11. How would you compare Karzahni and the Joker in term of personality?
2I don't really see much comparison. The Joker acts out of just wanting to create anarchy -- Karzahni is not interested in anarchy, he is interested in preserving order in his realm and punishing those who don't live up to his standards of behavior.
1Hi . Got a couple questions for ya.
21. Is Nidhiki in his "Dark Hunter Spider" form in Dark Mirror? 32. Is there a storyline reason that Vutraz has yellow zamors? 43. Was Mutran ever asigned a region? (Since he mostly worked on creating rahi) 54. Is Jovan alive in Dark Mirrior? 64a. What about the Makuta of Arthaka? 75. If Gorast is the Visorak Makuta, and Krika is the Plan-Opposing Makuta, does that mean Bitil is the Makuta who cost Krekka an eye? 86. If you remove the Ignika from Toa Ignika, will the body disinigrate? 96a. How fast? 107. Who's your favorite 2008 titan?
11Thanks .
121) No, because he never became a Dark Hunter in this universe. 132) Nope 143) Yes 154) Yes 164a) Yes 175) No. Why does everyone assume that each has to be only one thing? 186) Yes, rapidly 197) Axalara
1joven's alive, and the makuta of artakha is . .11 . . . holy crash. this means that the avohkii is still in artahka, and so no two avohkiis. interesting about jovan.
2bitil's lazy, he's just there, nothing important. he didn't make krekka a cyclops, or take over the visorak. he's just a yellow beetle.
3(to prevent confusion, lazy doesn't mean lazy, just hasn't done anything for us to care about yet. he could be the most ruthless of the bunch, but we don't know)
2bitil's lazy, he's just there, nothing important. he didn't make krekka a cyclops, or take over the visorak. he's just a yellow beetle.
3(to prevent confusion, lazy doesn't mean lazy, just hasn't done anything for us to care about yet. he could be the most ruthless of the bunch, but we don't know)
1Yeah, especially the Adaptable weapons on it.
2But I still think that Matoran could make weapons if they wanted to.3Also, it doesn't have to be Matoran. I was implying that there could be more technological (and violent) races out there.
4I doubt any could get to the core, or could get access to Midaks It has to be Artahka or OoMN. I'm thinking Artahka, casuse of this i got from Greg.
5The Order of Mata-Nui has sent three vehicles to help the Nuva against the Makuta. But Antroz has hijacked Kopaka's.
62) Is the above quote warm or cold?
72) Hijacking part's right, rest isn't.
1bitil's lazy, he's just there, nothing important. he didn't make krekka a cyclops, or take over the visorak. he's just a yellow beetle.
2Just because he hasn't done anything we haven't heard of doesn't make him lazy. Look at the Phantoka Makuta. We haven't heard of any of their deeds before they were revealed, but they're far from idle.

1QUOTE 2Dear Greg,
3Could you try to confirm these questions?
41.Did Miserix go against the MoMN's plan?
52.Why didn't the BoM kill Miserix if he might be a threat?
63. Does Krakua know that Dweller is in Metru Nui? 73a. Does Dweller know that Krakua is in Metru Nui?
84. Could the Faxon give the user the ability to breathe water?
95. Could Brutaka's team meet the Dark Hunters that are surrounding Zakaz?
10Thanks .
111) No 122) That gets explained later in the year -- suffice it to say, the fact that he is still alive is no thanks to MOMN 133) No and no. Dweller is in the Archives, Krakua is beneath them. 144) No. That is not a power, it's a natural ability. 155) We'll see if they make it to Zakaz
3Could you try to confirm these questions?
41.Did Miserix go against the MoMN's plan?
52.Why didn't the BoM kill Miserix if he might be a threat?
63. Does Krakua know that Dweller is in Metru Nui? 73a. Does Dweller know that Krakua is in Metru Nui?
84. Could the Faxon give the user the ability to breathe water?
95. Could Brutaka's team meet the Dark Hunters that are surrounding Zakaz?
10Thanks .
111) No 122) That gets explained later in the year -- suffice it to say, the fact that he is still alive is no thanks to MOMN 133) No and no. Dweller is in the Archives, Krakua is beneath them. 144) No. That is not a power, it's a natural ability. 155) We'll see if they make it to Zakaz
11.) Why didn't Mutran snatch a Mask of Translation and try it himself?
2Thanks a lot
3Cause it's more fun to force a prisoner to do it.
41.) The Toa could have lied...
73. Does Krakua know that Dweller is in Metru Nui? 83a. Does Dweller know that Krakua is in Metru Nui?
93) No and no. Dweller is in the Archives, Krakua is beneath them.
10Krakua's under the Archives? Is this new info? All I remember hearing was that he was in Metru Nui.
113.) -Adventurer-, can I have a nickle every time you use "

