1Just a few answers from Greg.
311. Oh, I see. The Phantoka do the raids and aerial dog-fighting. Icarax handles the heavy hitting. Mutran creates the bombs (Shadow Leeches). 322. Hmm, his personality is much different than I thought it would be. I thought he would be an incompetent 'coward'. 333/4. Good to know the pronunciation. 345. Imagines Pohatu using his propellers as a machine gun.
356. Good . 367. Also good. 378. I see but what if their opinions happen to be totally weird. :Imagines a Hot Pink and Lime Green Kopaka: 389/9a.
3Q: How come Icarax is bigger than the other Makuta? 4A: Because he did not shapeshift into something smaller as they did.
5Does this mean that he is possibly kind of unprepared for aerial combat?
7Q: How would you describe Miserix's personality? (Please answer this if my guesses below aren't correct.) 8a. Is he a decisive and and respected leader? 9b. Or is he incompetent and afraid to do the dirty business himself? 10A: Closer to A than B.
11Has Miserix ever had an ugly moment where he just panicked and made an extremely bad desicion like using too much force on an island or being too soft?
123. How do you pronounce Miserix?
134. How do you pronounce Nynrah? <Spelling?
145. Can a Toa of Stone shoot pieces of rock out of his hands like a gun?
156. Are the Toa Nuva's Kanohi in their Phantoka and Mistika forms still Kanohi Nuva?
167. Can the Toa Nuva share the effects of their masks with Matoran and other beings? Before you answer, remember that in the first Bionicle movie, Tahu used his mask to protect himself and Takua from lava.
178. How come The Lego Company depends on focus groups to determine how the products look? I mean, the kids in the focus groups represent the small majority of the fan base and their opinions don't necessarily represent those of the entire fanbase. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I'm just curious about what you have to say. smile.gif
189. In your years of writing for Bionicle, who was your least favorite character to write about? Why? 199a. Your favorite? Why?
201) Would you call a B1 Bomber unprepared for aerial combat, just because it is bigger than fighter? 212) No 223) MIZ-er-ICKS 234) NIN-rah 245) Yes 256) Yes 267) Yes, anyone they choose to who is in proximity 278) I will be the first to say it's an imperfect system, but it is the same system used by pretty much every company that sells goods or does ads for anything. There is no way to survey every single person who buys your product, anymore than political pollsters can poll everyone in the country. So you turn to a representative sample. LEGO Club does the same thing when we send out magazine surveys for content ratings. I have to disagree, though, with your saying they represent a "small majority" of the audience -- the kids we bring in are 9-11 years old, heavy to moderate buyers of BIONICLE sets, so they actually represent the vast majority of the fan base. It's BZP that represents a very small subset of the audience, namely guys and girls over 14 who are still into the line. Out of six million are so BIONICLE fans, the biggest segment by far is 9-11 year old boys -- so who better for us to ask opinions of? 289) Air characters, because I hate writing treespeak. 299a) I like writing the villains best.
311. Oh, I see. The Phantoka do the raids and aerial dog-fighting. Icarax handles the heavy hitting. Mutran creates the bombs (Shadow Leeches). 322. Hmm, his personality is much different than I thought it would be. I thought he would be an incompetent 'coward'. 333/4. Good to know the pronunciation. 345. Imagines Pohatu using his propellers as a machine gun.

1Nothing interesting here.
30I find the Bohrok information interesting though... 31
2Hey Greg. Sorry if you get these twice.
3------------------------------------ 41) Let's say that the Bohrok-Kal got loaded with power to the point before they lost control, how powerful would they be?
52) Could the same happen to normal Bohrok? 62a) Bahrak? 72b) If so, how powerful would they be? 8------------------------------------ 93) Why aren't the Avohkii and Kraahkan not considered as legandary Kanohi? As well as light and darkness being legendary elements?
104) How would the Matoran Unverse be without light? 114a) Darkness
125) Can the Kanohi Avohkii get light drained? 13------------------------------------ 146) How was it to become the book writer?
151) Very powerful 162) Yes, and very powerful 173) Because they aren't up there with things like Life and Time as fundamental forces of the universe. 184) Same way ours would be. 195) No. Shadow leeches only work on living things, not objects 206) Well, I had my first novel published in 1992, so I have been doing this a while
211-2) Can you compare it to anything?
224) DOn't know if you got what I meant, but I asked how it would be if there were now shadow or light.
236) I meant BIONICLE book writer. You used just to be the comic writer, so what was it like to be book writer?
257) Has Roodaka anything to do with Takanuva growing in size?
261-2) No, not really 274) Right. How would our universe be if there were no light or no darkness? 286) Doing the books gave me a lot more room to play with the story than I had with the comics. 297) No. Takanuva never meets Roodaka in 2008.
30I find the Bohrok information interesting though... 31

1i have a few questions mr greg: 21. If a good toa of light got all the light sucked out of him, would he be atoa of shadow, but a good one?
3thanks .
4Dude, you have to PM Greg these questions via the link on the first page. He doesn't read this topic.
5And I think the answer to you question would be: No, because the Av-Matoran had all their light sucked out of them, and they don't look like saints to me.. they've become evil.
1i have a few questions mr greg: 21. If a good toa of light got all the light sucked out of him, would he be atoa of shadow, but a good one?
3thanks .
4Dude, you have to PM Greg these questions via the link on the first page. He doesn't read this topic.
