1Happy New Year sir.
2About the third robot, if the GB's had built it, would it be larger than the MU?
3Oh, and an unrelated question, do you believe in the 2012 rumor?
41) Doubtful 52) You mean the Mayan prophecy thing? No, because the Mayan also have prophecies that relate to years beyond 2012, so obviously they didn't think the world was ending in 2012.
11. did any great beings die in the Shattering
22. in 2010 will we see the Element Lords
33. sir why is malum your favorite 2009 set
44. who is your favorite female set
55. do you have story plans for 2011
66. is malum on mata nui's side or teridax's
77. is the mask of life still have cracks in it becuse in BLR i saw no cracks
88. now that the sets are ending what is your fav
9off topic
109. did you see avatar
11thanks for your time happy new year
121) No 132) You should, yes, in graphic novel #8 143) Favorite character, not favorite set 154) I really don't have favorite sets 165) Not yet, no 176) He's on his own side 187) Nope 198) See answer to #4 209) No.
22. in 2010 will we see the Element Lords
33. sir why is malum your favorite 2009 set
44. who is your favorite female set
55. do you have story plans for 2011
66. is malum on mata nui's side or teridax's
77. is the mask of life still have cracks in it becuse in BLR i saw no cracks
88. now that the sets are ending what is your fav
9off topic
109. did you see avatar
11thanks for your time happy new year
121) No 132) You should, yes, in graphic novel #8 143) Favorite character, not favorite set 154) I really don't have favorite sets 165) Not yet, no 176) He's on his own side 187) Nope 198) See answer to #4 209) No.
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey.
2You are probably on holiday now, but I'm going to ask you some questions anyway. I hope I'm not annoying you.
31)In RotGB, Surel says that the Element Lords were "trapped". How did it happen and how were they trapped? How were they freed?
42)If Graphic Novel #10 isn't published, you said you will post what you have done of the script by now. But have you already planned the whole story? If so, will you post a summary, and will it be considered canon (like the original BL7: Invasion. The content was considered canon)?
53)Is the Mega-Village made up of dwelling and buildings protected by the Prototype Robot (before Mata Nui possessed it), or built into the robot itself?
64)What happened to the Agori when the Prototype Robot was taken by Mata Nui?
75)In TLR movie Tuma is defeated by Mata Nui by having a wound hit multiple times, while in the book Mata Nui uses Tuma's bulk against him. Which one is canon? Would you attribute Tuma's defeat to overconfidence (as weaker Skrall warriors defeated veteran Glatorian which were probably better fighters than Mata Nui)?
86)On BS01 it says Kiina defeated Telluris. Did it happen in the Crossing chapter 6?
97)Why was the Crossing published only in Poland (if you know)?
108)When will you write ROS #9? What about Sahmad's Tale?
119)Since Tahu's transformation doesn't happen in ROS, does it happen in Journey's End? If so, does Journey's End also explain how Tahu and Takanuva exit the MU and why were they near the hatch in the first place?
1210)I've been wondering for some time, why did you and the story team make the Bionicle story happen in such long times (100,000 years .)? 1310a)We know Matoran live more than 100,000 years. That's undestandable, since they are bio-mechanical and the GB probably designed them to live so long. But why do the Glatorian and Agori live as long (they're almost completely organic, so they shouldn't live so long)?
1411)Why are there more Skrall than any other tribe's (except maybe the sand tribe) warriors (to the point where to match the Skrall numbers, all the Glatorian had to come together to form an army)? If the Fire, Jungle, Water and Ice armies were almost annhiliated (since there were max. 2 veteran Glatorian per tribe, apart from the Rock and Sand Tribes), why did so many Skrall survive? I mean, I know they were the best warriors, but it still seems to me a too great difference.
151) We haven't gotten into that yet. 162) I don't plan my stories out ahead of time. I write as I go. 173) The former 184) Nothing happened to them. They had to leave the robot before he could take it, so they did. 195) Both are. If Mata Nui does not outmaneuver Tuma, he never gets a shot at his back. 206) Yes 217) Because AMEET, the company that commissioned the story, is a Polish company, and no US publisher expressed an interest in the activity books in which The Crossing is running. 228) I am working on ROS #9 today. 239) Yes 2410) Because that makes it epic. A story that only covers a week or so is not an epic. 2510a) They must, since many of the Agori and Glatorian remember the core war. And there are organic creatures on our world who have much longer lifespans than humans do, so why is it impossible that organic aliens wouldn't have an even longer lifespan? Humans inevitably die because our bodies break down with age -- if a way was found to stop that break down, who knows how long we would live? 2611) Not a question of survival. It's a question of how many were on Bara Magna when the Shattering happened. There could be a whole mess of jungle Glatorian on Bota Magna, for all we know.
