1Well, Greg didn't explicitly state her to be dark blue-green, only that that's how he sees her. I imagine her to be purple, as that's a nice shadowy color; but I guess we'll never know unless she's made as a set (or made official through a MOCing* contest) or pictured in one of the Matoran Universe guidebooks.
2*LOL, "mocking".
3i always pictured her similar to rodaka. but on fed of fear it never said why they chose vezon. will that be awnsered in destiny war or was it true he was mistaken for vezok or because he was created in the makuta lair or what or can i finall stop saying or.
4They picked him because he had no prior experience with the Makuta. Therefore, they didn't know what he was capable of (which was nothing, but they didn't know that).
5Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 6![]()
7I thought the only reason Vezon keeps getting suicide missions is because nobody cares about his safety, and he's insane enough to do anything he's told to do. Plus, he's slightly more useful than the other piraka currently.
8Well, that's why he was part of FoF. What you said is right about Destiny War, though.

9Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 10

1I don't think we are aloud to discuss for a 'lil more, so please stop.
1We're kinda getting off-topic...
1Okay people let's move to the Official Web Serial topic. Kind of getting off topic.
1Here's some stuff about the Codrex.
2Hi Greg, I have a few questions about the Codrex.
31. It was made by the Great beings correct?
42. Is it made of stone or metal?
53. Why exactly does the Codrex not protect living beings inside it, and just equipment inside from the storm? 63a. Axalara and Adaptive armor are both protosteel, so shouldn't the adaptive armor help the toa survive while in the Codrex because it's protosteel and it can Adapt?
74. If the Toa Nuva took refuge in the Codrex with Adaptive armor, would they survive the storm?
8Thank you for your time, I hope you can answer these.
91) Correct 102) Metal 113) Because the shielding of it is insufficient to protect living things. The only living things ever intended to be inside of it were the Mata in their canisters 123a) No, because the armor is not strong enough to protect against the storm. 134) No
14Hi Greg, thanks for the answer about the Codrex, I have 1 quick question.
151. Is the 4 armed OoMN member possibly one of Nocturn's species, since Nocturn has 4 arms?
162. Will the OoMN try recruit more of Botar's species?
173. When Nocturn Broke his Island in half, are there still parts of it left or did it completely sink/get destroyed. 183a. Is any of Nocturn's species still alive?(besides him)
19Thank you for your time.
20Also I just got this.....
211) No 222) Possible, but who knows if his species is interested in getting involved in a full-scale war? It may be that there are individual members, like Botar, who care about the rest of the universe, but that the rest of the species as a whole only cares about their own island. 233) Destroyed 243a) Possibly, yes
2Hi Greg, I have a few questions about the Codrex.
31. It was made by the Great beings correct?
42. Is it made of stone or metal?
53. Why exactly does the Codrex not protect living beings inside it, and just equipment inside from the storm? 63a. Axalara and Adaptive armor are both protosteel, so shouldn't the adaptive armor help the toa survive while in the Codrex because it's protosteel and it can Adapt?
74. If the Toa Nuva took refuge in the Codrex with Adaptive armor, would they survive the storm?
8Thank you for your time, I hope you can answer these.
91) Correct 102) Metal 113) Because the shielding of it is insufficient to protect living things. The only living things ever intended to be inside of it were the Mata in their canisters 123a) No, because the armor is not strong enough to protect against the storm. 134) No
14Hi Greg, thanks for the answer about the Codrex, I have 1 quick question.
151. Is the 4 armed OoMN member possibly one of Nocturn's species, since Nocturn has 4 arms?
162. Will the OoMN try recruit more of Botar's species?
173. When Nocturn Broke his Island in half, are there still parts of it left or did it completely sink/get destroyed. 183a. Is any of Nocturn's species still alive?(besides him)
19Thank you for your time.
20Also I just got this.....
211) No 222) Possible, but who knows if his species is interested in getting involved in a full-scale war? It may be that there are individual members, like Botar, who care about the rest of the universe, but that the rest of the species as a whole only cares about their own island. 233) Destroyed 243a) Possibly, yes
1Hi Greg22)when the nynrah preformed "rebuilding project" on phantom why were the nynrah frightened and ashamed of what they had done did he look like a monster? 32A)did he look like somthing someone would call a "hero"? 4. 52) Because tampering with someone like that is just wrong 62a) He wasn't a Toa, if that's what you're asking
71)i meant did he look more like a monster or more heroish?
