1Hello, Greg . Just a few questions:
21)I heard that Vastus had a bad past. What did he do? 32)The traitor is among the tribes, correct? 42a)Is the traitor a set?
5That's all thanks in advance .
61) Vastus fought in the Core War 72) Yes, there is a set of the traitor
9Strangely, I have a strange feeling about Ackar, Raanu or Vastus o_O
1Hello, Greg . Just a few questions:
21)I heard that Vastus had a bad past. What did he do? 32)The traitor is among the tribes, correct? 42a)Is the traitor a set?
5That's all thanks in advance .
61) Vastus fought in the Core War 72) Yes, there is a set of the traitor
9Strangely, I have a strange feeling about Ackar, Raanu or Vastus o_O
10The Traitor Topic is [url='http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=0']here if you want to share your strange feeling
1Hello, Greg . Just a few questions:
21)I heard that Vastus had a bad past. What did he do? 32)The traitor is among the tribes, correct? 42a)Is the traitor a set?
5That's all thanks in advance .
61) Vastus fought in the Core War 72) Yes, there is a set of the traitor
8Thanks just some follow ups. 91)And others too, did he feel bad about it? 102)Is it a summer or a Winter set?
11Thanks again .
121) Yes 132) I can't answer this
1b2To Mr. GregF:
3boy, do I have some questions for you .![]()
4the first section will focus on kanohi
51) please answer YES or NO for all #1_)s .
6since kanohi are often made from kanoka, that means there COULD be
71a) a kanohi of random reconstitution
81b) a kanohi of freezing (or would this be a kanohi of ice – see #1L)
91c) a kanohi of poison removal
101d) a kanohi of plasma (from a toa of plasma's toa disc)
111e) a kanohi of plant life (from a toa of plant life's toa disc)
121f) a kanohi of iron (from a toa of iron's toa disc)
131g) a kanohi of sonics (from a toa of sonics's toa disc)
141f) a kanohi of lightening (from a toa of lightening's toa disc)
151g) a kanohi of fire (from a toa of fire's toa disc)
161h) a kanohi of water (from a toa of water's toa disc)
171i) a kanohi of air (from a toa of air's toa disc)
181j) a kanohi of stone (from a toa of stone's toa disc)
191k) a kanohi of earth (from a toa of earth's toa disc)
201L) a kanohi of ice (from a toa of ice's toa disc) (or would this be a kanohi of freezing?)
211m) a kanohi of weakening (or would this be an avsa?)
222) there are lots of kanohi in the storyline that we've never actually seen even an image of. Also, there are several (mostly matoran) kanohi (see the BS01 kanohi article) that have not been given a power. could some of these correspond? say could one be a mask of growth? or something else?
233a) my epic involves a lot of dimension-hopping. so, hypothetically, could a Glatorian use a kanohi?
243b) a Skrall?
253c) a baterra?
263d) a bone hunter?
274) could a matoran, with lots of meditation, gather the focus of mind to use a kanohi?
285a) are the rahaga's heads their toa heads mutated so they can't wear kanohi anymore, or are their rahaga heads their masks fused / mutated / something to their heads?
295b) same with nihdikkii's head.
306a) the toa hagah have kanohi shaped like other kanohi to honor past heroes – so does that mean they might have kanohi shaped like kanohi we've already seen?
316b) if the answer to 6a is yes, which ones? .? .? . and shaped like what?
327) what would happen if toa Mata Nui took off the ignika?
338) would a Glatorian's helmet sustain a toa / matoran / turaga like a kanohi does?
349) does toa hagah pokous's mask let him copy the powers of weapons or kanohi?
35weapon-related questions
3610) how does the green summer Glatorian (can never remember his name) usually hold his staff ? Thornax up or scythe up?
3711a) Vakama hordika's blazer claws – what are they? I've seen them portrayed as part of his anatomy, flamethrowers, and swords. what are they really?
3811b) and what is raanu's weapon – a sword / blade or a torch?
3912) what is the tube on berix's sword for?
4013) are the rahaga's staffs their spears mutated?
4114) do all the toa hagah have spears / pikes?
4215) I saw the pic of Mata Nui's sword from the movie (hidden in the shadow of his leg in the newest mag – quite clever). why didn't you make it into the set?
43other questions
4416) aren't the Skrall warrior's and Atakus's helmets a bit long to be practical? I would think that they would be quite a hindrance. So why do they wear them so long?
4517) can you PLEASE show some of the toa hagah's spinner powers (other than norik's and iruni's ) in the following chapters of RoS? please?
4618) do excess emocions annoy you?
4719) do Zesk really have 4 eyes, or is it just the helmet?
4820) is RoS going to be a 9 or 10 chapter story, or are you going to extend it to be 20ish in length? (I heard a rumor somewhere)
4921a) did the toa magini (which originally was an 11 member team, right? ) – did they have a toa of earth?
5021b) stone?
5121c) ice?
5222a) can you tell us the name of the red Glatorian that is in one of the summer vehicle sets?
5322b) he is fire tribe, right?
5423) what is the guy driving the red, 4 legged vehicle with treads? the guy is yellow, and he looks like a cross between a Glatorian and an Agori – which one is he? or is he something else?
5524) the summer set with a spikit has an orange and black Agori named Samhad (sp?) driving. what tribe does he belong to? because I've heard several thoughts on what he is:
56fire tribe 57rock tribe 58bone hunter 59un-Zesk-ified sand tribe member 60batterra
61can you tell us?
6225) are battera krakahs?
6326) when is the best time to send you a PM and get the highest chance of getting a response?
