 4312) Yes 4413) When the proper amount of time passes 4513a) No. The energy storm is active whenever Mata Nui is awake and active 4614) Check Amazon.com for release date 4715) Haven't thought about it 4816) What we put in the sets is largely dependent on what the focus groups of 8-11 year olds say they want. And the result has been higher set sales since 2006. Kids like things they can launch across the room. 4917) You would have to ask a set designer -- I do story only.
501What type of energy makes up the storm? Life, plasma, etc 512the Hau has always been used as a symbol for Mata Nui... so shouldn't that be his mask? 523I ment to say in Q1- is the Planet Mata Nui's head? 534can the OoMN fighters use the piraka snakes as flails? 545does Vezon have any powers now? 556so when Mata Nui is awake and active, everybody is happy. Except the people inKarda Nui, correct? 567will Ignika's mask turnung black affect Mata Nui at all? 578where is Teridax now and is he in Antidermis form or does he have a body? 589who can I talk to about the sets? 599aany set designers? 6010will Krakha take part in the Destiny War? 6111is there really one big code Toa have to follow? 6212What are the extents of Krakua's powers? 6313what is a klakk? 6414why are lightnung types female? 6514aI thought that flora types would be female 6615is it possible to have iron bohrok, flora bohrok, air bohrok? 6716where did the bahrag come from? 6817will Ignika's mask affect the reboot
69sorry for all the questions, I'm prbably gonna get blocked someday... 70ah well, 71thanks again, 72
731) Closer to electrical in nature 742) No, because remember, no one in the Matoran universe has ever seen him. They use the Hau to symbolize him because it is a mask of shielding, and so represents his protection of them. 753) No 764) No 775) No 786) No one is supposed to be living in Karda Nui 797) If all life in the universe dies and no new life comes to replace it, Mata Nui would eventually die as well 808) I can't discuss this 819) No set designers are BZP members. 8210) Don't know yet 8311) Yes 8412) Can you be more specific? 8513) It's a Rahi 8614) Cause that's what I felt like doing 8715) No, none exist 8816) Created by the Great Beings 8917) I can't discuss future storyline
2so... wait... 31 mata nui (island) is Mata Nui's head?? 41aand if Mata Nui is so big, why was Teridax stated as his bro? 52will there ever be a team made up of completely new elements? flora, iron, gravity, etc? 63what is going on with the 09 reboot?? 74what is the energy storm's energy made up of? 85can tahu go all wolverine on people if he's mad enough? 95a if so, can he tap into nova power without killing his friends? 106do bionicles have curse words? 116aLewa said to tahu, "Don't be such an... ash" 127in Destiny War, how will the piraka snakes help (And Vezon for that matter) 138what's going on with krakha now? 149give me a vague description(if you can) of what Teridax is up to now 1510when will we learn about the beings in the star? 1610awill they be sets? 1711is Mata Nui's mask a Hau? 1812is the countdown element action toa Nuva exclusive? 1912aPohatu's work with the dark hunter base was HI-larious 2013when will ignika's mask turn black? 2113adoes it happen when the energy storm comes back? 2214when will The Final Battle come out? 2315if you could be any Bionicle, who or what would you be? 2416why do we have so many guns now?? whatever happened to good old swordfights and elemental powers? 2517why does Gali look all of a sudden like a cross between a Halo Spartan and a war machine? 2618do you hate me for all of these questions?
27thanks in advance, 28

291) There's no evidence for that that I am aware of. 301a) It's been stated all along that Makuta and Mata Nui are brothers the same way that all firefighters are brothers -- because they did basically the same job, looking after the Matoran. There are no families or children in BIONICLE, so there can't be actual brothers or sisters. 312) That would depend on the set designers. If they make Toa sets using something other than the six main colors, then yes. 323) What do you want to know? I can't discuss much about 2009. 334) Um, energy. 345) Toa don't kill, it's a violation of their code. 355a) No, you can't control a nova blast. 366) Yes 377) The Piraka won't help at all. They are sea snakes and can't breathe air, so they're basically useless in a fight. And Vezon's role gets defined later in story. 388) Krahka is back in her home under Metru Nui 399) I can't discuss it 4010) Not for some time 4110a) No way to predict that 4211) What proof do you have that he wears a mask at all? 4312) Yes 4413) When the proper amount of time passes 4513a) No. The energy storm is active whenever Mata Nui is awake and active 4614) Check Amazon.com for release date 4715) Haven't thought about it 4816) What we put in the sets is largely dependent on what the focus groups of 8-11 year olds say they want. And the result has been higher set sales since 2006. Kids like things they can launch across the room. 4917) You would have to ask a set designer -- I do story only.
