11. Hey Greg. I've noticed that there's seems to be a running theme of a connection between a Toa Team's name and a location. We've seen Toa named after where they protect (Toa Metru), where they've had their greatest adventures (Toa Mahri), or locations later named after a team (Toa Mangai). Now, given that Jovan's Toa Team had to travel to Voya Nui, may have spent time their as a Toa, and Jovan served as a Turaga of the area, could Jovan's Toa team have been named Toa Voya?
22. Would the OoMN recruit members of the Barraki's species to be members of the OoMN?
33. Is Matoro's statue in his Matoran, Toa Inika, or Toa Mahri form?
44. Would you say Jaller is the most effected by Matoro's death?
55. Seeing as they were his bodyguard for many years, did the Toa Hagah have significant interaction with Teridax, and if so, will that play a part in DiD?
66. Being the first orange set, how did Pohatu sell?
71) Wouldn't make sense. They were on Voya Nui all of 35 seconds. They didn't spend time there as a Toa team, they went to get the mask and came back to bring it back, and that's it. Remember, the VN Matoran had never seen a Toa, so obviously there wasn't a Toa team based there. 82) Yes 93) Toa Mahri 104) Jaller and probably Hahli 115) They had some, but it was about as much as a bodyguard ever has with a client -- they don't sit around and have lunch together 126) No idea, I don't have the figures on that.
13I really want to see this in story (or History)
1It's his current job to help conquer Karda-Nui, not fool around experimenting with Rahi. It sure is interesting...
1Well, Mutran is a bit loopy, and he might want a bit of fun... so he makes a klakk. 

1Maybe he created it in the hive and put it in stasis when Vican was somewhere else, and when the hive was destroyed, the stasis tube broke, and the klakk escaped?
1Hi Greg, I just had a few questions.
21. Are all the rahi from voya nui also native to the SC?
32.can you provide any information on the necrofinch or the smoke hawk? Any would be greatly appreciated.
43.Why do we not see any rahi with the "nui" prefix or suffix anymore?
54.Is the island that Keetongu and tahtorak originated from Zakaz? It would make sense, since the skakdi would probably wipe out a peaceful species like Keetongu's so they could ride the tahtorak.
65.Does Zyglak mean "pirate" in matoran?
76.Regarding the pit war tortise: you recently told another member that they were once a land dwelling species that were mutated by pit mutagen. Seeing as they live in the water surrounding Voya Nui, would it make sense that they were once a land species called the war tortise from VN/SC, and that when VN shot up, some of them fell into the surrounding waters and were recruited into carapar's army? Please keep in mind that I am not suggesting this, I am merely asking if it is true.
8thank you .
91) Yes 102) Nope, what is out there is what exists. 113) Cause we have done that a lot already and it gets old after a while 124) No. Keetongu came from a different island and his species was wiped out by Visorak, not Skakdi 135) No 146) I don't think they would have been called war tortoises on SC if they were not being used for someone's army
15Some key info for bs01. We've already known this, but now we have confirmation. still waiting for a reply for #6, we may have the new pit war tortoise species.
1As Greg said... all you need is a makuta virus and some EP... where the EP came from... no one knows. shrugs*
2Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
3off-topic: Love ET's new avatar
4Actually, it's regular protodermis, but like any lab experiment, it's hard to just create it on the fly, and since his lair was destroyed, I'm assuming he doesn't have access to much material.
5Maybe he created it in the hive and put it in stasis when Vican was somewhere else, and when the hive was destroyed, the stasis tube broke, and the klakk escaped?
6Well, Greg said that it doesn't exist in Karda Nui yet, so I assume that means he will still create it.
1IMPORTANT... maybe
2Hi Greg. I just have 1 question.
3Whose construction was started first: Mata-Nui or the Matoran Universe?
4Thanks in advance. Atlas
5Why does it matter?
6I sent a follow up a while ago, and I'm not sure if you got it, so if you got this twice, sorry . 7Anyway, the people in the OGD were having a discussion about it. So just for clarification, which one's construction started first?
8I also have a second question. Is there a lot of space under Mata Nui (the island)? Or is it straight down to Metru Nui?
9Thanks in advance. Atlas
101) Mata Nui's construction started first 112) I don't quite get you -- we have seen what's under Mata Nui already, the Bahrag lair, the Bohrok tunnels, etc.
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I have a quick question.
2Why did Mutran create a Klakk in Karda Nui?
3Thanks for your time .
4For defense, and because creating Rahi is his profession as well as his hobby
5Lol, imagaine it. Now, my guardian Klakk, defend me from Takanuva . *Klakk uses sonic scream and cures Takanuva* Mutran: WHAT .?- AHHHH .
