1...All Greg's blog says is a reiteration of the fact that he cannot comment on anything 2010. It's been like this every year and I utterly fail to comprehend why people insist on asking over and over again, when the answer never changes. He said a week ago he can't comment. He said he three days ago that he cannot comment. He said he yesterday that he cannot comment. (That is all an exaggeration made for an example, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were all true...) What makes today different?
3So don't get all worried about that response, and instead actually read his blog entry. Because then you'll see it's nothing we haven't heard before, and nothing we shouldn't expect. He cannot comment on 2010, and I implore you all to stop asking about it.
5I read his blog entry. The thing I am worried about his, that shouldn't have anything to do with Bionicle ending, unless it was ending in 2010.

6However, you may be right.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey. I have some questions for you.
21. Why is Takua called Toa Takanuva instead of Toa Takua?
32. Can Agori and Glatorian bleed?
43. Do the Vorox and the Zesk wear helmets?
54. Can a Makuta's nynrah blaster successfully control a glatorian or agori even though they are mostly organic?
65. Can the Toa Ignika be put to sleep and shadow leeched? If yes, what would be the result?
76. Is Glatorian Legend Mata Nui mostly organic?
87. Is the shoulder armor on Glatorian Legend Mata Nui sharp enough to be used as a sword?
98. How did Mata Nui communicate with the Agori and Glatorian on Bara Magna if they have a different language?
109. Are the Matoran and Agori languages the same?
1110. Is the Ignika on Glatorian Legend Mata Nui smaller than when it was in the Matoran Universe?
1211. Before Teridax took over Mata Nui's body, did the Matoran know they were inside of their Great Spirit?
1312. Do the weapons on the Glatorian and Glatorian Legends sets represent the elemental ones like in the movie?
1413. Can the Agori have their weapons changed to elemental ones like the Glatorian?
1514. Are the elemental weapons activated mentally?
1615. Can the Agori activate elemental weapons?
1716. What else can the elemental weapons do?
1817. Can the Glatorian or Agori activate an elemental weapon that's not their's?
1918. Why was Gresh's weapon air power instead of jungle?
20Thanks for your time.
211) Because if we called him Toa Takua, then anyone who read the character list for Mask of Light before the movie came out would have known right away who the seventh Toa was going to turn out to be 222) No idea. Since I would never be allowed to show them bleeding, I don't worry about it. 233) Yes 244) It wouldn't do a whole lot of good, since they don't have a ton of mechanical in them. Maybe you would control the implant in, say, the right leg, but that doesn't give you control over the whole body. 255) No. It's a mask. It's not a living being with light and dark to it. 266) Yes 277) I don't think so, no. He has a sword already. 288) Mata Nui was built by beings who spoke the Agori language, so it makes sense he would know it. 299) They have some similar terms, the same way that programming language in our world has some similar words with spoken language 3010) I doubt it 3111) No 3212-17) Mata Nui let the Glatorian think he was just charging up their weapons to what they once were. In truth, he was giving the Glatorian themselves elemental powers and the weapons were just the focus. 3318) Because to Mata Nui, green represents air, that is what he's used to.
34Hello Mr. Farshtey. Here are some more questions about the elemental powers.
351. Do the Glatorian need their weapon to channel their elemental powers? 362. Did the Glatorian used to have elemental powers? 373. Do the Glatorian have full elemental powers? 384. Can the Agori be given elemental powers? 395. Do any of the 12 Glatorian sets represent the Glatorian with elemental powers? 406. Why did the thornax have elemental energy behind it when it was fired from Tarix and Vastus in The Legend Reborn? 417. Where did the Skopio, in The Legend Reborn, get the thornax from? It seemed like it just appeared. 428. Why did the Skopio have what looked like some kind of targeting system for the thornax launcher? 439. Was Telluris in the Skopio?
44Thanks for your time.![]()
451) They are a focus, same as the Toa weapons are 462) No 473) What do you mean by "full"? 484) I doubt their bodies could handle it. 495) No 506) Haven't seen the movie, so can't comment on this 517) The Skopio creatures were modified in the past by the Great Beings to be bio-mechanical 528) See answer to #7 539) No, that was Skopio the creature, not Skopio the vehicle based on the creature. If Telluris had been there, Mata Nui would have had to fight him in order to use the Thornax
54I have a few more questions.
551. So does the Skopio's thornax just appear? 562. Which of the 12 Glatorian now have elemental powers? 573. I mean full as in all the elemental abilities of a Toa.
58Thanks for your time.![]()
591) No, it's built in 602) Far as I know, Ackar, Kiina and Gresh 613) Yes

1Um, GregF answered the same question almost a week ago. It's in spoiler tags.
1I know, but it was still vague at that point. This says exactly what happened. Let me dig it up and I'll show you the vagueness.
1I see what you mean now. No need to dig it up. 

1Okay thanks. Yeah I remember reading it and thinking, "We still have no flippin' idea..."
1Hello Mr. Farshtey. I have some questions for you.
