1Just a quick question: What are the Elemental beings? (the acid cloud, the Fire Entity, etc.) Thanks in advance.
2They are living beings composed almost entirely of a particular element. Since we know they were not created by Artakha, that basically leaves the Brotherhood or the Great Beings, and I tend to lean toward the GBs in this case.
3Great . Thank you again . Another thing: since you said you view the sentient acid cloud as an Elemental, does that mean that you consider Acid an Element? I know you said that all Bohrok have elemental powers in the 2nd Encyclopedia.?
4For these purposes, yes, though I doubt it will ever be a Toa element.
1Why did you post this twice? 

1Hi Greg, I have some-things to say to you. 2First I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making Bionicle what it is. 3Thank you for giving life and personalities to our favorite characters. 4Thank you, for answering the questions that Bionicle fans around the world come to ask you hear on BZPower. I look forward to watching the latest Bionicle Movie with my family.
5Now there's a slight problem in the world of Bionicle that worries me at the moment. I hope it can be fixed.
6You have said that the MU Inhabs usually live to be 100,000 years old and then they die. 7The problem is that most if not all of our favorite MU Characters are already pushing 100,000 and It doesn't seam like Mata Nui will be vanquishing Makuta any time soon. 8I keep thinking that by the time that Mata Nui returns, Most of our favorite Characters will have died, not from Makuta's wrath, but from old age . 9Even though None of Bionicle is real, because People are programmed to connect emotionally with things that have a personality they like, if Hail, Maku, Tahu, Gail, Pohatu, Veson, Axon, Brutaka, Artakha and anybody else I have grown to love, dies shortly after (1000 years perhaps) Mata Nui returns, I'd have to cry, even if its only for a minute. 10Now I want to know if you can promise to me that even if some of my favorite character die, that you'll bring them back at some point? Please?
11I also have some reasons why I think you should consider, giving the MU's Inhabs greater longevity.
12Now I have read that the Biomechanical beings of the MU won't live as long as the Organic beings on Bara Magna, because you said that mechanical things stop working after many years of use. And you used your car breaking down as an example. But apparently there are people who own working Model Ts, that outlived my Great Grand Parents. 13I don't want to sound rude in any way, and I hope you take what I am saying as constructive criticism, but as far as I can see, I'd say that you're giving the longer lifespan to the wrong beings.
14Sure mechanical things do ware out as they grow old, but worn out mechical parts can be easily repaired and or replaced with new ones, something that isn't as easy for Doctors to do for their patients. 15Besides replacement parts, shouldn't a great mask of regeneration theoretically be able to repair any non organic damage that the MU Inhabs might suffer from, thereby increasing their longevity?
16I know it might be to much to ask but could you at least make the MU Inhabs live as long as the Bara Magnians do, so I can stop worrying? 17Thank you
18Here are some normal questions
194. Would it be possible to make a legendary nuva mask by dipping a legendary mask in EP?
205. if you used a power level 9 disk of shielding to make a mask, would it be considered a legendary mask of shielding?
216. Will the Prototype Mata Bot play a part in Mata Nui's return?
22Thanks again and have a fantastic week .
231). M, I have never said that MU inhabitants have a lifespan of 100,000 years. That would make no sense. They are all older than that already.
24(Me) Yay . I'm so Glad to have been Wrong . .
254) Possibly, it's also possible the mask would be destroyed by exposure to EP
265) I'll have to check, but I don't believe that can be done.
276) I can't discuss future storyline plans
28(Me) I feel that answer sometimes means "Yes, But I can't tell you that yet"
5Now there's a slight problem in the world of Bionicle that worries me at the moment. I hope it can be fixed.
6You have said that the MU Inhabs usually live to be 100,000 years old and then they die. 7The problem is that most if not all of our favorite MU Characters are already pushing 100,000 and It doesn't seam like Mata Nui will be vanquishing Makuta any time soon. 8I keep thinking that by the time that Mata Nui returns, Most of our favorite Characters will have died, not from Makuta's wrath, but from old age . 9Even though None of Bionicle is real, because People are programmed to connect emotionally with things that have a personality they like, if Hail, Maku, Tahu, Gail, Pohatu, Veson, Axon, Brutaka, Artakha and anybody else I have grown to love, dies shortly after (1000 years perhaps) Mata Nui returns, I'd have to cry, even if its only for a minute. 10Now I want to know if you can promise to me that even if some of my favorite character die, that you'll bring them back at some point? Please?