1IMPORTANT... maybe
2Hi Greg. I just have 1 question.
3Whose construction was started first: Mata-Nui or the Matoran Universe?
4Thanks in advance. Atlas
5Why does it matter?
6I sent a follow up a while ago, and I'm not sure if you got it, so if you got this twice, sorry . 7Anyway, the people in the OGD were having a discussion about it. So just for clarification, which one's construction started first?
8I also have a second question. Is there a lot of space under Mata Nui (the island)? Or is it straight down to Metru Nui?
9Thanks in advance. Atlas
101) Mata Nui's construction started first 112) I don't quite get you -- we have seen what's under Mata Nui already, the Bahrag lair, the Bohrok tunnels, etc.
12Does that disproves the MN=MU theory? I'd say so, unless GregF meant the island of Mata Nui...
1Here were just a few things I was wondering about. Thanks in advance for reading them.
21. Borok are active in the kingdom. Are these ones that have their Krana removed and been reprogrammed to serve the kingdom or are they operating by other means?
32. When destined Av-Matoran change into Borok do they need to be in the same location as the ones that changed in the swamp of secrets, or can they be where ever, transform, and then be teleported to the hives?
42b. If they need to be in the swamp, then how do/did the ones that were planted across the universe come back, or were all those that were planted across the universe not destined to become Borok ?
53. Will the Klakk that ends up in Karda-Nui be created by one of the Makuta currently in Karda-Nui?
64. I've noticed that some rahi seem to have powers similar to kanoka disks (Rahi-Nui: all , Fader Bulls: teleportation, Kavinika: duplication) If a Makuta were to put a kanoka disk in the mix when creating rahi would that allow the rahi they created to access those powers?
74b. If this is not how theses rahi got these powers, then would it still be possible for a Makuta to do this?
85. Was the dweller in the deep one of the first rahi that evaded capture? I ask this because only one has been seen, it was of gigantic proportions, and it seems unlikely that every one of those rahi would have followed Marvah.
95b. Speaking of which, what has become of this rahi?
106. How exactly is Necktann's Muaka related to the one that Nokama talked to? Are they the same animal or were they just mutated similarly?
117. Have you yet decided what Kanohi Trinuma wears, or is it not relevant to the story?
128. I enjoyed destiny war, especially the most recent one. I have a question though. The Matoran, when arriving to Metru-Nui meet the Rahagah before they left, and Vakama told them about the Rahagah. Jaller, though, did not seem to recognize them though even when Norik told him his name. Did Jaller not recognize them because his thoughts were elsewhere, and because he had no knowledge of the Rahagah turning back into Toa?
13Kingdom Questions:
149. In the kingdom, what happened to the Shadow Matoran? I doubt that many Toa would really want things without any light in them running around.
1510. Did Keetongu, Krahka, Pewku and/or any Tahtorak make it to the kingdom?
1611. About how long could a being survive under the kingdom in the mutagen without Mata-Nui? A month? A day? A few hours?
171) Reprogrammed
182) The latter 19Interesting..
203) Yes 21Sorry, I sent this before we found out that this is true.
224) No, they don't use Kanoka disks, they use viruses
235) No 24Thought that might have been cool.
255a) Nothing's become of it, it's still in the ocean 26Not to interesting, but it might be new info
276) Mutated similarly
287) Not worrying about it until I need to
298) He had no knowledge that the Rahaga became Toa, or that Roodaka was even still alive to turn them back into Toa. He knows Takanuva is missing, and suddenly six Toa show up who he has never met, saying they want to destroy the Coliseum? In his place, would you assume they are old friends?
309) Most likely, they stayed in the MU with the Makuta 31This is new I think
3210) Yes 33I hope he means yes to all 3411) If you are out in the ocean, outside of the Matoran universe, your survival is not tied to Mata Nui. Mata Nui's death means heat and light departs the domed universe, not the world outside of it 35I meant in the domes. Toa Tanma said that most of the water under the kingdom had mutagen right?
21. Borok are active in the kingdom. Are these ones that have their Krana removed and been reprogrammed to serve the kingdom or are they operating by other means?
32. When destined Av-Matoran change into Borok do they need to be in the same location as the ones that changed in the swamp of secrets, or can they be where ever, transform, and then be teleported to the hives?
42b. If they need to be in the swamp, then how do/did the ones that were planted across the universe come back, or were all those that were planted across the universe not destined to become Borok ?
