1I don't know if this has been posted before so don't yell at me.
2This was just something I had thought about after reading the comic.

3Hello Mr.Farshety, I have a few questions about Click and the Ignika because of the events in the latest comic.
4What happened to them?
5Did Click simply not go with Mata Nui as he went inside the giant robot?
6And did the Ignika just become a power source for the robot?
7Thank you for taking your time out of your schedule to answer these questions .![]()
9Click departs when Mata Nui prepares to activate the robot, because MN feels it will be too dangerous for him to stay. The Ignika is not a power source for the robot, but it is inside the robot, since MN was inside when he took it off. The power source is the box MN returns to the city with.
1Ahh... Severed heads and animal cruelty

2In a pm revently, you said that a Spikit's brains function in concert with each other. This gave me this question.
3If a Spikit got one of it's heads chopped off, and then the wound was instantly caturized, would it still be able to function, or would it die, go brain dead, or something of the sort.
4I think there would be a period of adjustment for it, but eventually it would be close to normal as the functions of Brain B got taken over by Brain A.
1Here's some info on the Adaptive Armour
2Hi GregF
3Just wanted to ask some things about Tahu's Adaptive Armour
41)Is it still functional?
52)If it is then how can it help Tahu in the desert?
6Just a suggestion for question 2, could we say that his armour draws in moisture from the air to keep it's wearer going in the desert? Just a suggestion.
7Anyway thanks .
91) Yes 102) Would have to involve some sort of cooling system
11) I'm curious, did Ancient have any benevolent motivations for being in the OoMN, or was it just because they paid him a higher price than the Shadowed One paid him?
22) I've been thinking about the differing secondary Skrall colors and I was wondering if it would make sense if these colors indicated which Leader Class Skrall the particular soldiers formerly served under. For example, the lime green Skrall would have originally served in Tuma's legion.
33) Lastly, do you know of any plans to release the Mata Nui's Guide through Shop@Home, like they did with the Makuta's Guide?
41) Ancient was pretty much a mercenary, he worked for whoever paid him 52) It's a nice idea, but I don't think there is evidence that Skrall from other legions were part of the group Tuma took south. The other legions were by and large wiped out by the baterra. 63) My understanding is that Papercutz will be publishing a smaller, soft-cover version of the book in 2010
22) I've been thinking about the differing secondary Skrall colors and I was wondering if it would make sense if these colors indicated which Leader Class Skrall the particular soldiers formerly served under. For example, the lime green Skrall would have originally served in Tuma's legion.
33) Lastly, do you know of any plans to release the Mata Nui's Guide through Shop@Home, like they did with the Makuta's Guide?
41) Ancient was pretty much a mercenary, he worked for whoever paid him 52) It's a nice idea, but I don't think there is evidence that Skrall from other legions were part of the group Tuma took south. The other legions were by and large wiped out by the baterra. 63) My understanding is that Papercutz will be publishing a smaller, soft-cover version of the book in 2010
1Hi Greg, I just have one question about the new novel. 2Will Journey's End be published as a novel in English? 3If so, will it be on amazon?
5Last I heard, it will not be published as a book in the US, it will be serialized on BIONICLE.com from February to April. It will be published as a book in Europe, but I don't know in what languages.
6Yes, but I am from the UK, so will it be published there?
7I believe it will also be serialized on the UK BIONICLE.com site, that is the last I heard.
8Oh Well, I was hoping for a book.
1Yeah, but that's from third party sellers (I own a copy too), not directly from a manufacturer.
1Hi Greg, I just have one question about the new novel. 2Will Journey's End be published as a novel in English? 3If so, will it be on amazon?
5Last I heard, it will not be published as a book in the US, it will be serialized on BIONICLE.com from February to April. It will be published as a book in Europe, but I don't know in what languages.
6Yes, but I am from the UK, so will it be published there?
7I believe it will also be serialized on the UK BIONICLE.com site, that is the last I heard.
