1Hello Mr. Farshtey,
2While I was very sad about hearing that BIONICLE is ending - it's been a part of my life since I was 10, and throughout some very testing times in my life it's been the one constant that's always been there for me and kept me going - I was delighted to hear that you intend to keep the story going until at least the end of 2011. I've always loved your writing and the story so I have no concerns about it, but I do have one question...
3With the release of the final comic next year, I appreciate that for a lot of BIONICLE's audience, that will be the definite end of the storyline, although for the "hardcore" fans who are more actively involved in the fandom like BZPower, you will be continuing the storyline online. My question is, have you therefore written Comic 7, or Journey's End, to act as a grand finale to the BIONICLE story as a whole, even if the story is going to continue beyond it? I'm just wondering if, in the future when I'm re-reading through the BIONICLE story, it will feel as if the story proper ended in 2010, and was then followed by a "sequel", or if the final comic isn't going to feel like a grand finale and just lead seamlessly into the start of whatever medium you use to continue the story.
4I'm sorry if this question is poorly-worded or confusing - I guess I'm just asking, have you written the final comic/book as a finale for the more "casual" fans, or will it be as open-ended as any other BIONICLE comic/book?
5Thanks for your time, and keep up the amazing work.
7I think that someone who just cares about the final fate of Spherus Magna can read comic 7, not read anything else again, and feel like he/she knows what happened to those characters. At the same time, people who want to continue the story will be able to see how it could go on, since we now have a new world to explore.
8This is a bit of an unusual question, but I was intrigued as to how the "final" comic and book would be handled, given that the story is still going to continue until 2011.
9ZOMG . So im guessing that Teridax will come to his senses and help Mata Nui put Spherus Magna back together . So in the future we will be on Spherus Magna? .? .? That will be so awesome .

1Hey Greg 2As you may remember, when TLR first came out you where bombarded with questions regarding if Gelu or Perditus had gotten elemental power. Mata nui, during the time he stayed with the agori and the glatorian, never actually had the time to meet them, considering that after the events of the movie he left to the Valley of the Maze. Now, in theb latest comic, we can see he returned safely to the mega-city, where the aformentioned Gelu and Perditus where residing, the comic later implies that Mata Nui said his good-byes to friends and villagers. 3So, my question is: 4Did Mata Nui grant elemental powers to Gelu and/or Perditus when he returned? 5Please? It would make many people happy, considering we don't have Ice-powered glatorian.
6Thank you 7Mosqueton
8Let me think about it. I have to decide if it makes sense that he would take the time to do that, given the imminent threat to the planet.
9Thanks, I have some backup to why he could of done it: 10Mata Nui knows Makuta and his body, therefore he knows Teridax is not going to destroy the planet, but to try and take control of it, so it would make sense he gave power to the glatorians in case he failed to either defeat Terry, or was unable to take control of the prototype, see it like this, If you know that a whole planet depends on you, and you know you don't have much of a chance against the threat, you'll at least give the villagers something to protct themselves.
11Thanks again 12Mosquueton
13Except that an elementally powered Glatorian will last all of four seconds against Teridax in MN'd old body.
14Still, Mata Nui could give them something to defend themselves against the hordes of Rahkshi and Visorak that come out of Terry's body while he fights him.
15That's true, he could, but there is no indication that he did. He knew Makuta was coming, he had no way of knowing he would be unleashing Rahkshi on the planet. All he really needs to do is beat Mata Nui, there is really no good reason for him to target the Glatorian.
16Just as Count Dooku predicted . 17EDIT: This makes Cathexis' argument nule.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey,
2While I was very sad about hearing that BIONICLE is ending - it's been a part of my life since I was 10, and throughout some very testing times in my life it's been the one constant that's always been there for me and kept me going - I was delighted to hear that you intend to keep the story going until at least the end of 2011. I've always loved your writing and the story so I have no concerns about it, but I do have one question...