5Yes. Tahunuva, as Toa Z said, you need to PM Greg the question, since he doesn't check this topic.
8Seems like I got beaten by Toa Z. 9

1Hi, Greg
2Would you mind answering these three questions: 31: Do you agree that these are truly the powers of the Toa Ignika? 41)Creating life energy. 52)Controlling life energy. 63)Controlling life-forms. 74)Absorbing life energy. 85)Shapeshifting. 96)Changing one life-form into another. 107)Mutating life-forms. 118)Acceleration of microevolution. 129)Acceleration of aging. 1310)Unleashing a Nova Blast of Life.
14I think we're all a little unsure about numbers 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9. Would you mind marking out the ones that are not valid?
152) You mentioned that the Nuva thought the Ignika was important in the awakening of Mata Nui. Is it one of the ways to awaken him? If not, does the Ignika play an important role in this year's storyline?
163) Does the Ignika appear in Bionicle Legends#11?
17Thanks, 18pirakahakann
191) No. We have never seen Ignika actually take control of a life form, nor have we seen it age anything. Until we do, those things cannot be on the list. 202) The Toa don't know what role it plays, if any, they just assume it either plays some role or at worst should be kept out of Makuta's hands. 213) Yes, and in #9. Toa Ignika is a winter set, so he has to be in story first half of the year as well.
1We won't get a BOM guide book:
2No, Scholastic has no plans for more guidebooks at this time.
4When the DH contest was, we didn't get fan creations as sets3because of the fact that he won't be available in stores, there's a makuta contest, and now that he can't discuss his stuff until next week, when all things are probably decided.
1We won't get a BOM guide book: 2No, Scholastic has no plans for more guidebooks at this time.4When the DH contest was, we didn't get fan creations as sets3because of the fact that he won't be available in stores, there's a makuta contest, and now that he can't discuss his stuff until next week, when all things are probably decided.
5Err...yes we did. All those DHs in the Guide Book are all (with the exception of TSO, Lariska and the Piraka) fan-created
1We won't get a BOM guide book: 2No, Scholastic has no plans for more guidebooks at this time.4When the DH contest was, we didn't get fan creations as sets3because of the fact that he won't be available in stores, there's a makuta contest, and now that he can't discuss his stuff until next week, when all things are probably decided.
5Err...yes we did. All those DHs in the Guide Book are all (with the exception of TSO, Lariska and the Piraka) fan-created

7Note: I may have worded the above incorrectly, but it is the truth all the same .
8Off topic: I am telling you, Miserax cannot be the winning entry for the Brotherhood of Makuta contest. It is simply not logical .


1Off topic: I am telling you, Miserax cannot be the winning entry for the Brotherhood of Makuta contest. It is simply not logical . Captain raven575
2Explain why. We know he'll be appearing in plastic, we know he won't be for sale, we know the winner of the Makuta contest will become canon, and we know Greg can't discuss the details of Miserix until the Makuta contest is over. I don't see any reason at all to doubt that Miserix and the Makuta winner are one and the same. If you have some actual factual reason to disagree, by all means, tell us.
1 ![]()
25) Is Miserix a Summer Mistika Combiner Model, If not what is he released by?
35) I can talk about this in a week or so.
4A week? That's the deadline for the Makuta Building Contest. Anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?
5Yep. The contest winner will be named as Miserix. Remember, oh contest winner, should you make a model too complex to sprite in DBB, I will get you...6Well, let's just hope it's not just a Phankuta with a Kraahkan.
7Amen to that. Contest winners have been chosen well in the past, though. The Tahtorak, Piraka Fusion and Krakua are all good models, as well as about 70% of the Dark Hunter and Rahi guides. I'd MUCH rather have Miserix be the contest winner than a combiner model.
9Although this is a bit off topic... I just want to say that I have to agree. After watching what happened to Spiriah, having Miserix being a contest winner is a much better alternative to a combiner model.
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4Hello Greg, I Hope I am not intruding, because the Wintery Weather, and Cleanup But I have Some Questions,
51) Will a Mata Nui set appear in 2009, Most likely, right? 62) Is Macku, Onepu, Tamura (spelling?), Hafu, and Kapura Be Re-Released or Appear In Storyline again? 73) any Updates on Bionicle 4? 84) Is Miserix Good? 95) Is Miserix a Summer Mistika Combiner Model, If not what is he released by? 106) Do Toa, Matoran, and Turaga Vary in Weight, meaning can some have more Body Fat than others? 117) What Is happening on Voya Nui Now? 128) Can you better explain how Voya Nui Sank, And the whole Matoro Death Detail? 139) Could A Powerful Toa ( Extremely) Be possible Without A Nui Stone or Katia? 1410) are Macku, Onepu, Tamura (spelling?), Hafu, and Kapura Toa, Or Going to be Toa? 1511) What would A black and white colored Toa Be? 1612) How is Karzahni?
171) Why would that be likely, Lehua? We aren't even in the Matoran universe in 2009. 182) No plans to re-release them, no, and as I said, we aren't in the universe next year, so they won't be characters in story. 193) Nope 204) Too early to discuss this 215) I can talk about this in a week or so. 226) No, but some have more armor than others, which can affect weight. We don't know that any of these characters have any body fat, just muscle tissue. 237) Not much. 248) What do you need explained? Be specific. 259) No. Nuva is as powerful as a Toa gets without artificial aid. 2610) No and no plans for that. 2711) No idea, one doesn't exist. 2812) Nuts.