8Oh Well, I was hoping for a book.
9Do we know when exactly Journey's End will be released in Europe? Because depending on when it's released, we could have strange Spoiler issues with the book in Europe and the serealization in the rest of the world.
1Hi Greg I will like if you could answer some questions. 21 If you do not have Nektann's vision and third power, I have a idea for his powers petrfication vision and for his third power a energy shield. 32 Could you give information about the purple and black entities from Takanuva's journy? 43 Could you give information about the city creature's species from Takanuva's journy? 54 Could makuta alter themselves like give themselves more powers or remove weaknesses ? 65 Can makuta put a part of there antidermis in a container and if their main body's antidermis is destroyed could they still survive? 76 Where do the makuta make viruses? 87 Is there any restriction to a makuta rahi creations like if limited size, powers, or intellegnce? 9P.S. nobody steal this idea for Nektann's powers.
1Hi Greg I will like if you could answer some questions. 21 If you do not have Nektann's vision and third power, I have a ideafor his powers petrfication vision and for his third power a energy shield. 32 Could you give information about the purple and black entities from Takanuva's journy? 43 Could you give information about the city creature's species from Takanuva's journy? 54 Could makuta alter themselves like give themselves more powers or remove weaknesses ? 65 Can makuta put a part of there antidermis in a container and if their main body's antidermis is destroyed could they still survive? 76 Where do the makuta make viruses? 87 Is there any restriction to a makuta rahi creations like if limited size, powers, or intellegnce?
9Greg doesn't visit this topic, the link to PM him is on the first page of this topic.
1hi greg
21. dumb question but in the new comic the control console of the prototype robot appears un damaged yet you said it self desrtucted 150,000 years ago, did mata nui repair it?
32.you also said(i think) that the golden armor was referenced in the new comic. is the energy that runs the MU what makes golden armor so powerful?
4thanks in advance .
51) No, it simply is the best shielded portion of the entire robot. The MU one survived a crash into the ocean from outer space intact, too. 62) It's referenced by the title, not anyplace else in the story.
7sorry about the spelling, it was combo of fast typing and no spellcheck.
81.does nektanns scythe have any powers?
92.can tahu wear adaptive armor and golden armor at the same time?
101) Not that I am aware of 112) Yes
12hello greg
131.do we know what powers bara magna vehicles?
142.15The prototype robot was constructed 150,000 years ago by the Great Beings on Spherus Magna, as an experiment to see if they could successfully build an operational large-scale robot. The robot began to function after it was activated, but after a short amount of time the instability of it's power source caused it to violently self-destruct16is this instability why EP is included in the MU?
172a.if so how does EP stabilize it?
182b.is this energy the one that turned bohrok into bohrok-kal?
192c.20The Pit Mutagen was a substance diluted from a form of energy radiation emitted by energy sources, such as the Codrex. This energy has been present since the creation of the Matoran Universe. The energy itself is invisible, occurs naturally, and is in itself harmless.21is this a byproduct of the fuel usage?
221) Nope, we haven't gotten into it 232) Yes, EP provides a stabilizing force 242a) Basically, by constantly mutating the energy produced into a more stable form 252c) No 263) It's radiation given off by the engine of the robot
11. How did the Great Beings felt about the Element Lords?
22. Why did Teridax rebelled against Mata Nui, and why did he rebel against the Great Beings?
33. Does Toa Krakua have better control of Kanohi Suletu?
44. Why does Teridax wants Mata Nui dead?
51) Initially, they felt relieved they had someone to handle the day to day. Then they were upset because the ELs were going to war and refusing calls to stop. 62) Ambition. Jealousy. Same reasons Benedict Arnold betrayed the colonies. 73) Better control than who? 84) Who knows the Mata Nui robot better than Mata Nui? And who could come up with a way to disable that robot faster than Mata Nui? Pretty much no one. So it's in Teridax's interests to kill him.