11I also have some reasons why I think you should consider, giving the MU's Inhabs greater longevity.
12Now I have read that the Biomechanical beings of the MU won't live as long as the Organic beings on Bara Magna, because you said that mechanical things stop working after many years of use. And you used your car breaking down as an example. But apparently there are people who own working Model Ts, that outlived my Great Grand Parents. 13I don't want to sound rude in any way, and I hope you take what I am saying as constructive criticism, but as far as I can see, I'd say that you're giving the longer lifespan to the wrong beings.
14Sure mechanical things do ware out as they grow old, but worn out mechical parts can be easily repaired and or replaced with new ones, something that isn't as easy for Doctors to do for their patients. 15Besides replacement parts, shouldn't a great mask of regeneration theoretically be able to repair any non organic damage that the MU Inhabs might suffer from, thereby increasing their longevity?
16I know it might be to much to ask but could you at least make the MU Inhabs live as long as the Bara Magnians do, so I can stop worrying? 17Thank you
18Here are some normal questions
194. Would it be possible to make a legendary nuva mask by dipping a legendary mask in EP?
205. if you used a power level 9 disk of shielding to make a mask, would it be considered a legendary mask of shielding?
216. Will the Prototype Mata Bot play a part in Mata Nui's return?
22Thanks again and have a fantastic week .
231). M, I have never said that MU inhabitants have a lifespan of 100,000 years. That would make no sense. They are all older than that already.
24(Me) Yay . I'm so Glad to have been Wrong . .

254) Possibly, it's also possible the mask would be destroyed by exposure to EP
265) I'll have to check, but I don't believe that can be done.
276) I can't discuss future storyline plans
28(Me) I feel that answer sometimes means "Yes, But I can't tell you that yet"
1We do not think Acid is a Toa Element.
1Why did you post this twice?
21) So as not to bug GregF again. 2) to show someone on BS01 that GregF does consider Acid to be a non-Toa Element. (Which not even the BS01 Staff will agree on.)
3If you look on the talk page of the Acid article on BS01, it states (at the top by members) it also says acid would not be considered a Toa element here: http://www.biosector01.com/wiki/index.php/Talk:Acid
1Why did you post this twice?
21) So as not to bug GregF again. 2) to show someone on BS01 that GregF does consider Acid to be a non-Toa Element. (Which not even the BS01 Staff will agree on.)
3If you look on the talk page of the Acid article on BS01, it states (at the top by members) it also says acid would not be considered a Toa element here: http://www.biosector01.com/wiki/index.php/Talk:Acid
4Correct. Acid is an Element, but it is the only known Non-Toa Element.
1Not the place for Element discussion, guys. Also, he says specifically that it is a NON-Toa element. We call that a "power". Same diff.
54Some RoV stuff omitted.
2Hey Greg. I had a few quick question about some things you had mentioned earlier, that I needed clarification for.
31. You once implied that the Vorox were genetically modified by the Great Beings, which is how they ended up with stinger tails. Is this true? 41a. Does the same apply to the Zesk? 52. Since Sahmad is a somewhat ally of Roxtus and the Rock Tribe, does he join them for Arena battles? 62a. Same with Telluris? 73. Will the two trainees that die in RoV get named beforehand?
8Thanks in advance if you can answer any of these.
91-1A) I think it's very likely 102) No. Has no reason to do so. He does arena battles only with villages he has stolen Agori from, to give them a chance to "win them back." He does not steal rock Agori. 112a) Telluris has no relationship with the rock tribe at all. Only Sahmad does, because he does business with them 123) No.
13Ah, thank you for these answers, they raise some interesting questions.
141. Why would they do this? Based on Brothers in Arms, it's fairly clear that they have no moral qualms about experimenting on living beings, but what purpose did experimenting with the Sand Tribe serve? 152. Who does he accompany into the arena, then? Or can there be Agori only arena battles?
164. Perditus participated in the Core War, yes? 174a. Was he also present for the latest Great Tournament, when the Skrall attacked? 185. Were there any more elemental based tribes on Spherus Magna, or just the seven that we know of?