3With the release of the final comic next year, I appreciate that for a lot of BIONICLE's audience, that will be the definite end of the storyline, although for the "hardcore" fans who are more actively involved in the fandom like BZPower, you will be continuing the storyline online. My question is, have you therefore written Comic 7, or Journey's End, to act as a grand finale to the BIONICLE story as a whole, even if the story is going to continue beyond it? I'm just wondering if, in the future when I'm re-reading through the BIONICLE story, it will feel as if the story proper ended in 2010, and was then followed by a "sequel", or if the final comic isn't going to feel like a grand finale and just lead seamlessly into the start of whatever medium you use to continue the story.
4I'm sorry if this question is poorly-worded or confusing - I guess I'm just asking, have you written the final comic/book as a finale for the more "casual" fans, or will it be as open-ended as any other BIONICLE comic/book?
5Thanks for your time, and keep up the amazing work.
7I think that someone who just cares about the final fate of Spherus Magna can read comic 7, not read anything else again, and feel like he/she knows what happened to those characters. At the same time, people who want to continue the story will be able to see how it could go on, since we now have a new world to explore.
8This is a bit of an unusual question, but I was intrigued as to how the "final" comic and book would be handled, given that the story is still going to continue until 2011.
9ZOMG . So im guessing that Teridax will come to his senses and help Mata Nui put Spherus Magna back together . So in the future we will be on Spherus Magna? .? .? That will be so awesome .![]()
10But we've been on spherus Magna the whole time. We were in Aqua Magna from 2001-2008 (ALthough it's speaking technically. The MU was sunk at that time.) and we've been in Bara Magna from 2009-2010. The only thing we haven't covered is Bota Magna, and we're doing that in 2010. The only dfference would be that it'll be put together.
1Hi Greg. I just had a small question.
2Journey's End will be serialized, that means that the chapters will be released like the Serials from 2007-2009?
3Like, One chapter a time? Or will it be released like The Kingdom, full version?
4The last I heard was that it will be one chapter a week from mid-February to April. It's 12 chapters in total
5I believe this is new.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey, 2I was just wondering, did the GBs base the prototype robot off the Skrall? The robot is very slim, just like the skrall, and the face is very similar to the skralls. Here's a pic to show you what i mean. 3Thanks, and Happy Holidays .![]()
4Only reason it looks similar to a Skrall, if it does, is that that is how Pop chose to draw it. The robot is not based off a Skrall.
1I never noticed it looked like a skrall till you pointed it out. Thats pretty cool though.
1QUOTE 21) just some confushon way does gresh have control of air rather then plant life? 32) can a Kaita be formed by a air Toa, a fire Toa, and a sonic Toa? 43) how many Matoren died in the great war? 54) who is the Makuta of Xia? can it be Tridax?
85) what I ment is way are there no great Mahiki, Huna, Komau, Rau, Ruru, and Matatu on Mata Nui? 96) what is the diferents beteen chan lightning and electrisity? 107) did the rest of the toa mata devalve like Tahu? 118) how do the piraka carry there zamor amo
121) Because he was given his power by Mata Nui, and Mata Nui identifies green armor with air 132) Yes 143) What war are you referring to? 154) I really am not worrying about this right now -- I believe BS01 is going to be doing something toward determining this. Since they are all dead, I am not spending time on who ran what 165) Because no Great versions of those masks were brought to Mata Nui by the Toa Metru 176) I would suggest you look up chain lightning on the web for its definition. We have no Toa of Electricity, we have Toa of Lightning in story. 187) No 198) We don't worry about it, it's enough that they do
6Q)why are the Hau, Miru, Kakama, Pakari, Kaukau, and Akaku that are colected on mata nui by the toa mata great and the Mahiki, Huna, Komau, Rau, Ruru, and Matatu noble?
