1I got this back today.
21.Which is the better warrior MOMN or Icarax? 32.Who is older Dume or Lesovikk? 43.Is the Avohkah the BM? 54.Is the Mask of Creation a Legendary mask? 65.Will Krakua be a protaganist in BL10? 76.Is Mazeka an av-matoran? 87.Is Karzahnni as strong as the average Makuta?
91)Icarax has more experience actual physical combat. 102)Probably Lesovikk. 113)No. 124)You could certainly make that argumentfor it being one, but we have not officially said it is one. 135)Krakua makes a cameo apperance in Bionicle Legends 10, he does not play a large role. 146)No. 157)No.Makuta have 42+ plus powers apiece. Karzahnni hasn't got anywhere near that.
21.Which is the better warrior MOMN or Icarax? 32.Who is older Dume or Lesovikk? 43.Is the Avohkah the BM? 54.Is the Mask of Creation a Legendary mask? 65.Will Krakua be a protaganist in BL10? 76.Is Mazeka an av-matoran? 87.Is Karzahnni as strong as the average Makuta?
91)Icarax has more experience actual physical combat. 102)Probably Lesovikk. 113)No. 124)You could certainly make that argumentfor it being one, but we have not officially said it is one. 135)Krakua makes a cameo apperance in Bionicle Legends 10, he does not play a large role. 146)No. 157)No.Makuta have 42+ plus powers apiece. Karzahnni hasn't got anywhere near that.
1It was one of those flukes of random nature, I suppose. Other SKakdi have special powers (Thok animates stuff, etc), but he didn't. Maybe it was one of those dormant things.
2Those things were from Spiriah
36b Why did he become a being of Protodites anyways
46b) Suspicion is his reaction to TSO's eyebeams was because he is a mutant
5The above indicates that he is a mutant
11) Do the 08 Matorans masks have any names? 21b) Will we find out their names? 32) Who's your favorite (sp?) Phantoka and do you own any?
41) No 52) My favorite Phantoka is probably Vamprah, and I haven't bought sets yet, only because I haven't gotten down to the company store lately, I have been travelling
6Just got this answer

11) Do the 08 Matorans masks have any names? 21b) Will we find out their names? 32) Who's your favorite (sp?) Phantoka and do you own any?
41) No 52) My favorite Phantoka is probably Vamprah, and I haven't bought sets yet, only because I haven't gotten down to the company store lately, I have been travelling
6Just got this answer![]()
7I think people could better stop asking about the 08 matoran masks 8Greg doesn't like it if people continuously ask the same question .
1It was one of those flukes of random nature, I suppose. Other SKakdi have special powers (Thok animates stuff, etc), but he didn't. Maybe it was one of those dormant things.
2Those things were from Spiriah36b Why did he become a being of Protodites anyways
46b) Suspicion is his reaction to TSO's eyebeams was because he is a mutant
5The above indicates that he is a mutant
6Exactly. Spiriah mutated him, so shouldn't he be counted as a mutant?

1Just a quick question.
2Can you confirm that the Hau is MoMN original mask? The one he wore before the Kraahkan?
3No. His wearing the Hau in the serial has nothing to do with his ever wearing a mask before the Mask of Shadows. I gave him that mask because he can't wear the Kraahkan in this reality, and because that is the mask that we used in all the posters back in 2001.
4Should just check for a theory. 5

4No, in Downfall, it devolved Gadunka again back to it's original size. 3I think he meant evolve. I wonder who the third Makuta was In DM...-Shardwing Prime- 2When was it demonstrated on Gadunka? It just enlarged him...1Hold on Calc, you are onto something here-Remember back in 2006, if the Piraka succeeded in retrieving the Mask of Life, an Ancient Evil will be unleashed. We now know that it is in fact MoMN, and the devolve ability of the Ignika was demostrated on Gadunka... does that mean that the Ignika's curse, when MoMN touches it, is to devolve our Makuta back to his physical form?Can't believe I haven't thought of that earlier =PV-PoW
5No it didn't, he just returned to his original size once out of the mask's range.
6Actually, it did. Matoro was unconcious (sp?), Gadunka picked up the Ignika, and the Ignika cursed it, giving it the ability to devolve anything it touched, including itself. (Trust me, I have the book right next to me.)
7Oh, yes, I remember that. I thought he meant that the Ignika devolved Gadunka.
"Brickmaster Jan-Feb 2008" 9While he is not as powerful in this new form, Toa Ignika can still bring inanimate objects to life, communicate telepathically, and evolve or devolve other beings.
10That's what I was talking about, not a curse for touching the mask.
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4Hi, thanks for responding . I just have a few follow-up questions...
5QUOTE 61) I would have to check my timeline, but I believe he was already Turaga of Metru Nui at that point.
71)If Dume was the Turaga of Metru Nui at that time, who were the Toa (if any)? Was it Jovan and his team?
8QUOTE 93) They had to go to Metru Nui first to insure its safety. The theory was that if something bad had happened that made Mata Nui fall asleep, the damage might well have been in Metru Nui. They were then supposed to get the Staff of Artakha out of the Metru Nui Archives, which would fix any damage done if there had been a cataclysmic quake. After that, they were to go to Karda Nui.
102)So the Toa were supposed to know how to awaken Mata Nui and remember everything? It was the long time they spent floating around in the canisters that made them forget, correct? 113)That brings me to another question- the Ignika cannot be used to awaken Mata Nui, correct? Is the object of power located in the swamp of secrets meant to do that? 124)A question about the Ignika- It's main purpose is to simply "recharge" the Great Spirit, not bring him back to life. So that's why Matoro had to be turned into energy: all the energy would be needed to revive Mata Nui. But the toa from Jovan's team that used the Ignika was also sacrificed. Why, if he only needed to recharge, not revive? Is the death of the user a standard feature, that the Ignika does whenver it's used? 135)One more question: all Av-matoran have special powers. What was Takua's before he became a Toa? 14Thanks for your time .
151) I checked, and Dume was not Turaga of Metru Nui at the time of the time slip. And no, Jovan and his team were not based on Metru Nui. Most likely, there were no Toa based in Metru Nui at that time. 162) The Toa were supposed to know to look in the Great Temple for the instructions on how to prepare the universe for his awakening, which would lead them to Artakha and then to Karda Nui. 173) The Ignika's primary reason for existence is to save his life, not awaken him. Using it to awaken him would be using it for a purpose for which it was not intended. 184) Death of the user is indeed a standard feature. 195) No idea. Takua was never physically linked to a Toa during the time he was aware he was an Av-Matoran, therefore he never discovered what his power was. The Av-Matoran had no idea they had any extra powers until they were linked with the Nuva.
20Just a few more questions: 211) What and were was Dume at this time, and what was he doing? 222) Was there a Turaga of Metru Nui at this time? Or any ruler at all? 233) Again, with the ancient history questions (), is the OoMN member that was on Metru Nui still there (if not when and why did he leave), where is he now, and will he appear this year in the story? 244) Can you tell me why the Matoran Rebellion was fought? 255) Did Mata Nui (the Great Spirit) ever have any contact with the matoran (or anyone in the universe), like talking to them or anything, before he fell asleep? 26That's all for now, thanks for continuing to answer my repeated and annoying questions (). And Dark Mirror 4 was great--keep up the good work .