1Hello Greg. Long time no 'see'. 21. How many Earth days are there in a Spherus Magna / Bara Magna / Aqua Magna / Bota Magna year? 32. Which came first: the founding of the Dark Hunters or the betrayal of the Brotherhood of Makuta? 43. Does the Onu-Metru Archives have something to do with Mata Nui/Teridax's memory? 5A. If so, is its destruction in the Great Cataclysm the cause of Mata Nui's memory loss? 64. If I'm allowed to know (which I'm probably not, but it's worth a try), will the Sisters of the Skrall play any part in 2010? 75. Was Angonce involved in the creation of the Matoran in the Matoran Universe? 86. Does each Special Forces Skrall and Leader-class Skrall look mostly the same (apart from minor differences)?
91) Not something we have ever determined. 102) Depends on what you mean by "betrayal" -- if you mean by it when Teridax first started thinking that he might betray Mata Nui, then that probably happened first. But the actual betrayal, the attack on Mata Nui, happened long after the formation of the DH. 113) No 124) There is damage all over the control centers from the crash, but the Archives contains objects and living specimens, not information, so specific damage to the Archives is not the issue. 135) I don't know yet 146) Yes 157) Unknown, since we have not, for example, seen any other leader-class Skrall
1Not sure if the Inbox monster ate my last PM, so I'm resending with a new question:
21. Am I correct in assuming that Teridax was never meant to take control of a giant robot (either Mata Nui's or the prototype), and was supposed to help Mata Nui as an ordinary Makuta? 32. One of the 2005 books mentions Sidorak cursing in a "language that was old when Metru Nui was new"... is this the Agori language?
41) No, you're not. 52) No. No one inside the MU speaks Agori, other than Mata Nui himself. He was simply speaking a very early version of programming language. It would be as if you lived in a world where everyone spoke in HTML, and you suddenly started speaking in C++.
6As for 1... you've repeatedly said that the prototype robot wasn't involved in any of the Great Being's plans to restore Spherus Magna. Was another robot supposed to be built for Teridax/Mata Nui? Would this have been part of Mata Nui's 100,000 year round trip?
71) Yes. But for unknown reasons, the GBs never built it. The mystery of why not is most likely something that will be dealt with in future story.
8I think #1 is very new...
1Not sure if the Inbox monster ate my last PM, so I'm resending with a new question:
21. Am I correct in assuming that Teridax was never meant to take control of a giant robot (either Mata Nui's or the prototype), and was supposed to help Mata Nui as an ordinary Makuta? 32. One of the 2005 books mentions Sidorak cursing in a "language that was old when Metru Nui was new"... is this the Agori language?
41) No, you're not. 52) No. No one inside the MU speaks Agori, other than Mata Nui himself. He was simply speaking a very early version of programming language. It would be as if you lived in a world where everyone spoke in HTML, and you suddenly started speaking in C++.
6As for 1... you've repeatedly said that the prototype robot wasn't involved in any of the Great Being's plans to restore Spherus Magna. Was another robot supposed to be built for Teridax/Mata Nui? Would this have been part of Mata Nui's 100,000 year round trip?
71) Yes. But for unknown reasons, the GBs never built it. The mystery of why not is most likely something that will be dealt with in future story.
8I think #1 is very new...
9Heck yeah it's new. That's awesome. Somewhere out there a third robot could've existed. That's awesome.
1Number 1 is certainly new information. Another robot? I wonder what this means....
1Let's not, because that topic has been closed. Let's discuss it sparingly when it is fitting to bring it up, instead of discussing the possibilities of a Third Robot that never actually existed, nor will.
11. Was Teridax serious in his offer to let Mata Nui join him? 22. Does the Golden Hau that is with the Golden Armor possess the abilities of a normal Golden Kanohi (Water Breathing, Strength, Levitation, Shielding, X-Ray Vision, and Speed)? 33. Why did the Ignika devolve Tahu?
4Thanks .
61) Yes 72) No 83) Because a Toa Nuva cannot use that armor. It wasn't designed for use by a Nuva.
