1Guys, if you're so mad about the focus group thing, why not just ask Bink to see if he can work images of the nuva-esque prototypes into the site? Attacking the focus group wouldn't do anything. Unless you could go back in time...MWA HA HA .
2-Shardwing Prime-
3You know..... I love that idea. If they rock, we can just pretend THEY are the actual Nuva, in our imaaaaginaaations.
1Hi, thanks for responding . I just have a few follow-up questions...
2QUOTE 31) I would have to check my timeline, but I believe he was already Turaga of Metru Nui at that point.
41)If Dume was the Turaga of Metru Nui at that time, who were the Toa (if any)? Was it Jovan and his team?
5QUOTE 63) They had to go to Metru Nui first to insure its safety. The theory was that if something bad had happened that made Mata Nui fall asleep, the damage might well have been in Metru Nui. They were then supposed to get the Staff of Artakha out of the Metru Nui Archives, which would fix any damage done if there had been a cataclysmic quake. After that, they were to go to Karda Nui.
72)So the Toa were supposed to know how to awaken Mata Nui and remember everything? It was the long time they spent floating around in the canisters that made them forget, correct? 83)That brings me to another question- the Ignika cannot be used to awaken Mata Nui, correct? Is the object of power located in the swamp of secrets meant to do that? 94)A question about the Ignika- It's main purpose is to simply "recharge" the Great Spirit, not bring him back to life. So that's why Matoro had to be turned into energy: all the energy would be needed to revive Mata Nui. But the toa from Jovan's team that used the Ignika was also sacrificed. Why, if he only needed to recharge, not revive? Is the death of the user a standard feature, that the Ignika does whenver it's used? 105)One more question: all Av-matoran have special powers. What was Takua's before he became a Toa? 11Thanks for your time .
121) I checked, and Dume was not Turaga of Metru Nui at the time of the time slip. And no, Jovan and his team were not based on Metru Nui. Most likely, there were no Toa based in Metru Nui at that time. 132) The Toa were supposed to know to look in the Great Temple for the instructions on how to prepare the universe for his awakening, which would lead them to Artakha and then to Karda Nui. 143) The Ignika's primary reason for existence is to save his life, not awaken him. Using it to awaken him would be using it for a purpose for which it was not intended. 154) Death of the user is indeed a standard feature. 165) No idea. Takua was never physically linked to a Toa during the time he was aware he was an Av-Matoran, therefore he never discovered what his power was. The Av-Matoran had no idea they had any extra powers until they were linked with the Nuva.
17More information... Interesting about the Ignika death funcion. It's like a car: standard features include four-wheel drive, 10,000/100-mile warranty, death of the user...

18And Dume wasn't the Turaga... so if he was a Toa at the time, he wasn't on Metru Nui at all... interesting... too bad we won't be finding out more about that time. 19

1Hello to yous.
21. I know that the Great Beings didn't create the BIONICLE planet, but did they create the domes? 31a. If not, who did?
42. We know that coral grows in the Papa Nihu Reef and used to grow in Lake Naho... Would you say that it would be categorized as a form of organic Rahi?
51) Yes, they did 62) I would say it was organic, but I am not sure I would call it Rahi, simply because to me a Rahi is a creature that originated in the domed universe. This coral may be from the planet beyond the domes, and therefore not be something created by the GBs or the Makuta.
1QUOTE 2just 3 q's
31) how would you compare the makuta and the wamphyri (from necroscope)?
42) where is the kardas dragon? 52a. what's it doing?
63) what would you get if you combined more than 6 toa powers?
7Thank you for your time.
91) Frankly, my issue with Necroscope, particularly the later books, was that they were always built up as being unstoppable villains and then they were killed in half a page at the end of the book. They never impressed me as villains, particularly.
102) It's on Mata Nui, recovering from its losing fight with the Bohrok.
113) No one knows.
121) I meant with powers, personality, etc. 132) I thought he said there was nothing on mata nui, maybe he meant geographically though. 143) grargh
31) how would you compare the makuta and the wamphyri (from necroscope)?
42) where is the kardas dragon? 52a. what's it doing?
63) what would you get if you combined more than 6 toa powers?
7Thank you for your time.
91) Frankly, my issue with Necroscope, particularly the later books, was that they were always built up as being unstoppable villains and then they were killed in half a page at the end of the book. They never impressed me as villains, particularly.
