1Hello, Mr. Farshtey, I have a few questions to ask:
21. If someone used the Spear of Fusion on an Olmak and a Vahi, could the bearer of the fused mask travel through time?
32. In Riddle of the Great Beings Chapter 4, it says that "The heart of the maze holds the last riddle of the Great Beings". Does this mean that the Great Beings are dead, or that they've just stopped making "riddles"?
43. Does the Adaptive Armor the Toa Nuva have recognize Mata Nui (now controlled by Teridax) as an enemy? 53a. If so, what weapons has it adapted to?
64. Is Pohatu now Orange?
75. Are the Toa Hagah going to break out of their illusion anytime soon?
86. Have the Toa Nuva fulfilled their destiny? 96a. Are they going to turn into Turaga anytime soon?
107. Was there a different way to awaken Mata Nui rather than using the Ignika? 117a. If so, what was it?
128. Could a Toa be rebuilt into a Matoran?
13Thank you in advance.
141) No. If you combine a Vahi and an Olmak, you won't get the time power plus the dimensional gate power, you will get a third power which might be completely unrelated. 152) No, it does not refer to them being dead. Surel has no way to know if they are dead or not. 163) It would be pretty much impossible for it to do this, since Makuta is now part of the air, the ground, the water, etc. The armor reacts to specific environments and attacks, not to whether you are an enemy or not. 174) Yes 185) I can't discuss future storyline 196) If you were a Toa Nuva, would you want to give up your Toa power and become a Turaga when the universe needs you most? Remember, it's their choice to become Turaga or not. 207) Yes, there was. But it was a much, much slower process than what they used. 218) No. A Matoran, by definition, has no elemental power or mask power, so even if you made a Toa shorter, he would still be a Toa, not a Matoran.
22Thank you for answering . I have a few followups, plus new questions:
231. So combining two masks together with the Spear of Fusion will not get you a mask with the two mask powers?
243. Are the Toa Nuva in their 2003 form, then?
258. Are all Toa the same height, or are there some shorter than the rest?
26New Questions:
271. How exactly did the Toa Mata's canisters malfunction? (i.e. Navigation unit short circuit, etc)
282. How did the Order of Mata Nui transform Krakua into a Toa? Did they give him a Toa Stone, or did they use a different meathod? 292a. If they used a Toa Stone, who gave it to him?
303. Are there different ways to make a Kanohi other than Kanoka? 313a. What are they?
324. Do most Toa armor look like Mata armor, Nuva armor, Metru armor, Inika Armor, Mahri armor, or Phantoka/Mistika armor?
335. Is there a name for Matoran of Plasma?
341) Nope 353) The default mode for their armor is their traditional Nuva look, yes 368) Roughly the same height 371) Hasn't been revealed, because what's important is that they did malfunction, not exactly how. 382) Again, hasn't been revealed, not important to the story 393) Sure. A Kanohi is made from purified liquid protodermis, but you don't need to make a Kanoka first. The Kanoka is helpful, in that it gives you a preview of the mask's power and power level, but you can just go straight to mask-making if you choose 404) Closest to Mata or Metru armor 415) Nope
42A few more questions:
431. It is said that our MU Tuyet spent 2000 years getting back to the MU via different dimensions. Is it possible that an Alternate Tuyet traveled through this MU while trying to get back to her dimension?
442. Do Matoran have mouths through their masks?
453. Are there any more elements we don't know about yet?
464. Are there Matoran of Plant Life, Plasma, or Gravity in Metru Nui?
475. Were there any other types of Matoran on Mata Nui (aside from Takua) that were not Fire, Ice, Water, Stone, Earth, or Air?
486. Are Matoran of Gravity called Gar-Matoran (after the Mask)? 496a. If not, what are they called?
507. Where are the Toa Nuva's Suvas? 517a. Are their symbols there as well?
528. Are we going to see anymore alternate dimensions in the future?
53Thank you for your time.
541) No 552) I don't understand your question 563) Could be 574) No 585) No 596) I haven't given them a name, because I have no need to do so at this point 607) Metru Nui 618) No idea at this point
62So you can't combine the Olmak and the Vahi with the Spear of Fusion and get the Mask of Time Travel...
64That was known for a while though. I wonder, if you fuse a Vahi to a different mask, would time go crazy?
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey, I have a few questions to ask:
21. If someone used the Spear of Fusion on an Olmak and a Vahi, could the bearer of the fused mask travel through time?
32. In Riddle of the Great Beings Chapter 4, it says that "The heart of the maze holds the last riddle of the Great Beings". Does this mean that the Great Beings are dead, or that they've just stopped making "riddles"?
43. Does the Adaptive Armor the Toa Nuva have recognize Mata Nui (now controlled by Teridax) as an enemy? 53a. If so, what weapons has it adapted to?
64. Is Pohatu now Orange?
75. Are the Toa Hagah going to break out of their illusion anytime soon?
86. Have the Toa Nuva fulfilled their destiny? 96a. Are they going to turn into Turaga anytime soon?
107. Was there a different way to awaken Mata Nui rather than using the Ignika? 117a. If so, what was it?
128. Could a Toa be rebuilt into a Matoran?
13Thank you in advance.
141) No. If you combine a Vahi and an Olmak, you won't get the time power plus the dimensional gate power, you will get a third power which might be completely unrelated. 152) No, it does not refer to them being dead. Surel has no way to know if they are dead or not. 163) It would be pretty much impossible for it to do this, since Makuta is now part of the air, the ground, the water, etc. The armor reacts to specific environments and attacks, not to whether you are an enemy or not. 174) Yes 185) I can't discuss future storyline 196) If you were a Toa Nuva, would you want to give up your Toa power and become a Turaga when the universe needs you most? Remember, it's their choice to become Turaga or not. 207) Yes, there was. But it was a much, much slower process than what they used. 218) No. A Matoran, by definition, has no elemental power or mask power, so even if you made a Toa shorter, he would still be a Toa, not a Matoran.
22Thank you for answering . I have a few followups, plus new questions:
231. So combining two masks together with the Spear of Fusion will not get you a mask with the two mask powers?
243. Are the Toa Nuva in their 2003 form, then?
258. Are all Toa the same height, or are there some shorter than the rest?
26New Questions:
271. How exactly did the Toa Mata's canisters malfunction? (i.e. Navigation unit short circuit, etc)
282. How did the Order of Mata Nui transform Krakua into a Toa? Did they give him a Toa Stone, or did they use a different meathod? 292a. If they used a Toa Stone, who gave it to him?