53. Will the Klakk that ends up in Karda-Nui be created by one of the Makuta currently in Karda-Nui?
64. I've noticed that some rahi seem to have powers similar to kanoka disks (Rahi-Nui: all , Fader Bulls: teleportation, Kavinika: duplication) If a Makuta were to put a kanoka disk in the mix when creating rahi would that allow the rahi they created to access those powers?
74b. If this is not how theses rahi got these powers, then would it still be possible for a Makuta to do this?
85. Was the dweller in the deep one of the first rahi that evaded capture? I ask this because only one has been seen, it was of gigantic proportions, and it seems unlikely that every one of those rahi would have followed Marvah.
95b. Speaking of which, what has become of this rahi?
106. How exactly is Necktann's Muaka related to the one that Nokama talked to? Are they the same animal or were they just mutated similarly?
117. Have you yet decided what Kanohi Trinuma wears, or is it not relevant to the story?
128. I enjoyed destiny war, especially the most recent one. I have a question though. The Matoran, when arriving to Metru-Nui meet the Rahagah before they left, and Vakama told them about the Rahagah. Jaller, though, did not seem to recognize them though even when Norik told him his name. Did Jaller not recognize them because his thoughts were elsewhere, and because he had no knowledge of the Rahagah turning back into Toa?
13Kingdom Questions:
149. In the kingdom, what happened to the Shadow Matoran? I doubt that many Toa would really want things without any light in them running around.
1510. Did Keetongu, Krahka, Pewku and/or any Tahtorak make it to the kingdom?
1611. About how long could a being survive under the kingdom in the mutagen without Mata-Nui? A month? A day? A few hours?
171) Reprogrammed
182) The latter 19Interesting..
203) Yes 21Sorry, I sent this before we found out that this is true.
224) No, they don't use Kanoka disks, they use viruses
235) No 24Thought that might have been cool.
255a) Nothing's become of it, it's still in the ocean 26Not to interesting, but it might be new info
276) Mutated similarly
287) Not worrying about it until I need to
298) He had no knowledge that the Rahaga became Toa, or that Roodaka was even still alive to turn them back into Toa. He knows Takanuva is missing, and suddenly six Toa show up who he has never met, saying they want to destroy the Coliseum? In his place, would you assume they are old friends?
309) Most likely, they stayed in the MU with the Makuta 31This is new I think
3210) Yes 33I hope he means yes to all 3411) If you are out in the ocean, outside of the Matoran universe, your survival is not tied to Mata Nui. Mata Nui's death means heat and light departs the domed universe, not the world outside of it 35I meant in the domes. Toa Tanma said that most of the water under the kingdom had mutagen right?
1I got this earlier. I didn't have time to post it.
2I heard that there will only be one Klakk in the OGD. How does it get inside? Through the giant hole in the ceiling while it was there, or through the protal? 3If it's through the portal, does it go through when Mazeka or Vultraz go through?
4Is Nektann about the same size as Irnakk?
51) Mutran creates it there 62) Not quite as big
1Hope this helps all of you Mata is the MU theorizers.
91) Yes 102) Yes 113) The MU was finished before Mata Nui was brought to life, and I would not consider a creation finished until it is brought to life, myself.
2WOW . I haven't PMed you in a month, amazing isn't it.
3Anyway, I have seen that majority of the posts in the OGD are about the debate questioning if Mata Nu is the MU or is not. And to hopefully quell some of the this, I have some questions that hopefully you can anwser.
41) Can the MU leave the Bionicle Planet.
52) Is Mata Nui mobile.
63) Was the MU finished before Mata Nui was or were they finish being made about the same time?
7Thanks in advance.
91) Yes 102) Yes 113) The MU was finished before Mata Nui was brought to life, and I would not consider a creation finished until it is brought to life, myself.
1How this helps all of you Mata is the MU theorizers.
2WOW . I haven't PMed you in a month, amazing isn't it.
3Anyway, I have seen that majority of the posts in the OGD are about the debate questioning if Mata Nu is the MU or is not. And to hopefully quell some of the this, I have some questions that hopefully you can anwser.
41) Can the MU leave the Bionicle Planet.
52) Is Mata Nui mobile.
63) Was the MU finished before Mata Nui was or were they finish being made about the same time?
7Thanks in advance.
91) Yes 102) Yes 113) The MU was finished before Mata Nui was brought to life, and I would not consider a creation finished until it is brought to life, myself.
12That makes a big pro for the MN=MU theory.
1new's just in (literaly) probley old but any way (post key:- question normal answer bold)
2Hi Greg
3i have just one quick question can Mata nui travel inside the matoran universe?
4He has no real need to, as his awareness extends throughout the universe, and he does not physically intervene in the goings on there, so no real reason to travel about in it.
5how dose his awareness extend throughout the universe is he spiritually tied to the MU?
