1Why not just ask GregF if it's gold or white with quotes saying it's gold? Because he originally said once or twice that the mask was Gold.
1Hi Mr. Farshtey, 2Sorry to bother you again. I don't think my last message got through.
3I have a few questions, mainly about how destiny works in the Bionicle universe: 41. Is destiny something you must do, or just something you are meant to do? 52.Is it possible for a being to permanantly die before completing his/her destiny? 62a. If so, what happens when a being dies before completing his/her destiny? 73. Do the beings in the alternate universes eg The Kingdom, The Toa Empire etc have the same destiny as their main universe counterparts? 83a. Does Takanuva have the same destiny as his alternate version in the Kingdom? 93b. Did alternate Takua (Toa Empire) have Toa Power in him? 104. If a Matoran is destined to become a Toa, and therefore contains Toa Power, could their power be drained by a Nui Stone? 115. Do the Alternate universes work on the "Trousers of Time" theory (that the universe splits in two every time an important event happens)? Or have they been in existance since the dawn of time? 126. Is a being's destiny fixed from the moment they are born, or can it change throughout their lives?
13Thank you for your time .
141) It is what you are intended to do, and therefore, one way or the other, what you will do. 152) I would say no. If they die, then dying was their destiny, not what they may have thought their destiny was meant to be. (Basically, this all falls under the "pre-destination" umbrella.) 163) No. We already know that, since we saw that Takua was not destined to become Takanuva in one of them. 173a) No 183b) No 194) No 205) The former 216) Fixed from the time of their creation
22Hmmm... I see a few contradictions here. If Takua was destined to become a Toa, according to your logic, he presumably would have had Toa power in him from the time he was created. And he was created BEFORE the Toa empire universe split off from the main one. So, when the split happened, alternate Takua must have been somewhat altered so that he no longer contained Toa Power, which is, according to your explanation, impossible, since a being's destiny is fixed from the time they are created...
23I'm a little confused. Am I missing something here?
24So a being's destiny can change when an alternate universe is created, but in the main universe they remain fixed?
25Thanks again for your time.
26Yes, because if you alter history, you alter destiny. Takanuva was destined to become a Toa because of the need for light power to defeat the Makuta. In Tuyet's universe, the Makuta were not destined to be a threat, therefore he was not destined to become a Toa.
27The implication here is that the main universe is some sort of "base universe" where destiny always remains the same, while the other universes, when they come into existence, can alter the destinies of the beings in them, including somehow removing a Matoran's Toa Power...
1Huh? No, those universes are ones where destinies are different.
1But they split from the main universe, so destiny must have changed during the split. Anyway, that's something for the Official Destiny Topic.
1ppl, stop getting off-topic...
1Hi Greg . Sorry to bother you again, but i´ve got two questions: 21)Why did you chose Ba- as the prefix of the Matoran of Gravity (BTW, the new chapter of RoS is great, love the ending)? 32)Why has Hahli fins on her back? I know you propably would answer "because the set designers chose to give her them", but why would in the story the Ignika give Hahli fins?
4That´s all. Thanks for answering, greg.
51) Because "baro" is a prefix that refers to gravity -- barophobia, for example, is the fear of gravity 62) As a Mahri? Wouldn't an undersea being benefit from having fins?
71) I think that clears much up

1Two quick questions:
21. What would a Gravity Nova Blast do? 32. If Krakua has been promoted to a full Order member, does this mean someone has assumed leadership of the Order in Helryx's absence and promoted him?
41) Either increase the gravity a lot or decrease it a lot 52) Or he was promoted prior to her disappearance.
1Well, that's because the Bohrak Kal were just there to fill in until MoL.
1Got this back today
21.) With the naming of Ba-Matoran, what are there power manifestation?
3b.) How about Matoran of Plamsa
4c.) How about Matoran of the Green
5d.) How about Matoran of Magnetism
62.) What colour are Ba-Matoran?
73.) Are you going to reveal the Prefixes of Plasma/the Green/Magnetism
8b.) If so, when?
104.) Why did the Zyglak die? I thought they were immune to pit mutagen.
125.) Is Protobot (Prototype Robot) an apporpiate for an official name?
136.)How big is Artahka?
14Thanks for taking time to answer the questions of fans, Glatorian-of-the-SJS-Tribe.