303. Are there different ways to make a Kanohi other than Kanoka? 313a. What are they?
324. Do most Toa armor look like Mata armor, Nuva armor, Metru armor, Inika Armor, Mahri armor, or Phantoka/Mistika armor?
335. Is there a name for Matoran of Plasma?
341) Nope 353) The default mode for their armor is their traditional Nuva look, yes 368) Roughly the same height 371) Hasn't been revealed, because what's important is that they did malfunction, not exactly how. 382) Again, hasn't been revealed, not important to the story 393) Sure. A Kanohi is made from purified liquid protodermis, but you don't need to make a Kanoka first. The Kanoka is helpful, in that it gives you a preview of the mask's power and power level, but you can just go straight to mask-making if you choose 404) Closest to Mata or Metru armor 415) Nope
42A few more questions:
431. It is said that our MU Tuyet spent 2000 years getting back to the MU via different dimensions. Is it possible that an Alternate Tuyet traveled through this MU while trying to get back to her dimension?
442. Do Matoran have mouths through their masks?
453. Are there any more elements we don't know about yet?
464. Are there Matoran of Plant Life, Plasma, or Gravity in Metru Nui?
475. Were there any other types of Matoran on Mata Nui (aside from Takua) that were not Fire, Ice, Water, Stone, Earth, or Air?
486. Are Matoran of Gravity called Gar-Matoran (after the Mask)? 496a. If not, what are they called?
507. Where are the Toa Nuva's Suvas? 517a. Are their symbols there as well?
528. Are we going to see anymore alternate dimensions in the future?
53Thank you for your time.
541) No 552) I don't understand your question 563) Could be 574) No 585) No 596) I haven't given them a name, because I have no need to do so at this point 607) Metru Nui 618) No idea at this point
62So you can't combine the Olmak and the Vahi with the Spear of Fusion and get the Mask of Time Travel...
64That was known for a while though. I wonder, if you fuse a Vahi to a different mask, would time go crazy?
65I don't think so...he said that you would get a completely different mask power. Wonder what that'll be...

1Hello, Mr. Farshtey, I have a few questions to ask:
21. If someone used the Spear of Fusion on an Olmak and a Vahi, could the bearer of the fused mask travel through time?
32. In Riddle of the Great Beings Chapter 4, it says that "The heart of the maze holds the last riddle of the Great Beings". Does this mean that the Great Beings are dead, or that they've just stopped making "riddles"?
43. Does the Adaptive Armor the Toa Nuva have recognize Mata Nui (now controlled by Teridax) as an enemy? 53a. If so, what weapons has it adapted to?
64. Is Pohatu now Orange?
75. Are the Toa Hagah going to break out of their illusion anytime soon?
86. Have the Toa Nuva fulfilled their destiny? 96a. Are they going to turn into Turaga anytime soon?
107. Was there a different way to awaken Mata Nui rather than using the Ignika? 117a. If so, what was it?
128. Could a Toa be rebuilt into a Matoran?
13Thank you in advance.
141) No. If you combine a Vahi and an Olmak, you won't get the time power plus the dimensional gate power, you will get a third power which might be completely unrelated. 152) No, it does not refer to them being dead. Surel has no way to know if they are dead or not. 163) It would be pretty much impossible for it to do this, since Makuta is now part of the air, the ground, the water, etc. The armor reacts to specific environments and attacks, not to whether you are an enemy or not. 174) Yes 185) I can't discuss future storyline 196) If you were a Toa Nuva, would you want to give up your Toa power and become a Turaga when the universe needs you most? Remember, it's their choice to become Turaga or not. 207) Yes, there was. But it was a much, much slower process than what they used. 218) No. A Matoran, by definition, has no elemental power or mask power, so even if you made a Toa shorter, he would still be a Toa, not a Matoran.
22Thank you for answering . I have a few followups, plus new questions:
231. So combining two masks together with the Spear of Fusion will not get you a mask with the two mask powers?
243. Are the Toa Nuva in their 2003 form, then?
258. Are all Toa the same height, or are there some shorter than the rest?
26New Questions:
271. How exactly did the Toa Mata's canisters malfunction? (i.e. Navigation unit short circuit, etc)
282. How did the Order of Mata Nui transform Krakua into a Toa? Did they give him a Toa Stone, or did they use a different meathod? 292a. If they used a Toa Stone, who gave it to him?
303. Are there different ways to make a Kanohi other than Kanoka? 313a. What are they?
324. Do most Toa armor look like Mata armor, Nuva armor, Metru armor, Inika Armor, Mahri armor, or Phantoka/Mistika armor?
335. Is there a name for Matoran of Plasma?
341) Nope 353) The default mode for their armor is their traditional Nuva look, yes 368) Roughly the same height 371) Hasn't been revealed, because what's important is that they did malfunction, not exactly how. 382) Again, hasn't been revealed, not important to the story 393) Sure. A Kanohi is made from purified liquid protodermis, but you don't need to make a Kanoka first. The Kanoka is helpful, in that it gives you a preview of the mask's power and power level, but you can just go straight to mask-making if you choose 404) Closest to Mata or Metru armor 415) Nope
42A few more questions:
431. It is said that our MU Tuyet spent 2000 years getting back to the MU via different dimensions. Is it possible that an Alternate Tuyet traveled through this MU while trying to get back to her dimension?
442. Do Matoran have mouths through their masks?
453. Are there any more elements we don't know about yet?
464. Are there Matoran of Plant Life, Plasma, or Gravity in Metru Nui?
475. Were there any other types of Matoran on Mata Nui (aside from Takua) that were not Fire, Ice, Water, Stone, Earth, or Air?
486. Are Matoran of Gravity called Gar-Matoran (after the Mask)? 496a. If not, what are they called?
507. Where are the Toa Nuva's Suvas? 517a. Are their symbols there as well?
528. Are we going to see anymore alternate dimensions in the future?
53Thank you for your time.
