1Well, Greg didn't explicitly state her to be dark blue-green, only that that's how he sees her. I imagine her to be purple, as that's a nice shadowy color; but I guess we'll never know unless she's made as a set (or made official through a MOCing* contest) or pictured in one of the Matoran Universe guidebooks.
2*LOL, "mocking".
2*LOL, "mocking".

1Is Mata-Nui aware of the destinies he hands out, was he ever aware?
2Good question. I would say he has some knowledge of them, yes
3How much knowledge, for example, did he know...say Jaller and co would become toa?
4How much of extent did he know of Teridax's destiny, along with the other Makuta?
51) Yes. He may not have known the specifics of the when and the how, but he does know which Matoran have the potential to become Toa inside them and which do not. 62) More than you would probably expect.
71.So Mata-Nui preparation to trick Teridax into thinking the matoran of 2004 would become Toa instead of Vakama and co wasn't a just in case, it was more or less, delaying Teridax as long as possible in the Plan?
82.Is Mata-Nui allowed to stop destiny?
93. Does he know his own?
101) It was an effort to prevent Makuta from trying to kill Vakama and his team. 112) Mata Nui could do that for beings in his universe, yes 123) No.
131. Why didn't Mata-Nui kill Teridax when he knew what was coming?
142.So it looks likes in the Hagah Serial, Kanohi Dragon vs Tatorahk fight has come to a draw due to interference of the Hagah?
153. Where did EP come from?
164. So Vamprah, for a brief time after he was created spoke til he figured it was better to be silent?
175. Does Mata-Nui have any friend or or know other entities that he would actually talk to that are outside the Matoran Universe that aren't small like the beings inside the matoran universe?
181) Maybe because he knew it was not Teridax's destiny to die that way 192) Yes 203) I can't discuss this 214) Sure 225) No. Mata Nui is unique
2Good question. I would say he has some knowledge of them, yes
3How much knowledge, for example, did he know...say Jaller and co would become toa?
4How much of extent did he know of Teridax's destiny, along with the other Makuta?
51) Yes. He may not have known the specifics of the when and the how, but he does know which Matoran have the potential to become Toa inside them and which do not. 62) More than you would probably expect.
71.So Mata-Nui preparation to trick Teridax into thinking the matoran of 2004 would become Toa instead of Vakama and co wasn't a just in case, it was more or less, delaying Teridax as long as possible in the Plan?
82.Is Mata-Nui allowed to stop destiny?
93. Does he know his own?
101) It was an effort to prevent Makuta from trying to kill Vakama and his team. 112) Mata Nui could do that for beings in his universe, yes 123) No.
131. Why didn't Mata-Nui kill Teridax when he knew what was coming?
142.So it looks likes in the Hagah Serial, Kanohi Dragon vs Tatorahk fight has come to a draw due to interference of the Hagah?
153. Where did EP come from?
164. So Vamprah, for a brief time after he was created spoke til he figured it was better to be silent?
175. Does Mata-Nui have any friend or or know other entities that he would actually talk to that are outside the Matoran Universe that aren't small like the beings inside the matoran universe?
181) Maybe because he knew it was not Teridax's destiny to die that way 192) Yes 203) I can't discuss this 214) Sure 225) No. Mata Nui is unique
11. Does every character has a flaw (character flaw)? 21b. Why some see the Makuta character flaw as a curse?
32. Can a being's decision be part of his/her destiny?
43. In DM did Tuyet had anyway to keep Roodaka in check?
54. What did Icarax wanted with Ahkmou?
61) I think every sapient being does, no one is perfect 71b) Cause that's what I called it 82) Yes 93) Sure - if Roodaka acted up, the Toa would kill her 104) Ahkmou? When did Icarax interact with Ahkmou?
1I think the Makuta's Curse was something like thier Lust for Power, Pride, and thier higher opinion of themselves than of over, according to BS01.
1Their pride and arrogance; wanting the Matoran to have as much respect for them as the Great Spirit, because they thought their work was equally -- if not more -- important.
1got some good questions here... hope you can answer them and some suggestions for you.
21) Will the next movie be released in theaters? 3a. Will it be in 3-D? 4b. Do you know who is supporting voice for the movie? 52.) How many hours long is a day on the BIONICLE Planet? 63.) How many days a year? 74.) Does/Did Miserix have an assigned region? 85.) Is Miserix still a member of the BoM? 96.) Will you be naming the Toa Hagah's Kanohi? 107.) Will the rest of the Toa Mangai be revealed? 118.) When a Makuta performs a Nova-Blast equal attack, does that have a name? 129.) Will you be revealing the other elements' prefix's? 1310) What do you think of these? 14a.) A suggestion for Shadow= Kra- (You've probably heard that one before.) 15b.) A suggestion for Plant Life= Pho- as in, photosynthesis 16c.) A suggestion for Magnetism=Su- as in, Sushruta, the first person to use a magnet for surgical purposes. (Learned that in history class.) 1711.) I honestly don't know, who created the Exo-Toa? 1812.) Does Teridax know that the Toa Nuva are in Karda Nui? 19a. Does Miserix? 2013.) Will we ever hear from or see the other dimension again? 2114.) How did you feel when you decided that Matoro killed Teridax in the Kingdom? 22a.) Would you feel the same if Teridax was killed in the real dimension? 2315.) Any plans for a Bionicle cereal?
24Hope you can answer these questions.
251-1b) No 262-3) Hasn't been revealed 274) Yes, Destral 285) Not technically, no, because everyone thinks he's dead 296) Depends on if there's a story reason to do so and if I have enough available names 307) Doubt it 318) No 329) No, no reason for me to do so in story 3310) I'm not taking suggestions, thanks 3411) Matoran under the direction of the BOM 3512) Yes 3612a) No 3713) No idea. 3814) Not sure what you mean by how I felt -- my feelings don't enter into it 3915) No
4014.)[Correction] What did you think of Teridax being killed by Matoro in the Kingdom 41a.) What would you think if Teridax was killed in the real dimension?
42Question still makes no sense. I wrote it -- it's not like the events came as a surprise to me.
43Thought there would be some time in Bionicle...
