1Hi, Greg.
21. The image of the Destral Cycle in last November&'s Brickmaster magazine shows Antroz riding it while using the same form as he used while piloting the Jetrax T6. Does he use the same form in story?
32. Is the Red Star made of Protodermis?
43. In Desert of Danger, Mata Nui thinks he can subdue the Sand Bat by knocking its mask off (not realizing that it doesn&'t wear a mask). However, Mata Nui was asleep at the time Makuta was using Infected Kanohi to control Rahi. Does this mean maskless Rahi in general are weaker than Rahi with masks, infected or not?
54. BIONICLE.com says Bara Magna villages usually consist of one large structure with numerous dwellings and workplaces inside. Does this description fit all the villages we know?
65. Just for clarification, can any being able to use a Great Mask also use a Noble Mask? For example, would Axonn be able to use a Noble Mask if he chose to?
76. Can you give some examples of what Karzahni&'s Matoran slaves were producing in his forges?
8As always, thanks for being there for us fans so often . =)
91) Nope 102) Yes 113) He was asleep, but we also know he was at least semi-aware of what was going on around him, the same way a coma patient often is. 124) Yes 135) Yes 146) Now and then weapons for Karzahni to use to defend his realm, but more often, totally useless items which he then destroyed and made them make over again.
15Some nice stuff for the Wiki.
11Thanks a bunch, I have one continuation though, and one more question.1Hello again Greg. Once again I have more quesitions for you.
21) Strakk in the Prime Glatorian of Iconox, and yet I hear that he lost to both Malum and Kiina, both of whom are the Secondary Glatorian of their villiages. One would think that a Prime would almost always beat a Secondary. Is Strakk perhaps not as skilled as the other Prime Glatorian?
32) New pictures from the upcoming Bionicle movie show Mata-Nui with his scarab shield and certain parts (specifically around the handguard) are the exact same color as the Scarabax, Click&'s shell. Is it possible that Click somehow turns into the shield (perhaps he touches the Mask of Life and is cursed into a shield)?
43) How important is Click to the story compared to characters like Pewku? 53a) How about compared to Jaller&'s Hahna Crab?
64) You have stated that Certavus, Ackar, Tarix, and Vastus have all won the tournament before. We know that Certavus was roughly the best of these, and you have said that Tarix probably has the best record of all the living Glatorian, so out of the remaining two, Vastus and Ackar, which one would you say is better?
7Thank you very much for all your help here on BZP. We certainly appreciate it.
81) One would also think that a World Championship baseball team would always beat teams that finished worse than they did last year -- but last time I checked, the Phillies were 13-10. Competition does not work on a set pattern, where the Prime will ALWAYS beat the Second -- if it were the case, why would anyone bother to show up for the matches, if the result is predetermined? 92-3) I cannot discuss movie plot, you know that 104) Ackar was in his prime, but he&'s not in his prime anymore
121) Good point...and if we knew of any fights that he had won I wouldn&'t bother that much...but that still means that of the two fights that we know about Strakk fighting Secondaries, he has lost both. Not an encouraging start. 132-3) Sorry...guess that was stupid of me 144) So does that mean that currently Vastus is the better of the two. 154a) Is Ackar just out of practice or is his age catching up with him?
165) I don&'t know if you can answer this or not, but if you can, who has a greater control over their elemental powers, a Toa, or an Elemental Lord?
17Thanks once again
184) I would say he has an edge 194a) Ackar thinks it&'s age. I think it&'s more a lack of confidence. 205) Too early to discuss - I really don&'t want to go into the ELs yet when there is so much to tell about them in story
211) This type of arena fighting I would assume is a bit easier to predeict though. How often does the boxing champ loose? I don&'t know a whole lot about any sort of sports (just not my thing) but I have a hard time believing that Muhammad Ali ever lost unless it was a really bad day for him. 222) I read this theory earlier today and I was impressed by it, so I thought I would ask. Guess I didn&'t think about what I was doing. 233) Not even somthing this minor? Alright. 244) Hmmm...so Ackar has lost his confidence at some point eh? So as of their most recent stats, the order is #1 Certavus, #2 Tarix, #3 Vastus, and #4 Ackar. Although I would guess that in his prime (before he lost confidence) Ackar was either #2 or 3. 255) Drat . AND DOUBLE DRAT .
1Hello Greg. I have some questions for you.
21. Who is your favorite summer character? If you are allowed to, can you say why?
32. Is Kiina the only female out of all of the Glatorian and the trainees?
4Thank you.
51) Kiina, because she is (sort of) named after my wife 62) Oh, no, she is just the most successful of the current females
7This is some pretty cool stuff, I think.
1Hello Greg. I have some questions for you.
