1one of these might be new. but im not sure anyway i now know about the whole nuva not dieing thing
2Hi Greg I just have three questions
31. Is Mata Nui closer to 2 million feet or 1 million feet?
42. Will Takanuva's "real" destiny ever be revealed?
53. As I was reading the OFfficial Greg Discussion some posted a question asking if the Toa Nuva were not going to die. You replied, no I said the exact opposite. was that really true or did you get the question mixed up?
6Thanks .
71) I'm not going to play this game, thanks. 82) Yes 93) No, he asked if I had said they WERE going to die -- and I said I had never said that they were, I had said the exact opposite, that they were not.
10lol greg doesn't like playing games
11Wierd. He answered my question regarding MN's height...
12yeah maybe he just doesn't want everyone to ask him that question over and over again so he's just gonna leave it at that from now on
1Question Answer
2Does the Kanohi Avsa create a psychic shield when it drains light? I ask because you recently explained to a member that Gorast's stinger does not create a shield when it drains someone's light, with the result that a victim will replenish his or her light naturally. I thought this might be a similar case. Also, I ask because the Avsa's inability to create a shield would explain why Teridax asked Mutran specifically to create creatures with the Shadow Leeches' function because the Makuta couldn't just order a bunch of Kanohi Avsa crafted for them to get the job done.
3It must, because the Avsa was used to drain Radiak, and he has not gone back to being an Av-Matoran. It only creates the shield, though, if it drains someone completely. A partial drain won't trigger it, as it does with a shadow leech
1Hello Sir, 2I must say the serials and podcast really are awesome. With the Hagah returning, it just gives old timers a reason to stick on. Anyway, I do have a few questions regarding the serials.
31a) How exactly does the Mask of Clairvoyance works? I read that paragraph a few times but I'm still a lil confused.
42) Say if TSO reaches Xia and commands the DH to wipe out the Vortixx, the Order, or Ancient won't stop him right?
53) After observing Iruini's actions as a Toa, can it be said that Toa and Matoran of Air are reckless most of the time?
6Only 3 for now, Thanks in advance..
81) Allows Gaaki the limited ability to perceive the future 92) Impossible to predict until it happens 103) That's the nature of air -- shifts direction quickly, is not rooted to the ground
11I see, one last question. What did it meant by "the mask using Gaaki"? Is she too weak in her mental strength?
12Thanks . 13-F21
14No. But the mask's power is exhausting and debilitating, and you don't get to choose what you see -- you see whatever the mask shows you.
15Just something that I'm not really sure on so I asked him.

1He knows what he answers, so he knows that if one has asked, and he answers, and then another one a day later uses that new threshold, it becomes a game.
1I just created another character - read on . (sorry if I am a little overjoyed now...
19And my replies:
34*Goes to BS01, creates character Page*

