1Guys you are getting off topic. Continiue in Official Kanohi Topic. 2
-Great Redidax

11. What can a Rahkshi of Heat Vision do with his staff? 22. Does a Rahkshi of Heat Vision use his eyebeams more often than his staff? 33. Will we see a Rahkshi of Heat Vision use his staff in the last comic or Journey's End?
41) I haven't decided, since it is not coming up in story 52) Eyebeams 63) No
7Question 1 was something I too was wondering but Greg hasn't decided.
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. How are you? I have only 3 questions today.
21) Can the Mask of Creation create living things/beings?
32) When creating something, does the MoC create that thing out of thin air, or does it require the right materials?
43) There's been some confusion with a recent quote, so I was wondering: Did Jovan come into being as a Matoran or as a Toa?
5Thank you for your time,
6makuta of xhini nui
71) No 82) Out of thin air 93) Matoran
1the mask of creation is abbreviated MOC like my own creation MOC
1Hello, Greg Farshtey. I hope you are doing well. Now to the questions (need some of the information for the german BIONICLE Wiki). And please excuse my bad English: 21)What would exactly happen if the Mask of Creation was destroyed? Some say all inhabitans of the MU would lose the ability to create new things, while others state that they would lose their creativity. Whats right? 32)One of the powers of time is the ability to "change a target's perception of time". What is that, exactly? 43)Did you watch TLR already? If so, could you answer... 53a)What happened to Metus´and Kiina´s Thornatus after TLR? 63b)Why did Tarix and Vastus use Thornax launchers while the other Glatorian (Kiina, Ackar, Gresh etc.) didn´t use them? 74)When is the next chapter of Reign of Shadows being released? You said in one PM that you are working on it.
8Thanks for your time.
91) It's the same thing, L. If you have no creativity, then you cannot create new things. 102) Well, think of it this way. If you are having fun, time seems to go fast. If you are bored, time goes slow. In reality, time is not moving at a different rate, it's simply your perception of it. 113a) One would assume salvaged and repaired as needed 123b) Because the decision to include launchers in the movie was made at the last minute, so they were stuck in where we could stick them in. 134) It was sent to Bink yesterday, so I assume it will go up this week.
141)Didn´t think of that... Propably because I´m not that smart

12)I think I asked that because I didn´t know the meaning of perception. But how does that power help anyone?
2Well, you can mess with someone's head by making them think time is passing slower than it really is. You can get them to focus on one thing for hours and hours, and have them thinking it's only been five minutes. Basically, it's like slowing down time, but on only one person and without the risks.
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. How are you? I have only 3 questions today.
21) Can the Mask of Creation create living things/beings?
32) When creating something, does the MoC create that thing out of thin air, or does it require the right materials?
43) There's been some confusion with a recent quote, so I was wondering: Did Jovan come into being as a Matoran or as a Toa?
5Thank you for your time,
6makuta of xhini nui
71) No 82) Out of thin air 93) Matoran
10What? The mask creates things out of thin air? I thought it just gives you instructions......
1Hi, I just have a few questions about the element of Creation and Legendary Elements:
21. Could a being theoretically learn to control the Vahi? 32. Would losing control of the Mask of Creation have the same effect on the MU as destroying it (losing the ability to create new things)?
4Thanks .
61) With sufficient willpower and sufficient time, theoretically, yes 72) I don't think so, no. Bara Magnans have lost the ability to create new things, but their world was not destroyed. They just became experts at salvage and repair.
8That's new. He misinterpreted #2, so I will have to resend that.
12)I think I asked that because I didn´t know the meaning of perception. But how does that power help anyone?
2Well, you can mess with someone's head by making them think time is passing slower than it really is. You can get them to focus on one thing for hours and hours, and have them thinking it's only been five minutes. Basically, it's like slowing down time, but on only one person and without the risks.
3So you could force someone to alternate between OCD and ADD? Awesome.
1in a battle, you could change the person's perception to be fast. this way, it is like you move fast and you always outmaneuver the person.
1Pretty cool.
1Sorry. Don't be so harsh. I just thought that the idea was neat.
1Hi, I just have a few questions about the element of Creation and Legendary Elements:
21. Could a being theoretically learn to control the Vahi? 32. Would losing control of the Mask of Creation have the same effect on the MU as destroying it (losing the ability to create new things)?
4Thanks .