271) He was a Toa, and he was elsewhere doing the work of a Toa. 282) Yes 293) Well, we know there was an OOMN member on Metru Nui 1001 years ago, who was killed by Karzahni. But there are other OOMN members in the city now. 304) Actually, that gets dealt with in chapter four of Mutran Chronicles 315) No. Mata Nui does not communicate directly with anyone.
32Interesting... Can't wait for Mutran Chronicles 4, I've always been interested in the Matoran Rebellion.
1Hello Mr Farshtey. I was hoping you could answer these questions for me.
21. I think I know what the makuta curse is. It probably isn't true, but I think it means that, when say a toa dies, a makuta is also killed through the curse. Is it true
32. In Federation of Fear, will you be describing Lariska more, Personality and physically
43. Just to note, The two toa that went with Jaller to Artakha to get the Mask of time are part of the Toa empire 53b. And Jaller is turned insane through the mask
64. What is Brutaka up to in the Alternate universe
75. How many Makuta were there in that large chamber MOMN led Takanuva to
86. Will you feature Axonn in any of the serials or books this year. I hope you do
9Darth matrix, Make my way back home, and learn to fly
101) Nope. We know there have been hundreds of Toa in the past, and most are dead now, and there were never anywhere near that number of Makuta. So if your theory was true, there would be no Makuta left at all. 112) Probably 123) Yes 133b) No. The Vahi does not make you insane. Jaller is committed to the Toa Empire the same way he is committed to the Toa in our universe. They are his heroes, he believes in them, and he does what they want him to do. 144) We'll find out if we ever meet him 155) Three total, counting MOMN. 166) Axonn may show up in a summer serial, we'll see.
17Darth matrix, The thousand year darkness of me
21. I think I know what the makuta curse is. It probably isn't true, but I think it means that, when say a toa dies, a makuta is also killed through the curse. Is it true
32. In Federation of Fear, will you be describing Lariska more, Personality and physically
43. Just to note, The two toa that went with Jaller to Artakha to get the Mask of time are part of the Toa empire 53b. And Jaller is turned insane through the mask
64. What is Brutaka up to in the Alternate universe
75. How many Makuta were there in that large chamber MOMN led Takanuva to
86. Will you feature Axonn in any of the serials or books this year. I hope you do
9Darth matrix, Make my way back home, and learn to fly
101) Nope. We know there have been hundreds of Toa in the past, and most are dead now, and there were never anywhere near that number of Makuta. So if your theory was true, there would be no Makuta left at all. 112) Probably 123) Yes 133b) No. The Vahi does not make you insane. Jaller is committed to the Toa Empire the same way he is committed to the Toa in our universe. They are his heroes, he believes in them, and he does what they want him to do. 144) We'll find out if we ever meet him 155) Three total, counting MOMN. 166) Axonn may show up in a summer serial, we'll see.
17Darth matrix, The thousand year darkness of me
1Since everybody in the Universe would have had a sudden feeling that Mata Nui had died, the Toa Nuva would have known too, right? There wasn't any mention of it in Gali Nuva's Blog, but since Bionicle Legends#8 ends with the Toa Nuva already in Karda Nui, am I right in thinking that it indeed occurred during the Blog but simply was never mentioned?
2Correct. It could well have happened while they were on Artakha, since Mata Nui was only dead an extremely short time before Matoro saved him, and that did not happen all that long before the Toa Nuva got to Karda Nui
1QUOTE 2Hi Mr. Farshtey I would just like to ask a couple questions.
31.) When is Miserex going to appear in a book? 42.) Is Takanuva going to have to kill Jaller or is he going to just steal it? 53.) Are there anymore sets other that the winter 2008 and Mistika
6Thank You for your time .
71) He's not. Miserix is part of serial story, but he does not appear in Karda Nui, which is where all the books are set. 82) You will have to follow the story for this answer 93) With the exception of Mazeka and the BM-exclusive Rahi set, all the sets have already been shown on BZP (as far as I know)
31.) When is Miserex going to appear in a book? 42.) Is Takanuva going to have to kill Jaller or is he going to just steal it? 53.) Are there anymore sets other that the winter 2008 and Mistika
6Thank You for your time .
71) He's not. Miserix is part of serial story, but he does not appear in Karda Nui, which is where all the books are set. 82) You will have to follow the story for this answer 93) With the exception of Mazeka and the BM-exclusive Rahi set, all the sets have already been shown on BZP (as far as I know)
1Now that I can actually PM you, here are more questions .
21:What happened to Lariska's arm? 32:Have you ever had a really cool idea that you couldn't use? 42a:If so, could you give an example? 53:Why does it cost you $10,000 to name one character? 64:When can we expect the next BIONICLE video game?
71) She lost it as punishment for disappointing The Shadowed One 82) Nope, not really. 93) Because every name has to go through extensive legal checks, and lawyers cost money 104) No idea, I don't work on that end of things
111:Funny thing, just as I sent this question, I got the Bionicle Encyclopedia from my library, and got the same answer.


1Just thought I would post this...
2Dear Greg 3In Dark Mirror when Takanuva escapes the dodgy universe would it be at the same timeslot from when he first went in. For example like in the Narnia books how one year in Narnia is like half a second in the real world. So how would it work?
4Just for the sake of clarity, I am going to say yes, there is not a vast difference in the movement of time -- so if he spends a day in the alt. universe, then a day in ours will have passed as well.
1Ironic... Jala is one of the most dedicated Matoran in the Toa Empire, and he investigated a Ta-matoran's death in TMDoTT, that was caused by Tuyet.
1Hi, Mr. Greg. I have some questions for you:
21) Is Krakua in a hard to find place, or could he be found by any Matoran stumbling around? 32) When Lewa uses his Midak, does Tanma become weaker? 43) Will the map Mutran found have any effect on the 2008 story? 53b) 2009 of over? 64) How does Brutaka react to Spiriah's action in FoF? 75) How did Spiriah ally with the Zyglak? 86) Do any of the Avtoran remember Takua? 96b) Do they know he became a Toa? 107) Will the 1st Toa be a set? 117b) Combiner? 127c) Other? 138) Is the Dark Hunter/BoM War still going on? 148b) Will it effect the storyline? 159) Can Toa Ignika speek Matoran? 1610) Do the Toa Nuva know about the Makuta in Karda Nui? 1711) Do the Makuta in Karda Nui know about the Toa Nuva? 1812) Was Kopaka injured when Antroz hijacked Jetrax? 1913) Do Tahu and Gali still argue? 2014) How many Bionicle sets do you have? 2115) Do all the questions you recieve ever bother you?
22Thanks you very much.