21. Why is Takua called Toa Takanuva instead of Toa Takua?
32. Can Agori and Glatorian bleed?
43. Do the Vorox and the Zesk wear helmets?
54. Can a Makuta's nynrah blaster successfully control a glatorian or agori even though they are mostly organic?
65. Can the Toa Ignika be put to sleep and shadow leeched? If yes, what would be the result?
76. Is Glatorian Legend Mata Nui mostly organic?
87. Is the shoulder armor on Glatorian Legend Mata Nui sharp enough to be used as a sword?
98. How did Mata Nui communicate with the Agori and Glatorian on Bara Magna if they have a different language?
109. Are the Matoran and Agori languages the same?
1110. Is the Ignika on Glatorian Legend Mata Nui smaller than when it was in the Matoran Universe?
1211. Before Teridax took over Mata Nui's body, did the Matoran know they were inside of their Great Spirit?
1312. Do the weapons on the Glatorian and Glatorian Legends sets represent the elemental ones like in the movie?
1413. Can the Agori have their weapons changed to elemental ones like the Glatorian?
1514. Are the elemental weapons activated mentally?
1615. Can the Agori activate elemental weapons?
1716. What else can the elemental weapons do?
1817. Can the Glatorian or Agori activate an elemental weapon that's not their's?
1918. Why was Gresh's weapon air power instead of jungle?
20Thanks for your time.
211) Because if we called him Toa Takua, then anyone who read the character list for Mask of Light before the movie came out would have known right away who the seventh Toa was going to turn out to be 222) No idea. Since I would never be allowed to show them bleeding, I don't worry about it. 233) Yes 244) It wouldn't do a whole lot of good, since they don't have a ton of mechanical in them. Maybe you would control the implant in, say, the right leg, but that doesn't give you control over the whole body. 255) No. It's a mask. It's not a living being with light and dark to it. 266) Yes 277) I don't think so, no. He has a sword already. 288) Mata Nui was built by beings who spoke the Agori language, so it makes sense he would know it. 299) They have some similar terms, the same way that programming language in our world has some similar words with spoken language 3010) I doubt it 3111) No 3212-17) Mata Nui let the Glatorian think he was just charging up their weapons to what they once were. In truth, he was giving the Glatorian themselves elemental powers and the weapons were just the focus. 3318) Because to Mata Nui, green represents air, that is what he's used to.
34Hello Mr. Farshtey. Here are some more questions about the elemental powers.
351. Do the Glatorian need their weapon to channel their elemental powers? 362. Did the Glatorian used to have elemental powers? 373. Do the Glatorian have full elemental powers? 384. Can the Agori be given elemental powers? 395. Do any of the 12 Glatorian sets represent the Glatorian with elemental powers? 406. Why did the thornax have elemental energy behind it when it was fired from Tarix and Vastus in The Legend Reborn? 417. Where did the Skopio, in The Legend Reborn, get the thornax from? It seemed like it just appeared. 428. Why did the Skopio have what looked like some kind of targeting system for the thornax launcher? 439. Was Telluris in the Skopio?
44Thanks for your time.![]()
451) They are a focus, same as the Toa weapons are 462) No 473) What do you mean by "full"? 484) I doubt their bodies could handle it. 495) No 506) Haven't seen the movie, so can't comment on this 517) The Skopio creatures were modified in the past by the Great Beings to be bio-mechanical 528) See answer to #7 539) No, that was Skopio the creature, not Skopio the vehicle based on the creature. If Telluris had been there, Mata Nui would have had to fight him in order to use the Thornax
54I have a few more questions.
551. So does the Skopio's thornax just appear? 562. Which of the 12 Glatorian now have elemental powers? 573. I mean full as in all the elemental abilities of a Toa.
58Thanks for your time.![]()
591) No, it's built in 602) Far as I know, Ackar, Kiina and Gresh 613) Yes
63There are two other ones, but I can't say due to movie spoilers.
11. Is the Glatorian weapons' physical change in form (as seen in the movie) canon? For instance, Ackar's went from a fairly normal-looking sword to the flame sword with a blade shaped like a burst of flame. I'm curious because I seem to remember you saying somewhere that it was just an addition by the movie makers, but I could be wrong.
22. In RotGB, the Element Lord's entrance is described as follows:3Not far away, a mini-cyclone whipped leaves into the air. More and more plant matter was drawn into its wake until an entire segment of the glade was filled with leaves, vines, and branches, spinning furiously in the grip of a tornado. Then a being emerged from out of the storm itself.4. This seems to be an indirect (i.e. non-elemental) control of air that results from his control of plant life. Were these indirect air powers the inspiration for the Great Beings to use Air in place of Jungle as one of the six major elements in the MU? (In other words, the GBs decided that this indirect power was more important or fundamental than the plantlife power).
53.6In TLR, the chamber of the Great Beings' lab between the element chambers is labeled "Work Site 223" in Matoran lettering. Do you know the relevance of this?
71) Haven't seen the movie yet, so can't speak to this 82) Nope. They used air in place of jungle because there would be a lot more air inside Mata Nui than there would be plant life, so more need of a Toa of Air. 93) No, I don't. That was something Sean added to the script, not something came from me.
10So that's an interesting answer for #2; not sure if it's new or not. The others aren't especially helpful, although it's curious that the last one is in the script-- I thought it might merely be an easter egg put in by the animators as some sort of inside joke.
1HA . . . Finally. It's been waffling back and forth for weeks, but finally it's proven that the Glatorian themselves have the power. I knew it. Take that whoever deleted my edit when I wrote that on the Toa Power page so long ago.