19Also, as the new official pronunciation guy, I have been beset with several requests for pronunciations, so could you kindly tell us how to pronounce:
20Midak 21Mohtrek 22Niazesk 23Nikila 24Manutri 25Lewa
26Again, thanks if you can answer these ^^
271) Knowledge 282) He doesn't accompany anyone, nor does he fear fighting a Glatorian 294) Yes 304a) Yes 315) Not that I know of
32MY-dack 33MOE-treck 34NEE-uh-ZESK 35nih-KEE-lah 36my-NEW-tree 37LAY-wah, per the encyclopedia
38Thanks a lot, thos answers really helped. Just a few more follow-ups, if you wouldn't mind...
391. Did their experiments extend beyond giving them stinger tails, or was that it? 401a. Did the experiments have anything to do with their "social devolution"? 412. He uses his vehicle (the Baranus) in these type of combats, yes? 422a. Are other Agori also allowed to do this? 434. Is Perditus allowed to participate in the Great Tournament, then? 444a. If so, how? It seems a little unfair to give one Glatorian a vehicle, and leave the other with only weapons. 455. There are more than one of the certain Bara Magna vehicles, right? For instance, Metus' Thornatus is a seperate vehicle than Perditus' and there are more Cendox vehicles than just Crotesius'.
46Again, thanks if you can answer these.
471) That was it 481a) No 492) Yes 502a) Yes 514) Yes 524A) There is a vehicle division. Pilots in vehicles fight other pilots with vehicles, they don't fight Glatorian or Agori without vehicles. 535) Most likely, yes
54Some RoV stuff omitted.
11) When writing a story about the Makutaverse, do you use BS01 to see and check which characters are still alive, or do you have your own personal list?
22) How do you feel about Click changing back and forth? I understand in your original script he didn't do that.
33)I'm not sure if you remember, but one of Bob Thomsons rules was that there were no no wheels in Bionicle. THe whole time in the MU never had any wheels, so is no wheels still a canon thing in the MU? 43a)If so, has Mata Nui had any previous experience with wheels, or is on Bara Magna the first time he sees them?
54) When did you decide who would be this years traitor?
61) I pretty much remember who I have killed and who I haven't. 72) I had no problem with it. Everything in the script was cleared through me before it was sent to HQ for approval. 83) I don't recall if we ever introduced wheels within the MU at some point. But Mata Nui journeyed to many worlds over 100,000 years, I am sure he saw wheels someplace before. 94) August of 2007, when I wrote the screen treatment for the movie
102007? That's a loooong time ago...
1Some stuff.
2Hey Greg. I have some questions for you. An asterick near a question means if you can't answer it, don't type anything.
31. Can we have a quote from any summer character?*
42. So Telluris is from the Glatorian species?
53. What is Kirbraz' personality like?
64. If Mata Nui is just about as old as Gresh, would he be considered young amongst the society of Bara Magna?
75. It seems that Strakk is the only Prime Glatorian who hasn't won an Arena Magna tournament. Is he just younger than the others or is he less skilled?
86. On Bionicle.com, it lists Gelu as a loner who is completely careless for others. Is this true?
97. In a movie trailer shown with Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Kiina is firing a blue energy from her trident. Why is this? *
10Thank you for your time.
111) Any quotes like that will come from the movie, so I can't share them 122) Yes 133) What exists on Kirbraz is what has been in Crossing and elsewhere. Since he is not a set character, there is no write-up on him. 144) Yes 155) People who habitually cheat tend not to work as hard at building up their skills as people who do not 166) I think that's the impression he gives and how he would probably like to be, but if he was really that way all the way through, he would have abandoned Vulcanus to his fate. He obviously does care what other Glatorian think of him. 177) Watch the movie and find out. I cannot discuss the plot of the film.
1Some stuff. 2Hey Greg. I have some questions for you. An asterick near a question means if you can't answer it, don't type anything.
31. Can we have a quote from any summer character?*
42. So Telluris is from the Glatorian species?
53. What is Kirbraz' personality like?
64. If Mata Nui is just about as old as Gresh, would he be considered young amongst the society of Bara Magna?
75. It seems that Strakk is the only Prime Glatorian who hasn't won an Arena Magna tournament. Is he just younger than the others or is he less skilled?
86. On Bionicle.com, it lists Gelu as a loner who is completely careless for others. Is this true?
97. In a movie trailer shown with Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Kiina is firing a blue energy from her trident. Why is this? *
10Thank you for your time.