6also one more thing will the events that caused his sleep/death make him pay more attention to the going on's inside the MU?
7Thanks for your time
8Since one of these touches on the nature of Mata Nui, and on future story, I can't answer either
10"What a boring world it would be if we had answers for all our questions." -- Thomas Raith
1Hello greg, I have a question:
2does the red star have anything to do with 209? 3Is arhtoka or watever it is spelled going to make an appearance?
4Also greg? 5what is the builder of the toa canister's name?
6If you don''y have a name may you use the name Zyra or Hubble 7or something like that
8Greg doesn't come to this topic so you need to PM him with your questions using the link on the front page of this topic and just so you know, Greg doesn't take suggestions for names. He can only use the ones from the list of names he has.

1QUOTE 2Hey Greg, 3Glad your move went fine. Just a couple of questions.
41) You said that rahi control is not a element a toa could posses but could it be a mask power?
52) I know this is suggestion, but since you are running out of names. Here is one you could use for the Mask of Growth. Karda or Kardas. Since they both deal with large creatures or places. It could be the same word like the story of mangia. (Kardas)(Karda) could be the matoran word for Giant or large.
61) Arguably 72) The problem with doing this sort of thing is that it gets really confusing if so many terms refer to two different things.
41) You said that rahi control is not a element a toa could posses but could it be a mask power?
52) I know this is suggestion, but since you are running out of names. Here is one you could use for the Mask of Growth. Karda or Kardas. Since they both deal with large creatures or places. It could be the same word like the story of mangia. (Kardas)(Karda) could be the matoran word for Giant or large.
61) Arguably 72) The problem with doing this sort of thing is that it gets really confusing if so many terms refer to two different things.
1QUOTE 2Hey Greg, 3Glad your move went fine. Just a couple of questions.
41) You said that rahi control is not a element a toa could posses but could it be a mask power?
52) I know this is suggestion, but since you are running out of names. Here is one you could use for the Mask of Growth. Karda or Kardas. Since they both deal with large creatures or places. It could be the same word like the story of mangia. (Kardas)(Karda) could be the matoran word for Giant or large.
61) Arguably 72) The problem with doing this sort of thing is that it gets really confusing if so many terms refer to two different things.
8That wouldn't work. Karda means "Core" in Matoran. No reason why the Mask of Growth would be the Kanohi "Core."

9Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 10

11. Hey Greg. I've noticed that there's seems to be a running theme of a connection between a Toa Team's name and a location. We've seen Toa named after where they protect (Toa Metru), where they've had their greatest adventures (Toa Mahri), or locations later named after a team (Toa Mangai). Now, given that Jovan's Toa Team had to travel to Voya Nui, may have spent time their as a Toa, and Jovan served as a Turaga of the area, could Jovan's Toa team have been named Toa Voya?
22. Would the OoMN recruit members of the Barraki's species to be members of the OoMN?
33. Is Matoro's statue in his Matoran, Toa Inika, or Toa Mahri form?
44. Would you say Jaller is the most effected by Matoro's death?
55. Seeing as they were his bodyguard for many years, did the Toa Hagah have significant interaction with Teridax, and if so, will that play a part in DiD?
66. Being the first orange set, how did Pohatu sell?
71) Wouldn't make sense. They were on Voya Nui all of 35 seconds. They didn't spend time there as a Toa team, they went to get the mask and came back to bring it back, and that's it. Remember, the VN Matoran had never seen a Toa, so obviously there wasn't a Toa team based there. 82) Yes 93) Toa Mahri 104) Jaller and probably Hahli 115) They had some, but it was about as much as a bodyguard ever has with a client -- they don't sit around and have lunch together 126) No idea, I don't have the figures on that.
15sigh. i thought jaller and hali mostly but had some debate over jaller or matoro until my topic bionicle couples got one post: Greg has stated and restated that there is no romance in the bionilce universe. topic closed. *runs off crying then watches mask of light and breaks the tv yelling "you lied to me ." at the long goodbye part. then relize that the tv cost more than my colledge fund and the disk is still unharmed.*
16wait, when did i become a turaga? now i'm some weak, yoda, old guy . i still wanna be a tohungu . (what ever that is)
1Hi Greg, just some more questions.
21)Could Mata Nui travel to other universes without matoran space tech?
32)Is umbra's mind shielded?
43)How's moving doing?
5That's my questions for now.
61) All he would have to do is be outside of the domed universe, on the ocean, and he is in another universe, Mez 72) No 83) Still unpacking
9Just some random questions.
1Been collecting PMs since... November. I may or may not have posted them, but presumably I haven't since I haven't deleted them from my inbox. Deleted useless questions before posting.