2Wow, I sound like Kiina. O_o
3I deleted it, and you're still wrong. Glatorian do not have Toa Power. Elemental Powers, yes.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey. I have some questions for you.
21. Why is Takua called Toa Takanuva instead of Toa Takua?
32. Can Agori and Glatorian bleed?
43. Do the Vorox and the Zesk wear helmets?
54. Can a Makuta's nynrah blaster successfully control a glatorian or agori even though they are mostly organic?
65. Can the Toa Ignika be put to sleep and shadow leeched? If yes, what would be the result?
76. Is Glatorian Legend Mata Nui mostly organic?
87. Is the shoulder armor on Glatorian Legend Mata Nui sharp enough to be used as a sword?
98. How did Mata Nui communicate with the Agori and Glatorian on Bara Magna if they have a different language?
109. Are the Matoran and Agori languages the same?
1110. Is the Ignika on Glatorian Legend Mata Nui smaller than when it was in the Matoran Universe?
1211. Before Teridax took over Mata Nui's body, did the Matoran know they were inside of their Great Spirit?
1312. Do the weapons on the Glatorian and Glatorian Legends sets represent the elemental ones like in the movie?
1413. Can the Agori have their weapons changed to elemental ones like the Glatorian?
1514. Are the elemental weapons activated mentally?
1615. Can the Agori activate elemental weapons?
1716. What else can the elemental weapons do?
1817. Can the Glatorian or Agori activate an elemental weapon that's not their's?
1918. Why was Gresh's weapon air power instead of jungle?
20Thanks for your time.
211) Because if we called him Toa Takua, then anyone who read the character list for Mask of Light before the movie came out would have known right away who the seventh Toa was going to turn out to be 222) No idea. Since I would never be allowed to show them bleeding, I don't worry about it. 233) Yes 244) It wouldn't do a whole lot of good, since they don't have a ton of mechanical in them. Maybe you would control the implant in, say, the right leg, but that doesn't give you control over the whole body. 255) No. It's a mask. It's not a living being with light and dark to it. 266) Yes 277) I don't think so, no. He has a sword already. 288) Mata Nui was built by beings who spoke the Agori language, so it makes sense he would know it. 299) They have some similar terms, the same way that programming language in our world has some similar words with spoken language 3010) I doubt it 3111) No 3212-17) Mata Nui let the Glatorian think he was just charging up their weapons to what they once were. In truth, he was giving the Glatorian themselves elemental powers and the weapons were just the focus. 3318) Because to Mata Nui, green represents air, that is what he's used to.
34Hello Mr. Farshtey. Here are some more questions about the elemental powers.
351. Do the Glatorian need their weapon to channel their elemental powers? 362. Did the Glatorian used to have elemental powers? 373. Do the Glatorian have full elemental powers? 384. Can the Agori be given elemental powers? 395. Do any of the 12 Glatorian sets represent the Glatorian with elemental powers? 406. Why did the thornax have elemental energy behind it when it was fired from Tarix and Vastus in The Legend Reborn? 417. Where did the Skopio, in The Legend Reborn, get the thornax from? It seemed like it just appeared. 428. Why did the Skopio have what looked like some kind of targeting system for the thornax launcher? 439. Was Telluris in the Skopio?
44Thanks for your time.![]()
451) They are a focus, same as the Toa weapons are 462) No 473) What do you mean by "full"? 484) I doubt their bodies could handle it. 495) No 506) Haven't seen the movie, so can't comment on this 517) The Skopio creatures were modified in the past by the Great Beings to be bio-mechanical 528) See answer to #7 539) No, that was Skopio the creature, not Skopio the vehicle based on the creature. If Telluris had been there, Mata Nui would have had to fight him in order to use the Thornax
54I have a few more questions.
551. So does the Skopio's thornax just appear? 562. Which of the 12 Glatorian now have elemental powers? 573. I mean full as in all the elemental abilities of a Toa.
58Thanks for your time.![]()
591) No, it's built in 602) Far as I know, Ackar, Kiina and Gresh 613) Yes
63There are two other ones, but I can't say due to movie spoilers.
64The 3 heroic Glatorian got elemental powers?

1Hi Greg, how are you? 2I've got some questions for you.
31)In the Secret Lab, there are 6 chambers each containing an element. Are those really huge chambers filled with everything that belongs to a centain element, or do they just contain the most important things of the element? 41b) What is the purpose of those chambers? 52) Is the Skopio XV-1 as big as a Skopio, or smaller?
6That's it for now. 7Thanks
81-1b) Not something we discussed in depth. And what would be the "most important things" of, say, water? 92) As big as
10Don't know if this is old

11Toa Rhiyo
1QUOTE 2What is the chance, right now of seeing The Crossing in the USA?
4Asking the wrong person, Z. I just wrote it. Any deals as far as publication of the books in the US are going to be handled by the Polish publisher, AMEET, and I am not involved with any of that.
5Something abou the crossing from Greg.
4Asking the wrong person, Z. I just wrote it. Any deals as far as publication of the books in the US are going to be handled by the Polish publisher, AMEET, and I am not involved with any of that.
5Something abou the crossing from Greg.
1Well, AMEET isn't very good at replying back to questions, so it's hard to say. 

1Mostly old stuff.
2Hi again Greg.
