1Hey Greg. Sorry to resend these, but I wanted to be sure that I sent them to you before I forget.
21. Are the beings that are inside the Red Star (or at least one of them) responceable for the lightning blast that transformed Jaller and the rest into Inika?
32. If so, was it intentional?
43. After being mutated, is Zaktan's body still made of protodites?
54. Does the Nuva's adaptive armor shape-shift automaticly when they enter a new enviornment, or do the Nuva have to send some kind of mental signal (like a kanohi)?
65. Will Mutran be appearing outside of The Mutran Chronicles this year?
81) Can't answer it 93) Yes 104) Pretty much automatic. If not, they would have fallen to their deaths when they first got there. 115) Yes, he is in the books as well
1Obviously, I haven't. I should have, but I didn't realize that. 

1And why would he look evil
? I mean, he looks like Antroz. BTW, when did he attack the Nuva? -Adv-?

1Obviously, I haven't. I should have, but I didn't realize that.
2I didn't know either. Thing is, light can't restore itself naturally after a shadow leech attack, unless the barrier that prevents light from returning is broken. I suppose in a case like Roodaka's, where she intentionally and willingly drove light from herself to access shadow powers, light could be restored naturally if she let it.
1So Krika is the Makuta that rescued Miserix and Bitil must be the Makuta of Stelt.
1Oh bugger . that means the Phantoka are waisting the universe's life energy just to fire their weapons .
2Err, they're using it to stop the Makuta, I don't see how's that "wasting".
3Hmmm... Well, they could use other stuff to defeat them.
4They're using light, which is probably the best thing after Energized Protodermis.
1Oh bugger . that means the Phantoka are waisting the universe's life energy just to fire their weapons .
2Err, they're using it to stop the Makuta, I don't see how's that "wasting".
3Hmmm... Well, they could use other stuff to defeat them.
4They're using light, which is probably the best thing after Energized Protodermis.
5only Kopaka and Pohatu have to worry about this. Because Tanma feeds Lewa's Midak Skyblaster with his light energies. So Lewa can always use it. Gives him the best advantage
1hey isnt vultraz one of the vehicles, or is he that matoran on the small one?
1the matoran
1Vultraz is a villian.
1At first glance, nothing too exciting. But if you check out number seven...
19So the Pit Mutagen is simply a diluted form of a mutagenic energy. 20Now to figure out where it originated from... 21Edit: Got some new stuff on the same subject of the Mutagen.
2Hey again Greg. Once again, great job with the serials.I was just wondering... 31) The Blade Burrowers' tunneling is simply instinctive right? (Kind of like salmon swimming upstream, bears hibernating, that kind of thing). 42) Is it safe to assume that someone "programmed" the Burrowers with this instinct, and that it didn't just develope naturally? 53) The Burrowers always dig the same map regardless of location, right? So the map in the Archives is the same as the one on Kalmah's land? 64) About how long would it take for the Toa Phantoka to drain Karda Nui's light with their Midaks, assuming they are firing as fast as possible? 75) In Legends of Metru Nui (the movie) Vakama places the Vahi over his Huna. Can this really take place (a Toa wearing one mask on top of another), or was it just how the makers of the film decided to do the scene? 86) I thought I saw the quote somewhere, but I'm not sure: Have you ever said that Mata Nui is in a form that could be moved? 97) (I'm basing this question after some quotes from the OGD) Is the Pit Mutagen, in pure form (undiluted by water) a form of energy? 10Thanks . 11-Ax-
121) Yes 132) Yes 143) Yes 154) Oh, a while, there's a lot of light there still 165) That also took place in 2003, when Tahu Nuva used the Vahi on the Bohrok-Kal. That is how we have always had the Vahi work. 176) Mata Nui has a physical body, so he is capable of movement when awake, yes 187) Oh, very good, Axinian, gold star for you
19So the Pit Mutagen is simply a diluted form of a mutagenic energy. 20Now to figure out where it originated from... 21Edit: Got some new stuff on the same subject of the Mutagen.
22What? Wow, I can't believe I got something right. Thanks for telling me . 23Anyhow, that brings up some thoughts in my mind about the Mutagen's origin... 241) So was the energy itself created by someone, or is it still a natural phenomenon? 252) Are the changes that a being would undergo if exposed to the energy itself greater than if he was exposed to the Mutagenic Waters? (Basically, is the amount of change affected by how concentrated the energy is?) 263) It would stand to reason that the energy is black in normal form, (since the Pit Waters are black) is this correct? 27Again, thanks . 28-Ax-
291) Still natural 302) Hard to say, since we have never seen anyone actually exposed to the energy itself 313) I don't see it as having a color. It's not visible to the naked eye.