111) Any quotes like that will come from the movie, so I can't share them 122) Yes 133) What exists on Kirbraz is what has been in Crossing and elsewhere. Since he is not a set character, there is no write-up on him. 144) Yes 155) People who habitually cheat tend not to work as hard at building up their skills as people who do not 166) I think that's the impression he gives and how he would probably like to be, but if he was really that way all the way through, he would have abandoned Vulcanus to his fate. He obviously does care what other Glatorian think of him. 177) Watch the movie and find out. I cannot discuss the plot of the film.
18Weird, Kirbraz is a set...
1Some stuff. 2Hey Greg. I have some questions for you. An asterick near a question means if you can't answer it, don't type anything.
31. Can we have a quote from any summer character?*
42. So Telluris is from the Glatorian species?
53. What is Kirbraz' personality like?
64. If Mata Nui is just about as old as Gresh, would he be considered young amongst the society of Bara Magna?
75. It seems that Strakk is the only Prime Glatorian who hasn't won an Arena Magna tournament. Is he just younger than the others or is he less skilled?
86. On Bionicle.com, it lists Gelu as a loner who is completely careless for others. Is this true?
97. In a movie trailer shown with Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Kiina is firing a blue energy from her trident. Why is this? *
10Thank you for your time.
111) Any quotes like that will come from the movie, so I can't share them 122) Yes 133) What exists on Kirbraz is what has been in Crossing and elsewhere. Since he is not a set character, there is no write-up on him. 144) Yes 155) People who habitually cheat tend not to work as hard at building up their skills as people who do not 166) I think that's the impression he gives and how he would probably like to be, but if he was really that way all the way through, he would have abandoned Vulcanus to his fate. He obviously does care what other Glatorian think of him. 177) Watch the movie and find out. I cannot discuss the plot of the film.
18Weird, Kirbraz is a set... 19Probably confused him with Kirbold...
1QUOTE 2HI Greg, Monty here, I was just rereading the latest comic, and I just wanted to tell you that Kiina Is My favorite female Bionicle Character of all time .
3I like Girls who have a lot of spunk, she'd probably make a better toa than Helyrix. 4Now I can see why you liked Kiina as a character so much .
5The only problem with Kiina is that I have a strong inclination that She's the Traitor. 6If she is then I hope that when Mata Nui and the other tribes defeat the Skrall that Kiina will change sides and join the company when they leave Bara Magna in whatever mode of transportation Mata Nui can whip up.
7You're doing such a great job Greg, you're a real inspiration to me as I grow as a writer.
81. When you where creating Kiina's Persona, was there any particular source that you drew ideas from?
92. Is Kiina's personality similar to your wife's?
103. Can you tell me why, when I read what Kiina is saying, It almost feels like the words are alive? This has happened before, Like when I read something done by Mark Twain AKA Samuel Clemmons.
113a. Is this vibrant quality the result of Good character portrayal, or good writing?
124. If Kiina where to travel to the MU could Roodaka use her mutating Spinner to turn Kiina into a Toa of Water?
135. Sorry to dig up old bones but, Could the reason why the Golden Kanohi had multiple powers be because they were forged from a special type of Protodermis that naturally has a golden color?
146. Are Agori and/or Glatorian Mammals?
157. Sorry But I was wondering if Agori, Glatorian reproduction is similar to or different from how most mammals do things? (That's as descriptive as I feel comfortable with. And if you are disinclined to equiseta my request, may it never be asked again.)
16Thank you so much, and well done on Kiina .
171) Kiina has some aspects of past female characters I have written in non-BIONICLE work. I tend to like to write about very independent women who can more than take care of themselves. 182) Not really. Jackina rarely smacks people she doesn't like, even when she's tempted 193) I generally try to "cast" my stories as I write them, so that I hear an actor or actress' voice doing the dialogue. That helps it have a rhythm so that it sounds more like real speech. 204) No, Roodaka cannot make someone a Toa. She doesn't have that ability. 215) I really don't want to go there. 226) They breathe air, if that's what you're asking 237) Again, I am not going to go there. It's not relevant to the story. (Basically, if I answer no, that opens one can of worms, and if I answer yes, then I have to get hit with a ton of questions about the sex life of plastic toys, which I do not feel like answering.)
3I like Girls who have a lot of spunk, she'd probably make a better toa than Helyrix. 4Now I can see why you liked Kiina as a character so much .