541) No 552) I don't understand your question 563) Could be 574) No 585) No 596) I haven't given them a name, because I have no need to do so at this point 607) Metru Nui 618) No idea at this point
62So you can't combine the Olmak and the Vahi with the Spear of Fusion and get the Mask of Time Travel...
64That was known for a while though. I wonder, if you fuse a Vahi to a different mask, would time go crazy?
65What about the Karzanhi Matoran in Metru Nui?
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey, I have a few questions to ask:
21. If someone used the Spear of Fusion on an Olmak and a Vahi, could the bearer of the fused mask travel through time?
32. In Riddle of the Great Beings Chapter 4, it says that "The heart of the maze holds the last riddle of the Great Beings". Does this mean that the Great Beings are dead, or that they've just stopped making "riddles"?
43. Does the Adaptive Armor the Toa Nuva have recognize Mata Nui (now controlled by Teridax) as an enemy? 53a. If so, what weapons has it adapted to?
64. Is Pohatu now Orange?
75. Are the Toa Hagah going to break out of their illusion anytime soon?
86. Have the Toa Nuva fulfilled their destiny? 96a. Are they going to turn into Turaga anytime soon?
107. Was there a different way to awaken Mata Nui rather than using the Ignika? 117a. If so, what was it?
128. Could a Toa be rebuilt into a Matoran?
13Thank you in advance.
141) No. If you combine a Vahi and an Olmak, you won't get the time power plus the dimensional gate power, you will get a third power which might be completely unrelated. 152) No, it does not refer to them being dead. Surel has no way to know if they are dead or not. 163) It would be pretty much impossible for it to do this, since Makuta is now part of the air, the ground, the water, etc. The armor reacts to specific environments and attacks, not to whether you are an enemy or not. 174) Yes 185) I can't discuss future storyline 196) If you were a Toa Nuva, would you want to give up your Toa power and become a Turaga when the universe needs you most? Remember, it's their choice to become Turaga or not. 207) Yes, there was. But it was a much, much slower process than what they used. 218) No. A Matoran, by definition, has no elemental power or mask power, so even if you made a Toa shorter, he would still be a Toa, not a Matoran.
22Thank you for answering . I have a few followups, plus new questions:
231. So combining two masks together with the Spear of Fusion will not get you a mask with the two mask powers?
243. Are the Toa Nuva in their 2003 form, then?
258. Are all Toa the same height, or are there some shorter than the rest?
26New Questions:
271. How exactly did the Toa Mata's canisters malfunction? (i.e. Navigation unit short circuit, etc)
282. How did the Order of Mata Nui transform Krakua into a Toa? Did they give him a Toa Stone, or did they use a different meathod? 292a. If they used a Toa Stone, who gave it to him?
303. Are there different ways to make a Kanohi other than Kanoka? 313a. What are they?
324. Do most Toa armor look like Mata armor, Nuva armor, Metru armor, Inika Armor, Mahri armor, or Phantoka/Mistika armor?
335. Is there a name for Matoran of Plasma?
341) Nope 353) The default mode for their armor is their traditional Nuva look, yes 368) Roughly the same height 371) Hasn't been revealed, because what's important is that they did malfunction, not exactly how. 382) Again, hasn&'t been revealed, not important to the story 393) Sure. A Kanohi is made from purified liquid protodermis, but you don&'t need to make a Kanoka first. The Kanoka is helpful, in that it gives you a preview of the mask&'s power and power level, but you can just go straight to mask-making if you choose 404) Closest to Mata or Metru armor 415) Nope
42A few more questions:
431. It is said that our MU Tuyet spent 2000 years getting back to the MU via different dimensions. Is it possible that an Alternate Tuyet traveled through this MU while trying to get back to her dimension?
442. Do Matoran have mouths through their masks?
453. Are there any more elements we don&'t know about yet?
464. Are there Matoran of Plant Life, Plasma, or Gravity in Metru Nui?
475. Were there any other types of Matoran on Mata Nui (aside from Takua) that were not Fire, Ice, Water, Stone, Earth, or Air?
486. Are Matoran of Gravity called Gar-Matoran (after the Mask)? 496a. If not, what are they called?
507. Where are the Toa Nuva&'s Suvas? 517a. Are their symbols there as well?
528. Are we going to see anymore alternate dimensions in the future?
53Thank you for your time.
541) No 552) I don&'t understand your question 563) Could be 574) No 585) No 596) I haven&'t given them a name, because I have no need to do so at this point 607) Metru Nui 618) No idea at this point
62So you can&'t combine the Olmak and the Vahi with the Spear of Fusion and get the Mask of Time Travel...
64That was known for a while though. I wonder, if you fuse a Vahi to a different mask, would time go crazy?
65What about the Karzanhi Matoran in Metru Nui?
66Well, that probably means that there aren&'t any Karzanhi Matoran that have the element of plasma, gravity or plant life that are now alive and in Metru Nui.

1Hello, Mr. Farshtey, I have a few questions to ask:
21. If someone used the Spear of Fusion on an Olmak and a Vahi, could the bearer of the fused mask travel through time?
32. In Riddle of the Great Beings Chapter 4, it says that "The heart of the maze holds the last riddle of the Great Beings". Does this mean that the Great Beings are dead, or that they&'ve just stopped making "riddles"?
43. Does the Adaptive Armor the Toa Nuva have recognize Mata Nui (now controlled by Teridax) as an enemy? 53a. If so, what weapons has it adapted to?
64. Is Pohatu now Orange?
75. Are the Toa Hagah going to break out of their illusion anytime soon?
86. Have the Toa Nuva fulfilled their destiny? 96a. Are they going to turn into Turaga anytime soon?
107. Was there a different way to awaken Mata Nui rather than using the Ignika? 117a. If so, what was it?
128. Could a Toa be rebuilt into a Matoran?
13Thank you in advance.
141) No. If you combine a Vahi and an Olmak, you won&'t get the time power plus the dimensional gate power, you will get a third power which might be completely unrelated. 152) No, it does not refer to them being dead. Surel has no way to know if they are dead or not. 163) It would be pretty much impossible for it to do this, since Makuta is now part of the air, the ground, the water, etc. The armor reacts to specific environments and attacks, not to whether you are an enemy or not. 174) Yes 185) I can&'t discuss future storyline 196) If you were a Toa Nuva, would you want to give up your Toa power and become a Turaga when the universe needs you most? Remember, it&'s their choice to become Turaga or not. 207) Yes, there was. But it was a much, much slower process than what they used. 218) No. A Matoran, by definition, has no elemental power or mask power, so even if you made a Toa shorter, he would still be a Toa, not a Matoran.