1At first glance, nothing too exciting. But if you check out number seven... 2Hey again Greg. Once again, great job with the serials.I was just wondering... 31) The Blade Burrowers' tunneling is simply instinctive right? (Kind of like salmon swimming upstream, bears hibernating, that kind of thing). 42) Is it safe to assume that someone "programmed" the Burrowers with this instinct, and that it didn't just develope naturally? 53) The Burrowers always dig the same map regardless of location, right? So the map in the Archives is the same as the one on Kalmah's land? 64) About how long would it take for the Toa Phantoka to drain Karda Nui's light with their Midaks, assuming they are firing as fast as possible? 75) In Legends of Metru Nui (the movie) Vakama places the Vahi over his Huna. Can this really take place (a Toa wearing one mask on top of another), or was it just how the makers of the film decided to do the scene? 86) I thought I saw the quote somewhere, but I'm not sure: Have you ever said that Mata Nui is in a form that could be moved? 97) (I'm basing this question after some quotes from the OGD) Is the Pit Mutagen, in pure form (undiluted by water) a form of energy? 10Thanks . 11-Ax-
121) Yes 132) Yes 143) Yes 154) Oh, a while, there's a lot of light there still 165) That also took place in 2003, when Tahu Nuva used the Vahi on the Bohrok-Kal. That is how we have always had the Vahi work. 176) Mata Nui has a physical body, so he is capable of movement when awake, yes 187) Oh, very good, Axinian, gold star for you
19So the Pit Mutagen is simply a diluted form of a mutagenic energy. 20And it's the first time I've gotten an "Oh, very good" from Greg. I'm in a sort of happy daze right now.21Now to figure out where it originated from... 22-Ax-
23So Mata nui does have a physical body... 24Never would have guessed that.
1why must it be kopaka that is hijacked? well at least i like well at least it's not lewa/pohatu i like them and i dont realy like kopaka because of less weapons 2(No offense for kopaka lvers)
3dunno, maybe Kopaka got distracted and Antroz just knocked him off and charged for the other Toa. Kopaka could instanly adapt back to his flying form and chase Antroz for his Vehicle back.
4yeah if he hadnt been talking on his cell phone and eating mcdonalds this never would have hapend .
11) Do the Mistika Makuta know of the Phantoka Makuta's situation? 21b) What about the other way around?
32) Sorry if you can't discuss this, but if you can:4Is Vultraz good, evil or neutral?
5Thank you so much.
61) Not initially, no 72) Too early to discuss this
8See this description on toywiz-Mounted on his ultra-fast skyfighter, the evil Vultraz fires devastating bolts of shadowfrom his front mounted Midak skyblaster. Can the Toa Nuva survive his sudden strike, or will he bring their plans to a crashing halt? 9*Notes: 133 pieces .
1A bit of interesting stuff, but not much.
2QUOTE 3Hello, hope your having a good time. Hope this isn't a bother.
41) Is it possible that the Blade Burrowers are making a map to Mata-Nui's location?
5QUOTE 6The Order of Mata-Nui has sent three vehicles to help the Nuva against the Makuta. But Antroz has hijacked Kopaka's.
72) Is the above quote warm or cold?
83) Is Vultaz Radiak? 93a) Or a av-matoran? 103b) Is he even evil?
114) The Makuta didn't bring Visorak on their invasion because they won't be sets. Is there any storyline "excuse" for this, since that is a bit unsmart to not bring a army. EXAMPLE: They could not use the portal the Makuta used.
125) Could the OoMN replace the BHoM? Since the BHoM used to create Rahi for Mata-Nui to balance the universe, so could that job could be taken by the order since it seems quite vital to the univerese?
136) how did the Phantoka adapt there armor to suit the vehicles? Doesn't there armor adapt to their enviroment, not there vehicles? I know Antroz can shapeshift to suit Jetrax T6, but Lewa and Pohatu?
147) Do you think next years canister sets will raise higher than the Mistika's $13?
158) Isn't it a huge risk to bring back big BIONICLEs that are a bit complicated, since theat didn't do well with the Rahi? Why did LEGO make that move with the vehicles?
169) Do you plan to stay BIONICLE's comic and book writer until the end of BIONICLE or as long as possible?
1710) Is there going to be a online serials this summer or fall?
1811) How hard is it to find a hidden island like Daxia? All you got to do is search through the inside of a dome, find a tunnel, followe it, and if it isn't the island your looking for at the other end, try again.
19Many thanks .