6427) and last but DEFINITELY not least, I would like to get your permission to do something big:
65post the Bionicle books on Wikisource. yep. I know. But hear me out – its the online library hosted by Wikipedia. the only way I (&some friends) can put them there without it being considered copyright infringement or plagiarism is to
66A- wait up to 100 years, till long after you're dead 67or 68B- get the author's consent.
69and we really want to do this. a lot of us can't afford to buy the books or need to spend the money to get other stuff, and the libraries never have any. this is really the only way we can hear more than a summary of the stories form BS01.
70so whadda ya say? can we get started? PLEASE? .? .? .
71-awaiting your reply, Thoron.
731) There could be lots of things, but "could be" and "are" are two different things. 742) I don't plan on doing that at this time 753-3d) No 764) No 775a-5b) Not something I have worried about, as that was four years ago 786a) I don't understand your question 797) His body would cease to exist 808) No 819) No 8210) The way he is shown holding it on package art 8311a) Again, four years ago, don't remember what we wrote at the time. 8411b) It says it's a blade on LEGOshop.com 8512) Many of the weapons carried by the people of Bara Magna were once powered, and their power has long run out 8613) See answer to 11a 8714) Yes 8815) Asking the wrong person, I don't do set design, only story 8916) This is not a story thing, this is a set design thing. 9017) Right now, the Hagah are not a factor in the story. If and when they become one again, I may do that. 9118) No 9219) I don't recall them as being listed as having four eyes in anything official. 9320) ROS is most likely going to go on all year 9421) Not something I have worried about 9522-24) No, I cannot discuss summer sets 9625) No. Krahka is bio-mechanical - baterra are fully mechanical 9726) There is no best time. I get on when I can, which is sometimes a lot, sometimes not that often, depending on how busy I am. Also is a good idea not to identify your questions as "super important" when they are just standard questions. I define super important as something you need to know right this second, for some reason. 9827) Sorry, Thoron, but I do not have the authority to give permission for this (and neither would my deathRead the legal text in the book -- no reproduction of the book is allowed without written permission from the PUBLISHER. That's not me. I do not own the rights to the books, Scholastic does, so it's their copyright you would be infinging. And since book sales are already hurting, posting the books so that no one needs to buy them wouldn't make matters any better.
991) but they are possible?
1015a-well could you please think about it?
1026) for example, norik has a mask of regeneration- shaped pehuki. do any of the hagah have masks shaped like ones we've alredy seen?
10311a) again, could you please think about it?![]()
10421) well i was worrying about it. – could you please give it some thought?
10527) dang.
106new questions
10728) do you have more element lords plannned for RotGB?
10829) are we going to learn more about him in the following chapters?
10930) who is your favorite agori to write about?
11031) are any toa of the "non – traditional" elements (not the main 6 ) alive in the MU anymore?
1111) Sure, anything is possible, for the reasons you cited -- but there is no record of them existing in story at this point. If you want to use them in your fan fiction, go ahead. 1125a-5b, 11a, 21) I really have no time to do so. I am writing three books at once right now and editing eight magazines. If I don't need to know something for the work I am doing now, I just don't have time to worry about it. 1136) I'm sure that's possible 11428) I really don't plan, I write where the story takes me, so it is possible more might show up, yes 11529) More about who? 11630) I don't really have one. Villagers, in general, have never done much for me. 11731) Sure .
1185a-5b , 11a, 21) eight books? wow . are they all bionicle?
11929) i meant to say surel
120new questions
12132) could, if he/she wanted, a member of sidorak's species use a kanohi?
12233) is this a matoran mask of sonar?
12334)is this a matoran mask of teleapthy?
12435) is my lego network going to be updated in the summmer with more bionicle networkers? if you don't know, is there someone you could ask? (there are a lot of un-confirmed rumors flating around thar have some people really excited)
1255) Not eight books -- eight magazines -- LEGO Club Jr., LEGO Club Magazine, LEGO BrickMaster Magazine, and the Club magazines for UK, Germany, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden 12629) We'll see 12732) Offhand, I'd say no 12833-34) No Matoran Masks of Sonar or Telepathy have been identified in story as such 12935) Asking the wrong person. I don't work on MLN, that is handled out of Denmark. I would suggest asking Binkmeister, as he is based over there.
1Hey Greg![]()
2Just one question today, could you please tell me the rough dimensions of the Red Star, or is this something you're not allowed to give away?
3Thank you very much for your time![]()
5Something I have not bothered to calculate, since I don't need the info for story at this point
6Okay dokey.
7Do you know how big the Red Star is in relative size to Mata Nui? Is he roughly the same size, or is he a lot smaller?
8Thank you Greg![]()
10Mata Nui's original body is much bigger than the red star is
1QUOTE 21. If Bara Magnians have a life span of over 100,000 years, then why aren't they super smart?
32. Can we hope to see you in the making of (or general bonus features as they didn't do a making of in the last one) in The Legend Reborn?
41) Why do you assume age automatically equals intelligence? There are very smart old people, and very stupid old people. Not everyone spends their life educating themselves.
52) No idea
6I spend my life educating myself
7Hope he can get into the bonus features of TLR, that would rock.
32. Can we hope to see you in the making of (or general bonus features as they didn't do a making of in the last one) in The Legend Reborn?
41) Why do you assume age automatically equals intelligence? There are very smart old people, and very stupid old people. Not everyone spends their life educating themselves.
52) No idea
6I spend my life educating myself

7Hope he can get into the bonus features of TLR, that would rock.
1I was wondering if it's possible for a Baterra to imitate another being for any period of time?