1Some new infos:
21. At what point will Takanuva lose the Staff of Light and get his power lance + Midak Skyblaster? During or after Dark Mirror? 32. So Gorast is the conqueror of the Visorak, Krika is the one that doesn't like the Brotherhood's plan. I guess that leaves Bitil as the one who knocked out Krekka's eye, right? 43. Since the Phantoka Makuta were based on bats, are the Mistika Makuta based on insects? 54. Is/was Vultraz a Matoran of the six main tribes? 64a. This might be too early to ask, but if so, is he a Ta-Matoran? 75. Will we go deeper into the mysterious map that the Blade Burrowers constructed in The Mutran Chronicles? 86. Which Mistika Makuta is leading the group into the Swamp?
91) Before DM 102) Nope 113) No idea, not a set designer 124) Yes 134a) Would make sense 145) Yes. That is going to become important in future storyline. 156) There isn't really an overall leader in the swamp, though the others do seem to defer to Krika a bit
1I think Vultaz is a mutated Ta-Matoran
1Some new infos: 21. At what point will Takanuva lose the Staff of Light and get his power lance + Midak Skyblaster? During or after Dark Mirror? 32. So Gorast is the conqueror of the Visorak, Krika is the one that doesn't like the Brotherhood's plan. I guess that leaves Bitil as the one who knocked out Krekka's eye, right? 43. Since the Phantoka Makuta were based on bats, are the Mistika Makuta based on insects? 54. Is/was Vultraz a Matoran of the six main tribes? 64a. This might be too early to ask, but if so, is he a Ta-Matoran? 75. Will we go deeper into the mysterious map that the Blade Burrowers constructed in The Mutran Chronicles? 86. Which Mistika Makuta is leading the group into the Swamp?
91) Before DM 102) Nope 113) No idea, not a set designer 124) Yes 134a) Would make sense 145) Yes. That is going to become important in future storyline. 156) There isn't really an overall leader in the swamp, though the others do seem to defer to Krika a bit
16Wait, what? Before Dark Mirror? Doesn't that mean he should have them now?
1Possibly in The Journey of Takanuva, the of the level three reader book series.
1Ok, we all know that Av-Matoran can bend light, so that others see their colors differently. So my question is, can they bend light in such a way that they can change the way their masks, body etc. look to others? (not just colors, the actual shape of the mask)
2Just something bugging me for a while.
3Thanks in advance.
5Well, that was a pretty to-the-point answer.