151) Haven't gotten to it 161b-1d) No plans for that at this time 172) Not worrying about it right now 183) No plans for that at this time. I did Gravity because I had to for story. I don't need to do the others at this time. 194) How are they listed as dying in the story? I wrote that a long time ago. 205) There is no official name, so I don't plan to canonize one. 216) 9 or 10 feet tall, probably
21.) With the naming of Ba-Matoran, what are there power manifestation?
3b.) How about Matoran of Plamsa
4c.) How about Matoran of the Green
5d.) How about Matoran of Magnetism
62.) What colour are Ba-Matoran?
73.) Are you going to reveal the Prefixes of Plasma/the Green/Magnetism
8b.) If so, when?
104.) Why did the Zyglak die? I thought they were immune to pit mutagen.
125.) Is Protobot (Prototype Robot) an apporpiate for an official name?
136.)How big is Artahka?
14Thanks for taking time to answer the questions of fans, Glatorian-of-the-SJS-Tribe.
151) Haven't gotten to it 161b-1d) No plans for that at this time 172) Not worrying about it right now 183) No plans for that at this time. I did Gravity because I had to for story. I don't need to do the others at this time. 194) How are they listed as dying in the story? I wrote that a long time ago. 205) There is no official name, so I don't plan to canonize one. 216) 9 or 10 feet tall, probably
1Artahka's a lot taller than a toa, who I believe are 7 feet. I guessed that, anyways.
1I always thought Artakha would be short for some reason. Its just one of those things I had a feeling of.
1Got this back today
25.) Is Protobot (Prototype Robot) an apporpiate for an official name?
35) There is no official name, so I don't plan to canonize one.
4But it's not a prototype, because it wasn't meant as one.
5Um, it was a prototype robot. That's why they didn't bother to fix it when it blew up. They just wanted to see if they could build a ridiculously big robot.
1Hi Greg
2Thanks for finally writing Reign of Shadows 9. I must admit, initially I wasn't a big fan of the MU serial because it focused on too many characters and lacked a coherent plot. Now, with Mazeka and the Teridax' Brain storyline, such a plot has been established and this new chapter really fascinated me.
3Still, a few questions:
41) Why did you finally choose to reveal Artakha? You initially said you wanted to keep him secret forever. What changed your mind?52) Did that Ba-Matoran village have a name? 62a) Was it, by any chance, Ba-Koro, or did they name it differently? 73) What is the elemental manifestation of Ba-Matoran? 83a) If you haven't thought about that yet, could you do a blog entry for Gravity, similar to that for Psionics? 94) Some members I know complained that "Ba" has no similarity with "Garai". I could offer them no other explanation than "Greg apparently didn't find a good prefix that could be derived from Garai", but do you have any statement on this?
10Thanks for answering, 11NtM
121) Just felt like it. That's how I write. 132) Ba-Koro would make sense to me 143) No idea at this point. Since they aren't slated to appear in story, I am not spending time worrying about them yet. 154) Well, we can't use Ga, right? So what does that leave us? We would need to violate the prefix rules and use a three letter prefix, and then they would be complaining about that. I would also point out to them that Inuit have multiple words for snow, and there is nothing to say Matoran do not have multiple words for some things, like gravity.
161) Okay 172) So this is official now? 183) Sure. 194) Well, we do have "Onu" as a three-letter-prefix. But the multiple words explanation makes sense to me.
202) Yup
11. Where did you get the inspiration for the Matoran prefix of gravity?
22. When Miserix almost lands on Helryx in Reign of Shadows, Helryx dissapears and then reappears behind Tuyet. Is this Helryx's mask power?
31) "Baro" is an English prefix that refers to gravity 42) No. This is Artakha at work. He teleports people, remember?
52. Then why wasn't Helryx surprised before Artahka showed up?
6Thanks .
7Who says she wasn't? Where does it say, "Helryx was totally calm with what just happened." I was writing a battle scene, I wasn't spending a lot of time on everyone's thoughts and feelings.
12. Then why wasn't Helryx surprised before Artahka showed up?
2Thanks .
3Who says she wasn't? Where does it say, "Helryx was totally calm with what just happened." I was writing a battle scene, I wasn't spending a lot of time on everyone's thoughts and feelings.
4It kind of makes sense when you think about it. Helryx probably was surprised; but when someone's trying to crush you with a giant reptilian Makuta, you really don't have time to focus on something that just happened. You'd more than likely be inclined to subdue your attacker than wonder why you were teleported away from certain two-dimensionality.