2No, that's not what they are designed for. Their power is not for infiltration and spying so much as it is for ambushes.
3hm.... 4but are they intelligent enough to have been able to do that? Or what I mean to say, is: Are their decisions made strictly by programming, or do they have a sense of individuality, or thought beyond what their primary command is?
5And then another few questions: 61) Of the characters that will be appearing in The Legend Reborn, could you give us a list ordered by importance?
72) Are we going to get any major twists this year in both movie and in comic/ novel?
83) If one were to create a MOC of a baterra, would there be any previous set to base the design or general look off of? Perhaps either Bohrok or Rahkshii?
94) Which summer sets have you had the experience of holding/ playing with?
10Thank you for your time again. : ) 11~Valuuk~
121) Irrelevant, because it isn't what they were designed for. They have to have cunning, strategic sense, and the ability to adapt to changing conditons. But their job is not to spy to find out what someone is up to, their job is to kill armed combatants.
131) No 142) I can't discuss future storyline plans 153) Bohrok 164) None. We don't get summer sets in our company store until they get into regular stores.
1I was wondering if it's possible for a Baterra to imitate another being for any period of time?
2No, that's not what they are designed for. Their power is not for infiltration and spying so much as it is for ambushes.
3hm.... 4but are they intelligent enough to have been able to do that? Or what I mean to say, is: Are their decisions made strictly by programming, or do they have a sense of individuality, or thought beyond what their primary command is?
5And then another few questions: 61) Of the characters that will be appearing in The Legend Reborn, could you give us a list ordered by importance?
72) Are we going to get any major twists this year in both movie and in comic/ novel?
8Thank you for your time again. : ) 9~Valuuk~
101) Irrelevant, because it isn't what they were designed for. They have to have cunning, strategic sense, and the ability to adapt to changing conditons. But their job is not to spy to find out what someone is up to, their job is to kill armed combatants.
111) No 122) I can't discuss future storyline plans
13I see what you were trying to do

14Shame Greg saw it too.
1Hey GregF, I just have one question. 2What is the personality of the Hero Agori seen in the MLN Campaign? 3Thanks.
4Didn't create that character, so I can't speak to that. I was in on the plans for the game, but I did not design it myself.
5Does he get referred to in the Raid on Vulcanus book? 6Thanks.
7Yes, but not by name.
1Hello sir, I have one quick question, something that keeps eluding me.
2Is the Shadowed One's third appendage a leg or tail? I've asked this before, but BS01 seems not to record this, so I keep losing the answer to this.
3Thank you.
4We did that model so long ago, I really don't remember. I will see if I can ask the designer.
5Anyone know the answer? I know it's been answered before...
1Hello sir, I have one quick question, something that keeps eluding me.
2Is the Shadowed One's third appendage a leg or tail? I've asked this before, but BS01 seems not to record this, so I keep losing the answer to this.
3Thank you.
4We did that model so long ago, I really don't remember. I will see if I can ask the designer.
5Anyone know the answer? I know it's been answered before...
6For the sake of quickly getting back on topic, I'll answer: I do believe it was a tail, but to be sure check BioSector01.com
11) Do Skirmix or other Bara Magna creatures have implants? I assume this because of the set. 22) Will there be more combiners this year? 33) Do Zesk actually have four eyes, or is it just the mask? 44) The Baterra attack those who are armed, right? Does this mean that the person has to drop his armour as well as his weapons to stop it from attacking?
51) Some may 62) Don't know yet, it depends on what gets briefed for the magazine in September and November 73) I think it's just the helmet 84) Armor is not a weapon. Armor is for defense, not offense.
9EDIT: I assumed you had to drop your armour to avoid a Baterra attack because I had read an earlier post which said you had to drop your armour and weapons, and I wanted confirmation.
1Hey GregF, I just have one question. 2What is the personality of the Hero Agori seen in the MLN Campaign? 3Thanks.
4Didn't create that character, so I can't speak to that. I was in on the plans for the game, but I did not design it myself.
5Does he get referred to in the Raid on Vulcanus book? 6Thanks.
7Yes, but not by name.
8Because you did not design the character, does this mean we won't be seeing him in future web serial chapters? Because it would be nice to see him in other forms of media besides an online game.
9I have no plans to use him elsewhere
10Continuation of my previous post.
1Hello sir, I have one quick question, something that keeps eluding me.
2Is the Shadowed One's third appendage a leg or tail? I've asked this before, but BS01 seems not to record this, so I keep losing the answer to this.
3Thank you.
4We did that model so long ago, I really don't remember. I will see if I can ask the designer.
5Anyone know the answer? I know it's been answered before...
6For the sake of quickly getting back on topic, I'll answer: I do believe it was a tail, but to be sure check BioSector01.com
7Except that as I said, BS01 doesn't have the information for reference for some reason.
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 41. If Bara Magnians have a life span of over 100,000 years, then why aren't they super smart?
52. Can we hope to see you in the making of (or general bonus features as they didn't do a making of in the last one) in The Legend Reborn?
61) Why do you assume age automatically equals intelligence? There are very smart old people, and very stupid old people. Not everyone spends their life educating themselves.
72) No idea
8Thank you for the previous answers . I have one new question, actually it is more of a clarification. Could you please explain what you meant when you said Gresh would become more lighthearted in the movie?
9Thanks again .
10Watch the movie and find out.
52. Can we hope to see you in the making of (or general bonus features as they didn't do a making of in the last one) in The Legend Reborn?
61) Why do you assume age automatically equals intelligence? There are very smart old people, and very stupid old people. Not everyone spends their life educating themselves.