1Some new infos: 21. At what point will Takanuva lose the Staff of Light and get his power lance + Midak Skyblaster? During or after Dark Mirror? 32. So Gorast is the conqueror of the Visorak, Krika is the one that doesn't like the Brotherhood's plan. I guess that leaves Bitil as the one who knocked out Krekka's eye, right? 43. Since the Phantoka Makuta were based on bats, are the Mistika Makuta based on insects? 54. Is/was Vultraz a Matoran of the six main tribes? 64a. This might be too early to ask, but if so, is he a Ta-Matoran? 75. Will we go deeper into the mysterious map that the Blade Burrowers constructed in The Mutran Chronicles? 86. Which Mistika Makuta is leading the group into the Swamp?
91) Before DM 102) Nope 113) No idea, not a set designer 124) Yes 134a) Would make sense 145) Yes. That is going to become important in future storyline. 156) There isn't really an overall leader in the swamp, though the others do seem to defer to Krika a bit
16Wait, what? Before Dark Mirror? Doesn't that mean he should have them now?
17I think he meant before the end of Dark Mirror. Though, that's just how I inferred it.
19On the subject of Bitil: Well, that Makuta that took out one of Krekka's eyes is definitely going to be a set, right? If so, then it either really is Bitil and Greg just doesn't want to reveal everything yet (Which is totally understandable), or we'll be having another Makuta set. But the only set we haven't seen is Mazeka, and we now know that he/she's a Matoran.
20Hmm. Miserix?
1Some new infos: 21. At what point will Takanuva lose the Staff of Light and get his power lance + Midak Skyblaster? During or after Dark Mirror? 32. So Gorast is the conqueror of the Visorak, Krika is the one that doesn't like the Brotherhood's plan. I guess that leaves Bitil as the one who knocked out Krekka's eye, right? 43. Since the Phantoka Makuta were based on bats, are the Mistika Makuta based on insects? 54. Is/was Vultraz a Matoran of the six main tribes? 64a. This might be too early to ask, but if so, is he a Ta-Matoran? 75. Will we go deeper into the mysterious map that the Blade Burrowers constructed in The Mutran Chronicles? 86. Which Mistika Makuta is leading the group into the Swamp?
91) Before DM 102) Nope 113) No idea, not a set designer 124) Yes 134a) Would make sense 145) Yes. That is going to become important in future storyline. 156) There isn't really an overall leader in the swamp, though the others do seem to defer to Krika a bit
16Wait, what? Before Dark Mirror? Doesn't that mean he should have them now?
17I think he meant before the end of Dark Mirror. Though, that's just how I inferred it.
19On the subject of Bitil: Well, that Makuta that took out one of Krekka's eyes is definitely going to be a set, right? If so, then it either really is Bitil and Greg just doesn't want to reveal everything yet (Which is totally understandable), or we'll be having another Makuta set. But the only set we haven't seen is Mazeka, and we now know that he/she's a Matoran.
20Hmm. Miserix?
22I'm sure he said the one that took out Krekka's eye is a canister Makuta, so if it's not Bitil, it's definitely Krika. I asked Greg about it, and I'm waiting for an answer. 23And maybe Takanuva gets his new tools in Bionicle Legends#10, from Brutaka (if the Order can give Spiriah a Skyblaster, then why not Takanuva?) 24EDIT: By the way ET, Mazeka is a "he". Greg mentioned that somewhere.
1Hi . Got a couple questions for ya.5. If Gorast is the Visorak Makuta, and Krika is the Plan-Opposing Makuta, does that mean Bitil is the Makuta who cost Krekka an eye?
25) No. Why does everyone assume that each has to be only one thing?
3You missed this one, ET.
4I think Krika cost Krekka an eye, but I won't ask because if Greg wanted to say it, he would have done it already.
1Hi . Got a couple questions for ya.5. If Gorast is the Visorak Makuta, and Krika is the Plan-Opposing Makuta, does that mean Bitil is the Makuta who cost Krekka an eye?
25) No. Why does everyone assume that each has to be only one thing?
3You missed this one, ET.
4I think Krika cost Krekka an eye, but I won't ask because if Greg wanted to say it, he would have done it already.
5Ah, so I did. Thanks for pointing it out. As that's the case, I'm actually leaning towards Gorast, not Krika. Gorast is the one we know to be vicious, and taking someone's eye is most certainly that. (EDIT) Phantoka Kopaka Nuva: Could you then provide proof of that claim? I know it happened on Stelt, but I remember nothing of the Makuta that did it actually being assigned to Stelt.
7And any role Takanuva will have in the books this year happens after Dark Mirror, so that means he can't get any of his weapons there because of Greg saying "Before DM." Which I still believe means before it ends.
8Of course, we could always just wait and listen to Dark Mirror until it ends and find out then.

