1Did Greg say that on comic con there will be an bionicle exclusive set?
1Did Greg say that on comic con there will be an bionicle exclusive set?
2No, he said there talkings about making one, but he didn't know.
3Also, didn't know Bink's on Vacation. That explains why he hasn't posted on the Talkback topic for the web update and more.
4BTW, I think that question 3 from Jedi Knight Krazy is quite interesting... That opens lots of possibilities for Fan stories.
1Some neat tidbits.
2QUOTE 3Hey Greg. I have some questions for you.
41. Could you describe Kiina's personality for me?
52. Is it a daily occurence for Kiina to hit someone she doesn't like?
63. How long has Kiina been a secondary Glatorian for?
74. You said that Gelu had the potential to be a primary Glatorian. Did he realize this?
84a. If so, is there more money to be made in caravan escortig than being a prime Glatorian?
95. What is Ackar's opinion of Gresh?
106. Why do the Skrall want to destroy Tajun so bad? They could be destroying something closer, like Iconox or Tesara. Is Tajun a big threat?
11Thank you for your time.
121) Brash. Energetic. Impatient. Loyal. Caring. Stubborn. 132) No. She doesn't run across someone she doesn't like every day. 143) Oh, some years 154) Yes, but he has no interest in the job. 164a) Yes, there is. 175) Ackar sees a lot of potential in Gresh, he's a talented young fighter 186) Because Tajun has the bulk of the water supply the other villages rely on. Choke that off and the other villages fall like dominoes.
11) Have the female Skrall always been disliked by the other Skrall? 21a) If they weren't always disliked, did they begin to be "shunned" after the shattering?
32) Do female Skrall usually carry weapons?
43) Have female Skrall ever come in contact with the baterra?
54)How close are the female Skrall to the baterra?
61) Yes 72) No, they have no need of them 83) I suppose they must have 94) Close in what way? Emotionally? Geographically?
101) Was it something that the female Skrall did that made the other Skrall dislike them or is it their personality (how they treat their "guests")?
114) I guess both. =P
121) The female Skrall are, if anything, nastier than the males, but also more manipulating, where the males prefer to just go bash heads 134) Emotionally, not at all; geographically, it varies, as the baterra move around a lot
141) Did all of the Glatorian species participate in the war (besides the female Skrall)? 151a) If not, is it possible some were trying to prevent/stop the war from escalating to far?
162) Agori are being called "the support group" for the Glatorian. What exactly does someone with this job do? Do they provide food and medical care for the army? 172a) Did some of the Agori not do this (besides Sahmad's tribe) and perhaps also tried to stop the war?
183) Something that recently caught my attention was that there were two Great Beings that went down and hid the Kanohi Ignika and two bodies inside Mata Nui's "brain" center. Is this just a coincidence or are these beings the same ones that hid the Ignika? 193a) If they are indeed the same ones, is it possible that they were there to sort of help Mata Nui along the way or to help him just in case something went wrong? 203b) Also, just something I was curious about, how did these two bodies remain intact for "thousands of years"? I'm guessing you're just going to say, "We're on Earth, some things aren't the same." but I thought I'd ask anyways. =P
211) They all participated. There was no peace movement. 222) Essentially, yes. The Glatorian don't go out and collect food and water or do the work that needs to be done to keep the village running -- the Agori do that, in the same way that ground staff look after Air Force planes so pilots don't have to. 232a) Agori are not going to get in the way of a large number of armed warriors, that's suicide. 243) The bodies inside the head are not those of Great Beings. 253b) Well, we don't know what that chamber was like, in terms of climate, etc. Remember, they were inside an artificial enviroment, not outside exposed to rain and sun, etc.
26Just some stuff.
11) Have the female Skrall always been disliked by the other Skrall? 21a) If they weren't always disliked, did they begin to be "shunned" after the shattering?
32) Do female Skrall usually carry weapons?
43) Have female Skrall ever come in contact with the baterra?
54)How close are the female Skrall to the baterra?
61) Yes 72) No, they have no need of them 83) I suppose they must have 94) Close in what way? Emotionally? Geographically?