291) Ok, then will we be on the surface of the domes? 302)oh, ok. 313)Oh, Alright. 324-5) Intreresting 336) Good, I wish I were A Matoran then . 347)Right. 358) I mean where did Voya Nui fall During the Time Matoro Died, Was Voya Nui in the Universe Core. 369) Oh, Ruins A theory or Two. 3710) Ruins Another Theory. 3811) Maybe Sonics, or Ice? 3912) You Can Say That Again .
40A Few More
4113) Could Sakar be A good Name for a Great Being? 4214) Whats It like on the other side of the Bionicle Universe? 4315) Are Toa physically like Makuta, Like a Gas, or Liquid? 4416) Does Mata Nui know or did Know about Next year's Location? 4517) What Happened To the Makuta of Metru Nui? 4618) Where did you get the Idea to be a Author of Bionicle Books, What inspired you to be A Bionicle Book Writer? 4719) Where do Toa, Matoran, and Turaga go when they Die? Artahka? 4820) How Many Great Beings are there?
491) I can't answer this 508) Voya Nui sank before Matoro died. Matoro then chased Voya Nui and made it into the universe core before Voya Nui sealed the opening. Think of Voya Nui as part of the roof of your bedroom and your room as the core. 5111) Well, we already have ice 5213) No idea. What names we can use depends on what the legal team says we can use. 5314) Don't know, we haven't been there 5415) No. Toa are muscle tissue and mechanical parts 5516) No. 5617) Last we saw, he had abandoned the Maxilos body, and he has not reappeared in story since then 5718) I didn't really get the idea to be it. I was already writing the comics, and Scholastic decided they wanted me to do the books as well. 5819) No, Artakha is not the afterlife. It's a place filled with living Matoran who are working. We don't deal with the afterlife in BIONICLE, because it hits too close to religion. 5920) More than three
51) Will a Mata Nui set appear in 2009, Most likely, right? 62) Is Macku, Onepu, Tamura (spelling?), Hafu, and Kapura Be Re-Released or Appear In Storyline again? 73) any Updates on Bionicle 4? 84) Is Miserix Good? 95) Is Miserix a Summer Mistika Combiner Model, If not what is he released by? 106) Do Toa, Matoran, and Turaga Vary in Weight, meaning can some have more Body Fat than others? 117) What Is happening on Voya Nui Now? 128) Can you better explain how Voya Nui Sank, And the whole Matoro Death Detail? 139) Could A Powerful Toa ( Extremely) Be possible Without A Nui Stone or Katia? 1410) are Macku, Onepu, Tamura (spelling?), Hafu, and Kapura Toa, Or Going to be Toa? 1511) What would A black and white colored Toa Be? 1612) How is Karzahni?
171) Why would that be likely, Lehua? We aren't even in the Matoran universe in 2009. 182) No plans to re-release them, no, and as I said, we aren't in the universe next year, so they won't be characters in story. 193) Nope 204) Too early to discuss this 215) I can talk about this in a week or so. 226) No, but some have more armor than others, which can affect weight. We don't know that any of these characters have any body fat, just muscle tissue. 237) Not much. 248) What do you need explained? Be specific. 259) No. Nuva is as powerful as a Toa gets without artificial aid. 2610) No and no plans for that. 2711) No idea, one doesn't exist. 2812) Nuts.
291) Ok, then will we be on the surface of the domes? 302)oh, ok. 313)Oh, Alright. 324-5) Intreresting 336) Good, I wish I were A Matoran then . 347)Right. 358) I mean where did Voya Nui fall During the Time Matoro Died, Was Voya Nui in the Universe Core. 369) Oh, Ruins A theory or Two. 3710) Ruins Another Theory. 3811) Maybe Sonics, or Ice? 3912) You Can Say That Again .
40A Few More
4113) Could Sakar be A good Name for a Great Being? 4214) Whats It like on the other side of the Bionicle Universe? 4315) Are Toa physically like Makuta, Like a Gas, or Liquid? 4416) Does Mata Nui know or did Know about Next year's Location? 4517) What Happened To the Makuta of Metru Nui? 4618) Where did you get the Idea to be a Author of Bionicle Books, What inspired you to be A Bionicle Book Writer? 4719) Where do Toa, Matoran, and Turaga go when they Die? Artahka? 4820) How Many Great Beings are there?
491) I can't answer this 508) Voya Nui sank before Matoro died. Matoro then chased Voya Nui and made it into the universe core before Voya Nui sealed the opening. Think of Voya Nui as part of the roof of your bedroom and your room as the core. 5111) Well, we already have ice 5213) No idea. What names we can use depends on what the legal team says we can use. 5314) Don't know, we haven't been there 5415) No. Toa are muscle tissue and mechanical parts 5516) No. 5617) Last we saw, he had abandoned the Maxilos body, and he has not reappeared in story since then 5718) I didn't really get the idea to be it. I was already writing the comics, and Scholastic decided they wanted me to do the books as well. 5819) No, Artakha is not the afterlife. It's a place filled with living Matoran who are working. We don't deal with the afterlife in BIONICLE, because it hits too close to religion. 5920) More than three
1Hi Greg. Thanks for those answers. Couple more questions:
21. Since Triglax is a shapshifter, and not a Makuta, might he be of Krahka's species? 32. You've been teasing people with 2009. Any chance it takes place in a pocket dimension? 43. From what I've heard, Krika doesn't seem the type to have knocked Krekka's eye out, so was it Gorast? 54. So, let me get this straight. Kalmah ruled the northwest, Pridak the northeast, Ehlek ruled the western island chain, Takadox the southwest, Mantax the central areas; that leaves east, south, and southeast. How does Carapar fit in, then? 65. Has Bitil done anything of note (to us), or was he storywise just a filler?