241) He's in a place some Matoran would be familiar with, but no one is in any race to go to. 252) No, because light energy is not the same as life energy. You can be drained of all light and not die, but if he uses too much of Tanma's energy, it basically gets cut off so that Tanma doesn't go shadow, and he starts drawing from the environment until Tanma recharges. 263) It is relevant to future story, but not 2008 story 274) Follow the story and find out, why would I want to reveal this in advance? 285) Basically, both are outcasts, and Spiriah promised them he would lead a crusade to kill all Matoran and make the Zyglak the dominant species in the universe. 296) Yes 306a) No, they have no way to know that. They hadn't seen him in 60,000 years by the time he became a Toa. 317) No plans for that 328) Yes and yes 339) Yes, although it takes him a while to master speech 3410) They know when they get there and see them, not before that. 3511) They know they exist. 3612) That doesn't happen until this fall, so too early to discuss it 3713) Not really, no. The Nuva learned the value of teamwork after the events of Mask of Light and the Piraka battle, so they don't spend as much time squabbling 3814) Some, not all. I don't have room in the house for all of them 3915) Not in general, no, I just feel bad if I can't get to all of them in a timely manner. But I enjoy getting them. Means people are interested, plus it keeps me from getting sloppy with the story.
401- That's interesting. 412- Whew, that's a relief . 423- Hm... 2009... 434- Good point. 445- I wonder if that promise will be kept... 456- Neat. I wonder if they would recongnize him? 467- That's odd. 478- Now this is VERY interesting. With the DH's base ruined, TSO might decide to attack the Makuta . 489- Good. I don't want Ignika not to speak . 4910-Poor unprepared Toa... 5011- Go prepared Makuta . 5112- Thought so. 5213- Aw... 5314- Huh. 5415- That's good to know.

1Greg, there seems to be some confusion as to the Kaukau Nuva: 21) Could the user share their power with an enemy that breathes air and hence suffocate them? 32) Similar question, but should the user of a Kanohi Nuva choose to share their mask power, do the beings being shared with have a choice as to use the power, or are they forced to?
4In other words, could Pohatu share his mask power with an enemy so they would rocket ahead into an obstacle they could have otherwise avoided? Or would the enemy be able to shut off the shared power?
5Thanks for all your time
61) No. The Mask of Water Breathing does not make it impossible for you to breathe air. 72) The use of the power is governed by the mask wearer. The person they are sharing it with cannot shut it on and off. 83) Pohatu could share his speed power with someone, but he cannot make them move, run or fly. If they were already moving and he shared the mask power, yes, he would increase their speed.
9Just some stuff that seems to have made a ton of annoying topics. Enjoy .
1well, gali can't choke antroz. but pohatu can make chirox fly into a stalactite. or lewa could levitate vamprah into the ceiling, well, maybe not that one.
1#2 was very interesting....
21) What form were the Makuta in DM4?
32) There was MoMN and Krika but who was the 3rd makuta?
43) Will MC4 be up tommorrow?
54) Which is the brickmaster next to have a combiner?
61) Not something I worried about 72) Makuta of Artakha 83) Probably not. It is written, but Binkmeister is on a business trip until the middle of next week, so probably cannot put it up. 94) May
21) What form were the Makuta in DM4?
32) There was MoMN and Krika but who was the 3rd makuta?
43) Will MC4 be up tommorrow?
54) Which is the brickmaster next to have a combiner?
61) Not something I worried about 72) Makuta of Artakha 83) Probably not. It is written, but Binkmeister is on a business trip until the middle of next week, so probably cannot put it up. 94) May
1I've had this for quite a while...mostly about the Faxon...
2Hi Greg . I have a few questions. I sent some of these before the virus was a problem, but it seems you didn't recieve them. Sorry if you recieve this twice...
31. Hahli is on land now and she has the Faxon. She can take the powers of land animals...Can she take the powers of amphibious, sea (Like the anti-poison Rahi she used to not get poisoned by Mantax) or flying animals (Like Lohrak)?
42. How fast can she take powers? Can she switch powers in a second?
53. Could she be counted as one of the strongest Toa in terms of mask power? She's in Metru Nui and there are the archives with so many Rahi she could study (Which I presume was fixed by the Staff or Artakha). Could she take the powers of a phase dragon to speed quickly through an enemy then take the strength of a Tahtorak to smash her foe? And many Rahi have the equivalent of mask powers, so technically, she has multiple "mask powers", right?
64. Is Miserix based on any word? Mutran was Mutate and Transform...and you said Miserix was not "Miserable". Could it be "Misery", as in he causes misery, or is it something else?
7Thanks Greg . 8[=-PoI-=]
91) No, just land-walkers. 102) She can switch powers fairly rapidly 113) I would say it definitely makes her formidable 124) Nope
13Thank you. I have some more questions.
141. Would a shadow leech be considered a Rahi?
152. If it is, could Hahli take the powers of one? How about a Kraata?
163. A strength of a Tahtorak would exceed a Makuta (physical strength)? If so could Hahli take on the power of a Tahtorak to knock a Makuta out?
174. If not, is there any Rahi that could?
185. What are the requirements for a Faxon? Does the user need to know about the Rahi or just have seen it? For example, could Hahli take on the powers of the Crystal Serpents?
19Thanks again . 20[=-PoI-=]
211) A Matoran would probably consider it a Rahi, yes 222) Why would Hahli want to drain someone's light or infect their mask so they could be influenced by Makuta? 233) No. Tahtorak's strength is a natural ability, like breathing, it's not a power. Hahli cannot change her mass and her existing muscles and mechanical parts would not be able to strike with the strength of Tahtorak, her body would not support it. 244) Off the top of my head, I can't think of one, and keep in mind one of the Makuta powers is limited invulnerability, which makes it hard to damage them. 255) She would have to know what power it is she wants to take. And the crystal serpent's ability isn't really a power, it's a natural tool that is a result of their crystalline structure. The mask is not going to change Hahli to crystal, it doesn't work that way.
26Hmmm...so it would have to be a power... not a trait...
271) How about Krana?...(I doubt it since it was made with the remainder of what was used to make Matoran...)
282) Well maybe not Hahli, but possibly a Makuta? Could they take on the powers of a shadow Kraata and infect someone from a distance?
293) Is there any Rahi that gives light or suck darkness? Or maybe a Rahi that gives off blinding light?
304) Or can a Faxon wearer (Hahli again for the sake of clarity) reverse the powers of a Rahi?
315) Would some Dark Hunters count as "Rahi"? What would be the definition of "Rahi"?
32And some new questions:
336) Since a Toa can channel their Toa Tools, can the Phantuka do the same with theirs and channel their Shadow energy?
347) Do the Phantuka have the equivalent of a Toa's elemental or Toa energy? (I forget which limits how much elemental energy one can use...
358) What would be the "technological status of Karda-Nui? On a scale of 1-10, Let's say Mata-Nui (when inhabited) was 3, a southern island inhabited by Rahi-only would be 1, Metru Nui would be pretty high and Artakha (I assume) would be 10. So what would Karda-Nui be? High I assume because of the jet-packs?