2You are probably on holiday now, but I'm going to ask you some questions anyway. I hope I'm not annoying you.
31)In RotGB, Surel says that the Element Lords were "trapped". How did it happen and how were they trapped? How were they freed?
42)If Graphic Novel #10 isn't published, you said you will post what you have done of the script by now. But have you already planned the whole story? If so, will you post a summary, and will it be considered canon (like the original BL7: Invasion. The content was considered canon)?
53)Is the Mega-Village made up of dwelling and buildings protected by the Prototype Robot (before Mata Nui possessed it), or built into the robot itself?
64)What happened to the Agori when the Prototype Robot was taken by Mata Nui?
75)In TLR movie Tuma is defeated by Mata Nui by having a wound hit multiple times, while in the book Mata Nui uses Tuma's bulk against him. Which one is canon? Would you attribute Tuma's defeat to overconfidence (as weaker Skrall warriors defeated veteran Glatorian which were probably better fighters than Mata Nui)?
86)On BS01 it says Kiina defeated Telluris. Did it happen in the Crossing chapter 6?
97)Why was the Crossing published only in Poland (if you know)?
108)When will you write ROS #9? What about Sahmad's Tale?
119)Since Tahu's transformation doesn't happen in ROS, does it happen in Journey's End? If so, does Journey's End also explain how Tahu and Takanuva exit the MU and why were they near the hatch in the first place?
1210)I've been wondering for some time, why did you and the story team make the Bionicle story happen in such long times (100,000 years .)? 1310a)We know Matoran live more than 100,000 years. That's undestandable, since they are bio-mechanical and the GB probably designed them to live so long. But why do the Glatorian and Agori live as long (they're almost completely organic, so they shouldn't live so long)?
1411)Why are there more Skrall than any other tribe's (except maybe the sand tribe) warriors (to the point where to match the Skrall numbers, all the Glatorian had to come together to form an army)? If the Fire, Jungle, Water and Ice armies were almost annhiliated (since there were max. 2 veteran Glatorian per tribe, apart from the Rock and Sand Tribes), why did so many Skrall survive? I mean, I know they were the best warriors, but it still seems to me a too great difference.
151) We haven't gotten into that yet. 162) I don't plan my stories out ahead of time. I write as I go. 173) The former 184) Nothing happened to them. They had to leave the robot before he could take it, so they did. 195) Both are. If Mata Nui does not outmaneuver Tuma, he never gets a shot at his back. 206) Yes 217) Because AMEET, the company that commissioned the story, is a Polish company, and no US publisher expressed an interest in the activity books in which The Crossing is running. 228) I am working on ROS #9 today. 239) Yes 2410) Because that makes it epic. A story that only covers a week or so is not an epic. 2510a) They must, since many of the Agori and Glatorian remember the core war. And there are organic creatures on our world who have much longer lifespans than humans do, so why is it impossible that organic aliens wouldn't have an even longer lifespan? Humans inevitably die because our bodies break down with age -- if a way was found to stop that break down, who knows how long we would live? 2611) Not a question of survival. It's a question of how many were on Bara Magna when the Shattering happened. There could be a whole mess of jungle Glatorian on Bota Magna, for all we know.
1Hopefully RoS will be out by tomorrow.
1Behold, the third Legendary Elemental Kanohi of the Matoran Universe.
2Hey GregF, just one question pertaining to the Mask of Creation. 3I would like to discuss the status/type of power the Mask of Creation is considered. First, I have a quote to show:
42) A question about Artakha's rumored "Mask of Creation": would it be considered a Legendary Kanohi? Or is its power not really the actual "force of creation", but rather of "invention and insight"?
52) If it existed, I would say it would be legendary, but no one knows if it exists or not
6In the quote, you mentioned that if the Mask of Creation did exist, you would consider it to be a Legendary Kanohi. 7With this in mind, is Artakha's Mask of Creation a Legendary Kanohi?
9What would happen if the mask was destroyed then?
10Well, there's lots of possiiblities here, but the one that most appeals to me is exactly the situation that prevails on Bara Magna, coincidentally enough -- the loss of the ability to create anything new.