201) Anything's possible 212) Hijacking part's right, rest isn't. 223) Vultraz is a new character, not an old one redone, and he is not an Av-Matoran. 234) Visorak can't fly, and only one species swims well, so what good would they have been in Karda Nui? If you were attacking on the sky and in a swamp, would an army of spiders be your first choice? I would take an army of flying and swimming Rahi, myself. 245) Yes, although it's not their area of expertise 256) Summer sets, so gets discussed in summer story, not now 267) No, I am not aware of any plans to raise prices again in 2009. 278) Ask your fellow BZPers who are constantly asking us to bring back the Rahi It is a risk for us, but it is something fans have said they want - bigger, more complex sets. Now we will see if they are actually willing to go out and buy those sets when we do make them. 289) That is only partly up to me, because it is up to LEGO Company and Scholastic too. I don't have any plans to leave BIONICLE at the moment. 2910) Yes 3011) Well, take the Earth, let's say ... with no satellite images or good maps, try and find any one individual island on the planet, by sailing around and checking out every piece of land you run across. How long do you think that would take you, assuming you didn't die in a storm or get killed by natives who thought you were invading their island or ran out of food?
311) Interesting.... 327) YESSSS . 339) GREAT .
1why must it be kopaka that is hijacked? well at least i like well at least it's not lewa/pohatu i like them and i dont realy like kopaka because of less weapons 2(No offense for kopaka lvers)
3dunno, maybe Kopaka got distracted and Antroz just knocked him off and charged for the other Toa. Kopaka could instanly adapt back to his flying form and chase Antroz for his Vehicle back.
4yeah if he hadnt been talking on his cell phone and eating mcdonalds this never would have hapend .
5The quote is wrong. One Makuta simply hijacked a vehicle. Read Vaka-nui's quote.
1Hm, that complicates things in PlanetPerson's Mata Nui being the Matoran Universe theory... I find it hard to imagine some landmasses getting up and moving around... ![]()
2Nice job with the Pit Mutagen, by the way.
3Actually I came up with it and have the most support as far as I know, though someone may have come up with it before me.
1QUOTE 2Hey, Greg. I know your really busy with all the messages you have thanks to the new pics...So ill keep mine short.
31) What good does hijaking a jet do for Antroz? Hes blind, isnt he? He'll Just crash it .
42) Was Jetrax T6 originally Kopaka's? 52a) If so, what happened to Kopaka when Antroz Hijaked it?
63) Vultraz is a matoran, Correct?
74) How Does Vultraz's Midak Skyblaster shoot shadow, if it shoots light?
85) Where did the Vehicles get all the midak skyblasters . I thought only Toa Nuva could have them.
111) All gets explained in summer story -- think for a moment, how do pilots fly in the dark or in storms when they can't see where they're going? 122) Yes 132a) He got thrown out of it 143) Correct 154) I haven't said anything yet about what his weapon is or what it shoots - he's a summer set, too early to discuss it 165) When did we ever say that? We said Artakha made the weapons for the Toa Nuva - isn't it possible he made the vehicles too?
17Just some stuff i just got.
31) What good does hijaking a jet do for Antroz? Hes blind, isnt he? He'll Just crash it .
42) Was Jetrax T6 originally Kopaka's? 52a) If so, what happened to Kopaka when Antroz Hijaked it?
63) Vultraz is a matoran, Correct?
74) How Does Vultraz's Midak Skyblaster shoot shadow, if it shoots light?
85) Where did the Vehicles get all the midak skyblasters . I thought only Toa Nuva could have them.
111) All gets explained in summer story -- think for a moment, how do pilots fly in the dark or in storms when they can't see where they're going? 122) Yes 132a) He got thrown out of it 143) Correct 154) I haven't said anything yet about what his weapon is or what it shoots - he's a summer set, too early to discuss it 165) When did we ever say that? We said Artakha made the weapons for the Toa Nuva - isn't it possible he made the vehicles too?
17Just some stuff i just got.
1Hi Greg, I have a few questions to ask:
21. If Antroz is blind, why is he driving Jetrax? Does the vehicle have some kind of targeting sonar that communicates with him telepathically? 32. Did the Makuta create every single Rahi organic and bio-mechanical in the known universes? 43. Why do Pohatu and Lewa in the vehicle sets have those star things coming out of their heads? 54. So if the Great Beings are not in the universe (you said the Matoran universes are their domes), are they really in another universe or in some other part of the planet? 64a. If the Great Beings are on the planet, will they be affected by the Ignika going all crazy and killing everything? 75. Is the person on the Ignika have any significance with the story whatsoever?
8Thanks for your time .
91) Since this is a summer set, you'll find ou tin summer story 102) They did not create the organic birds spotted on the Toa Metru's first foray to Mata Nui, nor the organic fish in the ocean outside the domes. The only organic creatures they created were the kraata 113) See answer to #1 124) They are not on the planet the Matoran universe is on. 134a) Even if they were, no, because the Ignika will only affect life inside the domes, not outside of it. 145) The design is based off a famous drawing by Da Vinci, and symbolizes life
15I think some of this is new. Not sure though.