2Hi Greg, 3as this is our last year in this universe and as I am a huge fan of minor story details, I am very concerned about connecting some "loose ends" of the story (you may remember Toa Naho) that won't have an effect on major future story and so won't be an obstacle for you in future years, as far as I can tell. Recently, when I went through the updated BIONICLE Encyclopedia, I got another two ideas. What do you think of them?
4Idea 1) The first idea is connected to the Nektann and where their name comes from, which was sparked by some members asking whether "Nektann" was a term from the Skakdi language, and by a line in The Kingdom. As their culture is very much concentrated around war, I believe the Skakdi would name things after their "heroes", meaning warlords. So the idea is that they named their robotic weapons after a very respected, major Skakdi warlord (Nektann by the way sounds very much like a Skakdi name, since it has the same ending as Hakann). And then we have a major Skakdi warlord sitting in Turaga Takanuva's council in The Kingdom. So why not make them one and the same? And since that warlord is still alive in The Kingdom, he still has to be alive in "our" universe as well, so he could show up in possible OoMN-BoM battles involving Skakdi. Another advantage would be that you'd have a more or less sane, living Skakdi character that wasn't mutated into a water snake. What do you think?
5Idea 2) It was never really explained where the names of the Koro games (Ignalu, Ngalawa, Huai etc.) came from. Some of them probably are Matoran translations of "Lava surfing" or "boat racing", but something came to my mind when I read over the name Huai and manifested itself when I read the Kanohi Dragon entry of the Encyclopedia. We know that the Dragon was frozen by four Toa of Ice and that the Turaga named things on Mata Nui after their heroes from the past (Ihu, who probably was a hero to Nuju, Naho, Lhii/Lhikan...). And whe know that some names were assigned to things because someone had a strange association (Skyblasters named Midak after a light-loving Onu-Matoran). So when Nuju and his Ko-Matoran came up with the Huai Snowball sling sport (where snowballs are hurled at other Matoran), Nuju could have remembered one of those four Toa of Ice frantically hurling ice blasts at the Kanohi Dragon during the Toa's final battle against the beast. I think such an image would burn itself into someone's mind, especially if that battle brought about the end of the Kanohi Dragon's attack, so Nuju most likely would have remembered it and assigned the Toa's name to the sport. There is also no evidence that the sport already existed or existed under that name in Metru Nui, so naming it after a Toa would be possible. What do you say? Too far-fetched?
6And four questions:
71) Who built the Nektann? Skakdi? Vortixx? Or even Nynrah? 82) I am a little confused about who invented the Midak. Was it Artakha or the Nynrah Ghosts? And how did Xia get the Midak Skyblaster that eventually reached Spiriah through the weapons package Trinuma left on Tren Krom's island. 93) Why was the Tren Krom Peninsula named after Tren Krom when he doesn't reside there? 104) The Peninsula is described as "dangerous" in the magazine. What are its dangers?
11Thanks in advance, 12Nuhrii the Metruan
131) I have no problem with the machine being named after a character, but I am not going to introduce a character named Nektann into the story. Too confusing. 142) No, I think this is too much of a stretch. And it would be dishonoring the memory of dead Toa to name things like snowball slings and other frivolous games after that.
151) Vortixx. 162) Artakha invented the first one, and the Nynrah later modified the design. 173) Did George Washington reside in Washington state? 184) Climate, terrain, Rahi, etc.
19And my replies:
201) For BS01, who always want a clear statement, will you confirm the following? 21"The Nektann were named after a prime Skakdi warlord, the one who was mentioned in The Kingdom, because he was the first one to use them (he ordered them from Xia). Since he is alive in The Kingdom, he is also still alive in the main universe." 222)Okay, I can live with that. 233)So are you saying that the Peninsula was named after Tren Krom because he was an important figure in the early days of the Universe? Or is it because both are horribly dangerous? And who named it? Gorast? 244) Would you consider it dangerous for Toa or only dangerous for Matoran?
25And new ones: 265) Will the Universe map also feature Odina, Stelt and Nynrah? And is it still canon that Nynrah is in the vicinity of Odina, because it was said in Birth of a Dark Hunter that Nidhiki and Krekka were going to steal the launcher prototypes from a "nearby island", and it was said while they were still on Odina. 276) Will the Poland-exclusive guidebook be in English (since I assume you wrote it in English) or will it be translated?
291) Yes 303) Yes, because he was a very important figure, and no Gorast did not name it. Remember, Makuta did not get assigned to regions until AFTER the Matoran civil war. It had already been named at that point. 314) Dangerous for everyone. 325) Yes, I believe it does feature all three places, however, I don't recall where Nynrah is located on the map. 336) No, it will be in Polish. The pages I am getting to proof are in English, but will be translated before publication.
34*Goes to BS01, creates character Page*
1How long does it take for Greg to answear? I didn't want to resend to the PM since I don't want to rush him, but yeah, just asking.
1Cool . Name for the a new Skakdii .
15) Will the Universe map also feature Odina, Stelt and Nynrah? And is it still canon that Nynrah is in the vicinity of Odina, because it was said in Birth of a Dark Hunter that Nidhiki and Krekka were going to steal the launcher prototypes from a "nearby island", and it was said while they were still on Odina.
25) Yes, I believe it does feature all three places, however, I don't recall where Nynrah is located on the map.