61) With sufficient willpower and sufficient time, theoretically, yes 72) I don't think so, no. Bara Magnans have lost the ability to create new things, but their world was not destroyed. They just became experts at salvage and repair.
8That's new. He misinterpreted #2, so I will have to resend that.
10I don't think he misinterpreted it. But I think MU inhabitants couldn't repair/salvage well.
1I would like to add to the Vahi's power.
2The Mask of Time is meant to control time itself, a fundamental part of reality (some quantum theories of gravity denies that, actually). But the Vahi's control over time is simply altering one's perception of time, a behaviour which I believe is simply psychological, rather than "absolute" (relativity forbids the notion of an absolute time). Yet the destruction of this Kanohi would terminate the existance of the fabric of time itself.
3I think that the Vahi should control time like time dilation due to relative motion. To cut a long lecture short, this means that the time (let's say a second) measured by the observer A who is affected by the Vahi would seem "normal" to him/her but to an observer B outside this same period of time measured by him/her would be different.
4That's what I think. I know Greg didn't want it to be super-powerful but I think that if the full capacity of the Vahi's power is extremely difficult to master then I believe that it shouldn't be over-powerful.
2The Mask of Time is meant to control time itself, a fundamental part of reality (some quantum theories of gravity denies that, actually). But the Vahi's control over time is simply altering one's perception of time, a behaviour which I believe is simply psychological, rather than "absolute" (relativity forbids the notion of an absolute time). Yet the destruction of this Kanohi would terminate the existance of the fabric of time itself.
3I think that the Vahi should control time like time dilation due to relative motion. To cut a long lecture short, this means that the time (let's say a second) measured by the observer A who is affected by the Vahi would seem "normal" to him/her but to an observer B outside this same period of time measured by him/her would be different.
4That's what I think. I know Greg didn't want it to be super-powerful but I think that if the full capacity of the Vahi's power is extremely difficult to master then I believe that it shouldn't be over-powerful.
1This discussion should continue in either the Official Kanohi Topic or the Official Elements Topic.
1Hi .
2Something struck me as I thought about the battle in 'All that glitters' (excellent work .). I thought, that with huge titans with feet bigger than a square mile, how come that Glatorian below didn't get squashed by either Makuta or Mata Nui?
3Some very well might, certainly by Makuta, who doesn't care where he steps.
4I see. There's also another question I'd like to ask you about the prototype robot. Does this robot have domes in, like the Matoran Universe currently inside Teridax?
5No, because it was not constructed to house Matoran.
1Behold, the third Legendary Elemental Kanohi of the Matoran Universe.
2Hey GregF, just one question pertaining to the Mask of Creation. 3I would like to discuss the status/type of power the Mask of Creation is considered. First, I have a quote to show:
42) A question about Artakha's rumored "Mask of Creation": would it be considered a Legendary Kanohi? Or is its power not really the actual "force of creation", but rather of "invention and insight"?
52) If it existed, I would say it would be legendary, but no one knows if it exists or not
6In the quote, you mentioned that if the Mask of Creation did exist, you would consider it to be a Legendary Kanohi. 7With this in mind, is Artakha's Mask of Creation a Legendary Kanohi?
9What would happen if the mask was destroyed then?
10Well, there's lots of possiiblities here, but the one that most appeals to me is exactly the situation that prevails on Bara Magna, coincidentally enough -- the loss of the ability to create anything new.
111. Does the loss of the ability to create anything new affects everyone in the Matoran Universe if the Mask of Creation is destroyed? 122. Is the Mask of Creation a Legendary Elemental Mask like the Mask of Time and Mask of Life, then? As in Creation being a Legendary Element? 133. The Vahi and Ignika are known to be vastly more powerful and harder to control than other masks. Does this also include the Mask of Creation, then?
141) If the mask is destroyed while in the MU, yes. And if that happens, it would not affect an MU inhabitant outside of the MU. 152) Yes 163) Yes. For example, one has to learn to control the mask so that it does not create things you think about subconsciously, or else things you dream of might get made, and you might not want that.
173. Are there any more ways to create multiples 18ew versions of Legendary Masks?
193) I don't believe so, no. I don't want to flood the story with legendary masks.
203. But can you at least make a Legendary Mask of Creation/Space please .
213) No. I don't see the point of a mask of Space, and Creation already exists as a Great Mask.
22(From PMing Greg)
23OMG . Contradiction .