22Thank you for answering . I have a few followups, plus new questions:
231. So combining two masks together with the Spear of Fusion will not get you a mask with the two mask powers?
243. Are the Toa Nuva in their 2003 form, then?
258. Are all Toa the same height, or are there some shorter than the rest?
26New Questions:
271. How exactly did the Toa Mata&'s canisters malfunction? (i.e. Navigation unit short circuit, etc)
282. How did the Order of Mata Nui transform Krakua into a Toa? Did they give him a Toa Stone, or did they use a different meathod? 292a. If they used a Toa Stone, who gave it to him?
303. Are there different ways to make a Kanohi other than Kanoka? 313a. What are they?
324. Do most Toa armor look like Mata armor, Nuva armor, Metru armor, Inika Armor, Mahri armor, or Phantoka/Mistika armor?
335. Is there a name for Matoran of Plasma?
341) Nope 353) The default mode for their armor is their traditional Nuva look, yes 368) Roughly the same height 371) Hasn&'t been revealed, because what&'s important is that they did malfunction, not exactly how. 382) Again, hasn&'t been revealed, not important to the story 393) Sure. A Kanohi is made from purified liquid protodermis, but you don&'t need to make a Kanoka first. The Kanoka is helpful, in that it gives you a preview of the mask&'s power and power level, but you can just go straight to mask-making if you choose 404) Closest to Mata or Metru armor 415) Nope
42A few more questions:
431. It is said that our MU Tuyet spent 2000 years getting back to the MU via different dimensions. Is it possible that an Alternate Tuyet traveled through this MU while trying to get back to her dimension?
442. Do Matoran have mouths through their masks?
453. Are there any more elements we don&'t know about yet?
464. Are there Matoran of Plant Life, Plasma, or Gravity in Metru Nui?
475. Were there any other types of Matoran on Mata Nui (aside from Takua) that were not Fire, Ice, Water, Stone, Earth, or Air?
486. Are Matoran of Gravity called Gar-Matoran (after the Mask)? 496a. If not, what are they called?
507. Where are the Toa Nuva&'s Suvas? 517a. Are their symbols there as well?
528. Are we going to see anymore alternate dimensions in the future?
53Thank you for your time.
541) No 552) I don&'t understand your question 563) Could be 574) No 585) No 596) I haven&'t given them a name, because I have no need to do so at this point 607) Metru Nui 618) No idea at this point
62So you can&'t combine the Olmak and the Vahi with the Spear of Fusion and get the Mask of Time Travel...
64That was known for a while though. I wonder, if you fuse a Vahi to a different mask, would time go crazy?
65What about the Karzanhi Matoran in Metru Nui?
66Well, that probably means that there aren&'t any Karzanhi Matoran that have the element of plasma, gravity or plant life that are now alive and in Metru Nui.
68Who knows if those Matoran stayed there? They could have been transported elsewhere.
1Okay, could you please not quote that entire post? Don&'t discuss that here. If there&'s not a topic for it, make one.
1Who knows if those Matoran stayed there? They could have been transported elsewhere.
2They are still there, unless they escaped.


1Hey GregF, I have just one question.2The Great Beings managed to find their refuge elsewhere, while the Glatorian and the surviving villagers found themselves on the largest remaining piece of the shattered Spherus Magna - known from then on as planet Bara Magna.
3This was noted down in the description of the 4th Glatorian Polish book that has The Crossing story. Is this description accurate? 4Thanks.
5Are you sure that&'s from the fourth book? Because I can&'t find any reference to any of that in the fourth chapter of the story, or even the third. And I KNOW I never make a reference anywhere to "planet Bara Magna."
6I think my question to him was confusing. I didn&'t actually mean The Crossing story.

1QUOTE 2Hello Mr.Greg. Thank-you for answering my previous questions. Thanks in advance sir smile.gif
31: 4In the book BIONICLE Legends #10 Swamp Of Secrets, there are many parts where it mentions Onua digging tunnels in the dirt. So my question is: How does he dig? Does he use his hands, Does his Multi-Resistant Shield clip off his armor and he uses it as a shovel?
52: Can Kopaka (Phantoka) pull his ice bayonet off his Midak skyblaster and use it as a sword?
63: Also there has been some confusion about the tool of Tahu Mistika. Is his Rotating-Blades a shield, or a bladed weapon? (I ask because Tahu is my favorite character)
74: Do the Toa Mahri still have their air tubes? I ask because they are out of the ocean.
85: When the Glatorian were soldiers in the Core War did they wield Thornax Launchers at that point?
91) Most likely both 102) No 113) It can function as either one -- if you have rotating blades, it will deflect things hurled at you 124) They do, because the sets do, and if they get drawn again they will look like those sets 135) Not unless they were based in Bara Magna. Thornax does not grow outside of the desert.
14number 1# is cool scoop in Onua. And I think that 5 is new.
31: 4In the book BIONICLE Legends #10 Swamp Of Secrets, there are many parts where it mentions Onua digging tunnels in the dirt. So my question is: How does he dig? Does he use his hands, Does his Multi-Resistant Shield clip off his armor and he uses it as a shovel?
52: Can Kopaka (Phantoka) pull his ice bayonet off his Midak skyblaster and use it as a sword?
63: Also there has been some confusion about the tool of Tahu Mistika. Is his Rotating-Blades a shield, or a bladed weapon? (I ask because Tahu is my favorite character)
74: Do the Toa Mahri still have their air tubes? I ask because they are out of the ocean.
85: When the Glatorian were soldiers in the Core War did they wield Thornax Launchers at that point?
91) Most likely both 102) No 113) It can function as either one -- if you have rotating blades, it will deflect things hurled at you 124) They do, because the sets do, and if they get drawn again they will look like those sets 135) Not unless they were based in Bara Magna. Thornax does not grow outside of the desert.
14number 1# is cool scoop in Onua. And I think that 5 is new.