369) About 2009, you said next year wouldn't be in "this Matoran universe". Do you mean the universe we are currently in (except the pocket dimension) wouldn't be the setting, but we would have another Matoran universe or did you mean there would be no Matoran at all next year?
37Thank you for your time. 38[=-PoI-=]
391) Matoran would probably think of krana as Rahi 402) That's possible 413) Not that I am aware of 424) No 435) I actually just had this question this morning. Okay, you are walking down the street and you see a dog - you would call him an animal, right? Then a Martian lands. Would you call the Martian an animal, or an alien or Martian? If not an animal, why not? It's still something different from your species, but odds are you wouldn't classify it as an animal 446) Yes 457) Are you talking about the Makuta or the Toa Nuva? Phantoka applies to both groups. 468) Depends how you look at it, because the jet packs were not produced there. So is the tech level of the place based on what is in use there, or what can be made there? 479) I can't comment on this, it's too early to go into detail.
1help ok i am very confused i keep on here stuff about antroz being a summer 2008 summer sets 2A:am i mis understanding something 3B:he is 4C: he is the red and black person on vultraz or one of the speeders
5i am pretty sure it is not C because i am 100% sure greg said that is a matoran 6please correct me if it is something else
5i am pretty sure it is not C because i am 100% sure greg said that is a matoran 6please correct me if it is something else
1help ok i am very confused i keep on here stuff about antroz being a summer 2008 summer sets 2A:am i mis understanding something 3B:he is 4C: he is the red and black person on vultraz or one of the speeders
5i am pretty sure it is not C because i am 100% sure greg said that is a matoran 6please correct me if it is something else
7You have to PM Greg, but Antroz will be riding Jetrax T6.

1Antroz is T6 Jetrax's rider. Apparently he changed his shape to drive it.
1axsis: toa of psychics, Im going to try and help you out
Antroz will be riding Jetrax T6. Hope I helped but O think some people already beat me to it

11.Does Vakama, due to his great skill in mask making, live on Artakha now?
22.will we see bitil in any of the serials bcause we have see the other two?
33.jala is not wereing the hau right? 43a.then what is he wereing?
51) No. Outside of the Order of Mata Nui, no one even knows where the island of Artakha is. 62) You might, don't know yet 73) Jaller is wearing the same mask he wore as a Toa Mahri
8greg sorry for the confusion but i ment in dark mirror
9Jaller is wearing whatever mask he wore on Metru Nui, which I have not decided on yet
22.will we see bitil in any of the serials bcause we have see the other two?
33.jala is not wereing the hau right? 43a.then what is he wereing?
51) No. Outside of the Order of Mata Nui, no one even knows where the island of Artakha is. 62) You might, don't know yet 73) Jaller is wearing the same mask he wore as a Toa Mahri
8greg sorry for the confusion but i ment in dark mirror
9Jaller is wearing whatever mask he wore on Metru Nui, which I have not decided on yet
1Hello Greg, 2First of all, I want to thank you for those 2001 throwbacks in the latest chapter of Dark Mirror. I was very happy to see the Vahi and infected Hau again.
3I'm confused about the Vahi though. In this universe, Makuta never posed as Dume to push Vakama to forge the Vahi. But apparently one was forged in Artakha. In our universe, do two Vahi exist? One in Artakha and one in Metru Nui? Or maybe, in the alternate universe, does Vakama live and work in Artahka, due to his great mask making skills?
4Thank you.
51) No. In our universe, Artakha put the Great Disks in Metru Nui which Vakama eventually used to make the Vahi. In the alt. reality, Artakha kept the Great Disks and experimented with them himself, and made the Mask of Time.
6I don't know if this was answered yet, but I don't feel like reading through three new pages of questions right now. 7Sooo Artakha himself made the alt. Vahi.
1QUOTE 2Just some random mix of questions...
31. Is the "Makoki Stone Guard Team" leader who told Lhikan to escape one of the three we know?
42. Considering the Elda was basically made to find the Ignkia, did one of Jovan teamate have one?
53. Do you know what Nuparu's Sword looks like? (set or sotry)
64. In Dark Mirror are there toa resistance teams?
75. Does Lesovikk's prepit form look different from his pit form? or is it just the pit form without the tubing?
86. Since takanuva novablast consists of shadow and light, would it have a line of nothing since they cancel out?
97. Are other members of Lhikan's team of 11 still alive in DM? 107a. If so could you introduce the other 2 (or 3 if the one with the Kamama is one ofht ones we know)?
118. Would the Tyrna be considered a "dark" kanohi since matoro didn't like wearing it?
129. Is the original BOM leader hiding while shapeshifted? If so would the model be his/her original or current form?
1310. Can the makutas that are blind transform to something that "sees" differently?
1411. If a midak misses, would the light return to the environment?
1512. For hordika venom does every mask transform the same way?
1613. What constitutes a "team" of toa? (what is the minimum number of toa together to be called a team?)
181) One of the three what that you know? 192) Most likely, yes 203) Nope 214) No. 225) Pretty close to the latter 236) No. Shadow goes in one direction, light goes in the other 247) Depends on if I have room and any need to do so. 258) Yes, it is to me 269) I will be discussing this next week 2710) No 2811) No 2912) I don't understand your question 3013) 2
31QUOTE 32QUOTE 33QUOTE 34Just some random mix of questions...
351. Is the "Makoki Stone Guard Team" leader who told Lhikan to escape one of the three we know? 361) One of the three what that you know?
376. Since takanuva novablast consists of shadow and light, would it have a line of nothing since they cancel out? 386) No. Shadow goes in one direction, light goes in the other
3912. For hordika venom does every mask transform the same way? 4012) I don't understand your question
421. Was the leader the Toa of the Green, Toa with the mace, Toa with the flail, or another one we don't know of
436. But if shadow goes right and light goes left then a spot in the middle could cancel out... unless its exactly down the middle
4412. I ment If a toa with a huna was affected by visorak venom and became a hordika, would his mask become like Vakama Hordika's
45one more: 461. What does Tuyet's "Barbed Broadsword" look like? 47a sword with serrated edges 48a sword with spikes coming out of the blade 49or something else?
511) Not one you know 522) Well the eye of the blast would be Takanuva himself 5312) Probably yes 541) A sword with curved barbs coming out of the sides, so that when you pull it out you do more damage
31. Is the "Makoki Stone Guard Team" leader who told Lhikan to escape one of the three we know?
42. Considering the Elda was basically made to find the Ignkia, did one of Jovan teamate have one?
53. Do you know what Nuparu's Sword looks like? (set or sotry)
64. In Dark Mirror are there toa resistance teams?
75. Does Lesovikk's prepit form look different from his pit form? or is it just the pit form without the tubing?
86. Since takanuva novablast consists of shadow and light, would it have a line of nothing since they cancel out?
97. Are other members of Lhikan's team of 11 still alive in DM? 107a. If so could you introduce the other 2 (or 3 if the one with the Kamama is one ofht ones we know)?