72) No idea
8Thank you for the previous answers . I have one new question, actually it is more of a clarification. Could you please explain what you meant when you said Gresh would become more lighthearted in the movie?
9Thanks again .
10Watch the movie and find out.
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3Hello Again Greg . I hope you've been feeling good lately . I really appreciate how kind you are to answer questions every day. Thank you .
41. Are you responsible for giving characters their personas? Or does the story team/design team just create a character, say a few words about their persona and then leave it up to you to develop them in the story?
52. What did the Shattering do that caused the agori/Glatorian to lose their ability to manufacture goods and invent/improve technology?
62a. Did the Shattering alter the agori/Glatorian's brains so they aren't smart enough to invent and create?
72b.Did the lack of natural recourses/food, prevent/erase technology/technological advancement?
82c. Or was it something completely different?
93. Is Protosteel harder and more durable than Exsidian?
104. Would a Midak-Skyblaster be the best (daytime) weapon for a Glatorian on Bara Magna?
115. Just out of curiosity, could the Staff of Artakha-s power be used to completely repair Bara Magna? Sorry if this is an irrelevant question, but at least say yes or no, 12Pleeeaase ?
136. Will the MU inhabs ever get/make more of the most useful and the third most powerful mask in existence IMO, The Olmak? I mean, could Brutaka's mask (toa empire) wind up in the MU?
147. If someone found a Olmak broken in five pieces and they had the Staff of Artakha, could they use the staff's power to turn the five pieces into five Olmaks? Or would the being only be able to make one Olmak and use all the pieces?
158. Is there any downward limit to how small a piece of a broken object can be for the Staff to recreate it?
169. Could Makuta use his teleportation powers to teleport Mata Nui's body (humongous humanoid) to different places in the universe?
1710. If someone had the skill, the workforce and an enormous amount of Proto of one power, could an enormous mask be forged, that Mata Nui could wear?
1810a. With practice, could Mata Nui use it?
1911. If the Matoran are like Mata Nui's Cells, would the Toa be like his White blood cells/antibodies?
2012. Is Makuta's Essence housed primarily in Mata Nui's Brain? Or is it spread throughout the MU.
2113. If Makuta's essence is housed mainly in MN's Brain then what would happen if a tidal wave of Energized Proto washed over the Machines?
22Well that's all the Questions 23Thanks Again . 24Good Bye .
251) I pretty much do that, although in the case of '09, the screenwriter had some say in it as well 262) Well, if you have a major planet-wide cataclysm, over time, old knowledge can be lost. Look at our Dark Ages, and the number of things ancient civilizations knew that we did not rediscover for centuries. 272A) No 282b) That certainly hampers it, yes 293) Exsidian's major property is that it does not get corroded quickly from sand, etc., not so much that it is the ultimate armor. 304) Irrelevant, since there are none on Bara Magna 315) No, it could not. The staff is designed for use in the MU. It's sort of like saying can you use the tools designed to fix your computer to rebuild your house. 326) I tend to think it is a resource issue at this point. Plus the Matoran are probably not eager to make vastly powerful masks for Makuta's minions to use. 337) In theory, you could make five Olmaks, the question is how much power would each one have. 348) Not that we know of 359) I doubt it very much. If he could, he would have no need to summon the red star. 3610) Sorry, but this is a complete hypothetical, and I just don't have the time for hypotheticals 3711) You could make that argument, but you could probably also make it for various Rahi 3812) Unknown at present 3913) Again, you are talking hypotheticals -- most of the sources of EP in the MU have been destroyed by the Order, so this is unlikely to happen.
40Replies 414)Sorry 425)Oh well 436)I thought that Makuta wouldn't want more Olmaks to be produced as Toa and other beings could use them to evacuate the MU's Inhabs. 4410)&13) Again I apollogize
45New Qs
466)Q I was wondering, You said that the Matoran wouldn't want Makuta's "Minions" to have super powerful masks like the Olmak, but which of his minions can activate a mask? I thought all he had were Rahkshi and Exo Toa.
471. It is said that the Avohkii spreads understanding, Could Takanuva use this power to gain understanding of how objects/devices work?
482. Could Artakha (being) if he is still alive, use his mask of Creation to envision the instructions for creating another mask of Creation?
493. I apologize if this is a hypothetical but I wanted to know why Powerful computers and things like the Internet haven't been invented (at least haven't appeared) in the MU or someplace else in the Bionicle Uni?
504. Could the Mask of Life create a large Space-ship out of organic materials?
515. I've become confused as to which entity controls the Mask of life, because on one hand I remember hearing that Mata Nui doesn't know how to control the mask, but then I heard that He created a body by using the Mask's power plus some sand and organics. 52I also heard that it was the Mask itself that Created the body for Mata Nui, But then I heard that Mata Nui's Essence had overridden the Mask's Essence. 53So I had hoped you would explain, Who used the mask's power to make Mata Nui a Body, and how Mata Nui would change his body from a canister set into a titan.
546. How did Artakha make the Golden Kanohi? Wait . Before you say "This isn't relevant to the current story" please remember that when this question "would" have been relevant to the current story, Artakha (Island, Being, and legend) hadn't even been invented yet . (As far as I know) Plus the method for creating Kanohi hadn't been invented yet either . I'll understand if you don't answer this question on the grounds that you don't have enough time, but if you do, you will have canonically solved one of the many mysteries of the MU.
556a. Could it be possible for Artakha (If alive) to create Golden Kanohi Nuva?
566b. Could he make Adaptive Golden Kanohi Nuva.
577. Would you be interested in giving a brief list of Tren Crom's unlisted powers? Or maybe just a single new power? please?