1Hey GregF, I have just one question.2The Great Beings managed to find their refuge elsewhere, while the Glatorian and the surviving villagers found themselves on the largest remaining piece of the shattered Spherus Magna - known from then on as planet Bara Magna.
3This was noted down in the description of the 4th Glatorian Polish book that has The Crossing story. Is this description accurate? 4Thanks.
5Are you sure that&'s from the fourth book? Because I can&'t find any reference to any of that in the fourth chapter of the story, or even the third. And I KNOW I never make a reference anywhere to "planet Bara Magna."
6I think my question to him was confusing. I didn&'t actually mean The Crossing story.![]()
7Drats, just when we thought we had confirmation

8Edit: Whoo hoo . One year spiny .
15&'1QUOTE 2Hello Mr.Greg. Thank-you for answering my previous questions. Thanks in advance sir smile.gif
31: 4In the book BIONICLE Legends #10 Swamp Of Secrets, there are many parts where it mentions Onua digging tunnels in the dirt. So my question is: How does he dig? Does he use his hands, Does his Multi-Resistant Shield clip off his armor and he uses it as a shovel?
52: Can Kopaka (Phantoka) pull his ice bayonet off his Midak skyblaster and use it as a sword?
63: Also there has been some confusion about the tool of Tahu Mistika. Is his Rotating-Blades a shield, or a bladed weapon? (I ask because Tahu is my favorite character)
74: Do the Toa Mahri still have their air tubes? I ask because they are out of the ocean.
85: When the Glatorian were soldiers in the Core War did they wield Thornax Launchers at that point?
91) Most likely both 102) No 113) It can function as either one -- if you have rotating blades, it will deflect things hurled at you 124) They do, because the sets do, and if they get drawn again they will look like those sets 135) Not unless they were based in Bara Magna. Thornax does not grow outside of the desert.
14number 1# is cool scoop in Onua. And I think that 5 is new.
16I thought the bayonet could be taken off.
1Hey GregF, I have just one question.2The Great Beings managed to find their refuge elsewhere, while the Glatorian and the surviving villagers found themselves on the largest remaining piece of the shattered Spherus Magna - known from then on as planet Bara Magna.
3This was noted down in the description of the 4th Glatorian Polish book that has The Crossing story. Is this description accurate? 4Thanks.
5Are you sure that&'s from the fourth book? Because I can&'t find any reference to any of that in the fourth chapter of the story, or even the third. And I KNOW I never make a reference anywhere to "planet Bara Magna."
6Well, here is the link about the description of the fourth book. I don&'t think it&'s from the story, but maybe in another part of the book?
7I see, it&'s a catalog description. Well, there are a few things I would take issue with -- for one, no one refers to it as the "planet Bara Magna." Think of it like this -- let&'s say you lived in California. Earth breaks up into pieces and you live on the chunk with California -- would you be likely to refer to it as the "planet California?"
8Also, I take issue with the notion that all the survivors wound up on Bara Magna -- it&'s too unlikely. The Shattering was an abrupt event, so the odds that EVERYONE on the planet who was still alive made it to Bara Magna before that happened are ridiculously high.
9As for the Great Beings, while it is highly unlikely they are on BM, no one in story knows for sure where they are or even if they are still alive.
10The irony here is that I do live in California. XD
1Hello Greg . I just have a few quick questions about ROTGB chapter 4 and the Elemental Lords.
21. When Surel says, "where trees provide no shelter, the air no cooling breeze, and where water does not quench your thirst" was he trying to warn Tarduk and his companions that some Elemental Lords might attack them if they continue their quest?
31a. If so, would these be the Elemental Lords of Water, Air, and Jungle or Plant-Life?
4Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer these questions.
51) Nope
6Darn, I thought I solved Surel&'s riddle. It seemed like a good guess too

7Woohoo . First PM Greg answered for me .

15&'1QUOTE 2Hello Mr.Greg. Thank-you for answering my previous questions. Thanks in advance sir smile.gif
31: 4In the book BIONICLE Legends #10 Swamp Of Secrets, there are many parts where it mentions Onua digging tunnels in the dirt. So my question is: How does he dig? Does he use his hands, Does his Multi-Resistant Shield clip off his armor and he uses it as a shovel?
52: Can Kopaka (Phantoka) pull his ice bayonet off his Midak skyblaster and use it as a sword?
63: Also there has been some confusion about the tool of Tahu Mistika. Is his Rotating-Blades a shield, or a bladed weapon? (I ask because Tahu is my favorite character)
74: Do the Toa Mahri still have their air tubes? I ask because they are out of the ocean.
85: When the Glatorian were soldiers in the Core War did they wield Thornax Launchers at that point?
91) Most likely both 102) No 113) It can function as either one -- if you have rotating blades, it will deflect things hurled at you 124) They do, because the sets do, and if they get drawn again they will look like those sets 135) Not unless they were based in Bara Magna. Thornax does not grow outside of the desert.
14number 1# is cool scoop in Onua. And I think that 5 is new.
16I thought the bayonet could be taken off.
17me too. I&'m confused.
1Who knows if those Matoran stayed there? They could have been transported elsewhere.
2They are still there, unless they escaped.Anyway, the question was worded "were," thereby implying that it was asked about the time between Metru-Nui&'s creation and the Great Cataclysm. The answer is no, there weren&'t. We know that there are Matoran of other elements in Metru-Nui now - the Av-Matorn Canister builder, for one.
4Actually, I asked if there were any of any element other than the usual six on Mata Nui, not Metru Nui. See:
55. Were there any other types of Matoran on Mata Nui (aside from Takua) that were not Fire, Ice, Water, Stone, Earth, or Air?
6I only asked about Matoran of Gravity, Plasma, and Plant Life on Metru Nui:
74. Are there Matoran of Plant Life, Plasma, or Gravity in Metru Nui?
8So there are none of those kind of Matoran on Metru Nui right now. However, I am PMing Greg back about the kinds who are there, so hold on...

1Got some Qs mainly on MGttU back:
19Nothing particularly amazing, but nice to have confirmation with that surviving Makuta thing.
2Hi Greg,
3Recieved the English version of Makuta&'s Guide to the Universe the other day, and wanted to congratulate you on it. The &'diary&' entries were especially great. I&'ve now got some questions partially inspire by the guide.