21. Who is your favorite summer character? If you are allowed to, can you say why?
32. Is Kiina the only female out of all of the Glatorian and the trainees?
4Thank you.
51) Kiina, because she is (sort of) named after my wife 62) Oh, no, she is just the most successful of the current females
7This is some pretty cool stuff, I think.
9Definitly first Glatorian Legend buy will be Kiina *¬*
1Ja-Kiina. Cute.
11) Is Crotesius male or female? 22) Is Kyry male or female? 33) Is Scodonius male or female? 44) Does Stronius work as a Glatorian or does he do something else like patrolling? 55) In BS01 it says that Vorox "fight in the Arena when forced to". Is this true? How are they "forced" to fight?
61, 3, 4) Can't discuss summer sets 72) Kyry is male 85) Simple. Skrall capture them and throw them into the arena, the same way Romans used lions and other animals in the arena.
9I indirectly got confirmation that Crotesius and Scodonius are in fact, summer sets

1I think we already knew about the genders of Crotesius, Kyry, and Scodonius all being male and that two of them will appear in summer sets.

2Hey GregF, just one question. 31. The traitor is not a Bone Hunter, correct? I believe you have said in the past that they won't be prominent in the movie. 4Thanks.
51) They do show up in the film, but who would the bone hunter be "betraying?" Bone hunters are enemies of the Agori, you can't betray someone you are already enemies with.
1Hi Greg
2One thing kept bugging me over the recent week: on BS01 Surel is/was mentioned as a villager of the Ice Tribe.
3Is this true, and if not, is there any connection between him and the tribe? If so, which?
4Thanks, 5NtM
6He is not a villager -- Agori are villagers. Surel fought for the Element Lord of Ice in the Core War, alongside other ice warriors (like Strakk) and ice Agori.
1Hi Greg
2One thing kept bugging me over the recent week: on BS01 Surel is/was mentioned as a villager of the Ice Tribe.
3Is this true, and if not, is there any connection between him and the tribe? If so, which?
4Thanks, 5NtM
6He is not a villager -- Agori are villagers. Surel fought for the Element Lord of Ice in the Core War, alongside other ice warriors (like Strakk) and ice Agori.
7So he was from the Ice Army.
1Hi Greg
2One thing kept bugging me over the recent week: on BS01 Surel is/was mentioned as a villager of the Ice Tribe.
3Is this true, and if not, is there any connection between him and the tribe? If so, which?
4Thanks, 5NtM
6He is not a villager -- Agori are villagers. Surel fought for the Element Lord of Ice in the Core War, alongside other ice warriors (like Strakk) and ice Agori.
7The Agori fought in the Core War? That's new, I think.

8-Toa Pohatu Mata
1Hello again, Mr. Farshtey.
2I have a few more questions. Some of these you might have received before, since I sent a PM back to you after your last reply, but I think it got lost. Anyhow:
41. Does Takanuva look like his 2003 version?
52. If Takanuva did a Nova Blast through his Power Lance, how much more devastation would it do than a normal Nova Blast?
63. Is there a storyline reason why Takua changed his name to Takanuva rather than just Toa Takua?
74. Is Takanuva's power equal to the alternate Teridax's?
85. It has been said that Takanuva was practicing superspeed via his light power. Is this speed equal to that of a Kakama? 95a. Kakama Nuva?
10Reign of Shadows:
111. Why doesn't Teridax, Ahkmou, or someone like that remove the Toa Nuva's Nuva symbols, thus removing the Toa Nuva's elemental powers? 121a. Why have they not removed their masks as well?
132. Could Gaaki's Mask of Clairvoyance show her that they were in a Illusion?
143. Do the Toa Hagah wonder why the Toa Nuva are gone?
154. Has Nuparu reached Takanuva yet?
165. Where are the other Toa Mahri?
176. It said that it took Tuyet 2000 years to get back to the MU because she had no map. Is there a map then with all the dimensions in it?
18Bara Magna:
191. Are there any Elemental Lords that have elements that Toa do not have?
202. Is Surel correct by saying that the maze is the "Last riddle of the Great Beings"?
21Mata Nui:
221. Is Mata Nui's mission to find the Great Beings homeworld?
232. Does the Red Star attach to Mata Nui in any way?
243. Does the Red Star use some sort of giant magnet device to draw Mata Nui out of the Planet he is observing?
254. You said that Matoran work in Metru Nui like cells in our brain. What purpose do the 264a. Skadiki 274b. Vortixx 284c. Zyglak 29have?
30Thank you in advance.
311) Yes 322) I'm not sure -- a nova blast pretty much is the ultimate, so even if it made it more damaging, it would hardly matter to anything or anyone around him. It's like making a firestorm 100 degrees hotter, in the end, it won't make a huge difference to the city. 333) Yes, to honor the Toa Nuva 344) We really haven't seen Teridax use his power much yet, so too soon to tell 355) No, because he hasn't been able to achieve this.