7Thank you for your time.
91) No 102) No 113) I am not going to discuss this this early 124) I don't remember where I listed him as ruling, that was three years ago 135) Again, summer set, summer storyline, too early to discuss
141. Just a thought. 152. There's one possibility down the drain. 163. At least I tried.


1QUOTE 2Hi Mr. Farshtey, I just had a few questions for you.
31. Is it possible we will ever see Tuyet as a set this year?
42. What masks do the 2008 matoran wear? Cheap knockoffs of their compatible toa/makuta's?
53. Do the shadow matoran have any sense of friendship with each other?
64. Who is the leader of the summer makuta sets?
75. Who is your favorite makuta of this year?
86. Who is your favorite toa of this year?
97. Is it possible to see a Nidhiki set as a toa ever?
108. Is it possible we will ever see a Mata Nui set?
119. What is your favorite vehicle of this year?
1210. Who is your favorite matoran of this year?
1311. Is Vultraz teamed with Antroz like Radiak? He looks like he has limited edition Antroz's mask.
1412. Why does Toa Ignika have a matoran combiner part? Will he have a corresponding matoran or is it just for looks to make him seem similar to the other toa?
1513. Will Vultraz be the last matoran this year?
1614. Is Krahka below the Archives? Is the last chapter of Dark Mirror where we saw Tuyet really Krahka in diguise?
1715. How did the Toa Mata get pulled to Mata Nui without Takua's call to them sice it was the Turaga who got him to make it?
18Thanks for your time.
201) No 212) I haven't named or given powers to those masks, since they won't be used as powered masks in 2008. If I assign powers to them now, and then the set designers reuse them on future characters as powered masks, then I am stuck with whatever I give them now which may not be appropriate. Since I don't have to give them powers for story, I see no reason to do so. 223) No, but I would say there is some sense of belonging as far as their shared fate 234) We'll get to that in summer 245) Krika 256) Kopaka 267) I doubt it. We are not planning flashback stories as main story, so no reason to do a set of him. 278) Well, at this point, he's asleep, so nothing much to do a set of. 289) Axalara 2910) Don't have one 3011) No. Vultraz does not team with a Makuta, he works on his own 3112) Same reason the summer Makuta and Toa do, despite their not having corresponding Matoran sets. Not everyone who buys the sets follows the story, and they may want to link their Matoran figures up with other figures. 3213) All of the sets coming out this year have been announced. 3314-15) Follow the story and find out
31. Is it possible we will ever see Tuyet as a set this year?
42. What masks do the 2008 matoran wear? Cheap knockoffs of their compatible toa/makuta's?
53. Do the shadow matoran have any sense of friendship with each other?
64. Who is the leader of the summer makuta sets?
75. Who is your favorite makuta of this year?
86. Who is your favorite toa of this year?
97. Is it possible to see a Nidhiki set as a toa ever?
108. Is it possible we will ever see a Mata Nui set?
119. What is your favorite vehicle of this year?
1210. Who is your favorite matoran of this year?
1311. Is Vultraz teamed with Antroz like Radiak? He looks like he has limited edition Antroz's mask.
1412. Why does Toa Ignika have a matoran combiner part? Will he have a corresponding matoran or is it just for looks to make him seem similar to the other toa?
1513. Will Vultraz be the last matoran this year?
1614. Is Krahka below the Archives? Is the last chapter of Dark Mirror where we saw Tuyet really Krahka in diguise?
1715. How did the Toa Mata get pulled to Mata Nui without Takua's call to them sice it was the Turaga who got him to make it?
18Thanks for your time.
201) No 212) I haven't named or given powers to those masks, since they won't be used as powered masks in 2008. If I assign powers to them now, and then the set designers reuse them on future characters as powered masks, then I am stuck with whatever I give them now which may not be appropriate. Since I don't have to give them powers for story, I see no reason to do so. 223) No, but I would say there is some sense of belonging as far as their shared fate 234) We'll get to that in summer 245) Krika 256) Kopaka 267) I doubt it. We are not planning flashback stories as main story, so no reason to do a set of him. 278) Well, at this point, he's asleep, so nothing much to do a set of. 289) Axalara 2910) Don't have one 3011) No. Vultraz does not team with a Makuta, he works on his own 3112) Same reason the summer Makuta and Toa do, despite their not having corresponding Matoran sets. Not everyone who buys the sets follows the story, and they may want to link their Matoran figures up with other figures. 3213) All of the sets coming out this year have been announced. 3314-15) Follow the story and find out
1 ![]()
25) Is Miserix a Summer Mistika Combiner Model, If not what is he released by?
35) I can talk about this in a week or so.
4A week? That's the deadline for the Makuta Building Contest. Anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?
5Yep. The contest winner will be named as Miserix. Remember, oh contest winner, should you make a model too complex to sprite in DBB, I will get you...6Well, let's just hope it's not just a Phankuta with a Kraahkan.
7Amen to that. Contest winners have been chosen well in the past, though. The Tahtorak, Piraka Fusion and Krakua are all good models, as well as about 70% of the Dark Hunter and Rahi guides. I'd MUCH rather have Miserix be the contest winner than a combiner model.