2Q: How would 2007 have ended if not for the story redesign in September 2006?
3A: Matoro wouldn't have died. Mata Nui would have, and 2008 would be the Mahri, in new flying forms, in the core trying to save him. And Matoro would have died at the end of '08.
4Q: Replying to the statement about the Metru Nui Matoran being able to produce Cordak ammo -- Why? Why would Toa want such weapons if they can avoid it?
5A: Why not? What if the Makuta launch an all-out attack on Metru Nui? Are you going to be picky about what weapons you use to fight them off?
6Q: Did Kongu's crossbow change into something else when he transformed? If so, why did he ditch it?
7A: He ditched it because he wanted two Cordak.
8Q: Is it SPEE-ree-ah? As in, is that the correct emphasis?
9A: Yes.
10Q: Is the adaptive armour's ability simply advanced tech or does it actually have a shapeshifting power?
11Q: Does the armour adapt by itself or do the Toa control what it does? For example, if they're pushed off a tall building while unconscious, would the armour fly them to safety or would they hit the ground hard?
12A: The Toa do not control it, it adapts on its own, and yes, it can shapeshift.
13Q: How does the Kakama work? Does it increase the speed that someone's traveling, or their actual movements? The latter would result in Pohatu being able to run fast and not being able to fly any faster, but the former would allow him to run fast and fly fast, so I'm assuming it's the former, otherwise it wouldn't make sense.
14A: It's the latter. Superman's speed allows him to both run and fly fast, so why can't the Kakama do the same thing?
15Q: Why does Kopaka have a targeting light on his mask? If I attach a torch to my head, I wouldn't be able to aim my gun any better, that is, if I had a gun.![]()
16A: It acts like a laser sight.
17Q: How does it help though? Like I said, if I had a laser sight on my head, it wouldn't help aim a gun. I'd put the sight on my gun. And Kopaka has one on his gun. So I don't see the need for the one on his mask.
18A: Well, before, Kopaka had a telescopic sight on his mask -- now he has one that is a laser sight as well. And evidently it does help him aim, since he isn't the same as we are.
19Q: How did Gadunka's curse power get used on himself? Shouldn't Nocturn have been killed by himself in that case?
20A: Curses vary -- they are not always things you do to other people, sometimes they are things done to you. When Pridak was cursed, he went nuts -- he didn't turn everyone around him nuts.
21Q: Can Makuta absorb their kraata back to regain energy?
22A: Probably, yes.
23Q: Do Icarax, Antroz, Mutran, Chirox and Vamprah generally use their own leeches, as in, leeches made from their own kraata?
24A: No, that's not necessary.
25Q: I forgot, can Makuta control kraata that aren't theirs? That's why I was asking. If they can, yes, it would be unnecessary.
26A: Moot point, because a Makuta who drops a Tridax pod does not "control" the shadow leeches inside it. He drops it near his target and the leeches do what they do naturally.
27Q: Where was the Ignika when it turned silver? Was it with Nocturn? Or before that?
28A: It was in Karda Nui, just after Matoro used it.
29Q: How big are the northern and southern continents, roughly speaking?
30A: South is bigger than north.
31Q: Where is the northern continent in relation to Metru Nui? Are their domes connected, or near each other at least? Or far apart? Since Metru Nui is the northernmost island.
32A: South of Metru Nui. Nothing is north of Metru Nui. And they are a ways apart.
33Q: Where is the Pit in relation to the northern continent?
34A: South of it.
35Q: Since Karda Nui is so big, does it extend underneath all the domes, like how the Archives extend under all of Metru Nui, not just Onu-Metru?
36A: No, it doesn't.
37Q: Are there islands very far south of the southern continent? I figured that they only called it the southern continent because there's a northern continent, and that there's a bunch of islands still south of it. But that's just a guess on my part -- I'd like confirmation.
38A: There are largely unexplored islands to the far south.
39Q: Can you confirm that the humanoid shape on the Kanohi Ignika is in the shape of the Great Spirit Mata Nui?
40A: Yes.

1Been collecting PMs since... November. I may or may not have posted them, but presumably I haven't since I haven't deleted them from my inbox. Deleted useless questions before posting.
2Q: How would 2007 have ended if not for the story redesign in September 2006?
3A: Matoro wouldn't have died. Mata Nui would have, and 2008 would be the Mahri, in new flying forms, in the core trying to save him. And Matoro would have died at the end of '08.
4Q: Replying to the statement about the Metru Nui Matoran being able to produce Cordak ammo -- Why? Why would Toa want such weapons if they can avoid it?