82)how skilled was phantom at making stuff? 92a)is he still as skilled at crafting stuff as he was as a matoran?
103)is it possible that phantom crafted his own tools he that use's now?
114)are the Nynrah still guilty about what they did to phantom? 124a)would they acept him if he ever whent back to Nynrah?
13sorry for all the phantom questions he is my faviourite DH.
14Non Phantom
151)do you know if the 2009 sets will be realesed around the same time as the 2008 ones were?
16thank you for your time
171) I believe he exists as a model, Darkblade 182) Yes 193) I doubt it 204) Yes 214a) No 221) Our sets are released the same times every year -- January and August
23comments 241) hmm is there ? i didnt see one on the wiki 252)should that be added to the wiki?
1got some good questions here... hope you can answer them and some suggestions for you.
21) Will the next movie be released in theaters? 3a. Will it be in 3-D? 4b. Do you know who is supporting voice for the movie? 52.) How many hours long is a day on the BIONICLE Planet? 63.) How many days a year? 74.) Does/Did Miserix have an assigned region? 85.) Is Miserix still a member of the BoM? 96.) Will you be naming the Toa Hagah's Kanohi? 107.) Will the rest of the Toa Mangai be revealed? 118.) When a Makuta performs a Nova-Blast equal attack, does that have a name? 129.) Will you be revealing the other elements' prefix's? 1310) What do you think of these? 14a.) A suggestion for Shadow= Kra- (You've probably heard that one before.) 15b.) A suggestion for Plant Life= Pho- as in, photosynthesis 16c.) A suggestion for Magnetism=Su- as in, Sushruta, the first person to use a magnet for surgical purposes. (Learned that in history class.) 1711.) I honestly don't know, who created the Exo-Toa? 1812.) Does Teridax know that the Toa Nuva are in Karda Nui? 19a. Does Miserix? 2013.) Will we ever hear from or see the other dimension again? 2114.) How did you feel when you decided that Matoro killed Teridax in the Kingdom? 22a.) Would you feel the same if Teridax was killed in the real dimension? 2315.) Any plans for a Bionicle cereal?
24Hope you can answer these questions.
251-1b) No 262-3) Hasn't been revealed 274) Yes, Destral 285) Not technically, no, because everyone thinks he's dead 296) Depends on if there's a story reason to do so and if I have enough available names 307) Doubt it 318) No 329) No, no reason for me to do so in story 3310) I'm not taking suggestions, thanks 3411) Matoran under the direction of the BOM 3512) Yes 3612a) No 3713) No idea. 3814) Not sure what you mean by how I felt -- my feelings don't enter into it 3915) No
4014.)[Correction] What did you think of Teridax being killed by Matoro in the Kingdom 41a.) What would you think if Teridax was killed in the real dimension?
42Question still makes no sense. I wrote it -- it's not like the events came as a surprise to me.
43Okay I think i have the questions down: 44How did you feel to have finally killed Teridax in the story?
45I didn't particularly feel anything. It wasn't the Teridax from the main universe, so it's not like his death was going to have any impact beyond that one short story
1Here's some stuff about the Codrex.
2Hi Greg, I have a few questions about the Codrex.
31. It was made by the Great beings correct?
42. Is it made of stone or metal?
53. Why exactly does the Codrex not protect living beings inside it, and just equipment inside from the storm? 63a. Axalara and Adaptive armor are both protosteel, so shouldn't the adaptive armor help the toa survive while in the Codrex because it's protosteel and it can Adapt?
74. If the Toa Nuva took refuge in the Codrex with Adaptive armor, would they survive the storm?
8Thank you for your time, I hope you can answer these.
91) Correct 102) Metal 113) Because the shielding of it is insufficient to protect living things. The only living things ever intended to be inside of it were the Mata in their canisters 123a) No, because the armor is not strong enough to protect against the storm. 134) No
14Hi Greg, thanks for the answer about the Codrex, I have 1 quick question.
151. Is the 4 armed OoMN member possibly one of Nocturn's species, since Nocturn has 4 arms?
162. Will the OoMN try recruit more of Botar's species?
173. When Nocturn Broke his Island in half, are there still parts of it left or did it completely sink/get destroyed. 183a. Is any of Nocturn's species still alive?(besides him)
19Thank you for your time.
20Also I just got this.....
211) No 222) Possible, but who knows if his species is interested in getting involved in a full-scale war? It may be that there are individual members, like Botar, who care about the rest of the universe, but that the rest of the species as a whole only cares about their own island. 233) Destroyed 243a) Possibly, yes
25#1: I was hoping to see a gold Nocturn...