7A) Because that is how they were made. Some masks are Great Masks, some masks are Noble Masks, depending on the power level of the disk used to create them
85) what I ment is way are there no great Mahiki, Huna, Komau, Rau, Ruru, and Matatu on Mata Nui? 96) what is the diferents beteen chan lightning and electrisity? 107) did the rest of the toa mata devalve like Tahu? 118) how do the piraka carry there zamor amo
121) Because he was given his power by Mata Nui, and Mata Nui identifies green armor with air 132) Yes 143) What war are you referring to? 154) I really am not worrying about this right now -- I believe BS01 is going to be doing something toward determining this. Since they are all dead, I am not spending time on who ran what 165) Because no Great versions of those masks were brought to Mata Nui by the Toa Metru 176) I would suggest you look up chain lightning on the web for its definition. We have no Toa of Electricity, we have Toa of Lightning in story. 187) No 198) We don't worry about it, it's enough that they do
1With the new comic out and a few answers in the OGD, I think I have put together a good theory about the golden armor.
2We now know that Mata Nui and Makuta's destinies are to heal Spherus Magna, and that Makuta was meant to use the Prototype robot, not Mata Nui.
31) Since it was Makuta's destiny to help Mata Nui reunite Spherus Magna, then the GBs intended for Makuta to put Mata Nui to sleep, for Mata Nui to die, for Mata Nui to be resurrected, and for Makuta to take over, right? 42) This means the prototype robot wasn't really a prototype, was it? The GBs should have at least been a bit more practical.
51) Nope. It is possible to achieve your destiny by multiple paths. In this case, Makuta did what he was supposed to do, but went about it in the wrong way. 62) Yes, it was. The second robot was never intended for use by Mata Nui.
7we also know that the Great Beings designed and intended the use of the Golden Armor with the leader of the Toa Mata (Tahu) in mind.
810.) Is Tahu's destiny to use the Golden Armour, or is it simply part of what he believes is duty?
910) Tahu's destiny was to awaken Mata Nui, but the golden armor was originally designed with the leader of the Toa Mata in mind
10so, my theory is that the Golden armor gives Tahu the ability to push Makuta's spirit out of the MU, and temporarily take it over to help Mata Nui pull SM together.
11THE EVIDENCE . . . . .
121) Mata Nui needs 2, count 'em, TWO Robots to pull together SM
132) The Great Beings created BOTH Robots, Mata Nui's Spirit, the parts for the Toa Mata (including Tahu), and designed the Golden Armor with Tahu MATA in mind
143) The Great Beings also created the Mask of Life in the Vally of the Maze, where the power source for the Prototype Bot was kept.
15so, when the GBs realized that SM was shattering, they remembered their old robot, made another one with a mind and universe of its own, and sent him out to gater info from across the Universe, possibly knowing the makuta would go rogue, and made a failsafe, the Toa Mata and the Golden Armor, so that Tahu could take over one of the robots if necessary.
16Please tell me if i'm at least in the ballpark with this??? thanks
17Nope, sorry, not the case.
18Crushed by the Man himself...

1Hello Mr. Farshtey, 2I was just wondering, did the GBs base the prototype robot off the Skrall? The robot is very slim, just like the skrall, and the face is very similar to the skralls. Here's a pic to show you what i mean. 3Thanks, and Happy Holidays .![]()
4Only reason it looks similar to a Skrall, if it does, is that that is how Pop chose to draw it. The robot is not based off a Skrall.
5maybe the skrall based their armor/helmet off thr prototype robot
1Greg doesn't read this topic, you have to PM him.
1Hey Greg 2As you may remember, when TLR first came out you where bombarded with questions regarding if Gelu or Perditus had gotten elemental power. Mata nui, during the time he stayed with the agori and the glatorian, never actually had the time to meet them, considering that after the events of the movie he left to the Valley of the Maze. Now, in theb latest comic, we can see he returned safely to the mega-city, where the aformentioned Gelu and Perditus where residing, the comic later implies that Mata Nui said his good-byes to friends and villagers. 3So, my question is: 4Did Mata Nui grant elemental powers to Gelu and/or Perditus when he returned? 5Please? It would make many people happy, considering we don't have Ice-powered glatorian.
6Thank you 7Mosqueton
8Let me think about it. I have to decide if it makes sense that he would take the time to do that, given the imminent threat to the planet.