111. Does the loss of the ability to create anything new affects everyone in the Matoran Universe if the Mask of Creation is destroyed? 122. Is the Mask of Creation a Legendary Elemental Mask like the Mask of Time and Mask of Life, then? As in Creation being a Legendary Element? 133. The Vahi and Ignika are known to be vastly more powerful and harder to control than other masks. Does this also include the Mask of Creation, then?
141) If the mask is destroyed while in the MU, yes. And if that happens, it would not affect an MU inhabitant outside of the MU. 152) Yes 163) Yes. For example, one has to learn to control the mask so that it does not create things you think about subconsciously, or else things you dream of might get made, and you might not want that.
1Did we just create a new element? That adds one more to the list.
1Wait, so does that mean that the mask could, in theory, create something of it's own? Interesting...
1Wait, so does that mean that the mask could, in theory, create something of it's own? Interesting...
2More like pop something out that you considered for a moment. Like if you think, that guy looks like a clown with a machine gun, POW . There's a random clown with a machine gun.
3It's a wonder Teridax didn't try to get a hold of that one. It would've made the takeover much easier.
1Wait, so does that mean that the mask could, in theory, create something of it's own? Interesting...
2No, because the mask is specifically said not to be able to do that.
3It's a wonder Teridax didn't try to get a hold of that one. It would've made the takeover much easier.
4He probably doesn't know it exists.
1It's a wonder Teridax didn't try to get a hold of that one. It would've made the takeover much easier.
2He probably doesn't know it exists.
3Sure he does. He was in the Brotherhood, after all. Obviously he would've had at least some contact with Kojol, who watched Artahka. He could've found out about that.
1Yeah, it's probably a myth to Teridax. Or at least was.
23. Does Artakha have any trouble controlling the mask? 33a. At least, does he have more control than say a Toa would? 44. I suppose no Great or Noble Mask of Creation can be made like for the other two Legendary Masks, correct? 55. All three legendary masks are on the same power level, correct?
63) After 100,000 years of almost constant use, I doubt he has much trouble at all. 74) Correct 85) Correct
1It's a wonder Teridax didn't try to get a hold of that one. It would've made the takeover much easier.
2He probably doesn't know it exists.
3Sure he does. He was in the Brotherhood, after all. Obviously he would've had at least some contact with Kojol, who watched Artahka. He could've found out about that.
4No-one has seen Artakha since he won the Mask of Creation to Karzahni, and that includes Kojol. I doubt he ever stepped on the island before the raid.
1So, hold on. It seems like we have a contradiction here.
4Someone needs to ask Greg to clarify.
"GregF" 23) Yes. For example, one has to learn to control the mask so that it does not create things you think about subconsciously, or else things you dream of might get made, and you might not want that.
"BS01" 3The Great Mask of Creation is a Kanohi that allows its user to imagine a completed product from raw materials and learn how to construct it. It does not actually create objects, however.
4Someone needs to ask Greg to clarify.
13) Yes. For example, one has to learn to control the mask so that it does not create things you think about subconsciously, or else things you dream of might get made, and you might not want that.
2I think what Greg was trying to say was that the mask creates the thoughts in the user's head.
3So if you can't control the mask it will keep on creating thoughts in your head that you will cause you to think about subconsciously or create thoughts in your head while you are dreaming.
4The mask its self does not create anything, it just gives a mental image of what it will look like as a finished product and it will provide instuctns on how to make it.
1That makes sense. Yeah, I don't think it's conflicting with that explanation. 2Anyways, just want to remind that there are the Official Elements Topic and Official Kanohi Topic to discuss in. 

1That seems more like a technicality than anything else. If Greg meant it'd fill your head with thoughts, then that's what he'd say. Besides, how would it force you to make things you dreamed of?
11)Where exactly was the Pit before the Great Cataclysm? 22)How long after Mata Nui's launch did the Shattering occur? 33)Do the Great Beings understand the Matoran language? 43a)What about the beings in the Red Star? 54)Would it be fine if I hosted a canon blog contest on what the powers of these masks (1) (2) are? (For clarification, on 2 I'm talking about the Matoran in the foreground.)
61) Same place it was after the Great Cataclysm, it didn't move 72) It didn't occur until after his launch 83) Yes, same way human computer programmers understand HTML 93a) Unknown 104) Requests for canon contests have to come from BZP staff or BS01 staff, not from individual members.
114)Oh well.
1I like Question 4's answer.
1That seems more like a technicality than anything else. If Greg meant it'd fill your head with thoughts, then that's what he'd say. Besides, how would it force you to make things you dreamed of?