501What type of energy makes up the storm? Life, plasma, etc 512the Hau has always been used as a symbol for Mata Nui... so shouldn't that be his mask? 523I ment to say in Q1- is the Planet Mata Nui's head? 534can the OoMN fighters use the piraka snakes as flails? 545does Vezon have any powers now? 556so when Mata Nui is awake and active, everybody is happy. Except the people inKarda Nui, correct? 567will Ignika's mask turnung black affect Mata Nui at all? 578where is Teridax now and is he in Antidermis form or does he have a body? 589who can I talk to about the sets? 599aany set designers? 6010will Krakha take part in the Destiny War? 6111is there really one big code Toa have to follow? 6212What are the extents of Krakua's powers? 6313what is a klakk? 6414why are lightnung types female? 6514aI thought that flora types would be female 6615is it possible to have iron bohrok, flora bohrok, air bohrok? 6716where did the bahrag come from? 6817will Ignika's mask affect the reboot
69sorry for all the questions, I'm prbably gonna get blocked someday... 70ah well, 71thanks again, 72

731) Closer to electrical in nature 742) No, because remember, no one in the Matoran universe has ever seen him. They use the Hau to symbolize him because it is a mask of shielding, and so represents his protection of them. 753) No 764) No 775) No 786) No one is supposed to be living in Karda Nui 797) If all life in the universe dies and no new life comes to replace it, Mata Nui would eventually die as well 808) I can't discuss this 819) No set designers are BZP members. 8210) Don't know yet 8311) Yes 8412) Can you be more specific? 8513) It's a Rahi 8614) Cause that's what I felt like doing 8715) No, none exist 8816) Created by the Great Beings 8917) I can't discuss future storyline
2so... wait... 31 mata nui (island) is Mata Nui's head?? 41aand if Mata Nui is so big, why was Teridax stated as his bro? 52will there ever be a team made up of completely new elements? flora, iron, gravity, etc? 63what is going on with the 09 reboot?? 74what is the energy storm's energy made up of? 85can tahu go all wolverine on people if he's mad enough? 95a if so, can he tap into nova power without killing his friends? 106do bionicles have curse words? 116aLewa said to tahu, "Don't be such an... ash" 127in Destiny War, how will the piraka snakes help (And Vezon for that matter) 138what's going on with krakha now? 149give me a vague description(if you can) of what Teridax is up to now 1510when will we learn about the beings in the star? 1610awill they be sets? 1711is Mata Nui's mask a Hau? 1812is the countdown element action toa Nuva exclusive? 1912aPohatu's work with the dark hunter base was HI-larious 2013when will ignika's mask turn black? 2113adoes it happen when the energy storm comes back? 2214when will The Final Battle come out? 2315if you could be any Bionicle, who or what would you be? 2416why do we have so many guns now?? whatever happened to good old swordfights and elemental powers? 2517why does Gali look all of a sudden like a cross between a Halo Spartan and a war machine? 2618do you hate me for all of these questions?
27thanks in advance, 28![]()
291) There's no evidence for that that I am aware of. 301a) It's been stated all along that Makuta and Mata Nui are brothers the same way that all firefighters are brothers -- because they did basically the same job, looking after the Matoran. There are no families or children in BIONICLE, so there can't be actual brothers or sisters. 312) That would depend on the set designers. If they make Toa sets using something other than the six main colors, then yes. 323) What do you want to know? I can't discuss much about 2009. 334) Um, energy. 345) Toa don't kill, it's a violation of their code. 355a) No, you can't control a nova blast. 366) Yes 377) The Piraka won't help at all. They are sea snakes and can't breathe air, so they're basically useless in a fight. And Vezon's role gets defined later in story. 388) Krahka is back in her home under Metru Nui 399) I can't discuss it 4010) Not for some time 4110a) No way to predict that 4211) What proof do you have that he wears a mask at all? 4312) Yes 4413) When the proper amount of time passes 4513a) No. The energy storm is active whenever Mata Nui is awake and active 4614) Check Amazon.com for release date 4715) Haven't thought about it 4816) What we put in the sets is largely dependent on what the focus groups of 8-11 year olds say they want. And the result has been higher set sales since 2006. Kids like things they can launch across the room. 4917) You would have to ask a set designer -- I do story only.