1I sent a few questions to Greg yesterday, and one of them was VERY interesting: 25. Not sure if you're gonna answer this one, but can you tell me who will be the first to discover the Klakk's special ability?
35) Vican
4Either Vican got transformed back, or it could be something else...
5That's gonna provoke some MOCs
6I really hope Vican uses the Klakk for good. He doesn't excatly seem like the kind of Matoran that would reveal this sorta thing to the BoM.
81. What of the Nuva cubes now that the everyone has left Mata Nui? 92. Will Axalara have a big ship battle in any media? 103. Was Ancient already an OoMN spy before he created the DH? 114. Was Lewa's broken katana fixed? 125. Does Bitil have an extra power that you're going to reveal?
13Off-topic: 146. What is your favourite set? 156a. What is your least favourite set?
161) The Nuva cubes or the Nuva symbols? The cube is no longer relevant, because the Bahrag are free. The symbols are with the Matoran in Metru Nui 172) Yes 183) No 194) Yes 205) No 216-7) It varies by year, and I really don't have least favorite sets. I prefer non-clone sets and I like bigger sets that take longer to build
22The Nuva symbols, I mean. Thanks for taking time to reply to my questions . 23Also, 248) If Radiak reverts to an Av-Matoran, will he still be four-legged? 259) Do Jetrax's turbines need to fold out for flight, or can it just fly with the turbines on top? 26Thanks again .
278) Yes 289) Far as I know, it can fly with turbines on top, but not an aeronautics expert
1Wow, you just created BIONICLE Cannon, wow, I never thought I would see the day when a simple PM with a suggestion, turns into something that sounds like something Greg would have come up with.
1Did that already twice now. First was Toa Naho - I suggested using Mata Nui location names for Lhikan's teammates, an idea Greg liked. I proposed him Naho as Water Toa and Tiro as Toa of Stone, and a week or so later a Toa Naho, Toa of Water was mentioned in Dark Mirror.
2Oh, and canon with one n, okay?
We're not at war here, even if the Nektann is a cannon.
2Oh, and canon with one n, okay?