102) It's on Mata Nui, recovering from its losing fight with the Bohrok.
113) No one knows.
121) I meant with powers, personality, etc. 132) I thought he said there was nothing on mata nui, maybe he meant geographically though. 143) grargh
1QUOTE 2Hello, Mr. Farshtey. Great job with the serials and all. Just some things I wanted to ask;
31. You said that Ehlek's species looked like him without the spines. Does this mean he's always had the 4mandibles?
52. Where does Spiriah get his Tridax Pod?
63. Does Brutaka still have his dorsal fin and spikes from the pit mutagen?
74. Were there any notable Dark Hunters on the ships in FoF4?
85. Is Axonn's axe made of protosteel?
96. Is Lariska part of a species?
10Thanks a lot .
121) Yes 132) Hasn't been revealed yet, because he doesn't have it in the story yet 143) Yes. 154) No 165) Yes 176) Yes
31. You said that Ehlek's species looked like him without the spines. Does this mean he's always had the 4mandibles?
52. Where does Spiriah get his Tridax Pod?
63. Does Brutaka still have his dorsal fin and spikes from the pit mutagen?
74. Were there any notable Dark Hunters on the ships in FoF4?
85. Is Axonn's axe made of protosteel?
96. Is Lariska part of a species?
10Thanks a lot .
121) Yes 132) Hasn't been revealed yet, because he doesn't have it in the story yet 143) Yes. 154) No 165) Yes 176) Yes
1just a few i've been wondering about...
21. do you like the old masks, or plus rods? 32. is miserix on the island by force? 43. what are the hagah doing now? Patroling Metru Nui? 54. do you like the mistika nuva?
61) Makes no difference to me. I do story, I don't MOC. 72) Follow the story and find out 83) No, they are dealing with the Kanohi Dragon-Tahtorak fight on Xia 94) I work for LEGO Company, so asking me if I like sets or don't is kind of pointless
21. do you like the old masks, or plus rods? 32. is miserix on the island by force? 43. what are the hagah doing now? Patroling Metru Nui? 54. do you like the mistika nuva?
61) Makes no difference to me. I do story, I don't MOC. 72) Follow the story and find out 83) No, they are dealing with the Kanohi Dragon-Tahtorak fight on Xia 94) I work for LEGO Company, so asking me if I like sets or don't is kind of pointless
1Take heart, Nuva fans . This year is not necessarily their last .
2Hey Greg, how're you . Tired, I bet. I've a few questions I'd like to ask, since the server ate my old ones.
31) I've been hearing a lot about 09 not taking place in the Matoran Universe. That seems pretty non-specific to me. After all, outside the Matoran Universe can be anywhere from the surface to another world. Do you mean next year takes place in a New Universe (in the human sense of the word), or just that it does not take place in the domed universe?
42) Couldn't Karzahni and Artahka's masks qualify for legendary status? They allow for some pretty dangerous things. Karzahni can see the future, and Artahka can build anything, given the materials. Knowledge of the future might not be as fundamental as time, or life, but the power to create, isn't that another basic part of reality? Reality must create, or else it is not real, or rather, only that which has been created is real.
53) I know you've said you don't want to commit to names or powers for the masks on this year's Matoran, but couldn't they easily be Noble versions of their respective Toa/Makuta's masks? It's been pointed out how similar the masks are, so it seems logical enough that Solek is wearing a Noble Akaku Nuva.
64) Do the Mistika simply hover above the Swamp, or are there things in the swamp on which they can stand?
75) Can you confirm or deny whether or not this is the Toa Nuva's last year?
86) If the T line is Pohatu, Lewa and Antroz, what becomes of Kopaka? Can you at least tell us if he's going to be dying or not?
97) Adapting to riding a vehicle seems pretty odd to me. Could you explain that a little more? What do you need to be adapted to riding in a vehicle? Comfier seating?
108) Does the Red Star orbit the Bionicle Planet?
119)Now that we've seen the Takanuva set, can you say just how much larger than the average Toa he is?
12Thanks in advance, Greg . (and thanks again for supporting the Nuva . .)
131) It's supposed to be non-specific, Nako, it's 2009 - I can't go into detail on 2009.
142) I definitely don't see Karzahni's mask as being up there with Life and Time ... you could argue Artakha's is, but it's not a decision I have made at this point since he is only a peripheral part of the story.