41) Of the characters you&'ve written in the first person as (Gali, Mutran, Takanuva, Teridax), who did you most enjoy doing? 52) The guide says that some Makuta still survive and are being used by Teridax to mass produce Kraata, which contradicts what you&'ve previously said. Is this fact canon? 63) If the international release of Makuta&'s Guide is a success, can we expect to see the Crossing books and the upcoming Bara Magna guide in English?
7And on an unrelated note...
84) For timelining purposes on BS01, when there is a contradiction between the 02/03 web Flash movies, and Cathy Hapka&'s novels (which fit nicely around your comics), which should take precedence? I know the animations were by the same people as MNOLG, which wasn&'t story-team approved at the time...
9Thanks, Jalaguy
101) I don&'t remember. I had about two weeks to write that entire book, so it is something of a blur. 112) Can you give me a page number, Jalaguy, makes it easier for me to find context for the reference 123) No idea, that is up to AMEET. I certainly hope so. 134) I would lean toward Cathy&'s books.
142) It&'s on page 64, at the bottom. To quote: "There are very few Makuta currently still active in the universe. Since Teridax seized complete control, he has seen little need to allow potential rivals to live. The Makuta who do survive are used to mass produce kraata so that Teridax&'s Rahkshi armies remain strong."
15Also, the Guide says that Gali is &'currently&' searching the Great Temple for info on the Great Beings, and that Onua is helping fortifying the Archives. Did they do these things in the gap between Takanuva&'s Blog ending and RoS picking up again, since Onua has now joined up with Tahu&'s band of rebels?
16Thanks again,
181-2) Basically, the answer to both your questions is the same -- the guide takes place just as Makuta has taken control, so events have changed/moved on since then.
19Nothing particularly amazing, but nice to have confirmation with that surviving Makuta thing.
1Hello Greg . Just 2 quick questions:
21)Could Surel be described as a very experienced warrior since he attack Crostesius so fast in a wounded condition? 32)Does Gresh knows Vastus personally?
4That&'s all thanks in advance .
51) Yes. 62) Of course. Vastus is Prime Glatorian in Tesara, Gresh is Second Glatorian.
7I wonder how well Surel would do if he&'s in a healthy condition.
1Old news, we&'ve known that since we got wind of the #1 and #2 Glatorian system.
1Are the Element Lords all of one collective species (albeit, with individualized powers), or are they a bunch of entirely unique individuals?
2ET, rather not go into a lot of detail on these guys yet, as there is still a lot to be revealed in story.
3*sigh* I had kinda really needed to know that...
1Sorry to bother you again, but I was wondering...
21a. Is Malum&'s name based on the latin word for bad/evil/wicked? 31b. Metus from the latin for fear?
42. Are Iron Wolves prototype biomechanical creatures?
53. Does Ahkmou carry a sign of office (like a hammer) and has he changed from how he looked before? (matoran body to turaga-esque body)
64. I noticed that Dume (set version) has the same body as the metru matoran pre-cataclysm, was there a difference (storywise) between the two (like post-cataclysm matoran and turaga metru), or did the metru matoran rebuild themselves to look more like their leader?
75. If there were only two Olmaks, how did the toa on Jovan&'s team and Brutaka get theirs?
8thanks in advance
91a-1b) No idea, I didn&'t choose the names 102) Well, they certainly are bio-mechanical 113) No and no 124) Dume&'s look basically came from how he was animated for the movie, and I have no idea what the thinking was behind the look. Not a set designer. 135) I don&'t understand your question -- you had two, you had two people using them, where&'s the confusion?
145. I guess what I was trying to say (to karzahni with my explanation skills) was how did they obtain the Olmaks if Artahka only made two?
155) Again, don&'t see the problem. Artakha made them and gave them to those characters.
16now we know that Iron Wolves are biomechanical
1Sorry to bother you again, but I was wondering...
21a. Is Malum&'s name based on the latin word for bad/evil/wicked? 31b. Metus from the latin for fear?
42. Are Iron Wolves prototype biomechanical creatures?
53. Does Ahkmou carry a sign of office (like a hammer) and has he changed from how he looked before? (matoran body to turaga-esque body)
64. I noticed that Dume (set version) has the same body as the metru matoran pre-cataclysm, was there a difference (storywise) between the two (like post-cataclysm matoran and turaga metru), or did the metru matoran rebuild themselves to look more like their leader?
75. If there were only two Olmaks, how did the toa on Jovan&'s team and Brutaka get theirs?
8thanks in advance
91a-1b) No idea, I didn&'t choose the names 102) Well, they certainly are bio-mechanical 113) No and no 124) Dume&'s look basically came from how he was animated for the movie, and I have no idea what the thinking was behind the look. Not a set designer. 135) I don&'t understand your question -- you had two, you had two people using them, where&'s the confusion?
145. I guess what I was trying to say (to karzahni with my explanation skills) was how did they obtain the Olmaks if Artahka only made two?
155) Again, don&'t see the problem. Artakha made them and gave them to those characters.
16now we know that Iron Wolves are biomechanical
17I doubt they were prototypes. The GBs wouldn&'t send prototypes out to war.
1Sorry to bother you again, but I was wondering...
21a. Is Malum&'s name based on the latin word for bad/evil/wicked? 31b. Metus from the latin for fear?
42. Are Iron Wolves prototype biomechanical creatures?
53. Does Ahkmou carry a sign of office (like a hammer) and has he changed from how he looked before? (matoran body to turaga-esque body)
64. I noticed that Dume (set version) has the same body as the metru matoran pre-cataclysm, was there a difference (storywise) between the two (like post-cataclysm matoran and turaga metru), or did the metru matoran rebuild themselves to look more like their leader?
75. If there were only two Olmaks, how did the toa on Jovan&'s team and Brutaka get theirs?
8thanks in advance
91a-1b) No idea, I didn&'t choose the names 102) Well, they certainly are bio-mechanical 113) No and no 124) Dume&'s look basically came from how he was animated for the movie, and I have no idea what the thinking was behind the look. Not a set designer. 135) I don&'t understand your question -- you had two, you had two people using them, where&'s the confusion?
145. I guess what I was trying to say (to karzahni with my explanation skills) was how did they obtain the Olmaks if Artahka only made two?