361) Why bother? Are the Nuva a threat to Teridax? No. So why waste the time and energy going after them? 372) If it did, you would probably have a case of cognitive dissonance -- what she believes vs. what the mask shows her. So the issue then is which changes, her beliefs or her trust in the mask. 383) Nope 394) Yes 405) Scattered about 416) No, which is why she didn't have one 421) I can't discuss this 432) As far as he knows, he's correct, yes 441) Wouldn't he already know where that was? 452) Yes 463) No 474) All things have a purpose. The sole exception would be the Zyglak, who were never meant to be created. But think about it -- the Vortixx produce things, much like we have parts of our body that produce things we need ... and the Skakdi are brutal warriors, which would keep anything alien away from their territory, same as antibodies in our body do.
48Thank you. I am afraid that my follow-up message got lost again, so here it is. I am sorry it you received it twice.
512. I meant how many kios (or mios) would it spread across? 522a. If two users both grabbed the Power Lance and used it, could they do a amplified combined attack?
534. I meant that is he completely removed from shadow, as Alternate Teridax is. Is he? 544a. In the universe where Alternate Teridax comes from, are there then more Toa than Matoran in that dimension? 554b. Would Takua be a Toa or a Matoran in there?
56Reign of Shadows:
572. What would she choose? Would she choose what she saw, or what the mask told her? 582a. I know she can't control what it shows her, but can she control when it shows her something? 592b. In Dwellers in Darkness, who was the one who she predicted would not return (I read it, but couldn't figure out...)
604. Have they used the device Takanuva's found yet?
61New Questions:
62Matoran Universe:
631. Where is Vezon now? 641a. Has he figured out to use his powers with the Olmak? 651b. What color is the Olmak now that it is fused to Vezon? 661c. If you used the Spear of Fusion, could you separate the Olmak from Vezon?
672. Is the Toa kept in suspended animation in the Shadowed One's lair still there? 682a. Will he be released?
693. If one of the Av-Matoran turned into a Toa, would they look more like a Phantoka/Mistika or a Toa Mata, seeing as how they saw both?
704. How are Matoran destinies (turning into Toa, etc.) decided?
715. A few PMs back, you said that you couldn't fuse an Olmak and a Vahi with the Spear of Fusion together and make a time-traveling mask. But if you took the Kanoka used to make each mask, then put them all together, would you make a mask with two powers? 725a. Is there any way you could travel through time in the MU as of now? 735b. If not, could Artakha make one? 745c. If a Toa wearing the Vahi and a Toa wearing a Olmak and another Toa formed a Kaita, could the Toa Kaita travel through time?
756. Is there any way to "make" a Kanohi Nuva? 766a. Is so, what is it? 776b. What kind of powers would a Olmak Nuva have?
787. When someone uses an Olisi to alter something, would it be the exact same as if it happened in another dimension? For example, if it was used to see what would have happened if Matoro didn't use the Ignika, would it turn out the exact same way as it did in the "Kingdom"?
798. Is there a name for the Mask of Light and Shadow (Kravohkii, Avohkan, etc.)?
809. How are Matoran masks worn? Are they attached to their "mouths" like it looks like in the sets?
81Thank you again.
822) I don't keep stats like that, I don't need them for story 832a) No 844) No, he's not. Normal Takanuva has both light and shadow in him. 854a) Unknown. There are more workers than heroes in this one, so why wouldn't there be more workers than heroes there? 864b) Again, unknown, we never met him there.
872) Impossible to predict 882a) No 892b) Zaktan
904) No
911) We'll get back to him 921a) No 931b) Not something I have worried about 941c) It's hard to be that precise with the spear -- you might just as easily split Vezon into two beings.
952) Yes 962a) No plans to do so
973) Impossible to predict, especially since I have no plans to turn an Av-Matoran into a Toa anytime soon in story
984) At their creation
995) No. Again, doesn't work that way. In the same way that if you take red and blue and mix them, you don't get half red and half blue, you get green. 1005a) No. The surest way to foul up a continuing story is to put time travel into it, so we're not doing that. 1015b-5c) See answer to 5a. We are not introducing time travel into this story, so official rule is there is no way for it to exist in this universe.
1026) You take a standard Kanohi, dip it in energized protodermis, and hope it transforms and doesn't get destroyed. 1036c) No idea, since once does not exist. General rule is if I don't need something for story, I don't spend time worrying about it. I just don't have the time.
1047) Not necessarily, no. Let's take the Kingdom for example -- in that universe, the Matoran and most of their enemies ended up working together. But it might also have turned out that they kept warring and destroyed each other, or that the island of Mata Nui collapsed before they could fix it, etc. Every decision sparks the creation of multiple alternate realities, so there is not one "right" one.