153) Except that if I do that, and the set designers reuse the piece in a future year, I am stuck with it being a noble version of a pre-existing mask because that is what I said it was this year. I see no reason to paint myself into that corner.
164) As with any swamp, some of it is water, some of it is mudbanks.
175) I can't confirm or deny it because I don't know the answer. I know what we have planned for the next few years, but nothing has been planned beyond that yet, and no one has said, "This is it, no more Toa Nuva ever." Personally, I can foresee a scenario where they would be primary characters again.
186) No. We killed a Toa last year, there's no point in doing that again this year. It would be redundant.
197) Think the need to target with your weapons systems
208) Can't answer it
219) Well, the set is pretty much titan-sized
22You see that . Potential candidate for a new Legendary Mask AND a possible future for the Nuva .
2Hey Greg, how're you . Tired, I bet. I've a few questions I'd like to ask, since the server ate my old ones.
31) I've been hearing a lot about 09 not taking place in the Matoran Universe. That seems pretty non-specific to me. After all, outside the Matoran Universe can be anywhere from the surface to another world. Do you mean next year takes place in a New Universe (in the human sense of the word), or just that it does not take place in the domed universe?
42) Couldn't Karzahni and Artahka's masks qualify for legendary status? They allow for some pretty dangerous things. Karzahni can see the future, and Artahka can build anything, given the materials. Knowledge of the future might not be as fundamental as time, or life, but the power to create, isn't that another basic part of reality? Reality must create, or else it is not real, or rather, only that which has been created is real.
53) I know you've said you don't want to commit to names or powers for the masks on this year's Matoran, but couldn't they easily be Noble versions of their respective Toa/Makuta's masks? It's been pointed out how similar the masks are, so it seems logical enough that Solek is wearing a Noble Akaku Nuva.
64) Do the Mistika simply hover above the Swamp, or are there things in the swamp on which they can stand?
75) Can you confirm or deny whether or not this is the Toa Nuva's last year?
86) If the T line is Pohatu, Lewa and Antroz, what becomes of Kopaka? Can you at least tell us if he's going to be dying or not?
97) Adapting to riding a vehicle seems pretty odd to me. Could you explain that a little more? What do you need to be adapted to riding in a vehicle? Comfier seating?
108) Does the Red Star orbit the Bionicle Planet?
119)Now that we've seen the Takanuva set, can you say just how much larger than the average Toa he is?
12Thanks in advance, Greg . (and thanks again for supporting the Nuva . .)
131) It's supposed to be non-specific, Nako, it's 2009 - I can't go into detail on 2009.
142) I definitely don't see Karzahni's mask as being up there with Life and Time ... you could argue Artakha's is, but it's not a decision I have made at this point since he is only a peripheral part of the story.
153) Except that if I do that, and the set designers reuse the piece in a future year, I am stuck with it being a noble version of a pre-existing mask because that is what I said it was this year. I see no reason to paint myself into that corner.
164) As with any swamp, some of it is water, some of it is mudbanks.
175) I can't confirm or deny it because I don't know the answer. I know what we have planned for the next few years, but nothing has been planned beyond that yet, and no one has said, "This is it, no more Toa Nuva ever." Personally, I can foresee a scenario where they would be primary characters again.
186) No. We killed a Toa last year, there's no point in doing that again this year. It would be redundant.
197) Think the need to target with your weapons systems
208) Can't answer it
219) Well, the set is pretty much titan-sized
22You see that . Potential candidate for a new Legendary Mask AND a possible future for the Nuva .
1QUOTE 2Dear Greg, 3Please answer these questions:
41. What did the OoMN pay TSO for using Lariska? 52. Are these made of protosteel if they are supposed to rip Makuta armor: 62a. Lewa's sword 72b. Kopaka's blizzard blade 82c. Brutaka's swords 93. Wouldn't Krakua be told by the OoMN that Dweller is in metru nui? 104.Would Toa Ignika be as strong as 2 makuta (or more or less)? 115. Are the OoMN currently stronger than the BoM if the brotherhood is weakened by the DH's war? 126.What would happen if you sucked all the darkness out of a shadow matoran (with the shield still there)?
13Thanks .
141) Most likely technology 152) To be able to rip Makuta armor, the object has to be made of protosteel 163) Read Bionicle Legends #10 when it comes out, Dweller is not an issue for Krakua. 174) Physically? No. 185) Hard to say, as it's never been revealed how many member the OOMN actually has. 196) They would die, as there would be nothing left inside them at all.