101) Was it something that the female Skrall did that made the other Skrall dislike them or is it their personality (how they treat their "guests")?
114) I guess both. =P
121) The female Skrall are, if anything, nastier than the males, but also more manipulating, where the males prefer to just go bash heads 134) Emotionally, not at all; geographically, it varies, as the baterra move around a lot
141) Did all of the Glatorian species participate in the war (besides the female Skrall)? 151a) If not, is it possible some were trying to prevent/stop the war from escalating to far?
162) Agori are being called "the support group" for the Glatorian. What exactly does someone with this job do? Do they provide food and medical care for the army? 172a) Did some of the Agori not do this (besides Sahmad's tribe) and perhaps also tried to stop the war?
183) Something that recently caught my attention was that there were two Great Beings that went down and hid the Kanohi Ignika and two bodies inside Mata Nui's "brain" center. Is this just a coincidence or are these beings the same ones that hid the Ignika? 193a) If they are indeed the same ones, is it possible that they were there to sort of help Mata Nui along the way or to help him just in case something went wrong? 203b) Also, just something I was curious about, how did these two bodies remain intact for "thousands of years"? I'm guessing you're just going to say, "We're on Earth, some things aren't the same." but I thought I'd ask anyways. =P
211) They all participated. There was no peace movement. 222) Essentially, yes. The Glatorian don't go out and collect food and water or do the work that needs to be done to keep the village running -- the Agori do that, in the same way that ground staff look after Air Force planes so pilots don't have to. 232a) Agori are not going to get in the way of a large number of armed warriors, that's suicide. 243) The bodies inside the head are not those of Great Beings. 253b) Well, we don't know what that chamber was like, in terms of climate, etc. Remember, they were inside an artificial enviroment, not outside exposed to rain and sun, etc.
26Just some stuff.
28Interesting, an artificial chamber...
1(these are not the exact wording: I hit delete by accident)
21) Would you consider the Skrall roughly the equivilant of the Uruk-hai from The Lord of the Rings? (too strong for the average soldier, but able to be taken down in a group)
32) Will Malum eventually be forced to ally with the Agori?
43) Do the Skrall ever wear armour different from that in the set?
54) Is there any chance Vezon will randomly appear on Bara Magna?
65) How many Skrall Elite would you estimate there to be?
76) What is your favorite TV series?
91) I don't know, it's been years since I last read LOTR.
102) I doubt, seeing as he isn't appearing in the movie.
113) No
124) I have no plans for it, but that is getting into movie territory, so I can't discuss it.
135) Not a lot, hence why they're the elite.
146) I don't really have one, we've been using netflix a lot lately.
21) Would you consider the Skrall roughly the equivilant of the Uruk-hai from The Lord of the Rings? (too strong for the average soldier, but able to be taken down in a group)
32) Will Malum eventually be forced to ally with the Agori?
43) Do the Skrall ever wear armour different from that in the set?
54) Is there any chance Vezon will randomly appear on Bara Magna?
65) How many Skrall Elite would you estimate there to be?
76) What is your favorite TV series?
91) I don't know, it's been years since I last read LOTR.
102) I doubt, seeing as he isn't appearing in the movie.
113) No
124) I have no plans for it, but that is getting into movie territory, so I can't discuss it.
135) Not a lot, hence why they're the elite.
146) I don't really have one, we've been using netflix a lot lately.

1Dear Mr. Farshtey.
2I have 1 question: According to the official dark hunters guide, the dark hunter "Subterranean" was sent to discuss an alliance with a group of Frostelous (did I spell that right?). How did these negotiations work out?
3Sincerely, Toa Tiphus.
4Well, since we haven't seen any Frostelus fighting alongside the DH, I would guess not well.
1Does that mean Vezon will be in the movie? That would be cool if he was .
1Hey Greg, I just had a couple of questions about the tribes of Bara Magna.
2Rock Tribe: 31) Do the Skrall wear helmets, or are those their faces? 42) Do Tuma's leader class all look identical to Tuma, much like all the warrior class Skrall look alike? 53) Do the Rock Agori all wear the same helmets? 64) Are there many elite Skrall, and do they all look alike?