9Thanks, I have some backup to why he could of done it: 10Mata Nui knows Makuta and his body, therefore he knows Teridax is not going to destroy the planet, but to try and take control of it, so it would make sense he gave power to the glatorians in case he failed to either defeat Terry, or was unable to take control of the prototype, see it like this, If you know that a whole planet depends on you, and you know you don't have much of a chance against the threat, you'll at least give the villagers something to protct themselves.
11Thanks again 12Mosquueton
13Except that an elementally powered Glatorian will last all of four seconds against Teridax in MN'd old body.
14Still, Mata Nui could give them something to defend themselves against the hordes of Rahkshi and Visorak that come out of Terry's body while he fights him.
15That's true, he could, but there is no indication that he did. He knew Makuta was coming, he had no way of knowing he would be unleashing Rahkshi on the planet. All he really needs to do is beat Mata Nui, there is really no good reason for him to target the Glatorian.
16Just as Count Dooku predicted . 17EDIT: This makes Cathexis' argument nule.
18I just wanted to point out that in the picture here of the Glatorian fighting the Rahkshi, Gelu is in the fight and his weapon seems to be powered up. So you could use that as a point with Greg for trying to figure out if Mata Nui did give him elemental powers or not.
1You mean the fact that it's glowing? It's always been portrayed like that -- it was glowing when he fought off a Skrall patrol before Mata Nui showed up on the planet.
1I'm aware, but in this context it wouldn't hurt to point that out to Greg to see what he says.
1Hey Greg 2As you may remember, when TLR first came out you where bombarded with questions regarding if Gelu or Perditus had gotten elemental power. Mata nui, during the time he stayed with the agori and the glatorian, never actually had the time to meet them, considering that after the events of the movie he left to the Valley of the Maze. Now, in theb latest comic, we can see he returned safely to the mega-city, where the aformentioned Gelu and Perditus where residing, the comic later implies that Mata Nui said his good-byes to friends and villagers. 3So, my question is: 4Did Mata Nui grant elemental powers to Gelu and/or Perditus when he returned? 5Please? It would make many people happy, considering we don't have Ice-powered glatorian.
6Thank you 7Mosqueton
8Let me think about it. I have to decide if it makes sense that he would take the time to do that, given the imminent threat to the planet.
9Thanks, I have some backup to why he could of done it: 10Mata Nui knows Makuta and his body, therefore he knows Teridax is not going to destroy the planet, but to try and take control of it, so it would make sense he gave power to the glatorians in case he failed to either defeat Terry, or was unable to take control of the prototype, see it like this, If you know that a whole planet depends on you, and you know you don't have much of a chance against the threat, you'll at least give the villagers something to protct themselves.
11Thanks again 12Mosquueton
13Except that an elementally powered Glatorian will last all of four seconds against Teridax in MN'd old body.
14Still, Mata Nui could give them something to defend themselves against the hordes of Rahkshi and Visorak that come out of Terry's body while he fights him.
15That's true, he could, but there is no indication that he did. He knew Makuta was coming, he had no way of knowing he would be unleashing Rahkshi on the planet. All he really needs to do is beat Mata Nui, there is really no good reason for him to target the Glatorian.
16Just as Count Dooku predicted . 17EDIT: This makes Cathexis' argument nule.
18I just wanted to point out that in the picture here of the Glatorian fighting the Rahkshi, Gelu is in the fight and his weapon seems to be powered up. So you could use that as a point with Greg for trying to figure out if Mata Nui did give him elemental powers or not.
20Whoever's conversation this is with Greg should point out that it's safe to assume that if Teridax is attacking somewhere, he WILL bring his rakshi... So Mata Nui could have seen it coming.... 21Also, the visorak are dead.

1Except that Terry kinda remade the Visorak. 

1Hey Greg 2As you may remember, when TLR first came out you where bombarded with questions regarding if Gelu or Perditus had gotten elemental power. Mata nui, during the time he stayed with the agori and the glatorian, never actually had the time to meet them, considering that after the events of the movie he left to the Valley of the Maze. Now, in theb latest comic, we can see he returned safely to the mega-city, where the aformentioned Gelu and Perditus where residing, the comic later implies that Mata Nui said his good-byes to friends and villagers. 3So, my question is: 4Did Mata Nui grant elemental powers to Gelu and/or Perditus when he returned? 5Please? It would make many people happy, considering we don't have Ice-powered glatorian.