1Hi . Got a couple questions for ya.5. If Gorast is the Visorak Makuta, and Krika is the Plan-Opposing Makuta, does that mean Bitil is the Makuta who cost Krekka an eye?
25) No. Why does everyone assume that each has to be only one thing?
3You missed this one, ET.
4I think Krika cost Krekka an eye, but I won't ask because if Greg wanted to say it, he would have done it already.
5Ah, so I did. Thanks for pointing it out. As that's the case, I'm actually leaning towards Gorast, not Krika. Gorast is the one we know to be vicious, and taking someone's eye is most certainly that.
7And any role Takanuva will have in the books this year happens after Dark Mirror, so that means he can't get any of his weapons there because of Greg saying "Before DM." Which I still believe means before it ends.
8Of course, we could always just wait and listen to Dark Mirror until it ends and find out then.![]()
10Dude, the intro of Bionicle Legends#10 tells the event of Takanuva being half-leeched by Icarax, and receiving the mission from the Order. And you know that happens before DM, so it's possible he might have received his new weapons at that point. But I don't know why he isn't using them in DM. Probably because Greg doesn't want to confuse fans.
1Dude, the intro of Bionicle Legends#10 tells the event of Takanuva being half-leeched by Icarax, and receiving the mission from the Order. And you know that happens before DM, so it's possible he might have received his new weapons at that point. But I don't know why he isn't using them in DM. Probably because Greg doesn't want to confuse fans.
2Once again I ask you to provide proof. You must know realize that - though I once did - it is not exactly possible for me to check every single post made in this topic. And I am finding it quite difficult to believe what you are saying without you providing support evidence. (Note that I am not saying I do not explicitly not believe you, it's just that I don't always believe a simple "Greg said so." This is because people have claimed he said something before, only for it to not be true.) The last I heard, Takanuva's only role in the books occured after Dark Mirror, not before.
3Sure, it is entirely possible he already has the tools before Dark Mirror, but no mention of them has been made thus far. So, we cannot really say for sure, at least at the moment, now can we?
6And I've already received a response.
71. Will the Shadow Leech attack on Takanuva be featured in Bionicle Legends#10? 82. Did Takanuva receive his new weapons before the start of Dark Mirror? 93. Is the Makuta that attacked Krekka actually the Makuta of Stelt, or just a Makuta that happened to be on Stelt?
101) Yes 112) Yes 123) Not the Makuta of Stelt, no. Also, the assumption being made by a lot of people on here that Bitil attacked Krekka is incorrect.
13So, I was wrong about the first two - which I sort of expected. The last, though, shows that it still could have been Gorast who attacked Krekka. Granted, it's still possible that it was Krika too.
1I don't quite agree with Lhilertoro. What happens in the side story will have to impact at all on the storyline. 
2Anyway, it's possible for Takanuva to have gotten them anywhere. But either way, it doesn't mean he can't use them in Dark Mirror. It's possible for Greg to write that he used his tool without naming it.

2Anyway, it's possible for Takanuva to have gotten them anywhere. But either way, it doesn't mean he can't use them in Dark Mirror. It's possible for Greg to write that he used his tool without naming it.

11)Am I right in saying that the Toa terrain crawler is a modified troller or is the TTC an entirely new specie, conssidering the TTC is a giant worm-like rahi, and the troller is another worm-like rahi, are they the same specie or two different species
22)is the ignika still cracked or it repaired itself
33)if a makuta absorbs mass to become bigger, the new mass becomes protosteel, like krekkas and nidhiki and nihvawk armor when they were absorbed
44) why this yers matoran masks werent unnamed 54a) any special reason the matoran masks look like the phantokas masks but smaller
65) will takanuva return to his original shape or will remain bigger
71) Different 82) Still cracked 93) Yes 104) Because one, they won't be used as powered masks this year, and two, if the set designers decide to reuse the pieces later when they will be powered I don't want to be trapped with what I gave them this year, and three, it would mean $60,000 worth of names for masks that aren't going to be used in story. 114a) No idea, that's the set designers call. 125) I can't discuss future storyline
22)is the ignika still cracked or it repaired itself
33)if a makuta absorbs mass to become bigger, the new mass becomes protosteel, like krekkas and nidhiki and nihvawk armor when they were absorbed
44) why this yers matoran masks werent unnamed 54a) any special reason the matoran masks look like the phantokas masks but smaller
65) will takanuva return to his original shape or will remain bigger
71) Different 82) Still cracked 93) Yes 104) Because one, they won't be used as powered masks this year, and two, if the set designers decide to reuse the pieces later when they will be powered I don't want to be trapped with what I gave them this year, and three, it would mean $60,000 worth of names for masks that aren't going to be used in story. 114a) No idea, that's the set designers call. 125) I can't discuss future storyline
1Hi, Greg. 'ow are you?
21. Do you know who planted the instinct of map-making in the Blade Burrowers? 31a. Plan on telling at some point? 42. Why is Mutran afraid of the map? Just bad vibes? 53. Would Bitil be the Makuta who knocked out Krekka's eye? 64. Using logic, Kalmah's realm is confusingly located. If he ruled the Northwest, and Pridak ruled the Northeast, how could he, as BS01 says, have joined the LoSK because he didn't want to get cut off by Pridak and Takadox? Basically, he's in the Northwest; with Pridak to the east, Ehlek to the south, and Mantax to the southeast, where does Takadox fit in? 75. Why is Miserix prisoner on the southern island? The Makuta think he's dead; who's holding him there? 86. Is Vultraz a Shadow Matoran?
9All I can think of right now. Thank you for your time.
111) Yes 121a) Should become clear eventually, but not right away 132) Yes 143) No 154) Simple. Put Takadox to the southwest, and have him link up with Pridak to the east, and suddenly Kalmah is cut off in the northwest, especially if Ehlek is already on board 165) Gets revealed later in the year 176) Yes
181./1a. Interesting. 192. Scaredy-cat.