31a. There is a debate over at S&T about what happened to the Toa Nuva's masks after the Mata Nui island was shattered. Are the Kanohi Nuva lost in the Great Sea? 4b. If not, were the Suvas moved to Metru Nui? 5c. If so, were the masks destroyed by Rahkshi shortly after Teridax took control?
62. I remember reading a product description of Atakus a while ago which said that his swords are made of a material alien to Bara Magna. Is this true?
73. In Bionicle: The Game and Bionicle Heroes, the Bohrok can shoot disks of energy out of their hands. Can Bohrok actually do this?
8Thank you.
91) No, they took the masks with them to Metru Nui. Leaving them on Mata Nui when they were abandoning the island would have been pretty pointless. And no, Makuta has no reason to destroy the masks because the Toa are no threat to him. 102) Yes 113) No.
1Hey GregF, just two questions. 21. Which Glatorian got elemental powers during/after the events of TLR? I know that Gresh, Ackar, Kiina, Tarix, and Vastus got them, but did Gelu, Strakk, Malum, and Perditus get elemental powers as well? Were there unnamed Glatorian that got elemental powers? 32. Have the names of Graphic Novel 9 and 10 been decided? And if so, could you reveal them? 4Thanks.
51) No. (Seriously, would you give extra powers to Strakk and Malum?) 62) No, they haven't
71. Understandable, but then again, anything can happen in the storyline.So Perditus and Gelu were not given powers?
9Pity. I am not sure I like where this is going.

1Hey Greg, I just have a few questions:
21. About how much more power does a Toa Kaita have over it's respective element? 32. Was the Hero Agori a member of the plauged tribe? 43. Are there Skakdi of other elements besides the main 6? 54. In the Dark Hunters guide, it states that Prototype (the Dark Hunter) was made by using the Spear of Fusion while two Toa were merging their forms. Can two Toa combine to form a more powerful being, like a Toa Kaita? 64b. If they cannot, was one of the Toa using the Mask of Fusion you canonized a while ago? Here is what the power is listed as this on BS01: Forces a temporary fusion with another being.
7Thanks .
91) We've never said it does. The difference with a Kaita is it controls three elements, not just one. 102) No. Plague tribe members are not allowed to live in the villages. 113) It's possible 124) Possible, though we have never shown it in story
13GregF just confirmed two Toa Fusions .
1QUOTE 2I am sorry if this wastes your time, but I though, it would make your work easier:
3Since you have said that if we have fall serials, If we have them at all, also your have said there is not much to tell about the plagued tribe, and their are a lot of members who want a serial about him.
4My suggestion: Make a serial about the plagued tribe, with 3-5 chapters, with 1 or 2 focusing on Sahmad, also 1 or 2 focusing on Telluris, and the final chapter with a meeting between the two, and the background of the plagued tribe.
5With that I even have a start two Sahmad's first chapter: Start it with a vehicle match with Perdictus, and it happens as the same time or right before Mata nui fighting Tuma.
61. Could you consider this?
72. Do you like this idea?
8Again I'm sorry if this wastes your time, as I'm trying to help
9I haven't made a decision on this. Outside of a small number of BZPers, I haven't seen a big fan demand for this. I'm not opposed to doing it, but frankly, neither of these guys has much to do with the overall story. When I did the Makuta blog, he was involved in a lot of major events that happened in the story over time. So it was a different situation.
3Since you have said that if we have fall serials, If we have them at all, also your have said there is not much to tell about the plagued tribe, and their are a lot of members who want a serial about him.
4My suggestion: Make a serial about the plagued tribe, with 3-5 chapters, with 1 or 2 focusing on Sahmad, also 1 or 2 focusing on Telluris, and the final chapter with a meeting between the two, and the background of the plagued tribe.
5With that I even have a start two Sahmad's first chapter: Start it with a vehicle match with Perdictus, and it happens as the same time or right before Mata nui fighting Tuma.
61. Could you consider this?
72. Do you like this idea?
8Again I'm sorry if this wastes your time, as I'm trying to help
9I haven't made a decision on this. Outside of a small number of BZPers, I haven't seen a big fan demand for this. I'm not opposed to doing it, but frankly, neither of these guys has much to do with the overall story. When I did the Makuta blog, he was involved in a lot of major events that happened in the story over time. So it was a different situation.
1Hello Mr. Farshety, I'm new here so these are my very first questions for you:
21) If Mata Nui means "Great Spirit", Metru Nui means "Great City", and Karda Nui means "Great Heart", what do Voya Nui and Mahri Nui mean?
32) The Bone Hunters in The Legend Reborn looking like Atakus is non-canon, right?
43) Are the spinning pins in the movie canon?
54) How many more chapters is there for "Riddle of the Great Beings"?
65a) Have you seen The Legend Reborn, yet?
75b) If so, what are your thoughts about it?
81) I always figured they meant "great voyage" and "great ocean" 92) The bone hunters are related to the rock Agori as a species, so it is not far-fetched some might look similar 103) I don't know what you're referring to, as I haven't seen the movie yet 114) As many as I need there to be 125) Nope
13Should the Voya Nui/Mahri Nui answer be counted as official for BS01?
1We did know about it, but he still hasn't said that those are definitely what they mean.
1Yeah, Voya Nui has pretty much been assumed to be "great voyage" since....well, the first time it was heard. And I remember because that year I kept a notebook with all the new information on 06 as in came in. Ah, naivete....