7Sand Tribe: 81) Do the Vorox/Zesk wear helmets, or are those their faces? 92) Do the Vorox/Zesk, if they are helmets, all wear the same ones? 103) Do all the Vorox/Zesk look identical?
11Bone Hunters: 121) Are all bone hunters the same stature as Fero, or are their taller, glatorian-sized bonehunters? 132) Do they all wear Skrall helmets?
14Other tribes: 151) Do the other villages house other Glatorian-species, although they are not prime, secondary, or vehicle pilots? 162) Do you have a rough estimate as to how many of the Glatorian-species are in a village? Less than a hundred? Hundreds? Thousands? 173) Do you have a rough estimate as to how many Agori there are per tribe? Less than a hundred? Hundreds? Thousands?
18Thanks in advance .
191) Helmets 202) Secondary armor colors may vary 213) Yes 224) Not many, no, but they do all look roughly alike
231) Helmets 242) Yes 253) Roughly, yes
261 ) Same stature 272) Yes
281) Not in general, no, except for trainees. If a Glatorian is not fighting for you, why should you waste resources feeding and sheltering him? 292) In a village? Very few 303) I think you would be talking hundreds.
1I sincerely hope Vezon appears randomly in the movie. That would be cool.
1Does that mean Vezon will be in the movie? That would be cool if he was .
2No, he won't be. He isn't a set this year, that automatically rules him out. Besides, he has nothing to with the things going on in BM.
3I know, I wonder what he meant though....
5It probably means whatever happens in Bara Magna for the rest of the year is movie storyline.
11. Recently, you revealed that Aqua Magna, aka the EOP, is one of Bara Magna's moons, and one of the 3 pieces of Spherus Magna. That got me thinking: seeing as one planet is completely barren, while one is completely full of water, what about the 3rd one? In the movie teaser trailer, the 3rd planet seems to be all green. So could it be that the 3rd planet is full of plants and trees? 22. Did the male Skrall abandon the female because of the fear that they might use their powers someday to betray the male? 34. The shapeshifting monsters that Tarduk mentioned in the new comic are the baterra, yes? 45. Some of the characters in the movie (Ackar, Strakk, Tuma...) carry shields instead of Thornax launchers, while others like Gresh and Kiina only use one melee weapon. Was this the movie maker's decision?
51) Actually, I don't believe I said it was a moon -- what I said was that I have not discussed the cosmology with the story team yet. If the story team wants it to be a moon, it's a moon, but they haven't talked to me about it yet. 62) They abandoned them because they hate them, plain and simple. 74) Yes 85) The design of the Thornax and the need to get it in the movie occurred late in the script-writing process, which is why we stuck the Thornax scene into the beginning. We did not need them for the rest of the movie. I don't recall Ackar carrying nothing but a shield in the script, but I have not seen the movie yet.
9No Thornax for movie? I'm so sad...
1Okay, maybe not relavent to some other interesting questions, but still.
14We haven't really seen much of em, and I was curious.
2Just a few questions.
31. Did the Zesk always have tails?
42. Before the disaster were the Zesk biped?
53. Have the Skrall captured Zesk as they have Vorox?
64. As the Vorox are, are most Zesk similar?
74a. Have they always been?
8Thanks you for your time.
91) No 102) Yes 113) Not really, no, they don't have much use for them 124) Yes 134a) Yes
14We haven't really seen much of em, and I was curious.
1Hi Greg, hope you're doing well. Just one for you today:
2Makuta is still on Aqua Magna, right? And (if you can answer this), do you have any plans for him to leave soon?
3Thanks, 4-North
5He is still there, yes, and most likely will not leave this year
6Meh... was hoping we'd get a little more movement on that, but...
1hi there, just one question,
2Q.is the official name for mata nui's sheild:
31. scarab shield 42. scarabax shield
5I'm asking this because the recent comic (in the bios section) called it a 'scarabax shield'
6thanks for your time
7A.And where is it called scarab shield?