21"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
41. What did the OoMN pay TSO for using Lariska? 52. Are these made of protosteel if they are supposed to rip Makuta armor: 62a. Lewa's sword 72b. Kopaka's blizzard blade 82c. Brutaka's swords 93. Wouldn't Krakua be told by the OoMN that Dweller is in metru nui? 104.Would Toa Ignika be as strong as 2 makuta (or more or less)? 115. Are the OoMN currently stronger than the BoM if the brotherhood is weakened by the DH's war? 126.What would happen if you sucked all the darkness out of a shadow matoran (with the shield still there)?
13Thanks .
141) Most likely technology 152) To be able to rip Makuta armor, the object has to be made of protosteel 163) Read Bionicle Legends #10 when it comes out, Dweller is not an issue for Krakua. 174) Physically? No. 185) Hard to say, as it's never been revealed how many member the OOMN actually has. 196) They would die, as there would be nothing left inside them at all.
21"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
15) I can't confirm or deny it because I don't know the answer. I know what we have planned for the next few years, but nothing has been planned beyond that yet, and no one has said, "This is it, no more Toa Nuva ever." Personally, I can foresee a scenario where they would be primary characters again.
2That's interesting.
1i have a few questions mr greg: 21. If a good toa of light got all the light sucked out of him, would he be atoa of shadow, but a good one?
3thanks .
4Dude, you have to PM Greg these questions via the link on the first page. He doesn't read this topic.
5And I think the answer to you question would be: No, because the Av-Matoran had all their light sucked out of them, and they don't look like saints to me.. they've become evil.
6thanks, but takky got half the light sucked outta him, so shouldnt he be half evil?
1no, just not so good. shadow doesn't mean you're evil, but that you're more inclined to do what is not good, and tak is a bit snappy. the reason why shadow is considered evil now is because makuta are evil now by their choices. they weren't originally, but they pushed themselves to it by their actions. shadow matoran start out evil because they have makuta to look up to (literally and figuratively) as shadow buddies, so they see being shadow as being evil, which they readily accept by their influencialible mind.
2tak's not evil, but he's not as kind as before. no toa's going evil or dead this year.
2tak's not evil, but he's not as kind as before. no toa's going evil or dead this year.
11) Brutaka's weapon is made of protosteel, so he would be able to cut a Makuta's armor 2So that must mean that Axonn's axe is made of protosteel too, otherwise his axe would have been torn to shreds in the Axonn vs. Brutaka fight.
3So, i guess many of the OoMN members have protosteel weapons then.
4OoMN had a link with Ehlek's species about Protosteel.
1Hey Greg. Sorry to bother you I just have some questions:
21) Apart from possibly Mata Nui and the Protodermis entity, is there any other being capable of controling energised protodermis?
32) Could a Toa control lava? 42a) Molten protodermis?
53) While a Toa of Iron could control solid protodermis, could he also control protosteel?
64) When will the result of the Makuta building contest be announced?
75) When will we learn more about the First Toa?
86) Will new Toa be introduced in Dark Mirror?
97) Will the Hagah make an appearance in the Mutran Chronicles?
108) Is MOMN more abit more powerful than the other Makuta since he absorbed Nidhiki, Krekka, and Nivawk?
119) Who would you say is more powerful? MOMN or Miserix?
1210) Why does Brutaka's group want to save Miserix?
1311) While the Makuta Phantoka use Tridax pods, what about the Makuta Mistika? They look like Nynrah Ghost busters if you ask me.
1412) What is Krakua doing in Metru Nui and when will it be revealed?
1513) When will you reveal the First Toa's name? 1613a) MOMN?
1714) Do any of the Dark Hunters make an appearance this year?
1815) Does Lariska make an appearance in the future? Possibly as a set?
1916) Where exactly is the Av-Matoran homeland?
2017) Theory; you mentioned once that Av-Matoran were the prototype for all other Matoran types. And that any being (including Matoran/Toa/Turaga) can access their Light powers with proper concentration. Could this be reversed? So for example; is it possible for an Av-Matoran to turn into say, a Ga-Matoran?
2118) Apart from Ga-Matoran, Av-Matoran, and Lightning Matoran, are there any other Matoran tribes that are female?
2219) I've read somewhere that all Toa of Water are capable of healing. Is this correct?