501What type of energy makes up the storm? Life, plasma, etc 512the Hau has always been used as a symbol for Mata Nui... so shouldn't that be his mask? 523I ment to say in Q1- is the Planet Mata Nui's head? 534can the OoMN fighters use the piraka snakes as flails? 545does Vezon have any powers now? 556so when Mata Nui is awake and active, everybody is happy. Except the people inKarda Nui, correct? 567will Ignika's mask turnung black affect Mata Nui at all? 578where is Teridax now and is he in Antidermis form or does he have a body? 589who can I talk to about the sets? 599aany set designers? 6010will Krakha take part in the Destiny War? 6111is there really one big code Toa have to follow? 6212What are the extents of Krakua's powers? 6313what is a klakk? 6414why are lightnung types female? 6514aI thought that flora types would be female 6615is it possible to have iron bohrok, flora bohrok, air bohrok? 6716where did the bahrag come from? 6817will Ignika's mask affect the reboot
69sorry for all the questions, I'm prbably gonna get blocked someday... 70ah well, 71thanks again, 72![]()
731) Closer to electrical in nature 742) No, because remember, no one in the Matoran universe has ever seen him. They use the Hau to symbolize him because it is a mask of shielding, and so represents his protection of them. 753) No 764) No 775) No 786) No one is supposed to be living in Karda Nui 797) If all life in the universe dies and no new life comes to replace it, Mata Nui would eventually die as well 808) I can't discuss this 819) No set designers are BZP members. 8210) Don't know yet 8311) Yes 8412) Can you be more specific? 8513) It's a Rahi 8614) Cause that's what I felt like doing 8715) No, none exist 8816) Created by the Great Beings 8917) I can't discuss future storyline
90That answer was HILARIOUS lol,lol,lol
1Here are some Q&A's from Greg that I never got around to posting. Some old, some new.
84A lot huh?
2When was the MU finally finished being build? When the Toa Mata were put in the Codrex?
3No, before that
41. What does the sundial do?
52. Lets say sometime in the past, Bitil is fighting a Toa and uses one of the powers he lost during his mutation to kill the Toa. In present time, Bitil uses his Mohtrek to summon that past Bitil before he kills the Toa. Past Bitil is then mutated by the swamp waters. When present Bitil sends past Bitil back, he can no longer kill the Toa in that way. The Toa then kills Bitil. What happens then?
63. Could a Makuta use their molecular disruption power to disintegrate a Toa's armor and/or mask?
74. Do you think you can make a Makuta use their molecular disruption power in the BoM-OoMN podcast? Its such a cool power.![]()
85. Do the swamp waters mutated slower then usual because its half Pit waters half normal water?
96. How was the OoMN formed before Mata Nui first awoke?
107. Who made the Elda?
118. What is the official name for the Mohtrek? Mask of Dupilcation, or Time Dupilcation?
129. Last year and this year there are two sets that have only appeared in web serials. Will there be two sets like this next year too?
13Thanks again Greg.
141) You'll find out in the fall 152) If Bitil dies in the past, his present self dies. 163) Disruption is not the same as disintegration. If a Makuta wants to disintegrate a Toa's armor or mask, they already have a disintegration power - one of the six 2003 Rahkshi had it. 174) No idea 185) No 196) By Helryx 207) Hasn't been revealed, but I would guess the Great Beings 218) I'd have to look it up 229) I can't discuss 2009
232. But what I meant was, lets say that Toa goes off and kills Teridax. What would happen to the timeline?
243. But BS01 describes molecular disruption as "Has the power to utterly disintegrate any inorganic object with a touch."
256. What I meant was, how can the order serve the will of Mata Nui before his time?
268. What do you call it?
272) Then Teridax will be dead, but since Toa don't kill, the point is moot. 283) But if you already have a disintegration power, why not just do that? 296) They followed the same precepts the Hand of Artakha did ... they knew, or could guess, what Mata Nui's priorities were going to be, namely protecting the Matoran. 308) I rarely have to discuss it
312. But if Teridax is dead in the past, then Bitil is never sent to Karda Nui, then Bitil never summons that past Bitil, etc..
326. So, the HoA knew Mata Nui was being created?
33(New Question) 1. Are the Kraata powers the Miskuta still have weakened by the swamp waters, like, is the power level of their chain lightning power the power level of a level 3 or 4 Kraata now?
342) Since what you are suggesting isn't going to happen in story, don't give yourself a headache worrying about it. 356) Oh, sure. So did Artakha, so did the Matoran, so did Tren Krom ... nowhere in the story do the Turaga ever say, "And then, TO OUR SURPRISE, the Great Beings sent Mata Nui to us."