588. Would it be possible for a being to create a mask that has two or more powers that activate simultaneously giving the user a combo power like say, a mask of Fate, Speed, and Strength?
59Thank you 60Bye Bye .
616) And if you are correct, same problem -- he would kill any Matoran trying to make one, right? 626) Why are you assuming that no one in the MU is going to go over to his side? After all, he is running things now. 631) No. It's emotional understanding, not scientific understanding 642) No 653) Because we chose that they should not. We didn't want this to turn into standard high-tech science fiction. 664) No 675) Mata Nui never changes his body from a canister set to a titan. We are simply doing two different size sets, the same way they have six inch Batman figures and 18 inch Batman figures and 24 inch Batman figures. And the mask makes the body, because it knows he needs one to be able to defend himself. 686) Not something I care to speculate on. I was not part of the story team when this whole idea was created, so I don't know what they had in mind for it. 696a) I have no intention of introducing something like that into story, because they don't exist in plastic, so answer's no 707) No 718) No.
41. Are you responsible for giving characters their personas? Or does the story team/design team just create a character, say a few words about their persona and then leave it up to you to develop them in the story?
52. What did the Shattering do that caused the agori/Glatorian to lose their ability to manufacture goods and invent/improve technology?
62a. Did the Shattering alter the agori/Glatorian's brains so they aren't smart enough to invent and create?
72b.Did the lack of natural recourses/food, prevent/erase technology/technological advancement?
82c. Or was it something completely different?
93. Is Protosteel harder and more durable than Exsidian?
104. Would a Midak-Skyblaster be the best (daytime) weapon for a Glatorian on Bara Magna?
115. Just out of curiosity, could the Staff of Artakha-s power be used to completely repair Bara Magna? Sorry if this is an irrelevant question, but at least say yes or no, 12Pleeeaase ?
136. Will the MU inhabs ever get/make more of the most useful and the third most powerful mask in existence IMO, The Olmak? I mean, could Brutaka's mask (toa empire) wind up in the MU?
147. If someone found a Olmak broken in five pieces and they had the Staff of Artakha, could they use the staff's power to turn the five pieces into five Olmaks? Or would the being only be able to make one Olmak and use all the pieces?
158. Is there any downward limit to how small a piece of a broken object can be for the Staff to recreate it?
169. Could Makuta use his teleportation powers to teleport Mata Nui's body (humongous humanoid) to different places in the universe?
1710. If someone had the skill, the workforce and an enormous amount of Proto of one power, could an enormous mask be forged, that Mata Nui could wear?
1810a. With practice, could Mata Nui use it?
1911. If the Matoran are like Mata Nui's Cells, would the Toa be like his White blood cells/antibodies?
2012. Is Makuta's Essence housed primarily in Mata Nui's Brain? Or is it spread throughout the MU.
2113. If Makuta's essence is housed mainly in MN's Brain then what would happen if a tidal wave of Energized Proto washed over the Machines?
22Well that's all the Questions 23Thanks Again . 24Good Bye .
251) I pretty much do that, although in the case of '09, the screenwriter had some say in it as well 262) Well, if you have a major planet-wide cataclysm, over time, old knowledge can be lost. Look at our Dark Ages, and the number of things ancient civilizations knew that we did not rediscover for centuries. 272A) No 282b) That certainly hampers it, yes 293) Exsidian's major property is that it does not get corroded quickly from sand, etc., not so much that it is the ultimate armor. 304) Irrelevant, since there are none on Bara Magna 315) No, it could not. The staff is designed for use in the MU. It's sort of like saying can you use the tools designed to fix your computer to rebuild your house. 326) I tend to think it is a resource issue at this point. Plus the Matoran are probably not eager to make vastly powerful masks for Makuta's minions to use. 337) In theory, you could make five Olmaks, the question is how much power would each one have. 348) Not that we know of 359) I doubt it very much. If he could, he would have no need to summon the red star. 3610) Sorry, but this is a complete hypothetical, and I just don't have the time for hypotheticals 3711) You could make that argument, but you could probably also make it for various Rahi 3812) Unknown at present 3913) Again, you are talking hypotheticals -- most of the sources of EP in the MU have been destroyed by the Order, so this is unlikely to happen.
40Replies 414)Sorry 425)Oh well 436)I thought that Makuta wouldn't want more Olmaks to be produced as Toa and other beings could use them to evacuate the MU's Inhabs. 4410)&13) Again I apollogize
45New Qs
466)Q I was wondering, You said that the Matoran wouldn't want Makuta's "Minions" to have super powerful masks like the Olmak, but which of his minions can activate a mask? I thought all he had were Rahkshi and Exo Toa.
471. It is said that the Avohkii spreads understanding, Could Takanuva use this power to gain understanding of how objects/devices work?
482. Could Artakha (being) if he is still alive, use his mask of Creation to envision the instructions for creating another mask of Creation?
493. I apologize if this is a hypothetical but I wanted to know why Powerful computers and things like the Internet haven't been invented (at least haven't appeared) in the MU or someplace else in the Bionicle Uni?
504. Could the Mask of Life create a large Space-ship out of organic materials?
515. I've become confused as to which entity controls the Mask of life, because on one hand I remember hearing that Mata Nui doesn't know how to control the mask, but then I heard that He created a body by using the Mask's power plus some sand and organics. 52I also heard that it was the Mask itself that Created the body for Mata Nui, But then I heard that Mata Nui's Essence had overridden the Mask's Essence. 53So I had hoped you would explain, Who used the mask's power to make Mata Nui a Body, and how Mata Nui would change his body from a canister set into a titan.