9hmm, greg seems a little confused, maybe scarab shield was a marketing error, if you know what I mean, 10after all, 'scarabax shield' makes more sense, as it's a scarabax and a shield.
11I've sent a reply, but it's been a few days and I didn't get any feedback
2Q.is the official name for mata nui's sheild:
31. scarab shield 42. scarabax shield
5I'm asking this because the recent comic (in the bios section) called it a 'scarabax shield'
6thanks for your time
7A.And where is it called scarab shield?
9hmm, greg seems a little confused, maybe scarab shield was a marketing error, if you know what I mean, 10after all, 'scarabax shield' makes more sense, as it's a scarabax and a shield.
11I've sent a reply, but it's been a few days and I didn't get any feedback
1New stuff Here
2QUOTE 31. Did the Elemental Lord of Sand rule the Great Desert (Bara Magna)?
42. Did the EL of fire rule the region around the Great Volcano?
53. Was there once/still is a Great Jungle?
64. Did the El of jungle rule it?
75. Is Terrlius insane?
81) That would have been part of his domain, yes 92) Yes 103) And forests as well 114) The EL of jungle would have controlled any plant life, including forests or jungles 125) I have no idea who you are referring to. There is no one named Terrlius in the story
13I mean the Pilot of Skopio XV-1
2QUOTE 31. Did the Elemental Lord of Sand rule the Great Desert (Bara Magna)?
42. Did the EL of fire rule the region around the Great Volcano?
53. Was there once/still is a Great Jungle?
64. Did the El of jungle rule it?
75. Is Terrlius insane?
81) That would have been part of his domain, yes 92) Yes 103) And forests as well 114) The EL of jungle would have controlled any plant life, including forests or jungles 125) I have no idea who you are referring to. There is no one named Terrlius in the story
13I mean the Pilot of Skopio XV-1
1Hi Greg, here are my questions.
21. Could the mask of life turn a Glatorian into Toa?
31) I would say not by itself, no
42. Because the mask of life has powers to change (mutate) lifeforms into higher or lower versions of themselves, would it have the power to transform a toa into a Toa nuva?
52) Good question. I think the question is, is turning into a Nuva an evolution or a mutation? We know the mask can undo mutations caused by the waters, but we have not seen it cause a mutation, only a natural evolution.
63. If they someday lived in the MU Could Glatorian or Agori drink Proto in place of normal water and be fine? Though I guess I could answer this question myself by remembering that the Matoran where able to drink normal water when they lived on Mata Nui's face so it could probably work the same way for the Glatorian, only in reverse. Am I right?
73) I am going to say no, because they have organic digestive systems and the MU inhabitants do not.
84. If the ELs met Toa of their element and they understood each other's languages (lets say the toa are all wearing masks of Translation), would they get along well together, or would the ELs feel that the toa are weak upstarts that aren't worth talking to or being around?
94) The ELs would expect the Toa to obey them. They are commanders, they aren't looking for pals.
105. Are Toa physically stronger than Glatorian? If so than why are their stats so similar to each other?
115) Toa are more durable, because they are mainly mechanical, but they still have organic muscle. So how strong they are is in large part determined by the strength of their organics.
126. At the peak of their civilization where the Agori's &Glatorian's elemental, ranged, Weapons equal to or more powerful than the current weapons in the MU? Were the Powered weapons of the Glatorian technologically superior to the MU's Weapon tech
136) Which MU weapons are you referring to? Most of the elemental weapons we have seen were Toa weapons, which were channeling the Toa's power and had no power of their own.
147. Would un-Exsidian plated Protosteel weapons stand up well in the erosive environment of Bara Magna?
157) Moreso than a standard metallic protodermis one would, not as well as an exsidian one would.
168. Would a protosteel sword slice through a Skrall sword?
178) Depends on if the Skrall sword is plated or not.
189. What did the GBs use to Fuse Tren Krom to the island?
199) Hasn't been revealed
2010. Could a group of toa with the same element do a unified attack, like 6 toa of Air combining their EE to create one massive cyclonic vortex?