5A: Why not? What if the Makuta launch an all-out attack on Metru Nui? Are you going to be picky about what weapons you use to fight them off?
6Q: Did Kongu's crossbow change into something else when he transformed? If so, why did he ditch it?
7A: He ditched it because he wanted two Cordak.
8Q: Is it SPEE-ree-ah? As in, is that the correct emphasis?
9A: Yes.
10Q: Is the adaptive armour's ability simply advanced tech or does it actually have a shapeshifting power?
11Q: Does the armour adapt by itself or do the Toa control what it does? For example, if they're pushed off a tall building while unconscious, would the armour fly them to safety or would they hit the ground hard?
12A: The Toa do not control it, it adapts on its own, and yes, it can shapeshift.
13Q: How does the Kakama work? Does it increase the speed that someone's traveling, or their actual movements? The latter would result in Pohatu being able to run fast and not being able to fly any faster, but the former would allow him to run fast and fly fast, so I'm assuming it's the former, otherwise it wouldn't make sense.
14A: It's the latter. Superman's speed allows him to both run and fly fast, so why can't the Kakama do the same thing?
15Q: Why does Kopaka have a targeting light on his mask? If I attach a torch to my head, I wouldn't be able to aim my gun any better, that is, if I had a gun.![]()
16A: It acts like a laser sight.
17Q: How does it help though? Like I said, if I had a laser sight on my head, it wouldn't help aim a gun. I'd put the sight on my gun. And Kopaka has one on his gun. So I don't see the need for the one on his mask.
18A: Well, before, Kopaka had a telescopic sight on his mask -- now he has one that is a laser sight as well. And evidently it does help him aim, since he isn't the same as we are.
19Q: How did Gadunka's curse power get used on himself? Shouldn't Nocturn have been killed by himself in that case?
20A: Curses vary -- they are not always things you do to other people, sometimes they are things done to you. When Pridak was cursed, he went nuts -- he didn't turn everyone around him nuts.
21Q: Can Makuta absorb their kraata back to regain energy?
22A: Probably, yes.
23Q: Do Icarax, Antroz, Mutran, Chirox and Vamprah generally use their own leeches, as in, leeches made from their own kraata?
24A: No, that's not necessary.
25Q: I forgot, can Makuta control kraata that aren't theirs? That's why I was asking. If they can, yes, it would be unnecessary.
26A: Moot point, because a Makuta who drops a Tridax pod does not "control" the shadow leeches inside it. He drops it near his target and the leeches do what they do naturally.
27Q: Where was the Ignika when it turned silver? Was it with Nocturn? Or before that?
28A: It was in Karda Nui, just after Matoro used it.
29Q: How big are the northern and southern continents, roughly speaking?
30A: South is bigger than north.
31Q: Where is the northern continent in relation to Metru Nui? Are their domes connected, or near each other at least? Or far apart? Since Metru Nui is the northernmost island.
32A: South of Metru Nui. Nothing is north of Metru Nui. And they are a ways apart.
33Q: Where is the Pit in relation to the northern continent?
34A: South of it.
35Q: Since Karda Nui is so big, does it extend underneath all the domes, like how the Archives extend under all of Metru Nui, not just Onu-Metru?
36A: No, it doesn't.
37Q: Are there islands very far south of the southern continent? I figured that they only called it the southern continent because there's a northern continent, and that there's a bunch of islands still south of it. But that's just a guess on my part -- I'd like confirmation.
38A: There are largely unexplored islands to the far south.
39Q: Can you confirm that the humanoid shape on the Kanohi Ignika is in the shape of the Great Spirit Mata Nui?
40A: Yes.
42That last one is interesting to me.
1That's been confirmed a long time, actually.
1There might be a problem on that BoM spy thing.
2What's a Necrofinch?
3Will we find out why the Hagah have to destroy the Coliseum in the next DID?
4Will we find out who the spy is in the BoM?
5Will we find out the system that transports Destral?
61) It's a bird 72) Yup 83) If there really is one .. how do you know Vezon was telling the truth? 94) Only if it becomes necessary that you do.
10Isnt the spy the mana ko? 11And thats cool about the Muaka thing even though the metru books were the only ones I didnt read, and I guess thats why he would be a 30 dollar set because he has a steed .
12ye ur right, the mana ko is a spy. its on BS01
13no it is not
141) in shadows in the sky, teridax went to a place with a hau shape, was this the colliseum 152) is vezon doing what he is supposed to do, or has he betrayed the order 163) where is trinuma now 174) are the spies vezon referring to the mana ko?
181) I can't discuss where he is 192) Follow the story and find out 203) Offshore 214) No
1There might be a problem on that BoM spy thing.