1Hey, I have questions, but since I'm a new member, I can't PM Greg. Could somebody ask these for me?
21:Is a Makuta able to posses the body of a living being, and not just robots like Maxilos? 32:Are there more super masks other than the Masks of Time, Light, and Life? 43:Whatever happened to the hundreds of Toa in the Metru Nui/Dark Hunter war? 54:What would happen if a Toa or Matoran put on the Mask of Shadows (if the could without being blasted by shadow)?
6Thanks . 7

21:Is a Makuta able to posses the body of a living being, and not just robots like Maxilos? 32:Are there more super masks other than the Masks of Time, Light, and Life? 43:Whatever happened to the hundreds of Toa in the Metru Nui/Dark Hunter war? 54:What would happen if a Toa or Matoran put on the Mask of Shadows (if the could without being blasted by shadow)?
6Thanks . 7

1I have some new info .
621a) 1b)Cool, i can now imagine normal Lesovikk . 632) That's good, I don't think we need more "hordika style" masks 643) it is fair and just
(I think he is the contest winner) 654) I guess it's his face then
665) Maybe it's just smooth? 676) Good . 687) Sweet . 698) Maybe in Tuyet's law book 709) Yes no more watered down comics
7110) 11) Yeah, I knew this but I tried my best
721) I only wanted to know so I could picture Krakua in my mind. 732) Good info for BS01 . 743)Yeah that would be a waste of money. 754) Drat . 765) Oh then maybe it's in one of the summer comics or Legends #11. 776a) I Meant to say; The Toy fair description for Rockoh T3 says it has a "special edition Pohatu Nuva figure" and like wise the Axalara T9 has a special edition Pohatu figure. Are these "swamp" versions of Lewa and Pohatu in the adaptive armor?, but thats fine. 786b) Kopaka doesn't get the resoect he deserves from LEGO executives (Just Kidding
2Letter 1: 3Mr.Farshtey - 4I have a few questions for you, could you send an answer either to my BZP account or to iGLGred@gmail.com
51)A To what extent was Toa Lesovikk mutated in the pit? (A: slightly like Brutaka's spikes and dosal fin or B: heavily like the Barraki) 6B: Did Lesovikk always wear the Kanohi Faxon?
72) The Mistika Makuta have some very strange masks. Are these even Kanohi masks?
83) You said "I actually never said he (Miserix) would be a combiner, just that he would be a model that wouldn't be for sale" 9A: will we ever get to see this set? 10B: Will he be made by a fan in the "Makuta Contest" 11C: Has the form even been determined yet?
124) A: Does Maxilos' mask have any powers? 13B: If so, what? 14C: Do all robot guards have this mask?
155) While under the Ignika's curse, Vezon's skull had the mask fused to it. What does his skull look like now?
166) When I look at my BIONICLE sets, I notice the Toa Metru are taller than the Toa Mata, The Toa Hordika are taller than the Metru, and the Toa Inikia and some Phantoka toa are bigger than the Hordika. Is there any story significance about this?
177) If MOMN can occupy robot bodies, could he control an Exo-Toa?
188) A: If the 2008 Takanuva set is a titan will Takanuva still be called a toa? 19B: If the 2008 Takanuva were to complete his destiny would he turn into a standard size Turaga?
209) You said that the books will be more "backstory", and the comics would focus more on the main story. I have mixed emotions about this. The pros are the ability to finally have many secrets uncovered. The cons are the fact that the comics are now much shorter so the story will be smaller. Will this be true?