1That was definitely a mistake; he meant Legendary. There's no contradiction.
1he's changed his mind about whether it's Great or Legendary a few times now
1I am pretty sure he just made an mistake- he is human, after all
1Legendary Masks have been called "Great Masks" several times - back in 2003, we had a "Great Mask of Time" and in recent years a "Great Mask of Life". This led me to believe that LMs are simply more powerful GMs. Some novels also call them "legendary Great Masks".
2No contradiction there. Now move on.
2No contradiction there. Now move on.
1Hi Greg, just one question I hope you can answer.
2Today I got my 2010 Lego catalogue and it states on the info about the Stars Skrall that they are given powers of shadow by Makuta.
3Is this true?
4Thanks for answering. 5~IceToa~
6No, it's not
7Just a bit of clarification for those who do have the catalogue.
1Hello there Greg,
2A couple quick questions for you: 31) Could an extremely talented Komau user project a vision onto their target? (similar to the Olisi) 42) Could an Olmak user travel to the Red Star? 53) Would any Kanohi work on a Bara Magnan? (i.e. using a Kanohi Rode to see if a Glatorian is lying) 64) The Kanohi Rode is said to always working, constantly alerting the user to deception. So what would be the effects, if any, if the user focused on exerting power on the mask? 75) Can a Kadin work outside of the MU? 85a) Could a Kadin, hypothetically, fly out of a planet's atmosphere (specificially, Bara Magna's)? 96) If an incredibly powerful Toa focused on a Suletu, could it penetrate the mental block of an OoMN agent?
10Thank you for your time.
111) No 122) Yes 133) Yes. They simply cannot wear or use them themselves. 144) Probably just to bring the effects into sharper focus. 155) Yes 165a) No. It does not allow you to achieve escape velocity, and besides you would suffocate. 176) I don't believe any Toa has sufficient willpower to do that, since those blocks were designed to withstand Makuta.
18Awesome. I think it's about time Takanuva called on his "let's be friends" power, at least against the Skrall.
1Hello Greg. I have twelve questions to ask you .
21a. Does the Golden Armour work on anybody or just Tahu/Stars? 3b. What are the powers of the Golden Armour? 42. What happened to Takanuva's Power Lance and Midak Skyblaster? 53. Is Nektann a Piraka? 64. Does the Heat Vision Rahkshi have a name? (Like Guurahk for the Disintegration Rahkshi) 75. What was the substance used to mutate the Bohrok and Krana to the Kal variations? 86. When will the new chapter of Reign of Shadows be uploaded? 97. Will Bara Magna, Bota Magna and Aqua Magna ever be combined to from Spherus Magna again? 108.a Will Makuta ever die? 11b. If he does, does he die on Bara Magna? 129. Where are the Great Beings residing? 1310. Are all the Great Beings the same species or diffent species?
141) It would work for any Toa Mata, but was intended for use by Tahu 151b) I can't discuss this, it's future storyline 162) Ditched them for other equipment 173) In the sense that others of his species regard him as one for siding with Makuta, yes 184) No. We have no names on the approved name list right now that make sense for a Rahkshi 195) Hasn't been revealed 206) When it gets written 217, 8, 9) Can't answer it 2210) I see them as the same species, myself
232. Why would Takanuva ditch a Power Lance? And what are Takanuva's new equipment? 245. Will this substance be relevant to the storyline? If not, how are you going to reveal it? 2511. Will Tahu become a Toa Nuva ever again? 2612. Is there such thing as a Toa Nuva Nuva? (A Toa Nuva destined to transform into a Toa with extreme strngth and control over their powers) 2713.a If a Toa Nuva sacrifices their power for the greater good, will that Toa Nuva become a Turaga or Turaga Nuva? 28b. If yes, what are the powers of a Turaga Nuva. 2914. If Bota Magna, Bara Magna and Aqua Magna were combined to form Spherus Magna, would the Lehvak-Kal and small swarm of Tahnok orbit Spherus Magna or would it still orbit Aqua Magna? 3015. Is Technology in BIONICLE generally more advanced than ours? 3116. Did you celebrate Christmas with LEGO?