5The only problem with Kiina is that I have a strong inclination that She's the Traitor. 6If she is then I hope that when Mata Nui and the other tribes defeat the Skrall that Kiina will change sides and join the company when they leave Bara Magna in whatever mode of transportation Mata Nui can whip up.
7You're doing such a great job Greg, you're a real inspiration to me as I grow as a writer.
81. When you where creating Kiina's Persona, was there any particular source that you drew ideas from?
92. Is Kiina's personality similar to your wife's?
103. Can you tell me why, when I read what Kiina is saying, It almost feels like the words are alive? This has happened before, Like when I read something done by Mark Twain AKA Samuel Clemmons.
113a. Is this vibrant quality the result of Good character portrayal, or good writing?
124. If Kiina where to travel to the MU could Roodaka use her mutating Spinner to turn Kiina into a Toa of Water?
135. Sorry to dig up old bones but, Could the reason why the Golden Kanohi had multiple powers be because they were forged from a special type of Protodermis that naturally has a golden color?
146. Are Agori and/or Glatorian Mammals?
157. Sorry But I was wondering if Agori, Glatorian reproduction is similar to or different from how most mammals do things? (That's as descriptive as I feel comfortable with. And if you are disinclined to equiseta my request, may it never be asked again.)
16Thank you so much, and well done on Kiina .
171) Kiina has some aspects of past female characters I have written in non-BIONICLE work. I tend to like to write about very independent women who can more than take care of themselves. 182) Not really. Jackina rarely smacks people she doesn't like, even when she's tempted 193) I generally try to "cast" my stories as I write them, so that I hear an actor or actress' voice doing the dialogue. That helps it have a rhythm so that it sounds more like real speech. 204) No, Roodaka cannot make someone a Toa. She doesn't have that ability. 215) I really don't want to go there. 226) They breathe air, if that's what you're asking 237) Again, I am not going to go there. It's not relevant to the story. (Basically, if I answer no, that opens one can of worms, and if I answer yes, then I have to get hit with a ton of questions about the sex life of plastic toys, which I do not feel like answering.)
1Dear Greg
21. do glatorian and agori have hair on their head?
32. are glatorian and agori mostly like mammals?
43. you said sahmad's tribe got a plague from a bi-product in the enviroment they were living in. Would you say that could be a hint to the element sahmad's tribe is?
54. can the bi-product of the enviroment that caused the plague happen on Earth?
65. is the glatorian species related to the agori or are they two different species?
7Thanks Greg
81) No idea, since I am not showing them without helmets, haven't worried about. Why? Are you planning a "Glatorian Barber" story? 92) Well, they breathe air, if that's what you're asking 103) I never said it was a byproduct of their environment. But think about it -- if, for example, you live in a jungle, you're more likely to catch a virus then if you live on an ice cap where the cold kills them. Some climates are more likely spots for illness than others. 114) I don't see the point of this question, since we aren't on Earth. 125) Two different species.
21. do glatorian and agori have hair on their head?
32. are glatorian and agori mostly like mammals?
43. you said sahmad's tribe got a plague from a bi-product in the enviroment they were living in. Would you say that could be a hint to the element sahmad's tribe is?
54. can the bi-product of the enviroment that caused the plague happen on Earth?
65. is the glatorian species related to the agori or are they two different species?
7Thanks Greg
81) No idea, since I am not showing them without helmets, haven't worried about. Why? Are you planning a "Glatorian Barber" story? 92) Well, they breathe air, if that's what you're asking 103) I never said it was a byproduct of their environment. But think about it -- if, for example, you live in a jungle, you're more likely to catch a virus then if you live on an ice cap where the cold kills them. Some climates are more likely spots for illness than others. 114) I don't see the point of this question, since we aren't on Earth. 125) Two different species.
27. Sorry But I was wondering if Agori, Glatorian reproduction is similar to or different from how most mammals do things? (That's as descriptive as I feel comfortable with. And if you are disinclined to equiseta my request, may it never be asked again.)
37) Again, I am not going to go there. It's not relevant to the story. (Basically, if I answer no, that opens one can of worms, and if I answer yes, then I have to get hit with a ton of questions about the sex life of plastic toys, which I do not feel like answering.)
4And this is why we should stop asking about it.