2What's a Necrofinch?
3Will we find out why the Hagah have to destroy the Coliseum in the next DID?
4Will we find out who the spy is in the BoM?
5Will we find out the system that transports Destral?
61) It's a bird 72) Yup 83) If there really is one .. how do you know Vezon was telling the truth? 94) Only if it becomes necessary that you do.
10Isnt the spy the mana ko? 11And thats cool about the Muaka thing even though the metru books were the only ones I didnt read, and I guess thats why he would be a 30 dollar set because he has a steed .
12ye ur right, the mana ko is a spy. its on BS01
13no it is not
141) in shadows in the sky, teridax went to a place with a hau shape, was this the colliseum 152) is vezon doing what he is supposed to do, or has he betrayed the order 163) where is trinuma now 174) are the spies vezon referring to the mana ko?
181) I can't discuss where he is 192) Follow the story and find out 203) Offshore 214) No
22I was saying that mana ko is a spy so it could be that, but it seems just that Vezon doesnt know that and hes probably lying . So mana ko is still working for the OoMN so we could still see them, I ask Greg a while ago .

11. Hey Greg. I've noticed that there's seems to be a running theme of a connection between a Toa Team's name and a location. We've seen Toa named after where they protect (Toa Metru), where they've had their greatest adventures (Toa Mahri), or locations later named after a team (Toa Mangai). Now, given that Jovan's Toa Team had to travel to Voya Nui, may have spent time their as a Toa, and Jovan served as a Turaga of the area, could Jovan's Toa team have been named Toa Voya?
22. Would the OoMN recruit members of the Barraki's species to be members of the OoMN?
33. Is Matoro's statue in his Matoran, Toa Inika, or Toa Mahri form?
44. Would you say Jaller is the most effected by Matoro's death?
55. Seeing as they were his bodyguard for many years, did the Toa Hagah have significant interaction with Teridax, and if so, will that play a part in DiD?
66. Being the first orange set, how did Pohatu sell?
71) Wouldn't make sense. They were on Voya Nui all of 35 seconds. They didn't spend time there as a Toa team, they went to get the mask and came back to bring it back, and that's it. Remember, the VN Matoran had never seen a Toa, so obviously there wasn't a Toa team based there. 82) Yes 93) Toa Mahri 104) Jaller and probably Hahli 115) They had some, but it was about as much as a bodyguard ever has with a client -- they don't sit around and have lunch together 126) No idea, I don't have the figures on that.
15sigh. i thought jaller and hali mostly but had some debate over jaller or matoro until my topic bionicle couples got one post: Greg has stated and restated that there is no romance in the bionilce universe. topic closed. *runs off crying then watches mask of light and breaks the tv yelling "you lied to me ." at the long goodbye part. then relize that the tv cost more than my colledge fund and the disk is still unharmed.*
16wait, when did i become a turaga? now i'm some weak, yoda, old guy . i still wanna be a tohungu . (what ever that is)
17we know.that was my piont.through the emoticons.
11. Hey Greg. I've noticed that there's seems to be a running theme of a connection between a Toa Team's name and a location. We've seen Toa named after where they protect (Toa Metru), where they've had their greatest adventures (Toa Mahri), or locations later named after a team (Toa Mangai). Now, given that Jovan's Toa Team had to travel to Voya Nui, may have spent time their as a Toa, and Jovan served as a Turaga of the area, could Jovan's Toa team have been named Toa Voya?
22. Would the OoMN recruit members of the Barraki's species to be members of the OoMN?
33. Is Matoro's statue in his Matoran, Toa Inika, or Toa Mahri form?
44. Would you say Jaller is the most effected by Matoro's death?
55. Seeing as they were his bodyguard for many years, did the Toa Hagah have significant interaction with Teridax, and if so, will that play a part in DiD?
66. Being the first orange set, how did Pohatu sell?
71) Wouldn't make sense. They were on Voya Nui all of 35 seconds. They didn't spend time there as a Toa team, they went to get the mask and came back to bring it back, and that's it. Remember, the VN Matoran had never seen a Toa, so obviously there wasn't a Toa team based there. 82) Yes 93) Toa Mahri 104) Jaller and probably Hahli 115) They had some, but it was about as much as a bodyguard ever has with a client -- they don't sit around and have lunch together 126) No idea, I don't have the figures on that.
15sigh. i thought jaller and hali mostly but had some debate over jaller or matoro until my topic bionicle couples got one post: Greg has stated and restated that there is no romance in the bionilce universe. topic closed. *runs off crying then watches mask of light and breaks the tv yelling "you lied to me ." at the long goodbye part. then relize that the tv cost more than my colledge fund and the disk is still unharmed.*
16wait, when did i become a turaga? now i'm some weak, yoda, old guy . i still wanna be a tohungu . (what ever that is)
17we know.that was my piont.through the emoticons.