322) We haven't gotten into it yet, since it's not 2010 yet and he's a 2010 set. 335) I see no need to reveal it, since I am not planning any Bohrok-Kal stories. The Kal were the worst-selling sets we ever did and I prefer they stay gone. 3411) I can't discuss future storyline plans 3512) No 3613) Turaga Nuva 3713b) Similar to a Toa Nuva - better control of their elemental power and a mask power they can share with others 3814) I think it's a good question. If a planet gets moved, does everything in orbit go with it, or does the action of moving it rip them out of orbit and leave them drifting in space? 3915) Can we build bio-mechanical beings with AI that are capable of thinking and feeling? 4016) Not sure I understand the question?
415. Can you please reveal it, at least? Please? You don't have to write more Bohrok-Kal stories. Just tell me the substance. 4212. then what does a destined Toa Nuva transform into? 4314. Will the planets be fused quickly or slowly? If quickly, the Bohrok will rip out of orbit. If slowly, they will still orbit, right? 4415. Yes we can, think Japanese scientists and inventors. But we can't build 400,000 feet tall robot, though. That will take a very long time. 4516. The question is: Did you celebrate Christmas with the LEGO company? 4617.a Do the Great Being have a supreme ruler/ and god? 4717.b If yes, can you name them. 4818.a What language does Mata Nui speak? 49b. If Mata Nui speaks the Glatorian dialect, is it because he was created on Spherus Magna? 5019. What language do the Great Beings speak? 5120. Do any BIONICLE characters speak a human language (like English or Spanish)
525) Nope. 5312) Well, a Toa Nuva has already been transformed by EP once, so there is no reason to believe he/she would be destined to transform twice. More than likely, he would be destroyed. 5414) I think what determine if they were ripped out of orbit or not would be how fast the moons were moving, not how fast the actual fusion takes place 5515) I have seen some stuff about advanced robotics coming out of Japan, but not actual artificially created cyborgs -- just pure robots, which is not what the Toa are. 5616) I work for the LEGO Company, IL. I am Editorial Director for the Community, Education and Direct division. BIONICLE is just a side job for me. 5717) I am not going to get into this. 5818) Mata Nui is capable of speaking both Matoran and Agori 5918b) It's because the beings who created him spoke Agori 6019) GBs mainly speak Agori. Matoran is a programming language they use. 6120) No, because no human languages exist in this universe, so why would they? This is not Earth's universe.
1Hi Mr. Farshtey, 2Sorry to bother you again. I don't think my last message got through.
3I have a few questions, mainly about how destiny works in the Bionicle universe: 41. Is destiny something you must do, or just something you are meant to do? 52.Is it possible for a being to permanantly die before completing his/her destiny? 62a. If so, what happens when a being dies before completing his/her destiny? 73. Do the beings in the alternate universes eg The Kingdom, The Toa Empire etc have the same destiny as their main universe counterparts? 83a. Does Takanuva have the same destiny as his alternate version in the Kingdom? 93b. Did alternate Takua (Toa Empire) have Toa Power in him? 104. If a Matoran is destined to become a Toa, and therefore contains Toa Power, could their power be drained by a Nui Stone? 115. Do the Alternate universes work on the "Trousers of Time" theory (that the universe splits in two every time an important event happens)? Or have they been in existance since the dawn of time? 126. Is a being's destiny fixed from the moment they are born, or can it change throughout their lives?
13Thank you for your time .
141) It is what you are intended to do, and therefore, one way or the other, what you will do. 152) I would say no. If they die, then dying was their destiny, not what they may have thought their destiny was meant to be. (Basically, this all falls under the "pre-destination" umbrella.) 163) No. We already know that, since we saw that Takua was not destined to become Takanuva in one of them. 173a) No 183b) No 194) No 205) The former 216) Fixed from the time of their creation
22I can see a few contradictions here.
1No contradictions.
2Let me get this straight:
3Your view: Takua was created destined to be a toa. Time goes on until the events of 'the many deaths of toa tuyet'. At that point the universe splits into the various possibilities: Therefore, Tuyet taking over the universe would not have changed Takua's destiny, and when he does not become a Toa, its weird.
4My View: Time splits here: Takua was created destined to be a toa/Not be a toa. Time goes on exactly the same as the main universe, when coincidentally in this 'No Takanuva' universe Tuyet takes over Metru Nui...
2Let me get this straight:
3Your view: Takua was created destined to be a toa. Time goes on until the events of 'the many deaths of toa tuyet'. At that point the universe splits into the various possibilities: Therefore, Tuyet taking over the universe would not have changed Takua's destiny, and when he does not become a Toa, its weird.