2110) Yes
2211. Why Do Most MU Inhabs view Chewing and digesting food as disgusting?
2311) Because they don't do it themselves ... in the same way that a Westerner might look at something a native tribe in South America does as disgusting, even though it is just a normal part of their culture (eating bugs, for example)
2412. Even Though Makuta is aware of a lot of what is happening in the MU He isn't capable of complete awareness Right?
2512) Yes, he is. He is part of the entire MU.
2613. Is Mata Nui more intelligent than Makuta?
2713) I'd have to look at the stats we have done before answering that.
28Me 29(The Makuta/Maxilos Stats had a 16 mind level, while Glatorian Mata Nui has a Measly 12 mind level, That Seems backwards to me)
3014. Is it going to be a year or more before Mata Nui builds the Spaceship and he and the Bara Magnians return or begin to return to the MU?
3114) Why would anyone from Bara Magna want to go to Aqua Magna? There is no land there for them to live on. It's all ocean. And while they could fit inside a giant robot, the giant robot would not be made to support biological life, only bio-mechanical life with the accent on the mechanical. With no food to eat or potable water, they would die.
3215. Is The Mata Nui Robot made of Protosteel, or just metallic protodermis?
3315) Metallic protodermis
3416. Is there any hope of Veson learning to control his mask, in say the next 2 RoS installments?
3516) Not in my plans, no
36Me 37(Poor Vezon...
38That's all thanks.
21. Could the mask of life turn a Glatorian into Toa?
31) I would say not by itself, no
42. Because the mask of life has powers to change (mutate) lifeforms into higher or lower versions of themselves, would it have the power to transform a toa into a Toa nuva?
52) Good question. I think the question is, is turning into a Nuva an evolution or a mutation? We know the mask can undo mutations caused by the waters, but we have not seen it cause a mutation, only a natural evolution.
63. If they someday lived in the MU Could Glatorian or Agori drink Proto in place of normal water and be fine? Though I guess I could answer this question myself by remembering that the Matoran where able to drink normal water when they lived on Mata Nui's face so it could probably work the same way for the Glatorian, only in reverse. Am I right?
73) I am going to say no, because they have organic digestive systems and the MU inhabitants do not.
84. If the ELs met Toa of their element and they understood each other's languages (lets say the toa are all wearing masks of Translation), would they get along well together, or would the ELs feel that the toa are weak upstarts that aren't worth talking to or being around?
94) The ELs would expect the Toa to obey them. They are commanders, they aren't looking for pals.
105. Are Toa physically stronger than Glatorian? If so than why are their stats so similar to each other?
115) Toa are more durable, because they are mainly mechanical, but they still have organic muscle. So how strong they are is in large part determined by the strength of their organics.
126. At the peak of their civilization where the Agori's &Glatorian's elemental, ranged, Weapons equal to or more powerful than the current weapons in the MU? Were the Powered weapons of the Glatorian technologically superior to the MU's Weapon tech
136) Which MU weapons are you referring to? Most of the elemental weapons we have seen were Toa weapons, which were channeling the Toa's power and had no power of their own.
147. Would un-Exsidian plated Protosteel weapons stand up well in the erosive environment of Bara Magna?
157) Moreso than a standard metallic protodermis one would, not as well as an exsidian one would.
168. Would a protosteel sword slice through a Skrall sword?
178) Depends on if the Skrall sword is plated or not.
189. What did the GBs use to Fuse Tren Krom to the island?
199) Hasn't been revealed
2010. Could a group of toa with the same element do a unified attack, like 6 toa of Air combining their EE to create one massive cyclonic vortex?
2110) Yes
2211. Why Do Most MU Inhabs view Chewing and digesting food as disgusting?
2311) Because they don't do it themselves ... in the same way that a Westerner might look at something a native tribe in South America does as disgusting, even though it is just a normal part of their culture (eating bugs, for example)
2412. Even Though Makuta is aware of a lot of what is happening in the MU He isn't capable of complete awareness Right?
2512) Yes, he is. He is part of the entire MU.
2613. Is Mata Nui more intelligent than Makuta?
2713) I'd have to look at the stats we have done before answering that.