546. How did Artakha make the Golden Kanohi? Wait . Before you say "This isn't relevant to the current story" please remember that when this question "would" have been relevant to the current story, Artakha (Island, Being, and legend) hadn't even been invented yet . (As far as I know) Plus the method for creating Kanohi hadn't been invented yet either . I'll understand if you don't answer this question on the grounds that you don't have enough time, but if you do, you will have canonically solved one of the many mysteries of the MU.
556a. Could it be possible for Artakha (If alive) to create Golden Kanohi Nuva?
566b. Could he make Adaptive Golden Kanohi Nuva.
577. Would you be interested in giving a brief list of Tren Crom's unlisted powers? Or maybe just a single new power? please?
588. Would it be possible for a being to create a mask that has two or more powers that activate simultaneously giving the user a combo power like say, a mask of Fate, Speed, and Strength?
59Thank you 60Bye Bye .
616) And if you are correct, same problem -- he would kill any Matoran trying to make one, right? 626) Why are you assuming that no one in the MU is going to go over to his side? After all, he is running things now. 631) No. It's emotional understanding, not scientific understanding 642) No 653) Because we chose that they should not. We didn't want this to turn into standard high-tech science fiction. 664) No 675) Mata Nui never changes his body from a canister set to a titan. We are simply doing two different size sets, the same way they have six inch Batman figures and 18 inch Batman figures and 24 inch Batman figures. And the mask makes the body, because it knows he needs one to be able to defend himself. 686) Not something I care to speculate on. I was not part of the story team when this whole idea was created, so I don't know what they had in mind for it. 696a) I have no intention of introducing something like that into story, because they don't exist in plastic, so answer's no 707) No 718) No.
1I was under the impression that it was something like, "Hokay, finally landed somewhere. So Makuta's got my body somewhere, need to find a way to get back to it, and WOAH that thing was scary looking. Sure doesn't look friendly with a stinger tail like that. Not like there's much I can do in a mask, though..."
2Mask of Life's consciousness then does something along the lines of, "Not a problem, done this before. Here you go." Then makes the body.
3Maybe that's just me, though.
2Mask of Life's consciousness then does something along the lines of, "Not a problem, done this before. Here you go." Then makes the body.
3Maybe that's just me, though.
1I already asked an explanation for that before. The Ignika making a body for Mata Nui is an instinctive reaction of the Mask, as its instincts are there to be sure it can protect itself. I don't believe it was a conscious decision.
1Hey, Greg, I only have 2 questions,
21) Can Malum remove his claws and use other weapons, and has he ever done this?
32) Are Raanu's weapons and helmate signs of his leadership, like the Turaga badges of Office?
4Thank you . .
51) Yes 62) I would say no. This is a subsistence culture, you can't really afford luxuries for people ... odds are those are things he scavenged at some point and has been able to keep
7Thanks, a follow up and new Qs
81) so are Malum's claws his preferred weapon in the Arena?
101) do the Batera act through some central command, or is each individually programed?
112) did you get the idea of the ELs of Ice and Fire battling in Riddle of the Great Beings from Tahu and Kopaka's constant brawls?
123) what's worse: captured by Skrall or banished to the Wastelands?
13thank you for your patience biggrin.gif
141) No 151) Not sure I understand your question 162) No, not really, the idea of ice and fire not getting along predates BIONICLE by centuries. You can go back to ancient faerie legends to see the idea of Winter and Summer at war. 173) I would say captured by Skrall. It is possible to survive in the wastelands, if you get lucky, like Malum did -- it's unlikely you will survive in Roxtus.
18thanks, just a clarification and one new question
191) i mean were each Batera programed by the Great Beings, or did they build some central computer type thing that controls all Batera, like the Central Taskforce Hive of the Vahki?
211) did the Vorox species fight in the Core War, or were they not involved, being nomads? 221a) if so, did they fight under an EL of Sand?
23Thanks again .
241) There is no central computer control sort of thing, no 251) Yes 261A) Yes
271) darn, working on a batera theory, crushed

29...the Phantom fades away...
1I guess that means there's an EL of Sand. Good job.
1I would assume for the desert. For digging into the sand to make a quick escape with his Sand Tribe.
1Hello Greg I have some questions for you.
21. Why does Vastus want to make up for the Core War? None of the other Glatorian seem to care.
32. Has Ackar one more than one Arena Magna tournament?
43. Is there a specific reason behind male Skrall avoiding female Skrall?
54. Will we see Balta, Garan, etc. in the future? (please say yes)
61) Well, some war veterans in our world get along with their life post-war just fine, and some are tortured by guilt. Everyone is different in how they react to things, right? 72) Yes 83) Yes 94) I don't know yet.
10Now to go post this in the Begginers Guide to Bara Magna...
1Hey Greg, how you doing? I have a couple of Q's, hope you can answer them.
21) You mentioned that Mata Nui has a sword in the movie, was this the movie makers decision, yours, or did it come in the prototype set?
32) When GB's created the Element Lords, did the GBs expect them to go to war with one another?
43) A couple months ago, you said Gresh is a bit different in the movie than he is early in the year. What caused this, or in what way did he change?
61) Mine. I wrote it into the original screen treatment. 72) No 83) His mood is lighter in the movie. Gresh, because he is young and relatively inexperienced, tends to try and act very grim and serious all the time, and Kiina has been after him to lighten up, which he does (somewhat) in the film.