1058) No
1069) Not something I have info on, since I haven't needed to know for story
107Thank you again, Mr. Farshtey. Only a few more questions this time.
108Follow Ups:
1095. How were the Golden Kanoka then made?
110New Questions:
1111. What kinds of Matoran are in Metru Nui now (besides Fire, Ice, Earth, Air, Water, and Stone) 1122. If Makuta's original plans had worked out and he ruled Metru Nui, would he still want to control Mata Nui? 1133. I know Matoran cannot use mask powers, but if someone had a Hau Nuva or Kakama Nuva, could they shield or let the Matoran breathe water (if the Matoran was next to the Toa and the Toa was using the mask). 1144. Is there a mask for all the elements (a mask of fire, a mask of air) just like there is a mask for the mask of light and the mask of gravity? 1154a. If a Matoran of Gravity put on the Mask of Gravity, would he turn into a Toa of Gravity?
116Thank you.
1175) Those were not made by Matoran -- they were pre-existing, made by the Great Beings 1181) I don't have a precise demographic breakdown 1192) He basically would have, then -- because if he rules Metru Nui, he has control over when or if MN wakes up. 1203) Yes -- see the shield Tahu creates around Takua to protect him from lava in Mask of Light 1214) No, not necessarily. The potential exists for there to be, doesn't mean they actually exist 1224a) No. First off, he would have to be destined to become a Toa, second, the mask would have had to be somehow invested with power to trigger the power already inside him.
123Yes, some of this might be already known, but I didn't know it, that's why I asked. Number 5 (Golden Kanohi) is interesting, though, BS01 said that they they were made by Artahka, not the Great Beings. Someone's gotta change the wiki...

1Hey GregF, just few question. 21. Where do the Bone Hunters get their Rock Steeds? 32. How are the Bone Hunters' Rock Steeds named? 43. Are Bone Hunters physcially stronger than Agori? 53a. How about Bone Hunters to Glatorian? 64. Bone Hunters never existed as Bone Hunters before the Shattering, correct? 75. Were the Bone Hunters Rock Agori at one time, because they are distantly related to them and they affiliate themselves with Rock more than any other element? 86. Also, what are the pronunciations of Vastus and Stronius? 9Thanks.
101) From the wastelands 112) By their owners 123) Yes 133a) Bone hunters generally do not fight hand to hand or one on one if it can be avoided, so hard to say. 144) Wrong. They simply were not as prevalent or active. 155) No, distantly related means distantly related, not identical. 166) Vass-tuss and Stroh-nee-us
1Hey GregF, just few question. 21. Where do the Bone Hunters get their Rock Steeds? 32. How are the Bone Hunters' Rock Steeds named? 43. Are Bone Hunters physcially stronger than Agori? 53a. How about Bone Hunters to Glatorian? 64. Bone Hunters never existed as Bone Hunters before the Shattering, correct? 75. Were the Bone Hunters Rock Agori at one time, because they are distantly related to them and they affiliate themselves with Rock more than any other element? 86. Also, what are the pronunciations of Vastus and Stronius? 9Thanks.
101) From the wastelands 112) By their owners 123) Yes 133a) Bone hunters generally do not fight hand to hand or one on one if it can be avoided, so hard to say. 144) Wrong. They simply were not as prevalent or active. 155) No, distantly related means distantly related, not identical. 166) Vass-tuss and Stroh-nee-us
17They're probably a rock class of a cousin species.
11)You said there was a decision in 2004 that you couldn't discuss how Matoran and other beings are made. I'm just curious to know why the story team made this decision. 22)Do you know why, or will the story team thinks something up if we were to know it at some point? (if we even get to know someday) 33)Will we know? If we will, when? 44)Do you have the official name decided for the Endless Ocean Planet?
51) Because if you reveal every little detail about everything in the story universe, then the story loses all its mystery. It's like studying a flower under a microscope -- you gain knowledge, but you lose some of the sense of wonder. 62) I do know why, I was part of the decision 73) No, because it's not relevant to the story. Let me put it this way -- if you go see, say, a Spider-Man movie -- is it essential you meet his parents and see the day he was born? Or does none of that matter to the story that's being told? 84) I have one, but it's not official, hasn't been approved in Denmark yet
9IMO, we should at least know when BIONICLE ends, but it's okay.
11)You said there was a decision in 2004 that you couldn't discuss how Matoran and other beings are made. I'm just curious to know why the story team made this decision. 22)Do you know why, or will the story team thinks something up if we were to know it at some point? (if we even get to know someday) 33)Will we know? If we will, when? 44)Do you have the official name decided for the Endless Ocean Planet?