1I sent a few questions to Greg yesterday, and one of them was VERY interesting: 25. Not sure if you're gonna answer this one, but can you tell me who will be the first to discover the Klakk's special ability?
35) Vican
4Either Vican got transformed back, or it could be something else...
5That's gonna provoke some MOCs
6I really hope Vican uses the Klakk for good. He doesn't excatly seem like the kind of Matoran that would reveal this sorta thing to the BoM.
81. What of the Nuva cubes now that the everyone has left Mata Nui? 92. Will Axalara have a big ship battle in any media? 103. Was Ancient already an OoMN spy before he created the DH? 114. Was Lewa's broken katana fixed? 125. Does Bitil have an extra power that you're going to reveal?
13Off-topic: 146. What is your favourite set? 156a. What is your least favourite set?
161) The Nuva cubes or the Nuva symbols? The cube is no longer relevant, because the Bahrag are free. The symbols are with the Matoran in Metru Nui 172) Yes 183) No 194) Yes 205) No 216-7) It varies by year, and I really don't have least favorite sets. I prefer non-clone sets and I like bigger sets that take longer to build
22The Nuva symbols, I mean. Thanks for taking time to reply to my questions . 23Also, 248) If Radiak reverts to an Av-Matoran, will he still be four-legged? 259) Do Jetrax's turbines need to fold out for flight, or can it just fly with the turbines on top? 26Thanks again .
278) Yes 289) Far as I know, it can fly with turbines on top, but not an aeronautics expert
29NO . . . That is terrible. Why will he still be Four legged I wonder Why.
1Greg can you reveal where Teridax is now?
11) Did the Great Beings decide that destined Av-Matoran will turn into Bohrok?
22) Does the creation of Bohrok Va share any similarities with the creation of Bohrok? Is there a connection at all?
33) Who or what determines destiny? The GBs?
44) In BS01 it says Brutaka shrunk the mysterious sundial so that Takanuva could carry it. Can shrinking be considered another power of his? 54b) What's the limit of this ability?
65) Since Helryx was created in a similar way like the Toa Mata/Nuva does her armor ressemble theirs?
76) How many chapters of Takanuva's Blog will be posted?
87) You stated that Matoran as well consider raising the dead a terrible sin. So, is the Kanohi Tryna generally considered a "Makuta mask" which Toa wouldn't wear? Matoro didn't choose this mask after all.
98) I don't really understand how it could happen that the Mistika Makuta were mutated by the swamp water. Didn't you say they're smart enough to keep out of the water?
109) Will we learn Bitil's special power?
1110) When will BL11 be released?
1211) How does adaptive armour look when it's not worn?
1312) Can you comment anything about this theory?
141) All beings have their destiny set at the time of creation 152) No, none 163) See answer to 1 174) He didn't shrink it using a power, he shrunk it using a Kanoka shrink disk 185) Not necessarily, no 196) Don't recall 207) It is considered a dark power, yes 218) No, I said they SHOULD be smart enough - should does not mean are 229) Decided not to give him one, he's powerful enough already 2310) Check Amazon.com 2411) In the Nuva's case, like their Nuva armor 2512) No, I really don't have the spare time to get into something this complex
1I sent a few questions to Greg yesterday, and one of them was VERY interesting: 25. Not sure if you're gonna answer this one, but can you tell me who will be the first to discover the Klakk's special ability?
35) Vican
4Either Vican got transformed back, or it could be something else...
5That's gonna provoke some MOCs
6I really hope Vican uses the Klakk for good. He doesn't excatly seem like the kind of Matoran that would reveal this sorta thing to the BoM.
81. What of the Nuva cubes now that the everyone has left Mata Nui? 92. Will Axalara have a big ship battle in any media? 103. Was Ancient already an OoMN spy before he created the DH? 114. Was Lewa's broken katana fixed? 125. Does Bitil have an extra power that you're going to reveal?
13Off-topic: 146. What is your favourite set? 156a. What is your least favourite set?
161) The Nuva cubes or the Nuva symbols? The cube is no longer relevant, because the Bahrag are free. The symbols are with the Matoran in Metru Nui 172) Yes 183) No 194) Yes 205) No 216-7) It varies by year, and I really don't have least favorite sets. I prefer non-clone sets and I like bigger sets that take longer to build
22The Nuva symbols, I mean. Thanks for taking time to reply to my questions . 23Also, 248) If Radiak reverts to an Av-Matoran, will he still be four-legged? 259) Do Jetrax's turbines need to fold out for flight, or can it just fly with the turbines on top? 26Thanks again .
278) Yes 289) Far as I know, it can fly with turbines on top, but not an aeronautics expert
29NO . . . That is terrible. Why will he still be Four legged I wonder Why.
31I think he said somewhere that if he was a Toa he'd still be four-legged. Now THAT would be terrible.
1Hi Greg, Valtika again. 2Some questions about the OoMN.
31) Does Herlyx have any extra powers?
42) Will Herlyx: 52A) Take part in Battles? 62Be the type that sits on her throne &gives orders?
73) Was the OoMN the one that rebuilt Mazeka, or did he do it himself?
84) Did Mazeka &Vultraz have a feud before being in the OoMN &the BoM.
9-Non OoMN question-
105) On Bionicle.com, it said Vultraz followed Icarax into the core, where was he in Bionicle Legends 9, a stalactite Village?
11Thanks .
121) Haven't decided 132) I don't think the OOMN is going to risk its leader in combat if it can be avoided 143) He did it himself 154) Yes 165) He wasn't there yet. Followed does not mean followed immediately
1WOW . I love that bit about the klakk... glad I have brickmaster, I think that they have the power to devolve Unaturely created things, like things mutated by shadow leaches, what do you guys think?
1WOW . I love that bit about the klakk... glad I have brickmaster, I think that they have the power to devolve Unaturely created things, like things mutated by shadow leaches, what do you guys think?
2Same here. 3At the begining of the year, I didn't want BrickMaster, then I wanted it. 4I'm lucky I ordered it.
1I sent a few questions to Greg yesterday, and one of them was VERY interesting: 25. Not sure if you're gonna answer this one, but can you tell me who will be the first to discover the Klakk's special ability?
35) Vican
4Either Vican got transformed back, or it could be something else...
5That's gonna provoke some MOCs
6I really hope Vican uses the Klakk for good. He doesn't excatly seem like the kind of Matoran that would reveal this sorta thing to the BoM.
81. What of the Nuva cubes now that the everyone has left Mata Nui? 92. Will Axalara have a big ship battle in any media? 103. Was Ancient already an OoMN spy before he created the DH? 114. Was Lewa's broken katana fixed? 125. Does Bitil have an extra power that you're going to reveal?
13Off-topic: 146. What is your favourite set? 156a. What is your least favourite set?
161) The Nuva cubes or the Nuva symbols? The cube is no longer relevant, because the Bahrag are free. The symbols are with the Matoran in Metru Nui 172) Yes 183) No 194) Yes 205) No 216-7) It varies by year, and I really don't have least favorite sets. I prefer non-clone sets and I like bigger sets that take longer to build
22The Nuva symbols, I mean. Thanks for taking time to reply to my questions . 23Also, 248) If Radiak reverts to an Av-Matoran, will he still be four-legged? 259) Do Jetrax's turbines need to fold out for flight, or can it just fly with the turbines on top? 26Thanks again .
278) Yes 289) Far as I know, it can fly with turbines on top, but not an aeronautics expert
29NO . . . That is terrible. Why will he still be Four legged I wonder Why.
31I think he said somewhere that if he was a Toa he'd still be four-legged. Now THAT would be terrible.
32He has. To me, at least.
33Also, Ignika can't revert shadowism. Must be natural evolution. >>
34I would like to know if Ignika can also control plant life, making him a Toa of two elements.