1Hello Mr. Farshety, I'm new here so these are my very first questions for you:
21) If Mata Nui means "Great Spirit", Metru Nui means "Great City", and Karda Nui means "Great Heart", what do Voya Nui and Mahri Nui mean?
31) I always figured they meant "great voyage" and "great ocean"
4Should the Voya Nui/Mahri Nui answer be counted as official for BS01?
5Here's a quote from Island of Doom (Legends #1):
6"The stars call it Voya Nui," said Turaga Dume. "But they have another name for it as well: 'the daggers of Death.'..." (P. 23)
7Here's a quote off the BS01 Page for Voya Nui:
8It was also referred to as the "Daggers of Death" and the "Island of Doom" in the Matoran Language.
9It always seemed to me that Voya Nui meant "Great Danger". Fitting, no?
11However, BS01 translate "Voya" as "Voyage"...
12Which translation is correct? 13-Z-
1Hello Mr. Farshety, I'm new here so these are my very first questions for you:
21) If Mata Nui means "Great Spirit", Metru Nui means "Great City", and Karda Nui means "Great Heart", what do Voya Nui and Mahri Nui mean?
31) I always figured they meant "great voyage" and "great ocean"
4Should the Voya Nui/Mahri Nui answer be counted as official for BS01?
5Here's a quote from Island of Doom (Legends #1):6"The stars call it Voya Nui," said Turaga Dume. "But they have another name for it as well: 'the daggers of Death.'..." (P. 23)
7Here's a quote off the BS01 Page for Voya Nui:8It was also referred to as the "Daggers of Death" and the "Island of Doom" in the Matoran Language.
9It always seemed to me that Voya Nui meant "Great Danger". Fitting, no?
11However, BS01 translate "Voya" as "Voyage"...
12Which translation is correct? 13-Z-
14I removed Voya from the wiki. I don't recall GregF saying that, yes, that is what it means officially.
11. Does the Red star have any connection with the power the EL's want?
21a. Possibly the beings inside the star?
32. Is obtaining the power the only way to stop the war?
43. Is Angonce the only GB left on Bara Magna?
51) Very indirectly 62) No. You could stop the war by killing or imprisoning all six ELs, for one thing. 73) We don't even know Angonce is on BM, only that he is rumored to be.
1Just some questions on The Legend Reborn, I'm sure most of the stuff is new. It's 29/9, so we're allowed to post TLR spoilers now.
2Hi Greg, 3I saw The Legend Reborn and I have to say it was great. Good job on writing the story for the movie. 4I wanted to know some things that have been bugging me since I saw the movie:
51. In the Tuma vs Mata Nui Battle, it appears that Tuma gets killed as a result of being struck in the back many times by Mata Nui, so my question is this: is Tuma dead?
62. The Skrall and Bone Hunters in the movie seem like they are alot less of a threat than they really are, in the comics and other media they are like deadly enemies that are impossible to defeat on their own, let alone in an army, but in the movie they barely put up a fight and get defeated in a single blow. Is there a reason for this?
73. One more thing, the Skrall and Bone Hunters don't talk at all in the movie, instead they make snarling noises and grunts, in Raid on Vulcanus, it says that the Bone Hunters have a language of their own, so are they speaking in their own language?
91) Do BIONICLE heroes kill? 102) Yes. They see what looks like a giant Glatorian coming at them. They know it can't be a giant Glatorian, so what is it likely to be? How about a mob of baterra? 113) Yes
12BTW, note that you can't post these answers on BZP until 9/29.
131. So, does that mean he is alive?
142. Yes, I understand why they were running away from the giant "Glatorian" made out of Scarabax, but what about the other times when they were easily defeated, for example, when the two elite Skrall that are guarding Metus' Thornatus are ordered to attack Mata Nui, Mata Nui simply charges right through them, pushing them both right out of the way.
15Thanks again.
161) Yes 172) Well, we have also seen Skrall defeated by Vorox ambush. Skrall are champions in the arena, we have never said it is impossible to defeat them anywhere else. Mike Tyson was a great boxer, doesn't mean if you put him in the middle of a battle in Afghanistan he would knock out all the Taliban in 30 seconds.
1Like BillIsDead above me, I have a few questions about TLR to post as well (in spoiler tags, of course):
11Perhaps not as interesting as the above poster's answers, but these were things that were arousing my curiosity and I wanted to post them just the same.
GregF TNTOS 2Hello, Mr. Fashtey. I have recently watched The Legend Reborn (legally, of course) and I have a few questions about it that I wish to have answered:
31) What, exactly, where Metus' motives for betraying the Agori and Glatorian? The movie was unclear about that
42) Did Mata Nui actually kill Tuma or did he just knock him out? On one hand, he looks dead, but on the other, he may have just been knocked out . . .
53) Will we be seeing Metus again in the future? Just a simple yes or no or maybe would satisfy me.
6Thanks for taking time off your busy schedule to answer the questions of BIONICLE fans like me.
81) He figured the Skrall were going to win when there was a war, as there inevitably would be, and he wanted to be on the winning side. 92) BIONICLE heroes don't kill. 103) No plans for that, no
11Perhaps not as interesting as the above poster's answers, but these were things that were arousing my curiosity and I wanted to post them just the same.
1Hi Greg,
2I have a couple quick questions for you, if you don't mind.