2110) You said 2009 will be a good jumping on point but thankfully not a jumping off point. Let me try to pull out some possible scenarios, using Star Wars as an example. Let's say 2009 is Star Wars episode 7. The main plot is over, the empire is no more, Darth Vader has been redeemed. Would 2009 be like scenario a or b? 22A: Episode 7 would continue with Luke, Han and Leia, moving in a new plot direction 23B: Episode 7 would feature new characters and a new plot.
2411) A: Will the 2009 movie cover all the 2009 story line, or will there be books to expand like in 2004 and 2005? 25B: will the 2009 movie feature an intro explaining what went on between it and Web Of Shadows? (i.e. 2006-2008)
26Thank you very much 27~iVahi
28Letter 2: 29Greg- 30Hi, I was wondering if you would please answer some bionicle questions for me (I know you're most likely overtaken by questions right now; so sorry) 311: You've said that the normal version of the Suletu ooks exactly the same as Toa Inika Kongu's organic Suletu, except it is metallic. Does this include the scales? 322: How does the kanohi Zatth work? Does it call Rahi mentally or physically? 333: Do you know the names of the new av-matoran/shadow matorn masks? if so, can you release them? 344: Is toa Krakua in Metru Nui to protect matoran or to retrieve something? 355:A: The new Toy Fair pics show a titan Takanuva. BS01 says "Takanuva's size will be increased.". Is Takanuva already a titan due to the shadow leech or will he become one in "Dark Mirror" 36B: The new Avohkii seems black and distorted; does this effect it's power? 376: A: The Toy fair description for Rockoh T3 says it has a "special edition Pohatu Nuva figure" and like wise the Axalara T9 has a special edition Pohatu figure. Are these new versions of Lewa and Pohatu in the adaptive armor? 38B: Will a set with a special edition Kopaka be released?
39Thanks in advance, 40~iVahi
411a) Not by that much, given how the set looked, right? His set had no dorsal fins, etc. 421b) Yes 432) Yes 443) I will discuss this in March, too early now 454) Maxilos does not wear a mask. 465) No idea, not something I have worried about 476) They aren't taller in story. They are taller as sets because they have more points of articulation, that's all. 487) Yes 498) Takanuva is still a Toa, he's just a tall Toa. There is no law that says Toa can only be 7.2 feet tall. 508b) If he is this size when he transforms, he would be a larger than normal Turaga same as the Av-Matoran are larger than normal Matoran 519) Comics in 2008 are 16 pages of comic story an issue, which is longer than normal 5210) I cannot discuss 2009 5311) Can't discuss this 541) Don't know, haven't worried about it we aren't showing it in comics, etc. 552) Mentally 563) I haven't assigned names to them. Names cost $10,000 a piece to clear legally, and I can't put $60,000 toward powerless masks 574) You'll find out later in the year 585) Neither. Happens after DM 595b) Nope 606) They are new versions of Lewa and Pohatu, but they in adaptive armor in their winter sets as well. 616b) No
621a) 1b)Cool, i can now imagine normal Lesovikk . 632) That's good, I don't think we need more "hordika style" masks 643) it is fair and just

721) I only wanted to know so I could picture Krakua in my mind. 732) Good info for BS01 . 743)Yeah that would be a waste of money. 754) Drat . 765) Oh then maybe it's in one of the summer comics or Legends #11. 776a) I Meant to say; The Toy fair description for Rockoh T3 says it has a "special edition Pohatu Nuva figure" and like wise the Axalara T9 has a special edition Pohatu figure. Are these "swamp" versions of Lewa and Pohatu in the adaptive armor?, but thats fine. 786b) Kopaka doesn't get the resoect he deserves from LEGO executives (Just Kidding