361) No
371. Is the western portal an actually portal, or just an entrance to the UC?
382. Did the Karda Nui Makuta have the Kanohi that they wear made for them? Like, Bitil got the Mohtrek made for him, etc..
393. Does the Felnas work on other Kanohi?
404. What color do you imagine the Nuva's Nynrah GB to be when active? Like, lets say Tahu uses his Nynrah GB to make a wall. What color do you imagine the wall to be?
415. When entering the swamp, does Kopaka's Midak get replaced with a Nynrah blaster?
426. What do Antroz's, Spiriah's, and Krika's poisonous fangs do?
437. At the beginning of Comic 13, we see Lewa fighting Antroz, but with no one else around. Is this fight maybe from Comic 12.5?
448. How did Brutaka know about Vezon?
459. Can someone with the Olmak get to our universe?
4610. How did the Matoran know that Mata Nui was being created?
47Thanks Greg, hope you have fun at Comic-Con .
481) Entrance 492) No 503) No 514) I don't, I leave that up to the comic artist 525) It should, but it won't, because the comic illo needs to match the set 536) Um, doesn't the word "poisonous" give it away? 547) No 558) Brutaka hung out with the Piraka on Voya Nui 569) We don't know that our universe even exists in the fictional realm of BIONICLE 5710) Everyone knew, it was common knowledge
58New Questions:
591. How important is the red star to Bionicle?
602. Will Teridax be appearing in the summer serials?
611-2) Can't answer either one, since both deal with future story
621. Is it possible for the Plan to fail and Teridax still be alive?
632. Will Takanuva's Blog reveal any major BL11 spoilers before BL11 comes out?
643. Does the Mask of Intangibility work like the Makuta's destiny control?
654. What Bionicle comic is your favorite?
665. Did the Toa Mahri help Takanuva fight the Frostelus?
676. Is the Kardas Dragon being kept in the Archives?
687. What do the Toa Mahri think happened to Takanuva?
69Thanks again Greg.
701) Not for long 712) No 723) Yes 734) I have written too many to pick a favorite 745) No 756) He will be eventually 767) They have no idea
771. Is Botar's replacement just another member of Botar's species?
782. Krakua is only a servant of the OOMN, right?
793. Where is Voporak now?
80Great work on Destiny War Ch.1.
811) Yes 822) Yes 833) Hasn't been revealed
84A lot huh?

1I'm new here, so first off Hi, but anyway this is kind of interesting:
2Question: 3Hi Greg, I have one question, but it is a bit in depth.
4When the Toa Metru were traveling to the island of Mata Nui, Nokama tastes the water and realizes that it has a different taste than the liquid protodermis around Metru Nui. This seems to imply that at the very least they can taste things, but do they need to eat and drink to survive? If they go to long without eating do they starve? I'm just wondering if Matoran do actually eat.
5Answer: 6Yes, they do, they just don't eat like we do -- they don't need to chew and swallow and digest. Most BIONICLE beings absorb nutrition by making physical contact with certain kinds of things, like fruit or fish, and directly absorbing it.
2Question: 3Hi Greg, I have one question, but it is a bit in depth.
4When the Toa Metru were traveling to the island of Mata Nui, Nokama tastes the water and realizes that it has a different taste than the liquid protodermis around Metru Nui. This seems to imply that at the very least they can taste things, but do they need to eat and drink to survive? If they go to long without eating do they starve? I'm just wondering if Matoran do actually eat.
5Answer: 6Yes, they do, they just don't eat like we do -- they don't need to chew and swallow and digest. Most BIONICLE beings absorb nutrition by making physical contact with certain kinds of things, like fruit or fish, and directly absorbing it.
1How do you PM Greg?
1*Sigh* Follow the link in the opening post of this topic or go to your Control Panel, click "Write New Message" and then type in the username "GregF", then your message and then click "Send".
1darn, double post.

1It could, but that's using it's own powers, not the Fail Safe part. both are different, and not even the Ignika itself knows of this Fail Safe. No one but the Makuta, Mata Nui, and the GBs know of the Fail Safe, or that it's because there are makuta in the Core. How is a mask that knows nothing of something it can do, counteract by removing the problem that it doesn't know exist?
2Plus, it's trying to be a toa, meaning, no killing.
3Actually the Ignika can't kill anyone quickly 4It could age them to death however 5![]()
7...in three seconds
8He can kill really fast by rapid aging
1It could, but that's using it's own powers, not the Fail Safe part. both are different, and not even the Ignika itself knows of this Fail Safe. No one but the Makuta, Mata Nui, and the GBs know of the Fail Safe, or that it's because there are makuta in the Core. How is a mask that knows nothing of something it can do, counteract by removing the problem that it doesn't know exist?