2What I mean by the dreaming thing is lets say you are using the mask of creation. You want to get the plans for the touch and brush, but instead it gives you the plans to a lava lamp because you dreampt about that all night. Your brain might be telling you that you want the plans for the touch and brush, but deep inside of you somewhere you really want to know how to build a lava lamp because you were dreaming about it. Basically you get the plans for a lava lamp and not the touch and brush.
1I like Question 4's answer.
2Me too. But he forgot KJ and IDBM staff

3But speaking of canon contests...
4Hi Greg
5Today I launched the desert bird contest, the one dealing with describing the bird from Challenge of Mata Nui.
61) Several entries say that some specimen of these birds were stranded on Aqua Magna. This is possible, right? 72) Someone went as far as saying that some of these birds took up residence in Po-Wahi for the duration of Mata Nui's (island) existence. Is that okay with you?
8Thanks, 9NtM
10Yes to both
11Ok, that was very helpful.
12However, another question arose over night - can Spherus Magna birds lay eggs?
13Again, thanks.
15Yeah, probably
1I suppose BZP and BS01 are more known?
1So does this mean that one bird Lewa saved in 01 was a SM bird?
1I suppose BZP and BS01 are more known?
2Well, to Greg at least. He probably hasn't heard of the IDBM (no offense meant at all), and if he has heard of the KJ it will be very very little of it.
3Well, he has approved several contests for the IDMB and the KJ, so I don't see why he wouldn't have heard of them.
1What droids?
1Oh. Sorry, I don't watch Star Wars. Anyways, move along.
1Wait, so does that mean that the mask could, in theory, create something of it's own? Interesting...
2No, because the mask is specifically said not to be able to do that.
3It's a wonder Teridax didn't try to get a hold of that one. It would've made the takeover much easier.
4He probably doesn't know it exists.
5Except the quote totally just contradicts that. Dur.
1Wait, so does that mean that the mask could, in theory, create something of it's own? Interesting...
2No, because the mask is specifically said not to be able to do that.
3It's a wonder Teridax didn't try to get a hold of that one. It would've made the takeover much easier.
4He probably doesn't know it exists.
5Except the quote totally just contradicts that. Dur.
6Which quote?
2What? That didn't even make sense. I was talking about this quote:
5Which clearly implies that the mask has the ability to actually bring things into existence (which, I am fully aware, goes against what was said before).
2What? That didn't even make sense. I was talking about this quote:
33. The Vahi and Ignika are known to be vastly more powerful and harder to control than other masks. Does this also include the Mask of Creation, then?
43) Yes. For example, one has to learn to control the mask so that it does not create things you think about subconsciously, or else things you dream of might get made, and you might not want that.
5Which clearly implies that the mask has the ability to actually bring things into existence (which, I am fully aware, goes against what was said before).
1That is a contradiction. GregF probably forgot.
1Hi Greg,
2Interesting to hear about the Mask of Creation being a Legendary Elemental Power. Just to clarify:
3Here is a quote of yours: "For example, one has to learn to control the mask so that it does not create things you think about subconsciously, or else things you dream of might get made, and you might not want that."
41. Does this mean that the Mask can actually create things, or can it only provide instructions for how something is to be created, as previously thought?
52. Is the Olisi, Mask of Alterate Futures, worn by Karzahni, a Legendary Kanohi? Or not, and that's why it was a big deal for Artakha and Karzahni to fight over it at the time of their creation at the hands of the Great Beings?
63. Did Toa Jovan begin his existence as a Matoran of Magnetism? There has been some speculation as to whether he was created as a Toa or not.
7Thanks for your time and generosity, as always.
8Triggy 9BS01 Staff
101) It can work one of two ways. If you want to create something, but aren't sure how, it can provide what amounts to instructions. If you know how to make what you want, it can make it for you. 112) No, it's not. 123) I don't believe he did, no.
1I suppose BZP and BS01 are more known?
2Well, to Greg at least. He probably hasn't heard of the IDBM (no offense meant at all), and if he has heard of the KJ it will be very very little of it.
3Don't worry, he has heard of us. We pester him enough with all sorts of ideas.

5EDIT: NVM, Triggy cleared it up.
6~ Bioran
1The question was worded so badly that I can't tell what Greg actually meant. He could have meant "I don't believe he was a Matoran" or "I don't believe he started as a Toa" but I just can't tell.
1So, you could use the MoC to learn how to make something, then once you knew how to make it, could the mask create it for you?