1Sorry to bug you again,but I had some questions I was hoping you could answer for me concerning the online serials. 2I'll start with the Federation of fear. 31.Do you know which chapter we will find out why they need to find Miserex? 42.Is Spiriah going to Zakaz to get his revenge on the Skakdi or is he going there to get as far away from Miserex as possible?(or both get his revenge AND get away from Miserex?) 53.Will we find out in one of the upcoming FoF chapters why the MoMN kept Miserex alive? 64.If Spiriah knew thier goal a few days prior to Brutaka telling them,how come when he mumbled,it said it was of shock and not angry? 74a.Was he just playing along and acting all suprised so no one would suspect anything?
8Now for the Mutran Chronicles. 91.Will/does the map Mutran found have any current storyline importance? 102.How big was Mutran's "Pet Rock" when he forgot it on Xia? 113.Does Mutran have a personal oppinion of Gorast? 124.Will we find out where Mutran found Vican,or is that not a nesscacry part to his story?
13finally,The Dark Mirror. 141.What has become of the Brotherhood in the Toa Kingdom?When it said that the statues of Tahu,Gali and the rest of the Nuva were not in their Nuva forms,what forms were they in? 151a.Their adaptive armor froms? 162.Will Nidhiki make an apperance? 172a.If so,do you know which chapter?
18That's it.Thanks in advance.
191) No. I write the chapters as I go, I don't outline what happens when. 202) Spiriah has no reason to want to avoid Miserix. He wants revenge on the Skakdi. 213) No, that gets revealed in one of the books 224) Because Spiriah is a good actor
231) Not current, future 242) Oh, small enough to fit in your hand 253) Mutran has a personal opinion of pretty much everyone 264) It's possible, I haven't decided yet
271) They were in their Toa Mata forms, because they never became Nuva in this universe. And the BOM is scattered. 282) Don't know yet
291.Oh well. 302.For some reason I was thinking he was trying to avoid Miserex as well. 313.Either Miserex will appear in one of the books,or we will learn from MoMN. 324.That's what I figured.
331.Now that's VERY interesting.When he says "future",does he mean 2009,or summer '08? 342.Ever since I read that chapter,I was wondering how big it started out as. 353.Considering we're talking about Mutran here,I guess he would have an oppinion about everybody. 364.I think it would be cool if we found out where he came from.
371.That explains why he didn't recognize them.He was first around when they were the Nuva. 382.I'm hoping we will.
1just a little bundle of Q's
21:how is takadox and carapar able to breathe air? 32:how is brutaka able to breathe air? 43:will we ever see hydraxon again? 53:is the mask of life still cracked? 64:will we ever see the piraka again? 74a:if yes,will they meet vezon again? 85:will we ever see the mahri again? 96:can you reveal why the mistika makuta are not able to shape shift?
10thanks in advance 11charvak
121-2) They're not breathing air. They are using the same kind of equipment Ehlek used back when the League of Six Kingdoms was on the surface, a helmet with water in it he could breathe. 133) No idea. 144) Piraka are prisoners on Daxia right now, so they don't have freedom to do much 155) Possibly in web serial 166) No, they are summer sets, so too early to discuss this
17well here ya go
15) Where did the Vehicles get all the midak skyblasters . I thought only Toa Nuva could have them.
25) When did we ever say that? We said Artakha made the weapons for the Toa Nuva - isn't it possible he made the vehicles too?
3artakha made the vehicles. i'm thinking that's new. they're not from the OoMN, but from artakha. neato.
15) Where did the Vehicles get all the midak skyblasters . I thought only Toa Nuva could have them.
25) When did we ever say that? We said Artakha made the weapons for the Toa Nuva - isn't it possible he made the vehicles too?
3artakha made the vehicles. i'm thinking that's new. they're not from the OoMN, but from artakha. neato.
4Well, Artakha is the main source for many things for the Order, after all =P
5I can imagine the vehicles warp into shape and plummet down the skies of Karda Nui, near the three Toa Phantoka, and Antroz was spying on them...
1It hasn't been confirmed that it was Artakha. Only implied. 

1QUOTE 2hi greg, I know you are probably busy with other pm's but I hope you can answer these:
31: have you read the necroscope books by brian lumley???
42:recently you said krika is your favorite makuta, and before that you said your favorite makuta doesn't believe the plan will benefit him in anyway, so you were talking about krika, right?
5and I forgot my other questions so expect a pm with them in it soon.
6thank you for your time.
81) Actually, yes. I worked on a roleplaying game based on them back in the '90s, so I had to read some for that. 92) Yup
31: have you read the necroscope books by brian lumley???
42:recently you said krika is your favorite makuta, and before that you said your favorite makuta doesn't believe the plan will benefit him in anyway, so you were talking about krika, right?
5and I forgot my other questions so expect a pm with them in it soon.
6thank you for your time.
81) Actually, yes. I worked on a roleplaying game based on them back in the '90s, so I had to read some for that. 92) Yup
1Remember the airships?