9Don't know if that is new or not...
1We didn't really have a reason, just guesses, but its confirmed now. WAIT A SECOND, I think this armor has an ability related to protodermis.
1Hi Greg. After finding out about the "third robot" the GB's were originally going to build I thought about Mata Nui's full mission if it had gone smoothly. I came up with this:
2Mata Nui would take off from Bara Magna and spend 100,000 years studying other world, during this time the Great Beings would create another robot. After studying other worlds, Mata Nui would return to Bara Magna and place his spirit in the new robot while Makuta took over the MU robot and the two would then work together to put Spherus Magna back together.
3Am I right? or is there more to it?
5I got it confirmed first

1Hi Greg. After finding out about the "third robot" the GB's were originally going to build I thought about Mata Nui's full mission if it had gone smoothly. I came up with this:
2Mata Nui would take off from Bara Magna and spend 100,000 years studying other world, during this time the Great Beings would create another robot. After studying other worlds, Mata Nui would return to Bara Magna and place his spirit in the new robot while Makuta took over the MU robot and the two would then work together to put Spherus Magna back together.
3Am I right? or is there more to it?
5I got it confirmed first
6Sweet . That's the way.

1Hi Greg. After finding out about the "third robot" the GB's were originally going to build I thought about Mata Nui's full mission if it had gone smoothly. I came up with this:
2Mata Nui would take off from Bara Magna and spend 100,000 years studying other world, during this time the Great Beings would create another robot. After studying other worlds, Mata Nui would return to Bara Magna and place his spirit in the new robot while Makuta took over the MU robot and the two would then work together to put Spherus Magna back together.
3Am I right? or is there more to it?
5I got it confirmed first
6Sweet . That's the way.![]()
8Hey, my theory was that, and when I asked greg, he said 'wait and see'. Then, he also said Makuta wouldn't resurrect the visorak, and now they're alive...
1Greg is human. He changes his mind occasionally.
2Also, I keep PM'ing Greg, but he doesn't answer. Can someone else ask for me? These are the questions.
3Some Q's about Berix's shield (set, not movie)... 41) Is the shield in TLR supposed to be that? Can you confirm that it is/isn't? 52) If it isn't, what's a good name for it? 63) Berix's shield (set) has oft been called the "Hydro Shield" by BZPers. Can you confirm this as its name? 74) Ackar uses the Fire Shield and Strakk uses the Snowflake Shield, both in TLR. By extension, did Malum and Gelu use those respective shields? 84a) Does Tarix have access to a copy of the Hydro Shield for use in the arena? 94b) Does Kiina? 105) Where did Berix acquire the Hydro Shield and sword he is seen with in Comic 2: The Fall Of Atero?
11This favor would be greatly appreciated.
2Also, I keep PM'ing Greg, but he doesn't answer. Can someone else ask for me? These are the questions.
3Some Q's about Berix's shield (set, not movie)... 41) Is the shield in TLR supposed to be that? Can you confirm that it is/isn't? 52) If it isn't, what's a good name for it? 63) Berix's shield (set) has oft been called the "Hydro Shield" by BZPers. Can you confirm this as its name? 74) Ackar uses the Fire Shield and Strakk uses the Snowflake Shield, both in TLR. By extension, did Malum and Gelu use those respective shields? 84a) Does Tarix have access to a copy of the Hydro Shield for use in the arena? 94b) Does Kiina? 105) Where did Berix acquire the Hydro Shield and sword he is seen with in Comic 2: The Fall Of Atero?
11This favor would be greatly appreciated.

1Hey Greg, 2Recently you revealed to a member that the Great Beings were supposed to have made a third robot, so that the MU robot and the third one would put together Spherus Magna (the protoype wouldn't be used). This is correct, right?