9Although this is a bit off topic... I just want to say that I have to agree. After watching what happened to Spiriah, having Miserix being a contest winner is a much better alternative to a combiner model.
10Plus, so far the creators of Krakua and the Piraka Fusion have posted instrutions on Brickshelf, so we can still build them .
1Welcome to the new Official Greg Discussion Topic . This topic is to serve as a centralized hub where members post quotes they received through Private Messaging with Greg Farshtey, the writer of the BIONICLE series. Questions are to be PMed to him, and when he replies, you may post the response here. You can send him a message by clicking here.
2As the name suggests, this topic is for discussing the information Greg provides through PMs. This means that:5This topic is Not for:10Note that Greg does not check this topic on a regular basis, so if you post questions here or ask for more information, all you are doing is spamming, for he is not going to reply.
- 6Asking questions. You PM Greg for this, not post the questions here.
- 7For older story questions, the Storyline and Theories forum is also a suitable place to ask questions.
- 8Discussion of what to ask Greg.
- 9Asking Greg for more information.
11Finally, the old Official Greg Discussion topic can be found here.
12I am trying to go to the "You can send him a message by clicking here" link, but I can't do it. I'm getting a message that says, "You can't use the messenger option" or something like that.13
15Dude, it's because your very new here. You need to post lots more stuff, and when that thing underneath your avatar says Tohunga or Turaga, it means you can post.
1Welcome to the new Official Greg Discussion Topic . This topic is to serve as a centralized hub where members post quotes they received through Private Messaging with Greg Farshtey, the writer of the BIONICLE series. Questions are to be PMed to him, and when he replies, you may post the response here. You can send him a message by clicking here.
2As the name suggests, this topic is for discussing the information Greg provides through PMs. This means that:5This topic is Not for:10Note that Greg does not check this topic on a regular basis, so if you post questions here or ask for more information, all you are doing is spamming, for he is not going to reply.
- 6Asking questions. You PM Greg for this, not post the questions here.
- 7For older story questions, the Storyline and Theories forum is also a suitable place to ask questions.
- 8Discussion of what to ask Greg.
- 9Asking Greg for more information.
11Finally, the old Official Greg Discussion topic can be found here.
12I am trying to go to the "You can send him a message by clicking here" link, but I can't do it. I'm getting a message that says, "You can't use the messenger option" or something like that.13
15Dude, it's because your very new here. You need to post lots more stuff, and when that thing underneath your avatar says Tohunga or Turaga, it means you can post.
16He just needs to gets 10 approved posts, then he can send a message.
1Hi Greg, could you please answer these questions about Mazeka for me?![]()
21) I read in OGD that Mazeka is not a shadow matoran, is it safe to assume that he/she is one of the good ones? 31a) One of the 6 main tribes? 41b) a Ga-Matoran? (or at least with a blue color scheme?)
5Thank you and sorry if you can´t answer these.
61) Yes 71b) No, he's male, not female
8Don´t ask me why I though he will be a Ga-Matoran...a little theory includin the first toa...
1Hey Greg, what are the chances that we could get a "Bionicle Colter's Club" sort of thing. It would be like a more in depth Konoka Club with club only toys that cater to BZPers or other "hard core"/ long time fans that want to have thing like mask packs and McToran?
2I also have a story question. What would happen in a Toa Phantoka linked up with a Shadow Matoran or a AV-Matoran with a Makuat?
31) I would call it unlikely, simply because to get plastic sets produced, you need to have a minimum number produced -- usually 100,000 sets -- in order to get factory time, materials, etc. There are only 35,000 members or so of BZP, and of them, only about 1000-2000 are active members. So it's doubtful we would have enough interest to make it worth the investment. Most of the 2001-2002 era fans are in their teens now and no longer interested or else simply no longer interested in sets.
42) They would still have access to their new powers.
1Hello Mr.Farshty. I have a few more questions that I hope you can answer for me.
21) If Takanuva got trapped in the pocket dimension, but somehow the Cleopatra's Takua found a way to our dimension and brought the Cleopatra's Avokii with him, could he put the mask on and become Takanuva? Would his destiny be changed by going into a dimension that found itself lacking it's own Takanuva?
32) Is the reason you're not having Takanuva learn the Av-Matoran powers so that he doesn't become over-powered? You just seem very adament about him not using those powers.
43) Icarax has the power of a Makuta, and is extreamly skilled, does this make him the most powerful fighter in the story so far?
54) I just saw Chapter 3 of Dark Mirror and I have to ask, is "Tuyet" actually Krakha? I can't see any way that Tuyet would even know where he went to and I would doubt that they would even know he's gone yet.
65) Was Takanuva's thoughts that his old form was annoying a sign of his dark side?
76) Read Mutran Chronicles 3 as well. Did all of the Barraki have fortesses that were so....creepy? The description made me think of dracula's castle.
87) Since Mutran was getting bad feelings about the map that the Blade Burrowers were making, is it safe to assume that it was a good guy that inplanted the instinct to make the map in them? (considering that Mutran is a bad guy)
98) Will Kopaka ever appear using Jetrax in the story or does Antroz hijack it before he ever gets to use it?
10Thanks a bunch .