51) Because if you reveal every little detail about everything in the story universe, then the story loses all its mystery. It's like studying a flower under a microscope -- you gain knowledge, but you lose some of the sense of wonder. 62) I do know why, I was part of the decision 73) No, because it's not relevant to the story. Let me put it this way -- if you go see, say, a Spider-Man movie -- is it essential you meet his parents and see the day he was born? Or does none of that matter to the story that's being told? 84) I have one, but it's not official, hasn't been approved in Denmark yet
9IMO, we should at least know when BIONICLE ends, but it's okay.
10BIONICLE's ending isn't decided, it will go on until sales drop and the line is no longer profitable.
1Hi Mr Farshtey I have some questions for you
21) Have Malum been replaced yet?
32) Where do Agori go when they wish to hire Glatorian?
43a) Are the Element Lords made up of Protodermis?
53b) If not are they made up of their own respective elements?
64) Is Tobduk based on Knox from Heroes?
7Thanks for your time.
81) No 92) To people like Metus, who specialize in recruitment 103a) No 113b) Too early to discuss 124) Nope. I stopped watching Heroes after second season and don't even recall who Knox is. I try not to base characters off of characters in other things, especially "current" other things, as that is basically plagiarism.
13What I actually meant was where people like Metus go when they wish to hire Glatorian.
1Good evening Mr. Farshtey. 2I have a few questions to ask.
31. Was Toa Nikila's name based off of Nikola Tesla, inventor of the Tesla coil?
42. What's with Matoro Inika on the Glatorian advertisment from last year. This one. 5Is he just some random Glatorian who happens to resemble Matoro or just put in the ad for effect?
63. How similar in appearence are the Baterra to the Bohrok? If any at all.
74. Why is Mata Nui's sword so oddly shaped? 8Bionicle weapons aren't realistic, but this one is pretty strange.
95. How are the Skrall related to Glatorian? 10Distant relatives?
116. Did you find a use for Tarix's darn chin pipe?
127. Kind of a dumb question, but Glatorians don't actually have life counters on their backs, right?
13Thanks in advance. 14I know we don't say it enough, but we do appreciate you taking time from your schedule to answer our questions.
151) No, it was based off what name I had on the approved list that didn't sound stupid 162) Hokay, for the like the 10th time in the last two weeks -- the art was drawn in August of '07, as part of a package to get Tinseltown Toons interested in doing the movie. No '09 sets existed at that point, so the artist used existing sets for the picture. That's the extent of it. It is not Matoro or an Inika, but no one knew what a Glatorian would look like at that point. 173) We'll find out when they get illustrated, which they will be 184) Asking the wrong person, I am not a set designer. 195) All part of overall the same species, in the same way humans and other animals are primates 206) No, haven't worried about it because I don't need to for story. BUT -- my feeling is a lot of what you are seeing on armor and weapons is stuff that dates back to the Core War and had a function THEN -- which may not still operate NOW. 217) Right. That is a set thing only.
22It's official. 23We're gonna see some Baterra.
1I bet the Baterra will be in graphic novel #8 if they're going to get illustrated. I don't feel like there is enough time for them in the magazine comics, with only one comic or so between now and the movie.
1Hello again, Mr. Farshtey.
2I have a few more questions. Some of these you might have received before, since I sent a PM back to you after your last reply, but I think it got lost. Anyhow:
41. Does Takanuva look like his 2003 version?
52. If Takanuva did a Nova Blast through his Power Lance, how much more devastation would it do than a normal Nova Blast?
63. Is there a storyline reason why Takua changed his name to Takanuva rather than just Toa Takua?
74. Is Takanuva's power equal to the alternate Teridax's?
85. It has been said that Takanuva was practicing superspeed via his light power. Is this speed equal to that of a Kakama? 95a. Kakama Nuva?
10Reign of Shadows:
111. Why doesn't Teridax, Ahkmou, or someone like that remove the Toa Nuva's Nuva symbols, thus removing the Toa Nuva's elemental powers? 121a. Why have they not removed their masks as well?
132. Could Gaaki's Mask of Clairvoyance show her that they were in a Illusion?
143. Do the Toa Hagah wonder why the Toa Nuva are gone?
154. Has Nuparu reached Takanuva yet?
165. Where are the other Toa Mahri?
176. It said that it took Tuyet 2000 years to get back to the MU because she had no map. Is there a map then with all the dimensions in it?
18Bara Magna:
191. Are there any Elemental Lords that have elements that Toa do not have?
202. Is Surel correct by saying that the maze is the "Last riddle of the Great Beings"?
21Mata Nui:
221. Is Mata Nui's mission to find the Great Beings homeworld?
232. Does the Red Star attach to Mata Nui in any way?
243. Does the Red Star use some sort of giant magnet device to draw Mata Nui out of the Planet he is observing?
254. You said that Matoran work in Metru Nui like cells in our brain. What purpose do the 264a. Skadiki 274b. Vortixx 284c. Zyglak 29have?