1Hello again, GregF. I have five questions for you:
21. Is there more than one Cendox? 32. Who is your favorite character in the movie? 43. Who is your favorite '09 vehicle rider? 54. Who is your least favorite character in the movie? 65. Do you like Click?
71) Most likely, yes 82, 4) I haven't seen the movie yet, so I can't answer this 93) Don't have one 105) Why wouldn't I?
11Just some questions I asked for a user on Biosector01.
1hey Greg, heres some questions: 21. How did Takutanuva revive Jaller after death? 32. (A)If 2008 Takanuva emitted a Nuva blast would it be shadow or light? 4(
or would he have a choice? 5© If he emitted a light nuva blast and drained that energy, would he be a toa of shadow? 6(D) or would he just be a little more angry/viscous? 73. If Bitil summoned past versions of himself, and the past versions left their current time line, wouldn't that disrupt whatever bitil was doing in that time, changing the future? 84. Would Great Beings kill innocent beings? 95. would the great beings have anyway to communicate to Bara Magna, or any other planet? 106. in brutakkas quote: 'the three shall become one' was he speaking about Aqua Magna, or the two moons and spherus magna? 117. do they still hold arena matches, even after the skrall attacked Atero?
12thank you

12thank you

1hey Greg, heres some questions: 21. How did Takutanuva revive Jaller after death? 32. (A)If 2008 Takanuva emitted a Nuva blast would it be shadow or light? 4( or would he have a choice? 5© If he emitted a light nuva blast and drained that energy, would he be a toa of shadow? 6(D) or would he just be a little more angry/viscous? 73. If Bitil summoned past versions of himself, and the past versions left their current time line, wouldn't that disrupt whatever bitil was doing in that time, changing the future? 84. Would Great Beings kill innocent beings? 95. would the great beings have anyway to communicate to Bara Magna, or any other planet? 106. in brutakkas quote: 'the three shall become one' was he speaking about Aqua Magna, or the two moons and spherus magna?
11thank you
12Greg doesn't visit this topic. You have to PM him these questions.
1I have some questions I was hoping you could answer:
21. Does Sahmad's tribe have an Element Lord?
32. Are all the EL's male? Or are there any "Element ladies"? 42a. If so, which?
53. Would you consider the Element lords to be "made" of their element (Like the MU "elementals", such as the flame being Vakama fought) or simply controllers of the elements (Like Toa)
64. Is Mata Nui's "knowledge" he needs for his mission related at all to the planets he investigated via the Kini Nui array?
75. As "Average Matoran" in both the Metru Nui and Ignika story arcs were the same size as sets, but the Toa increased in size, does that mean that the Toa Inika are bigger than the Toa Metru? 85a. If so, which match the "Average Toa" height of 7.2 feet: Toa Inika or Toa Metru?
96. If Telluris is not an Agori, which is he: 10A. Glatorian Species 11B. Skrall Species 12C. Bone Hunter Species 13D. Mutant relative of Glatorian 14E. Mutant relative of Agori 15F. Other
16Thanks in advance.
171) Having thought about it, I tend to doubt it. 182) I haven't decided 193) I do not consider them to be made of their element, no 204) No 215) The sets only got bigger because of the addition of more point of articulation. The Toa in story are considered to all be the same rough height. 226) Glatorian species
23My comments: 243. D'oh . My awesome drawings are wrong . 255. But the Metru and Inika had the same number of points of articulation...
1Hello . I have some questions for you this morning...
21) Would an Agori usually carry a Thornax Launcher? I ask this because of the new Kyry Contest, and the use of Thornax in the entries. 32) Will you reveal the element of Sahmad/Telluris' Tribe?
4Correct me if I'm wrong: Spherus Magna split into three pieces: Bara Magna, Aqua Magna, and another planet. In the 'sneak preview' of TLR on Bionicle.com and the trailer, there is an image of Bara Magna with two smaller planets on either side of it, one blue and one green. Assuming that the blue planet beside Bara Magna is Aqua Magna, Teridax, controlling Mata Nui's body, ejected the Ignika out into space from Aqua Magna. But if that is the case, the movie footage showed the Inika entering the Magna System from way out in space.
53) If the above is true, did the Ignika travel around the universe from the Magna System, then back again? 64) If the blue planet to the side is Aqua Magna, is the greenish planet on the other side a Spherus Magna component? 76) (I might have asked you this before, but I forget) Is Metus' Thornatus a V9, or a different designation?
8Thanks .