155) Again, don&'t see the problem. Artakha made them and gave them to those characters.
16now we know that Iron Wolves are biomechanical
17I doubt they were prototypes. The GBs wouldn&'t send prototypes out to war.
18I doubt they sent anything off to war, besides the Baterra, seeing as they tried to stop it.


1Sorry to bother you again, but I was wondering...
21a. Is Malum&'s name based on the latin word for bad/evil/wicked? 31b. Metus from the latin for fear?
42. Are Iron Wolves prototype biomechanical creatures?
53. Does Ahkmou carry a sign of office (like a hammer) and has he changed from how he looked before? (matoran body to turaga-esque body)
64. I noticed that Dume (set version) has the same body as the metru matoran pre-cataclysm, was there a difference (storywise) between the two (like post-cataclysm matoran and turaga metru), or did the metru matoran rebuild themselves to look more like their leader?
75. If there were only two Olmaks, how did the toa on Jovan&'s team and Brutaka get theirs?
8thanks in advance
91a-1b) No idea, I didn&'t choose the names 102) Well, they certainly are bio-mechanical 113) No and no 124) Dume&'s look basically came from how he was animated for the movie, and I have no idea what the thinking was behind the look. Not a set designer. 135) I don&'t understand your question -- you had two, you had two people using them, where&'s the confusion?
145. I guess what I was trying to say (to karzahni with my explanation skills) was how did they obtain the Olmaks if Artahka only made two?
155) Again, don&'t see the problem. Artakha made them and gave them to those characters.
16now we know that Iron Wolves are biomechanical
17I doubt they were prototypes. The GBs wouldn&'t send prototypes out to war.
18They were quite desperate to end it, though.
1Can people please remember not to quote whole posts? No offense. Just quote the part you need.
1Hello Greg . Just 2 quick questions:
21)Could Surel be described as a very experienced warrior since he attack Crostesius so fast in a wounded condition? 32)Does Gresh knows Vastus personally?
4That&'s all thanks in advance .
51) Yes. 62) Of course. Vastus is Prime Glatorian in Tesara, Gresh is Second Glatorian.
7I wonder how well Surel would do if he&'s in a healthy condition.
8Thanks . Some follow ups:
91)If Surel was hired by a tribe before, would he likely win the Great Tournament before the Rock Tribe participate the social system? 102)Vastus only won the Great Tournament once or a few times? 113)Was Strakk not putting efforts in fights or Kiina and Malum are just more skilled than him?
12Thanks again .
131) Surel has never been a Glatorian, so impossible to predict 142) More than omce 153) No, he has never thrown a fight
311) Fascinating...so they actually made somthing that had a technical flaw (flaw in how somthing has worked I can see, but an actual flaw in the workings of somthing seems shocking to me considering the complexity of what they have made before). 322) How intersting... 333) So there you go, Gelu is a moral, corageous guy. SO STOP BAGGING ON HIM . . . 344) Terix huh? Makes sense, although I probably would have guessed Ackar. I assume when he was alive Certavus had the greatest ever record. He rocked. 355) I figured as much. 366) Awwww...Certavus dead...so sad... 377) I didn&'t include 7 because it just has to do with one of my Fanfics, and if I do decide to include it I don&'t want anything spoiled... 388) Aaaaaaiiiiggggtttt . 399) Ja...I figured as much. 4010) I actually hope that they didn&'t have the stingers before hand...makes their regression seem more intense.1Hey Greg, got a few new ones here.
21) Was the Battara&'s shutdown device flawly made, or was it damaged (either in the Shattering, or at some other point)?
32) Most of the older Glatorian are veterans of a huge, world destroying war, and had 100,000+ years of one-on-one combat practice afterward, and yet not a single one of them can take down a single soldier class Skrall. Do the Skrall have some sort of secret to their skill (either a training secret or , where if you somehow knew the secret you might have a chance at beating them, or is their species just naturally a much better fighter then any other on Bara Magna?
43) Contrary to what a lot of people seem to be thinking, Gelu actually seems rather courageous to me. He gave up the reletive safety of being a Glatorian, to instead take on a much more dangerous, but more needed jod of escorting travelers across the dessert. He must realize how dangerous that is, so would you say that him being a brave person is an accurate deduction? 53a) Is Gelu closer to Gresh or Strakk on the moral/selfishness scale?
64) Do Glatorian have rankings other then just who is the current champion? Like based on the percentage of their fights they have one, who has one the most fights this year, or somthing similar?
75) Who was older, Ackar or Certavus?
86) How long before the series started did Certavus die? Was it a long time ago or just like a few months or a year?
9Thanks you very much
101) Flawed 112) They are simply better fighters. 123) I think he left a job with a C level of risk to take a job with an A level of risk. If he is escorting you across the desert and bone hunters attack, he will get you to safety and buy you time to escape by fighting the bone hunter. That seems brave to me. 133A) Gresh 144) No, not really, nothing official, though their villages are certainly aware of their records 155) Certavus 166) Long time ago
17Thanks a bunch, I have a couple responce questions.
182) Like how the Uruk-Hai are just naturally better fighters then ordinary Orcs in Lord of the Rings? 194) So then who has the best current record besides the Skrall?
20and some new ones...
218) Do the Battara take on the matter characteristics of what they turn into? What I mean is, if they turned into a tree, would they actually be made out of wood and be easily burnt and less durable then if they turned into a boulder, or is the transformation only external? 229) If you could somehow capture a Battara would it be possible to reprogram one? 2310) Did the Vorox have their stinging tails before they regressed, or did their bodies change along with their minds? 2410a) Same with Zesk?
25Thanks you very much again.
262) Yes 274) Right now, probably Tarix 288) No. 299) No one on BM has that kind of knowledge or ability. 3010) I have to go back and check what we have written on that. I tend to think they had it before, as 100,000 years is really too short a time to have phusically evolved like that
311) Fascinating...so they actually made somthing that had a technical flaw (flaw in how somthing has worked I can see, but an actual flaw in the workings of somthing seems shocking to me considering the complexity of what they have made before). 322) How intersting... 333) So there you go, Gelu is a moral, corageous guy. SO STOP BAGGING ON HIM . . . 344) Terix huh? Makes sense, although I probably would have guessed Ackar. I assume when he was alive Certavus had the greatest ever record. He rocked. 355) I figured as much. 366) Awwww...Certavus dead...so sad... 377) I didn&'t include 7 because it just has to do with one of my Fanfics, and if I do decide to include it I don&'t want anything spoiled... 388) Aaaaaaiiiiggggtttt . 399) Ja...I figured as much. 4010) I actually hope that they didn&'t have the stingers before hand...makes their regression seem more intense.1Hey Greg, got a few new ones here.