1got some good questions here... hope you can answer them and some suggestions for you.
21) Will the next movie be released in theaters? 3a. Will it be in 3-D? 4b. Do you know who is supporting voice for the movie? 52.) How many hours long is a day on the BIONICLE Planet? 63.) How many days a year? 74.) Does/Did Miserix have an assigned region? 85.) Is Miserix still a member of the BoM? 96.) Will you be naming the Toa Hagah's Kanohi? 107.) Will the rest of the Toa Mangai be revealed? 118.) When a Makuta performs a Nova-Blast equal attack, does that have a name? 129.) Will you be revealing the other elements' prefix's? 1310) What do you think of these? 14a.) A suggestion for Shadow= Kra- (You've probably heard that one before.) 15b.) A suggestion for Plant Life= Pho- as in, photosynthesis 16c.) A suggestion for Magnetism=Su- as in, Sushruta, the first person to use a magnet for surgical purposes. (Learned that in history class.) 1711.) I honestly don't know, who created the Exo-Toa? 1812.) Does Teridax know that the Toa Nuva are in Karda Nui? 19a. Does Miserix? 2013.) Will we ever hear from or see the other dimension again? 2114.) How did you feel when you decided that Matoro killed Teridax in the Kingdom? 22a.) Would you feel the same if Teridax was killed in the real dimension? 2315.) Any plans for a Bionicle cereal?
24Hope you can answer these questions.
251-1b) No 262-3) Hasn't been revealed 274) Yes, Destral 285) Not technically, no, because everyone thinks he's dead 296) Depends on if there's a story reason to do so and if I have enough available names 307) Doubt it 318) No 329) No, no reason for me to do so in story 3310) I'm not taking suggestions, thanks 3411) Matoran under the direction of the BOM 3512) Yes 3612a) No 3713) No idea. 3814) Not sure what you mean by how I felt -- my feelings don't enter into it 3915) No
4014.)[Correction] What did you think of Teridax being killed by Matoro in the Kingdom 41a.) What would you think if Teridax was killed in the real dimension?
42Question still makes no sense. I wrote it -- it's not like the events came as a surprise to me.
43Thought there would be some time in Bionicle...
44Maybe you could try asking Greg how he felt to finally have brought about Teridax's death in a story?
1But who is that the four-armed warrior?
1I thought it was Trinuma. But he doesn't have four arms.
1Like many others, my insatiable curiosity has been piqued once more; this time by rereading your wonderfully written Legends #10. Hope your summer's going well.
21. Do all the Makuta's Nynrah blasters do the same thing? I only saw the effects of Bitil's on Onua, and that was the paralysis/control effect; do Gorast's &Krika's achieve the same? 31b. What about the Toa's blasters? They seem to create objects made of energy; are the shape/size of said objects controlled by the wielder's mind? 41) Yes 51b) Yes
62. What is the description of Gorast's Kanohi? I know it's the Feinas, Mask of Disruption, but disruption of what exactly? 72) Powers
83. The Mistika Makuta's powers appear to be as follows:
9All: Flight, shadow energy, Nynrah blasters 10Gorast: Mask of disruption, light draining 11Bitil: Mask of time duplication, telepathy (with other Makuta[?]) 12Krika: Mask of repulsion, energy drain from others/environment 133) You are leaving out other Makuta powers they still have. What has been shown in story is not all they have, just all they have used in story
144. Do we get to know what caused Takanuva's growth yet? If not, when (if ever)? 154) Takanuva's growth is caused by the same thing that makes the Av-Matoran larger than normal Matoran -- the intense and unique light energy of Karda Nui
165. How much time has elapsed since the Toa Mata's arrival on Mata Nui (basically, the current storyline, omitting Vakama's tales)? 175) A little over a year
186. Do the Mahri have much to do currently? Does Metru Nui really need protecting from anything other than Rahi? 196) Aren't Rahi enough? Think about what the Mata went through on Mata Nui, dealing with Muaka and Kane-Ra and Nui-Rama. Now unleash those on a major city ...
207. Do you plan on ever visiting anywhere outside of Connecticut? Like Michigan? 217) Basically, I go where I am invited. For me to travel somewhere that isn't driving distance, the library or school or store that wants me to show up has to be willing to pay for my travel and hotel, as I don't have the money to fund these things myself.
22Alright, these sound good.
21. Do all the Makuta's Nynrah blasters do the same thing? I only saw the effects of Bitil's on Onua, and that was the paralysis/control effect; do Gorast's &Krika's achieve the same? 31b. What about the Toa's blasters? They seem to create objects made of energy; are the shape/size of said objects controlled by the wielder's mind? 41) Yes 51b) Yes
62. What is the description of Gorast's Kanohi? I know it's the Feinas, Mask of Disruption, but disruption of what exactly? 72) Powers
83. The Mistika Makuta's powers appear to be as follows:
9All: Flight, shadow energy, Nynrah blasters 10Gorast: Mask of disruption, light draining 11Bitil: Mask of time duplication, telepathy (with other Makuta[?]) 12Krika: Mask of repulsion, energy drain from others/environment 133) You are leaving out other Makuta powers they still have. What has been shown in story is not all they have, just all they have used in story
144. Do we get to know what caused Takanuva's growth yet? If not, when (if ever)? 154) Takanuva's growth is caused by the same thing that makes the Av-Matoran larger than normal Matoran -- the intense and unique light energy of Karda Nui
165. How much time has elapsed since the Toa Mata's arrival on Mata Nui (basically, the current storyline, omitting Vakama's tales)? 175) A little over a year
186. Do the Mahri have much to do currently? Does Metru Nui really need protecting from anything other than Rahi? 196) Aren't Rahi enough? Think about what the Mata went through on Mata Nui, dealing with Muaka and Kane-Ra and Nui-Rama. Now unleash those on a major city ...
207. Do you plan on ever visiting anywhere outside of Connecticut? Like Michigan? 217) Basically, I go where I am invited. For me to travel somewhere that isn't driving distance, the library or school or store that wants me to show up has to be willing to pay for my travel and hotel, as I don't have the money to fund these things myself.
22Alright, these sound good.