118. Would the Tyrna be considered a "dark" kanohi since matoro didn't like wearing it?
129. Is the original BOM leader hiding while shapeshifted? If so would the model be his/her original or current form?
1310. Can the makutas that are blind transform to something that "sees" differently?
1411. If a midak misses, would the light return to the environment?
1512. For hordika venom does every mask transform the same way?
1613. What constitutes a "team" of toa? (what is the minimum number of toa together to be called a team?)
181) One of the three what that you know? 192) Most likely, yes 203) Nope 214) No. 225) Pretty close to the latter 236) No. Shadow goes in one direction, light goes in the other 247) Depends on if I have room and any need to do so. 258) Yes, it is to me 269) I will be discussing this next week 2710) No 2811) No 2912) I don't understand your question 3013) 2
31QUOTE 32QUOTE 33QUOTE 34Just some random mix of questions...
351. Is the "Makoki Stone Guard Team" leader who told Lhikan to escape one of the three we know? 361) One of the three what that you know?
376. Since takanuva novablast consists of shadow and light, would it have a line of nothing since they cancel out? 386) No. Shadow goes in one direction, light goes in the other
3912. For hordika venom does every mask transform the same way? 4012) I don't understand your question
421. Was the leader the Toa of the Green, Toa with the mace, Toa with the flail, or another one we don't know of
436. But if shadow goes right and light goes left then a spot in the middle could cancel out... unless its exactly down the middle
4412. I ment If a toa with a huna was affected by visorak venom and became a hordika, would his mask become like Vakama Hordika's
45one more: 461. What does Tuyet's "Barbed Broadsword" look like? 47a sword with serrated edges 48a sword with spikes coming out of the blade 49or something else?
511) Not one you know 522) Well the eye of the blast would be Takanuva himself 5312) Probably yes 541) A sword with curved barbs coming out of the sides, so that when you pull it out you do more damage
11. Organic Rahi only live on the surface and in the Pit, right? 21) Depends on if you consider krana and kraata organic Rahi. They are creatures and they are organic.
32. If so, then would it be correct to assume that the Brotherhood did not have a hand in their creation? 42) Organic creatures that did not originate in the domed universe were not created by the Makuta, that's correct.
53. Do you know how they were/are created? 63) I don't have plans to reveal how they were created. (Think about it -- if I tell you a story where, say, the crew of the Enterprise lands on a planet full of dragons, do I need to tell you how the dragons came into being? Or is it enough that they are there?
74. On Odina, do the Dark Hunters have living quarters in the main fortress or do they live elsewhere on the island? 84) They live elsewhere
95. How much control do the Toa Nuva have over their armor's abilities? Let's say, for example, that Tahu falls into a hole, and nothing stops him from falling to the bottom. Can he will his armor to give him flight, because he does need to be able to fly out of there? Or do they have no conscious control over their armor's abilities (i.e., if they want flight and are landbound, they have to jump off a cliff)? 105) They do not have conscious control over the adaptive abilities
116. Can their armor adapt to enemy powers? Say, Gali gets hit by a sonic blast; the next strike, will her armor protect her? Or does it only protect from environmental threats?
126a. If it doesn't protect from specific powers, then what if the hostile environment is a result of the enemy's power (i.e. a Rahkshi's/Makuta's weather control ability)? 136) It does not adjust on the fly in the middle of combat, no, it adjusts to environment.
147. What happened to all the Av-Matoran that the Makuta turned into shadow Matoran? Were they recruited into a Makuta 'army'? Did they get sent somewhere for later use? Or is this a "wait and see" situation? 157) They are active in Karda Nui. There are only two Matoran outside of KN who were made shadow Matoran, and both are in or coming to KN.
168. Is Ignika's Midak skyblaster just that, or is just something he made that looks like one? 178) And works like one
189. Is there an umbrella name for the Nuva's adaptable weapons, or are they called whatever random name based on what they turn into (Midak, Nynrah, etc.)? 199) No umbrella name, no
2010. I'm having a little trouble picturing this in my head. So, in the Tuyetverse, the Dark Hunters and Brotherhood are "freedom fighters". 2110a. First, the Makuta. Are they actually good in this universe? I mean, has the MoMN started planning out how to overthrow Mata Nui, or has that not happened at all because he's too busy trying to stay free? Basically, is the Brotherhood still fighting for the good of the Matoran, or are they just in it because the Toa oppose their power? 2210a) Makuta started planning Mata Nui's overthrow 80,000 years ago. Tuyet took over 3500 years ago. So no, the Makuta are not good. They simply are not a serious threat anymore, where Tuyet is. 2310b. Pretty much the same thing for the Dark Hunters. Are the DH and TSO 'good' or just against the Toa because they don't have a choice? Or somewhere in between (like, they started out for survival and are now fighting for ideals (hey, I can dream about good Dark Hunters, right?)? 2410b) I don't consider the DH to be evil, I consider them to be largely amoral. If a Turaga hired them to protect a city from Makuta, they would do it, as long as they were paid. If a Toa hired them to hunt down and kill a Kanohi Dragon that menaced a village, they would do it ... if they were paid. And if they were hired to do the opposite, they would do that too .. if they were paid. 25Both groups are fighting for survival and freedom, but freedom can include the freedom to do evil. Think Dr. Doom -- on more than one occasion, he has fought would-be world conquerors, like the Red Skull and Magneto, not because he is good -- but because he doesn't want someone ELSE conquering the world, he wants to do it.
2611. Will we learn about the mysterious sundial's past and purpose in Dark Mirror, or is it just going to appear? 2711) Purpose, yes. Past, I don't plan on going into.
2812. You said that due to Brutaka's mask being damaged, Takanuva was dumped in the Tuyetverse; but there are portals somewhere in the universe that lead to Karda Nui (eventually) created by the Olmak (at least, that's what I remember hearing). My question is, is the original portal that Takanuva came through still open? So that, say, Dweller (who I'm assuming is still following his orders to kill our beloved ToL) could follow him through? 2912) First off, Dweller is not an issue at this point, he gets dealt with in Bionicle Legends #10. Second, the portal back into the inter-dimensional universe does not still exist in the Tuyetverse -- the one T came through is closed, and he doesn't have the power to make one for himself. Also, this is sort of how it worked -- Brutaka put Takanuva on a highway, with the intent he got off on the exit for Karda Nui ... but the highway was in bad shape and Takanuva got bounced off the wrong exit. There is no way for anyone else to know where he wound up and thus follow him. If someone else was in there, they would probably be bounced to somewhere else entirely.
3013. Exactly how powerful is Tuyet with the Nui Stone? Could she take on a Makuta single-handedly? More than one Makuta? The whole Brotherhood? 3113) 200 to 300 times more powerful than a Toa Mata.
3214. Does the power granted by the Nui Stone apply only to elemental power, or does it give her mask and Toa energy a boost as well? 3314) Toa energy and elemental power.
3415. Since Tuyet is so powerful, I imagine it would be beyond Krahka's grasp to imitate her level of elemental strength, right? 3515) To imitate her actual power, correct
3616. Can Krahka imitate a creature's form without copying its power? So, could she make herself look like, say, Icarax, whose power is beyond her reach to imitate, by only copying his form? 3716) In general, no, if she gets one, she gets the other.