1Wow. Haven't posted here in a while and I have some questions.....
2I'll edit them in.
3EDIT: Here we are.
2I'll edit them in.
3EDIT: Here we are.
4Mr. Farshtey, I have one question for you. Will you please answer it?
51)Does Toa Ignika have a Destiny?
6Thank you for your time.
7All things have a destiny.
8Mr. Farshtey, another question:
92)If Makuta get a breach in their armor, can they shapeshift to fix it?
1I sent a few questions to Greg yesterday, and one of them was VERY interesting: 25. Not sure if you're gonna answer this one, but can you tell me who will be the first to discover the Klakk's special ability?
35) Vican
4Either Vican got transformed back, or it could be something else...
5That's gonna provoke some MOCs
6I really hope Vican uses the Klakk for good. He doesn't excatly seem like the kind of Matoran that would reveal this sorta thing to the BoM.
81. What of the Nuva cubes now that the everyone has left Mata Nui? 92. Will Axalara have a big ship battle in any media? 103. Was Ancient already an OoMN spy before he created the DH? 114. Was Lewa's broken katana fixed? 125. Does Bitil have an extra power that you're going to reveal?
13Off-topic: 146. What is your favourite set? 156a. What is your least favourite set?
161) The Nuva cubes or the Nuva symbols? The cube is no longer relevant, because the Bahrag are free. The symbols are with the Matoran in Metru Nui 172) Yes 183) No 194) Yes 205) No 216-7) It varies by year, and I really don't have least favorite sets. I prefer non-clone sets and I like bigger sets that take longer to build
22The Nuva symbols, I mean. Thanks for taking time to reply to my questions . 23Also, 248) If Radiak reverts to an Av-Matoran, will he still be four-legged? 259) Do Jetrax's turbines need to fold out for flight, or can it just fly with the turbines on top? 26Thanks again .
278) Yes 289) Far as I know, it can fly with turbines on top, but not an aeronautics expert
29NO . . . That is terrible. Why will he still be Four legged I wonder Why.
31I think he said somewhere that if he was a Toa he'd still be four-legged. Now THAT would be terrible.
32He has. To me, at least.
33Also, Ignika can't revert shadowism. Must be natural evolution. >>
34I would like to know if Ignika can also control plant life, making him a Toa of two elements.Must ask soon.
36of course he can control plant life, he's made of seaweed, isn't he?