2320) Will any Rahi be released this year via the Lego magazine?
2421) Has MOMN found a body to inhabit?
2522) Will Lesovikk appear again?
2623) Is the Toa Ignika capable of communicating with the other Toa? Like via telepathy?
2724) Are some Matoran older or younger than others?
2825) Can you reveal anything about Bitil?
29Thank you for your time
301) Not that we have seen, no 312) No and no -- and lava in this universe is molten protodermis 323) Yes, it's still metallic protodermis 334) May issue of LEGO BrickMaster Magazine 345) Later in the year 356) Possible, but not certain at this point 367) Don't know yet 378) I would say no. He absorbed them to get more physical mass quickly, not to get their powers. 389) They are about equal -- all Makuta have the same powers 3910) Follow the serial and find out 4011) They don't use Tridax pods in the swamp -- because there are no Matoran to corrupt there. 4112) Bionicle Legends #10 4213) MOMN is Bionicle Legends #9, First Toa is Bionicle Legends #10 4314) Yes, Lariska just showed up in the Federation of Fear serial 4415) See answer to #14, no plans to make a set of her 4516) Beneath the southern continent 4617) No. Accessing light powers is not the same as turning into an Av-Matoran. We saw Roodaka access shadow power in the third movie, she did not turn into a Makuta. 4718) There might be, but we haven't met them yet 4819) Yes 4920) The BrickMaster BIONICLE exclusive model is a Rahi 5021) I can't answer this 5122) Don't know yet 5223) Yes, or by speech, once he masters that 5324) Yes 5425) You know the old saying about "three being a crowd?" In Bitil's case, one is a crowd.
55Thoughts: 561) Darn 572) Does this include melted rock? 583) Oh yay . 594) Ok that might take a while 605) Ok... 616) Oh please put in more Toa, with new elements . 627) It would be cool if they did appear, and maybe we could find out their mask powers too.. 638) Hmm.. 649) Ok I expected him to have more power but ok . 6510) Touche 6611) Hmm, so what does a Ghost Buster do? 6712) ... 6813) Oh cool . Only a few more weeks then . 6914) Figured that out 7015) Irony, I sent my PM before CH.4 came out, talk about coincidence 7116) Karda Nui? I meant the place they moved to after Karda Nui was colonised 7217) Was a good theory though.. 7318) Oh please let there be more, I'm tired of new Toa and they're all male 7419) Oh cool . 7520) Ooh nice

1I think this may have gotten lost in the PM system +down+, 21)Is mata nui good?, bad, nuetral? 32)Think Thok will return in the storyline? 43)Would Makuta Bribe mata nui of his power? 54)When does the univese end? 65) Who does Krakua know besides Vakama? 76) Why does Mata Nui get all the attention? 87) How are you today? 98) what is the end of the universe like? 109) When does Vultraz appear? 1110) Gorast, Bito, and Krika are mutated makuta, right?
121) I see him as good, myself. 132) Thok, along with the other Piraka, is a prisoner on Daxia, so he is not going to be free to do much for a long while 143) No, because Mata Nui would not take a bribe and Makuta has nothing Mata Nui needs. 154) If Mata Nui dies 165) Krakua knows a lot of people 176) Um, because he is the Great Spirit and all things -- like heat, light, gravity, you know, stuff you need to live -- come from him. 188) What do you think it would be like? 199) Not until summer 2010) I can't discuss summer sets
121) I see him as good, myself. 132) Thok, along with the other Piraka, is a prisoner on Daxia, so he is not going to be free to do much for a long while 143) No, because Mata Nui would not take a bribe and Makuta has nothing Mata Nui needs. 154) If Mata Nui dies 165) Krakua knows a lot of people 176) Um, because he is the Great Spirit and all things -- like heat, light, gravity, you know, stuff you need to live -- come from him. 188) What do you think it would be like? 199) Not until summer 2010) I can't discuss summer sets
1I don't really like the idea of the contest winner being Miserix because then we can't build him if we don't have the ieces or instuctions.
2Not unless the winner is someone from BZpower who would be kind enogh to put instructions on.
3Technically, you don't have to be a member of BZP, just a member of a photo-hosting site like Brickshelf.
42) Couldn't Karzahni and Artahka's masks qualify for legendary status? They allow for some pretty dangerous things. Karzahni can see the future, and Artahka can build anything, given the materials. Knowledge of the future might not be as fundamental as time, or life, but the power to create, isn't that another basic part of reality? Reality must create, or else it is not real, or rather, only that which has been created is real.