1Just two questions and a Theory
2Hey Greg, I Enjoyed the new dwellers in the dark- I have a question regarding the Hagah.
31) I once read that the Order doesn't hire ex-servants/members of the BoM, If the OoMN was not going to draft Dark Hunters or BoM servants/members, would they still Hire the Hagah?
4and non-dwellers in the dark question
52) Ok- I was listening to Dark Mirror and I heard Pohatu say that Tuyet sent an army of Toa to recruit the Toa Mata and not one toa survived the trip. Did the Karda-Nui energy storms kill those Toa?
63) You once told me that you have received questions that relate to 09 that can't be reviled, and I looked back to all the questions I asked you which you said wasn't revealed (which 99% were revealed-sorry for those questions) and I came across one question- "How did the EP get leaked on Mata-Nui?". Does this have to do with 09? and if so, Does that mean there is another set of domes that are not the Matoran Universe?
71) The Hagah worked for the BOM back before the BOM was known to be evil, so the rule would not apply to them. They had no idea they were working for a villainous group. 82) Yes 93) No, it has nothing to do with 2009. But it's also not relevant to the story we're telling. It did -- that's all anyone needs to know -- the how is not important
2Hey Greg, I Enjoyed the new dwellers in the dark- I have a question regarding the Hagah.
31) I once read that the Order doesn't hire ex-servants/members of the BoM, If the OoMN was not going to draft Dark Hunters or BoM servants/members, would they still Hire the Hagah?
4and non-dwellers in the dark question
52) Ok- I was listening to Dark Mirror and I heard Pohatu say that Tuyet sent an army of Toa to recruit the Toa Mata and not one toa survived the trip. Did the Karda-Nui energy storms kill those Toa?
63) You once told me that you have received questions that relate to 09 that can't be reviled, and I looked back to all the questions I asked you which you said wasn't revealed (which 99% were revealed-sorry for those questions) and I came across one question- "How did the EP get leaked on Mata-Nui?". Does this have to do with 09? and if so, Does that mean there is another set of domes that are not the Matoran Universe?
71) The Hagah worked for the BOM back before the BOM was known to be evil, so the rule would not apply to them. They had no idea they were working for a villainous group. 82) Yes 93) No, it has nothing to do with 2009. But it's also not relevant to the story we're telling. It did -- that's all anyone needs to know -- the how is not important
1Hello again Greg. Hope you're doing well.
2Just some question.
31)Are you planning to name Botar's replacement and the four-armed giant?
42)Will Trinuma's mask power be revealed? 52a)Helryx?
63)Is Teridax 'place of death' is a place we know of or a place we haven't seen yet?
7Those are my questions for now.
81, 2, 2a) If it becomes relevant to story, yes 93) No, you have not seen it in past story
10Some things I was wondering.
1Hey Greg, just a couple of questions;
21) Are there any female Skakdi? 32) Did Spiriah know Krika was gonna imprison Miserix instead of execute him? 43) Has Zaktan shrunk since his mutation? 53a) Can one Toa Hagah carry his tank, or does it require more than one?
6Thanks for reading.
71) Yes 82) No 93) He's a sea snake now, so yes -- no arms, no legs 103a) No, one can carry it
11The first 2 are interesting, but I think we already knew number 2.
1So there are female skakdis. Maybe their element is water.
1Hello, got a couple of questions.
21. BS01 stated that Turaga Onewa was involved in the Toa Nuva being able to shield their minds, is this true? 32. Who defeated the Kanohi Dragon the first time? A Toa team? 43. Since BL11's end will lead directly to 2009, will we see a glimpse of 2009 or maybe 2009 characters in it (like Vamprah in the end of Downfall)?
51) When? 62) Yes 73) No. 2009 does not take place in the Matoran universe, 2008 does, so the 2009 location will not appear in 2008 comics or books.
81. I'm sure it stated that in BS01. 92. Didn't know that. 103. Not much to say...
14 and 6 are interesting.
2Hello Greg.
3This is my first PM to you, so if I do anything wrong, please let me know.
41) Is Zaktan still made out of Protodites, or has he been reformed into a single being?
52) Recently, you told a member that the Karda Nui storm was electrical in nature. Could a Toa of Lightning with enough will power control it?
63) Several years ago, you told BZP that we would be traveling to the Av-Matoran homeland (Karda Nui). You stated that it had had a form of protection, but the protection is gone now. Was the protection the Toa Mata?