1Number 7 is interesting.
1Maybe Zaktan just doesn't want to tell the OoMN. Maybe he doesn't care if he dies anyway.
1Why couldn't the order just beat the info' out of Zaktan? I know it's violent, but...
3Maybe it wouldn't have worked? Zaktan has been mutated into a sea-snake, is made up of thousands of protodites after being blasted by TSO's eyebeams, and has received DH training which presumably includes some tips on how to resist torture. I'd say his pain threshold was pretty high.
1Newest serial chapter spoilers.
2In the new serial chapter, Helryx mentioned pulling him out of the water and let him gasp for air if he ever got annoying. 3Still, they have no idea how much Zaktan knows, only that he knows something about The Plan that he's willing to tell if they release him. Before he said so much, not even the other Piraka knew about it, I would guess.
1Hold on guys, First put DiD spoilers in their tags, until tomorrow.
2Who says the Order doesn't know now that Zaktan knows the plan. Wouldn't it make sense that if they are going to find Terry, and they are taking Zaktan, Zaktan has already told them that he at least knows where Terry is? It's not torture, Zak just knows that freedom comes through either information or service. It also seems smart to send six toa to find terry, especially ones who have defeated him before, and know him better than others, than some Order members who could be fighting in the war instead.
1But who is that the four-armed warrior?
2New character, I think.
3It might be one of Nocturn's race.
4They're all dead.
5Since when?
6Since Nocturn struck a critical point in his home island and destroyed them all in a fit of rage. That's why he is in the Pit to begin with.
7He broke his island in half. It never said he killed anyone.

8Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 9

1But who is that the four-armed warrior?
2New character, I think.
3It might be one of Nocturn's race.
4They're all dead.
5Since when?
6Since Nocturn struck a critical point in his home island and destroyed them all in a fit of rage. That's why he is in the Pit to begin with.
7He broke his island in half. It never said he killed anyone.![]()
8Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 9![]()
10And since they're amphibious, they can live in the water which was once their home.

1But who is that the four-armed warrior?
2New character, I think.
3It might be one of Nocturn's race.
4They're all dead.
5Since when?
6Since Nocturn struck a critical point in his home island and destroyed them all in a fit of rage. That's why he is in the Pit to begin with.
7He broke his island in half. It never said he killed anyone.![]()
8Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 9![]()
10And since they're amphibious, they can live in the water which was once their home.![]()
11That would be true. Nocturn was famous in the Pit for being one of the few people to be immune to the Mutagen, so they could very well be amphibious. Of course, I feel sorry for the species. They are naturally that ugly.

1Well, Greg didn't explicitly state her to be dark blue-green, only that that's how he sees her. I imagine her to be purple, as that's a nice shadowy color; but I guess we'll never know unless she's made as a set (or made official through a MOCing* contest) or pictured in one of the Matoran Universe guidebooks.
2*LOL, "mocking".
3i always pictured her similar to rodaka. but on fed of fear it never said why they chose vezon. will that be awnsered in destiny war or was it true he was mistaken for vezok or because he was created in the makuta lair or what or can i finall stop saying or.

1Well, Greg didn't explicitly state her to be dark blue-green, only that that's how he sees her. I imagine her to be purple, as that's a nice shadowy color; but I guess we'll never know unless she's made as a set (or made official through a MOCing* contest) or pictured in one of the Matoran Universe guidebooks.
2*LOL, "mocking".
3i always pictured her similar to rodaka. but on fed of fear it never said why they chose vezon. will that be awnsered in destiny war or was it true he was mistaken for vezok or because he was created in the makuta lair or what or can i finall stop saying or.
4They picked him because he had no prior experience with the Makuta. Therefore, they didn't know what he was capable of (which was nothing, but they didn't know that

5Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 6

1Well, Greg didn't explicitly state her to be dark blue-green, only that that's how he sees her. I imagine her to be purple, as that's a nice shadowy color; but I guess we'll never know unless she's made as a set (or made official through a MOCing* contest) or pictured in one of the Matoran Universe guidebooks.
2*LOL, "mocking".
3i always pictured her similar to rodaka. but on fed of fear it never said why they chose vezon. will that be awnsered in destiny war or was it true he was mistaken for vezok or because he was created in the makuta lair or what or can i finall stop saying or.
4They picked him because he had no prior experience with the Makuta. Therefore, they didn't know what he was capable of (which was nothing, but they didn't know that).
5Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 6![]()
7I thought the only reason Vezon keeps getting suicide missions is because nobody cares about his safety, and he's insane enough to do anything he's told to do. Plus, he's slightly more useful than the other piraka currently.