111) No. 122) That, and the fact that I have no time in story for him to go through extensive training, plus there is no one to train him. The Av-Matoran had no idea they had those powers, so how do they teach someone else how to access them? 133) Not necessarily. He's very powerful, but one the other hand, you can stop him with enough light. Try doing that to Tahtorak. 144) You know I can't discuss future storyline 155) No, his old form was annoying166) Well, this one was in ruins, remember. 177) No. I assume you are a good person, but if you came upon a bunch of animals making the same design in the dirt over and over .... figured out it was a map ... and somehow knew they had no idea why they were doing it ... wouldn't that freak you out a little? 188) Yes, he rides it in Bionicle Legends #11
19Thanks again, I have a comment and a couple more questions though.
207) But I'm not a scientific and powerful Makuta that lives in a world like the Bionicle one. I would think that he would be used to bizzare things like that happening with his job.
219) I recently read in the OGD something you said about the new "ghost blaster" weapon. You said not to take the name litteraly and that "ghost" could refer to stealthyness or something. We also know that the Nuva's new weapons adapt to the enemy and the environment. So my theory is that (since the blasters would have to adapt to a swamp which are full of trees and that would normally make hitting anything other then the trees very difficult) the blasters have adapted to be able to fire ammo that turns intangible right untill it hits it's target. This would allow it to blast through the trees and swamp vines and whatnot without worrying about having to aim so that ammo dosn't impact on the many obsticals in the swamp. Makes sense with "ghost" as well
2210) Are the Mistika Nuva based off of ninja? Or at least is Tahu a ninja while the others are other sorts of assasins (Gali a sniper and Onua...I have no idea)?
23Thanks again .
247) Nope. I have watched enough X-Files and Torchwood and Dr. Who to know even people who deal with weirdness every day can get creeped out by things. 259) Nope. The name refers to the craftsmen who made them, not the weapons themselves. 2610) I am not a set designer, so I don't have info on what the designers got their inspiration from.
271) Why does that change to Cleopatra? Is the filter filtering out alternate dimension or something similar? 282) Very well then. I can understand that. 293) Okeydokey. 304) I asked him this before other people started asking it. I really still figured he would say this though. 315) Well I don't think so...but okay. 326) Yeah that makes sense. 337) Still......Mutran? Well I guess. 348) YAY KOPAKA . . . 359) But...didn't Artakha make them? 3610) I should have known he would say that.
11.) Since Takanuva can only shoot shadow from his right hand, and his left hand is holding his Toa Tool, does that mean his shadow powers are weaker, since he has nothing to focus them?
22.) So, Takanuva can learn the Av-Matorans special abilitys, but not the Shadow Matoran's?
33.) So, the only affect of the shadow leech on Taka's personality are the dark impulses? What kinda of 'impulses', exactly?
44.) Does the swamp have any...Special properties?
55.) On that, would the Mistika Makuta's location (In the swamp) Have anything to do with their...Lesser abilitys?
66.) Did the Mistika Makuta choose their current forms? 76a.) If they did...Why? I know the Phantoka did it to strike fear into the Matoran, but there's no Matoran in the swamp.
87.) Are there any beings in the swamp currently besides the Makuta?
98.) Does the Mistika Matoran know what's in the swamp? 108b.) If not, why are they there?
119.) Now that Gali and Lewa have Adaptive Armour, wouldn't their masks be essensially useless?
12Thank you.=)
131) Lack of a tool through which to focus your powers does not make your powers weaker. Just a little harder to aim. 142) Yes, but won't do either because there is no one to train him. 153) Think of yourself in a really bad mood 164) Yes, the water is mutagenic 175-6) Too early to discuss this 187) Yes, Rahi 198) You mean Vultraz and Mazeka? They are not there because of the swamp, they are there because of the conflict 209) There is no proof adaptive armor would allow you to breathe underwater, my guess is it would not. And Lewa's mask makes him more manueuverable in air.
211.) Really? Huh. 222.)Hmmm, well, of course. 233.) Poor Taka. 244.)....Wow, really takes the questions literally, doesn't he? I ment besides what we know about. 257.)Again, gotta be more specific next time. 268.) Darn, I ment Makuta, not Matoran. x.x 279.) Wonderful.=D
22.) So, Takanuva can learn the Av-Matorans special abilitys, but not the Shadow Matoran's?
33.) So, the only affect of the shadow leech on Taka's personality are the dark impulses? What kinda of 'impulses', exactly?
44.) Does the swamp have any...Special properties?
55.) On that, would the Mistika Makuta's location (In the swamp) Have anything to do with their...Lesser abilitys?
66.) Did the Mistika Makuta choose their current forms? 76a.) If they did...Why? I know the Phantoka did it to strike fear into the Matoran, but there's no Matoran in the swamp.
87.) Are there any beings in the swamp currently besides the Makuta?
98.) Does the Mistika Matoran know what's in the swamp? 108b.) If not, why are they there?
119.) Now that Gali and Lewa have Adaptive Armour, wouldn't their masks be essensially useless?
12Thank you.=)
131) Lack of a tool through which to focus your powers does not make your powers weaker. Just a little harder to aim. 142) Yes, but won't do either because there is no one to train him. 153) Think of yourself in a really bad mood 164) Yes, the water is mutagenic 175-6) Too early to discuss this 187) Yes, Rahi 198) You mean Vultraz and Mazeka? They are not there because of the swamp, they are there because of the conflict 209) There is no proof adaptive armor would allow you to breathe underwater, my guess is it would not. And Lewa's mask makes him more manueuverable in air.