30Thank you in advance.
311) Yes 322) I'm not sure -- a nova blast pretty much is the ultimate, so even if it made it more damaging, it would hardly matter to anything or anyone around him. It's like making a firestorm 100 degrees hotter, in the end, it won't make a huge difference to the city. 333) Yes, to honor the Toa Nuva 344) We really haven't seen Teridax use his power much yet, so too soon to tell 355) No, because he hasn't been able to achieve this.
361) Why bother? Are the Nuva a threat to Teridax? No. So why waste the time and energy going after them? 372) If it did, you would probably have a case of cognitive dissonance -- what she believes vs. what the mask shows her. So the issue then is which changes, her beliefs or her trust in the mask. 383) Nope 394) Yes 405) Scattered about 416) No, which is why she didn't have one 421) I can't discuss this 432) As far as he knows, he's correct, yes 441) Wouldn't he already know where that was? 452) Yes 463) No 474) All things have a purpose. The sole exception would be the Zyglak, who were never meant to be created. But think about it -- the Vortixx produce things, much like we have parts of our body that produce things we need ... and the Skakdi are brutal warriors, which would keep anything alien away from their territory, same as antibodies in our body do.
48Thank you. I am afraid that my follow-up message got lost again, so here it is. I am sorry it you received it twice.
512. I meant how many kios (or mios) would it spread across? 522a. If two users both grabbed the Power Lance and used it, could they do a amplified combined attack?
534. I meant that is he completely removed from shadow, as Alternate Teridax is. Is he? 544a. In the universe where Alternate Teridax comes from, are there then more Toa than Matoran in that dimension? 554b. Would Takua be a Toa or a Matoran in there?
56Reign of Shadows:
572. What would she choose? Would she choose what she saw, or what the mask told her? 582a. I know she can't control what it shows her, but can she control when it shows her something? 592b. In Dwellers in Darkness, who was the one who she predicted would not return (I read it, but couldn't figure out...)
604. Have they used the device Takanuva's found yet?
61New Questions:
62Matoran Universe:
631. Where is Vezon now? 641a. Has he figured out to use his powers with the Olmak? 651b. What color is the Olmak now that it is fused to Vezon? 661c. If you used the Spear of Fusion, could you separate the Olmak from Vezon?
672. Is the Toa kept in suspended animation in the Shadowed One's lair still there? 682a. Will he be released?
693. If one of the Av-Matoran turned into a Toa, would they look more like a Phantoka/Mistika or a Toa Mata, seeing as how they saw both?
704. How are Matoran destinies (turning into Toa, etc.) decided?
715. A few PMs back, you said that you couldn't fuse an Olmak and a Vahi with the Spear of Fusion together and make a time-traveling mask. But if you took the Kanoka used to make each mask, then put them all together, would you make a mask with two powers? 725a. Is there any way you could travel through time in the MU as of now? 735b. If not, could Artakha make one? 745c. If a Toa wearing the Vahi and a Toa wearing a Olmak and another Toa formed a Kaita, could the Toa Kaita travel through time?
756. Is there any way to "make" a Kanohi Nuva? 766a. Is so, what is it? 776b. What kind of powers would a Olmak Nuva have?
787. When someone uses an Olisi to alter something, would it be the exact same as if it happened in another dimension? For example, if it was used to see what would have happened if Matoro didn't use the Ignika, would it turn out the exact same way as it did in the "Kingdom"?
798. Is there a name for the Mask of Light and Shadow (Kravohkii, Avohkan, etc.)?
809. How are Matoran masks worn? Are they attached to their "mouths" like it looks like in the sets?
81Thank you again.
822) I don't keep stats like that, I don't need them for story 832a) No 844) No, he's not. Normal Takanuva has both light and shadow in him. 854a) Unknown. There are more workers than heroes in this one, so why wouldn't there be more workers than heroes there? 864b) Again, unknown, we never met him there.
872) Impossible to predict 882a) No 892b) Zaktan
904) No
911) We'll get back to him 921a) No 931b) Not something I have worried about 941c) It's hard to be that precise with the spear -- you might just as easily split Vezon into two beings.
952) Yes 962a) No plans to do so
973) Impossible to predict, especially since I have no plans to turn an Av-Matoran into a Toa anytime soon in story
984) At their creation
995) No. Again, doesn't work that way. In the same way that if you take red and blue and mix them, you don't get half red and half blue, you get green. 1005a) No. The surest way to foul up a continuing story is to put time travel into it, so we're not doing that. 1015b-5c) See answer to 5a. We are not introducing time travel into this story, so official rule is there is no way for it to exist in this universe.