53) I know you've said you don't want to commit to names or powers for the masks on this year's Matoran, but couldn't they easily be Noble versions of their respective Toa/Makuta's masks? It's been pointed out how similar the masks are, so it seems logical enough that Solek is wearing a Noble Akaku Nuva.
62) I definitely don't see Karzahni's mask as being up there with Life and Time ... you could argue Artakha's is, but it's not a decision I have made at this point since he is only a peripheral part of the story.
73) Except that if I do that, and the set designers reuse the piece in a future year, I am stuck with it being a noble version of a pre-existing mask because that is what I said it was this year. I see no reason to paint myself into that corner.
8About the legendary masks: I really don't want to see the Mask of Creation being a legendary mask. Sure, creation is a basic part of reality, but so are light and dark, and the Avohkii and Kraahkan aren't legendary. Besides, I like the idea of legendary masks not having one being constantly wearing it, but Artahka is constantly wearing his mask. 9About the Matoran masks: I really don't see why similarities make that mask a noble mask. Look at the two Huna: two very different masks, yet they're both Huna. To tell the truth, the only Great and Noble masks which I see something similar are the Rau. The Ruru and Matatu, maybe, but that's stretching it.
10I sent you some questions twice? Did you get them? If you did, then don't answer them. I've got most of the answers now. But I have some more questions:
111. Could MoMN (or any Makuta for that matter) kick another Makuta's spirit out and take their armor?
122. Are most Makuta canister-sized like the Phantoka, slightly bigger like Icarax, or huge like MoMN?
133. What exactly do you mean by Maxilos's sword shooting his internal energies (I mean what do the internal energies look like when they are launched)?
144. Some Rahi from 2001 have masks (Nui-Jaga, Muaka). However, some later Rahi, like the Kraawa, also have masks as part of their design. In the example of the Kraawa, it has a great Matatu on its chest. Would you consider it canon to say that the Matatu is actually a mask worn by the Rahi, like the Nui-Jaga wore masks on its pincers, or would you say it's just armor? link to pic 154b. If yes, then does that mean that all other Rahi with masks in their design have actual Kanohi mounted on their bodies? 164c. If no, does that mean that some Rahi have the ability to have masks on their body (Nui-Jaga) and some don't?
175. Can all Rahi wear masks on their bodies, or are only some Rahi capable of that? 185b. If the latter, how would the Makuta infect a Rahi like Kikanalo, since they don't have a place for masks? Would they mutate it to be able to wear masks, or use the power of Rahi-control? Or is there a way to infect without masks?
196. Do sets have the highest level of canonicity, or movie images?
207. Do regular Inika masks look exactly like the organic ones except made out of hard protodermis, or do they have a different shape?
218. Do you imagine the pre-pit Barraki to be tall, powerful warlords (like ToM's drawing, or hunched crones like they are now?
229. You said on a scale of 1-10, the Nuva are 9 or 10. If Matoran apply to this scale, would non-Av-Matoran be a 1 or .5 (since they have little powers, like Ta-Matoran being heat-resistant)? 239b. Would Av-Matoran be a 2, or if the others are .5, a 1, since their powers are a little more developed than the other? 249c. Would Turaga of Light be 1 notch above other Turaga, for same reasons as Av-Matoran?
2510. Can the Shadow Matoran and Phantoka Makuta actually bite with their teeth, or are they there for intimidation (bionicle.com listed teeth as one of Antroz's weapons, I believe)?
26That's all for now . Thanks and bye .
271) No 282) Makuta are shapeshifters, they can look how they want 293) Like black fire, hence the name of the sword. Maxilos is a robot, he is powered, that power comes out of the sword 304-5) Since we really haven't done the whole "Rahi wearing masks thing" since 2001, and I was not on the story team then, it's really not something I have worried about. 316) I consider sets to be highest, with movie images being an artistic interpretation of the sets, just as comic art is. 327) I assume they look pretty much the same 338) They are described in the book as having been perfect physical specimens. 349) I would not put a Turaga of Light above other Turaga, as all Turaga have low-level elemental abilities, and a Toa of Light is not more powerful than normal Toa. I would give Av-Matoran an edge over other Matoran because they can control their element and normal Matoran cannot. 3510) Yes, they can bite
1We say "two's company; three's a crowd" because sometimes two people are having fun together and would not have as much fun if a third person joined them. Example: "I hope he does not come over to our table; two's company; three's a crowd." "Company" here means people who have been invited; they are relaxed and comfortable together. A "crowd" is an uncomfortably large group who's size cannot be controlled. "Two's company; three's a crowd" says that a group of two people is more comfortable than a group of three. Example: "I was hoping just you and I would see the movie. Why did you have to bring your sister? Two's company; three's a crowd ."2Link
3Could it be that Bitil tends to talk alot?