6Thank you 7Mosqueton
8Let me think about it. I have to decide if it makes sense that he would take the time to do that, given the imminent threat to the planet.
9Thanks, I have some backup to why he could of done it: 10Mata Nui knows Makuta and his body, therefore he knows Teridax is not going to destroy the planet, but to try and take control of it, so it would make sense he gave power to the glatorians in case he failed to either defeat Terry, or was unable to take control of the prototype, see it like this, If you know that a whole planet depends on you, and you know you don't have much of a chance against the threat, you'll at least give the villagers something to protct themselves.
11Thanks again 12Mosquueton
13Except that an elementally powered Glatorian will last all of four seconds against Teridax in MN'd old body.
14Still, Mata Nui could give them something to defend themselves against the hordes of Rahkshi and Visorak that come out of Terry's body while he fights him.
15That's true, he could, but there is no indication that he did. He knew Makuta was coming, he had no way of knowing he would be unleashing Rahkshi on the planet. All he really needs to do is beat Mata Nui, there is really no good reason for him to target the Glatorian.
16Just as Count Dooku predicted . 17EDIT: This makes Cathexis' argument nule.
18I just wanted to point out that in the picture here of the Glatorian fighting the Rahkshi, Gelu is in the fight and his weapon seems to be powered up. So you could use that as a point with Greg for trying to figure out if Mata Nui did give him elemental powers or not.
20Whoever's conversation this is with Greg should point out that it's safe to assume that if Teridax is attacking somewhere, he WILL bring his rakshi... So Mata Nui could have seen it coming.... 21Also, the visorak are dead.![]()
22Terry brought the hordes back...
11. If a nynrah ghost blaster hit the mata nui robot, a giant robot would be under the user's control, correct?
2thank you very much for answering.
31. Depends. We don't know the area of effect of a Nynrah blaster. It's like saying, "If I hit a car with a bazooka, it blows to pieces, but if I hit a baseball stadium, I may just damage it." I think it's unlikely that one hand-held blaster is going to affect a 40 million foot tall machine the same way it affects a six foot tall machine. You would probably need Nynrah ghost heavy artillery.
4I thought
yoda 5size matters not
11. If a nynrah ghost blaster hit the mata nui robot, a giant robot would be under the user's control, correct?
2thank you very much for answering.
31. Depends. We don't know the area of effect of a Nynrah blaster. It's like saying, "If I hit a car with a bazooka, it blows to pieces, but if I hit a baseball stadium, I may just damage it." I think it's unlikely that one hand-held blaster is going to affect a 40 million foot tall machine the same way it affects a six foot tall machine. You would probably need Nynrah ghost heavy artillery.
4I thoughtyoda 5size matters not
6Yeesh. Think if the Nynrah Ghosts found the hatch and brought heavy weaponry. The rest of 2010 would be like Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots.

1I could imagine a giant Nynrah Ghost Blaster.
1Pretty cool info:
22I'm VERY pleased with #6. Um, I'm not sure if #5 is new? (I hope it is
.) Also #7 y 8 , I'm very happy to know we will see these guys .
21) Is/was there an Element Lord of Iron? 32) Can you tell us know what those tubes in Tarix and Berix are? 43) Once Tahu gets devolved into a Toa Mata, will his Hau Nuva return being a normal Hau? 54) Is "Bionicle" an actual word in Matoran? 64a) If so, what does it mean? 75) The Skrall look different this year (green), because after the Battle of Roxtus, they had to change their armour due to their original armour being damaged in battle... am I correct or nowhere near? 86) You said Journey's End will be serialized in the US, but does that mean it will be available in bionicle.com for anyone, or one will have to pay for it in another site in order to read it? 97) If GN #10 gets published, will we see Element Lords in it? 108) Same question, but for baterra (because I recall somewhere that you said we would see baterra in some sort of comic book). 119) Where is Tarduk now?