3817. About the Time Slip, six months seems like quite a lot of time just to relocate a few Matoran. Was anything else done during that period? Or was all that time spent setting things up so that no one would notice a number of random Matoran popping up all over the place? 3917) You had to get them out of their homes, you had to brainwash them, you had to relocate them,and you had to fix it so that the beings in their new homes didn't immediately go, "Hey, who are you? Where did you come from?"
4018. Did the Av-Matoran notice any of their comrades go missing? I mean, did they walk out of their huts after the Time Slip and say, "Hey, my neighbor/co-worker/best friend is gone ." Or did the Order set it up so they wouldn't notice? 4118) Yes, they did notice.
4219. How many clans of Av-Matoran are there? I know the Karda Nui Matoran are larger because they're prototypes, but there must be other groups of Matoran of Light made with the 'standard template,' so to speak, because Takua isn't that much larger than the other Matoran. Or was he re-built when they planted him in Metru Nui? 4319) Takua isn't as large as the others because he hasn't spent 1000 years in Karda Nui.
4420. I heard that Spiriah's claws contain the power of light, but I can't find anything to confirm that. Is it true? 4520) Not true.
4621. When did darkness become evil? I mean, the Makuta had shadow powers since their creation and were not evil before they attacked Mata Nui. There was even a member of the Hand of Artakha whose powers are entirely shadow-based. But nowadays, one can't have shadow abilities and not be evil, or at least have to struggle against their "darker side". When did the nature of darkness change to make this the case? 4721) When the Makuta rebelled. At that point, it was driven home that darkness, even when used for good, is inherently corrupting.
4822. Does Mata Nui tap into the 'fundamental powers' of the universe (i.e. time, light, shadow, etc.)? 4922) Can't answer it
5023. I've heard that the Brotherhood is under some sort of "curse", but have been unable to find any information on it. Can you tell me anything? Or is there a reason for why I haven't found any info?5123) Nothing has been revealed about it, that is why you can't find anything.
5224. A member once asked you why Zaktan turned into protodites when the Shadow One attacked him, and you replied that it was "just his nature". Just for clarification, does that mean that that reaction was Zaktan's specific attribute due to Spiriah's experiments? 5324) Or simply that Zaktan was a mutant to start with.
5425. Is it just me or does Takanuva seem to be a bit...reluctant to use his shadow power? 5525) Wouldn't you be, if you were a Toa of Light? It's like if you lost your arm and I gave you a new one with a laser built into it -- everytime you used the laser, it would remind you you had lost your real arm.
5626. Is darkness still evil in the Tuyetverse or can beings who wield it still be good? 5726) Still evil.
5827. Is the Brotherhood under the curse in the Tuyetverse? 5927) Yes, but due to their situation, it is largely irrelevant.
60Just a few questions I had, nothing really new. I'm still trying to catch up, so most of it's already known. I'm a bit disappointed about the adaptive weapon names, though. It would make things simpler.

1I wonder what 19 could mean...
1Maybe if you spend enough time in Karda Nui, you absorb some power from it, and that power turned into physical mass for the Av-Matoran.
1help ok i am very confused i keep on here stuff about antroz being a summer 2008 summer sets 2A:am i mis understanding something 3B:he is 4C: he is the red and black person on vultraz or one of the speeders
5i am pretty sure it is not C because i am 100% sure greg said that is a matoran 6please correct me if it is something else
7You have to PM Greg, but Antroz will be riding Jetrax T6.![]()
8o i know u have to PM greg but i forgot to put it in the 2008 summers sets topic 9anyways why does he go to the swamp 10does this mean he will be a main villian for tahu and co.
1help ok i am very confused i keep on here stuff about antroz being a summer 2008 summer sets 2A:am i mis understanding something 3B:he is 4C: he is the red and black person on vultraz or one of the speeders
5i am pretty sure it is not C because i am 100% sure greg said that is a matoran 6please correct me if it is something else
7You have to PM Greg, but Antroz will be riding Jetrax T6.![]()
8o i know u have to PM greg but i forgot to put it in the 2008 summers sets topic 9anyways why does he go to the swamp
10Antroz hijacked Jetrax. I think he did that to chase Pohatu and Lewa
1A better explanation of how to tap into light.
7But they'd need to mean well and such in order to tap into their light, right? So would it be possible for a being that causes great evil but means well (as mentioned above) to tap into it or what?2Now here's a question that's been confusing me:
3Assume that there's a being who strives constantly for what, in his eyes, is justice, goodness, and light... Enough that, under most situations, he'd be good enough to tap into his light powers.
4But what if they unwittingly cause horrible things to happen? Like a person who becomes so concerned with the safety and happiness of others that he accidentally cuts down on their individual freedoms not far from the point at which it becomes slavery? Sure, he'd be harming them, but he'd be trying to achieve what he really thinks would help them.
5So would he be able to tap into light powers because of his over-selflessness or would he tap into shadow because of the unintentional harm he causes?
6I think you are proceeding a little from a false premise, that somehow the person in question has no choice in what he is tapping and that it's determined by his actions. How much shadow or light he has in him is determined by his actions, that's true -- but the ability to tap into light or shadow is a matter of training and meditation. If you have any light in you, you can tap into it if you so choose ... same with shadow. Merely a question of which you have more of, in terms of initial "ammunition."
8No. Gavla, before she was corrupted, could tap into light, but she had a rotten attitude and wasn't a nice person at all. You don't have to be doing good to use light power, you simply have to possess some light in yourself and know how to tap into it. The only beings who cannot tap into light are those who have none, like shadow Matoran and Makuta. Intent really has nothing to do with it.
1I've gotten a bunch of PMs over the last couple years, but never posted them. Since most of the questions I asked have since been answered, I'm just posting the questions I think are intresting. His answers are in bold, and any I think are extremely interesting are in italics.
23) Is there any reason why Defilak uses chute-speech, but Piruk does not? 33) Yes, Defilak most likely met Matoran from Metru Nui during the days Metru Nui was a major trading center, picked up the slang, liked it, and kept using it.
49) Could the Great Beings step in and fix everything if evil won and the universe was on the brink of destruction 59) If you could find them ... good luck doing that, since they aren't in this universe
615) Do the Voya Nui Matoran remember their lives on the mainland? 715) No
821) Does the Bionicle universe have more sophisticated means of communication than letters carried by messangers? 921) Nope
1023) If Karzanhi's realm was so close to Metru Nui, why were Jaller and his friends the only ones to have found it in 100,000 years? 1123) Most of the traveling to and from Metru Nui was by ship for trade. You can't reach Karzahni by water anymore, it's land-locked
1211) Why was "Toa Inika" chosen over "Toa Voya"? 1311) Because we wanted a term that would sound like Ignition or Ignite, due to their light powers. The original plan was to call them Toa Igniters, but it was dropped because in some EU countries they have a hard time with the "Ig" sound.