28Me 29(The Makuta/Maxilos Stats had a 16 mind level, while Glatorian Mata Nui has a Measly 12 mind level, That Seems backwards to me)
3014. Is it going to be a year or more before Mata Nui builds the Spaceship and he and the Bara Magnians return or begin to return to the MU?
3114) Why would anyone from Bara Magna want to go to Aqua Magna? There is no land there for them to live on. It's all ocean. And while they could fit inside a giant robot, the giant robot would not be made to support biological life, only bio-mechanical life with the accent on the mechanical. With no food to eat or potable water, they would die.
3215. Is The Mata Nui Robot made of Protosteel, or just metallic protodermis?
3315) Metallic protodermis
3416. Is there any hope of Veson learning to control his mask, in say the next 2 RoS installments?
3516) Not in my plans, no
36Me 37(Poor Vezon...

38That's all thanks.
1Hi Greg,
2Something bothers me about the Skrall:
3Why do the male Skrall hate the female? How do they... raise the... little Skrall?
4Thanks and goodbye.
5Well, we have not discussed at all how new life comes into being on this planet, but ... let's assume you are right for the moment. There are TONS of examples in nature of species where the males and females get together only to mate, and are actively hostile to each other the rest of the time (with the males actually becoming threats to their own children after they are born). The idea of romantic love -- or even like -- being necessary for procreation is a human conceit.
6So it was not just some 'whatever' decision, but biology... I kinda like this, the Skrall being more... beast-like.
1Uh... Monturrock...
2Did you refer to the spaceship you mentioed as 'the' on purpose, or did you mean to say 'a'? Cause' there was never a storyline reference they were going to do something like that... unless, you know something I don't. *Coughspoilerscough*
3Yeah, I'm just being paranoid; I was just wondering if that was a spoiler or something. If it was just a typo, pretend you never saw this.
2Did you refer to the spaceship you mentioed as 'the' on purpose, or did you mean to say 'a'? Cause' there was never a storyline reference they were going to do something like that... unless, you know something I don't. *Coughspoilerscough*
3Yeah, I'm just being paranoid; I was just wondering if that was a spoiler or something. If it was just a typo, pretend you never saw this.

1Uh... Monturrock...
2Did you refer to the spaceship you mentioed as 'the' on purpose, or did you mean to say 'a'? Cause' there was never a storyline reference they were going to do something like that... unless, you know something I don't. *Coughspoilerscough*
3Yeah, I'm just being paranoid; I was just wondering if that was a spoiler or something. If it was just a typo, pretend you never saw this.
4Actually The whole Spaceship thing is a prediction I made, that at this time seems to be the only plausible mode of transprotation that Mata Nui could construct and use to leave Bara Magna in the future.
5I have next to nothing to back up this prediction and I am not making a theory about it either.
6My idea is probably completely different from what Greg has writen anyway, but if Mata Nui does Eventually Build a Rocket from the Prototype Mata Nui Bot, I will have predicted Bionicle future.
1Uh... Monturrock...
2Did you refer to the spaceship you mentioed as 'the' on purpose, or did you mean to say 'a'? Cause' there was never a storyline reference they were going to do something like that... unless, you know something I don't. *Coughspoilerscough*
3Yeah, I'm just being paranoid; I was just wondering if that was a spoiler or something. If it was just a typo, pretend you never saw this.
4Actually The whole Spaceship thing is a prediction I made, that at this time seems to be the only plausible mode of transprotation that Mata Nui could construct and use to leave Bara Magna in the future.
5I have next to nothing to back up this prediction and I am not making a theory about it either.
6My idea is probably completely different from what Greg has writen anyway, but if Mata Nui does Eventually Build a Rocket from the Prototype Mata Nui Bot, I will have predicted Bionicle future.
7I think Mata Nui building a spaceship is unlikely, the story team doesn't want BIONICLE to become that sci-fi.
1Uh... Monturrock...