1Hi, Greg. 'ow are you?
21. Do you know who planted the instinct of map-making in the Blade Burrowers? 31a. Plan on telling at some point? 42. Why is Mutran afraid of the map? Just bad vibes? 53. Would Bitil be the Makuta who knocked out Krekka's eye? 64. Using logic, Kalmah's realm is confusingly located. If he ruled the Northwest, and Pridak ruled the Northeast, how could he, as BS01 says, have joined the LoSK because he didn't want to get cut off by Pridak and Takadox? Basically, he's in the Northwest; with Pridak to the east, Ehlek to the south, and Mantax to the southeast, where does Takadox fit in? 75. Why is Miserix prisoner on the southern island? The Makuta think he's dead; who's holding him there? 86. Is Vultraz a Shadow Matoran?
9All I can think of right now. Thank you for your time.
111) Yes 121a) Should become clear eventually, but not right away 132) Yes 143) No 154) Simple. Put Takadox to the southwest, and have him link up with Pridak to the east, and suddenly Kalmah is cut off in the northwest, especially if Ehlek is already on board 165) Gets revealed later in the year 176) Yes
181./1a. Interesting. 192. Scaredy-cat.203. I saw the answer to this right after I sent it. 214. There. That puts Takadox at the southwest, and it only leaves south and southeast. BS01, here I come . 225. Figures. 236. I figured it out .
25Yes . We are going to learn what they are doing . And if it does have future storyline importance... maybe they are drawing a map to the location of Mata Nui? Far-Fetched, but possible. Nice Work, man.

1Hey, I have questions, but since I'm a new member, I can't PM Greg. Could somebody ask these for me?
21:Is a Makuta able to posses the body of a living being, and not just robots like Maxilos? 32:Are there more super masks other than the Masks of Time, Light, and Life? 43:Whatever happened to the hundreds of Toa in the Metru Nui/Dark Hunter war? 54:What would happen if a Toa or Matoran put on the Mask of Shadows (if the could without being blasted by shadow)?
6All these were asked before so I could try answer them: 71- Only bodies wthout a spirit and if it hasn't died 82- Not that we know of, also the Avohkii isn't a legendary mask 93- Dead or Turaga 104- They will become evil, how longer how more evil
11Maybe this could help you
18b) If he is this size when he transforms, he would be a larger than normal Turaga same as the Av-Matoran are larger than normal Matoran
2I found this very interseting. By the sound of this statement, it would seem that since Av-Matoran are larger than other Matoran, when they become a Toa, they would be larger Toa as well. But at this point, Takanuva is the same size as any other Toa. Maybe titan Takanuva is his true size, and he is currently smaller than a normal ToL because of the power and size decrease he received as a Matoran from MoMN? Maybe his true form is restored when he enters the Core, the source of light and energy for the universe?
1Hey, I have questions, but since I'm a new member, I can't PM Greg. Could somebody ask these for me?
21:Is a Makuta able to posses the body of a living being, and not just robots like Maxilos? 32:Are there more super masks other than the Masks of Time, Light, and Life? 43:Whatever happened to the hundreds of Toa in the Metru Nui/Dark Hunter war? 54:What would happen if a Toa or Matoran put on the Mask of Shadows (if the could without being blasted by shadow)?
6All these were asked before so I could try answer them: 71- Only bodies wthout a spirit and if it hasn't died 82- Not that we know of, also the Avohkii isn't a legendary mask 93- Dead or Turaga 104- They will become evil, how longer how more evil
11Maybe this could help you
12Actualy, it wouldn't make you evil, it just wouldn't be pleasant.
1Ok, this is my first time posting here so here was my question
6So even with His Adaptive armour giving him a flying device, his mask is still needed
2Hi there GregF, just wondering if you could answer this 1 question
3lewa has mask of levitation and it was some kind of assistance to fly. Now in phantoka form has a booster system to fly. Is this mask usless or lelps with an another way lewa to fly?
4Thanks for answering
5Makes him more maneuverable in the air
6So even with His Adaptive armour giving him a flying device, his mask is still needed
1Welcome to the new Official Greg Discussion Topic . This topic is to serve as a centralized hub where members post quotes they received through Private Messaging with Greg Farshtey, the writer of the BIONICLE series. Questions are to be PMed to him, and when he replies, you may post the response here. You can send him a message by clicking here.
2As the name suggests, this topic is for discussing the information Greg provides through PMs. This means that:5This topic is Not for:10Note that Greg does not check this topic on a regular basis, so if you post questions here or ask for more information, all you are doing is spamming, for he is not going to reply.
- 6Asking questions. You PM Greg for this, not post the questions here.
- 7For older story questions, the Storyline and Theories forum is also a suitable place to ask questions.
- 8Discussion of what to ask Greg.
- 9Asking Greg for more information.
11Finally, the old Official Greg Discussion topic can be found here.
12I am trying to go to the "You can send him a message by clicking here" link, but I can't do it. I'm getting a message that says, "You can't use the messenger option" or something like that.