211.) Really? Huh. 222.)Hmmm, well, of course. 233.) Poor Taka. 244.)....Wow, really takes the questions literally, doesn't he? I ment besides what we know about. 257.)Again, gotta be more specific next time. 268.) Darn, I ment Makuta, not Matoran. x.x 279.) Wonderful.=D
1artahka didn't make the blasters, the armor did. the armor is like steel, it becomes basically anything useful, in this case, blasters that happen to also be used by the mistuka.
1artahka didn't make the blasters, the armor did. the armor is like steel, it becomes basically anything useful, in this case, blasters that happen to also be used by the mistuka.
2Actually Artakha made the Adaptive Armor. The armor just adapted to whatever the environment and enemy, in this case being the swamp and makuta.
1Off topic: I am telling you, Miserax cannot be the winning entry for the Brotherhood of Makuta contest. It is simply not logical . Captain raven575
2Explain why. We know he'll be appearing in plastic, we know he won't be for sale, we know the winner of the Makuta contest will become canon, and we know Greg can't discuss the details of Miserix until the Makuta contest is over. I don't see any reason at all to doubt that Miserix and the Makuta winner are one and the same. If you have some actual factual reason to disagree, by all means, tell us.
3Because Miserix is a summer canister set combiner, like Spiriah.
1Off topic: I am telling you, Miserax cannot be the winning entry for the Brotherhood of Makuta contest. It is simply not logical . Captain raven575
2Explain why. We know he'll be appearing in plastic, we know he won't be for sale, we know the winner of the Makuta contest will become canon, and we know Greg can't discuss the details of Miserix until the Makuta contest is over. I don't see any reason at all to doubt that Miserix and the Makuta winner are one and the same. If you have some actual factual reason to disagree, by all means, tell us.
3Because Miserix is a summer canister set combiner, like Spiriah.
4Anything to suggest that, specifically?
1Off topic: I am telling you, Miserax cannot be the winning entry for the Brotherhood of Makuta contest. It is simply not logical . Captain raven575
2Explain why. We know he'll be appearing in plastic, we know he won't be for sale, we know the winner of the Makuta contest will become canon, and we know Greg can't discuss the details of Miserix until the Makuta contest is over. I don't see any reason at all to doubt that Miserix and the Makuta winner are one and the same. If you have some actual factual reason to disagree, by all means, tell us.
3Because Miserix is a summer canister set combiner, like Spiriah.
4It has never been confirmed that Miserix is a combiner. The only thing know about him is that he will be a set that ain't for sale.
1artahka didn't make the blasters, the armor did. the armor is like steel, it becomes basically anything useful, in this case, blasters that happen to also be used by the mistuka.
2Actually Artakha made the Adaptive Armor. The armor just adapted to whatever the environment and enemy, in this case being the swamp and makuta.
3i know that. i'm making a comparison, artakha made the armor, like companies make steel. US steel doesn't make weapons or lego molds, but the material that becomes those things. and the adaptive armor becomes other things too, (adapts, blah blah) but can become other things too.
4the point is, just because artakha made the adaptive armor doesn't mean he made the nynrah ghost blasters.
1Off topic: I am telling you, Miserax cannot be the winning entry for the Brotherhood of Makuta contest. It is simply not logical . Captain raven575
2Explain why. We know he'll be appearing in plastic, we know he won't be for sale, we know the winner of the Makuta contest will become canon, and we know Greg can't discuss the details of Miserix until the Makuta contest is over. I don't see any reason at all to doubt that Miserix and the Makuta winner are one and the same. If you have some actual factual reason to disagree, by all means, tell us.
3Because Miserix is a summer canister set combiner, like Spiriah.
4It has never been confirmed that Miserix is a combiner. The only thing know about him is that he will be a set that ain't for sale.
5The problem I see with that is that Miserix has already appeared in the story and we know his personality. Why would we have to write an essay on our entry's personality if the character's already established?
1Just got these...
26Hope that answers some questions. The one bold is the only interesting one, IMO.
2Hi Greg, just have some questions here for you to answer.![]()
31) Can you tell me if beyond 2009 is inside or outside the Matoran Universe?
42) What are the Toa Nuva Phantoka doing on the T's when they're supposed to be protecting the Matoran?
53) I'm confused about this: During Dark Mirror, has Takanuva already gone to the core? I can't quite remember, but you said that DM started after a certain book.
64) When you write about something, do you somewhat have an idea of what you're doing, or does it just pop into your head while you're writing?
75) Is the, Kopaka's scope on the wrong side, storyline, or just a mistake on the designers?
86) Will where the MoMN is be revealed by the end of this year? Next year?
97) Do you Moc or do you keep your Bionicles intact?
108) Do you, (in your own opinion), think that the raise in prices will hurt Bionicle a bit in sales?
119) When a Bionicle dies, is it just that, or do they go to a "better place"?
12And number 10 . 1310) Do you plan on anyone dieing this year? Probably can't answer that.