91) If they were traveling through dangerous territory, they might. 102) I have no plans to at the moment 113) No. It would have taken much too long to do that. 124) I have not discussed the cosmology with the story team as yet. 135) Well, the set names have the numbers, so in accuracy, the page names should too. 146) Until I see what Metus is driving in the movie, I can't comment on this
151) But could Kyry have one? 163) Then what happened?
171) It's not impossible, since he often serves as a sentry. 183) How I see it is it got shot out of Aqua Magna and flew through space to Bara Magna. I did not do the animation for the movie, so I can't speak to what they are doing to show it.
19That accomplished nothing .
1hey I've got some questions but they involve RoV, can i post them yet or has it not been long enough?
1You have to wait until the 15th of July. So 6 more days.
11. Are there multiple Cendoxes on Bara Magna, or just one?
22. If there are multiples, are they all Cendox V1's?
33. Is Crotesius's Cendox V1 the first Cendox ever?
44. The leader of the female Skrall was described in EotS as having a feeble-looking body, a weathered dark gray face, and neither a helmet nor armor. Are these attributes all typical of female Skrall?
55. If not, which would you say do not apply to female Skrall in general?
66. The Vorox have been seen to rise out of and sink into the sand. Is this a trick they learned after regressing to a more bestial lifestyle, or a behavioral trait already present in the nomadic Sand Tribe before the Shattering?
71) It's possible that there are multiple 82) I believe Crotesius named it the Cendox, I would have to go back and check 93) No. They were used in the war. He didn't build it, he just found it. 104) Yes 116) The former
12Settling some stuff, as well as settling my curiosity.
1Hey . GregF . I have some questions.
21.) If the matoran invented all sorts of cool stuff like kanoka disks, chutes and the telescreens, how come they havn't discovered simple things like paper and wheels?
32.) Do the matoran have a "widget mint?"
43.) If the matoran of Metru nui had really big telescreens all over the city, then how come they didn't have there own personal telescreens at home?
54.) Are there such things as matoran doctors, lawyers, surgeons, etc?
65.) When the Toa Mata/Nuva were on Mata nui, what did they do when they weren't defending there villages from evil?
76.) Why would Nuparu keep on manufacturing Boxors after the bohrok swarms and the bohrok-kal were defeated, let alone have a few disassembled for transport to Metru nui?
87.) Why did Takua change his name to Takanuva? I mean, c'mon, which is better, Takanuva, or Toa Takua?
98.) Why didn't the Toa Nuva get golden nuva masks when they finished gathering the kanohi nuva?
109.) Why did the Toa Nuva's masks start to turn gray after they lost their elemental powers?
1110.) Is it considered embarrassing if a matoran/toa/turaga is seen with his/her kanohi mask off?
12Well, I hope you can answer my questions.
13Sincerely, Toa Tiphus.
141) Well, paper is made from plant fiber -- MU plants are made of protodermis, so may not produce that kind of fiber. As for wheels, if you have no need of them, why invent them? 152) Not something I have worried about. The whole widget thing was really more part of the online games than anything I worked on. 163) No need of them. If there was a city-wide announcement that needed to be made, it was broadcast on the big ones and you came out and watched it. It's not like these were used for entertainment, like ours are. 174) No. 185) Same thing soldiers do when they aren't fighting -- trained. 196) Well, if someone broke into your home tomorrow, and got caught, would you assume that meant no one would ever, ever break into your home again, therefore there was no need to be prepared? 207) Simple. If we called him "Toa Takua," everyone who read the cast list prior to the 2003 movie coming out would have immediately known Takua was the seventh Toa, thus blowing the whole end of the film. 218) Three reasons. One, we had just done that in 2001. Two, the search for the Nuva masks was not a part of main story, it only appeared in one of the books. And three, gold Nuva masks did not exist in plastic, therefore no need to promote them in story. 229) It was a graphic way of showing something was wrong with them, for the sake of comic readers. 2310) No. But in the case of Matoran, it puts their health at risk.
1here are some questions i asked GregF. thanks again Greg =P
2QUOTE 3thank you very much. you must be getting tired of questions a lot.
41. Does the mask of life act on it's own to protect itself, or does Mata Nui subconsciously control it? or both? 52. Why did the mask get smaller? i know it got smaller to fit the new heads, but did the mask take a new form, like vezons mask, or is it still considered the same form? 63. How big a skopio? feet across and above, or a height comparison to a bionicle.