1Hey Greg, sorry for probably being the one to (somewhat) start the new element(s) thing. However, I am going to resist my urge to plead ask more about Kinetics, and instead want to ask about other details.
21) You've said that canonizing prefixes for elements would be tougher than just colors because they must go through legal. However, Ce- was canonized almost immediately. Was Ce- legalized that quickly, or had it already been a legal name, or other?
32) Does the Mata Nui robot (the one Makuta's controlling) create lasers from mechanisms/generators installed in his eyes, or does he just generate the lasers by a special power? (Or other?)
43) Krakua still has not sent that message to Vakama yet, correct? 53a) Can you tell us if he will soon? (Or later?)
64) In the newest comic ("All That Glitters"), Takanuva talks with a bit of arrogance. I don't think he's ever sort of spoken in that tone of "I'm a Toa of Light- you can't do that ." before. Did something happen? 74a) Also, didn't he change colors not to stand out as a Toa of Light? Why would he announce it, like that? 84b) Could Gresh and Takanuva understand what the other was saying?
95) Are all the Rahkshi in the newest comic heat-vision, or is just a mere representation of how many there are?
10Thank you for your wonderful work. And I apologize, once again.
121) It had already been approved 132) It's part of the robot's defenses. 143) No 153a) No, I can't 164) Hey, he's been through a lot in the last couple years of storyline 174a) The only person who is going to "hear" him is Gresh. Who else is around? 184b) Yes 195) All yellow-armored Rahkshi have the heat vision power, yes
20I guess I was the only person who didn't know Takanuva could suddenly speak Agori.

mata nui made it possible to MU beings to understand BM beings

1There is no explanation. They're just going to understand each other. I think GregF said this.
2I have yet to see anything resembling an explanation HOW.1 ![]()
mata nui made it possible to MU beings to understand BM beings
3He said it happened off screen. read on the other pages back.
5He said that it happened, he didn't say how. It just bothers me. How is that even POSSIBLE?
6Well, you can always PM Greg about it and post his reply here, but untill then this discussion should move on to another topic.
2I have yet to see anything resembling an explanation HOW.1 ![]()
mata nui made it possible to MU beings to understand BM beings
3He said it happened off screen. read on the other pages back.
5He said that it happened, he didn't say how. It just bothers me. How is that even POSSIBLE?
6I seem to recall him saying that Mata Nui used the Ignika to do it.
2I have yet to see anything resembling an explanation HOW.1 ![]()
mata nui made it possible to MU beings to understand BM beings
3He said it happened off screen. read on the other pages back.
5He said that it happened, he didn't say how. It just bothers me. How is that even POSSIBLE?
6I seem to recall him saying that Mata Nui used the Ignika to do it.
7He said that They understand each other. They didn't say which language. Mata Nui must have teach them Matoran

1Guys, get back on topic.
1Yes, specifically, [url='http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=223442']This topic.
1Well, anyway. Here's something I was asked because I was a little unsure about it.
2Hi, I just had one question.
3Tahu Star is shown with his old Fire Sword. But his original Fire Sword was transformed into the Magma Swords, which he discarded in exchange for his adaptive armor and adaptive Toa Tool. So, is the Fire Sword on the Stars Tahu set the form his adaptive Toa Tool takes in response to his devolution into a Toa Mata? And if so, then if Tahu were to go into another environment, (let's say a swamp, for an easy example) would it turn into the Rotating Fire Blades again, or did the Ignika lock it in its Fire Sword form when it transformed Tahu?
4Thanks in advance.
5It is his adaptive tool, yes, and yes, it most likely would change again if need be.
1Hey Greg, just thought I'd ask a question that has been puzzling me for a while, how do Reign of Shadows (in particular the last chapter) and the new comic, All that Glitters, fit in in the time of the storyline? As in does the fight between Axonn etc and Brutaka etc take place at the same time as the comic?
3It takes place before Makuta lands on the planet at the end of the January comic.
1Hey GregF, just five questions. 21. Did Karzahni Matoran make masks? 32. Are Ta-Matoran of Metru Nui better at mask making than the Artakha Matoran? 43. We know that Metru Nui Matoran use the Kanoka method, as in melting down the disks and carve them into masks, for mask making. What method did Artakha Matoran use? 54. Same for Karzahni Matoran assuming they make masks? 65. Did Artakha use the Mask of Creation to create Matoran masks, Great masks, and Noble masks? 7Thanks.