1414) When Zaktan is in "cloud mode" can he use his lazer vision? (I mean he has no eyes to blast from then.) 1514) Yes, he can. Because the protodites that make up his eyes still exist.
161) Does a Kanohi's shape have any effect on its power? 171) No more than a Stop sign's shape changes what "Stop" means.
185) How did Tahtorak get to Xia? 195a) Is Kranua the shape-shifter with him? 205b) What happened to Kardas and Vezon after their fight? 215) Botar teleported him there. 225a) No. Krahka went back to Metru Nui. 235b) Kardas wound up in a fight with Tahtorak and then headed for Mata Nui and fought the Bohrok. Vezon tried to get the Mask of Life back and wound up captured by the Zyglak
241) When was the decision made to change the storyline's direction in 2009? 251) Summer 2006
264) Can the Staff of Artakha repair anything, or just the damage from the Great Cataclysm? 274) Its purpose is to repair damage from the quake, but we have also seen it work on individual objects
286) What's become of: 29a) Keetongu 306a) Wandering the universe helping Visorak victims 31
the Toa Hagah 326b) Still on Xia dealing with Tahtorak and the Kanohi Dragon 33c) Krakha 346c) Back in the tunnels beneath Metru Nui 35d) Tahtorak 366d) Still on Xia 37e) the remaining Toa Mahri 386e) On Metru nui 39f) the remaining Barraki 406f) In the Pit 41g) Axonn 426g) On Voya Nui 43h) Kardas 446h) Recovering on the island of Mata Nui 45i) Lesovikk and Sarda 466i) In the ocean 47j) the Piraka 486j) Being held for questioning on Daxia 49k) Nocturn 506k) In the Pit 51l) Hydraxon 526l) In the Pit
531) In Into the Darkness, Hahli was leading Mantax's army and then they disappeared after that. What happened to them? 541) Mantax took them back when he grabbed the Ignika
552) If Lhikan had given his Toa stones to the Great Disk Matoran, would they have become Toa? 562a) What about Jaller and co.? 572) No and no. The first group was not destined to become Matoran, and the second was not destined at that time.
583) I read on BS01 that there were plans to make Akhmou a Toa of Shadow, but the plans were scrapped. Do you know why? 593) Franchise manager and set designers decided they did not need a set of that size and price in the assortment for 2008, we had enough already.
604) I read somewhere that the Tren Krom Break was named after the Tren Krom Peninsula. Is this true? 614a) If it is true, who named it? 624) Yes 634a) The Turaga of Mata Nui
647)How does your wife feel about being in the web series? 657) Oh, she enjoys it
66My thoughts: I thought the answer regarding the Toa stones was interesting, "not destined at that time." So does this means that whether or not a Matoran is destined to be a Toa can change? I'm sure this has probably shot down a few theories. Oh well.
23) Is there any reason why Defilak uses chute-speech, but Piruk does not? 33) Yes, Defilak most likely met Matoran from Metru Nui during the days Metru Nui was a major trading center, picked up the slang, liked it, and kept using it.
49) Could the Great Beings step in and fix everything if evil won and the universe was on the brink of destruction 59) If you could find them ... good luck doing that, since they aren't in this universe
615) Do the Voya Nui Matoran remember their lives on the mainland? 715) No
821) Does the Bionicle universe have more sophisticated means of communication than letters carried by messangers? 921) Nope
1023) If Karzanhi's realm was so close to Metru Nui, why were Jaller and his friends the only ones to have found it in 100,000 years? 1123) Most of the traveling to and from Metru Nui was by ship for trade. You can't reach Karzahni by water anymore, it's land-locked
1211) Why was "Toa Inika" chosen over "Toa Voya"? 1311) Because we wanted a term that would sound like Ignition or Ignite, due to their light powers. The original plan was to call them Toa Igniters, but it was dropped because in some EU countries they have a hard time with the "Ig" sound.
1414) When Zaktan is in "cloud mode" can he use his lazer vision? (I mean he has no eyes to blast from then.) 1514) Yes, he can. Because the protodites that make up his eyes still exist.
161) Does a Kanohi's shape have any effect on its power? 171) No more than a Stop sign's shape changes what "Stop" means.
185) How did Tahtorak get to Xia? 195a) Is Kranua the shape-shifter with him? 205b) What happened to Kardas and Vezon after their fight? 215) Botar teleported him there. 225a) No. Krahka went back to Metru Nui. 235b) Kardas wound up in a fight with Tahtorak and then headed for Mata Nui and fought the Bohrok. Vezon tried to get the Mask of Life back and wound up captured by the Zyglak
241) When was the decision made to change the storyline's direction in 2009? 251) Summer 2006
264) Can the Staff of Artakha repair anything, or just the damage from the Great Cataclysm? 274) Its purpose is to repair damage from the quake, but we have also seen it work on individual objects
286) What's become of: 29a) Keetongu 306a) Wandering the universe helping Visorak victims 31

531) In Into the Darkness, Hahli was leading Mantax's army and then they disappeared after that. What happened to them? 541) Mantax took them back when he grabbed the Ignika
552) If Lhikan had given his Toa stones to the Great Disk Matoran, would they have become Toa? 562a) What about Jaller and co.? 572) No and no. The first group was not destined to become Matoran, and the second was not destined at that time.
583) I read on BS01 that there were plans to make Akhmou a Toa of Shadow, but the plans were scrapped. Do you know why? 593) Franchise manager and set designers decided they did not need a set of that size and price in the assortment for 2008, we had enough already.
604) I read somewhere that the Tren Krom Break was named after the Tren Krom Peninsula. Is this true? 614a) If it is true, who named it? 624) Yes 634a) The Turaga of Mata Nui
647)How does your wife feel about being in the web series? 657) Oh, she enjoys it
66My thoughts: I thought the answer regarding the Toa stones was interesting, "not destined at that time." So does this means that whether or not a Matoran is destined to be a Toa can change? I'm sure this has probably shot down a few theories. Oh well.
18. Would the Tyrna be considered a "dark" kanohi since matoro didn't like wearing it?
29. Is the original BOM leader hiding while shapeshifted? If so would the model be his/her original or current form?
38) Yes, it is to me 49) I will be discussing this next week
51. What does Tuyet's "Barbed Broadsword" look like? 6a sword with serrated edges 7a sword with spikes coming out of the blade 8or something else?
101) A sword with curved barbs coming out of the sides, so that when you pull it out you do more damage
11great things, and im having an MOCing idea

1About the legendary masks: I really don't want to see the Mask of Creation being a legendary mask. Sure, creation is a basic part of reality, but so are light and dark, and the Avohkii and Kraahkan aren't legendary. Besides, I like the idea of legendary masks not having one being constantly wearing it, but Artahka is constantly wearing his mask.About the legendary masks: I really don't want to see the Mask of Creation being a legendary mask. Sure, creation is a basic part of reality, but so are light and dark, and the Avohkii and Kraahkan aren't legendary. Besides, I like the idea of legendary masks not having one being constantly wearing it, but Artahka is constantly wearing his mask.