31) With the BIONICLE.com story update this morning, we now publicly know of the existence of the secret lab of the Great Beings near Tajun. Is the cavern containing the six elements of Bara Magna part of the laboratory proper? Or something else related to the lab? 41a) Is the Cavern of the Elements where the Element Lords were brought to be created (while still members of the soldier class)? 51b) Is Cavern of the Elements an appropriate name for this location? Or is it officially named something else in the TLR novelization?
62) Is there an official name that you or the story team uses to refer to Mata Nui's Vorox tail-turned blade?
73) With the exception of Iconox and Roxtus, would you say that the villages of Bara Magna are located within other larger-encompassing regions? On BS01, we have Tesara located in the Dunes of Treason, Tajun in the Sea of Liquid Sand, and Vulcanus in the Iron Canyon. Is this correct? Or are those different locations of the Wastelands? 83a)For me the latter doesn't make any sense since we had a Battle of Iron Canyon in the Core War mentioned in BIONICLE: Raid on Vulcanus.
9Thanks so much, as always.
10Triggy 11BS01 Staff
121) It is part of the lab 131a) I don't think so, no. 141b) It's never named in the novel, so Cavern of the Elements is fine 152) Nope, just sword 163) Different locations. Vulcanus is not in Iron Canyon, it borders Iron Canyon, as we know from ROV -- the Skrall go through Iron Canyon to reach Vulcanus. And you can't have a village located in the sea of liquid sand, as that is quicksand and everyone would sink.

1Hello GregF. I just received The Legend Reborn for my birthday, and I had a couple of questions about the beetles forming that giant in the movie.
21) Is that a natural defense?
32) Did they design it after Malum after seeing him in the Wastelands, or was it just the movie makers' idea?
51) Yes 62) That was the moviemakers idea
1Hello GregF. I just received The Legend Reborn for my birthday, and I had a couple of questions about the beetles forming that giant in the movie.
21) Is that a natural defense?
32) Did they design it after Malum after seeing him in the Wastelands, or was it just the movie makers' idea?
51) Yes 62) That was the moviemakers idea
7I guess the movie makers did it to make fans who wanted Malum in the movie happy. At least, that's what I think they wanted to do. Not sure if those fans are really happy.
1Hello GregF. I just received The Legend Reborn for my birthday, and I had a couple of questions about the beetles forming that giant in the movie.
21) Is that a natural defense?
32) Did they design it after Malum after seeing him in the Wastelands, or was it just the movie makers' idea?
51) Yes 62) That was the moviemakers idea
7I guess the movie makers did it to make fans who wanted Malum in the movie happy. At least, that's what I think they wanted to do. Not sure if those fans are really happy.
8I'm happy, can't you tell

9when i heard Malum wasn't in the movie, i was realy considering not buying this (that's a joke)
19So, Tuma has a shield and Thornax. And Perditus will appear in a comic1Hello Greg.
21) Will Perditus appear in the story?
32) Will Telluris appear on anything out The Crossing?
43) In TLR, Tarix had one blade. In the set and comics, he has two blades. Which is canon? I mean, Tarix has one blade or two?
54) Every 2009 set -Except Metus- are post-TLR right? Because Ackar has his changed Flame Sword, Kiina has her changed Vapor Trident, etc.
65) Do the Scarab Shield/Click have one or two eyes? Because in the comic he has one, but in the movie he has two.
76) In story, Tuma has a green Skrall Shield or a Thornax Launcher?
87) Do Glatorians have Mouthplates?
98) Why Bone Hunters were modeled after Atakus and not after Fero in TLR?
10Thanks for your time
111) Yes, in the comic 122) I don't think so, no 133) He could have two, but only have been allowed to use one in the TLR Glatorian fight. 144) Have not seen the movie, so can't comment on this 155) That's because in the original movie script, he had one, so that is what the comic artist drew. 166) He has both. 177) I don't know what you mean 188) Bone hunters are related to the rock Agori species, so some do look like rock Agori, and the Fero model was not fully designed yet at the time they were animating the movie

1Hey GregF, just some questions to ask you. 27. In the movie, it is shown that Tuma was damaged even before the Mata Nui and Tuma battle. How was he damaged? 38. Was Tesara raided during the Mata Nui/Tuma battle? 49. In the movie, the Skrall seemed weak. Was this because the Glatorian became more brave and their skill increased? 5Thanks.
67) Read EOS. 78) Attacked, not raided. The Glatorian held the Skrall off. 89) In the final battle? The Skrall were shaken up because they initially thought the giant Glatorian was an invasion by baterra.
97. Does this mean I have to read future chapters or did he get hurt from the previous chapters? 1010. Is Tuma dead? 1111. Is Metus' Revenge (extended version) canon/official?
127) Read future chapters 1310) No. BIONICLE heroes do not kill. 1411) Have not seen it yet, so cannot comment on it.
1510. Did he escape with the rest of the Skrall? 1611. Where did the Skrall go? 1712. Where was the Rock Tribe (Agori) in this final battle?
1810) He is wandering, yes 1911) Scattered into the mountains, mostly 2012) They were fighting any non-rock Agori who showed up for the battle.
1I have seen the new movie, and it was absoluti great wink.gif great work realy, but i dint understand one thing.. 2After Tuma was defeated by Mata Nui, he was dead? beacause after that he didnt appear again... and why Mata Nui transform Metus into a Snake? If he can still talk, he can still spy the agori, no?