81) I tend to doubt it. 92) I don't see them as necessarily being better, no. 103) Unknown 114) See answer to #1 125) I tend to think not. You certainly wouldn't need a schematic to make a mask, and while you possibly could make a powered mask out of thin air with the Mask of Creation, if I were Artakha, I wouldn't do that. I think, especially with powered masks, it's something you want to do with your own hands to make sure it comes out right.
13Hey GregF, just some questions. 141. Did Mata Nui give Vakama the ability to have visions? 152. Why did the Great Beings create only Mask of Creation and make Artakha and Karzahni battle for the mask if they could have made two Masks of Creation? 163. What are the roles of Artakha and Karzahni in the Matoran Universe? Like what are their purpose, individually? 174. Why did the Great Beings not build the third robot that was to be used by Mata Nui? 185. Destined wearers of the Kanohi Ignika can revive Mata Nui. However, can non-destined wearers still wear the mask and access other powers? 196. For BS01's Time page, we listed examples of the Legendary Element, like slowing down time, speeding up time, and changing a target's perception of time. We're planning to make a Creation page for the new Legendary Element, but we lack examples for the new element. Could you provide few examples if possible? 207. What mask came first, the Ignika or the Mask of Creation? 218. Do you plan on going to the 2010 Comic-Con by any chance? Or is that a no because there are no more BIONICLE comics, at least after the March comic? 22Thanks.
231) Personally, I think it is a glitch in his AI. 242) Maybe they didn't feel that two were needed. You know, any artist will tell you it is easier to work on your own than to have to collaborate with someone and deal with their creative instincts which might not be the same as your own. 253) Artakha's was to create and invent; Karzahni's was to repair things that were broken. 264) I can't reveal that, it's part of future story 275) If you are non-destined and you touch it, you get cursed, so odds are you won't be using it for much. 286) Creation of inorganic objects out of thin air; providing (mentally) detailed schematics of a desired creation. 297) I'd have to go back and check my timeline, but I am pretty sure it is Creation. By the time Ignika was made, the robot was almost done, so I really do think it is Creation that was first. 308) No one has talked to me one way or the other yet. In prior years, BIONICLE always paid my travel and expenses for the con, which they would obviously have no reason to do in 2010. Club might want me to go, but my attitude is that I have been there six years in a row and someone else should get the chance to go who hasn't been yet. It's not going to "hurt my feelings" if I don't get to go this year, and frankly, since I am so associated with BIONICLE, it might confuse some kids if I am there and BIONICLE is not.
1I had a theory regarding the mask of creation, specifically your description of its effect when destroyed. 2Is the situation of Bara Magna's creativity (i.e. nobody can build anything new) caused by some action of the Great Beings? Perhaps by failing to properly use the MoC or something similar to it?
3No, it was not caused by something artificial. It was the result of living in a post-holocaust society for 100,000 years.
4Grumble grumble.
1So, let me get this straight. Teridax's destiny was to occupy the MU while Mata Nui used the prototype? 2In this sense, Teridax's "The Plan" actually fulfilled his destiny? 3So, the Great Beings gave Teridax this destiny? 4Was it Teridax's choice to fulfill his destiny threw evil ways or was he destined to be evil.
5No. Teridax's destiny was the use the MU while Mata Nui used the third robot the GBs were supposed to build. The prototype was a failed experiment that did not enter into the GB's plan. And the essence of destiny is that it is, as the word implies, a destination -- often, how you get there may vary, but what matters is that you get there.
1Hi Greg
2Just some things that I was wondering about:
31- Why did the OoMN cause the eruption that destroyed the old Visorak population? I ask because the Scroll of Preparations that the Toa Nuva used said that they had to quell a series of active volcanoes. This confused me of why the order did it. 4http://biosector01.com/wiki/index.php/Scro...i%27s_Awakening
52- Are Makuta capable of using a Kanohi Iden? 62b- If yes, How will this effect them since they are beings of energy?
73- Is Creation an actual element or just a mask power?
84- I don't actually understand why Sand cannot be Matoran element. Can you explain this a bit more to me?
95- Since both Toa and Turaga are titles referring to forms of the matoran species, does this mean that the species name for both Toa and turaga is still Matoran?
106- Who of the Rock tribe ordered that the Sisters of the Skrall were no longer part of their tribe? The Element lord of Rock or some of the Leader class Skrall?