71) The former 82) I wasn't aware that it had gotten smaller. 93) Oh, gee, the creature in the movie is probably 20 feet high I guess.
2QUOTE 3thank you very much. you must be getting tired of questions a lot.
41. Does the mask of life act on it's own to protect itself, or does Mata Nui subconsciously control it? or both? 52. Why did the mask get smaller? i know it got smaller to fit the new heads, but did the mask take a new form, like vezons mask, or is it still considered the same form? 63. How big a skopio? feet across and above, or a height comparison to a bionicle.
71) The former 82) I wasn't aware that it had gotten smaller. 93) Oh, gee, the creature in the movie is probably 20 feet high I guess.
11)Since there is a vehicle divisionin the Great Tournament, there are ultimatelly two champions, right? The vehicle one, and the normal one?
22)If yes to #1, are Agori allowed to fight/win the vehicle division?
33)If yes to the above 2, have any of the known drivers won a tournament?
4Thanks in advance.
51) Yes 62) Yes 73) Crotesius certainly has
8Interesting? I think so
1Hi Greg.
2What are Your thoughts on Shadow Toa? Do You like them.
3Will we see some?
4Will we see the dual between Takanuva and Shadow Takanuva soon?
5A cool Idea would be natural Shadow Toa. 6Because BS01 says:7In the Matoran Universe, Shadow was originally considered to have no moral connotations; being no more good or evil than any other Element. It only became associated with evil after the Brotherhood of Makuta's corruption.
8So why wouldent there be natural Shadow Toa. 9Shadow is natural, just like Light. Its just until the Makuta used it that it was tought to be evil.
101) I don't dislike them 112) We'll see how things go 123) But since there are no natural Matoran of Shadow, there can't be natural Toa of Shadow. Shadow is not a Matoran element.
1Hello Greg . Just a few questions:
21)Was Gelu payed before or after he escort someone? 32)Ackar is retired now correct? 43)Did Perditus particapate the great tournament?
5That is all. Thanks in advance .
61) He usually gets half up front, half when the job is done 72) No, he's not. Ackar fights Strakk in the arena in the movie. 83) He would have, but they had not gotten to the vehicle division matches yet when the Skrall attacked
1I'm surprised no one has asked about how exactly female Skrall have well developed mental powers.
2It's possible that Greg won't answer that question. But you could try.1I'm surprised no one has asked about how exactly female Skrall have well developed mental powers.
3Yeah, he's not exactly big on giving details that don't affect the story.
4I think how beings that aren't supposed to have powers do is important to the story.
2It's possible that Greg won't answer that question. But you could try.1I'm surprised no one has asked about how exactly female Skrall have well developed mental powers.
3Yeah, he's not exactly big on giving details that don't affect the story.
4I think how beings that aren't supposed to have powers do is important to the story.
5What I meant is it might be revealed later in the story, and Greg usually doesn't discuss future spoilers and topics with people except his team.
2It's possible that Greg won't answer that question. But you could try.1I'm surprised no one has asked about how exactly female Skrall have well developed mental powers.
3Yeah, he's not exactly big on giving details that don't affect the story.
4I think how beings that aren't supposed to have powers do is important to the story.
5What I meant is it might be revealed later in the story, and Greg usually doesn't discuss future spoilers and topics with people except his team.
6Still worth a shot though.
2It's possible that Greg won't answer that question. But you could try.1I'm surprised no one has asked about how exactly female Skrall have well developed mental powers.
3Yeah, he's not exactly big on giving details that don't affect the story.
4I think how beings that aren't supposed to have powers do is important to the story.
5What I meant is it might be revealed later in the story, and Greg usually doesn't discuss future spoilers and topics with people except his team.
6Still worth a shot though.
7You have a point. You might as well go ahead and ask him.
11. Can you confirm that the UDD symbol is a map of Bara Magna and the surrounding area? 22. Are the swooshes around the Bara Magna formation "the two that must make them one"? 33. Is it possible that the Mask of Life could give Toa-like powers to a Glatorian?
41) No, can't discuss it 52) No, they're not 63) Good question. I'm not sure the mask could do that on its own. I think it would need help from Mata Nui.
7So it's still not official that UDD = BM. 82 was just a little theory of mine based on the evidence of... well... there are two of them