74) Does Gaaki have control over when her mask activates, or does it just happan?
85) Because Helryx has lived for so long, does she have more expierience with controlling water than other Toa of Water?
96) Nova Blasts have been used before Galis's, correct? Pridak knew what Jaller was planning as soon as he saw him.
107) This next question is about Toa Nui. If yuo do now want to answer it, just put DHT (Don't have time) 11If a Toa Nui is as strong as Mata Nui, would a Toa Nui Nuva be stronger than Mata Nui? Also, can Toa form "Combos" of more than 6 Toa?
12I just read DiD 2 and wanted to say that it was very good. I liked how Helryx said to deal with their guide.
13Thank you for taking the time to answer these and have a good day/evening 14ight.
15Bill Toa of Pie.
161) Protodites 172) No 183) Karda Nui is not the Av-Matoran homeland. They colonized there briefly, but it's not where they are from 194) It's always on, like the Suletu 205) Not necessarily. How much experience you have with a power is not based on your age, it's how often you have used it and for what purpose. 216) Yes 227) Since there is no such thing as a Toa Nui, the point is moot.
2Hello Greg.
3This is my first PM to you, so if I do anything wrong, please let me know.
41) Is Zaktan still made out of Protodites, or has he been reformed into a single being?
52) Recently, you told a member that the Karda Nui storm was electrical in nature. Could a Toa of Lightning with enough will power control it?
63) Several years ago, you told BZP that we would be traveling to the Av-Matoran homeland (Karda Nui). You stated that it had had a form of protection, but the protection is gone now. Was the protection the Toa Mata?
74) Does Gaaki have control over when her mask activates, or does it just happan?
85) Because Helryx has lived for so long, does she have more expierience with controlling water than other Toa of Water?
96) Nova Blasts have been used before Galis's, correct? Pridak knew what Jaller was planning as soon as he saw him.
107) This next question is about Toa Nui. If yuo do now want to answer it, just put DHT (Don't have time) 11If a Toa Nui is as strong as Mata Nui, would a Toa Nui Nuva be stronger than Mata Nui? Also, can Toa form "Combos" of more than 6 Toa?
12I just read DiD 2 and wanted to say that it was very good. I liked how Helryx said to deal with their guide.
13Thank you for taking the time to answer these and have a good day/evening 14ight.
15Bill Toa of Pie.
161) Protodites 172) No 183) Karda Nui is not the Av-Matoran homeland. They colonized there briefly, but it's not where they are from 194) It's always on, like the Suletu 205) Not necessarily. How much experience you have with a power is not based on your age, it's how often you have used it and for what purpose. 216) Yes 227) Since there is no such thing as a Toa Nui, the point is moot.
1My questions:
7Greg's answers:
10So that disproves the rumor that the set prices are going down next year .
2Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I have two questions for you today:
31) Several people say that the price increase for the canister sets is only for this year. One person even claimed that you said it was only for this year. So my question is, are the canister sets prices going to go back down to $10 next year, or will they stay $13?
42) Do you have any Mistika yet?
5Thanks for taking time off your busy job to answer the questions of BIONICLE fans like myself.
7Greg's answers:
81) No, there are no plans to reduce the prices that I know of. Toa sets were $9.99 back when oil was $65-$75 a barrel. Oil is now well over $100 a barrel, and I doubt very much it's going back down to $75 anytime soon. 92) No, I am in the process of moving, so trying not to add more stuff that I have to move.
10So that disproves the rumor that the set prices are going down next year .
1what does bionicle mean?
2why in every set of toa is there one girl?
3when will bionicle end?
4will takanuva ever return to his original form?
5will there be another set of toa before bionicle moves on to another universe?
6when is the next comic?
7when is the new game going to come out?
8what is the game going to be about?
9when will the final battle come out?exact date?
2why in every set of toa is there one girl?
3when will bionicle end?
4will takanuva ever return to his original form?
5will there be another set of toa before bionicle moves on to another universe?
6when is the next comic?
7when is the new game going to come out?
8what is the game going to be about?
9when will the final battle come out?exact date?
1what does bionicle mean?
2why in every set of toa is there one girl?
3when will bionicle end?
4will takanuva ever return to his original form?
5will there be another set of toa before bionicle moves on to another universe?
6when is the next comic?
7when is the new game going to come out?
8what is the game going to be about?
9when will the final battle come out?exact date?
10Once you have 10 posts you can PM Greg these questions, he doesn't answer them in topic, he rarely visits this topic. A link to PM him is on page 1.