4My View: Time splits here: Takua was created destined to be a toa/Not be a toa. Time goes on exactly the same as the main universe, when coincidentally in this 'No Takanuva' universe Tuyet takes over Metru Nui...
1No contradictions.
2Let me get this straight:
3Your view: Takua was created destined to be a toa. Time goes on until the events of 'the many deaths of toa tuyet'. At that point the universe splits into the various possibilities: Therefore, Tuyet taking over the universe would not have changed Takua's destiny, and when he does not become a Toa, its weird.
4My View: Time splits here: Takua was created destined to be a toa/Not be a toa. Time goes on exactly the same as the main universe, when coincidentally in this 'No Takanuva' universe Tuyet takes over Metru Nui...
5It is because alternate Tuyet affected Destiny in her alternate world, Takua was destined to be a Toa of Light that will fight against the Makuta. 6When Tuyet took down the Brotherhood of Makuta she also took down Takanuva's destiny, since the Makuta were no threat anymore a Toa of Light was never needed to take them down.
7This only explains the alternate Takua, destiny would have changed differently for any other characters (Lesovikk, Roodaka, Pohatu and any other characters in Toa empire universe)
1Some questions I asked Greg. Nothing special, but 7 is interesting.
131) No 141b) Neither one has enough power on its own 152) I haven't decided yet 163) Because they had been wiped out by plague before the ELs were created 174) Before 185) I can't consider anything until I have an approved name list from Legal. 196) Doubtful 207) Unknown
2Hi Greg, Hope you had a happy New Year.
3I had some questions, and a mask naming idea.
41) Does the Prototype Robot have the same amount of power as the Mata Nui robot? 51b) If not, is that the reason Mata Nui and Makuta had to work together? Because the Prototype/Finished robot alone could not bring Spherus Magna back together?
62) You revealed in your script for Bionicle 5 that Biomechanical dinosaurs would exist on Bota Magna. Is this canon/true?
73) What was the reason that the Iron Tribe did not get an Element Lord?
84) Did the Female skrall split off from the Male Skrall before or after the Core War?
95) Would you consider naming the Mask of Creation the Kanohi Partum?
106) Are there going to be any more tribes on Bara Magna?
117) Did the Great Beings ever visit any of the Magna's after the Shattering?
131) No 141b) Neither one has enough power on its own 152) I haven't decided yet 163) Because they had been wiped out by plague before the ELs were created 174) Before 185) I can't consider anything until I have an approved name list from Legal. 196) Doubtful 207) Unknown
1GregF continues to not give us any more information on the Great Beings...
1Some questions I asked Greg. Nothing special, but 7 is interesting.
2Hi Greg, Hope you had a happy New Year.
3I had some questions, and a mask naming idea.
41) Does the Prototype Robot have the same amount of power as the Mata Nui robot? 51b) If not, is that the reason Mata Nui and Makuta had to work together? Because the Prototype/Finished robot alone could not bring Spherus Magna back together?
62) You revealed in your script for Bionicle 5 that Biomechanical dinosaurs would exist on Bota Magna. Is this canon/true?
73) What was the reason that the Iron Tribe did not get an Element Lord?
84) Did the Female skrall split off from the Male Skrall before or after the Core War?
95) Would you consider naming the Mask of Creation the Kanohi Partum?
106) Are there going to be any more tribes on Bara Magna?
117) Did the Great Beings ever visit any of the Magna's after the Shattering?
131) No 141b) Neither one has enough power on its own 152) I haven't decided yet 163) Because they had been wiped out by plague before the ELs were created 174) Before 185) I can't consider anything until I have an approved name list from Legal. 196) Doubtful 207) Unknown
21I hope the mask gets its own name. Every legendary mask deserves one.
1Look how many pages this has... is that a record? Has anyone started a page for the Ba-Matoran on Bs01?
1Look how many pages this has... is that a record? Has anyone started a page for the Ba-Matoran on Bs01?
2What is a Ba-Matoran?
3Read the second sentence of Chapter 9 of Reign of Shadows.
1Can I start a poll to determine whether then alternate Teridax's Kraahkan is Gold or White and which way he wears it? Its not really up to me whether or not you guys want to know.
1Can I start a poll to determine whether then alternate Teridax's Kraahkan is Gold or White and which way he wears it? Its not really up to me whether or not you guys want to know.
2Um...only Greg can okay something like that.
3And I assume everyone would pick gold, because that way he's actually MOC-able.