21) Was the Battara&'s shutdown device flawly made, or was it damaged (either in the Shattering, or at some other point)?
32) Most of the older Glatorian are veterans of a huge, world destroying war, and had 100,000+ years of one-on-one combat practice afterward, and yet not a single one of them can take down a single soldier class Skrall. Do the Skrall have some sort of secret to their skill (either a training secret or , where if you somehow knew the secret you might have a chance at beating them, or is their species just naturally a much better fighter then any other on Bara Magna?
43) Contrary to what a lot of people seem to be thinking, Gelu actually seems rather courageous to me. He gave up the reletive safety of being a Glatorian, to instead take on a much more dangerous, but more needed jod of escorting travelers across the dessert. He must realize how dangerous that is, so would you say that him being a brave person is an accurate deduction? 53a) Is Gelu closer to Gresh or Strakk on the moral/selfishness scale?
64) Do Glatorian have rankings other then just who is the current champion? Like based on the percentage of their fights they have one, who has one the most fights this year, or somthing similar?
75) Who was older, Ackar or Certavus?
86) How long before the series started did Certavus die? Was it a long time ago or just like a few months or a year?
9Thanks you very much
101) Flawed 112) They are simply better fighters. 123) I think he left a job with a C level of risk to take a job with an A level of risk. If he is escorting you across the desert and bone hunters attack, he will get you to safety and buy you time to escape by fighting the bone hunter. That seems brave to me. 133A) Gresh 144) No, not really, nothing official, though their villages are certainly aware of their records 155) Certavus 166) Long time ago
17Thanks a bunch, I have a couple responce questions.
182) Like how the Uruk-Hai are just naturally better fighters then ordinary Orcs in Lord of the Rings? 194) So then who has the best current record besides the Skrall?
20and some new ones...
218) Do the Battara take on the matter characteristics of what they turn into? What I mean is, if they turned into a tree, would they actually be made out of wood and be easily burnt and less durable then if they turned into a boulder, or is the transformation only external? 229) If you could somehow capture a Battara would it be possible to reprogram one? 2310) Did the Vorox have their stinging tails before they regressed, or did their bodies change along with their minds? 2410a) Same with Zesk?
25Thanks you very much again.
262) Yes 274) Right now, probably Tarix 288) No. 299) No one on BM has that kind of knowledge or ability. 3010) I have to go back and check what we have written on that. I tend to think they had it before, as 100,000 years is really too short a time to have phusically evolved like that
41Greg has said before that the Vorox had the tails beforehand.
1Hello .
21. Are the Element Lords more of a species like Toa or is that just a title like Glatorian? 32. Is there more than one EL per element, or just a single one for each element? 43. Why doesn&'t Surel move back with the Ice Tribe? 54a. Did the Glatorian who fought in the Core War fight each other or were they all on the same side? 64b. If enemies, did they fight for their respective Element Lord? ex: Malum for Fire Lord, Strakk for Ice Lord 75. Is Glatorian Arena going to get an update in the summer?
81.Which author/writer do you use for your inspiration? 92. Have you seen Michael Bay&'s Transformers? 103. Looking forward to the sequel? 114. How does your account on BS01 work? When I search up "User: GregF" it redirects to your bio page. Just wondering.
121-2) Too early to discuss 133) Has no idea where they are 144) Fought each other 154b) Yes 165) You would need to ask Binkmeister this, he is the web producer
171) I really don&'t have one I use for inspiration. I read mostly non-fiction, history and that sort of thing, so none of that really "inspires" for writing fiction. 182-3) No, not a fan of Transformers. 194) No idea.
20Well...not much there. I was expecting number 1, but 4 is cool
1Wait... How can all the Vorox have had tails beforehand? Did their subspecies have tails?
3Its survival of the fittest. For example, if a bird with a large beak can&'t get its food, it will die, while the bird with the skinny beak can eat just fine. Same with the Vorox, the ones with the tails are fit best for their envirnments then the nontailed ones is my guess.
1Hello .
21. Are the Element Lords more of a species like Toa or is that just a title like Glatorian? 32. Is there more than one EL per element, or just a single one for each element? 43. Why doesn&'t Surel move back with the Ice Tribe? 54a. Did the Glatorian who fought in the Core War fight each other or were they all on the same side? 64b. If enemies, did they fight for their respective Element Lord? ex: Malum for Fire Lord, Strakk for Ice Lord 75. Is Glatorian Arena going to get an update in the summer?
81.Which author/writer do you use for your inspiration? 92. Have you seen Michael Bay&'s Transformers? 103. Looking forward to the sequel? 114. How does your account on BS01 work? When I search up "User: GregF" it redirects to your bio page. Just wondering.
121-2) Too early to discuss 133) Has no idea where they are 144) Fought each other 154b) Yes 165) You would need to ask Binkmeister this, he is the web producer
171) I really don&'t have one I use for inspiration. I read mostly non-fiction, history and that sort of thing, so none of that really "inspires" for writing fiction. 182-3) No, not a fan of Transformers. 194) No idea.
20Well...not much there. I was expecting number 1, but 4 is cool
21Thats new. The Glatorian fought along side their respective Elemental Lord. Question now is, what other fractions participated in the war? And did the Skrall fight for the Elemental Lord of Earth?
1Wait... How can all the Vorox have had tails beforehand? Did their subspecies have tails?
3Its survival of the fittest. For example, if a bird with a large beak can&'t get its food, it will die, while the bird with the skinny beak can eat just fine. Same with the Vorox, the ones with the tails are fit best for their envirnments then the nontailed ones is my guess.
4However, with life spans of over 100.000 years, you&'d expect evolution to go a 100.000 times slowlier.
1Greg has hinted that the Skrall fought under a Element Lord. One can assume it was Rock.