31) No, I don't believe Tuma was killed, he was imprisoned. Mata Nui is not a murderer. 42) Again, because Mata Nui is not a killer. He couldn't just execute Metus cause he felt like it. And who is Metus going to spy for, the Skrall are scattered and on the run.
5Hi ust 3 quick questions...
61- When will be the last 2009 year comic be out? 71a- Will be the travel of Mata Nui and others to the skrall map, rigth? 82-In te beggining of Legend Reborn, when matoran are in computers, is this place karda nui? 93- Aqua Magna have land on the beggining of the movie, when the mask of life is in space, is this the island of Mata Nui broken in pieces?
10Thanks for reading wink.gif
111) November 121a) I can't discuss what the plot will be, only that it will take place after the movie 132) They are in the Mata Nui robot, I don't know specifically where it is supposed to be. I doubt very much it's Karda Nui, since once the energy storm starts, nothing can live in Karda Nui 143) I haven't seen the clip yet, but I do know that there is no other land on AM other than the old island of Mata Nui
31) No, I don't believe Tuma was killed, he was imprisoned. Mata Nui is not a murderer. 42) Again, because Mata Nui is not a killer. He couldn't just execute Metus cause he felt like it. And who is Metus going to spy for, the Skrall are scattered and on the run.
5Hi ust 3 quick questions...
61- When will be the last 2009 year comic be out? 71a- Will be the travel of Mata Nui and others to the skrall map, rigth? 82-In te beggining of Legend Reborn, when matoran are in computers, is this place karda nui? 93- Aqua Magna have land on the beggining of the movie, when the mask of life is in space, is this the island of Mata Nui broken in pieces?
10Thanks for reading wink.gif
111) November 121a) I can't discuss what the plot will be, only that it will take place after the movie 132) They are in the Mata Nui robot, I don't know specifically where it is supposed to be. I doubt very much it's Karda Nui, since once the energy storm starts, nothing can live in Karda Nui 143) I haven't seen the clip yet, but I do know that there is no other land on AM other than the old island of Mata Nui
11. You've stated Mata Nui gives the Glatorian Toa-like powers. He does this by touching their weapons to his mask and returning the weapons. Does this include actual Toa Power or just Elemental Power?
21b. If it's elemental power, does that mean that elemental power can be transferred via an inanimate object, the way Toa Power is transferred through Toa Stones?
32. A while back you explained that for the Ignika to give the Glatorian elemental powers it would need Mata Nui's help. Does Mata Nui's spirit have some inherent power that allows this, or does he just have some sort of knowledge/understanding that allows him to use the Ignika for that special purpose?
43. The BIONICLE.com story update on the secret lab states that the chambers glow with Bara Magna's elements. However, the corridor leading to each in the movie is labeled in Matoran lettering with the element name, and the "jungle" corridor is labeled "Air Element". Did the GBs define their "Air" element by the same environment as jungle, or did you or the movie makers misidentify the elements in the chambers?
54. Also, out of curiosity, Did the GBs define the general personalities/roles of the different Matoran tribes as part of their original programming? (for instance, making Ta-Matoran assertive, or Onu-Matoran organized, or Ko-Matoran scholarly—I know the culture of the Matoran was not anticipated by the GBs, but they could certainly have planned for some type of element-based specialization)
6Thanks in advance. =)
71) Elemental power, and keep in mind what we have seen the mask do before over distance, including the creation of Hydraxon and the transformation of the Inika. 82) Both 93) I had nothing to do with that particular sequence. It was a throwaway in the original script, so it's not something I have answers on. 104) Yes
11I've gotten some useful stuff, and some definitive stuff, but I doubt we'll really see anything that fits both categories until Greg sees the movie for himself. Maybe I should stop sending questions.
1Hi Greg, I had just three questions for now that I was wondering about.
21. In the teaser for The Legend Reborn, when the stinger of the Vorox is broken, it sparks. My question is this: Is the stinger of all Vorox mechanical?
32. In my entry for BS01, I wanted to have the EL of fire confront Vastus. I described him as towering a foot over Vastus, with armor that appeared to be on fire, and also had him carrying a whip. Would this be an acceptable description?
43. In Raid on Vulcanus, it talks about Rock Dragons and Sun-Rock Dragons, and in the first comic, Tuma mentions the Sand Dragon. Are they all related with each being a sub-species of a separate one, like how different varieties of sharks are related? If so, is there a name for their group, like Desert Dragons or something like that?
5Thanks Greg.6~AW
71) Good question. Let me check on what we have in the story bible on that. 82) His armor would make him look like he was literally MADE of fire. Beyond that, it's fine 93) Yes, they are, and I haven't named the group
10Thanks for the replies, Greg, just a follow up and some other questions 111. Have you checked what it says yet? (Not trying to be pushy, just curious)
12The Legend Reborn 131. Exactly how did Mata Nui grant the Glatorian elemental powers? Did the mask use its power to manipulate their weapons to let them channel their powers? 141a. If so, does this mean that all Glatorian have elemental powers, they just need specific tools to let them channel it? 152. In the Mata Nui vs. Tuma fight, it doesn't really make Tuma's fate clear. Is he dead, or just rendered unconscious? 163. Exactly what is the sparking in Tuma's armor? Kiina states it to be a weak spot in his armor, but why is it sparking? Is it just to make it more noticeable?