3If so, that leads me to another question. Seeing as you've said that in the alternate timeline where the fifth movie was canon, what happens in the 6th comic would've happened at the end of 2011, does this mean that the third robot would've been located on Bara Magna? So the story would've roughly been:
4-Mata Nui gets the power source from the volcano (5th movie) 5-Mata Nui and co. get thrown to Bota Magna 6-Mata Nui and co. have assorted battles with the dino-Glatorian and dino-Agori 7-Mata Nui finds the third robot on Bota Magna 8-Mata Nui controls the third robot 9-The third robot, controlled my Mata Nui, fight the MU, controlled by Teridax
10Is this pretty much correct?
11No. because the third robot does not exist in that timeline either. The 2011 story would have concluded with MN using the broken robot in Bara Magna, same as he is doing in 2010.
12Okay, this is not great because we found out that the real mission with the third robot thing during the interim.
1Mata Nui would take off from Bara Magna and spend 100,000 years studying other world, during this time the Great Beings would create another robot. After studying other worlds, Mata Nui would return to Bara Magna and place his spirit in the new robot while Makuta took over the MU robot and the two would then work together to put Spherus Magna back together.
2Does that mean that the GB are still on BM (other than Angonce)?
3Edit: Wait, that can't be right. They didn't/haven't built it.
1Mata Nui would take off from Bara Magna and spend 100,000 years studying other world, during this time the Great Beings would create another robot. After studying other worlds, Mata Nui would return to Bara Magna and place his spirit in the new robot while Makuta took over the MU robot and the two would then work together to put Spherus Magna back together.
2Does that mean that the GB are still on BM (other than Angonce)?
3Wow. This opens up ALOT of theories
4So They would have mata nui create teridax on his journey, and mata nui would trsnsfer to the new robot, and teridax would take over the MU.
5So That means that the Great Beings either are on Bara Magna, or were supposed to be on Bara Magna.
1To Gornt- I'll ask him for you.
2-Edit- 3Here you go .
2-Edit- 3Here you go .
4Hello Greg, I'm sending these as a favor to someone.
5Some Q's about Berix's shield (set, not movie)... 61) Is the shield in TLR supposed to be that? Can you confirm that it is/isn't? 72) If it isn't, what's a good name for it? 83) Berix's shield (set) has oft been called the "Hydro Shield" by BZPers. Can you confirm this as its name? 94) Ackar uses the Fire Shield and Strakk uses the Snowflake Shield, both in TLR. By extension, did Malum and Gelu use those respective shields? 104a) Does Tarix have access to a copy of the Hydro Shield for use in the arena? 114b) Does Kiina? 125) Where did Berix acquire the Hydro Shield and sword he is seen with in Comic 2: The Fall Of Atero?
13Thankyou for taking your time to answer these questions.[
141) Is the shield in TLR supposed to be what? 153) I would suggest looking in the Shop At Home catalog copy for what we are calling it. 164) No, why would they? They use different weapons, why wouldn't they also use different shields? 174a) No idea, I really haven't spent a lot of time worrying about Berix's shield 185) Probably the same place he gets everything else, though salvage
1So That means that the Great Beings either are on Bara Magna, or were supposed to be on Bara Magna.
2I think the latter is the case. Perhaps their calculation of when the Shattering would occur was wrong and they were on the wrong part of the planet.
3Then that open up the possibility of the great being being on Bota Magna
4Very Interesting, I hope that is built upon, when the main story line ends
1That's how Teridax took over the MU. 2But the question is WHY DIDN'T THE GREAT BEINGS BUILD THE 3 ROBOT? 3 -Great Redidax
4*Imagines a scenario*
5GB1 and GB2 (among others) are relaxing after creating Matoran to do their work for them...
6GB1: Shouldn't we build that second robot for the other spirit? 7GB2: Yeah, but I'm too lazy to order Matoran to create another giant robot . 8GB1: Won't that... cause problems? 9GB2: Meh... Mata Nui will figure it out.

1Guys, go to the[url='http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=215043'] Official Great Beings Topic to discuss these things.