1I think it means Bitil likes to work alone.
1But then the phrase would be "two is too many." If he PREFERS there to be one, then Greg wouldn't have said "one is a crowd," implying he doesn't enjoy working alone. Not to mention we already have Gorast, who's been established as quite unfriendly.
1About the legendary masks: I really don't want to see the Mask of Creation being a legendary mask. Sure, creation is a basic part of reality, but so are light and dark, and the Avohkii and Kraahkan aren't legendary. Besides, I like the idea of legendary masks not having one being constantly wearing it, but Artahka is constantly wearing his mask.About the legendary masks: I really don't want to see the Mask of Creation being a legendary mask. Sure, creation is a basic part of reality, but so are light and dark, and the Avohkii and Kraahkan aren't legendary. Besides, I like the idea of legendary masks not having one being constantly wearing it, but Artahka is constantly wearing his mask.
2Light and Darkness could you not compare with creation, i mean creation is fundamentaly without it it would be nothing. The power is interresting too, if you had the materials you could create EVERYTHING. But that Artakha wear it constaly is bad too, but hes a creator.
2Light and Darkness could you not compare with creation, i mean creation is fundamentaly without it it would be nothing. The power is interresting too, if you had the materials you could create EVERYTHING. But that Artakha wear it constaly is bad too, but hes a creator.
1QUOTEim sorry if i annoy you i know you need personal time, but ive never been so close and yet so far, here is my question
2to what signifignence are the makuta trying to get at mata nui and if this was just to get respect did they all go crazy with the whole hostile takeover thing from trying to "get recognition" or somthing?and i've got writers block (not literally) and do you have any ideas? im kinda a writer3The Makuta knew full well that as long as Mata Nui was on top and they were below him, they were never going to get credit, so they had to get rid of him.As far as writer's block goes, I have two suggestions. First, take some time to do something other than writing, give your brain a rest. Second, go back over what you've written and see if there's a place where your characters have gone off track -- maybe done something that doesn't make sense for them to do, based on who they are. I always find if I try to force my characters to act certain ways, because I need them to for the story, it becomes much harder to write -- stories go faster if you let the characters tell you the story, as opposed to you telling them. QUOTEim sorry if i annoy you i know you need personal time, but ive never been so close and yet so far, here is my questionyours truly, and mega bionicle fan, makutaking
4to what signifignence are the makuta trying to get at mata nui and if this was just to get respect did they all go crazy with the whole hostile takeover thing from trying to "get recognition" or somthing?and i've got writers block (not literally) and do you have any ideas? im kinda a writer5The Makuta knew full well that as long as Mata Nui was on top and they were below him, they were never going to get credit, so they had to get rid of him.As far as writer's block goes, I have two suggestions. First, take some time to do something other than writing, give your brain a rest. Second, go back over what you've written and see if there's a place where your characters have gone off track -- maybe done something that doesn't make sense for them to do, based on who they are. I always find if I try to force my characters to act certain ways, because I need them to for the story, it becomes much harder to write -- stories go faster if you let the characters tell you the story, as opposed to you telling them.yours truly, and mega bionicle fan, makutaking
11. If Pohatu's twin propellers are made of protosteel, could it be assumed that all the other nuva's weapons are made of protosteel, as the armor seems to be the same for each toa? 21) Yes 32. About the makuta armor, we know that it's made of protosteel, could it be possible that protosteel is the reason behind makuta armor being the only armor in which makuta can shapeshift? could it possibly have a property to change form when affected by a power, such as makuta power. 42) We don't know that that is actually part of the nature of protosteel, or part of the nature of Makuta armor. Since Makuta could be in a robot made of protosteel and yet not be able to shapeshift, so it seems to be unique to that armor. 53. Along these lines, could it be possible that the nuva's adaptive armor is also made of protosteel, since their armor shapeshifts to the environments, and Artakha is the only place protosteel could be made, and Artakha is a genius in making things? protosteel seems to be the best armor for facing makuta. 63) It's likely 74. In FoF #4, brutaka aims his rotating blades at spiriah's chest, threatening to rip it open, does this mean that his rotating blades are made of protosteel too? 84) Yes. Fairly pointless for an OOMN member to have weapons that weren't made of that. 95. So the OoMN knows about the Makuta condition, as Brutaka knows, and ehlek's species have protosteel weapons, to get any in the sea or on it? 105) Ehlek's species have protosteel claws because the OOMN engineered them to do so. And the fact that Makuta are energy is not a big secret.