2Light and Darkness could you not compare with creation, i mean creation is fundamentaly without it it would be nothing. The power is interresting too, if you had the materials you could create EVERYTHING. But that Artakha wear it constaly is bad too, but hes a creator.
3ur right and also fire is a part of reality so is water,wind,earth,ice,stone etc but ur right without artakha's mask everything would be nothing
1About the legendary masks: I really don't want to see the Mask of Creation being a legendary mask. Sure, creation is a basic part of reality, but so are light and dark, and the Avohkii and Kraahkan aren't legendary. Besides, I like the idea of legendary masks not having one being constantly wearing it, but Artahka is constantly wearing his mask.About the legendary masks: I really don't want to see the Mask of Creation being a legendary mask. Sure, creation is a basic part of reality, but so are light and dark, and the Avohkii and Kraahkan aren't legendary. Besides, I like the idea of legendary masks not having one being constantly wearing it, but Artahka is constantly wearing his mask.
2Light and Darkness could you not compare with creation, i mean creation is fundamentaly without it it would be nothing. The power is interresting too, if you had the materials you could create EVERYTHING. But that Artakha wear it constaly is bad too, but hes a creator.
3ur right and also fire is a part of reality so is water,wind,earth,ice,stone etc but ur right without artakha's mask everything would be nothing
4i dont get what you're saying.
1help ok i am very confused i keep on here stuff about antroz being a summer 2008 summer sets 2A:am i mis understanding something 3B:he is 4C: he is the red and black person on vultraz or one of the speeders
5i am pretty sure it is not C because i am 100% sure greg said that is a matoran 6please correct me if it is something else
7You have to PM Greg, but Antroz will be riding Jetrax T6.![]()
8o i know u have to PM greg but i forgot to put it in the 2008 summers sets topic 9anyways why does he go to the swamp 10does this mean he will be a main villian for tahu and co.
11He hijacks Jetrax T6 from Kopaka, why we don't know, or at least I don't. Yes he will be a villian for everyone in the swamp
1Hey Greg. Sorry to bother you I just have some questions:
21) Apart from possibly Mata Nui and the Protodermis entity, is there any other being capable of controling energised protodermis?
32) Could a Toa control lava? 42a) Molten protodermis?
53) While a Toa of Iron could control solid protodermis, could he also control protosteel?
64) When will the result of the Makuta building contest be announced?
75) When will we learn more about the First Toa?
86) Will new Toa be introduced in Dark Mirror?
97) Will the Hagah make an appearance in the Mutran Chronicles?
108) Is MOMN more abit more powerful than the other Makuta since he absorbed Nidhiki, Krekka, and Nivawk?
119) Who would you say is more powerful? MOMN or Miserix?
1210) Why does Brutaka's group want to save Miserix?
1311) While the Makuta Phantoka use Tridax pods, what about the Makuta Mistika? They look like Nynrah Ghost busters if you ask me.
1412) What is Krakua doing in Metru Nui and when will it be revealed?
1513) When will you reveal the First Toa's name? 1613a) MOMN?
1714) Do any of the Dark Hunters make an appearance this year?
1815) Does Lariska make an appearance in the future? Possibly as a set?
1916) Where exactly is the Av-Matoran homeland?
2017) Theory; you mentioned once that Av-Matoran were the prototype for all other Matoran types. And that any being (including Matoran/Toa/Turaga) can access their Light powers with proper concentration. Could this be reversed? So for example; is it possible for an Av-Matoran to turn into say, a Ga-Matoran?
2118) Apart from Ga-Matoran, Av-Matoran, and Lightning Matoran, are there any other Matoran tribes that are female?
2219) I've read somewhere that all Toa of Water are capable of healing. Is this correct?
2320) Will any Rahi be released this year via the Lego magazine?
2421) Has MOMN found a body to inhabit?
2522) Will Lesovikk appear again?
2623) Is the Toa Ignika capable of communicating with the other Toa? Like via telepathy?
2724) Are some Matoran older or younger than others?
2825) Can you reveal anything about Bitil?
29Thank you for your time
301) Not that we have seen, no 312) No and no -- and lava in this universe is molten protodermis 323) Yes, it's still metallic protodermis 334) May issue of LEGO BrickMaster Magazine 345) Later in the year 356) Possible, but not certain at this point 367) Don't know yet 378) I would say no. He absorbed them to get more physical mass quickly, not to get their powers. 389) They are about equal -- all Makuta have the same powers 3910) Follow the serial and find out 4011) They don't use Tridax pods in the swamp -- because there are no Matoran to corrupt there. 4112) Bionicle Legends #10 4213) MOMN is Bionicle Legends #9, First Toa is Bionicle Legends #10 4314) Yes, Lariska just showed up in the Federation of Fear serial 4415) See answer to #14, no plans to make a set of her 4516) Beneath the southern continent 4617) No. Accessing light powers is not the same as turning into an Av-Matoran. We saw Roodaka access shadow power in the third movie, she did not turn into a Makuta. 4718) There might be, but we haven't met them yet 4819) Yes 4920) The BrickMaster BIONICLE exclusive model is a Rahi 5021) I can't answer this 5122) Don't know yet 5223) Yes, or by speech, once he masters that 5324) Yes 5425) You know the old saying about "three being a crowd?" In Bitil's case, one is a crowd.
552) But what about melted rock? Wouldn't a Toa of Stone be capable of controlling that? 5611) So what do they use? And how are they used? 5716) No I didn't mean Karda Nui, i meant the place they moved to one they managed to colonise the place 5817) So hypothetically, if say, Macku were to be able to access her innate Light powers and then evolve into a Toa, would she then be able to weild both Light powers (although not the same power level as a Toa of Light) and her pre-existing Water powers? 5924) So how are some older than others? Or is it the Av-Matoran as they were the first type of Matoran to be made? 6025) Does that mean he talks too much or is he a loner?
61oh and one more question; 6226) You've mentioned that the 2009 storyline takes place outside the known Matoran universe and not on an island like Mata Nui on the world's surface. Does the 2009 storyline involve space? 'll get to the point, since the Red Star has living beings in it, could that be the 2009 location?
63Thanks again
642) I will answer your question with a question -- can a Toa of Ice control melted ice? No. A Toa of Water does that. 6511) Since this refers to summer sets and summer storyline, you will find out in summer. 6616) That's what I answered. The Av-Matoran lived underground in the southern continent. When the Great Cataclysm hit, large chunks of their region broke off and fell into Karda Nui -- and those are the stalactites they live on now. 6717) Yes. 6824) Because they come into existence at different times. If Turaga Dume needs more Matoran for a task that has to be done in Metru Nui, he can arrange for new comes to come into being. They would then be younger than the other Matoran in the city. 6925) Neither, it's a clue to one of his powers 7026) No, red star is not the 2009 location
71Ladies and Gentlemen I think we just found out how Matoran are made...
1That is just for Metru Nui only. I'll have to dig up a quote, but I will if I have to.