1Hey, I have questions, but since I'm a new member, I can't PM Greg. Could somebody ask these for me?
21:Is a Makuta able to posses the body of a living being, and not just robots like Maxilos? 32:Are there more super masks other than the Masks of Time, Light, and Life? 43:Whatever happened to the hundreds of Toa in the Metru Nui/Dark Hunter war? 54:What would happen if a Toa or Matoran put on the Mask of Shadows (if the could without being blasted by shadow)?
6All these were asked before so I could try answer them: 71- Only bodies wthout a spirit and if it hasn't died 82- Not that we know of, also the Avohkii isn't a legendary mask 93- Dead or Turaga 104- They will become evil, how longer how more evil
11Maybe this could help you
121:Ok, scratch my theory of Makuta's evil plan... 132:The Avokii isn't a legendary mask? Come on . 143:That explains it. 154:So if the Piraka had kept the mask, the would be evil megalomaniacs...cool .
16Thanks, Weon Saturn .
1QUOTE 2Dear Greg, 3Could you try to confirm these questions?
41. Are we ever going to see the Kardas Dragon again? 52. Is Brutaka capable of doing anything about Spiriah's mutiny? 63. Could Takanuva absorb shadow blasts? 74. Why doesn't the BoM just send more makuta to assist the ones in the core fighting the toa?
8Thanks .
9P.S. This is a random question, but is Nuparu making the matoran try to build cordak blasters and the all the other neat stuff he saw during his quest?
101) Don't know yet 112) There are always possibiltiies. You're not helpless until you're dead. 123) Shadow energy, yes 134) Because they are needed elsewhere. The Plan involves more than just Karda Nui.
41. Are we ever going to see the Kardas Dragon again? 52. Is Brutaka capable of doing anything about Spiriah's mutiny? 63. Could Takanuva absorb shadow blasts? 74. Why doesn't the BoM just send more makuta to assist the ones in the core fighting the toa?
8Thanks .
9P.S. This is a random question, but is Nuparu making the matoran try to build cordak blasters and the all the other neat stuff he saw during his quest?
101) Don't know yet 112) There are always possibiltiies. You're not helpless until you're dead. 123) Shadow energy, yes 134) Because they are needed elsewhere. The Plan involves more than just Karda Nui.
1People are saying it's not Bitil that poked out Krekkas eye, then it must be Krika or Gorast. Aren't we forgetting about Antroz, Vamprah, and Chirox?
1People are saying it's not Bitil that poked out Krekkas eye, then it must be Krika or Gorast. Aren't we forgetting about Antroz, Vamprah, and Chirox?
1People are saying it's not Bitil that poked out Krekkas eye, then it must be Krika or Gorast. Aren't we forgetting about Antroz, Vamprah, and Chirox?
1I am trying to go to the "You can send him a message by clicking here" link, but I can't do it. I'm getting a message that says, "You can't use the messenger option" or something like that.
2Don't worry, since your post count is currently seven, you just need to make three more posts in a forum that counts (In other words, anywhere other than New Member Q/A, Games and Trivia, Shops and Kits, Voting Booth, and CoT)
3This topic can help.
4When you reach ten posts, you should be able to PM normally.

1Welcome to the new Official Greg Discussion Topic . This topic is to serve as a centralized hub where members post quotes they received through Private Messaging with Greg Farshtey, the writer of the BIONICLE series. Questions are to be PMed to him, and when he replies, you may post the response here. You can send him a message by clicking here.
2As the name suggests, this topic is for discussing the information Greg provides through PMs. This means that:5This topic is Not for:10Note that Greg does not check this topic on a regular basis, so if you post questions here or ask for more information, all you are doing is spamming, for he is not going to reply.
- 6Asking questions. You PM Greg for this, not post the questions here.
- 7For older story questions, the Storyline and Theories forum is also a suitable place to ask questions.
- 8Discussion of what to ask Greg.
- 9Asking Greg for more information.
11Finally, the old Official Greg Discussion topic can be found here.
12I am trying to go to the "You can send him a message by clicking here" link, but I can't do it. I'm getting a message that says, "You can't use the messenger option" or something like that.13
15It's beacause you're a new member; new members can't do this. 16Hope this helps . 17~

1Hey Originaation XIII, don't triple post, all it does is waste space.