18Its not a romance situation its just Ga-matoran or water toa put more feelings into things . Especially for their brothers and sisters, they knew Matoro and he was a member of their team . Jaller feels really bad because he now sees they lost a brother and a hero, and Hahli feels bad for the same reason . Jaller could also feel more responsible for it because hes the leader . It has nothing to do with romance .
11. Hey Greg. I've noticed that there's seems to be a running theme of a connection between a Toa Team's name and a location. We've seen Toa named after where they protect (Toa Metru), where they've had their greatest adventures (Toa Mahri), or locations later named after a team (Toa Mangai). Now, given that Jovan's Toa Team had to travel to Voya Nui, may have spent time their as a Toa, and Jovan served as a Turaga of the area, could Jovan's Toa team have been named Toa Voya?
22. Would the OoMN recruit members of the Barraki's species to be members of the OoMN?
33. Is Matoro's statue in his Matoran, Toa Inika, or Toa Mahri form?
44. Would you say Jaller is the most effected by Matoro's death?
55. Seeing as they were his bodyguard for many years, did the Toa Hagah have significant interaction with Teridax, and if so, will that play a part in DiD?
66. Being the first orange set, how did Pohatu sell?
71) Wouldn't make sense. They were on Voya Nui all of 35 seconds. They didn't spend time there as a Toa team, they went to get the mask and came back to bring it back, and that's it. Remember, the VN Matoran had never seen a Toa, so obviously there wasn't a Toa team based there. 82) Yes 93) Toa Mahri 104) Jaller and probably Hahli 115) They had some, but it was about as much as a bodyguard ever has with a client -- they don't sit around and have lunch together 126) No idea, I don't have the figures on that.
15sigh. i thought jaller and hali mostly but had some debate over jaller or matoro until my topic bionicle couples got one post: Greg has stated and restated that there is no romance in the bionilce universe. topic closed. *runs off crying then watches mask of light and breaks the tv yelling "you lied to me ." at the long goodbye part. then relize that the tv cost more than my colledge fund and the disk is still unharmed.*
16wait, when did i become a turaga? now i'm some weak, yoda, old guy . i still wanna be a tohungu . (what ever that is)
17we know.that was my piont.through the emoticons.
18Its not a romance situation its just Ga-matoran or water toa put more feelings into things . Especially for their brothers and sisters, they knew Matoro and he was a member of their team . Jaller feels really bad because he now sees they lost a brother and a hero, and Hahli feels bad for the same reason . Jaller could also feel more responsible for it because hes the leader . It has nothing to do with romance .
19I think they were just kidding around. There is no romance in Bionicle, that has been stated many times. But it certainly raises fanfiction ideas.
1Just because she cared it doesnt mean she liked him . Thats all im saying .
1Q: Is the adaptive armour's ability simply advanced tech or does it actually have a shapeshifting power?
2Q: Does the armour adapt by itself or do the Toa control what it does? For example, if they're pushed off a tall building while unconscious, would the armour fly them to safety or would they hit the ground hard?
3A: The Toa do not control it, it adapts on its own, and yes, it can shapeshift.
4Q: How did Gadunka's curse power get used on himself? Shouldn't Nocturn have been killed by himself in that case?
5A: Curses vary -- they are not always things you do to other people, sometimes they are things done to you. When Pridak was cursed, he went nuts -- he didn't turn everyone around him nuts.
6Interesting, these two quotes. Imagine if the adaptive armor didn't shapeshift, then it would be like Transformers tranforming...
7And it would be hilarious is Pridak made evryone around hom go nuts.

1Hello Mr. Farshtey. I hope you are doing well. 2I have a question. I know you can not say much about the Red Star, but I had an idea that popped into my mind: Can the Red Star Go out like a Sun can? As in it turns into a giant then a black hole?
3No 4Well, it is kinda interesting.
5Very interesting...
6this either means that our physics don't apply in bionicle, or that the red star is, in fact, not a star at all .
1Hello Mr. Farshtey. I hope you are doing well. 2I have a question. I know you can not say much about the Red Star, but I had an idea that popped into my mind: Can the Red Star Go out like a Sun can? As in it turns into a giant then a black hole?
3No 4Well, it is kinda interesting.
5Very interesting...
6this either means that our physics don't apply in bionicle, or that the red star is, in fact, not a star at all .
7We don't know what it is, just that the Bionicle inhabitants THINK its a star.