121) Don't think so. 132) Nope 143) Yes. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to use it 154) Must be, because we have heard Vakama talk about "the way of the BIONICLE" 164a) Hard to say, based on the context. We know that it comes from biological chronicle, but the way he uses the word makes it almost sound like a philosophy 175) Yes 186) No, you will not have pay to read it. 197) ELs will actually appear in GN 8, I believe, which definitely is coming out 208) Also GN 8 219) On his way to the Great Volcano
22I'm VERY pleased with #6. Um, I'm not sure if #5 is new? (I hope it is

1YES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We're going to the EL's and Baterra
11. If a nynrah ghost blaster hit the mata nui robot, a giant robot would be under the user's control, correct?
2thank you very much for answering.
31. Depends. We don't know the area of effect of a Nynrah blaster. It's like saying, "If I hit a car with a bazooka, it blows to pieces, but if I hit a baseball stadium, I may just damage it." I think it's unlikely that one hand-held blaster is going to affect a 40 million foot tall machine the same way it affects a six foot tall machine. You would probably need Nynrah ghost heavy artillery.
4I thoughtyoda 5size matters not
6Mata Nui in the prototype body should invest in some Nynrah Ghost Nukes
1Hello Mr Farshtey. Just some quick question...
21) It's not revealed how Takanuva got his twin Staffs of Light. I was thinking, since the last location he was revealed to be on in the MU was Destral, in search of the teleporter, would it be possible to say that he got the Staffs from some of the perished Shadow Takanuvas kept by Makuta Tridax in Destral?
31a) If yes to 1, then is there any possible way to explain why Takanuva would prefer Staffs of Light over the more powerful Power Lance? (storyline-wise)
42) While were on that, is it possible that Takanuva reached the foot of the giant robot via the Destral teleporter?
5Thanks in advance.
61) Not revealed yet, that's all -- I still have time to get into it 72) No
8No shortcuts there...
1Then I wonder how he does get there....
1Hey, Greg I have two questions. One is more clarification and the other is something I was wondering if you'd be willing to include in the story.
21) You have referred to the Matoran Universe inhabitants as being "nanotech", yet this doesn't seem to be the right term. From the few appearances that we have seen of them, the creators of the Matoran Universe inhabitants are roughly the same size as they are and from what you have said have a set form. So when the Great Beings made their creations, they wouldn't have been creating nanotech, they'd just be making creations. It's not that the Matoran Universe inhabitants are on a nano scale, it's just that the Matoran Universe and Mata Nui were huge and massive.Were you just using the word to help explain the concept of size and scale in this regard, or do you have another view on the matter?
32) In the story, would you consider having a single being with two conflicting destinies? As in when the being was created, it's creator for some wacked out reason gave the being the two paths it could follow, creating a conflict for the character to choose which to follow. I personally think it'd make for really interesting story having a being with two ultimate purposes and only being able to fulfill one. What are your thoughts on that idea in general?
4Thanks .
51) My view of nanotech is little devices that operate inside a much larger thing. Hence the application of the term to the MU inhabitants who are far smaller than Mata Nui is. 62) I think that would get very confusing, particularly since the odds are that the character would not know what either one of his destinies was. It's exceedingly rare that one ever learns that.
71) So say in our world we make robots slightly larger than humans and we put them in an even larger robot, you would consider them to be nanotech event though they're bigger than us and not on a molecular/atomic scale?
82) Ah, would you consider using it as a plot point if you came across an opportunity to present it in an easy to understand fashion?
9Thanks for taking your time, these questions are a tad longer than I usually like to make them.
101) Yup 112) No, not really, because it doesn't really make sense that Mata Nui is going to create someone and give them two destinies. Why would he do that?
12I disagree with him, but I'll let it be.

1Hi Greg Farshtey . First I want to wich you Merry Christmas . But now to the questions (excuse my bad english, I´m still learning): 21.How can a Spikit have one mind if it has two heads? 32.Is Lesovikk going to appear in near future? 42b.Or Hydraxon? 53.Why is Hewkiis armor as a Toa yellow not brown? 64.Does your wife support your love of BIONICLE? 75.How are you?