2Did you refer to the spaceship you mentioed as 'the' on purpose, or did you mean to say 'a'? Cause' there was never a storyline reference they were going to do something like that... unless, you know something I don't. *Coughspoilerscough*
3Yeah, I'm just being paranoid; I was just wondering if that was a spoiler or something. If it was just a typo, pretend you never saw this.
4Actually The whole Spaceship thing is a prediction I made, that at this time seems to be the only plausible mode of transprotation that Mata Nui could construct and use to leave Bara Magna in the future.
5I have next to nothing to back up this prediction and I am not making a theory about it either.
6My idea is probably completely different from what Greg has writen anyway, but if Mata Nui does Eventually Build a Rocket from the Prototype Mata Nui Bot, I will have predicted Bionicle future.
7I think Mata Nui building a spaceship is unlikely, the story team doesn't want BIONICLE to become that sci-fi.
8I Bet You're right, but then, The Storyteam didn't think that Supersonic aircraft like the Jetrax was to Sci-fi, and I think that a Mask of Diminsional Gate that is essentially a dimensional Wormhole device is pretty Sci-Fi-ish. But You're probably right.
1Uh... Monturrock...
2Did you refer to the spaceship you mentioed as 'the' on purpose, or did you mean to say 'a'? Cause' there was never a storyline reference they were going to do something like that... unless, you know something I don't. *Coughspoilerscough*
3Yeah, I'm just being paranoid; I was just wondering if that was a spoiler or something. If it was just a typo, pretend you never saw this.
4Actually The whole Spaceship thing is a prediction I made, that at this time seems to be the only plausible mode of transprotation that Mata Nui could construct and use to leave Bara Magna in the future.
5I have next to nothing to back up this prediction and I am not making a theory about it either.
6My idea is probably completely different from what Greg has writen anyway, but if Mata Nui does Eventually Build a Rocket from the Prototype Mata Nui Bot, I will have predicted Bionicle future.
7I think Mata Nui building a spaceship is unlikely, the story team doesn't want BIONICLE to become that sci-fi.
8I Bet You're right, but then, They didn't think that Supersonic aircraft like the Jetrax was to Sci-fi, and I think that a Mask of Diminsional Gate that is essencially a diminsional Wormhole device is pretty Sci-Fi-ish. But You're probably right.
9The Jetrax was sci-fi, but I wouldn't say too sci-fi. And the Olmak, you can say it's a dimensional wormhole dive as well as you can say is a magical portal mask.
1dear Mr. Greg
2a)ok, so i'm sure that other people have already asked about how glatorians etc. come into being (like Gresh being younger than, say, ackar) but how exactly does it happen, just for clarification. 3b)if you cannot/will not say how or why this will happen now then when are you planning to disclose such information (not to sound impatient, of course)?
2a)ok, so i'm sure that other people have already asked about how glatorians etc. come into being (like Gresh being younger than, say, ackar) but how exactly does it happen, just for clarification. 3b)if you cannot/will not say how or why this will happen now then when are you planning to disclose such information (not to sound impatient, of course)?
1dear Mr. Greg
2a)ok, so i'm sure that other people have already asked about how glatorians etc. come into being (like Gresh being younger than, say, ackar) but how exactly does it happen, just for clarification. 3b)if you cannot/will not say how or why this will happen now then when are you planning to disclose such information (not to sound impatient, of course)?
4Hey there, you need to send your questions in a PM to GregF. Greg doesn't come by this topic to answer questions.
5Also, I doubt Greg will give a definitive answer to either of your questions. He has repeatedly stated that he wanted to keep such things secret.
6~ Bioran
1This is important and unimportant at the same time and I believe that I was the first to ask this:
7Mario's Brother.
2Hello, Mr. Farshtey . I've got another question for you:
3Are Sahmad and Telluris from the same tribe? From what I can see, both their tribes were afflicted with a 'disease', they bear the same coloured armour (though that is not always a good indication of belonging) and they both shun the Glatorian and Agori (again, not a good indication but nevertheless). So, could it be that they are from the same tribe?
4Thanks for answering my questions, 5Mario's Brother
6Yes, they are
7Mario's Brother.