1026) You take a standard Kanohi, dip it in energized protodermis, and hope it transforms and doesn't get destroyed. 1036c) No idea, since once does not exist. General rule is if I don't need something for story, I don't spend time worrying about it. I just don't have the time.
1047) Not necessarily, no. Let's take the Kingdom for example -- in that universe, the Matoran and most of their enemies ended up working together. But it might also have turned out that they kept warring and destroyed each other, or that the island of Mata Nui collapsed before they could fix it, etc. Every decision sparks the creation of multiple alternate realities, so there is not one "right" one.
1058) No
1069) Not something I have info on, since I haven't needed to know for story
107Thank you again, Mr. Farshtey. Only a few more questions this time.
108Follow Ups:
1095. How were the Golden Kanoka then made?
110New Questions:
1111. What kinds of Matoran are in Metru Nui now (besides Fire, Ice, Earth, Air, Water, and Stone) 1122. If Makuta's original plans had worked out and he ruled Metru Nui, would he still want to control Mata Nui? 1133. I know Matoran cannot use mask powers, but if someone had a Hau Nuva or Kakama Nuva, could they shield or let the Matoran breathe water (if the Matoran was next to the Toa and the Toa was using the mask). 1144. Is there a mask for all the elements (a mask of fire, a mask of air) just like there is a mask for the mask of light and the mask of gravity? 1154a. If a Matoran of Gravity put on the Mask of Gravity, would he turn into a Toa of Gravity?
116Thank you.
1175) Those were not made by Matoran -- they were pre-existing, made by the Great Beings 1181) I don't have a precise demographic breakdown 1192) He basically would have, then -- because if he rules Metru Nui, he has control over when or if MN wakes up. 1203) Yes -- see the shield Tahu creates around Takua to protect him from lava in Mask of Light 1214) No, not necessarily. The potential exists for there to be, doesn't mean they actually exist 1224a) No. First off, he would have to be destined to become a Toa, second, the mask would have had to be somehow invested with power to trigger the power already inside him.
123Yes, some of this might be already known, but I didn't know it, that's why I asked. Number 5 (Golden Kanohi) is interesting, though, BS01 said that they they were made by Artahka, not the Great Beings. Someone's gotta change the wiki...
125A few mistakes I would like to correct. 126First, red plus blue = purple, not green. 127Second, only a Kaukau Nuva can let a Matoran nearby to breathe water XP
1Thanks for taking time to answer my questions, sir. I think my previous pm to you didn't get through or something, so I'll go with what I remember and what I'm curious about now.
21. Are the tools the Vorox use the same ones they used prior to their change? 32. Say, hypothetically, a Baterra meets a farmer holding a pitchfork doing farmwork. Would the Baterra attack that farmer even though the pitchfork isn't used as a weapon? 43. Would a Baterra attack a being that has natural weapons (like claws) or wearing armor that is, say, razor-edged? 54. The Baterra aren't related with any other shapeshifters we know of, right?
61) Yes 72) It's possible, yes 83) Probably not, because none of the fighters in the Core War had natural tools 94) No, they are not
10Well, I think if there's a Baterra nearby, drop everything you have.
1Hi Greg
2Thanks for taking time to read this message. Only have one short question this time, hope you could answer it:
3In the latest chapter of RotGB, it appears that the Valley of the Maze is central to this year's story. Can't help but notice the similarity between this Valley and a fortress of the Great Beings mentioned in the world of The Melding as told in last year's Brothers in Arms. (i.e. "After the 100th twist and turn, Mazeka became convinced this was all on purpose.") It seems like this Valley of the Maze is pretty similar to a typical fortress of the Great Beings, with winding routes that would confuse those who attempt to enter it. My question is, is the Valley of the Maze a fortress (or once was a fortress) of the Great Beings?
4Thanks 5PH
6Follow the story and find out, no reason for me to give stuff away now.

1Nice find there, pirakahakann. I'm pretty sure it will be the same. And I also think that's why Greg didn't answer it.
1A few mistakes I would like to correct. 2First, red plus blue = purple, not green. 3Second, only a Kaukau Nuva can let a Matoran nearby to breathe water XP
4Actually, when fusing Kanohi and Kanoka, red plus blue more often than not equals green.
5Well, scientifically, it's always purple. Yellow + blue= green.
1A few mistakes I would like to correct. 2First, red plus blue = purple, not green. 3Second, only a Kaukau Nuva can let a Matoran nearby to breathe water XP
4Actually, when fusing Kanohi and Kanoka, red plus blue more often than not equals green.
5Well, scientifically, it's always purple. Yellow + blue= green.