14Well thanks for your time. Hope you're having fun whatever you're doing . (not including answering Pms)
15-/\/\ajor /\/\arvelous-
161) I can't discuss this 172) How do you know that's not what they are doing? 183) No. Takanuva is on his way to the core. He is traveling between dimensions and winds up in the pocket dimension by accident. He hasn't reached Karda Nui yet. If he was in Karda Nui, he wouldn't be having this problem, he'd be at his destination. 194) I don't believe in outlining. 205) Since he is not wearing his original mask, he is wearing the new one Artakha gave him, I don't consider it on the wrong side. 216) Can't discuss future storyline 227) I don't MOC, no 238) Impossible to say. If only BIONICLE were going up, then I would say yes, but toys as a whole are going to go up in price, along with food, gas, etc. People will be expecting increased prices. LEGO tends to still do well even when there are bad economic times, because it is seen as a toy that doesn't wear out and can be used again and again. If it does anything, it may make the sales a bit more seasonal -- kids who can't afford a set might ask for it for the holidays. But at the end of the day, it's $3 ... not that much extra to earn/save if you want a set. And if you don't want the set, you won't buy it at $9.99 either. 249) We don't get into the concept of an afterlife in BIONICLE, because that touches on religion and you start offending people. 2510) No, I can't answer that.
26Hope that answers some questions. The one bold is the only interesting one, IMO.
1Just a few answers from Greg.
3Q: How come Icarax is bigger than the other Makuta? 4A: Because he did not shapeshift into something smaller as they did.
5Does this mean that he is possibly kind of unprepared for aerial combat?
7Q: How would you describe Miserix's personality? (Please answer this if my guesses below aren't correct.) 8a. Is he a decisive and and respected leader? 9b. Or is he incompetent and afraid to do the dirty business himself? 10A: Closer to A than B.
11Has Miserix ever had an ugly moment where he just panicked and made an extremely bad desicion like using too much force on an island or being too soft?
123. How do you pronounce Miserix?
134. How do you pronounce Nynrah? <Spelling?
145. Can a Toa of Stone shoot pieces of rock out of his hands like a gun?
156. Are the Toa Nuva's Kanohi in their Phantoka and Mistika forms still Kanohi Nuva?
167. Can the Toa Nuva share the effects of their masks with Matoran and other beings? Before you answer, remember that in the first Bionicle movie, Tahu used his mask to protect himself and Takua from lava.
178. How come The Lego Company depends on focus groups to determine how the products look? I mean, the kids in the focus groups represent the small majority of the fan base and their opinions don't necessarily represent those of the entire fanbase. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I'm just curious about what you have to say. smile.gif
189. In your years of writing for Bionicle, who was your least favorite character to write about? Why? 199a. Your favorite? Why?
201) Would you call a B1 Bomber unprepared for aerial combat, just because it is bigger than fighter? 212) No 223) MIZ-er-ICKS 234) NIN-rah 245) Yes 256) Yes 267) Yes, anyone they choose to who is in proximity 278) I will be the first to say it's an imperfect system, but it is the same system used by pretty much every company that sells goods or does ads for anything. There is no way to survey every single person who buys your product, anymore than political pollsters can poll everyone in the country. So you turn to a representative sample. LEGO Club does the same thing when we send out magazine surveys for content ratings. I have to disagree, though, with your saying they represent a "small majority" of the audience -- the kids we bring in are 9-11 years old, heavy to moderate buyers of BIONICLE sets, so they actually represent the vast majority of the fan base. It's BZP that represents a very small subset of the audience, namely guys and girls over 14 who are still into the line. Out of six million are so BIONICLE fans, the biggest segment by far is 9-11 year old boys -- so who better for us to ask opinions of? 289) Air characters, because I hate writing treespeak. 299a) I like writing the villains best.
311. Oh, I see. The Phantoka do the raids and aerial dog-fighting. Icarax handles the heavy hitting. Mutran creates the bombs (Shadow Leeches). 322. Hmm, his personality is much different than I thought it would be. I thought he would be an incompetent 'coward'. 333/4. Good to know the pronunciation. 345. Imagines Pohatu using his propellers as a machine gun.356. Good . 367. Also good. 378. I see but what if their opinions happen to be totally weird. :Imagines a Hot Pink and Lime Green Kopaka: 389/9a.
40Alright explain this to me as if I'm a five year old, who's nynrah? I'm a bit behind... 41EDIT: Nynrah ghost blasters, should've checked further than this page, sorry for spam.
1hi greg . I have a few questions.
21. how did vezon get off of kardas and into the jail thingy? 32. will we have any more combiners?(you probbally cannot answer that) 43. can the ignika turn a silver-black and the universe won't die? 54. are the toa nuva swamp team going into their areas in the universe core at the same time?
6hope you have a good day . -toz9999
71) Once Vezon no longer had the Ignika, its curse -- which included being bound to Kardas -- was lifted. And he was brought to Daxia by Brutaka 82) Yes 93) Has to be black for anything to happen 104) Roughly, yes
111. Kind of obvious, just wanted to find out if some theories were fake. 122.wow, I guess greg can answer that . 133.still, kind of obvious alot of theories destroyed. 144.I asked him the wrong question. I meant did they goin the same time as the phantoka. 15its my first set of questions to greg .
21. how did vezon get off of kardas and into the jail thingy? 32. will we have any more combiners?(you probbally cannot answer that) 43. can the ignika turn a silver-black and the universe won't die? 54. are the toa nuva swamp team going into their areas in the universe core at the same time?
6hope you have a good day . -toz9999
71) Once Vezon no longer had the Ignika, its curse -- which included being bound to Kardas -- was lifted. And he was brought to Daxia by Brutaka 82) Yes 93) Has to be black for anything to happen 104) Roughly, yes
111. Kind of obvious, just wanted to find out if some theories were fake. 122.wow, I guess greg can answer that . 133.still, kind of obvious alot of theories destroyed. 144.I asked him the wrong question. I meant did they goin the same time as the phantoka. 15its my first set of questions to greg .