1I would like to know if Ignika can also control plant life, making him a Toa of two elements. Must ask soon.
3of course he can control plant life, he's made of seaweed, isn't he?![]()
5The Ignika can only control the life of a plant, he can't control the plant itself, only a Toa of Plant Life can do that. And being made of seaweed doesn't give a Kanohi the plant life element.

1Hi Greg, I have a question I hope you can answer.
21. If Mata-Nui was dieing, could the Mask of Time be used to slow his death?
3Deity Dragon, GregF doesn't answer questions in this thread. Once you have 10 posts, you'll have access to the Personal Message system. Then you can PM him your questions.

1Here's a crazy theory: maybe Mata Nui is in the Red Star, being defended by...whatever else lives there that happens to be conscious. Maybe he needs to "land" on the island of Mata Nui, and that is why the Bohrok cleansed it. We wouldn't want Mata Nui crawling with Rahi, and having mountains, rivers, and whatnot disturbing him as he wakes up.
2Keep in mind that this is a complete shot in the dark, but it does have it's supporting evidence (Bohrok cleansing, benevolent beings in the Red Star, etc.).
3Also very glad to hear the Nuva won't die this year.
2Keep in mind that this is a complete shot in the dark, but it does have it's supporting evidence (Bohrok cleansing, benevolent beings in the Red Star, etc.).

3Also very glad to hear the Nuva won't die this year.
1Here's a crazy theory: maybe Mata Nui is in the Red Star, being defended by...whatever else lives there that happens to be conscious. Maybe he needs to "land" on the island of Mata Nui, and that is why the Bohrok cleansed it. We wouldn't want Mata Nui crawling with Rahi, and having mountains, rivers, and whatnot disturbing him as he wakes up.
2Keep in mind that this is a complete shot in the dark, but it does have it's supporting evidence (Bohrok cleansing, benevolent beings in the Red Star, etc.).![]()
3Also very glad to hear the Nuva won't die this year.
4Greg has confirmed that the beings in the red star aren't mata nui and they won't appear this year while Mata Nui will.
1Here's a crazy theory: maybe Mata Nui is in the Red Star, being defended by...whatever else lives there that happens to be conscious. Maybe he needs to "land" on the island of Mata Nui, and that is why the Bohrok cleansed it. We wouldn't want Mata Nui crawling with Rahi, and having mountains, rivers, and whatnot disturbing him as he wakes up.
2Keep in mind that this is a complete shot in the dark, but it does have it's supporting evidence (Bohrok cleansing, benevolent beings in the Red Star, etc.).![]()
3Also very glad to hear the Nuva won't die this year.
4Few things:
51. There are beings in the red star, not one being.
62. Greg said that the red star will be dealt with in the later years, not this year.
73. The red star has no way to contact the MU.
1Maybe the Klakk travel to KN now that there free . And that is cool that theres another skakdi name . 

1Since miserix accidentaly set the klakk free, they could fly through the same portal that the Brotherhood of Makuta used to gain access to Karda Nui.
1Maybe the Klakk travel to KN now that there free .
2Since miserix accidentaly set the klakk free, they could fly through the same portal that the Brotherhood of Makuta used to gain access to Karda Nui.
3It doesn't have to those same Klakk, could just be some Klakk wondering around and they just happen to find there way into Karda Nui.
4EDIT: Weird, I have the first post on pg. 124 and 125.

1Maybe the Klakk travel to KN now that there free .
2Since miserix accidentaly set the klakk free, they could fly through the same portal that the Brotherhood of Makuta used to gain access to Karda Nui.
3It doesn't have to those same Klakk, could just be some Klakk wondering around and they just happen to find there way into Karda Nui.
4EDIT: Weird, I have the first post on pg. 124 and 125.![]()
6Those could be the only other ones besides maybe in the archives . So it only makes since for now, because they were set free then random ones go to KN doesnt really make sense unless there was another way .