2Plus, it's trying to be a toa, meaning, no killing.
3Actually the Ignika can't kill anyone quickly 4It could age them to death however 5![]()
7...in three seconds
8He can kill really fast by rapid aging
9For one, the Ignika is a Kanohi. It is not aware of the Toa code. Second, didn't the Toa Ignika already kill a Rahi in BL9?
1I found out why Great Beings made the universe(s).
2Hi, Greg, I hope you're doing well, I have just one question for you. Just why is it that the Great beings create the universe(s)? There hasn't really been any reason in the story so far and I'm curious just what it is that compeled them to create it/them. Thank You.
3Well, let me ask one back -- why do you build LEGO models?
4So, they create it/them for fun and to admire thier creation(s)?
5The urge to create, the need to do it, is very strong in both humans and Great Beings. Even when there are other reasons to do it besides that, it is still a very powerful motivating force.
11. Can Makuta use two powers at once? Like, use destiny control and chameleon at once to "vanish"?
22. Does the OOMN know Ancient's real name?
33. You recently said that the OOMN would kill for the greater good. Does this mean that Helryx does not follow the Toa code? 43a. What about Krakua?
54. Why did Ancient agree to join the OOMN?
65. Why didn't Gaaki for see becoming a Rahaga?
76. The Dark Hunter Gatherer is investigating the OOMN. Is he still on this assignment as of Dwellers in Darkness Ch.1?
87. Are you planning to resolve the Shadow Stealer/TSO conflict?
98. If a Makuta makes a poison Kraata, will they have to wait awhile before using their poison power?
109. In Dark Mirror, why did Takanuva go looking for Krahka?
1110. Where is Dweller in the Toa Empire dimension?
1211. How did Teridax survive the Ignika countdown in The Kingdom?
13Thanks Greg.
141) No 152) No 163) The Toa code did not exist when she was adventuring as a Toa, so no. 173a) I have already answered this one about three times this week. 184) He was paid 195) Because you don't get to choose what the mask shows you ... it just shows you what it shows you. You can't control that sort of an ability. 206) He is investigating a possible faction, he doesn't know it's the OOMN, and yes 217) Don't know, I may not have room this year 228) No 239) Well, Takanuva knew she had allied with the Toa against the Visorak, he figured maybe in this universe she would ally with him. 2410) Dead. He was never sent to Metru Nui in that universe, and was killed when the Toa attacked Odina 2511) The Ignika countdown did not happen in that universe. Mata Nui died, the universe died with him, so there was no need for Ignika to wipe out all life in it. There was no longer a functioning universe to keep in balance.
263a. Hasn't turned up in the OGD yet.
27At this point, the OOMN is trying to avoid putting Krakua into situations where he might have to use lethal force.
1Yay for the Order .
1Sensible to not send a Toa with a Suletu to war? he could stand next to the general, and mentaly tell other troops orders.
1QUOTE 2How are MN &MoMN considered brothers?I simply don't get it...
3The same way all firefighters and all police officers and all Toa are considered to be brothers -- because Mata Nui and Makuta had essentially the same job -- looking after the Matoran -- they just had different roles to play in doing it. Mata Nui maintained things like heat and light and gravity and Makuta created Rahi.
3The same way all firefighters and all police officers and all Toa are considered to be brothers -- because Mata Nui and Makuta had essentially the same job -- looking after the Matoran -- they just had different roles to play in doing it. Mata Nui maintained things like heat and light and gravity and Makuta created Rahi.
1Hallo, Greg .
2As usual, I have a few questions.
31)How ahead of the game is Teridax right now? 41) He's doing fine 52)How intangible would Krika become? Ghost or Nothingness? Even in that state, would he be able to absrob heat if available? 62) If he is permanently intangible, no point in absorbing heat, can't help him any 73)How corrupt was Vican before being... well, yeah? 83) Not corrupt, just wanting a more adventurous life 94)Matoran like Ahkmou who are slightly evil on their own would always be like that, right? Or is it like a condition that could be... 'cured'? 104) No, that is just who they are, it's not a condition he's afflicted with 115)Lastly-and I know how very irritating these questions are becoming- What CAN you tell us of 2009? 12... Or perhaps do we have to ask the right questions? smile.gif 135) Zip
14THANKS . --DSV--
15Just some questions in an easy, non-scrolling format.