14[1Hello Greg . 21.) Bara Magna was the region of the Element Lord of Sand? 32.) Are there female Element Lords? 43.)How big is the great vulcano? 54.)The whole BIONICLE 4 will be in the BIONICLE.com?
61) He would certainly have had influence there, yes 72) I haven't decided 83) Pretty big 94) No, we won't be posting the movie for watching on BIONICLE.com. It will be available on DVD. Our websites can't show more than 10 minutes of video at a time, so not good for posting full-length movies.
101.) Is the mountains( white quartz and black spike) is the region of the Element Lord of Rock 112.) Was the "Energized Protodermis" name used by the Spherus Magnans or they called it "Silver Matter"
121) Yes 132) No, the regular people of that world did not call it EP. The Great Beings named it that
1Any storyline information that fans should know before they start writing?
2Yes, here is a little info --
31) The original discovery of the EP was in the ice EL's area, so they were defending it for much of the war. 42) The final battle of the war saw the fire armies seize control of the EP spring 53) The GBs released the baterra toward the end of the war 64) Alliances between armies were basically made of sand ... everyone wanted the spring, no one wanted anyone else to have it, so no one worked together for very long.
71. So the Ice Tribe had control of it until the Fire Tribe seized control during the final battle of the war? 84. These alliances were made prior to the war, correct?
91) The ice tribe lost control of it a few times during the war, but never for very long. And the fire tribe knew when they seized it they wouldn't be able to hold it for very long, so they rushed to tap its power despite warnings of what would happen. 104) No, during the war. You had six groups, all after one thing -- Ice has it, everyone else wants it. So Fire and Jungle might make an alliance, one attacks from the south, one the north .. but if it looks like fire might get to the spring first, jungle suddenly turns on fire because they don't want fire getting it either.
111. Did they ever tap its power? Were there mostly deaths or transformations? 12Oh, and thanks for letting us have this opportunity of contributing to the franchise.
131) Mostly deaths, and some transformations of animal life. The only really concerted effort to tap its power -- to basically drain and collect the EP -- was done by the fire tribe and precipitated the Shattering.
141 more question concerning the contest. You mentioned that EP was discovered where the Ice EL was ruling. Was it the Ice Agori that discovered the EP? And was this found in the Northern Frost?
15Yes and yes
16Hmm... This is all adding up quickly... So, the Ice Agori discovered EP first... and Baterra were released during the end of the war... I wouldn't be surprised if Metus discovered EP, and managed to secure it. This could be the thing that destroys Baterra, and may be the thing Tarduk and Co. are looking for...
1Any storyline information that fans should know before they start writing?
2Yes, here is a little info --
31) The original discovery of the EP was in the ice EL's area, so they were defending it for much of the war. 42) The final battle of the war saw the fire armies seize control of the EP spring 53) The GBs released the baterra toward the end of the war 64) Alliances between armies were basically made of sand ... everyone wanted the spring, no one wanted anyone else to have it, so no one worked together for very long.
71. So the Ice Tribe had control of it until the Fire Tribe seized control during the final battle of the war? 84. These alliances were made prior to the war, correct?
91) The ice tribe lost control of it a few times during the war, but never for very long. And the fire tribe knew when they seized it they wouldn't be able to hold it for very long, so they rushed to tap its power despite warnings of what would happen. 104) No, during the war. You had six groups, all after one thing -- Ice has it, everyone else wants it. So Fire and Jungle might make an alliance, one attacks from the south, one the north .. but if it looks like fire might get to the spring first, jungle suddenly turns on fire because they don't want fire getting it either.
111. Did they ever tap its power? Were there mostly deaths or transformations? 12Oh, and thanks for letting us have this opportunity of contributing to the franchise.
131) Mostly deaths, and some transformations of animal life. The only really concerted effort to tap its power -- to basically drain and collect the EP -- was done by the fire tribe and precipitated the Shattering.
141 more question concerning the contest. You mentioned that EP was discovered where the Ice EL was ruling. Was it the Ice Agori that discovered the EP? And was this found in the Northern Frost?
15Yes and yes