116. You introduced the ignika fail-safe as a way to explain the silver mask and give 2008 some suppense, but was the fail-safe planned from the beginning, or only last year? 126) No, wasn't planned from the beginning. Often, I come up with stuff as I go along.
116. You introduced the ignika fail-safe as a way to explain the silver mask and give 2008 some suppense, but was the fail-safe planned from the beginning, or only last year? 126) No, wasn't planned from the beginning. Often, I come up with stuff as I go along.
1Some Mutegan stuff -
2Hi, I just has a thought - is Makuta's new form/body the swamp water? Does the swamp water even count as a body? Can he inhabit the Mutegan? Thanks for your time Greg .
3No. Water is not a living thing the way, say, a Toa or a Matoran is a living thing. Makuta cannot possess water.
4Yes, but it the Mutegan living?
5I don't consider it a living thing, no. Is the electricity in your wall socket alive? It's non-living energy.
6So the Mutegan is an energy (similar to EP), not a virus, germ or plant?
7Correct, but not as substantial as EP -- if you are exposed to EP, you know it, as it's a liquid. The mutagen is pure energy, similar to radiation
1biti; can create clones of him self
2QUOTE" 3Bitil's power is to create clone of himself 4QUOTE""
5o rly? where'd you get this info?
7Yeah, I was thinking that, but it's too obvious, others have probably thought of it, so you could have probably just posted saying what others were thinking, and besides, it, like Silence, doesn't seem like a very "unholy" power. 8And I just use the term unholy for my own reasons.
1Finaly we learn one of Bitils powers.
1Hi. 2Is the Hau the mask that MoMN had before becoming the leader of the BoM and getting his Kraakhan?
3No. His wearing the Hau is not connected to events in our universe. I gave him that simply because the infected Hau was the iconic mask from 2001 and I wanted to give a nod to that. There is no reason to believe MOMN did not always have the Mask of Shadows, there is no evidence that Miserix ever wore it.
1About the legendary masks: I really don't want to see the Mask of Creation being a legendary mask. Sure, creation is a basic part of reality, but so are light and dark, and the Avohkii and Kraahkan aren't legendary. Besides, I like the idea of legendary masks not having one being constantly wearing it, but Artahka is constantly wearing his mask.About the legendary masks: I really don't want to see the Mask of Creation being a legendary mask. Sure, creation is a basic part of reality, but so are light and dark, and the Avohkii and Kraahkan aren't legendary. Besides, I like the idea of legendary masks not having one being constantly wearing it, but Artahka is constantly wearing his mask.
2Light and Darkness could you not compare with creation, i mean creation is fundamentaly without it it would be nothing. The power is interresting too, if you had the materials you could create EVERYTHING. But that Artakha wear it constaly is bad too, but hes a creator.
3I see the creation in this case as being the inventing of new things, not just recreating old things. And technically, you could have a universe without having new things. Albeit, it would be dull, but it would still function. The invention of new things is not necessary for life, unless like you're in a situation where you need a weapon immediately that doesn't exist. On the other hand, time and life are fundamental. You can't have life without life (duh) and you can't avoid time. I don't mind Artahkta constantly wearing it, I just don't want it to become a legendary mask.
1Hi. 2Is the Hau the mask that MoMN had before becoming the leader of the BoM and getting his Kraakhan?
3No. His wearing the Hau is not connected to events in our universe. I gave him that simply because the infected Hau was the iconic mask from 2001 and I wanted to give a nod to that. There is no reason to believe MOMN did not always have the Mask of Shadows, there is no evidence that Miserix ever wore it.
4Wow. So MoMN could have always worn it .? Wonder why and/or how he was the special one to have wore it, if this is true.