6And scientifically, you can't invent armor that changes to envoirments, facial armor that contains power, disks that contain power, and you can't evolve into a floating gas called antidermis only to then inject yourself into the Great Spirit Mata Nui.

7You get the point.
1A few mistakes I would like to correct. 2First, red plus blue = purple, not green. 3Second, only a Kaukau Nuva can let a Matoran nearby to breathe water XP
4Actually, when fusing Kanohi and Kanoka, red plus blue more often than not equals green.
5Well, scientifically, it's always purple. Yellow + blue= green.
6What the analogy means is that Garai + Kraahkan doesn't have to mean you can shoot either Gravity or Shadow, or Gravity mixed with Shadow, but that you can get a non-related power such as moving stuff made out of quartz with the mind.
1A few mistakes I would like to correct. 2First, red plus blue = purple, not green. 3Second, only a Kaukau Nuva can let a Matoran nearby to breathe water XP
4Actually, when fusing Kanohi and Kanoka, red plus blue more often than not equals green.
5Well, scientifically, it's always purple. Yellow + blue= green.
6And scientifically, you can't invent armor that changes to envoirments, facial armor that contains power, disks that contain power, and you can't evolve into a floating gas called antidermis only to then inject yourself into the Great Spirit Mata Nui.
7You get the point.
8You don't know that...you can't prove a negative. In 1000 years...who knows?
11. What is Nektann's element? We know Skakdi have them, but Nektann's is never mentioned in story.
22. Is Dave White (the illustrator for Challenge of Mata Nui) the same Dave White who illustrated several comics for the LEGO Club Magazine?
33. Do you expect to ever explain more about the nature of Spirit Stars?
41) Haven't worried about it, as you know, he has hardly appeared in story at all. 52) Yes 63) I don't have plans for that at the moment, but will if it becomes relevant to do so
1Thank you sir, for taking the time to read my messages. I truly appreciate your answers. Currently, I have a few questions which I hope you can answer:
21. What is the phonetic pronunciation of 'Tajun'? 32. I read that you enjoyed writing about Zaktan, sir, and I wondered how it was that you came to decide to have Teridax kill him off. No offense sir. 43. Why is Strakk such a mercenary?
5Thank you sir.
61) Tay-zun 72) Well, I can't keep characters alive just because I personally like them. I do what I feel is best for story. 83) Same reason there are human who are mercenaries, K. Actually, Strakk's attitude is a lot closer to the typical Glatorian than, say, Gresh's is. Some Glatorian, like Vastus, are motivated by the need to make up for their past, some, like Tarix, by love of their village, but most in general are in it for the shelter, the food, the equipment -- those are things you can't do without in a desert, and at some point, you will be too old to make a living as a Glatorian, so you have to get it while you can.
1Thank you sir, for taking the time to read my messages. I truly appreciate your answers. Currently, I have a few questions which I hope you can answer:
21. What is the phonetic pronunciation of 'Tajun'? 32. I read that you enjoyed writing about Zaktan, sir, and I wondered how it was that you came to decide to have Teridax kill him off. No offense sir. 43. Why is Strakk such a mercenary?
5Thank you sir.
61) Tay-zun 72) Well, I can't keep characters alive just because I personally like them. I do what I feel is best for story. 83) Same reason there are human who are mercenaries, K. Actually, Strakk's attitude is a lot closer to the typical Glatorian than, say, Gresh's is. Some Glatorian, like Vastus, are motivated by the need to make up for their past, some, like Tarix, by love of their village, but most in general are in it for the shelter, the food, the equipment -- those are things you can't do without in a desert, and at some point, you will be too old to make a living as a Glatorian, so you have to get it while you can.
9I wonder what Vastus has done in his past to make up for?
1Thank you sir, for taking the time to read my messages. I truly appreciate your answers. Currently, I have a few questions which I hope you can answer:
21. What is the phonetic pronunciation of 'Tajun'? 32. I read that you enjoyed writing about Zaktan, sir, and I wondered how it was that you came to decide to have Teridax kill him off. No offense sir. 43. Why is Strakk such a mercenary?
5Thank you sir.
61) Tay-zun 72) Well, I can't keep characters alive just because I personally like them. I do what I feel is best for story. 83) Same reason there are human who are mercenaries, K. Actually, Strakk's attitude is a lot closer to the typical Glatorian than, say, Gresh's is. Some Glatorian, like Vastus, are motivated by the need to make up for their past, some, like Tarix, by love of their village, but most in general are in it for the shelter, the food, the equipment -- those are things you can't do without in a desert, and at some point, you will be too old to make a living as a Glatorian, so you have to get it while you can.
9I wonder what Vastus has done in his past to make up for?
10Nice, Vastus has a bad past it sounds like.
11I'm thinking bloodbath on a major scale for some reason.