117- During the Core War, did the Leader class Skrall led the other skrall in battle? Or did the elites or warrior class Skrall that were appointed by their element lord?
128- Where are the Female Rock Agori? With the Sisters of the Skrall or with the Rock Tribe?
139- What do the Sisters of the Skrall think of the other species? (Mainly Agori and Glatorian)
1410- Here on bzpower you said a few times that Metus's revenge (the extended end of the Legend Reborn) was canon, but on BS01 is stated that it is non-canon. Did you change your mind or did BS01 made a mistake?
15That's all for now and thanks in advance
161) Because the Order deemed the Visorak a clear and present danger. 172) Use of the Iden would be redundant for beings already capable of leaving their physical shells. 183) Mask power. It is not a Toa element. 194) Basically, because I said so. We don't need more elements in story, we already have a load of them that have not been explored at all in story. We don't need to add more. 205) No, you would not refer to a Toa or a Turaga as a Matoran, anymore than you would refer to a homo sapien as a homo erectus. 216) Unknown at present 227) Leader class led their warriors 238) Rock tribe. Female rock Agori do not have the powers of female Skrall, so no need for them to be exiled 249) Not something we have gotten into. My guess is they share the same contempt for non-Skrall and non-rock Agori that their males do. 2510) What I have said is that I have not seen it, therefore I can't say it is or isn't, but I can't see why it wouldn't be based on what I have heard of it.
1Hey Greg, is it possible to fuse two kanohi so you get a combined mask power?2No, you would not get a dual Kanohi, you would get a completely different mask power.
3Humph. I was hoping that I could use combined masks in a story.
4Well, with the Mask of Valor, Mask of Wisdom, and golden masks, we know it's possible for a mask to have more than one power. You just have to create it via a method more complicated than fusing two masks together.
1Hi Greg , hope you have had a good start to 2010. 2also I have some questions for you. 31. Theoreticly can the Bara magnans were kanohi masks? 42. now that the 5th film isn't going to be made will we see the elemental lords appearences in any comic youve planned? 53.will we see any artakha (the being) artwork? 64. Now that mata nui is inside the prototype robot does the ignika have its own mind again and if so could it make itself another body from the sand that mata nui left behind?
7Thats all for now, hope you have a good year .
81) No, for a couple reasons. One, Bara Magnans do have the knowledge of how to do it; two, they have no ability to create new things; and three, they have no access to liquid protodermis. 92) GN #8 103) I doubt it very much. 114) Ignika is inside the robot that Mata Nui is inhabiting, so it not going to be making another body for itself.
12JUst some questions I wanted to know , finally we'll see the elemental lords forms.
1Hi, Mr. Farshtey. I just had a few questions I wanted to ask:
21. Great Kanohi masks are a dull gray color when unworn (with a few exceptions). When they are worn, they take on a color in accordance with the wearer's armor. Now, the Kanohi of the Toa Hagah are metallic in color (at least when worn). Do they retain their colors even when unworn, or do they also turn to gray?
32. Are the Great Beings the only ones who know how to make a Kanohi Olisi?
43. Do you know how the serial Sahmad's Tale will be presented (mp3 file or posted on the site)?
54. Is the ninth chapter of RoS (which was awesome by the way) the last one for the serial, or are there more planned for the future?
6Thank you for your time.
81) Also turn gravy 92) yES 103) I don't think it will be a podcast, because I am writing it next and I have no voice right now due to bronchitis. 114) There are more, at least through March.
12Well, it's good to know that RoS won't be concluded quite yet.

1Hi, Mr. Farshtey. I just had a few questions I wanted to ask:
21. Great Kanohi masks are a dull gray color when unworn (with a few exceptions). When they are worn, they take on a color in accordance with the wearer's armor. Now, the Kanohi of the Toa Hagah are metallic in color (at least when worn). Do they retain their colors even when unworn, or do they also turn to gray?
32. Are the Great Beings the only ones who know how to make a Kanohi Olisi?
43. Do you know how the serial Sahmad's Tale will be presented (mp3 file or posted on the site)?
54. Is the ninth chapter of RoS (which was awesome by the way) the last one for the serial, or are there more planned for the future?
6Thank you for your time.
81) Also turn gravy 92) yES 103) I don't think it will be a podcast, because I am writing it next and I have no voice right now due to bronchitis. 114) There are more, at least through March.
12Well, it's good to know that RoS won't be concluded quite yet.![]()
13Also turn gravy?