1I'm sorry I forgot to put this with my other PM. This is my other question:
2When the Piraka were mutated, did their bodies become a part of their spine, dissolve, or did they lose control of their bodies and had to separate themselves from it? Awkward question I know, but it was something I was wondering ever since I read Downfall.
1Umm... guys, how do you send questions to GregF?
1hey everyone . i sent greg some questions by clicks" send messge" on his profile. Will they still get through?
1These are some questions that I sent to Greg last night and recieved just now. Someone definitly needs to update the BSo1 Wiki and the Bioniclepedia.
271) Makuta are telepaths, remember? He telepaths a message to a contact of his on Stelt, who then passes the message through channels to the Zyglak 281a) No 292-2c) No. Takanuva learned what happened from Helryx in BIONICLE Legends #10 303) New 314) If the Order mounts an attack on the BOM, everyone is going to know they exist. You can't field an army and stay secret. 324b) They know as much as they need to know 334c) Such as? 345) Quite a few 355b) No 365c) Probably not. Many of those islands are uninhabited or have civilizations with very low tech and resources, so there really wouldn't have been much to gain by controlling them. 376) The same reason the BOM hasn't wiped out the DH long ago. Because the BOM is focused on the Plan, and the DH is just an annoyance to them. 386a) No 397) They don't have a set homeland
41responses: 421) hmmm... I was hoping for some steltian zyglak... oh well. 432) oh. 443) I believe that's new info. 454) Interesting... 465) I believe that's new info too. 476)
487) Also new info.
49well, overall, there's some nice info that needs to be added to the wiki's...
50EDIT: yes, elite vahki, he should recieve your questions. make sure you post 'em here .
51-makuta of xhini nui-
2Hello, Mr. Farshtey, how are You today? How has the move to the new house been going? Well, these are some things that I've been wondering about.
4"Did you really think it would be this easy?" said Spiriah. "I deduced our goal days ago and passed a message to my Zyglak friends through channels on Stelt."
5How did Spiriah "pass a message" if he was with the rest of team the whole time and they were only there for a few hours at most? 61b) Does this mean that there are Zyglak on Stelt?
72)8"The first time you woke up on Daxia," I said, the words tumbling out of my mouth in my haste. "You were told you were a Toa, and your response was, 'What's a Toa?' There were no Makuta there, so how could one know about that?"
9"There's only one problem," said Pohatu. "You weren't there either."
10"But I saw it," I insisted. "I saw your creation, your training, I saw the team fighting avohkah here, and I saw the storm ... that's why I'm here."
11Does this mean that Takanuva/Takua (and possibly other Av-Matoran) was living on Daxia at the time?
122b) Were any other Av-Matoran present during the Mata's creation? 132c) Did Takua (and possibly other Matoran) somehow take part in the Toa Mata/Nuva's creation?
143) Is Botar's replacement a new recruit, or has he been a meber of The Order for some time now?
154) Why did Helryx reveal not only her name, but also the existance of The Order? Could'nt she have hired the Dark Hunters and sent the Hagah on their mission without disclosing such information? 164b) Does this mean that the Dark Hunters are aware of The Order now? 174c) If yes to 4b, does TSO plan to do anything differently now that he knows of The Order?
185) I don't know if you can answer this or not but... About how many southern islands would you say there are? 195b) Are they all in the same dome? 205c) Had the LOSK not been stopped, would they have eventually conquered the southern islands as well?
21non serial questions:
226) Why hasn't The Brotherhood of Makuta attacked Odina yet? I mean, they know where it is, the fortress there was recently destroyed, and most of their numbers are'nt there to defend it... 236b) Is Odina a southern island?
247) Do the Frostelus have a homeland? Or are they like the Matoran in that they don't have any specific homeland but are rather scattered across several islands?
25Thank You for Your time.
26-makuta of xhini nui-
271) Makuta are telepaths, remember? He telepaths a message to a contact of his on Stelt, who then passes the message through channels to the Zyglak 281a) No 292-2c) No. Takanuva learned what happened from Helryx in BIONICLE Legends #10 303) New 314) If the Order mounts an attack on the BOM, everyone is going to know they exist. You can't field an army and stay secret. 324b) They know as much as they need to know 334c) Such as? 345) Quite a few 355b) No 365c) Probably not. Many of those islands are uninhabited or have civilizations with very low tech and resources, so there really wouldn't have been much to gain by controlling them. 376) The same reason the BOM hasn't wiped out the DH long ago. Because the BOM is focused on the Plan, and the DH is just an annoyance to them. 386a) No 397) They don't have a set homeland
41responses: 421) hmmm... I was hoping for some steltian zyglak... oh well. 432) oh. 443) I believe that's new info. 454) Interesting... 465) I believe that's new info too. 476)

49well, overall, there's some nice info that needs to be added to the wiki's...