17Thanks Greg, that's all I got for now.18~AW
191) I'm really busy just now, AW 201) I don't believe in answering "how exactly" questions. This is a science fantasy story, it's not necessary for every last thing to be explained. 211a) Only the ones he gave elemental powers to. The others do not have them. 222) Unconscious. BIONICLE heroes don't kill. 233) Haven't seen the movie, so can't comment on it, but could well be a mechanical implant.
24Thanks Greg.251. Ah, I see.
261a. So the only ones that have elemental powers are Kiina, Vastus, Tarix, Ackar, and Gresh? 272. I was wondering about that. 283. Thanks.
29New: 304. Is the match between Tarix and Vastus over anything in particular, or was Metus using it to get the Agori away from Tajun so that the Skrall and Bone Hunters could attack?
31Thanks for all you do Greg.![]()
331a) There wasn't any mention in the script of Vastus and Tarix being given powers, so if that happens in the movie, I would have to see it myself before I could comment. 344) All matches are about something in particular, usually a resource in dispute or something like that. Glatorian do sometimes fight exhibitions before the tournament in Atero, but the tournament is already past when the movie takes place.
1A couple questions Greg- 2"Where does Telluris appear? 3Also, were the western ruins near the training arena that Gresh and Berix went to? 4Thanks."
5"1) In The Crossing 62) No"
7Here's a couple questions.
8Here's some more- 9"Hi Greg just a couple questions about The Legend Reborn- 10"1. In the Secret Lab, Kiina says it is full of the elements that were once plentiful on Bara Magna, might this have included the Plague Tribe's element? 112. When in the movie does Challenge of Mata-Nui young reader take place?Other- 123. Do you know how many chapters Riddle of the Great Beings will have? 13Thank you."
141) I believe there were only six chambers there. 152) Which one was that? 163) Nope"
17No real spoilers.
5"1) In The Crossing 62) No"
7Here's a couple questions.
8Here's some more- 9"Hi Greg just a couple questions about The Legend Reborn- 10"1. In the Secret Lab, Kiina says it is full of the elements that were once plentiful on Bara Magna, might this have included the Plague Tribe's element? 112. When in the movie does Challenge of Mata-Nui young reader take place?Other- 123. Do you know how many chapters Riddle of the Great Beings will have? 13Thank you."
141) I believe there were only six chambers there. 152) Which one was that? 163) Nope"
17No real spoilers.
1Hey GregF, just some questions to ask you. 27. In the movie, it is shown that Tuma was damaged even before the Mata Nui and Tuma battle. How was he damaged? 38. Was Tesara raided during the Mata Nui/Tuma battle? 49. In the movie, the Skrall seemed weak. Was this because the Glatorian became more brave and their skill increased? 5Thanks.
67) Read EOS. 78) Attacked, not raided. The Glatorian held the Skrall off. 89) In the final battle? The Skrall were shaken up because they initially thought the giant Glatorian was an invasion by baterra.
97. Does this mean I have to read future chapters or did he get hurt from the previous chapters? 1010. Is Tuma dead? 1111. Is Metus' Revenge (extended version) canon/official?
127) Read future chapters 1310) No. BIONICLE heroes do not kill. 1411) Have not seen it yet, so cannot comment on it.
1510. Did he escape with the rest of the Skrall? 1611. Where did the Skrall go? 1712. Where was the Rock Tribe (Agori) in this final battle?
1810) He is wandering, yes 1911) Scattered into the mountains, mostly 2012) They were fighting any non-rock Agori who showed up for the battle.
21Hmm. So that covers where the reinforcements that came were during the battle at Roxtus and where the Rock Agori were. Anyone else seeing this as an epic clash between Atakus leading his forces and Raanu leading his, in a total all-out brawl? I feel the need for a short story coming on.
1QUOTEHello Mr GregI have one quick questionYou told a member that the matoran had no idea they were inside Mata-Nui before Teridax told them. So how did Teridax know that Mata-Nui was a forty million feet tall robot.Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule too answer this question.-Malum285
2Two answers to this -- one, Makuta was in possession of the body when he told them, so of course he would know what his body looked like. But the real answer is, Mutran found out from Tren Krom, who had to know (since he was running the universe only until work on the robot was completed and Mata Nui was brought online) and Mutran told Teridax. ENDQUOTE
3Now why didn't Mutran think of taking Mata-Nui over
2Two answers to this -- one, Makuta was in possession of the body when he told them, so of course he would know what his body looked like. But the real answer is, Mutran found out from Tren Krom, who had to know (since he was running the universe only until work on the robot was completed and Mata Nui was brought online) and Mutran told Teridax. ENDQUOTE
3Now why didn't Mutran think of taking Mata-Nui over
11. Does the Red star have any connection with the power the EL's want?
21) Very indirectly
48) Why Bone Hunters were modeled after Atakus and not after Fero in TLR?
58) Bone hunters are related to the rock Agori species, so some do look like rock Agori, and the Fero model was not fully designed yet at the time they were animating the movie
7These are new
21) Very indirectly
48) Why Bone Hunters were modeled after Atakus and not after Fero in TLR?
58) Bone hunters are related to the rock Agori species, so some do look like rock Agori, and the Fero model was not fully designed yet at the time they were animating the movie
7These are new