9A couples more q's. Thanks for your time.![]()
101) Is Ignika aware of what is happening, like Teridax taking over the MU, Mata Nui's mind subordinating his, being on Bara Magna? 111a) What are the Ignika feelings toward that? 121b) Did Ignika mean to create the body for itself on Bara Magna, or did it create specifically for Mata Nui? 131c) Has Ignika completed his destiny?
141) Yes 151a) Ignika really doesn't have "feelings" like you and I do. Its emotional reactions are very primitive and basic, and they don't come into play here because it is in sort of "neutral" mode. 161b) Mata Nui 171c) I doubt it, but how would you know if it had? It's not like it is going to turn into a Turaga. It's an object.
18Continued from my other post.
1Hey GregF, just three questions. 21. Is there a common style of the Matoran Alphabet used everywhere within the Matoran Universe, or does it vary, like the circular shape for Mata Nui Matoran and hexigonal shape for Voya Nui Matoran? 32. Which Matoran Alphabet style came first, circular shape or the hexigonal shape? 43. How important is destiny to the storyline (within the Matoran Universe)? Some members believe that anything can happen, and because of the alternate universes we have seen, can't one say that it was Matoro's destiny to not awaken Mata Nui in The Kingdom Alternate Universe? 5Thanks.
61) Well, we have seen two different styles in two different places, so I think that answers your question 72) I am assuming the Metru Nui style, since that was built first. 83) Correct. Different destinies occur in different universes. But just as Marvel considers Earth-616 to be the "main universe," we consider the characters and the destinies in our main universe to be the focus of the story. The fact that you can tell a "What If?" story does not change the fact that the destinies of our main universe characters are fixed and important to the story.
1Hi Mr Farshtey I have some questions for you
21) Are all Bone Hunters black?
32) Bone Hunters are physically stronger than Agori but weaker than Glatorian right?
43) Are all Rock Steeds red?
54) Do all Vorox have Thornax Launchers?
65) Do ALL Bone Hunters have Rock Steeds?
76) Where do Bone Hunters and the Skrall go to catch Rock Steeds to ride?
87) Why does Vastus feels bad because he fought in the Core War?
98) And uhh, how old are you?
111) Yes 122) Yes 133) Yes 144) No, but many do 155) Bone hunters normally ride on rock steeds. While they can ride on sand stalkers, it's very rare that they do so. 166) Um, the wastelands where the rock steeds live. 177) A lot of soldiers look back on wars they fought in and feel bad about what they did 188) 43
1Hey GregF, just few more questions. 21. Did Vastus fight for the Element Lord of Jungle? Jungle sounds kind of weird, though.32. Because the Element Lords are creatures made out of the element they represent, is it safe to say that they are not the same species? 43. If so, is Element Lord merely a title? 5Thanks.
61) Yes 72) I do consider them the same species, the same way that Toa are the same species but one might be controlling fire and another ice. The ELs were all made the same way, just with control of different elements.
1Since Tarduk, Crotesius and Kirbold saw that the Element Lord of Ice was made completely of ice.
1Sorry to bother you again but the questions were just driving me crazy.
21.How big were the Great Beings?
32.Will th MU ever be shown in another comic?
43. Is the Shadow Takanuva more powerful than the Light Takanuva?
54. On a scale from on to ten how powerful is Alternate Teridax?
65.On a scale from one to ten how powerful is Helryx?
76. Will the canister sets from 2009 to 2011 all be Glatorian?
81) I can't answer that 92) Think so 103) No 114) Same as the old, non-Mata Nui Teridax 125) Unknown 136) I can't discuss future set plans
14#2 is interesting
1Sorry to bother you again but the questions were just driving me crazy.
21.How big were the Great Beings?
32.Will th MU ever be shown in another comic?
43. Is the Shadow Takanuva more powerful than the Light Takanuva?
54. On a scale from on to ten how powerful is Alternate Teridax?
65.On a scale from one to ten how powerful is Helryx?
76. Will the canister sets from 2009 to 2011 all be Glatorian?
81) I can't answer that 92) Think so 103) No 114) Same as the old, non-Mata Nui Teridax 125) Unknown 136) I can't discuss future set plans
14#2 is interesting
15Dang. #2 can mean one of two things: 161. Next year is back to the MU (I'd really rather stay in BM for at least another year) 172. Or Teridax will be shown departing from the EOP to chase MN at the end of the year (this I'd prefer; Mata Nui versus Teridax, both alive and well)
1Sorry to bother you again but the questions were just driving me crazy.
21.How big were the Great Beings?
32.Will th MU ever be shown in another comic?
43. Is the Shadow Takanuva more powerful than the Light Takanuva?
54. On a scale from on to ten how powerful is Alternate Teridax?
65.On a scale from one to ten how powerful is Helryx?
76. Will the canister sets from 2009 to 2011 all be Glatorian?
81) I can't answer that 92) Think so 103) No 114) Same as the old, non-Mata Nui Teridax 125) Unknown 136) I can't discuss future set plans
14#2 is interesting
15Dang. #2 can mean one of two things: 161. Next year is back to the MU (I'd really rather stay in BM for at least another year) 172. Or Teridax will be shown departing from the EOP to chase MN at the end of the year (this I'd prefer; Mata Nui versus Teridax, both alive and well)
18Doesn't have to be next year.
1Hi again, how are you this fine night? (or day)
2just a few questions:
31. Does Axonn have a variation (near invincible when angry) of Tobduk's anger strength?
42. About the last FAiLED question I asked, did any of the two original Olmak users do something special to warrant a rare mask?
53. Is there a mask power (or kanoka) for each of the 42 makuta powers?
64. Are some Bara Magna names pronounced the Latin way?
7Thanks in advance, oh and I'd just like to say that you are one of my top writing inspirers.