81) The two brains work in concert with each other 92) Don't know 102b) Don't know 113) Because that is what the set designers chose to give him, since brown sets don't sell. 124) My wife supports all my interests. 135) A little tired and getting ready to go to the mall.
141.Cool. I think that´s new. 152.OK. 162b.OK. 173.Why does brown not sell well? 184.That´s great. 195.I don´t know what to say.
20I just noticed I spelled "wish" wrong XD.
1Hi Greg Farshtey . First I want to wich you Merry Christmas . But now to the questions (excuse my bad english, I´m still learning): 21.How can a Spikit have one mind if it has two heads? 32.Is Lesovikk going to appear in near future? 42b.Or Hydraxon? 53.Why is Hewkiis armor as a Toa yellow not brown? 64.Does your wife support your love of BIONICLE? 75.How are you?
81) The two brains work in concert with each other 92) Don't know 102b) Don't know 113) Because that is what the set designers chose to give him, since brown sets don't sell. 124) My wife supports all my interests. 135) A little tired and getting ready to go to the mall.
141.Cool. I think that´s new. 152.OK. 162b.OK. 173.Why does brown not sell well? 184.That´s great. 195.I don´t know what to say.
20I just noticed I spelled "wish" wrong XD.
218 yr old kids prefer the brighter, more interesting colours such as blue or red. Brown isn't exactly an 'epic' colour is it?
1Hi Greg,
2In Comic 6, a panel featuring a control console is labeled "Inside the Mata Nui Robot..." Is this the prototype robot Mata Nui is controlling, or the Matoran Universe robot? Here is the comic page for reference:
4Thanks so much.
5Triggy 6BS01 Staff
7It's the prototype .. we don't refer to the one Makuta has as the Mata Nui robot at this point, since it is too confusing with Mata Nui no longer in control of it.
8Aha . I was right, ET.

1Lol, I'll admit, I got confused by that one too. I thought that one of them actually was the Core Processer (but I thought that we had gotten them mixed up >>). Ah well, confusion cleared.
24A fairly satisfactory PM overall. A shame about the Visorak's Gate, but I guess I shouldn't have expected much, it was a long time ago.
3Hey Greg. Had a few clarifier questions about 2010 and the sets, given the new comic and all.
41. Skrall can have differing secondary colors, yes? 51a. Are the Skrall that attacked the Glatorian in the latest comic just a group of Skrall with a different secondary color? 62. Does Gresh have entirely new weapons, or merely his old ones coated in exsidian? 72a. If the former, is it the same type of weapon (like how Malum possessed a sword of a similar design to Ackar's)? 83. Teridax can still make Kraata with his antidermis, yes? 93a. What sort of effect does this have on his ability to control the universe? 104. Even though the prototype robot was originally built just for the sake of building it, was it later incorporated into the GB's plan for repairing Spherus Magna? 115. Is the Red Star now orbiting Bara Magna, or did it simply go back to traveling around Aqua Magna? 126. Will Nektann's vision power and other power be revealed at any point?
137. There was an exclusive playset a few years back, entitled "Visorak's Gate". Another exclusive playset the next year called "Race for the Mask of Life" was revealed to be non-canon, but I don't remember what the verdict was on Visorak's Gate. Was it canon?
14Thanks in advance if you can answer any of these.
151) Yes 161a) Yes 172) I haven't taken a close look at the set lately, so can't speak to this one 183) Yes 193a) None, at this point 204) No. It exploded, you really can't incorporate it into a plan. 215) Bara Magna. 226) Don't know at this point 237) I don't remember either, that was four years ago.
24A fairly satisfactory PM overall. A shame about the Visorak's Gate, but I guess I shouldn't have expected much, it was a long time ago.
1Hello Mr.Frashety thank you for reading my questions I really appreciate it. This is my first question to you so here goes:
21. Will the two dead glatorian mentioned in dwellers in darkness residing in Mata nui's head play a larger role soon? 32. Did they voluntarily enter the robot?
4Thank you for your time
51) Hard for them to play a large role when they're dead. 62) Yes
7Well I wonder what Insentive they had to enter the robot...