50EDIT: yes, elite vahki, he should recieve your questions. make sure you post 'em here .
51-makuta of xhini nui-
1Hi GregF,
2I have some questions:
31a. What happens if a Matoran "eats" a sick fish? 41b. How many days can a Toa be without food? E.g. the Toa Nuva don't exactly have time to go fishing, now do they.
52a. Why didn't Teradix tell Mutran about the Energy Storms? 62b. Why didn't Teradix tell the Phantoka about the blinding side-effect of the Ignika? 72c. Does Teradix want to get rid of the other Makuta so he gets it all.
83. Let's say Mata Nui wakes up and decides to kill off the Makuta, how long would it take him?
94a. Will any of Brutaka's species fight with the Order against the BoM? They do have an ability that could come in handy. 104b. What about Axonn's species?
115. I saw that a member asked you if the Order would Keetongu and you answered "yes". Now let me reformulate that question: Will the Order recruit Keetongu?
126a. Will Mutran appear in the September comic? 136b. Any of the vehicles?
147. Are the Rahi native to Voya nui dead now that Voya Nui returned to its original place?
15Thanks for your time.
161) Sick in what way? They are not consuming the physical fish, they are consuming its raw energy. 171a) You assume they carry no rations with them 182) Follow the story 193) Not long 204) No efforts are being made to recruit those species, as far as I know, because neither species has anything to gain by opposing the BOM 215) If they can find him, they will ally with him, yes. They won't recruit him as a member. 226) Vehicles do appear in the September comic. I don't think Mutran does, as September focuses on summer sets 237) There weren't that many Rahi there in the first place, and yes, most likely those who could not fly or swim are dead
24Draw your own conclusions from this. Also, some stuff for BS01.
25900th Post yay .

1Hi GregF,
2I have some questions:
32a. Why didn't Teradix tell Mutran about the Energy Storms? 42b. Why didn't Teradix tell the Phantoka about the blinding side-effect of the Ignika? 52c. Does Teradix want to get rid of the other Makuta so he gets it all.
6Thanks for your time.
72) Follow the story
8Well, well, wonder what the reason is... maybe that theory about getting the other Makuta killed for his plan has some more proof

1Hi GregF,
2I have some questions:
32a. Why didn't Teradix tell Mutran about the Energy Storms? 42b. Why didn't Teradix tell the Phantoka about the blinding side-effect of the Ignika? 52c. Does Teradix want to get rid of the other Makuta so he gets it all.
6Thanks for your time.
72) Follow the story
8Well, well, wonder what the reason is... maybe that theory about getting the other Makuta killed for his plan has some more proof![]()
10y would Teridax do that. killing the BoM the dumest thing he could do . . .

1Hi GregF,
2I have some questions:
32a. Why didn't Teradix tell Mutran about the Energy Storms? 42b. Why didn't Teradix tell the Phantoka about the blinding side-effect of the Ignika? 52c. Does Teradix want to get rid of the other Makuta so he gets it all.
6Thanks for your time.
72) Follow the story
8Well, well, wonder what the reason is... maybe that theory about getting the other Makuta killed for his plan has some more proof![]()
10y would Teridax do that. killing the BoM the dumest thing he could do . . .![]()
11And if he wants all the power for himself? Oh, and please don't use leet.
1Hi GregF,
2I have some questions:
32a. Why didn't Teradix tell Mutran about the Energy Storms? 42b. Why didn't Teradix tell the Phantoka about the blinding side-effect of the Ignika? 52c. Does Teradix want to get rid of the other Makuta so he gets it all.
6Thanks for your time.
72) Follow the story
8Well, well, wonder what the reason is... maybe that theory about getting the other Makuta killed for his plan has some more proof![]()
10y would Teridax do that. killing the BoM the dumest thing he could do . . .![]()
11And if he wants all the power for himself? Oh, and please don't use leet.
12Dark Knight spoilers:
13Did Joker not kill the other bank robbers in order to get all the money for himself?It would not surprise me at all that Teridax has included the other makuta into his plan.
14And anyone remember Chirox's suspicions in the Phantoka comic?