81) See his last fight with Brutaka in the novels 92) No. For one thing, do we know it is necessarily considered "rare"? For example, have we ever seen another example of Axonn's mask? It's possible there are a lot of masks of which only a couple exist at present. There may have been more in the past which were destroyed, or not. 103) Not necessarily, no 114) Not entirely sure I understand your question
121) ok
132) I see, I guess I never saw it in that light.
143) ok
154) Do some names on Bara Magna have Latin pronunciations? (like May-tus {Metus})
16a few follow ups
175) Would a fire nova blast be similar to a nuclear explosion?
186) Is Brutaka still super powered?
197) Will we see more of Artakha in Reign of Shadows?
208) Does Brutaka's quote (''The three that must be one; the two that must make them one.'') refer to Bara Magna?
214) Yes 225) More similar to a firestorm, like the one in Dresden in WWII 236) We'll see when we get back to him 247) Don't know yet 258) Can't answer it
1Hey GregF, just two questions. 21. Did the Skrall fight under the Element Lord of Rock and Tarix and Kiina under the Element Lord of Water? 32. What exactly does a Element Lord of Jungle control? Plantlife? 43. If an Element Lord of Sand exists, which you have said it does, and and if Toa were based on Element Lords, then is it possible that a Toa of Sand exists?
51) Yes 62) Yes 73) Nope, because instead of doing sand, the Great Beings did Earth. You will notice that so far we have not seen much in the way of deserts in the MU, and only sand on some coastlines, so a Toa of Sand would not have as much to work with as a Toa of Earth would.
8So only 6 Element Lords were created? 9Thanks.
10I haven't said anything about how many were created. We have met two, and can assume there were at least four others, but nothing has been said about whether others may have existed.
1Got some:
191) There goes my Element Lords = Toa theory 202,5) So the Sand Tribe's regression wasn't anything remarkable. 216) I think he got confused. as he sent back a PM shortly:
25Which means that "Tohunga" was still the only word decanonized by Naming Day.
26I sent another PM with another random pondering of mine a few days later:
2Got a few questions for ya;
31) Are there any Toa outside of the MU? By "Toa", I don't necessarily mean the heroes who protect Matoran, but just the species. 42) Why did the Sand Tribe regress when none of the other tribes did? 53) Do Vorox actually use Thornax launchers? They don't strike me as being smart enough 64) Vorox (and Zesk) wear armor, correct? 74a) When it gets damaged, how do they repair it? 85) Did the Sand Tribe regress as a direct result of the Shattering (or whatever the disaster was), indirectly, or completely unrelated? 96) In Brothers in Arms, a Ga-Matoran introduces herself as "Toa" Macku. Shouldn't her name be Maku, as her name was changed on a Naming Day on Mata Nui? 106a) Or were all names changed on the Naming Day decanonized, and not just Tohunga?
111) No 122) There's no predicting how different social groups will react to a crisis. If a crisis hit your town, some people would be calm, some people would panic, some people would loot, some people would help rescue others -- yet you are all the same species. 133) Yes, they do. "Point and shoot" doesn't take a lot of brains. 144) Yes 154A) They don't 165) The cataclysm and its related effects caused their social degeneration 176) Ah, but that wasn't in our world, now, was it? She's not a Toa in the main MU, she is a Toa in an alternate universe, where that Naming Day never happened. 186a) See answer to 6 -- just because something happened in the main universe does not mean it happened in all the alternate universes.
191) There goes my Element Lords = Toa theory 202,5) So the Sand Tribe's regression wasn't anything remarkable. 216) I think he got confused. as he sent back a PM shortly:
22Disregard previous PM's answer to #6 -- her original name was Maku, the change made it Macku, so introducing herself as Toa Macku would be correct with the name changes in the MU.
23So her name was changed in the alternate universe as well, maybe in honor of saving Spherus Magna?
24Or her name might always have been Macku there.
25Which means that "Tohunga" was still the only word decanonized by Naming Day.
26I sent another PM with another random pondering of mine a few days later:
27Just one question for today![]()
28How are there so many more Skrall and Vorox than the other Glatorian? Were those particular tribes less affected by the Shattering, or is there another reason?
29My feeling is this -- the Vorox are native to the desert, because they were a sand tribe to start with, so they were probably on Bara Magna for long before the Shattering. The Skrall's main fortresses were north of the Black Spikes and in the Black Spikes, so they had large numbers already in the area when the Shattering happened. The other tribes did not have large armies in this part of the world at the time, so their numbers to start with were not as high.
30And are all the survivors on Bara Magna, or are there survivors on the two moons as well?
31I see no reason why the only survivors of the Shattering would be on just this one segment of planet, myself. But whether or not anyone survives elsewhere is not something story team has discussed, since we aren't telling stories at this point about anyplace else but here.
1Hi Mr Farshtey just two questions for you.
21) Where does Metus goes to when he wish to hire Glatorian?
32) Are there only one Element Lord of each element?
51) He travels to different villages and looks for recruits in the wastelands who may have chosen not to be Glatorian up to now 62) Yes
1A few mistakes I would like to correct. 2First, red plus blue = purple, not green. 3Second, only a Kaukau Nuva can let a Matoran nearby to breathe water XP
4Actually, when fusing Kanohi and Kanoka, red plus blue more often than not equals green.
5@Matkerzah: Ah heh heh heh...whoops. Well, it looks like both me and Greg made some mistakes...
6@Aravagantos: I don't quite understand what you are saying...
7Hey, why does everyone have such long, hard to spell, names? Sigh...